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    1. January 15, 2012 Fragment and WILD attempt

      by , 01-15-2012 at 02:39 PM (Jenos's Garden of Dreams)
      Lost dream
      Non-Lucid: I was somewhere outdoors. I don't remember what I was doing, who I was with (if anyone) or why.
      Awake: I wake up and lose the memory of the dream after attempting the second WILD.

      WILD attempt #1
      Awake: Wake up from my alarm, get out of bed and walk to my door. As I open it I remember it isn't a school day and remember why I woke up so early on a Sunday. Go back to bed but fall asleep.

      In the Cafeteria
      Non-Lucid: I was in my high schools cafeteria looking through a pamphlet, or maybe a year book. I came across an odd group that was named something along the lines of "school year-book porn". I thought this was odd, but continued in non-lucidity. After talking to some people (I don't remember this part of the dream but I feel like I know it happened) I woke up.

      WILD Attempt #2
      Awake: I wake up around 8 A.M. and it's fairly bright out but it shouldn't matter much, my window is small. I close my eyes and concentrate on my breathing. I count every breath I take.
      Hypnotic Hallucinations?: First sign of HH I start seeing green strips of light going across my left eye (don't ask me how I know, I just know it was only my left one). My arms and legs go numb and feel heavy. Now the green strips turn into large green rings that quickly shrink, only one visible at a time, all appear and shrink in the same spot. There is a bubbling sound, like after you flush a toilet, it goes on for awhile but I don't know if it was real or part of the hallucinations. I feel something in my hand, it feels like someone is rolling a spherical object in it. My heart rate quickens and I remember to take deep breaths, it won't work if I get excited. The rings stop and turn into little balls coming from the right and falling eventually (still green, still one at a time) I start seeing a white glare coming from the bottom, but I think it was just my eyes opening a bit. After this goes on for a bit the rings come back and I can feel just how heavy my arms and legs are.
      Awake: Everything except the numbness goes away and I decide that either I'm in a dream or I've failed. I open my eyes and count my fingers. Eleven... recount... ten. I try to push one hand through the other, no dice. Pinch my nose and breathe, nothing. But at least I got to HH, maybe I was just too awake.

      Updated 01-17-2012 at 12:34 PM by 52385

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    2. Class eating (Dec 1, 2011)

      by , 12-03-2011 at 01:34 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      I was in a classroom it was night outside. The whole class was yelling and screaming and laughing. Everyone was running around a circle around a desk that had 2 bowls of candy on it. I kept trying to grab the candy but never suceeded.
      Tags: dream, odd
    3. Basketball Sex (Nov 20, 2011)

      by , 11-21-2011 at 04:16 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      Spoiler for Wierd Stuff:
      Tags: dream, odd, sex, weird
    4. Pink Shirts for Women One Per Man (Nov 9, 2011)

      by , 11-09-2011 at 03:00 PM (Realm of Insanity)
      Oh yeah!!-b1pwecaliwt57cako7bktca2nds59caryx8zlcaowxakqcamb6v6lca1k5sqnca6l0f1qca4vjxbhcauusz2acak6xxvrcar.jpgA man is videotaping him with women that are wearing pink shirts. He is talking to this one white lady and then after hes donw talking to her, he drives down a road and sees a black lady with atleast two or more pink shirts on. Something happens in the conversation, I think he calls her a man-whore and he starts tearing her shirts off and she tries to pull them away from him.

      Updated 11-09-2011 at 05:43 PM by 50683

      Tags: dream, lady, man, odd, video, whore
    5. Gauzed Man

      by , 09-15-2011 at 11:42 AM (Oneiric Mirror)
      I´m in a cemetary, watching someone´s grave. I´m not alone, but i can´t see who´s with me.
      The person who´s with me lift´s up the marble stone of the grave and drops it with a deafening, huge bang.
      The dreamscene changes, and i´m with H and E near an old, big house.

      We were in the middle of a psychic session and suddenly this humanoid falls next to us.
      The humanoid figure was all wrapped in gauze, and the only thing we can see from his body is the nose.
      He was dressed with a pajama from some sort of hospital.

      The dream "told" me that that person is my grandfather, and at the same time my and H´s father.

      We took him to a madhouse. When we got there, H, E, me and the gauzed humanoid sat in some sort of waiting room with
      dirty benches. The floor has white and black tiles.

      Suddenly one of the patients asks for my help to peel off a pear, because he´s afraid of the pear´s peel.

      I looked at H and he assured me that he would take care of the gauzed man. I got up and went to help the patient.


      Comments: This dream is part of dateless dreams series.
    6. Odd Feeling

      by , 07-23-2011 at 08:13 AM
      Well I was in bed trying to remember my dream for 3 hours. When I looked deep into my eyelids and I saw some dots instead of my standard colours and a feeling that I've felt before.

      I tried to get up but I felt a barrier and heard a sound like the one when you just drop onto your bed.

      Has anyone else felt this feeling?
      Tags: feeling, odd, recall
      side notes
    7. June 25th, 2011 - Teams of Death

      by , 06-26-2011 at 04:30 AM
      Awake - Dream - Lucid

      I remember being very tired throughout most of the day. I was trying my hardest to stay awake most of the night but finally clocked out around 10PM.

      This dream was very random. It starts with me and a few friends (vague images of people I knew but couldn't make out). We were stranded when out Van ran out of gas and we had to stop at some little gas shop in the middle of no where. The whole time we were driving till then, there was a really bitchy lady next to us that wouldn't stop complaining. Anyways, once we were getting gas or whatever, I walked into a dark lobby after setting down my HDTV. Andrew was there with a key-chain flashlight and said, "look whose here". I turned to see the bitch that wouldn't shut up from before. Surprisingly, it was Cameron Diaz is a very sexy white tank-top. We didn't really talk to her. Instead, we went around to the corner of the building where a dim light hallway was at. It was the entrance to a Rodeo and Karaoke bar. At the entrance, there was a lady who looked nervous to go in. From what I know, she was a big time country singer that had something traumatic happen to her. This was the first time she was back in the bar to sing for people and everyone was cheering. I recall giving her some words of encouragement because I made a plan to help 7 people that night (like 7lbs w/ Will Smith).

      The dream gets really, really foggy and jumps scenes from here. I just recall bits of it that we were on teams and on some type of death race. I was destroying people with a RPG when I got side-swiped from a car and knocked off a big bridge. I was hanging from a steel beam, waiting for my teammate below to help me. There were more detailed parts where the teams were conversing and I like a spectator to them talking but I don't remember the exact things they were doing.

      No fucking idea. I think the teams part might be because of Borderlands and Cameron Diaz because of the movie Bad Teacher but that's the best I can think of.

      I woke up abruptly at 2:30AM due to my sister talking loudly to my mom about needing a pillow. I was about to fall back asleep when I had t o pee. When I got done in the bathroom, my sister was back on the computer using Facebook at 3AM. The light from our PC shines on my face so when she finally got off, I was wide awake. I tried to convince myself that I wasn't and laid there for a good couple hours trying to WILD or fall back asleep before I finally got up at 5AM.
      Tags: non-lucid, odd
    8. Confusing Apartment

      by , 02-25-2011 at 08:32 PM
      Confusing Apartment (Non-lucid)


      Log: 10:30pm Friday, February 24-25th, 2011
      Hours: 7:45m Alarm: 6:00 Natural Awakening: 3:16am
      WILD: No

      When i woke up at 3 in the morning i didn't really think about anything except turning off my alarms andgoing back to sleep, so i didn't bother to recall any dreams then. So when i woke up again for school at 6, i was flustered with dream after dream coming to me all at once, this had never happened before and i was SO confused. I only remember one dream.

      I was new to an apartment and i was figuring out how to wind my way through the crazy lay out of the rooms. I had a certain rhythm that i had to walk to in order to ge there effectively. I was trying to get up some steps, and it was very dark. A distraught looking woman was walking up and down the stairs. Frankly, she aws terrifyingly scary. She was muttering and talking to herself, and i was worried. That last thing i remember from the dream is walking up and down failing at getting my rhythm, and i asked her to stop. And then it ended.
      Tags: confusion, odd
    9. Lucid Dream #18

      by , 10-19-2010 at 11:22 AM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 7/10
      Vividness: 6/10
      Length: 20 Min.

      I woke up and was looking at my bedroom door. I was completely lucid. And it was completely dark. Almost pitch black. Then someone came out of the shadows. It was a tall green cape with arms, legs, feet, etc. But NO head. That made me so scared. So while saying "no, no, no" a million times because I couldn't believe that I could have such a horrible nightmare.( I also tried to scream but nothing came out.) Got up. When I did I thought about it and he wasn't very scary. I imagined a piece of cloth on his head. And there was. Also that he had no means to hurt me. We shook hands and greeted each other. Then I was in a court yard and I was talking to some black guy. I can't remember what he said, but then someone else came in. Then we fought for some reason. While I was fighting I thought "wow, it's really dark here" and it was. It was creepy. For some reason I had a book or something and didn't want anyone to touch it. And of course he tried to touch it. Everyone did. By now I wanted to wake up, but decided I might be able to make it a better dream. So every once and a while someone would try to touch the book and I tried to stop them. Then someone did. I thought that the book would warp people to a different dimension. And it did. Then I went into that dimension. When I did I immediately looked around. I was on a long road. With weird things on the ceilings. And I was in a desert. Then someone said "look we already changed the store" or something like that, showing the store. Then it went back to my perspective. When it did I said "wow, this dream sucks" and stuff. Then I was on a field fighting over that damn book again. Sahara Winder fell over and looked hot. She was wearing sweat pants. So I went down to her and stuck my tongue up her ass. It didn't taste like anything and I didn't think about what was on it because I was dreaming. It felt exactly like one. The End.

      Updated 10-19-2010 at 11:27 AM by 33643

      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    10. July 22, 2010

      by , 07-26-2010 at 03:12 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Odd House:

      I was in a house in a dark room. The room was somewhat like a maze, but, a very small one and very easy as well. There seems to be an elephant after me and I'm trying to hide from it. I find a small place in the maze where I can hide but still see the elephant. I had a pillow with me which I used to hit him. If I recall correctly, I kept him looking towards my direction and sneaked out the other side and out into the lit corridor. I ran into a room which had some stuff from my parents. It had two of everything, one being something similar to a small telescope far as I recall.

      Thoughts: Probably the result of watching two action movies that day, but, c'mon an elephant chasing me?

      Updated 07-26-2010 at 03:16 AM by 24565

    11. July 11, 2010

      by , 07-13-2010 at 06:19 PM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Visiting a Washroom:
      *Read at your own discretion*

      I was with a group of people that I already knew. It seems that we have either gotten to where we were supposed to be or made a brief stop. The destination at hand was a restroom. The restroom was insanely large and was like a maze. It had over 20+ toilets to use and they each had a large space to move around. I navigated around checking each area and trying to find the cleanest one to use. The people I was with have already finished and most were sitting down on the ground already. I kept looking and it was like I has to use stealth and not alert attention for some reason. I found one that looked clean from a distance and appeared to have some floating boxes with soap and the like in it, however, it turned out that the boxes were swimming in the toilet which made me change my mind. I kept checking and found another one but it seems that the toilets were reserved for certain people in the group. I was shown a list of three columns each with people's names that I couldn't pick up and they had different colors as well, such as red for the first column, yellow for the second and a third color I can't recall. I eventually found one that wasn't as clean as I would have liked. I flushed the toilet and it turned into what appeared to be a giant bathtub. It was now full with water to the brim and had different colors at certain places indicating it still wasn't clean. I might have decided to go ahead when suddenly a large bronze worn-out side door opens to the outside. I see the outside scenery which consisted of a road with trees on the top half and a parking lot with a blue car near the road on the bottom half. I close it quickly and decide to continue when the dream takes an odd shift and a group of girls suddenly enter from some random opening as well. I can't recall much of what happens afterwards.

      Thoughts: This is pretty much the first dream which I can recall that has had the dream scene constantly change even as the dream progressed. Usually, the dream changes kinda like a story, but, this was just too bizzare
    12. May 17, 2010

      by , 06-13-2010 at 02:48 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Pet Squirrel:
      My sister in the dream had a brown or black pet squirrel. It died, so, everyone was pretty upset especially her. The dream skips and I think she is wearing black standing outside as a girl approaches her. She asks about the squirrel’s death and my sister answers with 20 food and 10 nightmares.

      Thoughts: Guess DCs do say the darnest things referring to the last line
      Tags: death, odd, squirrel
    13. Spider

      by , 06-10-2010 at 12:38 AM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      My dreams seldom contain spiders. However, when they do, it's always more of a joke than a nightmare.

      I was on the flat rooftop of a building with my sister. Both of us were aware that it was getting dark, but we were still up there, goofing around and having fun. There were walls on each side of the roof, but there was no ceiling, so it looked more like a room than an actual rooftop. In one corner of the room was a large fish tank, twice the size of an average one, and in another was a couch. We both went to the fish tank to observe it for a while.

      It had quite a few bizarre specimens. Unfortunately, I can't recall everything that was inside it, but I could remember two of them. The first creatures were pink/red, thin, spider-like animals on the side of a piece of wood. There were two of them, and slightly longer than they were wide. They had six or seven legs, spaced evenly around them like a starfish. I may draw these later and post the image here. There was also a green and yellow, paler in color, lizard with paddle-like hands and feet. The limbs were slightly longer in size than they should have been, and the lizard itself was around the length of my wrist to my elbow.

      We spent half the dream observing these creatures. I remember being extremely intrigued by the "spider starfish". However, we decided that it would soon be time to get back.

      There was a door leading to stairs, leading to downstairs, raised up a few steps. As we began walking towards the steps, we saw a maroon/black, fuzzy spider (less than half the size of my palm) walking around the floor by the fish tank. We both looked at each other and bolted towards the door, freaked out. My sister looked back while we ran this and exclaimed, "it's following us!" I looked back too, and saw the spider moving, fairly quickly, towards us. Faster than a spider would normally travel. This scared me a tiny bit because I don't like spiders that much, but I also laughed because I thought it was hilarious how it would be traveling in the direction we were in. I never assumed once that I may have been dreaming.

      "Effing spider", I said, half jokingly and half creeped out, before we went through the door.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:58 AM by 28408

      Tags: fish, odd, spider, tank
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