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    1. Old LD from 11-9-06

      by , 09-13-2011 at 04:32 PM

      Yes! I just awoke from yet another LD. I hope this means that they are back to stay.

      Lucid Dream

      I remember driving with my mom. We came to this train crossing. I had this feeling a train was near, but the arms were up. I looked right and saw that a train had just passed. After we crossed I looked left and saw that another train was coming. The arms weren't going down, and there were no flashing lights. I was afraid the cars behind me were going to get hit. But then we were too far ahead to see.

      We came to this big and very busy intersection. Next thing I remember my mom and I were out of the car. She told me she hated to drive through that intersection.

      Next I remember we were on top of this fairly high concrete roof on a building by that same intersection. I was at the edge...I was falling off. As I went over I told my mom that I would be ok. I wasn't lucid yet...but I was getting close.

      Then my mom and I were both on the ground level again now. I was thinking that what just happened was weird. I looked at my mom again. She was wearing an Old Navy flag shirt that was pretty low cut. It was so not my mom that --just like the tank top in the other recent LD--it triggered lucidity.

      I said, "Mom, cool, you are in my LD! This means you can come flying with me--won't that be great?"

      Then I said, "But first we need to feel the texture of this brick planter next to us." I reached out and felt the bricks. They were fairly smooth, with flecks of rough spots. [It was exactly like a type of brick that I know from real life--the texure was perfect.]

      I then said, "We need to look at our hands". They looked almost normal exept for a small finger growing out between my third and fourth finger. I remembered what Ranma said about trying to keep it from changing--to keep it stable. I told myself to make my hand right. It went to completely normal. But when I stopped concentrating, the little finger came back. I did this a few times and never was able to keep that 6th finger from appearing again. I'll have to keep working on that one.

      Then I told my mom, "Now we can fly." I took off and heard my mom flying behind me. I went out into the street area. There were these decorations strung out between the street lamps in the center of the road. They were at first like white sheets, then turned into those fake spider webs you buy for Halloween.

      As I was flying under these, I noticed that the music from Peter Pan was playing again "You can fly, you can fly, you can fly....". I thought, "Wow...just like in my first LD....I like it." Once I started listening, it played louder...and I hummed along.

      But then I was having trouble getting past all the spider webs. They were all over now and I couldn't fly any higher because of them.

      Suddenly I was in a mall. I decided to land.

      Things get fuzzy here. I had some sort of plan/goal. But I don't remember what it was. Then I saw a guy I knew from high school (D Lopez). [We had been in a lot of classes, and he was friends with another of my friends, but I always was under the impression that he didn't like me too much. So I'm not sure why he was the one to show up here.]

      I landed next to him and said, "Ha!...You're in my LD."

      He looked at me and said, "You are not going to kiss me, are you?"

      I laughed and said, "I think I will."

      So I put my arms around his neck and started to kiss him. I suddenly realized that I didn't remember ever kissing anyone in my dreams before. It felt quite real and kind of good in spite of the fact that it was D.

      Then the dream faded and I woke up.

      And this all took place between alarms (5:50 and 6:00).....so the whole thing was less than 10 minutes. They always seem so much longer. But in spite of the length it was a very satisfying LD.

    2. beach boy

      by , 08-21-2011 at 01:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I had walked away from a group of people. I was now out walking on a beach. It was a sunny day. I was walking up toward a cluster of small sand dunes rooted with little clumps of brownish and greenish grass.

      I met up with a boy, maybe twelve or thirteen years old. I had known him from the group of people I had walked away from. He may have been the son of someone in the group. The boy was kind of tall, about my height (I'm kind of short), a little skinny, but muscly, darkly tanned, with slightly messy, brown-black hair. He was wearing red, knee-length swim trunks and no shirt.

      I just thought I'd be cool and say hey to the boy. But he started asking me questions about my life, as if he was really interested in me. The boy started asking me why I was taking business trips to Philadelphia and Chicago, did I like taking those trips, and why did I like taking them?

      The boy even seemed to be attracted to me, which I couldn't quite believe, and which seemed a little weird to me. But I may also have felt attracted to him.

      We walked over the cluster of dunes and were in some kind of small valley of sand. One side was bordered by the dunes. The other side was bordered by some kind of small ledge of brown or dark tan stone.

      The boy and I sat down near the ledge of stone. The boy sat with his legs bent out casually in front of him, and his hands joined together so his forearms were wrapped loosely around his knees.

      I sat down and explained to the boy that I just took business trips because I was told to. It was something I did to further my career. I liked Chicago and Philadelphia. But that wasn't why I went to those places. (IWL I have never taken any business trips.)

      I may have felt that the boy was going to try to kiss me or that I wanted to kiss the boy.
    3. Copyright puffins dream

      by , 07-29-2011 at 11:08 PM (Dakotah's web of dreams)
      I was sitting on the bench in my front yard kissing this girl. Then I become lucid. I pull back and plug my nose. I can breath! I'm lucid! I tell the girl that I'm dreaming and she goes "what would you like to do in your dream?" in this sexual tone.

      She leans on for a kiss and I shove her off of the bench and say "I want to fight". I get off of the bench and pit my arms up on this fighting pose. We start to fight ninja style. We were doing flips, roundhouse kicks, and whatever you can think of.

      Then I shout out some names and say "come get some". Four people come out from behind a tree. I get in my stance. One runs at me and I flip him over me. Two more come and I do this spinning kick and knock them both to the ground. The last runs at me and we do the same move. I have two ands on the ground holding my self up. And my feet are in the air. She was doing the same move so our legs were tangled. My left leg was on top, her right leg was in the middle, my right leg was under that. And her left leg was in motion going to the ground. I tried to spin in mid air and everything went in slow motion. Just like in puffins dream I felt like I was going through a thick liquid.
    4. July 23 Briefly Exploring the Dreamworld

      by , 07-23-2011 at 04:32 PM (Dreams of Hash)
      Going to bed 1:00-1:30
      Goals: Detailed recall
      Just rem talking to jess, maybe her bro to, i think about a song, i rem the number 3 being significatnt

      6:36 I just rem being in a restaurnant and waiting for something in particular to be out on this buffett table. I just rem watching it as an employee goes back and fourth between there and some room adding more to the table each time.

      8:20 Had a dream i was standing in line for something school realated, the line is quite long and where i am standing the only person i recognize is janade from a long time ago. In the dream i think her name is sarah. I tell her, last night i dreamt this exact scene, standing in line and you being here.

      9:OO Briefly Exploring the Dreamworld Me and jesicas brother are in school for a class, somehow i become lucid. I dont think i tell him or anything, in the dream it felt like i had dreamed this scenario already so i knew it was a dream. This dream shifts like crazy, sometimes i just think of where i want to go or what i want to do and its happening. This actually made it quite difficult to remember and piece together but i gave it my best shot.

      I leave the school and i am outside in the dark down the street from my house, a small walkway leads down from the entrance of the school to my street, people here and there on the walkway. The dream is shifting like crazy and i dont even rem traveling most of the time, im just somewhere new. i get to my house and go inside, i tell my brother im dreaming. The dream shifts and i rem being in like vietnam or something with some local, dude with black shirt dark skin dark hair, and we are in a house that is collapsing, the house has a giant beam in the center, Firs the center room falls in like a sink hole, then rooms on each side of the house, we run out of the house and hide for a bit from people passing by a road, they look like refugees or something and give us weird looks when they see us.

      we hide under a food trough protected by many plants it has a red dead redemption feel to it. just sand all around and montains in the distance, inside of the fence around the house everything has kind of a tropical feel, outside the fence is more like west texas or something. We get up just as a girl passes and follow her down into a valley. She is telling us something and trying to help us, she wants to give us something but i cant rem what. Down in the valley the local left and i rem standing with that girl and her horse i think. She had changed in appearance from before, first she had dark skin and dark hair and was somewhat attractive, now much lighter skin and hair and kind of strange looking.

      I randomly start kissing her when we are down there, it was weird i just walk up to her, she looks at me and i think gets ready to say something when i start kissing her. i rem her mouth and tongue felt really cold and tasted quite strange, it grossed me out, so i quickly stopped, she kept trying to kiss more and i kind of had to push her away. I stop and she tells me about something but i dont really pay attention. The dream shifts and I end up back home and tell my bro we are dreaming again, that i have been in a dream for a while now and i try to remember some of it. I sit down, in the floor in my room, in lotus to meditate and try to rem but im too excited and quickly get back up.

      I get up thinking i want to smoke, i ask my bro if he does, he says yes, i go into my room and get some weed, it looks like good stuff but pretty much the same as what i have in waking life, i ask my bro what does it feel like to be a dream character, he says something like, hmm idk what did i say last time you asked. i start to break some weed up but before i finish i change my mind and go outside. When i walk outside it is like a theme park, there is a ferris wheel in the distance, some other rides on each side, and many people walking around, it is beautiful outside, sun is shining, sky is blue, i seem to be standing on some sort of boardwalk.

      I want to ride a skateboard and without even finding one i start riding, i go across this wooden bridge that takes me down to some area lower in the park almost like a parking area, i think about trying some tricks but dont because im afraid of hurting myself, I lose the skateboard and walk down a small road towards a building. i rem going inside the building with, theres an escalator. I ride the escalator down into some room, there are people behind a counter up front and people sitting in rows on either side, it reminds me of jury duty, the room is blue and grey.

      Cant rem what i did in there, i rem going back up the escalator when somehow the dream shifts and im back in the neighborhood, i head towards my yard and start thinking of dream goals, I decide to eat something so i go to my neghbors tree and look for fruit on the ground, now its dark outside, i rem tripping out at the way the dreamtrees looked at night, i pick up a smal black fruit but its also juicy like its already been bitten into so i throw it in the street. i go into my yard, its day now and pick up a small blackish blue rock and eat it, it cracks in half with very little pressure in my mouth and becomes chalky, it tastes terrible, i spit it out.

      I end up back inside, i rem one time thinking about my real body, when i did this the scene got very yellow, like yellow spots were bursting into my vision, but i was able to stabilize in time by rubbing something that was randomly in my hand, i rem a small rock. I rem going out into the study and there being a random dc there, light skin, i think maybe red or light brown hair, looks anywhere from 16 to my age. For whatever reason i start trying to manifest a gun to shoot him with. First i use my fingers and make sound effects, then i rem the airsoft guns out there, i pick up one and pretend it is real,, i pretend to shoot the guy, it no longer appears i am holding an airsoft gun, just my hand. I shoot him and he falls back as if he was faking getting hit.

      I try to summon a sword by stretching out my hand and imaginging it but it doesnt work. I head back to my room. I rem my bro sitting in my room and im trying to teleport from one side of the room to the other. I try imagining viewing the scene from a different spot. It doesnt work so i try to teleport behind him. I pretend to start running and then i blink but it didnt work. I sit down and my sister comes in. I tell her ive been dreaming for a long time, im afraid i wont be able to rem it all but i dont want to wake up. I tried recapping everything in my head. Now no body is in the room with me, i decide to look at my dream jorurnal, i pull it up, and lay down on my bed.

      the dj looks pretty close to waking life except my list of goals is longer and the print is bold in certain spots. The window is also much bigger than i usually have it. I dont rem what goals are listed but i rem when i read them they all seemed correct. I rem thinking about how stable the text is despite people often saying its hard to read in dreams. I was going to try and write this entry now, in dream, so i could rem better when i wake but I start to see yellow spots again and before you know it
      im staring at my eyelids
    5. June 3, 2011 and June 4, 2011

      by , 06-05-2011 at 05:47 PM
      June 3, 2011:
      I'm in a restaurant, and it is a $13.95 brunch buffet. However, I don't see the buffet. French toast is put on my plate and on Lucas' (kid I used to babysit) plate at this small corner booth (i.e. two sides of the booth are cushion, and the other two have adjacent chairs). I am apparently a vampire or something. The waitress, who has bright red hair, keeps pouring me tons of drinks. I guzzle apple juice, cranberry juice, and even try an apple-milk syrup (which tasted very strange - I wouldn't suggest trying it yourself). I actually want some food, but I never get any.

      I somehow know that I am the villain, and I head to the washroom of the restaurant (which resembles the Seewald's - tiny, and when you open the door, the sink and toilet are right there). I open the door, and Ms. Cameron is just on her way out. I apologize and go to wash my hands. As I do so, a girl comes my way. However, I'm not quite sure what happens next.

      Then, I am outside the restaurant in a dirt road parking lot. I am with a Japanese guy, and we're having a conversation. I tell him how I tried to learn Japanese, but both the characters and the oral language overwhelmed me, so I tried to learn just the oral, but couldn't find the time. He is understanding. He says a word that sounds like "Haki" and I mistake it for "Houki." We appear in a car that he is driving. I'm not sure if he is trying to get out of the parking lot or not, since he keeps backing up. The entrance is very twist turny and has a loop in the middle of it for turning around, but he isn't using it.

      I appear by [road] heading towards the harbour. I am on a bicycle and am biking down towards the lake with Eugene. When we get there, the water and sky are all grey. In the distance, there are dark clouds that are billowing. Sometimes, they explode and grow in size. And they are coming towards my city. I know that it signifies something bad.

      June 4, 2011:
      I am not sure the order of these events. Some of them definitely come before / after each other, but I cannot place them all. It was difficult to describe.

      I am with John at school, in the cafeteria, and we are working on a project of sorts. We are sitting really close together, and our legs interwine. At one point, he leans over and kisses me on the neck, and then on the lips.

      At one point, I am in a field which is mostly rocky. The farmer wants to plant certain crops that we (John and I?) do not want him to plant because the soil is so poor. I see a bunch of flowers and start picking them, and this woman I somehow know (from before?) tells me that she wins the bet because I said (apparently) that I would never pick one of those flowers. She sounds smug, as though she has tricked me.

      From somewhere, I see a labrytinth. Charlie's character is able to go through guys that most people can't see. His can also pick up objects (like cardboard boxes) and wear them. I see this action from almost a bird's eye view. (Imagine someone sitting on the wall, peering down below). At one point, my character acquires a mirror, which accomplishes the same task. She walks into a room that is empty save for... something. She runs out and ends up in the mall, although it is very dark and almost decorated for Halloween, it seems. One person has an arm that looks skeletal and twisted. It looks like it has a mind of its own, for it keeps moving and trying to grab me. Its holder eventually drops it on the ground. I try to walk away, but I notice it. I feel like it's calling me to pick it up.

      At another point, I was calling out the names of songs as they came up on the radio, much to the shock of a random lady. I do not remember what else happened. I do remember that one of the songs was "Kill the Lights" by Britney Spears.

    6. Twoshadows' Dream Journal

      by , 04-14-2011 at 03:42 AM
      I think I'll try to post my lucid dream from a few weeks ago. I have it written some where, but I can't find the paper. SO I'll have to do my best.

      I remember getting lucid. I no longer remember how. [Shoot. I really wish I had my notes, because I really don't remember much of it now. And let this be a lesson to me about doing a better job at writing down my dream when they are fresh...and not on a loose sheet of paper that I am bound to misplace.]

      I remember the second thing I decided to do was to find a guy to kiss. I think I remembered trying to go to the Moon, but I just plain felt lazy. Finding a guy to kiss was much much easier.

      I flew down to a guy that I thought was good looking. Next thing I remember is that we are in a car making out. He was a good kisser. I pulled back at one point and took a good look at him. He reminded me of Robert Patterson. I remember thinking how I never found Robert Pattersom that good looking, but today he looked really sexy to me.

      And that's all that's left in my memory of this dream.

    7. Basic LD task get and lots of flying

      by , 02-23-2011 at 05:20 PM (Wandering in Dream Debris.)
      I briefly see myself walking in a grocery store when suddenly an evil presence quickly takes over the dreamworld. I think of Freddy Krueger and realize this is why I felt that evil aura, OH LORD HE MUST BE NEAR.

      Then I think, wait I never really found his movies scary to begin with...

      A small burst of vividness takes over my field of vision and I speed to the front of the store to take flight outside. I thank Freddy whilst I run, even though I never saw him, for helping me become lucid as I arrive the automatic opening doors. But luckily I stop and remember to stabilize right before take off. I look at the ground and focus on the small details and little spots on the glossy tile of the grocery store floor, I step outside and feel the cool breeze of the night on my skin, I tried to listen to sounds that might enhance lucidity but nothing noticeable except small street noises are heard.

      I decide that's enough for now and was really excited to fly when I remembered to do at least one of the two tasks of the month. I couldn't at the moment fathom doing the advanced one but I figured I could go ahead and get a kiss from a DC, so I look for the nearest victim. I see two shadowy characters walking a few feet from me so I rush over to see who my subconscious wanted to set me up with. Surprise! Oh god I hate that guy. I remember cursing my subconscious and then laughing as if I knew it was playing a joke on me. So I use my will to transform the DC into someone moderately more attractive and well, I was pretty satisfied to say the least.

      I kiss him for a moment and realize in other LD's I usually skip this part and cut to the chase, but this was oddly more pleasurable. I stopped and gently pushed him away, and said OKAY THANKS BRO LOLOL, because I really couldn't wait to fly again so I jetted off and saw him shrug and go back to his friend that was waiting for him.

      I remember feeling huge bursts of speed in the sky and the chilly air on my skin. I remember at parts flying became a bit difficult and I would flap my arms and laugh at myself for how terrible I was at flying.

      I googled flying at night and this showed up, so I'm now a bird.

      I knew the dream was already losing stabilization but I couldn't be arsed to go back to the ground, I was enjoying just being there in that moment way too much. I slowly drifted down and remember hovering over the ground upside down and even feeling blood rush to my head, it was startlingly realistic, though I knew it couldn't have been because I was floating upside down. After a few more minutes I decided to just calmly close my eyes and meditate and as I did the dream began to fade.
      I knew I was in a good spot to start up a new dream if I focused enough on relaxing, but I figured that was enough for one day and wanted to write in my DJ.

      Finally, an end to a very long dryspell. Thanks Freddy.
    8. An Incredible Kiss in the Parking Garage (ToTM)

      by , 02-12-2011 at 08:50 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: February 12, 2011 – Morning, 8:15AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am entering a large parking garage through a doorway from an airport. The warm humid air stinks of car exhaust and tire smoke. The sound of the buzzing ballasts in the putrid yellow high-pressure sodium light fixtures drown out my footsteps. The walls are dingy gray and there are many rusty pipes along the ceiling. I walk down the main aisle and approach the railing on the ramp where I can see the levels above and below the level I am walking on.

      There is a guy walking on the lower level who is looking under and between cars as he walks toward the ramp. He has medium-length dark hair and is wearing a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt, black jeans, and black boots. He is carrying a large pistol, and has another pistol in a side holster. Before he spots me, I quickly move away from the railing and walk briskly up the ramp and toward the central stairway and elevator shaft.

      As I approach the elevator, I see a guy who appears to have been shot in the leg. He is tying a t-shirt around his wounded leg and gives me a distressed look as I approach. He has long dirty-blond hair and blue eyes, and is wearing a long-sleeve gray striped shirt, torn blue jeans, and black shoes. There is some blood on the ground, and what looks to be the bullet he was shot with. There are several brown cloth shopping bags and a light gray case sitting on the ground. The case has a broken latch and is partially open, revealing that it is full of bright green pills. I ask him, “Are you OK?” As he is cleaning off his hands in a water fountain, he replies, “I am being hunted and it is not safe to stay here.” I say, “I think I saw your hunter on the way over here and he's walking up the ramp to this level right now.” I ask, “Are you OK to walk?” He replies, “My leg is OK, but I could use some help.” I ask, “Would you like me to help you carry anything?” He replies, “Sure, if you could grab the case, it is more important than any of these bags.” I pick up the case, holding it closed to keep any the pills from falling out. He picks up a couple of the bags and puts them into a trash can, then picks up the rest of the bags and walks with me to the stairs.

      We walk down the stairs for a couple of floors, then decide to try the elevator. We walk around to the elevator and press the down button. The door opens immediately, and when we get in, the door closes quickly behind us. The control panel has only one button, so I push it. The elevator is making no noise and I cannot feel any movement at all. I can see my blurry reflection in the door, so I move closer and see that I have really large ears and a third eye in the middle of my forehead. I immediately become lucid and take a brief moment to stabilize by rubbing my hands together while looking up at the ceiling of the elevator. The ceiling is a typical medium fake wood-grain laminate with some brass panels in the corners. There are three white porcelain pull-chain sockets, two of which have a clear light bulb in them. The third socket has the broken remains of a bulb. There is a rusty metal fan grille with a logo plate that looks like it's in Russian, having an inverted 'N' and some other letters on it. I look down again and see that my reflection is gone and the control panel has hundreds of buttons on it now.

      Realizing that I am dreaming now, I really want to strike up a half-intelligent conversation with the DC I just met. I look at the guy and ask, “What's your name?” He replies, “I'm Joe.” I put out my hand and say, “I'm Jim, glad I can help you out.” He gives me a firm handshake and says, “Thank you.” While giving Joe a good looking over, I say, “I love your hair, it's my favorite color.” He says, “Thanks, I like yours as well.” I ask, “Wouldn't it be awesome if we could trade hair for a day?” Joe looks at me for a moment, slightly puzzled, then asks, “Does it seem like this elevator is not going anywhere?” I reply, “I'm not sure. I haven't felt it move yet.” I look at the control panel and now there are no buttons at all. Becoming impatient with the elevator, I grab the door and force it open, only to discover that we are on the same level of the garage. I say, “Shit! Let's go back to the stairs. At least they seem to work properly in here.” We walk around the elevator and start heading down the stairs.

      There is a female attendant standing behind a podium on the first landing of the stairs. She is collecting a cash payment for a ticket to access the last section of the stairway. A couple of rough-looking guards are checking ticket stubs as people pass through. Some people in front of us pay, receive a ticket and walk through. Both Joe and I pull out some cash and pay the attendant, but before we receive our tickets, I see the hunter walking toward the other side of the elevator shaft on the floor below. Joe's back is toward the hunter, and I am facing his direction. The hunter is looking the opposite direction as he approaches the elevator area.

      I grab Joe and move in close to him to avoid being seen, saying softly, “Don't move and don't look to your left, the hunter is right there below us.” He looks at me with an absolutely terrified look. I say, “Just play along and blend in, or he will see us. Let's act like we're just some random tourists and kiss on the stairway.” The expression on his face changes from terrified, to a blank stare, then to a 'come and get me' grin. I drop the case on the ground, throw my arms around him, and start kissing him. He puts his arms around me and kisses me back very intently. His hands slowly massage their way up my back, then he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me in slightly closer. I close my eyes and run my hands up his back, then grab his hair and pull him even deeper into the kiss. I could feel his heart pounding together with mine as our tongues got together and we kiss even more intensely. After a moment, I open my eyes and see that we are standing in an entirely white space with nothing and nobody around. I close my eyes again, and this was the dream's exit.

      Updated 05-30-2016 at 04:40 AM by 36447 (spelling)

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    9. a dream from last week-

      by , 08-04-2010 at 09:22 PM
      I cant remember it well, but it goes something like this:
      I was in a war. For somereason, we could all fly, but my enemies were in little caterpillar-like ships and were very small.We seemed to be in a 3d tetris landscape, with a kind of sunset background. we were battling, well i was mostly avoiding all of them, but i remember my friend got shot and i helped him while we were defeating the flying caterpillar enemies. (the dream really diddnt make this much sense, i cant remember half of it, something to do with a pokemon and super smash brothers videogame boss)
      And this was the same dream but im not sure how it got to this point:
      Roger-My crush- and i were standing on a tyype of escalator in a stairwell. There were two lines and we were in the same one, but all the sudden i knew we were splitting into boys/girls lines. And i also knew we were in the line For lunch, and that when you got to the bottom, you had to eat a cheeseburger , and then kiss your partner( whoever was in the other line at the same place as you) and as we were waiting i was nervous to kiss roger, and we passed a bathroom, it wasnt aligned with the floor, it was floating there ,a hole in the wall, because we were on an escalator. I saw a bunch of girls looking into mirrors and putting on lipgloss and stuff . I woke up before i got to kiss him
    10. dreams from the other night and last night

      by , 07-10-2010 at 03:31 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)


      i had a dream about visiting my mom with my dad and brother. She was going to die and we were giving her parting gifts. My brother gave her a movie, my dad gave her a book and I gave her some music or something. Afterwards i wondered if she would be ok when those things ran out.


      A dream about being in a bar with nomad and some other people. nomad left, and the guy i was sitting near said, "that skinny asian man looks like a fucking loser." I turned to the guy and said "Well I'm that guys friend... and he's cool." The guy then looked at me and said "oh" and he was apologetic. He started asking questions about nomad.

      video game

      Weird dream that was video game like. It was all in 3rd person view. I remember seeing nomad who looked kind of like Lobo in the dream. I saw him go into a building and he got something from there and left. Then suddenly i was watching myself as a video game character go into the same building. But i did something different.

      Weird school

      I was in some large building that was like a schoolor warehouse. I was in the bathroom and suddenly a bunch of women went in there and just seemed to hang out there. I asked them what they were doing there in the men's. One said she was there to just chill. so I said "ok so you won't mind if I just go chill in the women's washroom then?"

      I left there and saw nomad by a group of teens. there was a lot of discussion about dreaming. I remember seeing his face clearly. I wanted to tell him about the video game dream i had with him. I said it a few times but he was too focused on the teens. Later we were walking around in the place, just me and him. I was trying to tell him the dream again but he kept getting distracted by mannequins or something. We neared an escalator and went down it.

      nomad again

      another vague dream about trying to tell nomad the video game dream.


      At first I was in some basement. I left out the window, i forget how. i wound up on a busy street and began walking.

      The feeling hit me that I was dreaming. I first liiked at my hands a bit. Then I jumped in the middle of the road, all the cars vanished. I wasn't paying attention to anything. I tried to dilate time again. I put my hand on the ground, looked in between my fingers and started counting. By 30 i was getting a Rush feeling again so I stopped. I then declared that this dream would last for 3 hours long.

      no avail, I jumped up and flew. I wanted to see if I was in a big city and try to find my house from there. When I got up into the sky all I saw was blackness and I woke up.


      Vague dream about being outside in some weird place. There was a high brick wall with wood blocks on top. I jumped up and punched one of the wood blocks but it didn't fall over.

      Asuka WTF

      I go inside the door of my house and everything is a shade of pink. Asuka is an anime character smiling, she's also some pretty weird colors as well. i almost become lucid but wake up.


      i'm walking around in my basement when Asuka, who looks like one of my ex's comes up to me. I forget what is said but we begin kissing, we both get on the floor and roll around.
    11. House Fire Rescue

      by , 05-19-1979 at 08:47 PM
      Morning of May 19, 1969. Monday.

      My best friend Toby T and I rescue Brenda W (a female friend and classmate) from a burning building in Arcadia. (There does not seem to be any back story - my dream seems to start as we are already grabbing Brenda and fleeing the scene without the otherwise extensive fire being very close to us.)

      As we are running, the scene becomes very vivid (about as vivid as a dream can get - but it is then as if I am seeing myself from in front of the scene, I on her right, Toby on her left - we both have a strange look of surprise on our faces when kissed, though my expression seems happier than Toby’s, his being more of a confused nature). She kisses us both on the cheek as we are running and holding her arms, saying “You boys are wonderful!” (the sound being very clear and vivid here) I clearly see both her left and right profiles during this time as my dream becomes lucid but only upon awakening. (Fire has a tendency to increase both vividness and sometimes lucidity - its glow actually “lighting up” the dream in most cases.)

      Although it seems to be a wooden house and slightly like Brenda’s, it also seems we are in the southwest area of the West Elementary school grounds, the house being farther northwest as we flee towards the southeast where the playground is in reality. (The actual area is not that open or expansive.) This is the original dream journal title from age eight (which was never changed when copying to newer journal pages).

      In real life, Brenda lived north of me on Highway Seventeen in Cubitis; not in Arcadia as here in-dream. This time period had me more closely thinking of the different types of dream perspectives, such as the unusual differences between dream sections where you are fully in-body (such as how this started out) to either where you see yourself (as if disembodied) or not directly “in” the dream at all. This dream was possibly influenced by the fact that there was a very large house fire just north of my home, though not near Brenda’s house. Brenda was later validated as a common stand-in archetype for the (precise precognitive) “mystery girl” (wife-to-be), also included in “mystery girl” three-way composites. Here, however, there is nothing significant to indicate or validate her status as such. This dream also occurred before she ever kissed me in real life (she never kissed Toby as far as I know), though I certainly would not call that precognitive.
      Tags: fire, kissing, rescue
    12. “The Kiss” (movie and x-ray in a dream)

      by , 02-08-1973 at 08:08 AM
      Morning of February 8, 1973. Thursday.

      There seems to be a (fictional) movie involving a sailor’s romantic relationship (and he is an unknown character to me). I am watching a very large television (perhaps four square feet) and there is a movie on, seemingly oriented on the west side of the room, though I am not sure what building I am in. (It may be from a memory of a motel my parents and I stopped at when traveling to Florida.) There are scenes of the man being intimate with an unknown woman, mostly hugging and talking at first (though followed by kissing and a love-making scene). The scene relates to his leaving America, I believe. (It may be that he has already left America to meet this female in another country, perhaps Europe or Australia, though I am not certain.) I think the movie is called “The Kiss”. Eventually, though starting out as a cutaway view, everything takes on an X-ray appearance at one point and I am watching the insides of their bodies in x-ray. It does not seem that unusual. Later, I notice color variations. The flowers in a vase on a table in the motel room seem to be affected by the colors on the television screen or change accordingly. It is almost as if features of my dream are “leaking” into each other.

      This dream seemed a partial result of a less focused “experiment” where I was deliberately trying to dream in black and white. I think the cutaway view may be an influence from looking at cutaway views (side views) of the human reproductive system.
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