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    1. A glass world

      by , 03-13-2016 at 07:21 PM
      While guiding a woman through a certain demon's territory, I make a deal with him for safe passage. I offer him what appears as a glass paperweight in the shape of a globe. It represents a world that's about to die, though the inhabitants aren't aware of that yet. Neither was the demon.

      He's sorry to hear it, he'd enjoyed that world - hence why I'm offering him my rights to it. It's the same sort of emotional tone you'd use for a game that's coming to an end. I'd hoped it would end differently, but it failed, which means now it's just another piece of territory for us to use as bargaining chips. He takes the deal.
    2. They Live ... Without Eyes

      by , 02-16-2016 at 05:53 PM
      02-15-2016 -- [Many wakings, long dreams I can't remember, cool stuff I've lost, and then finally this dream with a lot missing, but also a lot of details I manage to remember. Vaguely nightmarish, and woke to even more nightmarish stuff.] There are these people on TV that are giving orders, and somehow there are hints that they can see the future or something, but there's something weird about them. I don't know what, but I can just kind of sense that something is a bit off.

      As I really concentrate, and look, while watching them, I begin to kind of see it. In some way, over the TV, they are hiding their real faces, and they look perfectly normal, but when I really stare, I begin to see through that facade, and begin to barely catch a glimpse of their real faces. It isn't at all clear, at first, but I start to see square white patches where their eyes should be. And somehow for the moment, it is really spooky and creepy.

      I come to know that they have had their eyes gouged out, which somehow allows them to see into another time or dimension or something, which may be helpful, and allow them to provide some good directions, but when you suddenly see through the disguises, it's also kind of spooky. The ones on TV are disguised really well, and it is really hard to see through it, but the ones around me in person are a lot easier, and moment by moment I can see through the disguises at a glance, and in a scene hugely reminiscent of 'They Live,' I'm walking down the street, pointing out people, going "You're normal." "You're OK." "Ewwww ... that's disgusting!" The ones who realize I can see through their disguises go running off in horror.

      Anyway, one guy has given me instructions that I have to go see somebody in the hospital, and that it's vitally important that I talk to him and check on him ... then the guy goes running off. Another is to drive me there, and he must have had his eyes gouged out a long time ago, because he has done away with the linen bandages, and it looks like his eye sockets have almost entirely grown over, which is somehow less creepy ... until I remind myself that I am riding in the cab of a person who is blind.

      Suddenly I find myself walking past a large, fading, decrepit old house, spooky, tall grass. I'm moving carefully, pushing branches out of the way, and trying to avoid the snakes I don't quite see, but know are there. I'm not me, but someone else that I'm just kind of watching over. He's gotten to the upper rear corner of the property, and is kind of hiding behind some rotting old steps, and he 'knows' the timing is just right for the summoning of a powerful, demonic 'god,' but doesn't really believe in such things, so he starts to chant the words he's been told to speak, the idiot.

      So with a bang and a lot of brimstone, this huge, powerful demon appears, and stalks around pontificating about finally being free to terrorize, and tossing aside a basic 'thanks' to the idiot that summoned him, before he stalks off through the grass. Meanwhile I am with this thin, trembling scared teen who is more and more resembling Shaggy, who is done with this, and is about to bolt, but still reminds me I have to go see the kid in the hospital, which it turns out is the rotting, decrepit old building.

      This isn't the guy who was driving me. He was older, a lot bigger, bulkier, and not nearly so terrified ... and yet, he might be the same guy, because it is weird and dreams are like that. I tear off the information about the person I am supposed to be seeing from out of the guy's notebook, and step through the rubble and debris as I start to make my way into the hospital, and the sound of me feet in the gravel are very loud and clear. In fact, they seem more real than anything else ... in fact ....

      [I start to come awake in the real world, and can still clearly hear what are sounding like footprints in the gravel outside my windows, like somebody is walking around just outside. I lay in bed, motionless, just listening to the sound, and wondering what is going on, and as I come more awake, I realize I don't have any gravel outside by the windows, and I am starting to suspect another palmetto bug has gotten in, and is crawling around in the bits of paper on the floor, except as I shift and turn the light on, I can not hear anything moving around, even after several minutes, which seems very unlikely, and I'm eventually forced to conclude that I was lying is just the right position with my ears bent by my sleeping in just the right way that a sound of the pillow brushing against the headboard or something was producing a slight brushing sound that was amplified absurdly, combined with the nightmarish setting to wake me with heart palpitations. (Figuratively.)]
    3. Demon Possessed Corpses

      by , 02-10-2016 at 01:20 AM
      There was a battle between humans and demon-possessed human corpses. After fighting off the demons in a few locations, me and the crowd of people I was with settled into a large house near the coast that faced an inlet. There were only a few of the demons roaming around there. I had no weapons and could not fight the demons so I would close the door of the house to keep the demons out. I was very scared of them.

      I don't remember the exact moment I became lucid but I had frequently been taking trips to the locations where the demons had been conquered. I had been flying to the locations and then hovering around trying to find out what was going on with the demons, why they were invading and why there were so many of them. I eventually realized I was dreaming because of the flying and floating. Even though I realized I was dreaming, I was still caught up in the story of the dream and worried that my body was sleeping in a place where I was vulnerable to demons. I took a couple flights through the sky but mostly hovered and levitated around the house, showing the other people, including my parents. My parents did not like it, but a teenage girl did like it and was very excited to tell her mom. None of the other dream characters could fly.

      Some of my flying attempts were unsuccessful and I would jump up and gently land on the floor. I had to maintain a relaxed concentration to hover or fly well. I was so excited about being able to fly because the demons in their corpse bodies could not fly so it was the perfect way to avoid them. I also thought I might use powers like shooting energy out of my hands to fight the demons. I did eventually realize that since I was dreaming there weren't really any demons, and that was kind of disappointing. At times the dream became so ordinary, just me being inside the house with the other people, that I had to convince myself that I was still dreaming. I did so my telling myself that if I weren't dreaming anymore I would have remembered waking up, and I hadn't remembered waking up, so that is how I knew I was still dreaming. Then I just looked around at how real everything looked.

      I eventually lost lucidity and the dream continued until I woke up.
    4. Reworking a deal

      by , 01-26-2016 at 09:28 PM
      A deal has fallen through. Sort of. I've got a prince in my debt, but that's pointless - what I needed was for him to eventually become a king, so that a little further down the timeline, he'll be able to ask another king for a favor. But the princess I'd intended him to marry has now been burned and beheaded due to a minor demonic possession incident, so now he's useless to me.

      I find another kingdom that will work, a desert. Two daughters. In the throne room, I meet the younger daughter, but that timeline doesn't interest me. The eldest is locked in the dungeon, and I take the prince to meet her instead. I recognize her, though she doesn't recognize me - I'd met a version of her in another world. She'd been a he at the time. The prince had known her in that world too, and I think that could work out either very well or very badly. She's a lot angrier this time around, something of a freedom fighter, turned against her own father. This is promising.

      Updated 01-26-2016 at 09:30 PM by 64691

    5. [26-01-2016]

      by , 01-26-2016 at 05:06 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was a knight. I was in ruins of a huge settlement. Everything was burning, there were clouds of smoke and ash and I could smell sulphur. I took full plate armor and a steel mace, and rushed into action. There were many foul demons to smite down, zombies and other kinds of undead monstrosities. I moved carefully through burning houses and ruined buildings, chasing all the enemies until I cleared my path to dark dungeon. Inside the evil lessened until I reached a big chamber full of demonspawn. During my travel I learned many skills and improved my mace fighting.
    6. Horns

      by , 12-16-2015 at 10:42 PM
      A high-ranking mortal man is reminiscing about a woman he'd been involved with - the queen from the other night's dream, now in a modern setting, and not a queen here though I'm going to keep calling her that for lack of something better. This man had a sort of fixation on images of people with horns like demons. She had encouraged this, and gave him the idea of having scars where the horns should be; she'd helped him in scarring himself.

      She's looking up at a statue of a bull with a human face, like a lamassu with horns. It's a religious statue, but this isn't somewhere religious - it's an important government building. As she watches, it becomes animated and begins to speak with her fondly. It refers to her as putting things in order - I think of Ma'at.
    7. Dark, the emperor, and the queen

      by , 12-13-2015 at 09:33 PM
      I gave an old woman a recipe which includes a poisonous flower. She later turns up dead by the effects of that poison - but I suspect her son took advantage of that situation to kill her himself, knowing that it would be dismissed as an error in dosage. There's an inheritance involved.

      Disembodied, I'm 'standing' at the edge of the ring of a gladiatorial circus, observing a man who's now lying on the ground looking half-dead, but he's nonetheless victorious and a crowd-pleaser. I'm bored. These games have been going on for days now and it's gotten repetitive, I'm impatient for him to move on.

      I shift my perspective, finding the emperor in a large private room attached to the circus. A man in armor is talking to him about the man who's won the games, and the emperor is incredulous - why should the emperor fear or make concessions? That man fears him, the emperor - the proof of that is in the way he travels from place to place and uses the name he does. (His name is a word literally meaning "dark," but associated with low, dirty things.) The man in armor raises the issue of Dark's rumored connection to the queen.

      The queen's present in the room, tall and dark and with green-tinted hair, hair mostly covered by a black veil. She's legendary for her beauty and suggested to be not entirely human; there's a rumor that Dark is one of her kind, and looking for her. It's close to the truth, but not quite it - in actuality, he's a survivor of the court of her previous husband. She's unaware of this. She only survived that massacre because the emperor refused to give her up, treated her as a prize.

      She joins in the conversation, teases the emperor, saying that if she ever sees this Dark, she might recognize one of her own kin and turn on the emperor. Her voice is nasally. She then speculates more seriously about what would happen if she ever really did meet one of her sisters - "Lure her to her death."

      The emperor is irritated with this line of conversation, and tells the two of them that this is enough talk, focus on the tribute instead.

      Later. Dark is standing in front of an open shrine, holding an antique sword in poor physical condition but with great symbolic meaning. He's telling the spirits that if he enters the dream with this weapon, with all that meaning attached, it will become something miraculous. He's lying. But in actuality, it will lead him to a cross buried in the ground - I see the cross glowing dull red - and then to a bow which will infect him with hatred for a time.

      I have a body now. I'm standing in a temple somewhere bright, talking to a woman who's explaining to me that she won't leave this building. She took a demon into herself, made herself its prison. She describes how she'd been fighting someone, and when it was over, a part of herself that should have been restoring was draining instead, and she hasn't been able to stop it - she can feel herself flaking away, and if this continues, there'll be nothing left of her in a mere few thousands of years.
    8. Kind and cuddly demon summoning

      by , 12-12-2015 at 07:37 PM
      In the 1940s, I'm watching three expensively-dressed women being transported from a large building to a long black car with the top down. They're speaking Spanish.

      My partner says to me, if those women take this opportunity to escape, their guards will be killed in their place. She disapproves of this idea.

      I say, she can't be sure of that. We haven't met their boss, so how can we know how he'll react?

      She says, you don't summon up demon soldiers because you're such a kind and cuddly person.
    9. Puzzle in a Building

      by , 12-11-2015 at 04:56 PM
      There was a white building, to be entered by one person each day, alone, to solve a puzzle. The solving of the puzzle involved finding items in the building and putting them together somehow to create some part of a message. It wasn't like a jigsaw puzzle but it was like solving a mystery. The outside of the building looked like a white church but the inside was more like a house but it didn't have much stuff in it. While I was in there I felt like there were demons or little ghosts following me and I felt like I would be doomed or die if I didn't solve the puzzle for the day.

      Then the next day my mom was in there and I was outside playing on some parallel bars with some kids and other people and I was worried about my mom being in there because of the demons but my mom came out and she was fine. One day a different woman went in to solve the puzzle and she had to go on a conveyor belt through a machine that tattooed her with weird tattoos that were supposed to help solve the mystery. I went in one day and found little vials and I thought I was going to have to drink poison but the vials just had words on them that I had to match up with words on other objects. I began to wonder if the demons were just in my imagination and it was just a game, but I was still a little scared. On several consecutive days I would walk into the building to do the puzzle and there would be a fat woman naked on the toilet and I would be embarrassed and walk away and would be annoyed because only one person is supposed to be in the building and I wanted to do the puzzle but she was already in there wasting time when she should be in there doing the puzzle.

      In a different dream I went back to my room at my parents' house. It was different. Instead of being one, big, empty room, it was two little rooms connected together with a bunch of my stuff in there. It wasn't a mess, but just looked like I had been doing things in there and then suddenly left for a long time. I think in the first little room I had my own laundry room because I started picking up some of my clothes and putting them into the washer.
    10. Vampire ate my friend, Devil at the cemetery

      by , 11-07-2015 at 10:48 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      Midnight, the moon was bright, giving some light to the city. It was really cold. I was driving a car in a Central District, following main road and then driving off to an alleys between skyscrapers. I parked the car, and went outside. Suddenly another car appeared and parked in the darkness. Then four persons came closer to me - they were my friends. All of them wearing black hoodies with dark trousers.

      - What's the plan?
      - We'll wait in the shadows. The vampire would arrive shortly.
      - Sounds good.

      We have hidden, and then another car parked in the darkness. Then a monstrosity - a tall humanoid with gray skin, sunken eyes and bat-like wings. We charged at the beast, but then it just swallowed one of my friends in his entirety. Next the vampire started to climb up a skyscraper, and tried to fly away. Suddenly I became a giant, and catched the vampire in my hand. I just thrown him down, and he hit the ground with force so strong, that vampires head just flied away from the corpse. Then my friend just scrambled out of the body. I became normal-sized again. We drove away to the docks, to throw the corpse into water. Next we were sitting near a fireplace and talked about getting a boat and crew.

      Second dream

      It was in another planet. It had breathable atmosphere and Earth-like gravity. I was in some sort of settlement. The main hall was really crowded. There was a teleport specialist post in the middle of the hall, a huge archway teleporter to the right, and a way outside to the left. I followed the hallway, and entered a locker room. I took a key, and opened a 182 locker. There was a bag with food rations, water and a hunting knife inside. I took it, and then went outside, as teleports were out of order for some reason.

      The whole planet was a rocky wasteland. There were little to none vegetation, and no animals. The planet was swarming with some sort of creatures with distorted bodies, attacking anyone at sight. Many explorers were slain by them, but I kept fighting, going through Rocky Wasteland, Dark Valley and other regions, until I appeared at Red Mountain - a huge volcano. There was a raging ash storm, but I couldn't go back, I've gone too far to retreat now. There were other explorers here, but no one was cooperating. It was a race - the person who reaches abandoned cemetery first and retrieves family memorabilia for a rich man, gets the prize.

      I was finally reaching the cemetery, but I stopped. Looking further, I saw that a wall of fire, and clouds of smoke and ash appeared. The rubble was flying all around. Finally something moved out of the clouds - it was devil himself, sending rays of destruction and death to anyone who might come. At first he was of more demonic appearance, but for some moments he looked like a corpse with glowing white, sunken eyes and gray hair.

      This is where the teleporters at main settlement became active again. I found a teleporting stone in my bag, and used it. There was a siege, everyone had to evacuate. People were running to Earth through the archway teleporter. I decided to go deeper into the base, and look for some things I could've left. There were none, and I ran towards the main hall.

      Last people were going through teleporter. Suddenly a portal appeared, and demons - bald people with gray skin, wearing bracers made of brown metal, and brown ragged trousers were going out of it. They had white, glowing and sunken eyes.

      I had to choose - running to Earth, or going to cemetery, to fight devil. I've chosen the latter, and went to teleport specialist, so he could teleport me to cemetery. She said "Perhaps you're the one to fight devil. You may be our last hope." She made a mistake however, and I ended too far from it. I went back through teleport - demons won, the building was ruined, all portals inactive. The teleporting specialist was still alive, and her friend appeared.

      I decided to go on foot again. Everyhting was gray and distorted. The sky was plain black, and there was only a green moon visible. I haven't went too far, getting weaker and weaker. In the end I just fallen on the ground. Suddenly everything get blurred, the time was moving backwards. I had to choose again, but this time I went to Earth. I appeared in an upper floor of old mansion. I went downstairs.
    11. 261015: Astral Projection after Sleep Paralysis?! Flying and Feeding the Birds

      by , 10-26-2015 at 06:57 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I tried some FILD before falling asleep.
      A little after falling asleep I go lucid, surrounded by darkness. I'm unable to keep it up and "fall" into an awake state. I immediately begin falling asleep again but I'm still a bit aware, I feel myself becoming paralyzed. At first this is exciting, I haven't experienced this since childhood. As I lose more and more control I begin to fear a pang of fear, not sure I want to go into SP after all. I begin to try as hard as I can to turn on my stomach and as I do I feel my body lumber toward the left. As I turn I see my body flump over and I'm looking down at it in the dark room, slowly floating up. Thinking this is also a sort of bad idea, I push myself back into my body and fall into the darkness of sleep.

      I'm in the shoe department of a department store with some skater dudes. As I follow them I get bored and try to do a handstand but accidentally hit someone in the head with my feet, a father passing by. I feel embarrassed that I did that. The skater kick me on the ground as punishment, I accept it. As they kick me in the face, I feel that it is becoming a bit excessive.

      I'm in a large, fancy house. One side of it has large windows that show the street, it's in the city. It's night time and I go up to the second floor where a hall circles the first floor. There is a show on with William Shatner about UFO's. I decide to draw aliens with ink in a notebook, perhaps they will come to life? (??) I draw one from behind, his large black eyes visible from the sides of his head despite it.

      Back on the first floor of the house, it's now late afternoon, golden sunlight. There are a bunch of my friends down there. (The house must be one of theirs?) A friend bring chocolate mousse cheesecake, it's really good. I ask a friend of mine I see there if we are going to reschedule our meeting up that we missed last week. She says Tuesday would be good. We can meet in the local McDonald's.

      Out back there is a large, fenced backyard with lots of bird cages. I see one on the patio, it has a small delicate bird in it and I feed it. I begin to fly around the backyard, I guess I have a jetpack? I zoom around feeding the various birds in their cages, they are on multiple levels, suspended and resting on large trees. The last of the birds are a bunch of chickens in a coop up on a tree. I try to feed them, but not too much.

      I go back to my friends, it's dark outside and they are now out in the yard. My friend complains he ran out of candy, I laugh nervously saying that happens sometimes. His girlfriend seems upset about it and my friend yells out at me for eating so much. I feel a sting of shame.

      Out back I see two robots that look like they came from the Warhammer 40K universe. A few criminals, badass skater guys, take me hostage as they drive off in a convertible to escape the law. We drive down the sepia colored evening road, it's like LA. There are two demons with us that look like a few monsters from the Nickelodeon show "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters". They try to drive the guys insane, rubbing up against them as they whisper vile things. "I will be inside you soon...."

      Updated 10-26-2015 at 08:05 PM by 80544

      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Lucid Dream 2.1.13

      by , 10-15-2015 at 09:28 PM
      Finally, after weeks of a dry spell, I was able to become lucid.

      It was me, and several other dream characters that I had not known personally. We were all trying to escape this factory/mall compound because one of the girls that was with us was being chased by the police. She was in the country illegally and the police were going to deport her, but for some reason we needed her here for some coming apocalypse (yep, for sure one of my dreams). I'm not sure what she could do to stop the disasters coming or what importance she had for the end of the world, all I knew was that she was needed. I hadn't been lucid until we came to the food court/back alley area of this "mall" and I realized the rediculousness of the dream setting.

      Once I became lucid, I imediately had the thought to try and jump to another's dream, but I either was distracted or chickened out, so I decided to manipulate the dream that was playing out before me. Once we all got to this food court area, the police rolled up in their cruisers and blocked us from escape. They were going to arrest the girl (black hair, darker skin complection), but me being me, I became lucid and decided to fly through the food court to get food. (I know, what the hell, right?). So, I flew around and grabbed a hot pretzel off one of the food carts, paying no mind to the angry employee I just stole from. I suddenly remembered the whole point of the dream was to protect this woman, and so I flew back to the police scene, to find that they had barely made any progress on actually arressting the girl. Before the police could grab her I pushed them all back behind their car with a sort of "force push" power. I pushed them back against this brick wall (that apparently lead to an alley leading out of the complex), and immediately put up an invisible energy sheild to protect us all from the police. The two officers began throwing what I think were granades at my force feild and I could hear the loud bannging of explosions when the granades came in contact with my sheild. I was amused that they thought they could break through with simple granades.

      Then, the two officers combined and morphed into this tall, green, crocodile like demon. This thing was pissed off, and began running head on into the sheild, making a more significant attempt of breaking through. I could feel that this thing was a bit stronger, so I used a good amount of my energy to push this thing back against the brick wall, and focused on sending a silent invisible blade at its neck, all while keeping the sheild up. The energy blade made contact with the creature, and I saw a thin line cut spread across its neck, until its head completly rolled off its sholders. Pleased, with what I did, I looked back at my party. I saw this older gentleman who was traveling with us (who strange enough, looked like Giles from BtVS), and saw his eyes grow wide. I looked back at the, now decapitated, creature to see three more crocodile demons sprout from its courpse. The Giles character shouted to me "cutting off its head won't do any good, you need a great amount of explosive force directly on its heart to make any difference." I smiled, looked back to him and replied, "how about the force of an atom bomb?" He laughed, "yes, I suppose that will do." My intention was to drop the shield and send a huge chi blast directly at the creatures' hearts. Unfortunately, I awoke before I could do such a thing....oh well, there is always tonight.

      *Spelling errors everywhere I know, go with it
    13. 121015: Dreaming in the Witch House?

      by , 10-12-2015 at 10:32 AM (The Dream Journal)
      Dream 1
      Fragment: I see a friend of mine in a university library. He gives me some books I need to read. I meet his girlfriend. When he leaves the girlfriend points out a guy dressed as a woman who is playing a nasty trick on my friend. I'm going to start dating this impostor and then let him know I'm aware of his deceit.

      Dream 2
      I'm in a decrepit house in an American suburb. The sky is an oppressive grey, a muggy day. The front door is by the side of the house, have to climb some stairs. Inside the house is a mess. The walls and floor are stained with filth, the place looks condemned. The path has been made through all the junk and trash on the floor. I walk down the makeshift path to the wall by the far wall. There is a few windows facing the drive with thin curtains. There is a computer there and I start to watch some smutty porn on it. It is as if the women in the clips enter the house? They look manic and desperate and it makes me fee bad. I try to pull the curtains so children can't see this. I can't really get the curtains straight. I get up and try to lock the front door and cover the screen on it.

      Dream 3
      Back in the house, it's night time. I'm not sure if this happens before or after the previous sequence. There is a bright, dramatic light inside. It looks like the second floor has collapsed halfway and makes a ramp from the front door up. On the second floor I see a naked woman to the right. She is lying on the floor in a suggestive position. It's as if she has features that are hidden from plain sight. Like they are out of synch with normal reality, I see red muscular ribbons shift in and out around her. There is a demonic vibe to it. Despite this, I approach her like a moth to a flame...

      Dream 4
      In the house, it has changed again. It looks more stable now and not as destroyed, it looks more like an apartment now with filthy and stained wall. I'm in a living room, there is a large window to the right that is letting in a bluish grey morning light. There is a lamp to the left side that is giving off a yellowish light. I'm in a circle with a group of friends. It feels like a normal social thing, just talking, but at some point we begin to summon our personal demons. (?)

      A big muscular demon appears and is seated on a chair in the ring, we are all on the floor. He has a skull mask on that overs the upper part of his face. Metaphysical flames emanate from his body with a weird red and orange glow. He begins to speak to us, he is telling us forbidden things and trying to make us make deals?

      One of my friends summons her demon. It is a female demon with the same kind of skull mask but is pretty petite and is wearing a leather biker jacket. Purple flames are coming from her. It seems to be the male demon's daughter. She is out of control and tries to take over the conversation, she wants to make demands instead of listening. Her father scolds her for this but she yells out an infernal "shut up!" and I focus on her evil skull mask. Her father's jaw snaps locked and shut.

      She decides she is going to take what she wants. My friend's sister has a small daughter with her and the demoness swoops the child up and takes her out the window over the balcony. A large airline trolley full of beer and alcohol is left behind, just popping into existence behind her, as if to pay for the child. The group runs out to try to get the child. I'm left there with my friend. I go out to the balcony and yell out we have beer here, there's no need to leave!

      Alone with my friend, I look around the empty apartment. I guess my party ended. It's pretty boring here now. We go into the kitchen. I see an old fridge that I try to turn on. Inside there is an old bottle of Tabasco in it, extra spicy kind, left by the old resident. It's really warm in the fridge, I think the rolls I left in it are going to go bad. The light in the kitchen is depressing. My friend begins to suggest she is about to leave, I'll be left alone her. It's going to be so boring. I see on an old wooden spice shelf by the door out of the kitchen a plastic beadboard picture. How quirky. I now have a place of my own, it is horrible and rotting, but it's my own. I should change my address.

      I have a false awakening. I write down the details about the fridge and the Tabasco and the beadboard into my dream journal. How real it felt! Like I was really there! After writing it down it all goes black.
    14. Oh my god ;n;

      by , 10-09-2015 at 06:46 PM
      Okay. So it started out like a normal dream- I was on a minecraft server, checking out my friend (pinknate4)'s builds. However, he wasn't there, so I just explored them with a different friend. Then I saw what Nate called his "Ultimate build". It was huge- Like a haunted mansion, but bigger. A while later, Nate and I met up on the server, so he could show me the big, black Ultimate Build. My mom was nervous, because this was the first time I had been over at a friends house (at this point, everything was irl (not iwl)) The bottom few floors were simple- places to hang out, and talk. But then, we went to the next couple of floors. He explained that we had to get through the next two floors and back down, and out of the building within 30 minutes- or it'd vaporize all living things in the entire house. It was totally like cube. In the next room, we were climbing in an attic. I think there was something we had to avoid... Well, anyways, We made our way back down alive. My mom was waiting outside. Later, I decided I wanted to explore it with Nate again. There was another, extra room added before the attic. Nate and I were- were- Toddlers! I was being pushed in a stroller, all the while being offered sweets. Nope, I know what they're trying to do. Anyways, the stroller makes its way into the kitchen. I crawl onto the counter before the old ladies realize what I'm trying to do- Plug in the three cords! First, I plugged in the first cord, into the right outlet above the stove. The old ladies realized it- and lemme tell you, they could kick some butt. They kept unplugging the cord right after I had plugged it in, going for the next one. It was frustrating. At one point, I finally plugged in the second one, and waited for the vent above the cupboards above the stove to open. But then I realized I'd plugged in the wrong cord. quickly pulled it out, plugging in the other one, which had an outlet on the ... What's it called? Base? Oh well, IDK, anyways, I plugged in the last cord, and heard the vent. I yelled for Nate, telling him I'd got the vent open, and then I started squeezing through the tiny vent. I realized I'd changed to the age/figure of a senior in high school, and that Nate had changed to an 8th grader. Or vice versa. Anyways, we got through, and found ourselves back outside. We were happy, and at this point, it was still a nice, adventurous dream. But then an MMD looking girl whose long, golden blonde hair formed a halo approached me. I knew she was an angel. In an airy voice, Like Fluttershy's, she said, "You should stop going into that house, it's possessed by demons" or something like that. I panicked. I couldn't believe I had been spending so much time in a demon house. Nate, not knowing it was possessed, invited a group of friends to explore the house with us. Except the 30 minute timer had started as soon as they walked in. "NO!! PLEASE, NO!" I tried to say, but no words came out of my mouth. NOO!! I was terrified- but then I appeared in a room with a whole bunch of blonde girls. My eyes skimmed the area, searching for the angel girl, but it was no use. She was gone. I saw a woman resembling my science teacher. She had trapped us in this pit. She didn't want us to escape or socialize, so she turned the pit into something that resembled one of those babies' motor skills toys- With rope going from side to side, diagonally, EVERYWHERE! There were small little areas, without any strings, that the woman held us in. I squeezed through a few strings to talk to an old couple. The old woman's passion was cooking, and she was holding a carton of Half-and-Half. We talked a bit. Then I tried to squeeze up a bit through some more rope to escape. But then the woman holding us here realized I wasn't where I was supposed to be, and got mad that I kept escaping. So she put a metal chain around my left foot, and chained the other part to a string. Luckily, before she noticed, I smuggled a whole bunch of tiny, 1cmx1cm papers. I think they were tickets. I struggled to escape, but I knew I was no match for the strength of the metal. I asked the woman what the tickets were. "Noo!" She said, "No, Give me those! Those are what give me my magic!" Or something like that. I hid them in my pants (lol). I found a way to remove the shackle, and squeezed up and away from the woman, through the ropes. It was too far away for the woman to see. There was an open window, and it was huge. There were a few other people, standing on the windowsill. They were staring down, at the ocean waves. But rather than crashing into the building we were in, they... is ramped a word? Well the waves "ramped" up the building (I hope that was correct grammar ). We kinda slid down the side of the building until we got to the wave. Then we let go, and let the wave carry us. Once I got to shore, I was gonna warn everyone. BUT I was also pretty hungry... So I went to a small place where you could buy ramen. By small, I mean like 3ft x 2ft at the most. "What do you want?" the man asked. "And make me look good, my boss is here". He pointed to a chubby guy sitting on a folding chair outside. Idk what I said, but it pissed him off, and he wanted to kill me. I ran to the ramen place next door, this one was bigger. I ran into the girls' bathroom. But the guy still followed me. We finally made peace, and I went to warn the town about the evil woman... Yeah. It was a long dream, and there were probably a couple of things that I missed, but that was most of it.
    15. Part of my image, demons

      by , 10-07-2015 at 10:18 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in school, waiting for classes to begin. There were other classmates waiting too. Some parts of this I seen from different perspectives. I was wearing an ugly gray shirt abd black trousers. A girl from class told me "This ugly shirt looks bad as a part of your image." Everybody started laughing, including myself. I replied "Everythinhg does!"

      Second dream

      Demons wanted to free an ancient god, to wreac havoc and destruction. To do this they had to take a crown of some wizard-king, and use it's power. I tried to reach it first, running through demon ridden drawbridges. When I finally got it, the ancient god wanted to tell me story of the crown.
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