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    1. Competition night #13

      by , 08-10-2014 at 11:38 AM
      Fragment 1:
      Whizzing around in boats

      Dream 1:
      A loop about lucid dreaming. I am trying to pull off some kind of lucid challenge and keep going back to sleep after not quite managing it.

      I manage to avert a nasty violent argument on the final attempt, a bystander appears to remember the argument that happened in the previous loop and is scared when I turn up but is relieved when I manage to change the story this time around

      Fragment 2:
      Dancing on the sofa to the band outside

      Updated 08-10-2014 at 04:12 PM by 69407

    2. Sensei's Competition night #12

      by , 08-08-2014 at 07:57 PM
      Sensei's Competition night #12


      I find myself in a room, it is pretty dark but there's not much to see anyways. I can make out an old table with a wooden chair next to it. I don't know where I am and do a nose RC. I become lucid..
      I look arround and try to stabilize by running my hands together, I take a few steps but the dream abruptly ends and I wake up.

      The next scene is in a forest. The light shines through the leaves and everything is dimly lit. I am calm
      and walk arround. It seems like I have a destination but I don't remember where I wanted to go. I remember I was just doing SSILD and do a nose RC. Again dreaming.

      I instantly remember my master plan but get too excited and wake up.
      (I thought I was past that phase)

      I am on walking through some
      streets where I live. Again not knowing where I was planning to go.
      I decide to walk on the street and notice the lack of cars. I do a nose RC and become lucid..

      I remember to ground myself and drop on the floor, I scrub over the ground with my hands, and demand
      clarity. The world turns from
      kinda sharp to super HD and I am baffled by how realistic everything looks
      (that was by the far the most realistic dream experience ever!).
      II look arround and everything looks like it's supposed to look. I notice that not only my vision is really clear, but also I really feel my body in the dream and feel the wind blowing past me. (I think I woke up then, but I might also have lost lucidity or even lost my memory of what happened then. I think I remember reaching behind me to summon Cobb but that could be a false memory)
      Tags: competition
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Competition night #12

      by , 08-08-2014 at 09:18 AM
      Fragment 1:
      I'm trying to repair something that needs some specific screws that I know I have somewhere but I can't find. After what feels like about ten minutes of scrabbling around in various nooks and crannies, I give up, assuming the screws got hovered up or something.

      Fragment 2:
      I'm playing with portals like in the game Portal - would be pretty damn cool if I could remember more of it, especially if I can do it lucidly. Hmm, future TOTM?

      Dream 1 - Alien invasion part one:
      The world is taken over by some kind of alien slash demigod (I just watched Thor II and Guardians of the Galaxy) The water levels are rising and everyone is trying to find a spot on top of buildings or other high up places. For some reason it's important that everyone is quiet and there's something jangling in my pocket - little round bells about the size of peas, similar to the ones you get on a cat collar. Perhaps these are a remnant of the gizmo from the first fragment?

      I appear to be flying and aim to land on top of a silo like object with some other people. I'm desperately trying to shed the bells silently and manage to ditch the last handful into the water as I land, just as the baddie comes around the corner and starts casting some kind of spell on people. The spell turns people black in a non visual way (I don't know how better to explain it!) and as each person is labeled by the spell, they are assigned to a group of people, 4-6 per group.

      The groups are the same as in some previous grouping (is this the second invasion?) and people start being drawn through the air to join their groups. I am pulled off the silo, around a corner, and up the side of a multi story building. People are flying off the balconies to join their groups while I am drawn slowly up the side of the building to meet the people I was with before. The groups seem to be named after satellites in orbit with somewhat whimsical names (which I can't remember, I think stone were named after the four classical elements)

      Dream two - Alien invasion part two:
      After waking up for a minute, I end up in a new dream that seems to be a follow on from the previous one

      An older chap (reminiscent of Dale from the walking dead) is leading a group of people through deserted streets (I'm one of them)

      We appear to be some kind of resistance force against the alien invader, but when he shows up, "Dale" acts like he's cooperating and shows the baddie a giant sign he made listing the satellites. The sign is made from repurposed traffic signs and there are about 30 named.

      Baddie decides he doesn't approve and to demonstrate his opinion, he levitates the sign over to a giant unlit bonfire on a nearby hillock. Three are about a dozen minions swarming over the pile of junk trying to light it. After a few attempts, there's a fireball and most of the minions are inside it, a couple are just on the edge and run screaming on fire for a moment before dying.

      One comes running over screaming "Soy yo! Soy yo!" I expect him to be horribly injured but he seems to be OK. We take him inside the building we are standing next to.

      As we enter the building, the scenario transforms again. It's just me and a woman who appears to be my wife. We try to find a good place to sleep in this abandoned and barren building. The walls are whitewashed and it feels like a building that was not quite finished before it was abandoned. We settle in adjacent rooms, but I need to go through her room to get to the next one...

      Wake up to alarm.

      I try a few cheeky micro WILDs in the ten minute gaps of my alarm's size cycle without success. With a 20 minute gap, this might be a viable tactic...

      Updated 08-08-2014 at 12:12 PM by 69407

    4. Competition night #10

      by , 08-06-2014 at 10:21 AM
      I'm outside a building I don't actually turn around to see but appears to be a train station. I have my bike with me and I'm planning to cycle home, but feel like I should show my train pass before I go anyway. I hang around in a fenced of area just over the road where a bus is due to arrive to replace a missing train, muttering under my breath about how poorly arranged this train station appears to be (I do this in real life, too!)

      When the bus appears, I have to squeeze past to get to the door to show my ticket (thinking back, the location if the door means this bus was left hand drive) The conductor chap is puzzled by my explanation of why I'm showing him my ticket, and I feel like a chump for waiting around when it seems I needn't have bothered.

      I go back across the road to get on my bike, noticing that it's just starting to get a bit dark, just enough that I'd rather have my lights on to avoid SMIDSY.

      I reach over to get my helmet (hanging on the fence) and when I turn back my bike has been replaced by a large silver car (a Mondeo, I think) This doesn't phase me at all. (I have a memory of going to buy the car but I think this is a retrospective justification or an insert from a different dream) I get into the left hand side of the car and have to reach quite far forward to pull the door shut.

      I think I ought to drive super gently because this is a new car and because I don't want to give Emma any excuse to criticise my driving. I briefly think that I should put my bike lights on, but remember that my bike is a car now and has headlights!

      I head off on a dirt track, because it's too tight to turn around and take the obvious route home. I try to work out how to get from the dirt track to the main road and see several other cars on a parallel track looking like they know the way but I can't get to their track. I decide that I can just keep going on this track and that eventually it will turn into a residential area and beyond that will be a main road. I have to dodge a couple of mutters coming the other way at high speed. Just as the track gains tarmac, I catch up with a couple of other cars, who then look like they're turning off to the left into a race track. I can't resist joining them out of curiosity. I think this might be a prefect chance to satisfy my need for speed in a low risk environment.

      Coming up the drive I have some difficulty with the gears, accidentally ending up in third at very low speed, then struggling with clutch control, feeling like a early as I hold up the car behind, given that I'm trying to drive impeccably.

      I get to the track and park my car as out of the way as possible so I can find somebody in charge and find out what the costs are etc. They'd a sign up saying entrance is free, so I have a look over the fence to see what's going on. There are people racing around on skateboards, so I won't be able to drive today and I turn around to leave.

      My car seems to have taken on board my desire to park out of the way and had shrunk down and transformed into a motorbike helmet. I briefly pounder the dream physics of getting into the car on is reduced form and turning around when the full sized firm would be overlapping with the building I parked next to. I turn the helmet sound and move it away from the building so that there won't be a conflict when it returns to full size.

      I drive off on a tarmac road, following a series of junctions while trying to get a grip on this new car. There are a variety of controls around the steering wheel, one of which spears to be some kind of military device, but I can't work out what. There's a key for it in the driver's door pocket, and even the key has a little lock on it. I have no idea where the key for the key lock is. Also in the door pocket are some audio tapes, the car soars to have a take player, how quaint.

      After following the road around a bit, I pull into a supermarket carpark over a huge speed bump. The car skids a coupe of times barely missing boards and other cars. I manage to react to the skids and avoid crashing, but only just. I think how it would be a good idea to find a nice open part of the carpark to practice, but it's a very small carpark. I head out passing an employee of the supermarket on the way out.

      I wrestle with the gears again, the clutch send to be reluctant to grip at low speed and I think about what people will think about me buying a car without checking such basics. The dashboard of the car has lots of gizmos, glowing lights that react to my driving, a fuel consumption disk that shows me when in using too much, a radio that appears to be from my old Mondeo and is still tuned into my choice of station.

      Discussing the former dream with my dad, then waking up to find I'm running late because I turned my alarm off instead of snoozing!


      Updated 08-06-2014 at 11:55 PM by 69407

    5. WILD #4: "Swimming Pool"

      by , 08-05-2014 at 05:26 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Woke up around 6:00 AM, DJed a bit and then MILDed for about five minutes. Drifted off to sleep and had this:

      7:45 AM: Maybe a FA? My wife tells me to not worry about having an LD: "It will happen soon." I am in some broken down, burned up city scape (day residue from watching clips of The Matrix yesterday) fighting colossal enemies that grow out of the ground. I am using one of the pole blasters from the movie Stargate. In the dream, the weapon is given to me by a hermanubis:

      Do you think during a lucid dream?-hermanubis.jpg

      I blast one of the creatures a few times, then point the pole at some lit up squares above me on a burned out building. This activates an elevator. I plan to use the elevator to travel underground and attack the enemy's legs. At some point during this bit, I become aware that I am either dreaming or watching someone else's dream (??? C/R exactly).

      I am running down some hallways. I see an odd-shaped item behind glass used for fires. I cannot tell if it is a fire extinguisher or an oxygen mask. I remove it and spray some gas out. I inhale some of this. It smells quite odd but seems safe enough. Not sure what happens after this.

      After awaking from this, and feeling a bit worn out of trying to MILD, I decide to give myself a friendly auto-suggestion (as I have done in the past) and then practice SSILD. I practice SSILD for a little while. During this time, my wife wakes up and gets ready for work, the construction men are walking all over the roof doing who knows what, and I am just lying there.

      Things seem to calm down though. My wife stops in to say goodbye, and I decide to roll over and sleep. As I roll over though, I decide to give SSILD one last shot. I do the visuals, then the auditory senses, and then come to my body. Here though I decide to just rest (instead of repeating the cycle). I suddenly feel the onset of REM--sort of like rushing sensation, but also a bit like a heaviness. I feel my body starting to slump over. "No, body--do not fall over!" I think--I don't want this to mess up the WILD! But of course, it isn't my waking body, but my dream body, and I begin to feel myself rolling outward in a semi-circle. At this point I realizewhat is going on--we're WILDing!

      When I cease rolling, I have landed in some beautiful master bedroom--not my own!--and slowly get to my feet. I wait for a few moments, in case the dream is not set yet. I then carefully nose pinch. I a little air blockage but not a big deal because I am already sure I am dreaming. I immediately remember my 3-step task and begin to complete the fourth step. However, as I usually use my pocketses to summon items, imagine my dismay when I realize I am in my underwear! I still attempt to summon my phone from my underwear. I reach in, and pull my hand out real fast, saying "phone: be there!" I momentarily see the black outline of the phone in my palm, but then it disappears. I try this a few more times. I finally decide to do some other stuff, since Sensei said the goals for fourth step do not need to be completed in order. Before leaving the master bedroom, however, I decide to take off my underwear (?) as I feel they are useless to me

      I place my hand on the wall of the bedroom, phase it through, and then phase through the entire wall. I then think of what else I wanted to do. I decide to look for StephL. This house is very nice--lots of wood and glass and sculpture and art around, and the floor is marble--and I feel odd shouting. I decide to contact StephL telepathically:

      StephL, I think. StephL! I try a trick. Ah yes, I think, I remember now--I look around a bit and see a cabinet--StephL was definitely in that cabinet! I run over to the cabinet, but as I approach it becomes smaller--too small for anyone to fit inside. I realize it is unlikely she will be in here, but I open the tiny door anyway--empty!

      I continue my rounds. I suddenly feel something bump inside my pocket (wait--pockets! WTF! I thought I was commando! ). Hey, I think--I bet that is my totem! I reach into my pocket and BAM! pull out my f***** totem. Fourth task complete. I am quite pleased as I know I have managed to get some points now. I pass a life-size version of my totem resting on the ground, and squat down in front of it. I feel it in both hands, still quite pleased with myself. I then continue my search.

      I enter another master bedroom. On a very large bed--probably king sized--my wife is sitting, nude, wrapped up in sheets. She is smiling at me. I begin to walk over to her, but then remember I am on a quest. Sorry sweetheart! I turn and walk out of some glass doors into a screened-in pool area. Coming up out of the water is a beautiful, porcelain-skinned girl with long, blonde hair. She looks at me but doesn't seem ready to talk.

      "Are you StephL?" I ask.

      "No," she says. "My name is Katerina : some Russian patronymic that I don't entirely catch. She is treading water, and her mouth goes under the surface while she is talking, so I miss that bit.

      "Can I swim too?" I ask. So much for my quest.

      "Yes," she says, "But I am getting out."

      I jump into the water, come up and then swim over to her. My fingers somehow get tangled in her hair. I pull them away gently, as I do not want to pull her hair. She lets me touch her. She is wearing a full-body, dark teal wet suit. She then says something demeaning to me, or kicks off of me, or something. This gets me kind of riled up

      "I like girls who are a little mean to me," I say.

      She is now climbing out of the pool, but she lingers a minute. "You're lucky I like retards," she says.

      I laugh. "What?"

      "Yeah," she says, "Retards--boys I can be mean to."

      We are now sitting on a ledge, still in the water. I move in close and slide my hands along her waist. She feels nice. I suddenly remember the contest. What was I supposed to be doing? I slide back a bit, because I have thought of a good final task.

      "Do you mind if I try something?" I ask. She shrugs. I quickly and forcefully push my hands out at her, with the intention of using TK to knock her backward into the water. Nothing happens. I try a few more times, and remember how CanisLucidus knocked over a speedboat rather effortlessly. I try doing the motion lazily, not caring. The girl looks bored. Oh well.

      I move in close again.

      And I think that is enough, Dreamviews.

      I will say
      that the dream ended with me feeling like things were destabilizing; I focused a bit on my senses and managed to hold it together a few more moments before I woke up.

      Updated 08-06-2014 at 05:08 PM by 69552

    6. Competition night #9

      by , 08-05-2014 at 08:57 AM
      Lucid dream:
      After I tried a WILD, but probably after a lapse in consciousness, I start visualising a street full of people (a scenario I have been incubating because several goals involve DCs)

      There are lots of people walking in the same direction as me as I fly a couple of feet above the ground (a favourite way of getting around in a dream - helpfully reminding me that it *is* a dream!) and a few going the other way. I try to look at people's faces to see if I recognise anyone, but nobody looks familiar.

      The street is familiar and I think it might be Dogpole in Shrewsbury (where I grew up) I nearly get distracted worrying too much about where the street goes, but realise that having a street in mind is handy because I can just let my subconscious follow the route and I don't need to think to much about generating more scenery. As I turn down the hill I realise that the street has become enclosed like a giant corridor in a shopping centre or the like. The sides of the street / corridor are a combination of shop fronts, redbrick buildings, and rich oak panelling. The ground changes from tarmac to satin finish white tiles.

      Heading down the hill, I realise almost all the people I see are heading in the same direction as me which isn't very convenient because not setting their faces turns them into "traffic" rather than "people". I turn left at a junction at the bottom of the hill (I should have just stopped at the junction, but hey) thinking that I might see more faces heading that way, but my subconscious pulls a fast one on me and I turn into a large room that feels a lot like a swimming pool changing room.

      My lucidity drops somewhat at this scene change, but I'm still just about lucid. I start faffing around with taking off my suit (apparently I'm wearing an expensive suit) carefully folding it and trying to lie it on a bench where it won't get wet. I notice a female DC who seems to want me to "interact" with her, so I oblige. My lucidity / dream recall fades out completely here.

      I'm in my suit from the previous dream, but I have been awake in between. I'm at Armoury Gardens (childhood home) getting ready for work, mum is there explaining why I'm in a suit to Sandeep (my boss's boss) and the explanation involves staying overnight at a relative's house but I don't remember the details. Alice (my sister) has a rather awesome electric violin in a nice case that seems to be designed for two. She talks about getting a chin rest for it, as the case has spare space.

      There was more to this dream but it's very vague, I remember a spiral staircase and some gizmo or other but not even really enough to call a fragment


      Updated 08-08-2014 at 10:27 PM by 69407

    7. competition night #7

      by , 08-04-2014 at 09:25 PM
      Dream one:
      Trying to get into a large house that I'm sure is a location I've been to in previous dreams. There's no spare key, mum explains that it's a special key that would cost over a hundred pounds to duplicate.

      My big brother is behind me also trying to get into the house. I manage to find a different door and get in, but I lock the door behind me and run around closing a variety of other doors and windows. I don't recall why I wanted to lock him out...

      Dream two:
      A seemingly endless cycle of trying to get to work on time (or at least no later than I already am!)

      Fixing my bike, putting my shoes on only to find the shoelaces need replacing, waking up at midday, desperately needing the loo just as I'm about to leave, not being able to find my keys, getting lost as I run the whole way to work (it's about 25 miles) getting to work and finding it's locked. Really the whole repertoire of rubbish anxiety dream nonsense!

      For some reason I'm in a somewhat erotic tryst with a girl who seems to be quite keen on trying to fit me in anywhere except the most obvious option. Not the most unpleasant dream I've ever had, but still a little frustrating
    8. Competition night #5 guest starring car flipping take two!

      by , 08-01-2014 at 03:30 PM
      Dream one:

      I'm arriving at the Gables [my grandparents' house] with a couple of others (family members?) And it's somewhat empty because my grandparents are planning to sell up (and move to a smaller house, probably)

      I accidentally stomp mud all over the freshly hoovered carpets from my big boots and go to look for the "hodduddudduh" to sweep it up. The carpet sweeper is as useless as ever, just spreading the mud around.

      Mum comments that she'd love to live here and I doubt she could afford it because it's much bigger that armoury gardens.

      Dream two:
      I've been kidnapped to make drugs like in Breaking Bad. Walter White is asleep in a bed and I try to wake him up to get him to help me. The man who's coercing me into making drugs explains that he's drugged and not likely top wake up soon. I also feel very heavy limbed as if I'm recovering from being drugged. I get dressed and can't find any socks because I didn't pack any as I wasn't expecting to stay.

      Dream three:
      I'm in a spherical spaceship with three competing/cooperating factions controlling their own sectors of the ship. I'm inside the ship with the other two captains, trying out some gizmos. There's one that lets us mimic each other perfectly (like a holographic disguise with voice simulation)

      The three factions are stereotypes, one of them is a very by-the-book character, which I rib him about when I mimic him. I touch the left of his three eyelids (on my face while I'm disguised as him) and he gets very angry, apparently there's some kind of cultural taboo I'm breaking. He grabs my arm and tells me he'll break it of I don't stop, and rip it off altogether of I do it again.

      I stop.

      Then we look at some close combat weapons, one in particular grabs my attention, it's a glove with razor sharp blades, hooked at the end. It's labeled the 'killingpriest". It reminds me of Vega from Street Fighter.

      There's also a selection of smaller hook like things with sharp ends which the third captain uses to rip the helmet off my face, scratching my nose in the process. Ouch.

      Lucid dream one!
      I'm arriving at some kind of jacuzzi establishment with a posse of friends. I climb into a jacuzzi booth through tinted cellophane windows that are supposed to make marketing photography more realistic. There's no water in the jacuzzi bit there is a round table about 8ft across. I sit at the table with a random chap. A couple of girls look on like they're going to join us but decide to go for the overcrowded both next door instead. I laugh and comment that nothing feels like rejection as much as girls preferring to be cramped with old folk than sit with us!

      Another couple of girls come into our booth and we start spinning the table which spins the both too, like the teacups at the amusement park. One of the girls has her feet sticking right out into the slave inner the table where I want my feet. I'm not sure if o should be irritated or if she's trying to flirt.

      Pizza arrives! I'm not sure if were supposed to get food here but we tuck in anyway. I notice my buddies outside of the booth sitting at a bar eating together, so I get up and join them. Steve G has a plate stacked high with various cured meats and comments that one of them in particular is almost pure salt. I all if I can try it and he offers me the slice. It's like the basin equivalent of a single malt whisky, full of deep rich unexpected flavours. I ask him where he got out from and he days there's a charcuterie exhibit on down the road, so I go to investigate.

      I wander through the stalls in a dimly lit exhibition hall, most of which are giving out free samples, but I somehow end up at one that's charging for samples and don't have s penny on me :-(

      I head back to the jacuzzi place (to borrow some money from a friend?) but realise that there were stalls giving out free samples so I go back down the hill again.

      I'm waking into the town centre like area with a swarm of other people milling around trying to get to wherever they're going, most going in the same direction, but stone going elsewhere and I'm feeling a little frustrated by having to squeeze through the crowd, so the possibility of floating over them cones to mind (I've been using visualisation of floating and environment manipulation as a daytime practice, which seems to have worked!)

      I GET LUCID!

      I float up above the crowd as an RC and start to think of what I should do with my lucidity. I remember that flying faster is an aim of mine and might count as advanced flying for the competition. I try a variety of swimming like manoeuvres to accelerate with limited success, I get a sensation of speed (wind in my face and the ground blurring) but I'm not covering ground any faster, so I don't think it counts. I try going higher instead to get the advanced flying goal. With a series of *whooshes* I rise up to about fifty metres, then maybe 500, then just below cloud level. I decide that's high enough to count and close my eyes to feel the sensation of flying . I'm a little nervous that this might destabilise the dream but that doesn't seem to happen.

      I decide that while I'm up here I might as well try the"fall from a great height" dare and realise it combines well with the "gain invulnerability" goal. I allow myself to fall precipitously to the ground, feeling the wind rushing past me more and more urgently, falling with a splintering sound through a tree and hitting the ground with a damp thud. The tree feels uncomfortable but the ground seems to be quite soft, like really well hydrated soft soil.

      I get up unharmed and opening my eyes (realising I probably should have fallen with my eyes open) to see a girl trying to fix a gate in front of her house, looking a little frustrated and despondent, like she's been trying for a while and is worried about the security of her house of she can't fix it. I think this night be a chance to get basic summoning by conjuring up a spare part to fix the gate, but it seems she just needs to tighten a bolt and doesn't have a spanner or the finger strength to so it by hand. I tighten the bolt for her (my left arm is uncooperative so I have to lean right in to do it - perhaps I'm sleeping on my arm?) Her mother is just arriving home and they're both grateful. I say they're welcome and mumble something about it not being perfect but it should do for now.

      I look around at the street and think about what I should do next. I think of my three step task (supper strength, basic summoning, eat something) my plan is to flip cars over, then summon and eat a bar of chocolate (with the possibility that the chocolate might be magic and transform me into the incredible hulk)

      I spot a car park across the road and fly over to it. It's night time now (it's been a sunny day so far) I land heavily on the bonnet of a car, denting it badly, jump onto another couple of cars, and then land on the ground next to another, which I kick. (I'm just enjoying being destructive with no consequences!)

      I pick a smallish car (a Micra, perhaps?) And lift out onto its side - it leaves the ground slightly in the process. I'm not happy that the strength require is superhuman enough, so I do the same with a larger car. With the third car, I concentrate on being stronger, rather than lifting harder. I consider making the car light but that surely counts as cheating. I manage to get this one to land on its other side, having rotated 270 degrees.

      I realise that I've been rolling cars in the downhill direction, so I decide to do one last car uphill. I spot a yellow skoda truck that appears to be something to do with fixing street lighting. I stand on the downhill side, grab the don't-drive-under-me rail, muster some imagination momentum, and manage to flip it onto its roof.

      Satisfied that I've been suitably superhuman, I decide to move on to the summoning part but just then my alarm goes off and I realise this entire dream happened between my alarm and the first snooze -10 minutes!

      Updated 08-01-2014 at 03:36 PM by 69407

    9. Competition night #4 car flipping

      by , 07-31-2014 at 02:25 PM
      I'm in a car park, or possibly at the side of a road with cars parked alongside. I remember that I was going to turn cars over as a demonstration of superhuman strength. MrPriority is with me and it becomes a competition to see who can do the most impressive car flip. I start with a smallish car and turn it onto its side fairly easily. I move on to a larger car, perhaps a Mondeo. I hope to turn it right over. It nearly tips onto its roof but I lose momentum and it trays on its side like the first.

      I move on again to an estate car, picking it over a couple of others as they're parked in and there's nowhere to flip them over into. As I'm turning it over I notice there's a man in the driver's seat and I hesitate a little bit but I know this competition takes that into account, so I carry on. The car ends up testing against a bus and there are several family members in the car. A small child has fallen out of the car and is such between the car and the bus, so I help to retrieve it unharmed.

      An additional fragment: I remember there being a salamander. No idea what the rest of the dream was, just the salamander...

      Updated 07-31-2014 at 02:44 PM by 69407

    10. Competition night #2

      by , 07-30-2014 at 09:01 AM
      Dream one:
      I'm in water about chest deep, I have somebody unconscious in a fireman's lift who I'm trying to rescue from drowning. The water is under a low beam type bridge and slowly rising.

      Dream two:
      I'm on a single track road and I'm trying to use a wall wart type phone charger to tie my shoelaces. There's a large car stationary on the road, perhaps a Passat estate (I'm planning to but a car and that's one of the options I'm considering) there are two people during around the car with luggage and equipment. I ignore then for a moment and go back to my shore laces. Now the wall wart has mutated into a rear light for a bike, I notice that I accidentally left it switched on while I was looking at the car and attendant people, but in a mode that makes it flash one every couple of second so it's ready to think it's switched off if you're in a hurry. I press the button in the light and it cycles through at least a dozen modes, a little screen mentions VGA output and I realise the light has a camera built in to record traffic incidents, which is cool but a distraction. I decide that I can attach the light using a couple of elastic bands and move on.

      The car and people are now the focus of my attention, there is a woman who has an air of authority and a male lackey who I mostly ignore. I invisibly float around inspecting the situation, feeling like I'm some kind of expert who might be able to help them sort out whatever they're faffing with if I can analyse the situation. I try to identify the vehicle and it feels like it might be some kind of alien or secret technology as well as being a boring family car.

      I slip sideways into a parallel scenario where I'm watching a man designing the vehicle in question. I note that his paperwork is branded with a car manufacturer's logos and name (Audi or VW I think) and some vague memory that I'm supposed to be remembering dreams prompts me to start taking mental notes. The designer's name is Gerhardt Davidov which I see handwritten in magic marker in all caps on a manilla folder. I start writing notes but stop when I remember that notes made during a dream don't come out of the dream with you. This is as close to lucidity as I've been for ages, so I guess that should be an encouraging sign...

      After I wake up for WBTB I lie trying to remember my dreams, which is difficult and I think some of my memories got conflated. Fragments include playing with Harriet (my daughter) as a baby, showing a comic / graphic novel style rendition of my heroic water rescue dream to a DV member who days I should turn it into a web comic, standing on a train with the cast of one of my earlier dreams when a bunch of people I identify as the cast of a different dream rush by and I think about how I'm not even sure whether the dream they come from is a real memory or a dream memory...

      Updated 07-31-2014 at 02:47 PM by 69407

    11. Greece vs Turkey Wall Sport

      by , 03-10-2014 at 03:42 AM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Today was a really weird day and the time change messed me up, plus I have to go get a bunch of groceries tomorrow morning after I exercise! And the hot weather is getting to me. My mind is all muddled. @_@ Must...perservere...

      1. All I remember is a fluffy dark brown colored cat sitting beside a car(?) looking up at me.

      2. I woke up to my voice announcing something in my head then remembered the dream.

      Apparently there was some kind of competition going on. I’m sitting in the audience talking about it to someone.

      A girl had somehow accidentally gotten off the stands into the middle of it. It was Greece vs. Turkey. She was Greek. She was looking panicked but trying to follow along, although it was obvious she just wanted out.

      It came to the final moment. She was standing against a wall and her opponent was a few paces away against the wall as well. Another opponent lands next to her, blocking her move out. The only thing she can do now to win is flip around him to the empty spot between them.

      Later, she’s talking to someone about how she doesn’t care if they think she should be happy to have been put in the position to win for her country, she didn’t ask for it, didn’t train for it, etc. She wanted an acknowledgement of what they put her through by not stopping it.

      Inspiration: I don’t know if it was the inspiration, but Greece vs Turkey reminds me of Axis Powers Hetalia. I can’t think of why else those countries would be in it.
    12. Competition Day 2

      by , 12-14-2013 at 08:06 AM
      Did an unsuccesful WBTB before.

      Had one very strange dream;

      So I was outside my school (again) and I met my sister. Apparently our schoolyard had changed into a gigantic amusement park. The colours of the dream were very vivid. I had some kind of microphone with me and I was interviewing everyone I met. I don't really remembered what she said. At this point I thought how awesome it would be to be in a LD. (man, so close). I then proceeded to search something to drink - without really being thirsty.
      I encountered a lot of teachers on my way wich made me uncomfortable.

      Right at the end of the dream I realised being in a dream. But after trying to do a few things like flying, jumping around or summon a DC, (all of those failed) I woke up - forgetting yet again to try DEILD..

      That's all I can remember now.
    13. 31st Oct 2013 Fragments

      by , 10-31-2013 at 03:02 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps. Apparently i keep having dreams about competition, haha.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      There was something about a professor researching HH in some lab.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was updating competition and noticed dream in which dragonmaster got dragon wings, then suddenly there were various dragon images in every post in thread.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      I was in bed and random bee was distracting me.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      There was some discussion about the cost of something.
    14. 29th Oct 2013 Fragments and MiniLD, Artist

      by , 10-29-2013 at 02:41 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/nap.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      There was something about decisions and clans.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was updating dreaming competition and seen that somebody posted a dream about akashicverse.

      Dream 3(fragment):

      An illustrated game on one of forums got updated and i was reading it.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was chatting with dragons on skype and then followed some link where i started watching somebody drawing. He was drawing some weird house and i didn't noticed as i somehow was together with artist now. I continue watching and i feel that i am dreaming, artist suddenly reacts to that and asks what i would suggest that should be added to that picture, which now looked like some sort of abandoned house. For some reason i think graffiti would be fitting for abandoned place like that so i tell him and he agrees that it would be perfect and starts adding, i then realize that i need to go for goals and stuff, but dream starts destabilizing and artists tries to help me stay in dream telling that i should not move but i wake up shortly and go through some HH.
    15. Dance Competition (9.10.13)

      by , 10-12-2013 at 10:47 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I break in or break out of a house? I was with someone. We either got caught or told the owners of the house what had happened.

      I see a car pull up into the drive way next to us. There was some females and males in the car that were probably around my age (26). We all greeted each other, and one of the girls found me attractive, and asked if I had a twin. At first I thought she was talking about the cat I had, that I was holding onto.

      It starts to feel like it a party or a dancing competition, and I wasn't holding myself back from getting down and dancing. I was pulling off all the moves, feeling great.
      I started to act drunk as I was doing a strange dance, where I would be dragging my head against the pavement.

      I'm now in a dark room which had a DJ that has to pick out the best dancer here. I think I'm one of the finalists. I continue to dance and try taking this competition to another level. I'm feeling like the best dancer here, if not most flamboyant lol.

      I'm in another room where I see an ex girlfriends friend (Jess K), and a female DJ. I hear Jess say something about nik fish (DJ Nik Fish), that was getting played in the room. I look towards where the DJ is, and have a peak at her monitor, as I haven't heard nik fish's music in quite some time. The DJ notices me peeking at her monitor and hands me something.

      Nik Fish (Hardstyle Techno)

      I awaken.

      Dream fragment;
      I have Izzy and Charlie (My cats) with me, so they could help me with something.

      Charlie was out the backyard of my old house in blacks land, sleeping in a kennel.
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