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    1. okay....things are getting better

      by , 06-04-2011 at 12:44 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      Edit: I remember playing warcraft at her house and I was trying to log in with my old character...someone was going to go out and buy more weed, and I still had a lot on me....I don't smoke so I didn't know how/why I had the stuff on me. Anyways, they head out and it's me and her......and I think there's a scene change that's happening......................................... ....

      So...I'm outside with M, and two other guys....or maybe I'm indoors, I can't tell...scenery keeps changing. She's sitting on a chair next to mine, and leaning on me. I think she's drunk, and she wants me to take her to bed. We walk through an area that looks sort of like my back yard at points, and then when we round the corner, the place is totally different.

      I cant really describe the way this house/trailer/something is set up, but it's elevated and the stairs lead to bare ground, and she has tons of dogs down here. These dogs look effing tough...like mutated beasts...like mixed with goat, dog, and just huge. They're all barking and growling. I'm walking with her daughter, and I put her on the bed.....I don't even know how she got in my arms. She takes me over to see them, and they basically take up the bottom section of what would be the first floor of the house, but it's nearly completely open but a wire fence keeps them inside. I think the house is stilted above ground by about half a floor.

      Anyways...we go see them, and they're barking and going crazy....first thing I'm thinking is I'm dead, but they all recognize me some kinda way, and they're all nice. I leave but I don't know why. I find myself in the desert....or maybe everything is just post apocalyptic. There's sand everywhere, and the sky is clear. (it was night earlier)

      There are these demons that are after me. Well....not really me, but they know I'll lead them to what they need to find. I'm fighting with one, and all my moves don't have any effect on them. I even took his weapons and tried to use them, and I think it made it worse. Another one popped up and told the one I was fighting to try to learn more skills than just invincibility. He picked up a pebble, and flicked it, and it traveled the speed of a bullet. I dodged it, and someone in the crowd behind me got killed.

      (Oh yeah, there was a crowd behind me watching me fight theses guys because I think I was the only one to ever stand up to them)

      Anyways, I knew I wasn't going to beat them, so I headed off...running and moon jumping, and I could overhear them saying my powers haven't reached their full potential, and they were saying they knew that I knew the location of the girl. They were also after some weapon that I should have had.....

      Recall was a bit jumbled, but this dream was interesting as all get out Time travel/alternate universe sort of thing played some kinda role in it...I remember one of the DC's saying something to the lines that I didn't know anything when i first arrived. Then I remembered something about traveling all over the world, learning things in such an inhumanly manner.
    2. 010: Horrible night

      by , 04-25-2011 at 10:13 AM (Tides of Sleep)
      April 25, 2011

      Hardly slept last night. Went to bed at 1:30am, woke up screaming for my mom. Took me awhile to fall back asleep, not sure when exactly. Woke up finally at 6am. I rarely have outright nightmares. Creepy, ominous, yes. Horrifying? No, not really. If I ever have a nightmare I usually will become lucid and then either stop/change the dream. Although I did do that this time, it was really late and the nightmare was practically already over. Also, three dreams inside of each other. I could make an inception joke, but honestly I'm still creeped out. My dream self didn't realize they were dreams inside dreams. Motifs of nothing, I've never had a dream quite like this. Also, I had dreams this weekend but they weren't too interesting seeing as I lost sleep. Also I wasn't home, so I didn't bother to write them down anyways.

      Entry 010
      I'm in Dr. Clark's room. We have some huge essay to write, it's due in 30 minutes, but I'm so tired. I lay my head down on my desk and fall asleep.

      I'm in my bed, except I realized later that it was on the wrong side of the room and exact to my old bed back home. I'm half-asleep, my body is already paralyzed and my mind is mostly unconscious. As I'm lying there, about to enter a deep sleep, I feel something on my back. It feels like a hand. For a minute I don't feel particularly worried about this. The hand is running over my back, slipping lower until it runs over my ass. I feel uncomfortable. Then I can feel nails digging into me. I realize there is no hand, but the touch persists. I realize the hand belongs to some kind of demon, and that its intention is to murder me. My body is still paralyzed. I try screaming, but all that comes out of my throat is a strangled grunt. It's not loud enough for anyone to hear. I know that I have to stand up and get out of here. I try to stand, but I can't. I fall to my knees and drag myself to the door. Along the way I see something out of the corner of my eye. It's a little man, about as wide and tall as a bowling pin, dressed in clothes like Charlie Chaplin with white pasty skin, frizzy black hair and huge, staring, yellow eyes. I open the door and drag myself to the hall. I try screaming more, but I'm still not able. I think I see my mom on the couch, but it's dark. I get to the couch, someone's there. I'm safe. I relax, fall asleep by the couch.

      I wake up. I'm in bed. Something is touching me. Repeat of the last dream, but as I reach my door this time I think "My bed is on the other wall. Didn't I just have this dream?" and I realize I'm dreaming. My dream self, however, is still panicking. It's screaming at me to get the hell out of the room. The will of my dream self overpowers my lucid self and I fling the door open. There's a blinding white light.

      I open my eyes. I'm screaming. My mom is in the doorway.
    3. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 04-14-2011 at 11:02 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      Anger Management (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      Spinning, swiping, with ferocious animosity and honed skill, I cut down the fell beasts, these dark, grotesque hell-dogs, as they swarm violently around me, snapping their maws in an attempt to devour me, but I finish the lot of them off with a tremendous, black Getsuga, tinged with a red fury, absorbing their power into my own; as they disintegrated into nothingness, I thought, Time to abuse it. . .
    4. 03/25/11 Epic Recall

      by , 03-26-2011 at 01:54 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: This is another night of attempting to have a successful MILD, I believe this is the 10th night. This night I actually met with success! My goal focus was to complete a lucid Harry Potter dream with MoSh, and I did, indeed, have that dream! Here is that dream, along with other dreams that came along with my epic recall last night.

      Demonic Payback
      I am in a city, walking down the street with a friend of mine, my friend is a younger girl, and I feel very protective of her. I also feel she is a best friend of mine, much like a sister… We are walking down a street with shops on both sides, she is talking animatedly and seems like she is in a very positive mood. She is looking in the shops at everything from clothes to nic-nacs to books and talking about which ones she would like to have, though she is clearly under no delusion that she can have all of what she would like. As we are walking I am halfway listening to her and halfway surveying the area and everyone around us for possible threats. Soon the threat I am expecting happens, a hole opens in the ground in front of us, I see the glow of fire and lava through the floor.

      Everyone around us screams and runs away, a strange arm reaches out and pulls my friend into the hole. Just before it can close I jump into the fire after her. I land on a solid ground down at the bottom of the hole where I find three demons toying with the girl. Poking at her, pushing her between them, as they are doing that they are also wrapping strange sticky ropes around her, ropes like giant spider webs. They see me and turn their attention to me, leaving the girl on her own. She is already hopelessly entangled in the sticky ropes, the ropes are also sticking to the ground, making it impossible for her to get up. I tell the demons they made a huge mistake by kidnapping my friend, and now they will pay the price. They are laughing at me about that, but I wipe the smiles off their faces really fast when I form Witchblade into a sword and cut them down where they stand. I am then able to carefully cut the sticky ropes off of the girl and open a portal to get us safely back to the surface, although she no longer seems interested in shopping, she is crying on my shoulder from the traumatizing experience.

      Senseless Destruction
      I am in my own house, though it isn't the home I live in right now, rather it is the house I lived in before moving here. I am in my mother's room, looking out onto the patio beside a door that leads from her room to the back yard. For some reason I am in a destructive mood. I grab a flat screen television and smash it down on the concrete, and of course it proves to be very smashable. The screen breaks open and the wreck sits there on the ground. I decide I like breaking things… I grab everything breakable I can find. Some china dishes, some of my mother's and my nic-nacs, a chair made of wood proves to be a bit harder to break but I am able to smash it against the ground a few times to break it. I smash my mother's computer on the ground. I smash a few more pieces of china dishes out there, then I smash my own laptop on the ground.

      My mom apparently gets home now, she comes into the room and sees the pile of broken crap on the ground. She asks what am I doing? I say I feel like breaking things. I am smashing a book case with a chair, this is proving to be a bit harder than breaking some of the things, but it is breaking. She asks if I have gone insane. I tell her not to worry about it, this is just a dream and everything will be just fine when I wake up. She looks at me as if she is now certain that I am crazy.

      Secrets Within
      I am in my own house with Tigress, and we are looking for something in my closet. While we are looking at that, we notice that there is more area between my bedroom and the game room beside it than is being taken up by the closets of the two rooms. There is an unused area in there? That seems weird. We look closer at that area, we are wondering if there is a space in there that got closed off during the construction. Tigress finally finds there is a way to open one of the walls, there is a door deliberately hidden there, it's no accident. We open the door and look into the small hidden space.

      There is a stairway heading down deep into the ground, which seems surprising considering I live in a manufactured home that sits a couple feet off the ground with a crawlspace beneath it. I think about that for a minute, then I figure since I have never looked under the house very well before, there is most likely a pillar in the middle of the house to accommodate this stairway. Tigress and I head down to explore the place beneath the house, and we find a small maze of passages crossing each other. There are some small rooms branching off of the passages that are set up as bedrooms and a small living area. I remember telling Nomad that if there is an emergency I don't have a suitable shelter to hole up in… now I see how wrong about that I was!

      Dreams of Dreaming
      I am in my living room with my mother and Tigress, and we are watching television, we are watching an episode of the series Medium about a woman who sees visions through her dreams. She is having a dream about a man who kidnaps young girls, about 12 years old, takes them home with him and rapes them repeatedly, then he hangs them upside down from a tree and beats them to death with a baseball bat. He leaves the bodies there for whatever unfortunate individual receives the shock of finding them. What a sick bastard.

      Allison Dubois is having problems with the vision because even though she can see the man's face in the dream, she is never able to focus on it well enough to identify him. I am talking to Tigress and my mom about lucid dreams, I say she should learn to do a reality check and realize she is dreaming. I say that even though she wouldn't want to do anything to alter the vision in the dream, she could make an effort to remember specific details that she might tend to forget if she hadn't realized it was a dream. Tigress agrees with this idea, though she adds that Allison might unintentionally interfere with the messages the dreams have. My mother says she remembers my late brother John talking about his dreams a lot. This seems strange to me since I don't remember hearing him talk about dreams much at all.

      Daytime Friends, Nighttime Lovers
      I am at a hotel in a swimming pool, it is a nice day and I am enjoying the water. I am surveying the people around me, there are quite a few colorful characters about today. There is a really fat woman in a bathing suit that is much too small for her, and her even fatter husband is wearing swim trunks that are so tight on him that they look like tighty whiteys. Ok… that's something I don't need to be seeing… but it makes me feel quite skinny by comparison. I look at more people around, and I notice two couples that look like newlyweds. Or at least they are going at each other like newlyweds, and I am thinking that's what they are. Both couples look like perfect couples, pretty women, hot men, very much in love. Finally everyone leaves and I am alone in the pool. Before long, the two women from the couples come back, now they are in costume. They are dressed as very hot and sexy sorceresses from some fantasy realm, though I can still easily see they are the same women.
      They get in the pool and start making out with each other. Um… I wonder if their husbands know they are doing that. Well, it turns out all of them are on even ground. Both of the men come back dressed in costumes that make them look like muscle bound freaks, the costumes are clearly meant to be comedic. I can also easily recognize them, though. The two men get into the water and start making out with each other. I figure they must all be friends and having a bisexual relationship. That turns out to not be true, however. When they all see each other, the entire group of them start fighting and cursing at each other. I am getting quite a show during my swim here…

      Animal Rescue
      I am in a house looking around, I find there are lots of cages with small animals in them. The main problem is that these animals don't belong in cages, they are all wild rodents from the area. Squirrels, mice, rats, and other rodents I see regularly on the ground gathering food. So why are they in cages? They should be free. I open the cages and start setting the animals free. Before I let each animal go, I take a photo of the animal on my iPod so I have a record of what animals I have set free from where.

      I coax the last little animal, a ground squirrel, out of a cage and pick it up. The animal wants to be free. I take the photo of the animal, then I hold it for a few minutes, thinking how nice it is to pet. I finally set the squirrel down and watch it run up a tree. I go out behind the house and I find there is a large display made of dog biscuits. Someone has used the dog treats to build dog houses, fire hydrants, and many other interesting structures. There is a white powder all over the treats. I realize that is poison… someone wants to kill dogs! There are several dogs heading for the display, drawn in by the smell of the treats. I have to stop the dogs. I stop the dogs from getting to the treats, then I use the empty cages from inside to build a makeshift fence around it. The owners try to deny knowledge of it, but their denials are pretty pathetic. To my surprise, the rodent I was holding last seems to be impressed by my efforts to help the dogs and the other animals. The squirrel comes back over to me and wants me to pet it some more.

      Death Hospital
      This dream relates to the girl I was protecting a few dreams back. I know she is now in a safe place, but the enemy is still looking for her. They are willing to do anything and everything to find her. The enemies have captured some people and are holding them in a hospital, interrogating them for information on where the girl is. We have to get those people out of there. I am with a man, and we sneak into the hospital with false identities. I am searching for the prisoners, I found a place I wish I hadn't. One of the prisoners, a woman, is strapped to an operating table. They had cut off the top of her skull and they are messing with her brain, clearly they are deliberately stimulating the pain areas of her brain to induce excruciating pain.

      They are also asking questions about where the girl was, I know she knows where the girl is, but she is refusing to talk. The assholes keep torturing her, but all they get out of her are pleas for death and some cursing. I break a window from the observation room and get into the operating room where they are torturing the woman. I already know there is no way to save her life, they have done too much damage to her brain… so reluctantly I grant her wishes for a quick death using one of the scalpels the assholes had been using to torture her. Just as she is dying she gives a smile of relief, reassuring me that I did the right thing. I somehow manage to get out of the room by cutting a couple of the doctors with the scalpel and making a break for it as I reach the door. I meet up with the man, he just got back from a holding area where he was able to rescue a man and a woman. We evade enemies and reach the roof where there is a helicopter. The man manages to get the helicopter off the ground, but he isn't very skilled as a pilot, so when we are being chased, he hands the controls to me. The woman doesn't think I can fly, but I prove her wrong. I stay low to the ground and fly very dangerously through a canyon, managing to lose our pursuers. We reach an airport and get on a plane, heading into the sky before the enemy is able to catch up.

      Harry Potter: Sunken Treasure
      I am at Hogwarts with several other people, and I am lucid. I fell asleep focused on getting to this dream, and it seems to finally be happening. A group of us are standing on the banks of the lake near Hogwarts. It is a warm day, though it isn't especially hot, and the water in the lake is still quite cold. The people in the area I recognize include MoSh, Hermione, Harry, and Draco. Hermione says she has a spell to allow Harry and her to breathe underwater. She says she knows I am MoSh's friend, but she can't share the spell since I am also on the opposing team. MoSh says not to worry about it, I surely don't need any spell to breathe underwater. It is time to start the competition. Hermione uses her spell on Harry and herself, MoSh says he doesn't need it. He says they should take hold of his fin and hold on tight. They look a bit puzzled, but then MoSh transforms into a water serpent… with fins… so the three of them go into the water, Harry and Hermione being pulled along at high speeds by MoSh.

      Draco is staring at that in shock, as is everyone else. I get Draco's attention and I tell him we need to get moving. He says he can't breathe water… he whispers he doesn't even swim very well. I tell him I have that covered. I hand him a leaf of an herb, the herb tastes like mint. I tell him it will allow him to breathe underwater. He asks what it is. I tell him I've been brewing a special potion, and soaked the leaf in it, and it allows breathing underwater. I eat one of the leaves… which is just a peppermint leaf… it tastes minty. He is unsure. He finally takes the leaf and eats it. Now it is hard to get him to take his first breath of water. I practically have to drown him to make him breathe water… So we get a late start. We dive down to the bottom of the lake where the maze entrance is. The maze is a bit confusing, but we get through it without too many problems. At the center of the maze we find Vegeta is down there. Of course being underwater is no issue for him. He is talking to us telepathically. He says the next challenge is a martial arts tournament, where only the most skilled stand a chance of winning. He says he is willing to teach if we are willing to learn, but anyone who will learn from him will have to take their training seriously. There is treasure there, too. Draco and I both get red gems. We go back to the surface of the lake and find out that MoSh and his team finished first.
    5. Cyborg Armor

      by , 02-11-2011 at 09:58 PM (The Nomad Chronicles)
      I leap out of bed. Enemies are surrounding me in a circle. Cyborg astral demons. “I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR, SHIT, FUCKERS!”

      We all attack simultaneously. I stop time. I shoot astral tentacles at them, and rip their evil cyborg hearts out, and pull their armor and weapons on to me. I let go of time. The lasers bounce off my new cyborg armor. I look out the window. It’s a lush jungle. Where the fuck am I?

      Holy shit. I am on the Moon, in the City of Nowhere. Fuck this mayor shit. Here I am King and God. I fly though the roof of the pyramid I am in, and hover above the city.

      Citizens and denizens of Nowhere, I now proclaim myself King of Nowhere, as I am God of Nothing, makes sense right... haha.

      Something tackles me into a portal. I battle with this creature, a croc-man. Soulgawn? Father? NO! He slams his fist into my jaw, breaking it. Your uncle, his evil twin, nephew. He bites down on my neck in face. I scream in terror, then I transform into a swarm of flesh eating beetles and crawl into his gut, eating him from the inside out. He roars in pain, and rips me from his stomach, flinging me into another portal.


      I heal myself, and Pixy heals me in the strange dark wormhole, before I land at MoSh’s house. No, it’s my house. MoSh is crying uncontrollably. I am stunned.

      He looks up at me. “It’s Asuka, she’s dead.”

      He looks so real. Suddenly, the dream is torn. I see Xaphor’s face. ‘NONE OF THIS IS REAL!”
      We are in a war zone in a city. Xaphor grabs my wrist and teleports us to a high bell tower. We have to keep going up and out, he says. He lines up about fifteen portals.

      “Now, keep track of my energy. Summon Jo. It’s going to be a wild ride.”

      I summon my astral pet, Jo. He becomes a giant war pig with armor, and machine guns on his tusks, and rockets on his side. “Hold on,” Jo growls.

      Xaphor turns quickly and blasts green goo at the oncoming enemies. We fly through many portals, and many dreams. We land on the Moon... no we are on the Moon? I am blind! Images?

      I can see! Xaphor rips off a virtual reality helmet and smashes it. “Interesting invention, but it got infected. I told you not to fuck around with VR in a dream, Nomad. It’s too confusing. Let’s go find MoSh.

      We go to BanyanLand. MoSh and Asuka are there, but wait he’s with Selene? No. None of them are real. Xaphor scans me. “Dammit, you have bugs infesting your dream body projecting illusions in front of you. Hold on. Xaphor turns into a ladybug like creature, and runs around in my dream body, eating all the bugs.”

      Now I can really see!

      I teleport to MoSh. We are in BanYanLand high up in a tree room. He is cooking breakfast. Selene and Asuka are sitting there. There are two children playing. Raven is outside talking to Basara and Link.

      “Everything okay?” I ask.

      ‘Yeah,” MoSh says, “I think so.” He serves us breakfast. I see everyone in the room as different flaws in their auras. We eat. Everyone’s energy improves. Asuka gives everyone cookies and ice cream.

      I suggest relaxing and enjoying the view instead of going to the healing glen. I trust the ambient energy of the nature will heal us. Raven starts humming quietly. We all hum and sing. It’s sounds beautiful. I realize Basara is somehow leading us.

      I go to sleep.
    6. 10/27/10 Plane 1 - Demonic Fusion

      by , 10-29-2010 at 12:06 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      So preparing for battle, the three of us enter into the portal… and are instantly swept into a divergent dream of epic proportions, the following dreams all took place simultaneously on different planes, in different parallel worlds…

      I emerge from a portal with MoSh by my side, I wonder where Nomad has gone off to. I decide maybe not all of us will be in each instance of this dream to take place. So now I look around the place to see if I can find Asuka, since my portal led us here she must be somewhere around. All I see at first is a green grassy area with some rocks lying about.

      MoSh says he knows this place, and it looks like Nomad was wrong this time. I ask him what he is talking about, he doesn't answer me, instead he calls out to Kaomea as if he expects her to show up somewhere around the place. He is not disappointed, she comes from behind one of the larger rocks and says she has been expecting MoSh to show up. MoSh says he is looking to get Asuka back, so let her go now. MoSh says that even if Kaomea is mad at him, she shouldn't take it out on Asuka, she hasn't done anything. Something about the entire situation doesn't feel right, but I'm not sure what is wrong. MoSh doesn't seem to notice anything strange, he is clearly annoyed with Kaomea.

      While MoSh talked to Kaomea I look around the area a bit more, trying to find the source of my strange feelings. I find nothing out of the ordinary, so I wander back to MoSh and Kaomea. MoSh is clearly getting more upset by the minute, demanding Asuka back. Kaomae is just putting the moves on him, she says something about Asuka will be fine as long as MoSh gives her what she wants. I say to Kaomae that she had told me if Asuka was with her, she wouldn't give us any problems taking Asuka home. She gives me a dirty look and asks if I am really that gullible as to believe that, but now MoSh belongs to her unless he wants something to happen to his precious Asuka. That sounds completely wrong for what I know about Kaomae, who has always been friendly towards me. She finally says MoSh can have Asuka back after he pleasures her, and she starts taking her clothes off and behaving in a sexy manner… apparently not even caring that I was standing right there watching. She beckons MoSh to come closer, I know this can't be right, so I focus on a rhyme spell I have used before… "This illusion will no longer be, your true form is what we'll see…" I repeat the rhyme spell a few times, and sure enough, 'Kaomea' begins to change form into some kind of demon… soon there is a naked female demon standing in front of MoSh trying to seduce him… She seems honestly surprised when MoSh responds to her advances with a, "Yuck! Who the fuck are you and where is Asuka?!"

      The demon finally looks down at her own body, at first she seems surprised to see she was in her demon form, and then she looks pissed about it. She hisses loudly and then begins to get downright ugly as her mouth opens up impossibly wide revealing rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth that look like those of a shark. She lunges at MoSh, apparently intent on ripping a large bite out of him, her fingers are razor sharp claws aiming to tear MoSh apart. MoSh tells the demon he should tear her apart for coming after Asuka, she says to go ahead… she is merged with both Asuka and Kaomea, so go ahead and tear her apart, she would revel in their pain. MoSh hesitated there, tells her to let them out now, she laughs some more. She says he should make her, it would never work. I said how about if I make her let them out? She glares over at me and says no one can do it, because she won't let go until there's nothing left of them. I don't bother listening to any more of her threats, she is back to paying more attention to MoSh than me. She gets downright ugly, her mouth splits impossibly far open to reveal rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth like those of a shark, and she is drooling… yuck… it looks like she wants to take a big bite of MoSh…

      I decide I have had enough of being ignored, so I focus on the song "Come Out and Play" by the Offspring, focusing primarily on pulling the demon to come out and play, to keep her separated from Asuka and Kaomea. That gets her attention away from MoSh, most likely because it is working, I can now sense three individual energy signatures inside the demon, and I am focused on separating them. The demon is hissing at me and starts to move in to attack, but she is stopped as the two she is merged with are pulled out of her, tearing their way out of her, the demon collapses to the ground after the separation. It seems the separation has taken much of her power away. Asuka runs over to MoSh, getting behind him looking for protection. Kaomae is apparently much more pissed off than that, she turns into a large black panther and pounces as the demon is starting to recover, tearing into the demon with teeth and claws in a very vicious display considering she had said she was the spirit of love… there is no love going on there. There is a brief and vicious battle, then the demon gives one last hiss of anger, says this isn't worth it, and disappears. MoSh wants to know why Asuka was with Kaomea in the first place, Kaomae says Asuka came to her for help. Before any more questions can be asked or explanations can be given Kaomae disappears, I figure she woke up. MoSh asks me what that demon wanted with Asuka… I say it seems everyone wants to get their hands on Asuka…

      To Be Continued…
    7. 10/23/10 Convention of Demons

      by , 10-26-2010 at 01:27 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I am so busy with school papers and such right now, between classes and homework and work and dreams and… and… so busy. So I am going to be recording this dream in as short a version as possible without leaving out any important details.

      I slipped into a WILD and found myself in MoSh's inner world. I wondered what was to be done first, I remembered MoSh had said Asuka needed healing, so that was what I was there to do. I didn't see any of them there, I didn't see MoSh or Asuka, so I opened a portal to track them down. The portal opened quickly and I went through it. The portal led to the healing glen, or that's what it looked like at the time. MoSh was there, as well as Kaomea… I could tell Asuka was merged with Kaomea. I wondered if that was a good idea for Kaomea to be merged with Asuka since MoSh had said Asuka was infected with something. I figured we would heal them merged the same way as we would heal them separated. MoSh said there were dream demons in them, so I figured that was a good place to start. I focused on the song "Come Out and Play" by the Offspring, focusing primarily on the line about keeping 'em separated, and focused on reaching in and pulling a dream demon out. I got one! It was quite easy to do, and I pulled the thing out. It attacked me immediately, but I hit it with a bolt of light energy lightning, and that destroyed the demon quicker than I had expected. It hadn't been that powerful, so why had it been having so much of an effect?

      I looked around the area now, and I realized that while I had been focusing on the spell, the entire glen had changed. It was no longer a beautiful and pleasant place. It was downright creepy, there was a thick mist on the ground, the sky had gone dark like smoke, there was a foul odor around, and the plants around us seemed to have withered away just in the past few minutes. I looked back at Kaomea… there was still more there, more dream demons? How many could there be in there at once? I used the "Come Out and Play" spell again and pulled out another dream demon, then another… and another… and another… And while I was doing that, MoSh was doing it as well, I saw him pull out several dream demons, though I didn't note any details of how he had done that. There were so many that I opened a vortex portal to pull them all into a parallel dimension. Then I thought maybe the vortex could pull the dream demons right out of Kaomea, pulling them straight into the parallel dimension… so I combined the "Come Out and Play" spell with the vortex portal and started streaming dream demons right out of Kaomea… and they just kept coming! What the HELL?! There was no way there could be that many all in the same place… what was going on here? I had no idea, but it seemed to continue forever until the flow finally ended. I closed the vortex portal, sealing all of the dream demons, or whatever they were, in the void between realities.

      I looked over at Kaomea, and she was still merged with Asuka, I wanted to be able to get them both apart, too. I wasn't sure if they might be stuck due to having had all those things in there with them, so I used "Come Out and Play" one more time… and Asuka came out, looking relieved to be separated. There was still something inside of Kaomea… another demon? How was that even possible? I wondered if there might be some kind of portal in her that was going to keep an endless supply of demons coming into her, piling them in just as fast as MoSh and I could get them out… MoSh and I were able to de-fuse the final demon fairly easily… but it wasn't a demon at all! It was a woman, I didn't recognize her, but I knew it was another dreamer, that energy was around her. I didn't have a lot of time to figure out who she was, however, she took off and immediately disappeared through a portal, MoSh was hot on her tail, and then the portal closed behind both of them. Asuka and Kaomea were both watching after MoSh as if they also weren't sure what was going on. This is where the dream ended.
    8. Dream control in the cottage on the beach.

      by , 10-11-2010 at 10:16 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off with me in a comfortable cottage on the beach in a small town I do not recognize. The streets and houses around me are empty of people and I somehow know that I am the only human around. There are monsters and dangerous things outside and to remain safe I have to stay inside the cottage.

      Though I never consciously recognize that I am in a dream, I know that I can do things that I could not normally, such as defying gravity and floating around and being able to see and walk through walls. For a short time I practice flying around and moving through walls before I risk a peek outside. The windows on one side of the building were boarded up or sealed so I had to stick my head through the wall to see outside.

      The sun was beginning to set and darkness was growing, yet through the twilight I could see a large muscular creature that looked like a cross between a bull and a demon walking along the beach before disappearing either into or behind another cottage not far from mine. I become scared and retreat into the cottage, fearing that I would be seen and have an onslaught of monsters attack my hiding place.

      There is a bit more to the dream but I cannot remember much other than that I am trapped in the cottage all night and by morning I have achieved the ability to become invisible after practicing all night.
    9. #156. The Demon Boy

      by , 09-27-2010 at 05:33 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      If my hair keeps changing colour in the pictures, it's because that's what it tends to do IRL.


      Fragment about going to my (late) grandma's church for a Halloween party. There were some really cool decorations. A distinct lack of alcohol, however.

      I'm in the front entrance to our house. Everything seems normal, and I do a routine reality check just because. I count my fingers. Onetwothreefour... new ones start sprouting. Well, that's weird. It's almost like I'm dreaming or something.

      I try again, and I get to seven before I give up. Obviously I am dreaming. So... Nomad's task. I need to get to a forest. I jump out the nearest window into the front yard. My brother is there, hanging out with a DC from the Halloween party. Definitely dreaming, then, and whoa...

      The dream is destabilizing. The entire world tilts on its axis, and white lines start running parallel to every object in the scene, as they do in Assassin's Creed. I stop to take a breath, keeping my eyes open, and I start touching the objects around me. I kneel down and touch the grass, the concrete driveway, a metal railing, and I'm back.

      I decide that the best way to get there is to run in a straight line. There's a forest directly to the south, I convince myself. I cross the street at a run, hit the wall with one foot, and leap onto the brown-shingled roof.

      I don't stop. From the first house, I jump onto the roof of the next. Keep moving. I land on some kind of antennae, and the structure sways dangerously as I make the jump to the next structure.

      I'm on a scaffold. The next building - a warehouse - is an impossible distance away, several feet higher than the platform I'm jumping from, and twenty feet away. I jump the gap, and I'm suspended in the air.

      I pull at my momentum, bending the dream to allow me a few more meters in height - and I grasp the edge of the roof. I pull myself up near the chimney. On the other side of the warehouse is a big camping tent set up in someone's backyard. I jump. I land on the tent, and it cushions my fall, billowing out around me. My vision is filled with yellow and red, and I think hard, imagining the demon boy I'm supposed to rescue, and the dark thing that's after him...

      The forest is oppressively quiet. I can smell the pine, feel the hot mugginess created by a recent rain. Fully immersed in my character, I stand in the center of a huge clearing, waiting.

      A flash of red goes zooming by. I've found Nomad's demon boy. I'm slightly disappointed. I was hoping I could use this opportunity to discover Amon's origin (a DC I've apparently mentored throughout his life). Instead, it's just a regular demon.

      He's being chased by a wolf. I recognize the creature as an entity from my childhood nightmares. It's back, and I'll have to deal with that eventually. For now, I allow the demon child to distract it.

      I spot a piece of paper on the ground near a pond. Picking it up, I skim the text. Instructions from Nomad on what to do next.

      Did you save the demon boy? Y/N

      I look up across the clearing. The demon is running as fast as he can, frantically trying to get away from my nightmare creature. The wolf is gleefully giving chase. I'm not sure whether he's actually any danger, or if he's just toying with the demon. Either way, I have no interest in rescuing the child.

      Did you propose to the barmaid? Y/N

      I look at the paper, and blink. And blink again. No, WakingNomad, I did not propose to the barmaid. Although, I should pay a visit to Denn sometime in the near future.

      Scare Factor: 3

      Also, this result amused me.

      Updated 11-10-2014 at 01:37 AM by 31096

      lucid , memorable
    10. Night of 9/18-9/19

      by , 09-19-2010 at 02:43 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Had a couple of dreams. When I woke up after the first one, my wife was awake and using my computer so I couldn't document it, but I tried to focus on retaining the memory and I believe I've still got everything from that particular dream that I remembered as of waking then (though I note even by then it felt like the front part of the dream is partially missing).

      I'm living in some different house or apartment and decide I'm going to bed so I go to my room which has just a lone single bed. When I turn off the light, I sense that there's some kind of demon was in my bed so I call an exorcist. The exorcist tells me they'll be over soon, but meanwhile I should put a clove of garlic in my pocket for protection. I didn't have any garlic at home, so I went out to the grocery store to buy one. The exorcist was there by the time I returned. The exorcist brought me into my room and pulled back the blanket the foot of the bed. There was a tiny demon that looked kinda like trolls from WoW, but it had horns. The exorcist explained that this demon was an "Ettin" and is not extremely dangerous but can be annoying. The exorcist showed me that you can stretch and mess with the Ettin's horns. Somehow this transitioned into the exorcist and me (who had both now changed character) walking around a war camp in a place whose art style resembled World of Warcraft (I wonder if I was perhaps just lucid enough that my observation on the Ettin's appearance warped the dream's progression?) We were walking around the camp while the former exorcist explained to me the situation; we were camped in an Elwynn Forest-like area outside of a large gate. I was told that this was the entrance to a fortress that was heavily guarded and we were having trouble finding a way to bust in.

      Now I'm reasonably sure I woke up there in that first dream, but there was what was either an interlude before I woke up that I'm only now remembering or the dream semi-continued when I went back to sleep. It featured a handful of characters from the Suikoden series. As it continued, I zoomed out to watch the action. The gate to the fort was the last major fortified objective between the protagonist army and their objective--a large castle in the northwest. As the attack on the fortress was renewed once more, Griffith led a large force out of the castle to the fort, where fighting intensified. Meanwhile an expedition led by Chris was deeper in the forest to the southeast, trying to find some secret weapon that would help them get through the fort.

      The following is what I remember from the dream I just woke up from. At first I thought this sequence may be separate, but thinking about it now it makes some sense in context if I argue that the first person sequence that occurs here is where I am part of Chris' expedition. As it went, I remember thinking I was in either some new MMO or some new patch for WoW where there's a new instance. It's inside of a cave in the side of a mountain cliff outside of a large grassy field. I go in with a party of people; the cave is wide but straight back. We fight our way back, but decide to stop and call it a night shortly before reaching the boss at the back; at the back there was a pillow that you were supposed to touch to activate the encounter. Outside I'm talking with some people, apparently mad that we didn't keep going when we were so close. I eventually decide I'm just gonna go in and pull the boss to at least see what they are. I enter the cave by myself but the layout has changed considerably. The cave is still wide and generally straight, but the pathway now winds back and forth and there are many more monsters inside. I run my way back through the cave, dodging attacking monsters. As I reach the end I jump across a series of small rock platforms in the water and then jump onto the final platform, where I continue by jumping onto the pillow. I seem to think there was a black demon that appeared in front of a mirror on the right wall, but I woke up right about here.
    11. Influenza = Delerium -> Killing the devil, receiving education from a Lime tree

      by , 09-07-2010 at 09:56 AM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      I am having my bianual influenza that indicates the season is changing, and in this begining phase it seems to have had quite and influence on my dreaming, both in plots and vividnes. No lucids although I might have to try and replicate the way I killed the Devil

      07-09-10 I was in a storyline similar to season 5 of Supernatural with the whole apocalypse looming. I was a character not in the show who was very knowledgeable about demonic infestations and biblical catastrophes in general. The two people I was trying to help were female and I found it a bit odd that they hadn't looked to other religions in order to solve their Judaic/Christian mess. However I was keen on exploring some Mayan traditions. So for some reason I transformed into a woman that had to be possessed by about 21 demons from different places in the world and when I got the final 1 I got the classical black eyes.

      I summoned Lucifer and he came to a large pyramid. We did a sort of arm wrestle and I won resulting in him going unconscious. I start dragging him towards the top of the pyramid as he gets heavier and heavier, I manage with a huge amount of effort to get him to the top. As he approaches the sacred place where he can be destroyed he starts emitting a bright green glow and within the green glow there are ancient runes on his skin glowing brighter green almost white (Honestly have never, ever produced such a cool effect, as this one in my dreams! Want to see if I can replicate that to my lucids and seriously start whooping demons). I keep dragging him towards the spot with a greater difficulty now as he is awake and struggling. I manage to get him there and I raise my right hand and start pushing it towards his chest and as I do this a white light starts surrounding us, in the end I touch him and he vanish in a bright explosion (I think all of the particles in his body explode and evaporates in this white light).

      I am then in the hotel room where the two females and I are staying and I am in my normal body wearing a towel around my waist, must have just come out of the shower. We chit chat and in the end I this dialogue is played out.

      “Oh and by the way I took care of your little apocalypse problem”
      “Yeah I stopped the apocalypse”
      “Apocalypse.. wait a minute?”
      “I killed Lucifer, you don't have to thank me”
      “You killed Lucifer?”
      “Yep I took him to the top of a Mayan pyramid and destroyed him”

      (The longest dialouge I have been able to replicate, although the accuracy is probably not flawless)

      All in a very laid back casual tone as if it was just another day at the office.

      I was in a garden receiving some education on how to become a police officer. Pil was there and he was the teacher's pet having send her emails and prepared himself. I on the other hand was just there. We were only three people there and it disappointed out teacher. She had had an accident recently and she kept asking about what reactions one could expect from her, which embarrassed me a bit as I should know me being a psychology student.

      The whole situation was a bit weird as this teacher was a person, but in the shape of a lime still attached to the tree. The lime tree contained only prime examples of fruits upon closer inspection.

      I am still in the supernatural plot trying to persuade a special child to accompany us on a journey as he is prophesied to be the one killing the devil. In the end I manage to persuade him by approaching him and his brother, saying something like
      “I have approached you many times now haven't I?”
      “And on all these times I have allowed you to leave if you didn't want to come right?”
      “Your brother is very special and important, do you know this?”
      “My point is that I am not a paedophile or anything”
      (there is an awkward silence on the entire beach)
      “So how about we take you AND your parents on a Journey”

      The brothers both agree that this sounds like a good idea and they go to get their parents. An accomplish of mine approach me and say that we don't have enough money to bring them all to egypt and the other places we are going. I tell him we are only taking them around the corner to Mexico to visit the Mayan ruins, my devious plan being that the parents will realise we are the good guys and that their son is very special and either help us develop him or let us take him on a quest to become who he is supposed to be.
    12. #140. Ultimate Knowledge

      by , 09-06-2010 at 05:13 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I watched The Last Exorcism last night. It was boring, and the shaky cam made me nauseous.

      I'm sitting in the hotel lobby, because it's really hard to sleep after a dream like this. Everyone else in my party is still in dreamland, of course.

      I just have more fun there.


      In which I'm confronted by a creepy little demon girl.

      The case contains four Books from the Akashic Records. I pull off the lid reverently, and the three of us peer into the box.

      I pull out a dusty, leatherbound edition, and turn it over in my hands. The cover is blank, but the unwritten words pop out at me in red script.

      To read this text is to risk eternal damnation.

      I open the Book without another thought. It falls open to a spot near the center, revealing an illustration of a beast with horns, wreathed in flame. So this is the comprehensive guide to demonology. I skim the Latin text, translating automatically. The demon has a name something like "K'nushekkal". I turn the name over in my mind, not willing to risk saying it out loud.

      Actually, I think about it. Just to see what would happen.

      I'm more interested in the other two books.


      I hear movement, and wake up in a dark room. I feel like it's my bedroom, but the place bears no resemblance to anywhere I've ever lived.

      The blankets are bunched up at my feet, and I sit up, bringing my knees up to my chest. I'm looking at my hands, trying to count my fingers, but I can barely see. It's just light enough for everything to take on a dark blue hue. I peer at my fingers, touching each one with the other hand.

      "One, two, three, four, five, six." I mutter. The number's not right, but I think I might be seeing things.

      No. I can see the pinky digits twisting into each other. I'm dreaming.

      I feel a puff of breath on my ear, almost a laugh. "You're a natural," says an otherworldly voice. I can hear the smile in it.

      I turn my head slowly to the left, not moving another muscle. A little girl in a white nightdress, maybe twelve years old, is leaning against the side of my bed, grinning up at me. Her irises are such a dark brown that it looks like her eyes are all black. The whites of her eyes seem to glow.

      And her nails are digging into the skin of my forearm, holding me in a vice-grip.

      Before I can react, she's pulling me through a tear in the dream, straight through the back of a bookshelf. Dark grey mist howls around us, and I can feel her pulling me down. Screams linger at the limits of my hearing, and a tendril of fear slithers through me.

      What the hell, I think, giving myself over to the sensation. I want to see where this goes. I close my eyes.

      When I open them, I'm standing in the bedroom, across the room from the demon. Her hands are clenched into fists and she's scowling.

      "Hm," I say, tilting my head to the side, "You're one of the demons from The Book. I recognize you." Not by sight, of course, but the pages left an imprint.

      I cast a glance around the room behind her. Like I thought, the demon is standing next to The Books. That's irritating. I really want to read the other three.

      The demon tenses, and I grin as I rush her, landing a hit that sends her sprawling to the side. I keep up my momentum, going to grab the box.

      She hits me from the back. I spin around to face her, but she's running at me again. We land on the ground, each trying to pin the other down. I can feel her demonic form at this point, even if I can't see it.

      I have her pinned by the arms when I realize that I won't be able to contain her. Calmly, I come to a conclusion. Without a physical weapon, I start to sever her limbs from her body. I pick up an arm and throw it away from the rest of her, cut off her head and kick it away from the rest of the body. I'll scatter the pieces around the house. In the time it takes the demon to pull herself together, I'll have read at least some of the other books.

      I'm sawing apart a Barbie doll. Then I wake up.

      Scare Factor: 5/10
      Rating: 6/10

      I'm not crazy.

      Updated 09-07-2010 at 04:48 AM by 31096

      lucid , false awakening
    13. #126. Claustrophobia

      by , 08-08-2010 at 11:26 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I'm part of a story in a familiar seeming place. Everything's happening out of order, events and dialogue added where I think the story needs it. As I wake up, I see the story written out on a word processor.

      I wake up. As I fall back asleep, I enter HH. I'm a younger version of Dean Winchester, and there's something I still need to do. I'm still lucid, but I don't want to wake myself up, so I fall into the dream.


      I'm a giant, fighting a tiny man as we climb up a water tower. I try to kick him off my foot, but he's holding on, trying to stab my toes.


      I'm in prison. I'm sitting with a group of people, all handcuffed with zip-ties, our hands wound up in green mesh. My mom and dad are there, part of the dozen or so people jammed into the cell, sitting on the wooden benches where there's room.

      Despite the lack of space, I'm not crowded on the bench. I'm also pretty much ignoring everyone in the room, now that the guards are gone. I'm concentrating on removing the zip-ties. I think I might have been chewing through them at some point, but with a flourish, I have them off my wrists. I hold onto the mess of plastic for a second, think about pretending I'm still trapped, but I let it fall to the floor. I'll take my chances.

      Finally, we get our own cells. All of the doors are open, so I calmly walk over to the cell by the window and sit down on the bed. Originally, we were supposed to be sharing cells, but there aren't any bunk beds. There is no privacy; everything that isn't an outside wall is made of narrow bars, four inches apart. My mom takes the cell beside mine.

      Lights out. A guard comes over to check that we're in bed. He stands too close, but I'm not worried. I sense no malevolence in him.

      Which is fortunate, for his sake.

      The guard shuffles away and I stand up, moving silently in the shadows. The locked door to my cell swings open of its own accord, and I walk, unnoticed, right out of the building.


      I'm a hunter. Female, with long, curly black hair. I'm interviewing witnesses, trying to figure out what's going on in this town. Someone recognizes me from an earlier hunt, and claims I'm a cop.


      Two versions of Dean Winchester sit at different tables at a restaurant. One is just barely older than the other. The younger one approaches him.

      "You know, I've had a hell of a time since you got the cops after you again."


      There are two versions of Dean Winchester, but the age difference is exaggerated. One of them is a child, and the other is an old man.

      They're at the entrance of an old quanset on a farm, when I see a flash of something happening in the distance. Six plumes of light grey smoke fly from the ground and hurtle toward us.

      Sam and Dean, about five and nine at the moment, are outside. A little piece of narration goes off in my head.

      They're after the kids. Demons who steal away children that wander off on their own. It's part of the local folklore.

      I'm hardly there at all, so the older Dean has to decide who to save: the younger Sam or the younger Dean. Of course he goes after Sam, and I stay inside, waiting, as the demons approach mini-Dean.

      When they grab him, when they go hurtling through the air towards their base, I phase through the wall and take off after them.

      "Omnipitus omundi patronus," I mutter to myself, sneaking into an old farmhouse. Wait, Patronus?

      Just like that, I'm lucid. I smile, and crawl into the small entranceway. Bits of dust flake off of everything I touch, and I find myself crawling as the hallway gets smaller and smaller.

      A woman attacks me out of nowhere. By all rights, I shouldn't be able to move in the small hallway I've wedged myself into. I won't consider myself trapped, though. I lash out, grabbing the woman by the jaw and the back of her head, and I twist.

      The woman falls to the floor, her neck broken.

      The house is normal sized again, and I walk into the bedroom, see the young Dean lie sprawled out over the bed. "Omnipitus omundi patronus," I repeat, but nothing happens. I sigh, and pick the boy up, ready to run him back to his brother and older self.

      Claustrophobia. Scare Factor: 2.
    14. The Demon Swords

      by , 07-14-2010 at 05:12 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      The setting of this dream is medieval Europe, but many of the characters look like they are from the japanese cartoons Naruto and Bleach. There is a forest that stretches across the land from east to west, with an ocean and port town to the south and mountains (and another town) to the north. The main protagonist of this dream is a young man of the peasant class who looks like Gaara from Naruto, but besides appaerence, has no other similarities with that character. The young man had a weird name, like Spicy or something, and he lived in a run down shack, with his grandfather, in the forest.

      The dream starts off with the grandfather on his death bed, warning his grandson to stay away from the wealthy neighbours who lived not far away, because they were bad people and were rich and powerful only because they convened with demons. After the old man dies Spicy stays away for a while, but increasing poverty makes resisting breaking into the rich neighbour's storehouse too much of a temptation.

      Spicy recruits two friends (who look similar to Ichigo and Uryū from Bleach) and they raid the storehouse and make off with many valuable items, including three longswords found locked in a chest. After divying up the spoils and each taking a sword for themselves, the three young peasant boys go their seperate ways to hide their stash and agree to not use or sell their stolen items until after the robbery has been discovered and they are assured that they will get away with it.

      Spicy is able to hide all of his loot, except for the longsword, which he finds himself oddly attracted too. He had held a weapon before, but nothing as big or elaborate at the sword he stole. It felt warm to the touch and fit surprisingly well into his grip. That night as he try to sleep he had dreams about the sword and woke up several times believing he had heard someone with a deep, raspy voice calling his name.

      The next day the break-in is discovered and the wealthy and powerful neighbours have all of the peasants in the area rounded up and arrested, regardles if they have proof of their innocence or not. Spicy is able to escape from the guards and returns to his home to retrieve the stolen longsword, still obsessed with it's image in his mind and wanting to free his poor neighbours.

      Spicy feels strangly overconfident and combative, but lets the feelings flow through him and attacks the prisoner barracks where his friends are being held. In his mind he only wanted to disarm the guards but instead he ends up slaughtering them, to the shock of the prisioners. Logically Spicy is aware that he is now in deep shit, but emotionally he is thrilled at the bloodshed and desires more. A vague thought to be rid of the sword crosses his mind but the ever growing obsession with the blade and what it can do crushes any such thoughts quickly.

      Moving on to the next prison, Spicy means to only disable the guards but again ends up slaughtering them. This time his two friends show up to stop him, each carrying the swords that they stole, but when they look upon the bloody aftermath of Spicy's prisonbreak, they too are filled with a mysterious urge to fight and kill.

      The three truculent young men head to the last prison and kill the guards. This time though, Spicy is not satisfied and wants to fight some more, battle and bloodshed having completely taken over his mind. So strong is his desire to continue using the sword that he turns on his friends and picks a fight with them. They too are being overwhelmed with the desire to fight and soon the three peasant boys are in a forest glade having a Mexican standoff of sorts with their stolen longswords.

      Before they can kill each other a small army of a hundred or so guards arrives and surrounds them completely, imploring the boys to give themselves up or be killed. Spicy jumps headlong into fighting but his companions are more reluctant to face so many opponents and run away. Spicy fends off most of the guards but is injured and forced to flee after his friends.

      Near a lake in the mountains to the north, the three friends reunite. The obsessive need to fight has not left them and they start to fight each other again. For the first time Spicy becomes aware of a demonic presence living in his sword, urging him to slaughter his friends. Even though the awareness that he has been possessed dawns on him, Spicy continues to fight his friends, half enjoying it and half unable to stop.

      The friend that looks like Ichigo kills the friend who looks like Uryū - and when that boy's body falls into the lake and floats away surrounded by blood - the image is enough to startle Spicy and his friend into awareness for a moment and pause their fighting. The overwheming urge to fight and shed blood returns quickly to Spicy and he is unable to stop it, but the Ichigo looking friend is able to put down his sword and be free of the demon possessing him. He urges Spicy to do the same but is cut down by his friend for his efforts.

      Completely possessed and beyond all rationality, Spicy runs off into the mountains and I cannot remember any more of this dream.

      Updated 08-30-2010 at 02:10 PM by 6048

      Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Dreamscaping-1132691794_zlongsword.jpg  
    15. 06/24/10 Nex Vomica - Death Plague

      by , 06-27-2010 at 01:20 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: This is officially my 3rd WILD in a row! I can now safely say my dry spell is over! I didn't have any particular goals for tonight, so I ended up not focused on much of anything as I used my light / sound machine to meditate as I fell asleep, and I slipped into a WILD…

      I was in my own room still. I almost didn't recognize that I had passed from my waking self into a dream state. I got up and left the room, heading outside. It was daylight outside, so that was one key difference between the house in my inner world and the one in my waking life. I was lucid and dreaming. I wondered what I might do. I thought for a bit, and then I thought I might be thinking about it too much… I didn't want to lose the dream before it had even begun. After a bit more thought I remembered that Tigress and I are working on a project for our capstone in school, one big project that is supposed to demonstrate what we have learned in the past couple of years. That game started right at the U of A, so I would go there to start the walkthrough of the game. It would be much faster to fly than to walk, or even drive, so I took flight and headed in the direction I knew the U of A was located in.

      I landed on the street I have designated to be the setting of the beginning of the game Tigress and I are making. I focused for a bit, I closed my eyes and focused on manipulating the dream scene. I was in my own inner world, so this was not a difficult task. When I opened my eyes the area looked just like I had imagined the setting of the game would look. So now it was time to start playing. The street behind me, which was to the south, was blocked by road construction. There were holes and warning cones set around, and there was random construction equipment also blocking the way. That left one way for me to go. I headed to the north. I remembered there was supposed to be a hidden area off to the east, through a small opening in a fence. I went to that.

      The opening in the fence was there. I slipped through the opening and went down the alley behind the fence. There was a tall fence blocking access to a parking lot which would be out of bounds if the player were to go there, and there was a turn to the north shortly before the parking lot dead end. This was also a dead end, but there was a crate down there. The crate looked abandoned, next to a dumpster. I went to check it out. There was some stuff in the crate. When I looked in it, strangely enough I found there were some energy drinks in it. Many of the cans were broken open, which was probably why the crate had been discarded… but I found a couple that were intact. I slipped those into my backpack. This was the first time I really noticed I had a backpack on, but it made sense since I was a college student and I would need to carry stuff… Now that I had found the hidden items, I returned to the main street and continued walking around.

      A bit farther to the north on the main street there was more construction. That effectively sealed off this section of road. There was nowhere for me to go from there. So I had to turn around and head back. I knew where I needed to go to trigger the next part of the game, I just wanted to look around a bit more. I had seen all there was to see here, however. I went over to the bus stop near the center of the section of the street, right across the street from the hidden passage through the fence. When I got there it triggered the next phase of the game.

      The sky, which had been bright and blue, seemed to darken even though there were no clouds. Everything around me seemed to get darker, actually. There had been birds singing, but now those went silent. In fact, all of the ambient noises I had been hearing were now gone. The sounds of birds singing, of the wind in the trees, of traffic in the distance… now it was as quiet as the grave. And this area was beginning to look quite creepy. I felt a chill run down my back consistent with what the character might be feeling. I saw, or maybe sensed is a better word, movement behind me. I turned quickly and saw a robed man standing there with a sinister grin on his face.

      "Did you really think we wouldn't find you?" he asked, "Well you were wrong. We have eyes and ears everywhere. You should have known it was just a matter of time. You'll be coming with me, now. Or, of course, if you resist we could do this the hard way…"

      "Who the hell are you?" I asked the strange man, "And what are you talking about? I'm not going anywhere with you!" I had an instinctive knowledge that if I went with him it would mean big trouble.

      "I thought you might say that," the man said, "That is disappointing. It is unfortunate, but when you weren't willing to cooperate, my men were forced to kill you." He made a gesture to the trees off to my right, which were now enshrouded in a strange fog, giving the area the same kind of creepy atmosphere I had seen in Silent Hill video games… Shapes moved in the fog and then emerged. There were four men in black hooded robes. They quickly surrounded me, cracking their knuckles.

      "When the deed is done," the first man said to the four around me, "make sure you take anything of value off of her. This will look like a simple mugging where multiple assailants robbed this poor young college student, brutally beating her to death in the process. And you must make absolutely certain that she is beaten to DEATH. There will be no repeat of your last failure."

      I had let myself get into character, so now I felt definite fear for my life. These four goons weren't small men by any stretch, they had me surrounded, they had orders to beat me to death, and they looked quite eager to carry out those orders. I looked around quickly to see if there was anyone around that might help me… but there was no one there… at least no one I could see through the fog… maybe I could slip between them and escape? That was my only chance… The space between two of them was slightly larger than the space between the others, so I made a quick break for that. I never had a chance of making it. One of the goons grabbed me suddenly and violently pulled my arms behind my back, holding them there. Apparently the idea was that one would hold me while the others did the beating. I tried to pull free of the man behind me, but he was too strong… there was nothing I could do…

      "This is gonna be fun," the goon directly in front of me said as he approached me. All I could do was pray the end came swiftly… but no. As the man pulled his right arm back to throw the first punch, I found myself reacting on instinct somehow. Moving my body in such a way as to gain leverage, I bent over and flipped the man behind me over my head and threw him into the one in front of me. Both of them went tumbling to the ground. My first thought was still on escaping… so I tried to run for it again. One of the other two men grabbed my arm as I tried to get away. Acting completely on instinct, I turned around and kneed him in the crotch really hard. He doubled over in pain, grabbing his aching privates. I brought my elbow down hard at the base of his skull, knocking him instantly out cold. I turned and intercepted another of the men coming at me. There was another one coming at me from the other direction. I took advantage of the situation and grabbed their heads, slamming their two heads together. Both of them were out cold. The last man was more hesitant to approach me. But he finally did… and he met up with my foot to his face. I did a roundhouse kick just like I have seen Chuck Norris do countless times, but I had never imagined myself doing one… Not only did I do it, I did it well. My foot made contact with his face with surprising force, knocking him back onto the ground, also out cold.

      The one first man to arrive, who was clearly the leader, was not pleased. He was glaring at the four men on the ground. One of them was regaining consciousness… The leader went over to the one goon regaining consciousness and helped him to his feet.

      "You have failed me for the last time," the leader said to the goon. He pulled out a knife he'd had hidden in his robes and stabbed the goon in the gut. The look of shock on the goon's face turned to one of pain as the leader slowly and deliberately twisted the knife. He pulled the knife out, letting the goon fall to the ground, bleeding and clutching the wound. I got ready for the leader to attack me now… but he didn't. Instead he motioned and four more goons came out, these ones were armed. They had nunchucks that had blades on one end of them…

      "So it won't look like a typical mugging…" the leader said, "I don't care! Kill her!"

      I was wondering how my newly discovered martial arts skills would match up against these guys… I would soon find out. They were surrounding me again, but now someone else arrived. This man was dressed somewhat different than the others, and he was apparently on his own. He threw a sword to me. I hesitated and was about to ask a question.

      "There's no time for questions," he said, "Just fight!" I had no choice but to fight. And now I was discovering that I had instinctive skills with the sword, too. My skills with the sword proved to be more than the enemies could stand up to. Between the new arrival and me, we quickly took care of things. But this time I hadn't just knocked the enemies out… I had killed them. After the fight was over, I was staring at the dead men, more than a bit disturbed by how easily it had come to me to kill them… I had never killed anyone in my life, and now I had killed two of them… but I'd had no choice… I noticed that the fog had lifted, and the place was no longer creepy… except for the dead people.

      "Come on," the man who had helped me said, "We have to get out of here!"

      "What the fuck is going on?!" I asked.

      "There's no time," he said, "Malum just left… he will surely be back with more everto… we have to get out of here!"

      "Malum?" I asked, confused, "Everto? What the…"

      "There's no time!" the man insisted, "The Ascendentae will answer all your questions, but you have to come with me! It is no longer safe here!" The man opened a portal and I followed him through…
      (to be continued)

      Updated 06-27-2010 at 01:34 AM by 27700

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