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    1. !st lucid dream (8/31/11)

      by , 09-17-2011 at 04:39 PM
      I remember waking up in my bed.I did 2 reality checks and it worked. i knew i was dreaming. I remember trying to go outside. i was at the door and rushing to put my shoes on. i knew that if i didnt hurry up my mom was going to call me. i guess that was mistake number 1. the fact that i considered my dream mom my real mom. so as soon as i grabbed the handle to leave my mom called me. i went to go see what she wanted. mistake number 2. that was the ball buster. thats when i went back to my nd. therefore it didnt really feel like a lucid:(:?
    2. Singing dream-woman.

      by , 09-17-2011 at 07:02 AM
      I met this woman, and talked a lot with her. We talked about dreaming, sleeping and Lucid Dreaming. Suddently she begun to sing:

      "Because of sleeping, we're going to bed, because of sleeping, we're going to bed"
    3. 31st Shared Dreaming Attempt - Evolventity's Dream

      by , 09-14-2011 at 09:12 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Evolventity's Dream
      September 13, 2011

      (Regular Dream, Fragments) Fell asleep by 10:30PM, woke up ~8AM.
      -I'm trying to smother people dressed in a "scene" fashion as they bulge from my sister J*'s bed underneath the blankets.

      -I walk to my bedroom. My younger cousin Mi* and two other kids are laying in my bed trying to sleep. It's night time. The TV is next to the window and I ask them if they would like to watch a movie. I suggest Care Bears or Pokemon. They agree on Pokemon so I go to the living room to grab the VHS tapes. I can't find them, I ask my mom, sitting on the bed, where they are. She says we don't have them anymore, got rid of them.

      -I'm with the Criminal Minds crew standing outside of a building on fire. I enter the building with excessive smoke. I think I helped save a person from dying.

      -Something about bots and my cousin Na* in a library.
    4. 29th Shared Dreaming Attempt - BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 09-11-2011 at 11:10 PM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      I seem to be having a recall dry spell, and I do not have a clue why that could be. Hopefully I find out and/or recover from it soon. But I did manage to remember one fragment from last night;

      I was lying in my bed, on my back, with my current book, The Black Lung Captain, propped up on my chest. My black reading lamp, perched on the arch of the end of my bed behind me, lit the room with a warm, yellow light. I was paying little attention to the other details of my room, as I was actually reading the book.

      The text was strangely coherent, yet all the the things the booked described contradicted what it described earlier. It was as though I were reading the dream.

      The only thing I remember reading clearly was close the bottom of the left page of the book;

      'Frey moved into the engine room and shoved Matt aside.'

      Of course this make no sense out of context, so in context, that would be;

      'Frey, the impolite captain, moved into his ship's engine room, and shoved Matt, the assistant engineer that is not actually in the book but instead my mind put there, into a pipe, possibly hurting his spine.'

      It is also notable that Matt is the name of a character in another series of books much like the Black Lung Captain.

      That's all I remember. Interesting, methinks.

      Updated 09-12-2011 at 01:55 AM by 49493

    5. 29th Shared Dreaming Attempt - BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 09-11-2011 at 03:32 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      I seem to be having a recall dry spell, and I do not have a clue why that could be. Hopefully I find out and/or recover from it soon. But I did manage to remember one fragment from last night;

      I was lying in my bed, on my back, with my current book, The Black Lung Captain, propped up on my chest. My black reading lamp, perched on the arch of the end of my bed behind me, lit the room with a warm, yellow light. I was paying little attention to the other details of my room, as I was actually reading the book.

      The text was strangely coherent, yet all the the things the booked described contradicted what it described earlier. It was as though I were reading the dream.

      The only thing I remember reading clearly was close the bottom of the left page of the book;

      'Frey moved into the engine room and shoved Matt aside.'

      Of course this make no sense out of context, so in context, that would be;

      'Frey, the impolite captain, moved into his ship's engine room, and shoved Matt, the assistant engineer that is not actually in the book but instead my mind put there, into a pipe, possibly hurting his spine.'

      It is also notable that Matt is the name of a character in another series of books much like the Black Lung Captain.

      That's all I remember. Interesting, methinks.
    6. stage photo for sister

      by , 08-26-2011 at 12:03 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was part of some situation that was like a TV show. In the show, there was some guy, who was either a young man or a young man dressed up like an old man. As the young man, he may have been clean-cut and slightly effeminate, wearing some kind of plaid, Abercrombie-style shirt. As the young man made up as an old man, he had white hair and wore a black suit.

      The man and I were with a few other people. The man started talking about how he was gay. I said it didn't matter to me whether he was gay. I said that I wasn't gay.

      There was now a transition scene, maybe to a commercial. The transition scene showed a bunch of hot girls in spandex suits like exercise outfits doing some kind of hip-hop dance on a big, wooden platform, like the floor of a dance studio. But this "floor" was either elevated above buildings, on the roof of a building, or attached like a ledge to a building. The camera panned away, revealing a huge city.

      I was now in a theatre. It was like the program I'd come to watch had finished. We were all leaving the theatre. There were only a few people left in the seats. I was up in the balcony. A female friend of mine stood to my right. Looking down to the stage area, I saw a big, wooden platform. It almost looked like a gigantic, wooden bed frame, with a tall, narrow mirror as the headboard.

      I told my female friend, "That's what my sister wanted me to take a picture of! She'd told me she wanted a souvenir shot of the big bed from the show. I had no idea what she was talking about. But now I remember it!" I also remembered that the "big bed" was the platform the dancers had been on during the transition scene.

      I pulled out a camera and started to take a picture. There were two girls, one in her early teens and one a bit younger, standing by the stage. The older girl wore a long, maroon sweater and a wool cap, and she had straight, black hair that flowed almost down to her waist.

      Either as the dream ended or as I woke up, I thought it would be a good idea to ask the two girls to stand near the "big bed," so I could illustrate the size of the bed by using them as reference points.
    7. No dream, but experimenting with SP.

      by , 08-16-2011 at 04:00 PM
      Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been as active in the DV community as of late, I was (and still kind of am) going through a bit of a dry spell so I am focusing on meditation and WILD technique.

      So this isn't really a dream entry but some stuff I thought would be cool to get down about my experimentation with sleep paralysis. For the past couple of weeks I've been allowing my body to go numb and enter into sleep paralysis while keeping my mind awake. I have been doing this successfully by laying flat on my back on my bed and allowing my body just to get taken by the feeling of the paralysis. I haven't been able to fall asleep in this state however. I mean its good for experimentation but sucks when I can't go to sleep. I don't usually sleep lying on my back so my mind doesn't want to go to bed when I do this.

      At first I just would lie there and let my mind wonder and let my body just slip into SP. I would feel like I was in that roller coaster ride "The Gravatron." (where you are pinned to the wall and can't move) I was pinned to my bed and it almost felt like my bed had flipped over and I was stuck to it as if it were the ceiling. I would be hanging over a bottomless pit. I would do this nightly. Eventually it wouldn't take hardly any time at all for me to get into SP.

      Last night I had sort of a break through of sorts. I have been researching into occult practices, and I had read of a practice that if you meditate while laying down, and you place a crystal in each hand, and one on your chakra point on your forehead (your third eye) you would "charge" or enhance your psychic ability. I tried such a method last night. I even had a particular crystal that is supposed to help with dream vividness and recall. I placed this one on my third eye.

      The SP felt like normal at first, my limps going numb and everything. But I started to feel a weight press down right on my rib cage and my stomach. Then I felt a weight on my head, ( I could actually feel my head sink into my rather firm pillow). I didn't think anything of it til something just kicked in. I am not sure what it was or what it means but I was just lying there thinking about random thoughts (I.e. what I have to do before work the next day..etc) Then all those thoughts went silent, in fact ALL of my thoughts were cut off and my mind was completely clear. And it was like my thoughts were cut off mid sentence. Right after my mind just cut off my thoughts I immediately began to hear a low "hum" or more like I could hear a vibration. A few seconds after this started a high pitched ring was layered over top of the vibration. I had no control over this and I couldn't really think of anything else, it was like all my brain wanted to do was listen to this hum.

      I opened my eyes and could see the air swirl in spirals above me. And that's when the ride started.....my body began to feel like it was stuck to the bed again, only this time it felt like I was never going to move again and I felt like my entire bed was rotating and spinning while I was strapped down. The crystals felt very warm and almost hot in my hands. The crystals almost rolled out of my hands (or at least it felt like this while my bed was spinning) and I had to enclose my fingers around them to keep them in place.

      I think this went on for a good half hour to 45 min before I snapped back to this plane, put the crystals away, and went to bed.
    8. Some Really Short LDs

      by , 08-09-2011 at 10:53 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      Last night (this morning) i had 3 different lucids, but each one lasted only like 5 seconds probably because i was stupid and did no stabilzation on 2 of them

      Dream 1: I was sitting on my couch already lucid. I looked around, noticed i was in what seemed like my living room, but there were no doors. I noticed the TV was on, but before i could see what was on, I woke up.

      Dream 2: I was laying in my bed, not really doing anything, and did a random reality check. I plugged my nose and tried to breath in.At first it seemed like i could breath, but when i tried it a second time, it didn't work. Then, i checked my hands. All fingers, no deformities, so i figured maybe i wasn't dreaming. Just to be 100% sure, i plugged my nose again and tried to breath. This time i was sure i was dreaming. However, my eyes started to close. I rubbed my hands to try to stabalize the dream, and it seemed to work. Then I tried to slowly open my eyes so that i wouldn't wake up, but unfortunately, it didn't work and i woke up.

      Dream 3: I had just done a DEILD and was pretty sure i was in a dream. I plugged my nose, and i could breath! but before i could even think of what to do or even stablize the dream, it started to fade and I woke up. Damn, not having any luck today
    9. Fragment - Rapidly Changing Clock

      by , 08-03-2011 at 06:04 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Another lucid recall fail.

      All I remember about this dream is being in my bed, having 'woken up'. It was dark, and my surroundings were pretty unidentifiable, almost blurry. I can't even remember what bed I was in because my surroundings were so hard to decipher. Whatever bed I was in, to the left of it was a side table, and there was a digital alarm clock on it. I could barely see anything except for the bright red, normal-looking numbers of the clock. It read 9:47, but I figured I should probably do a reality check because I might have been dreaming.

      I looked away and looked back, and the time had changed to 9:48, just one minute ahead. I looked at it intensely. A fluke, or was I really dreaming? I'd test it again, but before I had the chance to look away, the time then changed to 9:49, then 9:50, then 9:51, and so on, all within seconds. "Yeah, I knew it!" I said.

      That's all I can remember.

      Updated 05-16-2023 at 03:49 AM by 28408

      false awakening , dream fragment
    10. Cuddling and a Homework Fragment

      by , 07-19-2011 at 07:28 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was in an apartment, laying in a bed. It was very late at night; everything was very dark. I turned over and beside me was an ex, Chris. He hugged and kissed me. We talked for awhile. He sat up and I saw he was wearing black gym shorts. He also looked a little different; he had more hair like he did when we were teenagers. He told me he had a girlfriend. I then saw a flash of her. I then said
      "I know, I've been a creeper and looked at your Facebook."

      He then went on to tell me that she was a "good girl", but it wasn't the same as when he and I were together. I kissed him, and we cuddled. The kiss was good, but it felt like there was a small object, like a pen cap, sticking out of his mouth. I remember the bed being very soft and comfortable.

      I also thought to myself that Chris was cheating, but I didn't think he thought he was since we didn't have sex, we just kissed and cuddled. I was also happy to be with him.


      I was invited to some movie or something. I said I probably couldn't go because I had stats homework to finish up, but I ended up going anyway I believe. I know I didn't finish the homework at any rate.
      Tags: bed, homework, night
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. 19th July 2011

      by , 07-19-2011 at 06:17 PM
      In my dream I was lying in bed. I actually thought I was really awake. ((bloody FA lol)) I have my eyes closed and can feel my whole body spinning, I can see the blackness going round and round and I think "this is like being on a round about" I can hear my hubby, I open my eyes and sit up. I am in bed and I can see blankets around me instead of my duvet. I look up and I can see lots of pictures hanging on the walls around the bed. I see my hubbys sister to my left and she looks very scared. My hubby says "it's in the pictures" his sister says "Just shout Dad and he will be able to get past it and get out" ((my hubbys Dad died about 4 years ago)) My hubby says "no we can't or the thing will get out", they are both worrying about their Dad being stuck there with it. I am thinking "ohh shit it's the bad spirit and it's followed me again" I have a bad feeling like I sometimes do when I feel that presence in my dreams. I pull a blanket towards me and wrap it around myself, I am scared incase it gets out through the pictures. I decide to lie down, I close my eyes and I think "I'll try and enter sleep paralysis again and then i'll enter a nice dream" i then wake up in RL.
    12. Lucid dream night of 7.18.11

      by , 07-19-2011 at 04:09 PM
      I remember the setting of my dream being almost post apocalyptic, or at least the city I was in wasn't doing so well. It was more at night. I was in Florida. I remember hanging out with some of my friends and my brother. We were in some sort of house that I did not recognize. We were in one of the bed rooms. My friend and I were sitting on the bed discussing classes for the upcoming semester, and my brother was sleeping on the other side of the bed. There is a window above the bed that looks out onto a chemical waste river. I noticed some people standing on the other side of the river. They were 2 men and 1 woman. The woman was shorter, kind of puggier, with WAY too much make-up. The man, a more tall, stocky fellow, with sandy brown hair. I glanced at them out the window and returned to my friend. Suddenly I see these knives and throwing stars come at the window. The throwing stars are the size of CDs. The window has 2 planes of glass but the knives break through the first layer easily. I hear an older gentleman behind me say something like "that window has 2 layers, they can't break both." I replied "they've already broken one and the second one is cracked." After I had said that the knives had broken through the second layer of glass. The knives and throwing stars start flying into the room. I began to fend them off and catch them so they would not land and hit my sleeping brother (who for some reason doesn't wake up from any of this.) I start to get real angry because they are trying to hurt us and are putting my brother in danger. They charge the house. Next to the room where we were in is a hall way leading to a door. They come in through that door. My friend begins to fight with them and I know I can take them with no problem (I start to kind of become lucid here) I grab the taller man by the throat and kind of choke him out and toss him aside. I had thought I had killed him. I focused on the girl then, blocking her attacks and fighting her with martial arts moves that I suddenly know. The man I had choked came up behind me and began fighting me too. I was shocked he didn't die. I began to throw their own knives back at them, cutting them yet they still kept coming. I didn't know why they were attacking us. I got the feeling that they were attacking us because of either a complete misunderstanding or for no particular reason at all. I was getting really frustrated, not only because they wouldn't die, but also that they wouldn't leave us alone. I continued fighting the two throughout the house (I didn't know where the other guy went). The fight goes on for what seems like hours. Eventually the fight was taken outside and I was fighting them while gliding above them trying to find a weakness. This is when I became lucid. I knew I was flying and I was like "wait a minute, I am dreaming." I flew to the top of a house. "ok, what was I supposed to do.....oh right, mexico." I stabilized a bit and tried to visualize the pyramid. I manifested a compass so I could point myself in the right direction. I pushed off the roof of the house and shot myself high in the air. I looked down at the still continuing battle. I saw a friend fighting the strangers among a couple of trees (like spruce trees, which is odd for florida). I turned my attention to my destination. I gathered some energy and pushed off making myself fly at super speed. I knew at this speed I would get there in just a few seconds. The scene is a blur as I shoot through the sky....

      My alarm goes off and I wake up. >.<
    13. Chichen-Itza Lucid 7/12/11

      by , 07-12-2011 at 09:46 PM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      I did KingYoshi's WILD Technique last night after my first lucid dream and it worked!

      I was sitting by the base of Chichen Itza and started to look for people who were in the International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Project. I saw a person at the top staring down at me. I went up to them. I couldn't really remember people's description since there were so many, so I had no idea if this was just a dream character or perhaps another person in the International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Project!

      It was a girl who was wearing a blue hoodie with a quicksilver logo on it, had brown hair, and blue eyes. She was holding a baby, but it didn't look like hers. She looked maybe 16-20. I haven't had a chance to check the description of everyone in the project to see if there is someone that actually looks like her.
      I told her she was dreaming and she stared at me with a blank expression.

      "Dree...what?" she said.

      "Dreaming." I said.

      She smiled and dropped the baby. She jumped of Chichen Itza and landed on a bed. The bed disappeared. Right when she touched it.
      That was weird. It was probably just one of my messed up dream characters. I was about to grab the baby but it disappeared too. I looked around a bit for more people but nobody was there.
      Suddenly the dream started to fade and I woke up.

      Updated 07-14-2011 at 04:49 PM by 27913

    14. monkey friend; picking up the kids

      by , 06-24-2011 at 11:45 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a bedroom with a small, skinny monkey. I was going to have to take care of the monkey for a long time.

      The monkey was playing around on a bed. There may have been two beds in the room. The bed the monkey was playing on had nothing but a white sheet over the mattress.

      I went over to the space between and just past the feet or heads of the beds. I knelt or lay down on the floor, in kind of weird, awkward ways Sometimes my knees were folded under my stomach while my stomach was nearly parallel with the ground. Other times my legs were stretched out in a crooked way while my torso was twisted and diagonal to the floor.

      I unbuttoned my shirt. I was planning to take my shirt off altogether, for some reason. It may have been because I needed to take a shower. Or it may have been a part of the "monkey training." But I told myself I needed to be careful.

      Apparently it was known that when monkeys first see humans with no shirts on, they take it as a sign of aggression. So I could only gradually reveal my chest to the monkey. I could do this either by slowly removing my shirt or by only gradually turning toward the monkey once my shirt was off.

      But as I was thinking about this (I may also have been wearing a heavy jacket over my shirt), the monkey came up to me. He crawled up onto my chest and approached my left (?) nipple. The monkey was going to try breast feeding from me.

      Dream #2

      I was in a house with my mom and my sister. I stood or sat between two rooms. One room was more like a bedroom. It was dark blue. I don't know what the other room was. My mom sat in the other room. Somewhere, in one of the rooms, was a beige SUV, which was the family vehicle.

      My mom told my sister that the kids (my nephews) needed picking up. My mom thought my sister would pick up the kids. But my sister now said she wasn't going to do it. She'd thought my mom was going to do it. My sister basically flatly refused to pick up the kids.

      But my mom then mentioned something fun that had to be done once the kids were picked up. This was why she'd asked my sister to pick up the kids in the first place. My sister now said she was going to pick up the kids. It was now like she was refusing to let anybody else go pick up the kids. She may even have refused to let anybody else come with her on the ride.
    15. Gym Rollercoaster

      by , 06-23-2011 at 04:32 PM
      NORMAL DREAM - Please forgive the cap on almost every word, my computer did it and will take a long time to undo

      I was in my Dads houses Bathroom Where I Brushed My Teeth with Toothpaste That I noticed Contains Sodium Fluoride Then the scene Changed To At my Mums house and It Was Dark and the Cats Were About and one was sitting on a cupboard. I had to help my sisters get Into the Attic. I Had to Let Light into the House without letting light Get outside by Putting Blankets Up. I Also Has To Pull a Bed Sheet around a certain entire house Then Take It Back to Our House, the bed sheet was huge and orange. Then One Time I Went Around The Wrong House And There Was Barbed Wire Over The Floor And This Child Came And Stood On The Wires And Complained About Something. I Took Him off The Floor, I also Took A Piece of Wire and Went to the Gym.

      I Went Through The Double Doors And Talked To People I Met At Enrolment Day. We Walked Down By a River (which looked quite calm but not dry) and I Finally Decided to Discard It (the barbed wire). As It Will "Do More Harm Than Good". But I Did Not Want It To Ping Back So I Looped It Into A Fence And Told Nobody To Get It. Then We Were On A Rollercoaster By The River And I Kept Looking Into The River, there was grass growing in the river and around it. Then We Went up Big Hills (on the rollercoaster) Then arrived At a flat Platform Were We Played a rhythmic Clapping Game. To See If Clapping At The Same Time Would Do Something To The Track And Kart. We Then Went To This Other Rollercoaster Which Was Further Away But When We Went On It, Appeared To Be In The Same Place. But It Had No Bumps and At the End and Had A Different Game. The Rollercoaster Fell Off The Track Twice. Went Back And Forth.

      We Then Got Given Cards like a thank you card at The End with Drawings Inside as gifts/certificates. One Got A Picture Of A Fat Man. Some Others Seemed Upset By Theirs. One Guy Got A Great Shaded Drawing And He Appeared To Have Others Just Like It But Two People Fishing As The First. We Were Then On Some Staircase Where The Rollercoaster Man Gave Me A Card After Me Just Talking About The Other Rollercoaster. He Thought I Was Complaining. The Card Was a Picture of a Person Crying and something along the Lines Of, “I Liked the Fairy Ride Better” written on the card. The quote was meant to be insulting. I Saw A Guy Crying And He Said To This Other Person He Got About 3 Stars, 7 A Stars And a U.

      Then I Looked up and the Setting Changed Into my brothers Bedroom at my mother’s house, Two French teachers were in my brothers bed Marking English Coursework. When I Got My Report I Planned Not To Read It Until A Later Time. Then one of the teachers took something from the Bedpost Where It Said the Number38 in a Ball Type Font, She Then Said 38 As If It Was Significant.

      INTERPRETATION - (from the internet (Dreammoods) and might not be accurate )

      Brushing teeth - "Your struggles and your aggressiveness. You need to look out for yourself and your own interest. Perhaps, you feel that your position is shaky."

      Blanket + House - Adding security to self, or covering up true self.

      Roller coaster - Ups and downs
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