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    1. No Way

      by , 02-24-2023 at 12:08 AM
      Apparently no one in the group liked my friend and found her annoying. I was very shocked. I asked them why and they didn’t answer. We were at a picnic table at what looked to be sunrise.
    2. Blood Moon

      by , 02-24-2023 at 12:07 AM
      I looked outside my window and it was a blood moon. That’s already weird, but then the clouds and sky started moving in an impossible way. Almost like they were connected to a background that someone was swimming side to side. This tipped me off and I became lucid but immediately woke up, not due to any excitement. I simply woke up because of how shocked I was, I guess.
    3. My Targets for Spring Competition 2023

      by , 02-23-2023 at 07:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      Edit 2: I just went ahead and put updated goals on main Spring 2023 thread.

      Edit: Just realized the goals might be different for Spring 2023 compared to Winter 2022. Will update when new instructions are out.

      Wanted to decide on some goals for next week:

      Dream Control Tasks
      Eat/Drink Something - 5 points
      Super Speed - 5 points
      Basic Summoning - 5 points
      Teleport - 10 points

      Challenge Tasks
      Walk on a wall (success if you manage to keep both of your feet attached to the wall simultaneously)

      Updated 03-01-2023 at 03:48 PM by 99808

      side notes
    4. Harley's Town

      by , 02-23-2023 at 07:11 PM (Dreamlog)
      Making my first dream journal post here on DV... it isn't much but here it is:

      I'm in some abandoned town. Broken buildings, dust blowing in the wind. Harley Quinn is in front of some town hall assembly. She is tasked with naming the town. She decides to call it Dustsewer, or something similarly ugly. She is doing it on purpose and thinks it is hilarious.

      Default = Commentary
      Blue = Dream
      Green = Lucid

      Updated 02-23-2023 at 07:25 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Mugwort Lucid

      by , 02-23-2023 at 12:33 PM
      So I decided to try having some Mugwort tea last night and had a bizarre lucid as a result.

      I was in a dream, I don't remember the details of it, when suddenly I realized I was dreaming. I began to feel myself waking up so I repeated "this dream stabilizes" until suddenly an eye formed out of the darkness. It scared me but I stayed calm and continued repeating the phrase until a full scene materialized. I was looking at myself laying in the bed in the darkness like there was a giant mirror right in front of me. Both of my eyes were scarily wide. The suddenly I felt like I got sucked out of my bed into a vortex and then I was flying. What followed was a fast paced barrage of changing scenes, many of which I don't quite remember. I remember one where I wanted to go underwater and suddenly I was. A group of mermaids swam past and for some reason I decided the last one should become evil. She did and turned around and attacked me. I also remember a scene on a treetop with three giant frogs and me eating one, thinking it would taste like "meat" (whatever that means) but it tasted like nothing.

      Oddly enough, despite most peoples' reports on Mugwort, this lucid actually felt less vivid than some of my previous ones. It felt like some of my actions weren't my own and I remember wanting to wake up at one point because my dream-logic mind thought "this is boring, lucid dreaming isn't as interesting as I thought it was". It almost felt like it was someone else's thoughts and actions, even though I was lucid. Part of the haziness could potentially be contributed to the fact that I had this dream only 1 1/2 hours after I went to bed, which is the first time I've ever had a lucid that early into the night. Maybe because the REM cycle was shorter than the morning ones it made for a less vivid dream.

      I think I would try Mugwort again, but next time I think I might try it with WBTB so I can see how it affects my early morning REM cycles. Hopefully next time it will allow for a longer and more vivid lucid, rather than one where I don't feel like myself.
    6. Movie Watching

      by , 02-22-2023 at 08:22 PM
      Pretty sure I was just watching videos on my phone the whole dream.
    7. February 22, 2023 9:13 am

      by , 02-22-2023 at 09:39 AM
      I slept in an uncomfortable position with my head between my pillows and bad a collection of short, strange dreams.

      • I was working different audiovisual related jobs, such as operation a radio tower
      • I was in a pop up bank in Utrecht Central Station, where a robbery started to happen and had people with rifles and RPGs shoot the place. I try to distract the robbers and make a run for it towards the exit, but suddenly wake up. I might've been shot and woke up or forced myself to wake up until realising that I was dreaming.
      • Half asleep, half awake after waking up from that terrifying bank dream, I stare into the dark as my tired brain generates psychedelic visuals of a vibrantly coloured desert where I blow away the sand, and come across strange, colourful creatures
      • I had my theatre school graduation, my family as well as the women that did my hair were there, one of my family members was playing GTA on their laptop and I've been told my classmates and school walked by during an inappropriate scene from the game

      There were more, but I forgot what happened. A lot of capitalism-themed dreams, and I know exactly why :U Can't disclose yet but I'm happy about it
    8. A Beautiful Day in Texas

      by , 02-22-2023 at 08:03 AM
      I was outside on a gorgeous day. I understood that I was visiting my friend's home in Texas.

      He had a few acres of land, with some small gardens dotted throughout. I took a particular interest in one plant, which I understood to be rice. Every plant grew a single long stalk, with a matrix of fluffy dots at the end. And now that I looked around, the fluff was everywhere; the ground was covered by at least a couple inches in places.

      I looked up and really took in the scene. It was stunning. I was situated midway on a hill, green and lush. I thought about moving there.

      Looking up at the sky now I saw what looked like an old minivan, with silly stubby wings. It was dangerously low to the ground, and seemed to be poorly controlled. Yet, somehow, it managed to snake between two tall trees and landed on a runway that I knew was behind my friend's home. I hurried over to see this strange craft.

      Soon enough I was in my friend's house, and I met the elderly pilot. I asked him if he had truly snaked between those trees, or if I had simply imagined it, and he confirmed that he had. I was very impressed.

      At this point I started feeling some pain in my legs, and I realize I had become quite sunburnt. I thought this odd, as I hadn't been outside very long. I went to go search for sunscreen, and noticed it was becoming unbearably muggy and hot.

      This was more like how I remembered my time in Texas. Perhaps I wouldn't be moving there after all.
    9. Mr. Michael

      by , 02-21-2023 at 11:21 PM
      Not much here, but I had a dream that one of my uncles was my teacher. I don't remember what he was teaching us, but at one point, he got mad about someone popping a ...balloon? idk, It's still kinda spotty.

      Gonna start adding my dreams here to prep for the competition. Seems fun. I've recently started a lucid dreaming regimen and today is day 5. Record my dream, 10 minutes of present moment meditation, at least 10 reality checks, and 4 PMT targets. I figured doing that everyday for 30 days should allow me to see the progress I'm prolly supposed to have after 6 years of on and off research. I figured the comp is another great way to continue the motivation train!

      I'll note that this is part of a broader plan to become more consistent with things in my everyday life as i fight adhd. What better skill to try first then Lucid Dreaming? Ok there's probably a few but you get the point.

      Updated 02-21-2023 at 11:26 PM by 96394

    10. 2/21 - held hostage + escape

      by , 02-21-2023 at 01:45 PM
      very little recall here...

      I was being held hostage by this woman in her house. I was myself as a child. There were at least 2 other children being held there with me. The lady was choking me and I almost fainted, but then one of the other kids started crying and yelling for help in another room so she ran off to stop him and left me alone. I was having a bit of trouble walking since my head was a bit messed up from the choking. The other girl I was being held hostage with opened the front door of the lady's house but said I should wait until we can plan a real escape. I don't care so I start trying to run out of there. I get out of the door and try to look for somebody to ask for help or something to hide behind since I know the lady won't be far behind me. The street outside of her house gives me the same feeling as the street next to the elementary school I went to irl. I begin to run but I feel something at my feet. This wakes me up, it was my cat trying to get warm.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    11. 20 Feb: Watching a movie about an autistic girl and going to facebook to comment

      by , 02-20-2023 at 09:44 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am at a post office and there is aguy in front of me shipping some packages. The postal worker is in a bad mood and at some point yells at some colleagues. I notice another girl to my right that leaves in a hurry but I don't pay much attention. I notice though that the guy had been noticing her and is not happy that she left. He complains to the worker about her attittude and mood and then leaves. Then I am not really there, but actually watching this unfold in a movie.
      The guy comes back to the postal office area hoping to see the girl. One day he is lucky and comes across her at a park. She is wearing a rainbow colored baggy dress and looks quirky. They lock eyes and she approaches him slowly. It almost seems like she is going to kiss him, but she just does some quirky dance and off they go together.
      I think to myself that it is a cliché, but she definitely looks autistic. Then I start remembering all the details I had missed at the post office and realize she was having a lot of quirky behaviors and then she ran away because of the noise of the woman yelling, as she couldn't take it.
      I go to facebook looking for the autistic groups that I am in, wanting to share my thoughts about this film and I stumble in a post in one of the groups with the link to the said film. It's called "Breannis" and I realize it is centered on the girl and that she is indeed supposed to be autistic. Then I wonder how did I miss at first that it was about her and not the guy. Then I start writing down my opinion on the comments.
    12. February 20, 2023 10:32 am

      by , 02-20-2023 at 10:57 AM
      I have rehearsals for a theatre play. During lunch break, one of my cast mates shows a video on her phone of a rental bike getting hit to pieces by a car. She's laughing going "Who's bike is this?!" It was mine. The cast members let me join their carpool to get to the station. It's a car without a rooftop.

      During the car ride home, we drive past some tourists, one of them tries to cut a piece from my hair with scissors. I keep a pair of scissors close for defense. Another tourist comes by asking of we can take a pic where it looks like I hit him with a mallet. One of the cast members falls asleep on my lap.
      We seem to be riding through a desert road with buildings with colourful lights in the background.

      The car arrives in Utrecht, we take the subway which exists there in my dream to Utrecht Central station. After carrying the sleeping cast member there, they all leave the train without saying goodbye.

      As I exit the station, I get my phone and ask my cast mate of she can send the video of my rental bike getting ran over to me. In the meantime, I come across an old classmate from 5th grade who enjoys singing at the train station. He's upset because the bike he had since he was little has been stolen, I suggest the idea making a Facebook post, but he refuses.

      We go to his student flat and I join in on all the banter. Apparently they stuffed their toilet with cotton balls and haven't been able to flush it since. They hold a contest who can flip the chairs the coolest. Everyone finally goes to sleep and I sleep in the guest bed next to the clogged toilet which still got used in the meantime and I could smell it. I fall asleep there and woke up for real as if I just transferred worlds.

      Even at the end of the dream, I was still trying to reach that girl regarding the rental bike video, glad to see that even in my dreams, I got my priorities straight.
    13. Helen Told Me To

      by , 02-20-2023 at 05:47 AM
      I had a fabric doll, with skinny arms and spindly legs.
      I think her name was Helen.

      I was walking at night, holding Helen. I was sleepwalking. Yes I must have been sleepwalking. Helen wanted me to walk into my parent's room. Why not do what Helen wanted?

      Flash forward, I was in a bar. I didn't know how I got there. Did Helen want me to drink? Was I an alcoholic?

      Flash forward, I was talking to a friend. I asked him how old I was. It felt like an awful lot of time was passing. I didn't know what to make of these time skips. Was I sleepwalking through them? When I was sleepwalking, was I doing what Helen wanted?

      Did Helen want anything? Was Helen just a doll? Had I finally lost it completely?

      Flash forward, I had decided to burn Helen.
      I tossed Helen into the fire but she refused to burn.
      I tore Helen apart.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    14. The Finest Plane in the RAF

      by , 02-20-2023 at 05:40 AM
      It was shaped like a mini Avro Vulcan.
      Painted a bold and bright red.
      It floated across the sky, slow but unimaginably maneuverable.
      I knew this was one of the finest aircraft ever built.
      It dove in and out of the mountain canyons nearby, then did a long slow pass.
      A child waved.
      I think the pilot waved back.

      I was flying an aircraft now, and we were in battle. But I didn't feel like anything was at stake. I mowed down a line of infantry and was hailed as a hero, but I knew it didn't matter because nobody really died and none of this was really real.
    15. A Quiet Place

      by , 02-20-2023 at 05:34 AM
      I was walking along a narrow, aging road in an overgrown field. It was cloudy, humid, and still. I understood that the previous day a storm had rolled through, and knocked down many powerlines. I watched my step, as now I saw them collapsed around me. Ahead of me, another post fell.

      Despite the danger it was rather beautiful.

      And then it became quiet. I heard nothing. No wind. No cars. Nothing.
      Nothing but my tinnitus.
      I wondered what true silence was like, without such ringing.
      If there ever was true silence, it was right here.

      An owl swooped by and the sounds of the world returned.

      I received a phone call. An old coworker wanted an SD card I took from him back. I instantly remembered this fictitious event and felt ashamed I hadn't returned it.

      I found the SD card. It was 109Gb. Weird size. I checked inside a Nintendo Switch in case it was the wrong card. The Switch had an 8Gb card. Logically I would have borrowed the bigger one right? Figured that was the one.
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