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    1. 16-11-10 Shotgun Battle, Running Through HQ

      by , 11-12-2016 at 03:03 AM
      I was in a dirty room that was partially flooded. Water reached to my knees, or higher. Three bad guys were hidden in cover, and had me pinned down with constant shotgun fire. I crawled around them, staying low in the water, and flanked them. One of them saw me, but it was too late for them. I killed all tree of them. I grabbed one of their shotguns and now wielded one in each hand (I had a shotgun of my own, but a different model).

      I found myself at the "headquarters" of the "agency". I don't know, it felt like the CIA headquarters or something, but not the CIA. It had a very "corporate" feel to it. Hard to explain. And there were no windows, and the area was quite dim as a result. My partner (or just a coworker?) was next to me. He was quite a bit older than me. He ran off because he had to do something (use some kind of device on a wall somewhere?). I think we decided to race each other there. I ran so fast, down the stairs (trying to take several steps at once), I think I almost started floating. A typical gravitational anomaly common in my dreams.
    2. Gunfight & London trip

      by , 12-24-2013 at 02:02 AM
      23rd of December 2013 (1)

      This is only a dream fragment.

      It started somewhere at a beach. There was the water on the one side and huge cliffs around on the other sides.

      For some reason I was fighting my friend Ashe with a sniper rifle. We both tried to kill each other.

      However we never hit each other except once, when I hit her knee with a yellow soft-air bullet, but it seemed to have no effect on her. I didn't have enough real bullets, so I sometimes put soft-air bullets into my rifle.

      There were other friends and family members around, but they didn't do anything to help me except once, when someone threw some real sniper rifle bullets on the sand. I had to pick them them up.

      Ashe had a different weapon, which was much smaller.
      When I used all the real bullets, I had only soft air bullets left. I realized I had to get ammunition.
      Me and another friend went to my father's car and drove to a store.

      23rd of December 2013 (2)

      This is only a dream fragment.

      I was somewhere in France and wanted to go to London with a friend. We were looking for a nice house to rent there. We wanted to go there by car, but after a few kilometers we ended up somewhere in the hinterland. There were fields with wheat around, but no road to London.

      The next thing I remember is when we were in London and could see the houses of parliament next to a dirty river. We were on the other river bank. We finally found a house we could rent. It was huge. It was really close to the city and there was enough space for both of us.
      My friend didn't like it, because she said it was too close to the city and there was no green around it.
      When we got into the backyard she changed her mind because right behind the house there were fields and woods.

      This is unfortunately when the dream ended.

      Updated 12-24-2013 at 02:05 AM by 67061

      dream fragment
    3. First (Successful) Lucid Dream

      by , 07-26-2013 at 02:27 PM (theSHHAS' Sweet Dreams)
      First (Successful) Lucid Dream

      I don't have this dream written down anymore, so I will have to work from memory.
      But I'm pretty sure I remember most of it quite vivdly.

      Dreaming - Lucid

      I am in an airport with a couple of friends. We are waiting for a flight and we have to smuggle beer with us. We have about a hundred beer cans that we need to take with us and we are brainstorming about how to get them through security. I am holding on to a chocolate Bunny that I just noticed. I don't know how, but that Bunny gives me an idea of how to solve our problem... We do the only logic thing that I could come up with. Break a window and escape through it! We roll down a small grass covered hill and end up in front of the airport. For some reason no one cares about the beer anymore. Suddenly one of my friends starts to throw small rocks at me and it's making me angry. He keeps doing it even though I tell him to stop. A yellow car (Hummer) is driving past me and I take cover behind it by grabbing onto it. When I let go and fall to the ground I realise that letting go of the car and landing on the ground didn't hurt at all...
      BOOOM! I am now lucid!
      I feel very happy and excited but tried to stay calm. But it's hard to stay calm when your friend still throws rocks at you. I decided to kill him. He jumps into a pond and expertly dodge my attempts to punch him in the face. I once again realise that I'm dreaming and thinks to myself, "Why use my fists when I have acces to any weapon or super power I could imagine?". I stop moving in the middle of the road and kneel down. I look at the ground for a couple of seconds and thinks to myself, "I want a gun". I cover my face with my hands and when I take them away I see a gun in front of me on the ground. Very convenient. I pick it up and aim it at my friend who panics and starts running like crazy. I shoot at him with about 10 bullets but fails to hit him. I decides that it's a waste of time to kill him and I go flying instead. I fly around the corner to a tall building at a pretty low altitude (about 10 meters) and see my uncle peeing on a parked car. I don't really car about it and I continue flying. I fly into a forest. I keep flying just above the ground and I slowly start to lose lucidity. This forest is Beautiful and the sun shines through the branches onto the dirt path that I'm flying above...

      I completely lose lucidity and the dream goes on but I can't remember anything from here but a girl on a swing in the forest, and something about water.

      Updated 07-26-2013 at 02:31 PM by 64587

      side notes , lucid , memorable
    4. Hardcore

      by , 01-17-2013 at 07:28 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I'll keep it simple because I don't have much time.

      We're in the jungle. Guerrilla warfare at it's finest. Setting up traps with cobras in them. Throwing grenades from trees....just killing people so easily. It was pretty crazy. I remember thinking about how I killed someone for the first time. Then I'm back at some office, they're giving me some "top secret" mission, I think I just got my clearance or something. The difference between the two jobs were day and night. At first I was like some maniac commando, and then next, some spy.
    5. Gunfight

      by , 11-05-2012 at 10:54 PM

      In this dream there was some sort of major dispute. I am heading to a gunfight. A girl my brother's into and her dad were there. He is an ex-assassin from Russia so I think he had a lot to do with that gunfight scenario. We are all riding on the back of a truck to where the gunfight is going to take place. There are about 10 of us riding in the back of this military truck. We are all passing around bottles of alcohol. We finish off 2 fifths of whiskey and one fifth of vodka between all of us. We hop off the truck and square off with the people we are supposed to fight with. We have the gunfight but nobody is killed. I wake up before there is any clear resolution.
    6. Summer 2011 - Dream Fight

      by , 04-06-2012 at 01:16 AM
      I had somehow got involved in a gunfight that my DCs were having with each other. I'm not sure what they were fighting about, but I ended up on one side where I was handed a semi-automatic gun. Both sides had cover to hide behind, and fire from. I happened to be hiding behind a sandbag wall, popping up occationally & firing a few rounds. I got a few hits, and I know at least one of them was a kill. But our side still wasn't doing good enough. Many more DCs on my side were getting killed than the opposing side. All of a sudden I realized I could turn the tide of battle, I became lucid. Fully standing up from behind my cover I laid waste to any target presenting itself. Though unfortinuately, this meant I was taking hordes of bullets, mainly through my torso area. I didn't care, I could barely feel them as they passed through my body. They couldn't kill me, nothing could. One by one, our side started gaining the advantage and we overran the enemy position. My invulnerability to damage saved the day!
    7. Randomness on the verge of lucidity

      , 04-04-2011 at 02:48 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      Haven't had properly random dreams in a while.
      Usually when I become lucid my dreams start "making sense".
      This night they most certainly did not.

      • I’m sitting in what I can only describe as a F1 Pit box, except there are seats for spectators. Someone is talking about stuff and we all applaud.
        I realize I don’t exactly know what’s going on, so I just mimic what everyone else is doing.
        Then a very big circular device passes over us. It’s about 200m, in radius, and seems to be for transportation.
        People are making fun of the driver because it’s moving extremely slow. I wonder what it looks like on the inside.

        I am now inside the device. There are a lot of seats and the thing is just moving about. It is indeed some sort of public transport vehicle.
        I remember that I have to be somewhere, so I approach the door to get out at the next stop. The device immediately stops and the door opens.
        I leave the vehicle and it immediately starts moving again.

        Where the fuck am I? I figured I’d end up back in the Pit box, but I am in the middle of nowhere.
        There’s 2 paths leading away from here, and there’s a sign indicating where to. The sign to the right says it leads to some sort of city, I’m assuming that’s where the Pit Box is.
        However it also states that one should not start this voyage past 14:00 because it takes over 3 hours to get there by foot, and that would mean it’ll get dark.

        Fucking fantastic. I can’t properly decipher where the other path leads to, but I’m interrupted anyways.
        A person tells me that I’m fucked. I recognize him as some sort of evil person who wants to destroy me, because… well I suppose I’m a good person and this is how this stuff works right?
        He takes out a gun and points it at me.
        Shit, I’m jumping off the rail system hoping to get some sort of cover behind them.
        He just laughs. I see a friend on top of the rails, he shoots him in the face and the body drops down next to me.

        I run to him but he just gets up and gives me a smile indicating that he somehow tricked him. He tells me to grab the guns.
        For some reason there’s 2 guns and 6 magazines on the ground. I quickly grab a gun, put in a magazine, load the gun and hold 2 more magazines for a quick reload.
        There are now much more people after us. Some are appearing on the rail, which is about 3m above us. I try to take a shot at someone, but it requires excessive force to pull the trigger

        I remember that this is a dream sign and become partially lucid, just enough to shoot the gun properly.
        I shoot a few people on the rail. I’m a rather good shot.

        A helicopter appears.
        “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!”
        I take a few well aimed shots at the pilot and the helicopter retreats. I quickly switch magazines and look back up the rail, which is now a lot lower, so that I can actually see over it.
        There’s a building right behind the rails, which is very old and no longer has any windows.

        “Fuck! Werewolves!”
        “Excuse me, what now?”
        I see shadows of beastly animals inside the building, with glowing red eyes. Judging by the shadows they are ripping apart and eating people in the building.
        “We need to get the fuck out of here!”

        We run towards the intersection, my buddy wants to go right to the city. I remember the way takes hours, and it’s already getting quite dark. I suggest we take the left path instead.
        There are a few mesh doors along the narrow path and we just keep running.
        The path splits again. We go to the left because the right visibly leads into nothingness.

        There are signs along the path that stepping on radioactive ground can cause werewolves to spawn.
        There are some sorts of eggs below the ground on the path. They’re glowing in green and pulsating.
        We keep moving quickly, but we are very careful not to step on these eggs.
        The path gradually changes, it is now a normal path with a thin layer of snow on it.
        It is also pretty dark now, like night with a full moon, maybe slightly better lit.

        Some girls rides past us on some sort of mini tank. She doesn’t seem interested in us.
        We’re entering some sort of village. There’s a few houses here and there, and the street is lit by some lights, good!
        We want to take a quick rest on a bench, but then new guys appear, clearly after us yet again.

        We shoot most of them down, but one of them appears out of nowhere jumping at me. There’s no way I’ll get her in time. But right before she reaches me she gets shot in the head and drops dead.
        I realize the shot did not come from my friend, but from another person very close.
        I instinctively point my gun at her.

        I realize I’ve seen her in a dream before and become somewhat lucid.
        I remember that she’s very weird, last time she helped me, but she’s extremely spontaneous and unstable, she may very well change sides in an instant.
        I grab an automatic weapon dropped by one of the other guys.

        We moved to another place where we seem quite safe, and I’m alone with the girl from a previous dream.
        She shows me something weird, it’s two very small white bubbles, 2mm in diameter, linked by a tiny piece of string.
        Then she grabs my arm and pushes it into my skin.
        “What is this???”
        “It will make you very horny.”
        I can feel this thing which is now in my arm draining my lucidity.

        I become increasingly hornier just as she predicted. She’s pretty attractive though, so what the hell?
        We have pretty intense sex for some time.

        I’m walking the street outside of the place we were hiding. I get stopped by a police officer.
        He picks this device up from my arm. I hadn’t realized it had pushed itself out of my skin.
        “What is this?”
        I take it back and put it into my pocket because I think it may be a forbidden item or something along those lines.

      • I’m at the place of a girl called Nath or Nathalie. I’m sleeping over in the guestroom because it’s her birthday tomorrow and I seem to live far away from her.
        For some reason I want to take a shower in the middle of the night. I leave the guestroom and bump into another person because it’s so dark.
        She’s taking a shower, I’ll have to wait.
        The same thing happens again later. Déjŕ vu?
        I get back into the guestroom and realize that I am dreaming.

        I start spinning to change the dark dream scene which seems rather unstable.
        Unfortunately I fail at doing so and end up hovering over the ground in a weird position.
        I feel a breeze of air. Of course, the window!
        I go to the window to leave the house.
        Getting out of the window proves surprisingly difficult, but I somehow manage to get out upside down and drop into the garden.
        I want to fly away as a friend is suddenly next to me and suggests we go eat something at Hooters.

        There are 2 Hooters girls to our left in front of a restaurant waving us in. I’ve never been to Hooters, so why not.
        I quickly start flirting with one of the girls. She seems really into me and I get the feeling she wants to leave with me. She says she’ll be right back.
        The vision changes to her, I see her taking a pill.
        Then I see my friend explaining to me why she can’t resist me.
        I see only an analog clock now, which demonstrates the theory explained by my friend, related to how girls cannot resist a guy if you flirt with them in specific time windows.
    8. Lucid Dream 190: FORE!!!

      by , 03-09-2011 at 02:51 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      March 8, 2011
      Lucid Dream 190: FORE!!!
      Series: Friends, Episode 5
      around 10:00am

      Category - Exploration/Action

      I'm in the basement of my old house along with the cast of the t.v. show, Glee. Me, Puck, Finn, and Rachel are playing some sort of resident evil multi-player game. Quinn and Santana are there along with a girl I know, cC. We are at a boss battle against Tyrant. The dream shifts from us holding controls to us actually being in the game. cC is controlling the Tyrant and are all running running around avoided the attacks. The Tyrant's attacks are slow developing, but do to his large wingspan and massive claws on each hand, he covers ground rather quickly. I have a pistol in each hand and attempt a dodge/fire technique, but the claws catches me and knocks me across the basement and into the cinder-block wall. I slowly get to my feet and begin to search for an herb. I found one in the corner and immediately smoked a joint of it. I then went back to dodging and firing my dual pistols.

      The Tyrant is knocking everyone around like crazy and it seems that we are doing no damage. I noticed that Rachel has a bad ass shotgun, but isn't using it. I yell at her and tell her to "F***ing Shoot it!" She fires one shot that comes nowhere close and screams in fear. She then runs behind the pack. I rip the shotgun out of her hands and hand her the pistols while yelling, "This is how you f***ing shoot this gun!" It was a pump shotgun and I walked up in front of the Tyrant and began blasting away at its face. I shot, quickly pumped, shot and repeated until the shotgun was out of ammo. It seemed to barely even hurt the Tyrant. I thought, "F*** this boss takes a lot of shots!" I looked around the basement to try and find something to use when I noticed a few red barrels in the corner (everyone knows what red barrels are for right?). I pulled Puck and Finn to the side and told them about the barrels. I then asked when we had last saved and they told me it was right before this fight. I told them that was good because we should probably just hit reset. Puck shouted, "Nah, lets kill this mother f***er right now!" I replied, "Dude, even when we kill him, what are we going to do for the rest of the game. We just wasted all the ammo we had been saving. For no reason, I might add." Finn agreed and Puck gave in. We hit recent and the scene started over. I immediately took the shotgun from Rachel and fired a few necessary shots to lure the Tyrant toward the barrels. It swung and i ducked under its arm and dove forward, spinning my body around to shoot the barrels. I fired the shot before I hit the ground and blew up the barrels. The Tyrant splattered all over the place. I looked around and was pissed because I had to clean all the blood out of the basement. For no apparent reason, I became lucid.

      The Glee cast had changed to random DCs and I had forgotten all about them. I ran outside and took flight. I flew low over the ground and up over a nearby hill. I noticed there was a large structure in the distance as i grew closer and closer I could tell it was my castle. There were several folding beaches chairs in the front lawn. As I landed in front of the castle I saw my friends Cliff, Ryano, and Deej. Kate Beckinsale was sun bathing in one of the fold out chairs. I greeted my friends and then bent down and whispered in Kate's ear. She opened her eyes a replied, "Oh, hey baby." I then kissed her and rubbed my hand on here stomach. She was wearing a very sexy two piece bikini. I wanted to f*** her right there, but I resisted. I then walked back to my friends and told them we were lucid. I started doing the "look at your hands" RC and everyone else started doing it too. My hand was completely normal except my thumb and pinky had changed positions. Ryano had a couple toes on one of his hands. We kept showing each other the weird things are hands were doing. I noticed there were some scattered golf balls laying on the ground, so I turned to Kate and said, "My Queen, will you fetch my driver?" She then reached under her chair, said, "One step ahead of you," and handed me a driver.

      The rest of my friends suddenly had golf clubs as well. There were also random people walking around in the field. We all began trying to hit the people with golf balls. I noticed a little kid holding a balloon. I hit the ball and then concentrated on the balloon. I imagined it popping. I then saw the golf ball smack into the balloon and popped it. The liitle kid started to cry, but was soon knocked out by Ryano's golf ball. I fist pumped the air and shouted, "Shut the f*** up whiny little b****!" He then started high five'n everyone. I turned back to the field and searched for a good person to peg. I saw an old man walking with a cane. I stroked the ball in a line drive and guided with my mind right into the cane. It shattered and the old man fell face first into a cow pie. I then noticed Ryano was way out there beside the old man. Ryano took his foot and smashed the old guys head deeper into the cow pie with it. He performed the Captain Morgan pose" using the back of the old man's head as a foot stool. We continued to peg the pedestrians until I felt the dream slipping. I decided to DEILD as opposed to trying to stabilize.....

      Series Details
      In the dream series, "Friends," I join the DC counterparts of my waking life friends and tackle the dream world. You never know what we will be up to next, but I guarantee it will be one hell of a time. Stay tuned for more entries to the series!

      Updated 03-20-2011 at 08:54 AM by 22654

    9. Fragment and dream with an overused twist

      by , 01-09-2011 at 12:01 PM (Fernanvic´s dream journal)
      Skating fragment (Non-lucid)


      I'm with an asian girl in a city. I'm helping her do some stunts on her skate, which had videogame-like controls. She doesn't want to continue but I tell her that she's just quitting without really trying. Then we hold hands in a really weird way for the next stunt. After that I vaguely remember dreaming about some guy who killed people who told others about lucid dreaming to keep it a secret.


      In which man pays for his mistakes (Non-lucid)


      I went to a place with my family where they had a virtual reality program that let you experience what it would be like if man had to pay for all of his mistakes (yeah, that's what the dream literally said) Don't rember mut about the actual experience but after it happened I started a new job as a bathroom cleaner. My aunt was also working as a bathroom cleaner and she told me everything about the job. After I'd learnt everything there is to know about cleaning bathroom a middle aged lady entered and refused to flush her toilet. She was also very rude so I started being a smartass and saying weird things about her shit.

      The lady left angry but returned somewhat later as the head of the customer association and I had to go to the bosses office, where I was reprimanded.

      After that I sort of wished that man really did have to pay for all of his mistakes and that's whenthe whole world really did go to shit
      (I think at some point of the dream I or my hole family had been given wishing powers), the apocalypse started to happen, buildings started coming downand some other things happened which I cannot remember. After that I vaguely remember getting into a gunfight with my family. Then we got into a car and had to drive to safety before the sun came up or we'd all burn to death on the way a car from the gunfight started shoting at us but we managed to avoid it.

      We arrived at a weird factor where a man stole our powers and did a jedi mind trick on us to make us forget. After some more driving we arrived at a safe town where there was no technology. At this point my family momentarily became the simpsons family and Lisa complained avout the breakfast that was some kind of weird vegetable but Bart said it was good and homer agreed.

      In the end it turned out that I'd never left the virtual reality program from the beginning and that It had all been part of the experience. On the way out my brother told me that the whole adventure had been just like a movie he saw where the same sort of thing happened to two astronauts
      (here the dream shifts and I'm watching the movie)

      Two astronauts hadn't made the cut for the next space mission, which had only places for eighteen people, but they'd been good enough that they were selected for special training for the next one. They had to live together for a while and they were told that they needed to have as much trust around each other as they did with their loved ones. The male astronaut said goodbye to his loved one, a beautiful tall blonde woman and entered a train with the female one, who happened to be a girl I'd seen around high school and I thought that I'd never known she was an actress.

      Notes: Longest dream yet!
    10. Randomness after loosing lucidity: Weird handcuffs, place from American Dad, jet going to warp speed

      , 12-20-2010 at 01:54 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      This is after over 2 weeks of not remembering a single dream at all...

      Awake / Comment
      Non Lucid

      1. Clarity: 3/10
        Importance: 2/10

        … I enter an unknown house with some friends (2 I think). They need to do something and go upstairs.
        I stay in the hallway waiting for them to come back. For some reason I question that this is reality and perform the nose pinch RC.
        I’m indeed dreaming. Before I can fully grasp that I am lucid, I notice I’m soaked wet and wearing nothing but a bath towel.
        In the very same moment a man enters the hallway and is quite surprised to find me here.
        “Who are you? And what are you doing here?”
        Not really sure how to make sense as to why I am standing alone in his house, wet and dressed in nothing but a towel, I tell him.
        “Yeah… I’m here to meet Christian”, as I recall that one of the guys I entered the house with was named Christian.
        He shakes his head and is clearly annoyed, and quite confused, but leaves me alone and goes into another room.
        This sudden event throws me off quite a bit, I completely forget to stabilize the dream or set myself any goals. Due to this the dream isn’t very clear, and I’m not as aware as I usually am.
        I completely forget that I am still on a quest to meet “her" (http://www.dreamviews.com/f11/recurr...er-dcs-106461/) again.
        I decide to explore the house, but I don’t really have a proper goal for this dream. I walk down the hallway, past the kitchen, where the man I met before and his wife are having a discussion.
        I wonder if they’re talking about me. I continue down the hallway and go downstairs. I get the idea to use some form of dream control, but I’m not really sure what to do.
        I try to summon someone inside the room downstairs… not sure whom to summon, I settle with the idea of a cute girl about my age. That’s pretty much all the details I use.
        As I enter the room I find a cute girl, about my age, watching TV. I’m happy that I can still do this easily, even though I barely had any lucids lately, or recalled any dreams for that matter.
        She’s confused. I intruded into her room and she doesn’t know me. She clearly wants to say something, but she can’t find the right words.
        I use some more dream control, I want to make sure she doesn’t scream or something like that.
        I try to charm her by projecting my energy onto her. She completely forgets I’m an intruder and embraces me. She can barely stand, maybe I overdid it?
        I didn’t really account for how much energy I wanted to use, it was more like a random reflex, and I have no idea how much energy I used.
        “Kiss me!” she says. Well... who am I to deny this lovely lady a kiss, somehow thinking that I’m pulling a bit of a Hank Moody.
        I enjoy the kiss, but I can feel her whole body shaking, I really must have overdone it with the energy projection.
        Suddenly, my vision fades. Damnit! I forgot to stabilize the dream.

      2. Clarity: 2/10
        Importance: 2/10

        I notice I haven’t moved yet after waking up. I immediately try to recreate the scene from my dream since I’m still somehow half in it.
        I can still feel some remains of the girl’s body heat, but I see through the eyes of my real body, which are closed…
        Suddenly I’m back in the dream. It didn’t really feel like a typical WILD transition, it was way too fast, still, I’m convinced it was a DEILD.
        … I notice the girl is gone, which is quite confusing... and there are 2 armed men in the room. Oops? This can’t be good.
        The man I met earlier is there. “You tried to steal my most precious belonging!”
        What is he talking about? Ooooh, right! I’m a thief and I’m here to steal something from him, in fact, I already stole it…
        I lose lucidity at this point, after all the thief story made so much sense *cough*.
        I have no idea what the item is that I stole, but I strongly believe I have it in my possession, and that I was hired to steal it.
        Both of the armed men draw their guns, time to get the hell out of here. I instinctively draw my own gun and shoot a bullet just past both of them.
        This startles them quite a bit and gives me enough time to run around the next corner. They try to shoot me, but I’m a thief, obviously they’re never going to hit me at that distance.
        I keep running down a corridor and know how to get out of the building.
        (It’s different from the house I was originally in)
        One of the men reappears in front of me; he must have found a shortcut. I need to go past him though, but I don’t want to shoot him.
        I try to knock him unconscious with my gun and he falls to the ground. The other guy is getting way too close, I don’t have a choice, I shoot him in the chest and he drops dead.
        Shooting the gun was hard (physically) I remember that I often experience that in non-lucid dreams, but I do not notice that I am dreaming.
        For some reason I know I’m running out of ammo, I decide to pick up the semi-automatic gun dropped by the guy I knocked unconscious.
        Unfortunately, the blow to his head wasn’t strong enough, he was still awake. Before I am able to grab his gun, he puts some kind of metallic spring onto my right index finger.
        It looks like one of the springs used in pens. It’s rotating around my index finger, and with every rotation it adds another layer of spring.
        I try to stop the rotation with my middle finger, but it just starts rotating around both.
        I try to use my left hand to pull it off, but it starts rotating around both hands. Well, this is a very annoying but highly effective device.There is no way I’ll be able to remove it here.
        I start running again, and remember this place in Thailand which to a normal person seems like a place where you can get your nails colored, but it’s actually a good spot to get handcuffs removed.

        (I saw an episode of American Dad before going to bed, and Roger went to exactly that place to get his handcuffs removed)
        I successfully stole the item, I just need to make a stop there and it’ll be all good…
        … I’m in a car with 2 people. They’re associates of the one who hired me to steal the item. They’re bringing me to the airport so I can leave on a plane.
        As we approach the plane I notice that it’s a concord. Do they still make those? No they’re not… I wonder if this is a dream?
        My thought process gets interrupted by someone shooting at our car. The driver startles and drives our car straight into the landing gear of the plane, what an idiot.
        I get out of the car. The pilot of the plane is not amused and goes to warp speed. Wtf?
        One of the guys I was in the car with says “Did you see this, this thing accelerated this fast on only 6 out of 8 engines!”
        He’s right, only 6 of the thrusters were lit… The dream fades away…

    11. hotel gunfight

      by , 11-28-2010 at 06:39 AM
      Me and some law enforcement agents (no one I know) in normal long sleeves and tie (undercover) had a command post in a big hotel room somewhat like the penthouse. The scenes were all seen from a first person point of view.

      The security guard who went out got shot in the heart by an unseen sniper, while I tried to shout to him not to go out. We got ourselves ready. Next thing we knew, the hotel room was being slammed by the bad guys. I didn't had a gun since I wasn't really an agent, so I kept screaming: "Give me a gun! Who has another gun?".

      When I realized that no one was to give me a gun and that the agents were already positioned in the door hall to fight, I quickly ran, jumped, and threw a vase toward the door just in time when the first bad guy entered. I hit him hard, he fell down & was able to grab his gun. It was a big handgun with chrome finish, similar to the Desert Eagle.

      I was in the floor just below the door and the bad guys came in one by one real quick. I was trying to evade their shots, but at the same time really firing the gun I got. I had several good shots...chest, neck, head, while the other agents on my side were firing away.

      One woman with long, straight, black hair and wearing silversih gray long sleeves and pants similar to Chinese silk outfits just walked passed me. I tried to stop her but wasn't able to get her with shots. The dream suggested that she was "Mother"...sort of like the mastermind. I turned my attention to another guy in the door whom I shot in the neck but he rose again so I had to shoot again. It was unclear if it was I or the other agents who finally got him in the head.

      As the gunfight moved on, I found it harder and harder to squeeze the trigger, but I was still getting some bad guys. I never seemed to ran out of bullets. All this action while I was lying on the floor by the door.

      Then I woke up.

      Updated 11-28-2010 at 06:43 AM by 39126

      Tags: gunfight, hotel
    12. 11/18/2010 - "The Not-So-Old West", "The Good, the Bad, and the Under-Age"

      by , 11-20-2010 at 11:13 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream One:
      "The Not-So-Old West"

      I was at a school, or in some other similar building, during major function/convention/assembly type of thing. It was a modern building, but the assembly had a Wild West theme to it. There were a lot of people around, and I remember being both inside and outside, but none of the transitions between the two. At one point, I was supposed to be cooking some of the food, but someone ended up dropping the ladle into the fire and burning it. Everyone thought it was me, and I was getting ridiculed about how I couldn't handle the food anymore. I knew that it was some other woman that had dropped the spoon, a manager or something, but she was playing it off - rather well, actually - and I couldn't prove it.

      Of course, as is to be expected, a battle broke out, seemingly from nowhere. The gathering was outside at this point, and a pack of dogs/wolves were sent onto the premises, along with the opposing forces - though I can't remember who we were battling. The western atmosphere quickly turned from a simple theme to an actual, old west gunfight. The dogs flushed people out, everyone scattering around while the guns blazed. Soon out of bullets, I picked up a knife and held it at the ready, waiting for the dogs to converge on me, but they never did.

      Later, the group and I were back inside the building, but I was in a "secret" section, which was something of a police department. There were people dressed in civilian clothing, cops in riot gear, and a few others and I were dressed in all black, like ninjas. Apparently we were a part of some mysterious tactical squad. There was a meeting going on, and some kids and somehow wandered into the hallway outside of the room we were meeting in. They kept trying to creep in the door and see what was going on, but I kept shoving them out wedging my foot up against it. Eventually, they found a window into the room and slipped in. By this time, everyone was sick of them, so a few of the cops intervened. Having not known the cops were going to get upset with them, the kids were now terrified that they were going to be in a lot of trouble.

      Dream (Frag) Two:
      All I remember, here, is being at a water park. Don't really remember anything that went on.

      Dream Three:
      "The Good, the Bad, and the Under-Age"

      Was back in the western theme. It was more of a modern/outback kind of feel - where you could tell it was modern times, because of the technology, but most people were still wearing old western clothes. I was much younger, in this dream - maybe around 13ish, and was attending some kind of class, and the speaker was a reknowned female gunslinger, who was something of a vigilante and considered, by some, to be an outlaw. (She reminded me a lot of Sharon Stone, in The Quick and the Dead.) To us kids, though, she was a hero. I believe the lesson was a sort of safety class, where she was talking about the latest bad guy on the scene. He was a shape-shifter, who could sometimes just sort of "materialize," out of thin air, sometimes.

      During her lesson, though, the inevitable happened. I heard a digital noise that sounded kind of like a Transformer transforming. At the front of the class, a bunch of various black shapes sprinkled into view and attracted themselves to one another, quickly forming a humanoid shape. The mass then morphed one last time, creating the finishing touches on a full-grown man. There was an immediate reaction of panic, throughout the classroom. We knew, exactly who it was. In that same instant, without wasting any words. The villain drew his guns and began firing into the rows of students. Chaos ensued. The children, myself included, scrambled for the exit, a number of them being blasted from behind, while what had to have been large-caliber rounds, judging by the impacts they made. It all happened so fast. I don't even remember what happened with the gunslinger woman, at this time. I just remember scrambling out the door, along with a mass of my fellow students.

      Later, we had gotten back in touch with the 'outlaw.' She had decided that she was going to go looking for the villain, and that she had to put an end to all of this. Still an early teenager, I - along with a girl around my age - insisted on going to help her. At first, she refused, but we absolutely would not take 'no' for an answer. Eventually, she gave in - or so we thought - and she handed us two, matching rifles. We were walking through a large park area, supposedly on the hunt for information, as to where the murderer was hiding. Whatever the case, though, it turned out that he was the one to find us. Again, he just sort of materialized, out of nowhere. I don't even remember him showing up, this time. He was just...there. Before I had time to even react, the older man grabbed my rifle and ripped it out of my hands, quickly spinning it around and aiming it back at my face. Instinctively, I reached out and grabbed the barrel, trying to wrestle it away from him. I was able to turn to where my back was facing him, and pulling the gun forward, over my shoulder. He was just too strong for me, though, and would not let go. Instead, he began pulling the barrel downward, twisting it toward the front of my body. I went from trying to pull the gun from him, to trying to keep the barrel from swinging down toward my crotch, which it was steadily approaching. I was no match for the older man, though. Anxiety shot through me, at the point where I knew I was not going to be able to stay out of the line of fire. I braced myself to be shot, still straining to keep him from shooting me in the groin.

      The gun went off twice, but there was no loud report, or searing burn from a riffle bullet. It was a pellet gun. Nothing more. I can only assume that she gave us kids pellet guns because she had no intention of letting us get caught up in the fight. But, seeing as how the bad guy found us, we didn't have much of a choice. While he his attention on me, the 'outlaw' got the drop on him, blind-siding him and taking him to the ground. She stood over him with her shotgun, blasting away mercilessly and the downed assailant. Pellet guns or not, the two of us kids joined in with her, emptying whatever ammo we had, amongst the deafening sound of her shells. Soon, it was over, and we were walking back toward the car, to make our escape, knowing the cops would be on us, in no time. Inevitably, they showed up, just as we were reaching the parking lot. Before they had a chance to see our weapons, we hid them behind a tree, trying to play it cool while we walked toward the cops and our getaway car. (Funny that we - or at least she; I can't remember - were still wearing wild western wear, and we were going toward a car. Lol.)

      The cops intercepted us, and there was this really pissed off Sheriff, who had apparently been hunting the outlaw for a while, now. They had already been tipped off about there having been a gunfight, here in the park, and were here to investigate. The Sheriff seemed certain that the outlaw was up to something, and started grilling us about where we'd just been. We tried to play innocent, and the woman made up some story about what we'd been doing. It was rather slick, and it seemed that he was just about to buy it. But, absurdly, the girl beside me, an avid fan of the gunslinger woman, whispers to me over to me. She says something about how even though the gunslinger 'was a murderer, she was good, and knew how to cover her ass'. She was so starstruck that she said it just loud enough for everyone in the group to hear - including the Sheriff. We all, simultaneously, turned to the girl with a collective stare of "WTF??" I remember kicking her in the shin as if to say "shut up!" The Sheriff just grinned. He leaned in close, glaring at all of us, and called out and order for his men to search the area. He knew something was up.

      They ended up finding the body of the villain, and taking the woman away for murder. They told us (the kids) that we had another year before we had to worry about receiving our punishment for our involvement. By this time, there was a crowd that had gathered in the park, watching the situation unfold. Apparently the outlaw had a lot of fans because, as they were taking her away, there were many people crying and pleading for her to be set free - myself included. I remember telling about how I'd seen the villain killing a room full of kids, with my own eyes, and that the woman was just doin the right thing. The police weren't hearing it, though, carrying her toward the vans. In the crowd, I remember hearing someone whisper "Look. She's...crying" (talking about the lady gunslinger). It was just a sad moment, all around, watching her getting hauled away. We were all heartbroken.

      That's all I remember.

      Updated 11-20-2010 at 11:31 PM by 2450

    13. Dreams from the past. ( Part 2 )

      by , 09-26-2010 at 03:42 PM
      Thursday, August 19th, 2010
      Had a dream about the whole world turning into man eating zombies except for me and a friend. Later we find a younger guy who hasnt been turned either. Turns out we were living on some type of giant spaceship and there were escape pods. So we get in and jump to hyperspace right before the whole ship self destructs.

      Also i had a dream where i saw a major label band on live tv, they were lip synching to a recorded track. You could tell because their lips and hand movements wernt in time with the music. They were playing one of my band's songs and claiming it as their own.

      Friday, September 17th, 2010
      Im witness to a murder, someone sneaks into the house im sleeping in and kills the owner in the next room. They see me witness the act and i run for the door. Desperately trying to find my way out of the enclosed neignborhood i finally get free, but once i do im greeted by a nice lady who helps me up off the ground after i fall while climbing over the fence. I notice her nails were freashly done and then suddenly as if it were all scripted i figure out that she's the mystery killer through a bunch of connected clues and she is shocked that i figued out it was her.

      Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010
      There is a gunfight between some kind of swat team type police force wearing chineese straw hats and a group of thugs and outlaws wanting to vandalize and destroy a political figurehead's home for something he publicly said or done. I was in outlaw and thugs group. We broke into the estate and started smashing things and tearing the whole building down. The owner of the estate wasn't home at the time, but he had publicly said or done something to offend the group i was in soo much that we were out for blood. The police had advance warning of what we inteded to do and were waiting for us. Soon as we started shooting and destroying things they poped out of everywhere and started shooting back at us. We put up a good fight in the beginning but were out matched and out gunned. A smoke screen began to build from all the shooting that had been going on so i took the chance and tried to run away up the street, but i saw that they had the entire area surrounded and were rounding up anybody who tried to flee. so i headed over into a neighbors yard and laid down flat behind a wooden picket fence and watched while police searched for anyone who might be hiding. Apparently they had a list of everyone who was involved in the attack and wernt gonna stop looking until they were all arrested. I watched as one officer goes into the house accross from me and starts opening up cars and garages to try and find me. As she was getting closer to where i was hiding. our eyes met and a smirk ran across her face. I knew then that there was nothing i could do and that i was going to be going to jail for what i had done.
      Her: " what are you doing down there "
      Me: " oh nothing, just hiding out "
      Her: " you wanna come out from under that fence? "
      So I get up from laying on the ground just enough so that half of my face is exposed ( like wilson from the tv show home improvement ) We both were acting very calm and casual cause we both knew there was nothing i could do or say to get away from this situation. Just then a small kid came walking up to me with a lit cigarret in his hand asking me what i was up to. I told him he should put that cigarret out beacause he was too young to be smoking. Not wanting to be lectured by me he walked off.
      Her: " Is your name ( cant remember )? "
      Me: " What ?"
      Her: " Is yourname ( cant remember ) ? Is that your name? ".
      Me: ( thinking it sounds familiar ) " Yea, thats me. "
      The name she had asked me about was not in fact my name. Truth is I've never heard that name before, but in the dream the name felt like it had been mine all my life. ( This isnt the first time where i had a vivid dream in which i assume the identity of someone else.
      The lady cop puts me in a van with some other people arrested for being involved in the attack. We begin driving ( i assume to the jail house ) and its then that i begin to notice that some things dont make sense. American police officers dont wear chinese straw hats. Some of the landmarks and buildings and statues I see while in the van made me think that this wasnt even america at all, so i ask the driver " what country are we in?" to which she sais the name of a country ive never heard of. I then realize that this could all be a dream and if it is, to just ride it out and dont worry about anything. It's just going to be an experience so enjoy it. Right when i said that to myself my alarm clock went off and i woke up.