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    1. competition Night 9, Feb 1st - Rabbit run

      by , 02-03-2015 at 07:43 PM
      I'm floating along night time roads, just off the ground using my arms as wings to glide. I have just the tiniest inkling that this seems a little unlikely but I'm not lucids enough to reject it outright and dream logic soon hand waves it away as not really flying of I'm only just off the ground and my arms ate taking the weight. Grr.

      I fly higher to avoid being hit by traffic, rising up to just above the trees that occasionally overhang the road.

      Looking behind me a realize there is a column of soldiers (Royal Marines, i think) coming up behind me. They don't seen to be interested in me as such but I still fell I ought to keep out of their way. I decide that flying is a bit conspicuous and cone back to ground level. I realise that at ground level there are purple and animals being chased and corralled by the army types. I dice over and under and through various fences, some of which appear to be recently installed for the purpose of steering quarry into particular areas. By this time I'm feeling distinctly threatened and flight has been replaced with flight(!)

      I see that some youngsters are dressed as of door a cross country run or some kind of wide game but there is a certain hunger games vibe to it. I duck under another fence, aware that another chap who had briefly been running alongside me was caught and injured quite badly (I "remember" that he's a friend and that he broke his arm in this conflict but I had dismissed it without realising the seriousness of the situation)

      Having got through this particular fence, I appear to be outside the official area of the game but an site that in not yet out of danger. By this time I'm running on all fours like a rabbit. I Scrabble down a step slope, sliding down a really long strip of paper. For since treason I try to draw a picture of the joker (as in Batman) on the paper as I fly down it at speed and fell fairly pleased with the result.

      At the bottom of the hill I scurry across a road and into a first. This road crossing and the first hundred feet or so of running through the forest repeat a couple of times, with larger bounds each time until I'm practically flying.

      The final leap takes me over a broad shallow river that's flooded songs nearby fields, there's a dark foreboding leafless fittest ahead that I recognise as the scary forest in a story among the lines of watership down. Thankfully I land short of the forest. As I cone down o find there are a handful of other rabbits alongside me.

      We have landed in a farm that is feeding up geese, ducks, and turkeys tour slaughter. We decide that here is as good a place as any to hide out for a bit, at least while it's not slaughtering time yet. The turkeys sing a cherry but morbid song about for their being fattened up for eating.

      When slaughtering time comes, I escape with some other rabbits, the farm is closing down because it's been bought by an airline. We run away through the carpark but are chased by an employee who says that until we leave the property we're his and he's going to kill is. We get ocer the fence but he decides to keep chasing us.

      We leap into the air and are flying over the black first again. The hunter man who now looks something like a fox is hanging of one of the other rabbits but we dislodge him and drop him into the dark forest

      We start looking for somewhere to land. I suggest a lake I can see but we don't know of it's deep enough to land in. I point out that it has giant fish in it so it must be deep but we notice the fish don't look friendly and one is eating another. We've drifted lower and end up just stepping onto the roof of a weird farm like building containing some really weird jelly like lizard type things that leap about and on the other side some glowing shapes like capital letter H with one arm shorter than the rest

      Wake to alarm for WBTB
    2. 05 Jan: guru spying

      by , 01-05-2015 at 10:54 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am at some exotic place, like an old church semi-ruined, where groups gather to have workshops like tile making and other artistic works. I go downstairs for a break and pass by a hallway where I see on my periferal vision a man with a hooded cape, sitting on the floor against a wall, like a beggar, but not really begging. It's only a few steps ahead that I realized: “didn't I just see my guru?” I look back but he's already gone. I go after him through a door to the outside, a maze of crowded streets like in some middle eastern village. I finally spot them and keep trying to reach him, but he Is fast and I keep loosing him at every corner. He knows I am after him, but he is like a jedi master, he wanted me to see him, bu not to meet him, just to know that he is keeping an eye on me.

      Updated 01-14-2015 at 10:57 PM by 34880

      Tags: chase, church, guru, spy, town
    3. 11/27/2014

      by , 12-15-2014 at 02:35 AM
      I was in some sort of beach with a lot of little islands scattered around the area. I was with a few people and I swam around. I went back home and saw Nathan and while he was talking to me, I saw someone setting his stuff on fire so I ran and chased the guy. Some security guard helped me and I had 2 of my sigs, one was a paintball gun, the guy finally stopped and I took him down and cuffed him when I saw a cop passing by.
    4. $330 Bill for breakfast

      by , 12-10-2014 at 10:54 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      $330 Bill for breakfast (Non-lucid)


      My wife in this dream was my girlfriend and she met with someone who was dressed as a hippie and someone who was a very rich guy. My wife and I hanged up with the rich guy, who apparently we were going to have breakfast together and then go out for lunch. After the breakfast, my wife paid the bill and it was a wooping amount of $330.

      I was in shock but I figured she did because he was going to pay for lunch, and probably much more expensive.

      We went to have lunch and the rich guy just bought some fast food and I was kind of upset... some fancy guy! In addition, he got mad because he could not take the leftovers from the burgers.

      There were two additional guys going after me for some reason and I was in a weird bird contest. I was like in a convention, a lot of red carpeting and a lot of people. Despite being very upscale, some areas seemed abandoned and dusty. I somehow started to follow a bird, that was mechanical and was from some female friend I had. I was able to outrun the guys chasing me and our bird ended up in the 210th position out of like 4,000 birds. I reunited from my wife, who was safe and sound.
    5. 11-5-14 Dystopian gladiator chase scene

      by , 12-04-2014 at 07:23 PM
      I lived in a country where all people were killed once they reached the age of thirty. However, once a year three convicted criminals were released from prison into an abandoned city, where they would fight to the death. The last man standing was allowed to live a normal lifespan. I was apparently one of the three, and I was being chased relentlessly by the other two men through a dark, overgrown alleyway. Ivy climbed up the walls of the brick and steel buildings.
    6. Chased By Government, Morpheus Bodyguard (LD #132)

      by , 11-07-2014 at 12:25 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was a female reporter for some kind of news agency who had gotten some serious dirt on the US government and they had sent some secret service agents to try and stop me from leaking the word. I was working with this man who looked and dressed just like Morpheus from the matrix movies. I think he was my bodyguard or something.
      The funny part was as we were being chased by these guys he was piggy-back-riding me around. We were in a park area but there were many tall buildings around. Somebody pointed out that a speck in the sky was actually just the space station. My vision zoomed in and I could see four large solar panels coming off of it.
      He continued running with me on his back. A couple of tranquilizer darts flew past us. I can recall this funny looking helicopter was being used to chase us, with a sniper in it firing the darts. It didn't have a tail or any stabilization. it was just a pod with a big propeller on it. I looked at it and realized that it wouldn't be able to fly, and it crashed.
      Eventually we somehow created this portal on the ground and jumped through it.
      We wound up in this beautiful sanctuary area; some kind of virtual reality or alternate dimension. There were these shallow concrete pyramids with waterfalls running down the sides and various plants and flowers planted in the steps. There was a huge lake; in fact, I think we were on an island. But you could see mountains in the distance. There were also many tall deciduous trees with brightly colored leaves. Everything was tinted autumn colors. (Reds, Oranges, Yellows, Browns). Even the sky was tinted orange.
      The Morpheus man told me that the government agents could still find us here, but it was probably safe to rest for the night. He told me to gather wood from the forest so that we could make a fire.
      I recall walking into the woods. I see a orange Chinese dragon, about fifteen or twenty feet long flying in the woods, weaving its serpentine body through the trees. It blends well with the leaves, but I'm certain that it's there.

      I became lucid. I changed myself out of the female reporter guise. I decided to summon Manei for our sit down question time that I've been visualizing. I yelled for her name, and heard her yell back. I looked and standing about a hundred feet into the autumnal forest, I could vaguely make her out.
      "Manei, I have some questions for you!"
      "Hurry up, the dream is about to end!"
      "How come if it's my dream, I can't picture what happens and make it happen?" (I was trying to ask her why my visualization doesn't work.)
      "Because you didn't like your cookie from 300 years ago!"
      I woke up.

      Typical Manei logic...

      When I do get my long conversation dream, I should ask her why half the time she makes sense and the other half she says totally random things like that.

      I went back to sleep; it was still quite early. I think it yielded a Nonlucid dream, but I cannot recall it.
    7. Dark chase quick summary

      by , 10-16-2014 at 07:17 PM
      Still haven't fully typed my entry from the 10th, and I'm kind of tired, so I'll write a quick summary instead.

      Basic ii: Two DCs were after me on a lucid chase. After getting rid of them and going in a pretty creepy house, a spontaneous scene change/teleport happened returning me to the house entrance. They caught up with me and I decided to face them, at the same time remembering the bloodsucking task, so I bit one of them on the cheeck and sucked in some blood. He was an unpleasant DC and didn't make for the fulfilling true blood experience I was hoping for.
      Tags: blood, chase, totm
      lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    8. Escaping Cancer Complex

      by , 10-10-2014 at 09:31 AM
      1st. I was at a complex with a bunch of friends. We all stayed here because we were all diagnosed with cancer, the results would come back like the pathway results came back from school, each had the type of cancer with the recommended treatment, I remember Courtney Frame and Sophie Baker being there. This kind lead to another dream although I can’t remember the exact details, on thing I do remember though is stealing from shops..

      2nd. This dream involved someone out in the parking lot being chased by a police car and although the people in there had never talked to me, they were somehow connected to me in the dream and I feel like they also had something to do with the first dream. I was in the parking lot and the man drove up to me, he reminded me of Sarah Faucett’s dad but driving a different car that was smaller, shitty and a weird colour like the colour of my eyes in that grass profile pic. There were children in the back and as I said I somehow felt that I had met this man before in the dream somewhere, so I hopped in, there were no creepy vibes about getting in the car (although there should have been) just a sense of urgency.
      He began to talk about our escape saying that I would drive the car when he got out. I stated that I had never driven a car before, he replied by saying that it didn’t matter and that we had a big head start on them (Police) anyway. We drove past a town and the man was extremely surprised because he said he had not seen people so close to where we had been. At this town was a gigantic hall, so we got out.
      The hall was a community hall because there were posters outside stating that if you needed any help to just go to the community hall and there were a couple of people in there, one was a girl with black hair. The man went somewhere after this and I was outside the hall by myself. There were a couple of people here and they looked very sick. I remember trying to get their attention and that the windows were like they were next to a hot shower so they were steaming. People had written messages in them although I wiped them off to get my point across (Not sure what that was). The man met back up with me and told me that he was going inside for some reason, I followed. The interior of the hall looked exactly like a barn, exactly. The man and the girl began to talk and this is where the dream get’s extremely weird and out of place. He was put up for execution and executed soon after, although later he was somehow revived .
      (I’m really not sure about this part, the more I think about it the more I can’t remember) This part somehow resembled a Facebook post I had read earlier about someone who had cancer and moved to Oregon to chose the way she wanted to die, so I did exactly that. There were two men standing by me, one of them was was the man that had rescued me. The man that rescued me had a rifle and the other man had a bat, although I chose to be executed by being shot. I was surrounded by family I believe and then I was shot.
      There was a next part to the dream although there is no way I could remember it? I’m pretty sure my family was there though.

      Updated 10-22-2014 at 12:39 AM by 71540

    9. An Expected Journey

      by , 08-28-2014 at 08:29 PM
      Type: Paranoia/Evasion
      Perspective: Mixed (initially Self, transforming to Character, male hobbit)

      NLD: The dream began with a long complicated plot set in a futuristic world. The antagonist was trying to find me and some other people; I had the codes to some device of his that would frustrate his plans. At this point my dream character was still me, I know this because enemy agents were using my name and even showing around a picture of me. (The prevalence of this "paranoia/conspiracy" theme in dreams is one of the reasons I suspect—pure speculation—that schizophrenia in waking life is a condition related to dreaming.)

      Enemy forces had located us, were closing in, we knew we had to run. We decided to split into two groups that would flee separately. I was with a group that was going to go on a very long journey. There was no perceptible shift in the dream or narrative, but by the end of the dream this was all entirely a group of male hobbits, and I, going with them, was also a male hobbit. There was no precise "moment" when the shift took place though, the dream narrative was continuous, and the transformation imperceptible: I was still "me' before the start of the journey then woke up remembering that I was one of the hobbits.

      I had anticipated that we would need to flee and already packed a backpack, so while the two group leaders were waiting for the rest of us to prep and join them, I went and grabbed it. I checked inside first to make sure I had the right bag. I saw lots of warm clothes—that was good, I'm always inclined to get cold. I grabbed a few more things from my pile: a fleece jacket, a wide-brimmed hat. I was already wearing a leather pouch around my neck with my ring in it. When I had noticed this earlier I had wondered why my ring was in the bag instead of on my finger; I assumed I had to hide it for some reason. (Source: the dream played out with an increasing LOTR theme, so this could be a nod to the way Frodo carries the One Ring; it could also be day residue, as the other day I had taken off my ring for a long time for some task.)

      On the table with the gear I was choosing from was a sort of talisman made of a round disk of leather, as well as a few masks which I grabbed at the last minute—they weighed almost nothing and might come in handy. I considered the options: should I put on a mask before we left? If I needed to conceal my identity from those who would recognize me it could be useful, but if we were trying to pass incognito among people who wouldn't already recognize me, wearing a mask might draw too much attention and be a disadvantage. But better to have the option than not.

      I was the third one to gather around the group leader, a male hobbit, and we were waiting on about three others. While we were waiting I went through the masks I had grabbed at the last minute to make a more careful selection, trying them on in a mirror. A couple were cheap plastic full-face masks, and I wasn't sure if they would stand up to the rigors of travel, so I set them aside. I kept one, though, because it gave me a scary monster face and I thought it might be handy if we needed to play a trick and scare someone. I kept a plain black eye mask and another one that was just a single sheet of light brown translucent plastic—it weighed nothing and could serve as sunglasses, I figured. For now, I decided to wear the simple black eye mask. When I put it on, I noticed that I was strapping it over the glasses I was wearing: they had huge round lenses. I didn't remember owning glasses like this, but that was just one of many, many clues that should have alerted me to the fact that I was dreaming—I had not an inkling of it.

      When our full group had assembled, the leader then instructed us to get rid of a lot of stuff that he figured we had probably packed. He had a list of very specific things we were supposed to give up, unnecessary objects that he said were a result of "emotional packing." Already on the table were a lot of little boxed games, like dice and tile games (source: Scrabble on Colbert last night). I worried that our long journey would get dull and depressing if we didn't even have a few games with us, but I understood his reasoning—we needed our packs to be as light as possible if we were to outrun our pursuers—so I reluctantly gave up some things as well.

      There was one item that I wasn't sure about, so I went to consult the leader. It was a boxed set (I hadn't opened it yet) containing a special kind of saw blade that could function as a lathe, cutting wood into round or shaped dowels. The leader and I opened the box and inspected it. I felt a tool like this might be useful at some point, though I couldn't think of a precise situation in which I would need to lathe a dowel to survive. The only problem was that the tool was made out of solid metal, a complex shaped piece about eight by eight inches, and it was extremely heavy. "It's about as heavy as a two-liter bottle of water," I estimated aloud. This decided it: the leader reasoned that water was more essential, so if the tool cut down on the amount we could carry, it would have to go. I reluctantly left it behind. Later as we began our journey, I thought back and regretted this: I realized that dowel-shaped wood might be very useful in making traps, and moreover that even if we had only brought the tool with us to sell, we could probably get up to 50,000gp for it, because it was an object from our futuristic world that would be completely unique in the fantasy world where we were going.

      I realized that we were pushing the limits of the time we had left and needed to leave right away. But as the leader and I stepped out from the room where we'd consulted about the saw blade, something caught my eye. It was a tiny fluffy grey kitten sleeping cozily on its back, lying in the hallway against to the wall on our right. "Wait—just two seconds," I said to the leader, "Look!" And we knelt down and tousled the kitten's belly. I explained, "It reminds me of something Sam said: this is what we're fighting for." I was remembering the line late in LOTR where Frodo is losing heart and Sam reminds him "That there's some good in this world... and it's worth fighting for." Naturally my version involved kittens.

      We then rejoin the rest of our group—which was more diverse in the beginning but by this point consisted of the full set of LOTR hobbits plus me as a random male one—and started down a lane. No sooner had we set out then I look behind us and see a group of fierce orcs, at least eight of them, less than fifty yards behind us and moving faster than we are, already closing in. Did we waste too much time with our preparations, losing our head start? I needed to act now, or our journey would be cut off before it began. Fortunately I recalled that I knew Ars Magica magic (all that practice in LDs paying off!)

      Twisting to look back while still running at full tilt, I held out my hand and blasted a frost effect at the group of orcs: it created a slippery ice slick on the ground where they were running and also iced their bodies directly, covering them with a pale layer of frost and slowing them considerably. I knew it wouldn't last forever so I was already trying to decide what my next trick should be. A grease trap on the ground might be useful: the lane was narrow and walled on both sides, so they wouldn't be able to bypass it. Then I was trying to remember the mechanics of Ars Magica spells: were they limited by a specific pre-set quantity (like in D&D) or could they be chosen freely but the rate was restricted by a mana pool, or could they cast at will but it was just really hard to succeed at the roll? Around this time the dream must have despaired of my ability to transform even a thrilling adventure chase scene into tedious decision-making and option-weighing, and I woke up.

      Updated 08-28-2014 at 08:40 PM by 34973

    10. Father chasing me down for Lethal Injection

      by , 07-14-2014 at 05:31 PM
      it was my dad and I don't know what I did wrong but he had a lethal injection and was trying to kill me. and my boyfriend (lets call him John) was by the chair where I was supposed to be and we were in an office like setting only the entire side of the building wasn't there and when one would walk out it was a huge interior of another building with a skating rink and a hockey game was going on. My dad had me and was trying to pin me to the chair and John didn't do anything, but I didn't care, I was just trying to live. I broke free of my dad and quickly went to these two ladies across the room in a panic and tried to tell them what was happening to me but they didn't do anything, they said they couldn't help me. then my dad was coming after me and so I ran to the other building/ice rink thing and there was a hockey game going on, and I was running and my dad was catching up. For some reason, he was extremely upset that i was going across the ice and interrupting the hockey game. I passed this girl who i've always kinda hated growing up, for some reason. Then I was running across the ice in the middle of the hockey game (there were no walls around the rink) and I got to the other side and there was nowhere to go. I tried yelling and my dad and trying to get him to understand that whatever I didn't isn't worth killing me over and he said if he didn't it wouldn't teach me a lesson, and I said I wouldn't learn anything because I would be dead. Then I ran back to the ladies in the office and I was looking at John, and I was explaining to them how in love with him I was, and I got all teary.. then I woke up.
    11. 13 July: facing my fears

      by , 07-13-2014 at 10:34 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A typical dream of sum of all fears. I am chased by zombies, blood sucking monsters, man-eating tigers, while trying to get out of a complex maze building. One by one, I face all my fears and conquer them, at first by using my warrior skills, then increasingly by applying my super powers, then lastly by realizing the illusory nature of everything around me and dissolving it.
      I manage to exit the maze and bring some other woman with me, by realizing that I can create an exit as soon as I know I can.
      Once safely outside, I am already planning how to free all others still caught in this maze of illusions. That's when the devilish ruler of the maze appears in front of me, kind of congratulating me for getting out, but I think aslo trying to figure out his next move to entrap me. He still has a trick or two up his sleeve.
      My cell phone rings, I pick up, no one replies to my hello, but I hear voices talking on the other side of the line. So I listen to them, I know who they are, people I have been doing business with. They say the bank did not approve my loan request, my reputation is dragged in the mud, my business partners are disappointed and distrust me, my whole "real life" is collapsing. I panic!
      Then, for a split second I realize "shit, I'm still trapped. he found my real weaknesses. it's not zombies and flesh eating beasts, it's my fucking "real life" and its mundane shits, my worries about my rep, my future." The true nightmare starts now!
      I freak out and wake up gasping.
    12. Lost Island

      by , 05-17-2014 at 04:41 PM
      Lost Island


      Im in a plane with a nice girl and Kato, the guy from the hunger games.
      We're having drinks and the interior is one from a private plane. It starts crashing and I can hear loud noises. I find myself in the water with the girl and the guy. The water is really warm and I start swimming. The others follow. We crawl onto the beach and start walking arround. It's an tropical island with palmtrees and colorful birds. We climb on soe trees to get a good view and find out we're not alone. There's a village like the one from lost. We hear noises and turn arround and everything goes blank. I wake up in a prison cell. I break the door in and run out. It's night and it's really dark. I hear birds and my own steps. I run to the beach where a water-plane swims. I hear people chasing after me and wake up...

      Updated 06-25-2014 at 11:11 AM by 69017

    13. Spider and Scorpion

      by , 04-07-2014 at 05:46 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      Me and my friend Darius were in school. We saw our 2 french teachers and there was a lottery thing or whatever where you spin. And beside that was 58 trillion dollars. I spun the lottery thing and got 56 thousand dollars and I turned into a spider while my friend turned into a Scorpion and then the french teachers turned into mice and we start to chase them cuz they had cheese and we went in a sewer and it just got weird. Thats all I remember
    14. Cats

      by , 03-23-2014 at 08:23 PM
      This is a short info summary from the 15th

      Pre bed: l-arginine (500)

      Natural wake: l-tyrosine (500)

      Didn't do wbtb, no notes on pre bed work. Focus was on sleeping, no review in mind or notes taken until final wake.

      The dreams were extremely vivid, wonder about the effect of this combo. Vividness may have also been boosted by lack of sleep in the days before.

      NLD: In some very green neighborhood that transitions into a forest, very vivid experience. I notice there are cats everywhere, more and more of them (DS). Further there's a place where this DC is giving a presentation about getting rid of the cats and making some sort of lucid camp on the same place, teaching people how to ld.

      Short ld: In the early part of this dream we are in a cool mansion where there is some event and I'm collecting various food items. We (me and some random and changing DC companion) then leave the mansion and I shortly get a game like view of the map where the mansion is. We decide that something is chasing is and go back in the mansion to find some item to helps us with that. The mansion is now deserted, this thing is supposedly after us, we end up jumping on roofs and climbing down couple of trees. I know it is a dream when climbing down, somewhat low awareness here.

      On the street, I look at the DC and tell him to repeat this is a lucid dream and remind me of it later on as I would actually like to continue with this scenario. It's a bright sunny day and I catch part of a greek temple/baroque building behind the near buildings and contemplate whether to explore it. Decide to run through my goals first but the dream ends.

      Updated 03-23-2014 at 09:26 PM by 61764

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes , lucid
    15. Suddenly, Guard Dogs!

      by , 02-20-2014 at 10:02 PM (Exploring My Mind)
      Both of these dreams took place four days ago, but I'm just now getting around to posting them! Sorry for the delay.

      Guess where I was in this one? If you've read a lot of my dream journal, or just glanced at the titles/tags, you'll be so very unsurprised to find out that this first dream took place in...A SCHOOL. -surprised gasping- We were in a room that looked like it would be a Steak n' Shake dining area except all the tables were replaced with school desks. We were working pretty furiously on a test, as if our lives depended on it. As I got close to finishing the test, I saw my girlfriend's ex-friend, who was making faces at me. Guess we're in elementary school or somethin'.

      This second dream was the more dream-like of the two, in terms of outright weirdness. My girlfriend and I went to the mall! To do what? Well, I'd assume shopping, but who knows, really? Anyways, we got there, but a very creepy old lady was blocking the entrance to the mall, saying "You aren't allowed to go in there!" She wouldn't tell us WHY, of course. Being the reckless dream selves that we were, my girlfriend and I found a back entrance over the wall and into the mall. What followed was kind of terrifying, or at least at the time. A loud alarm sounded off; we knew right away we were in trouble. In the distance, we heard dogs yelping, and could vaguely see the old lady running towards us with a giant pack of barking, angry dogs. No shopping for us! Gosh dang it. We started to run, although we weren't sure where we were even running to. We were pretty much trapped in this mall now. The barking of the dogs drew closer.

      What was our fate? Beats me, I woke up! Always at the good parts.

      Updated 03-10-2014 at 04:14 AM by 33438

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