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    1. Night of Friday 11/17/23 (DILD)

      by , 11-25-2023 at 07:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Bulldog:

      I'm sitting on a patio chair looking out to a sunrise. I'm high up, a few stories above the ground.
      The patio is made of large wood pieces, similar in style to Frontier Land from Disneyland. Within the lore of the dream, we had just built it (my Dad, sister, and I).
      I looked at my left hand and noticed that it had three fingers, and I looked at my right. It had four.

      I become lucid. The very next thought is that I want to learn more about my dreamworld, to serve me better later.
      So I decide to keep looking at my hands. They keep changing in finger count wildly, not fast or as if morphing, more like my brain kept trying to convince me that they had 'always been' said count.
      It was more like my perception was in flux than the actual visuals. Tough to describe.
      This activity doubles down on the fact that I truly am dreaming.

      I decide to get up and look around. I see a man down below in a pool, he's singing on a platform in the middle.
      Also, across the way there is another man singing. I listen to them for a while, but I can't recall the tune now.
      I noticed a bulldog down by my heel. I feel a massively comforting presence. I don't recognize this dog but I feel the comfort anyway.
      He is wearing some sort of skin(or should I say fur) tight dog-shirt.
      I remember that I should be stabilizing the dream, so I run my hands across the wood railing a bit.
      I notice that the patio is missing some pieces, and get concerned about the stability of the structure.
      I decide to go the the side of the house, and once I turn the corner, it represents the side of the house I'm living in now.

      The bull-dog is sitting in front of the gate that leads to the front yard. I go up to him and start to pet him.
      "Are you a bulldog?" I ask.
      "Yes, I am!" the bulldog replied with a British accent.
      "Can you tell more more about you so that I can find you in my world?" I ask.
      "Ohhh you shouldn't do that...because I have...my issue." the bulldog replies ominously.
      I notice he is drooling a bit.
      "Well, what is the issue?"
      "I....tend to wet the bed." the bulldog admits with some shame in his voice.
      I start to comfort the bulldog, but then I begin to lose lucidity.
      Instead, I start telling the bulldog a story of a recurring dream. It's about not making finals for marching band back in high-school.
      I try to recall the name of the girl who was our drum major who broke the news, but I can't remember her name (just her face).
      This isn't actually a recurring dream.
      An Asian girl appears behind him as if in response to the story, but she doesn't resemble anybody from it.
      At this point I seem to get my bearings, and I start to narrate what has happened up to now, to the bulldog.

      "So I've spent a lot of time in this dream letting things flow on their own, observing, doing RCs, keeping it low-key. Do you think it is OK if I try some dream control now?" I ask the bulldog.
      "Yes, that seems reasonable." the bulldog replies matter of factly.
      I walk forward and open the gate leading to the front yard.
      It's night-time over here.
      I remember that I want to try the teleport-sprint from another dream, so I position myself on the street with plenty of runway space in front of me.
      But there is a festival happening on the street. Lots of people. This prevents me from having space.
      I get the impression that the dream characters are not fans of what I am about to try, slightly hostile.
      They don't stop me when I went to find a new position, but one guy did bump me as I passed.
      I don't visualize a particular place. I break out into a sprint with the night-road in front of me and close my eyes.
      I feel my body shake, similar to the first time having a WILD transition. Feels like going through a wormhole.
      When I open my eyes, I see blackness. I assume I have woken up.

      I'm back on the patio with the sunrise, but this time I think I am awake.
      "Wow! What a cool lucid dream, I'd better go record it before I forget!" I think to myself.
      I enter the house through a doorwall and go to a computer.
      This home does not resemble one I have lived in.
      The computer has three or four monitors all setup, and looks super cool.
      Dream-me has a program setup that will record my dreams as audio, and then auto-tune them.
      So I narrate the previous dream as it happened in its entirety.
      I mess up the recording so I have to start and stop a few times.
      As I recorded it, the computer generated an animated movie, with the audio, as a musical.
      The graphics resembled Final Fantasy VII: Remake's.
      I'm invested in making the video good.
      I'm back in my actual bed. My girlfriend is by me, and so is a dog. It may have been a german-shepherd.
      Strangely, my sister is at the foot of the bed.
      We're awake because we are concerned that there is an intruder in the house.
      I felt safe, because the dog would be able to alert us if there was a problem.
      My girlfriend tells me I should give my sister the larger pillow, and I tell her that she is already asleep so there is no point.
      I reflect that the dog with us is not giving me an allergic reaction, so maybe I can have a dog after all.
      I'm back at my childhood home, and I'm talking about the intruder with my Dad.
      I look at the thermostat, and it reads '60 degrees'. I think it is low, but my Dad tells me that this is how it has to be.
      I look over to the living room and see my Mom playing a video game. She's losing so she calls me over to help and I do.

      Updated 11-27-2023 at 12:48 AM by 99808

      false awakening , lucid , non-lucid
    2. Night of Saturday 11/12/23

      by , 11-21-2023 at 07:02 PM (Dreamlog)
      Chainsaw Arm:

      I'm in a large space with my brother. It's a nice home with white carpeting, white walls. Not dissimilar to one of my Grandma P's homes.
      We're working to place cushions on top of chains, but there is something tricky about the process.
      My brother understands it, but he won't help me. I get frustrated and attack him.
      He ends up hitting the chandelier with a chair on accident.
      I keep fighting, but my right arm is getting weaker. I notice there is now a chainsaw where my right arm should be, but it is heavy.
      I'm losing the battle.

      My girlfriend wakes me up because I was making noise in my sleep.

      Recorded at 3:45AM.

      Updated 11-21-2023 at 07:06 PM by 99808

    3. Afternoon of Saturday 11/11/23

      by , 11-21-2023 at 06:58 PM (Dreamlog)
      Missed Signals:

      I'm outside my house on the sidewalk.
      There is a man that claims he has proof that I shot someone.
      The scene transitions, and I'm now in a restaurant that resembles Bennigan's.
      I'm conflicted about whether I actually hurt someone or not, I may have been drunk or high.
      There is a work-meeting happening at a table nearby. They are together for a 5-year anniversary. My boss is there.
      My dad is defending me against the murder accusations.
      I wonder (while dreaming) what problem my brain is working through, or what inspired this dream.
      But I don't become lucid.


      I'm at a game night in a large home. We might have been playing hide and seek.
      HM from the tots may have been on my team.


      I'm on a grassy hill with someone and it's a bit chilly outside.
      We're inspecting the hill for evidence of a person living in it.
      We find an air-pipe and water-line device nearby.


      There is a battle with a queen-like figure.
      It took place in a 2D-platformer game style.
    4. Night of Tuesday 11/7/23

      by , 11-08-2023 at 06:33 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at 10:30PM.

      Teleport Sprints:
      I'm in a highschool hallway that reminds me of one from the show, Stranger Things.
      HM is there and she has an umbrella. We have a brief conversation about some other function the umbrella has and she leaves.
      She's going to catch a bus, and I'm late for that bus. I try to catch up but I can't.
      I'm leaving JM's house after a game-night, but my car isn't around. I remember that I teleported here.
      I walk into the road and find a long stretch of open space.
      I break into a sprint and close my eyes. It reminds me of what Ness does in the intro to Super Smash Bros Melee.
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXs4-M-ZiOg (at 1:02).
      When I open them, I've teleported to my childhood home.
      My friends are inside and they have used the kitchen chairs to make a fort.
      At one point a drink gets knocked into JM's face.
      I'm with my Dad and my Mom driving on a mountain road. Dad is driving and Mom is in the front passenger seat.
      There is a lake far down below us, and my Dad gets too close to the railing.
      We go over the edge. We are all panicking less than we should be as we go into freefall.
      I start to think about how I can survive. I think about undoing my seatbelt so that I don't get stuck underwater, or opening a door so that the water pressure doesn't hold them all shut.
      We impact the water and it isn't that bad. Turns out the water was not as deep as it looked.
      The car careens forward and then we do hit a larger body of water.
      I wonder if I can teleport my Mom away, but then I realize that I need a runway to do so.
      I'm at work with GO and CP. We are on the 2nd floor of our building, but it looks like it has elements of my middle school bandroom.
      There is a woodshop water fountain (the same one that was in the bandroom) and GO gets water in his face from mis-operating it.
      Another DC tells me "the woman is from the Maw, the Underworld".

      Recorded at 6:30AM.

      372 words for the night.

      Parts of these dreams felt semi-lucid. As in, I was using dream control to address situations that I thought presented danger.
      I'm excited that my mind gave me a way to teleport. Can't wait to try the teleport sprint in my next true lucid dream

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:28 PM by 99808

    5. Night of Sunday 11/5/23

      by , 11-07-2023 at 06:08 AM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 12:00AM.

      Social Learning:
      My girlfriend and I are at a show. Reminds me of where I saw a comedian recently.
      We were seeing Game Grumps live.
      I see Arin sarcastically running through the crowd giving people high-fives and think how stupid those people are for being excited.
      But then he comes my way and I put my arms up, and I touch his finger. I get super excited, and think I get it now.
      At some point during the show the seating is gone and there are people sitting on the ground, with some tents set up at several points.
      My girlfriend and I tried to sit together but we ended up separated due to some social convention.
      She is further back, due to said social pressure.
      Later we are in an upper level area, maybe it was some sort of after party.
      It vaguely reminds me of my Grandma M's patio/garden.
      E from highschool marching band is there, and she looks older than I remember her.
      There is a documentary about WW2 on, and she gets visibly uncomfortable because she is German.
      The documentary is talking about how the war is over, but beware because evil tends to stick around.
      I can recall dropping my headphones several times and then trying to pick them up, but then they were inside the documentary and I couldn't.
      They are the white Bose NC700s that I no longer use.
      At some point the dream has transitioned into more of a comic-book theme.
      Captain Marvel is there, but he is a guy.
      We are on a spaceship.
      Captain Marvel changes into Superman, and teleports away.
      Somebody else explains that he was teleported away because he didn't have a real super power.
      I argue with this person and tell him that super-strength is definitely a super-power.
      My landlord is present and for some reason I need to change clothes in front of him.
      I'm hesitant, but he tells me I have done it before and it isn't a big deal.

      Recorded at 7:03AM.

      Slime Time:
      I'm in a first person shooter game, where my weapons is my hand throwing green slimeballs.
      The graphics are similar to that of Psychonauts 2.
      I can recall thinking at the time that the person playing should aim a bit lower that they want the ball to land.
      I'm now watching somebody else play the game.
      The player is trying to hit green slime monsters with the slimeball.
      The player makes the adjustment I am thinking about and starts to land hits.

      Recorded at 7:09AM.

      420 words for the night.

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:06 PM by 99808

    6. Night of Wednesday 11/1/23

      by , 11-03-2023 at 09:43 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 1:00AM.

      Pizza Games:
      I'm in a small, cramped space. It reminds me of Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs.
      It's messy with wrappers and junk. Dusty too.
      I'm playing an online game with my brother on a gaming system plugged into a TV at an edge wall.
      The outcome of the game will impact whether a pizza box near me will be thrown onto the floor.
      My brother comes close to succeeding, but the pizza box does not come down.

      Recorded at ???.

      72 words for the night.

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:06 PM by 99808

    7. Night of Tuesday 10/17/23 (DILD)

      by , 10-21-2023 at 09:50 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at ???

      Bad Pheromones
      I'm in a school/college situation. It may have been mixed with my work cafeteria. ER from work a few years back is there.
      I default to hiding my interest in her (as I did in waking reality), thinking that there is not a high likelihood of that interest being returned by her.
      There is a vague situation where I smell bad (lack of deodorant, dirty clothes etc).
      This makes the situation all the more tense.

      Recorded at ???

      I woke up from my alarm and started to get ready for work. I showered, dressed etc. But then I decided to call in for the day (and went bad to bed) because I felt crappy. So, that technically makes this a mid-morning WBTB, but I wasn't going for any kind of timing goal here.

      Went back to bed around 8AM.

      Getting Lost at Costco
      I'm at Costco with my girlfriend.
      I do a nose RC out of habit and
      become lucid. I also do a hands RC, and I have baby-hands branching off my fingers. Nice.
      I'm thinking that this is a great opportunity to try baked goods and see what they taste like in a dream.
      Ape-brain kicks in at this point though, and activities ensue with my girlfriend.
      She comments that since this is a dream, it doesn't matter that we are in public.
      After that, I try to find the bakery section but lose my lucidity before reaching it.

      Summoning Snow
      I'm at home and did a nose-RC in the hallway, becoming lucid.
      My brother is there. He had a nerf gun, but I mostly ignored him.
      I did stabilization (narrating, rubbing hands/feet). I had the presence of mind to try to stand still, observe the dream environment, and ground myself.
      The dream started to fade, but I managed to hold on. The same dream reformed, and I repeated my reality checks + stabilization. I felt pretty happy about this.
      I reflect that maybe past dreams 'fading' were just my brain attempting to wrestle lucidity from me and succeeding. But this time I beat it.
      I went out to the living room area, it's a long room instead. I wanted to go somewhere more interesting.
      I remember one method for traversal is association/reframing, and also that my previous attempts at portals have been lackluster.
      I think about where I would like to go and decide on a snowy place. I wonder what association might help my brain generate such a place.
      I decide to imagine an ice pick and search around the living room for one, but no luck. I head outside.
      There is a bit of snow on the ground, sort of like when snow that had been there previously has mostly melted. I find the ice pick on the ground in the yard.
      I vaguely recall seeing my brother outside too, but then there was an older woman there. Not someone I recognized now or then.
      The woman tries to advise me on lucid dream ability. She tells me that I have done well, but need to move on now.
      I take the advice to mean my summoning of the ice pick went well, but I should try something new.
      Where there is normally brick wall in my yard, there is a wooden fence. There is a beautiful New Zealand-esque grassy field landscape beyond the fence.
      I jump over the fence and fly into the distance.

      Alternate Silverlight
      I am in a futuristic city with silver skyscrapers, lucid, and flying around.
      I wonder whether this place is another interpretation of Silverlight (a fantasy forest I've been trying to get to).
      I'm in a crowd with some DCs. The DCs know I am there, lucid, and dangerous to them. They have been warned by something.
      I didn't do anything with these people and just flew off again, enjoying the dreamscape. This environment is much more interesting than my typical lucid dream fare.

      Recorded around 10AM.
    8. Night of Friday 10/13/23

      by , 10-15-2023 at 06:48 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 3AM.

      Home Assembly
      I'm at the bottom of a set of stairs. The stairs look 2D or paper-like.
      The house we are in doesn't look like somewhere I readily recognize, but it might have been similar to M and J's house from far back in my childhood.
      I'm with my girlfriend's family once again. They notice I am trying to climb the stairs, but having difficulty due to not being able to put weight on my shoulder.
      This is reproduced accurately. I actually have recently had surgery, and this makes some sense.
      One of the uncles uses a lever, and the stairs start to move from the bottom up, carrying me to the top.
      Later I'm in the kitchen of my Grandma P's current home. I'm with my T friend group.
      We are stationed around the kitchen counter island, and we are playing a competition or game.
      We are trying to assemble something quickly. Our friend J who moved away was also part of the game, but remotely. He finishes first, winning the game.

      Woke up around 2PM.
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