I woke up at around 6 AM this morning after grabbing a drink of water from the kitchen(best time for me to induce WILDs). I went back to sleep after feeling a bit tired and had a short dream. I'm not sure what I was doing in it. I can almost remember what some scenes looked like but only one scene caught my attention. I was inside to small office apartment. I walked around the lobby which consisted of a big plain open space in the middle with a few desks and computers right next to the walls. I was standing in front of the direction of two door way, and within them I only two closed closets. I stood there for a moment until I took a set of sleeping pills and slowly started to collapse to the floor as I gazed at the handful of pills I had in my hands. That's when the dream started to fade away. Seconds after that happened, I woke up in my own bed, or at least it felt like I did. It took me a couple seconds to realize that I couldn't rise my chest up. I thought of two reasons this could be happened...1. I was really tired or 2. I was stuck in sleep paralysis. The answer is obvious. I started to panic, not knowing what could be within the room. I wanted to get up quickly, using the shoulders of my bed to help me get out of this paralyzed position. I yelled out in fear with both my eyes closed as I struggled getting up. I wasn't sure what to do until I recalled one of the ways I could use to help me maintain my sanity. Because this felt a lot like a dream, I wanted to summon someone quickly to help me change the dream scene. I yelled out random names of girls I admired in the past and in the present. "Trinh!!!" I yelled out, "Sophie!!!" I was yelling a few others but I tried to recall that one person I really wanted to summon, but had trouble doing so. Once I found out who it was I yelled it out. "Syd!!!" None of them wanted to appear. That's when the most creepiest moment happened. I opened my eyes slightly and noticed something moving over my right shoulder. It was a ghost. I continued to yell out and once it finally seemed that I leaped up out of the bed, I heard a little girl's voice, giggling. I'm not sure whether she was next to me or inside my head. The dream ended there.
Dream - Lucid I was on the computer in the living room of our apartment. It was nighttime and extremely dark in the room, save from the light of the computer. I was showing my husband a YouTube video that had a song playing in the background. The song had something to do with poverty (I was reading something about poverty before I went to bed). I had a feeling my husband was annoyed because I was making him watch the video. The screen on the computer then went black. I had a general feeling of unease. I clicked something and it came back up on a different screen. I then clicked the YouTube tab that the video was open in, but it went black again. Now, the room was even darker. Then, I was sitting on the floor, and my husband on the couch. I was sitting right below him; I could see his legs. The feeling of unease was worse now. It was so dark...and something just didn't feel right. I could still sense the annoyance of my husband too. I was scared to look at his face, thinking the face of the devil would flash in front of my eyes instead of his. I climbed up onto the couch with him. I had my sleeping mask on now? I was "sensing" what he looked like without looking at him with my eyes. I could "see" his body, but when it got to his face, it was like I had heat vision, and it looked red. I couldn't see any details of his face. I then bravely took off my sleeping mask. "Dallas?" I said. I slowly looked towards his face. I did not see anything scary, but the feeling of unease came to a climax. I partially realized I was dreaming, and started to scream, trying to wake myself up. I then heard this terrible noise; the best way I can describe it is screeching, but that isn't accurate. It didn't sound like anything I've ever heard before. It was horrible and unearthly. I struggled trying to move my limbs as the dream faded to black; I wanted to wake the fuck up. I then woke up and was wide awake for awhile. I was only asleep for about 15-20 minutes for this nightmare. ~ I was with this guy I "dated" when I was 11 years old (IWL he is gay now). I was with him, but I realized I couldn't be with him. So I had to break his heart, and he was very sad. He looked different too; he had blonde hair and a different looking face in the dream than in IWL, though I knew it was the same person. ~ I was playing a video game. It was like Mario 64 but with something else in it. I was trying to beat Bowser, but the fight was a multi-stage fight that if you died on the last stage of, you'd have to start over again. I had played this boss many times trying to beat it, but I kept dying. Then, I figured out something about the fireballs coming out of the lava around the platforms, and when I would do a certain move with them, Bowser would get hit twice. There were two bosses here as well, not just Bowser. I remember pausing the game at some point. This dream was quite long, but the rest of the details evade me. ~ My husband and I were shopping at Kohl's. We had split up to pick some things out. A lady then was going through our things and adding up the prices, but not at the cash register. Dallas had gotten lots of things, like peach-colored women's nightgowns, men's and women's shorts, and men's pants. We were racking up a bill of $555 before we were done going through everything, so I had to lay down the law and decide what we needed and what we didn't need. We didn't need the nightgowns, nor did I need new shorts, but he definitely did, so we held onto those. He had also picked out some nice short-sleeved button-ups that didn't look like anything he'd actually wear, but he said he needed them. I kept some jeans too that he wanted, and asked if they were size 32. He said no, they were 36x30. I asked if they fit better, and he said yes, so much better. I then saw that Dallas was dressed in one of the nightgowns. I was having trouble discerning whether or not the nightgown was supposed to be for a man or woman, though, looking back, it was obviously a woman's nightgown. He was being silly, making the nightgown sway at the bottom. ~ Yeah, another mostly sleepless night. I was dog-tired last night too; I stayed over at work to help out because there was a call out, and we were very busy. Also, the night before I didn't get much sleep, so I thought for sure I would tonight. Guess again. Ugh, body, you are not cooperating with my brain. I want to have more LDs! Can't do that if I can't sleep. But I suppose I should be more patient about it. This happens to me from time to time, especially during times of stress. Things will calm down again soon, and I will have more LDs. Hopefully will be able to accomplish some of my goals as well, such as more dream sharing, and delving into past lives. Can't wait to tell you guys about these things when they happen!
Updated 07-21-2014 at 04:52 PM by 32059
I'm in my living room with a group of friends. One of them finds an old mirror and looks at it. They let out a yell, obviously seeing something terrifying in the mirror. She asks me if I want to see the scariest thing in the universe... Curiously cautious, I gesture for her to pass me the mirror and look at it. Images of dinosaurs flashed before me for a few moments. Then the moment came: I've never been soo terrified and frightened before in my life! Without choice, I immediately let out a scream and threw the mirror. Then I realized it was just an image of my face. It was in a different expression than I had, but still definitely just my very own face. Once I realized it was me, I started to laugh uncontrollably. How did I scare myself so much? I laughed so hard I woke up, and continued to laugh in bed for a while before actually getting up.
Wow...I had such a shock last night. It came in so unexpectedly, I didn't know what to think! Okay, so last night I woke up around 4:30. Not from a dream, or lucid dream, but I just woke up from normal sleep. I was lying there and suddenly I head this buzzing noise ringing in my ears. It became louder. Also, you know when you're on a plane and you can hear the steady humming of the engines? Well strangely enough, that's what I heard as well. The two sounds combined made it incredibly loud, and I was pretty confused at what was going on. Then, I felt this sensation come over me, like all my limbs suddenly held this tension in them. In an instant, I completely understood ...no no no no! Sleep paralysis! :O I attempt to gently move my arm, but as I do, I feel this incredible force push down onto it, making it feel as though it is literally super-glued to the bed. The sensation was so strange and unreal to me that I let my inner fear take over a little. I knew there was no reason to be scared, as it was all just a natural thing, but I could help but feel a little panic settle in. After about 30 seconds to a minute, my limbs suddenly released all that tension and were free to move again. The buzzing had gone, and I was fine after that! I knew that I would probably have to experience SP sometime sooner or later if I continued to do lucid dreams, and I guess that last night was one of those moments! I'm kind of glad that it happened though, now I know how it feels like and I don't have to worry about it too much again. So yeah, this was my first Dream Journal entry, I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to post any comments. (: Happy lucid dreaming! ~TheDreamCloud
Updated 06-18-2014 at 11:08 AM by 69621
Had a dream 2 nights ago that I was in a bus. The roads kept getting thinner and thinner until it finally disappeared, we went crashing into the water and the bus driver had to open the emergency door. We all went out that way and had to swim up... It was taking very long and then I remember when I was out of the water, I was telling my mom what happened and how it was in the bus and how long it took to swim out, I remember I felt like I was out of breath. It was scaryyy. <-- That's how I was swimming up haha.
I'm going to write my last dream since its the one I remember. Before I fell asleep I was telling myself I would dream about going to a place where there's farmland, sunny and with little houses parallel to each other around asia and I did. Except the houses and the floor looked like they were made out of straw or sand. It was very yellowy there.. Anyways... I was flying through the sky, looked down and saw my destination. I flew down and my intentions were to find someone else in the dream. Like shared dreaming. I was walking and saw a long haired long beard spirit like man walk through the house. Than I was like "oh crap. " I wanted to run but I didn't. He was walking and I said " Hi, I'm looking for someone". Than all of a sudden he walked towards me and got brighter like he flashed and went inside me. Suddenly I could see images of a dark place with spirit like people and tombstones. They were walking going about their buisiness. After a few seconds it stopped and I began to walk scared looking for a tombstone that would probably be interesting to find and found a silver large oval like case with eyes on it. That's when I appeared on my bed. And I felt someone hitting my back and my head but couldn't move. I yelled at it to stop. It did but than it tryed to cover both my eyes with its hands.I told it to stop again and suddenly a boy appeared under me. He held me and I was like "what are you doing?" But than I felt kind of safe. I could move now. In my mind I wanted to kiss him and I didn't. Than he said it was ok if I wanted to have it with him and pulled me close to him. But than I was like no. I can't and got up out of my bed and that's when I noticed he was breathing really fast. I asked him " why are you breathing like that?" He said "I don't know" I think. That's when a sudden image of blood popped up into my mind. Than another one showed and I woke up. I don't believe in ghosts but I think I had this dream cause I was thinking about the past lives thing, and what if it was real and I really was some type of Asian lady in the past. Its funny cause in my second dream near the end I looked at a picture of pokemon cards and images popped up into my head of a lady running in a horse contest, supposedly she was the only girl. Than all of a sudden I hear a voice say hey, look at the faggot. Just cause he had long hair. <w< Well that was random..
Night of 4/18/14 In bed from 11:09 to 7:40 Dream 1 Late to meeting because I was in the pisser. Wouldn't stop pissing Unusual flow Towards the end it was a wide and heavy mist, it also came out as a brown paste In meeting. My writing was not what they wanted. It had no cohesion and no ending I said it didn't need to be; I thought I was supposed to write about my dreams. I was really angry Tldr: nutty piss and I turned in a dream journal as my assignment. Dream 2 (fragment) Outside was flooded, I was at the back deck of my house with my family fishing. The water level was just below the deck. I caught a few fish.
Before I start off, when do y'all record your dreams? When I wake up I don't want to turn on the light and start writing things down. How can I become better at this without ruining my sleep? In bed from 9:42pm-5:59am Drank apple juice and meditated a little the night before Dream one: (Fragment, non-lucid) Was with an old friend playing games together We were eating pizza His old man was there Throat felt really thirsty/salty/burning end: Woke up a little before three and had to get some water This probably comes from the guilt I have from not speaking to this friend in a few years, for no real reason. Dream two: (Semi-fragmented? semi-lucid?). Could feel that I had some control over the environment, but I wasn't fully lucid; I didn't know I was dreaming. In an aunts house Feels (from the inside) like a house from japan. uncle not home. black man ready to leave the house (What?) tell him he still has a chance, aunt was once engaged to a black man.(What?) he leaves house is leaking rain water forget house is leaking go outside?, don't remember what it looked like. find cement tunnels running under the city Explore tunnels, feels like something the yakuza would use. scared find openings into houses (smuggle children?) find opening into aunts house, she didn't know about yakuza hatch get lost in maze of tunnels end: woke around 5:30-40 have no clue where this came from
Had a dream that i was in a hospital and i had to get a cat scan thing done. but it was my whole body that had to go through and when i went through, i went legs first and it was as if i could fell the radiation coming into me and right through me. When it got to my head thats when the dream tripped me out. one the scanner got to my head, my head rushed with all sorts of horrible images. Like spiders and other dark images i cannot explain. the images changed with the sound of a static tv changing channels. Definitly tripped me out though. i wonder what this means. feel free to comment your opinions.
I had a dream I was on my bed laying down in the dark. Suddenly a small light blue thing with eyes that could fly came out of the wall.When I saw it I called my mom who was in her room.[Our rooms are next to each other since the room is divided] She said "what?...". Than I decided not to call her again cause i had a feeling only I could see it. I grabbed it but it pulled itself away from me and left. I than got up and looked at the living room and there was a door and the room was filled with white mist. Almost like clouds in the room. But I decided to stay in my room because it looked scary. That's when I appeared in another setting outside and there were these asian boys discussing something but they didn't want me there so i walked away. I than appeared at my house again where i saw my brother and this little boy.[6 years old maybe]The boy asked for a towel so I got him one. But than I saw him walking to the backyard where my dog max is and the door was a little open. I ran in front of the boy and I was like "whoa! You cant go out there. Max is outside." Than I saw something on the floor and ate it. It began to poison me. That's when the little boy grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. My vision was starting to blur. He turned on the sink and after filling a cup and pouring water into my mouth and me spitting it out a couple of times i was okay. But than the bathroom was suddenly flooding so i picked up the boy and we exited the bathroom. However, when I put him down he started walking to the backyard again. I told him again " You cant go there! Max is over there!". Than his response was " But the dog". I than turned around to see max behind me and quickly grabbed the boy and ran outside. I was screaming for help as Max growled and jumped at us. After jumping on a table i noticed a bee. [I'm really afraid of bees but I was more concerned with the dog trying to bite the boy] That's when I looked up and saw my mom staring at the window. I screamed out for help and than I was like " God! Someone! Help me!". But she just stared at the window with a whatever face. That's when i was like I've got to put an end to this. So I grabbed my dog by the mouth and closed it with my two hands but he opened it again so i used my hands to keep him from closing it. It looked like i was gonna kill my dog but after my dog started to faint and fainted I began to fall onto the ground where he fainted with the boy in my arms and the dream ended.
Updated 02-20-2014 at 04:08 PM by 67570
No lucidity. False Awakening. I awaken to find myself sleeping in my girlfriends bed, it is dark. The air is cold outside the covers. For just having awoken, I feel very alert. I feel my body tense up, something else is in the room. Here the dream becomes slightly third person, and I can see the nightstand beside our bed. Something is sitting on it, a small mass of dark tendrils. Only a second passes in this vision, I am now seeing through my own eyes again. The creature jumps from the nightstand to the back of my head. There it wraps its tendrils around my skull, my body is filled with a feeling much like sleep paralysis: A vibration, intense and encompassing. I cannot move. Here I awaken in our bed.
Updated 02-18-2014 at 11:09 PM by 67821
I woke up in the bed of my old house out of breath. I look to the corner but couldn't see anything but knew a bad entity was there. I try to get up and run to the next room but a giant force is pushing me down. I crawl to the door way and try to make it to my mother's room. I make it to the door way and I can't breath because of this force. I crawl to the bed and try to wake her up but she isn't responding. She just roles over away from me ignoring me. So I get up and walk back to my room and lie down in my bed to die. Lying there in pain, dying and my consciousness is fading out to black. Then an old man's face flashes before my eyes. ************************ After seeing the old man's face I woke up springing foreword in bed and out of breath. I feel terrified and always seem to feel surprised that I'm in my current house and not my past house. I have has this dream numerous times and do not recognize the old man.
I was getting Vietnamese food with my best friend. There was an old Vietnamese man in the back that kept muttering phrases to himself in Vietnamese. He would say them quietly over and over again to himself. Other creepy things I can't remember happened so I decided to leave the restaurant. I walked out into the town. It was greyish outside, like it was beginning to rain around 7pm. A grocery cart rolled up on its own as I heard (Not sure where I was hearing this from) about some legend of a dead little girl in the village. Any time I would try to speak it was very hard (This should have been enough to make me lucid). I decided to walk around the unrecognizable town. I was going through people's yards and felt so scared. The village felt dark and haunted. I was pretty lucid but not a hundred yet. I knew I had control over most of my decisions. I decided to fly because I was afraid of running into people. As I started flying I felt my dream body "leaving" my real body (which I usually wake up then because I get scared) but I decided to just let it happen. This made me totally realize the dream. I was slowly flying higher and higher. It was taking a lot of will for me to keep going higher. I became excited as I realized the dream and called my sister (haha). She was yelling on the phone with excitement and told me "you are dreaming" many times. I was so sure my real body had slept walked to my sister and really called her and that she was really saying these things to me but I was hearing them in the dream. This thought made me wake up only to find out that none of that was true! Oh well haha.
Sleep paralysis decided to made its attack on me today. I'm inside my lonely, dark room. At around 5 AM, I'm laying in bed facing the wall next to me. A second later, I feel a strong sense of drowsiness. My eyes are forcibly closing themselves on me. This was a bad sign for me as I know what it means...I make attempts to keep my eyes open for as long as I can but my power is to weak here. I could only guess that I was already in sleep paralysis. I begin struggling to get myself out of it and as I am doing so, I feel some force growing around me. My left ear gets numb and by that time I have already heard something standing behind me... I'm going to assume it's an entity for now. It's putting its weight on the bed. I kept my eyes closed the entire time. The demon bends over and licks my neck. It tickles me inside but I remain calm. This demon licks me a few more times, then finally says something. "Uncle?", the demon says. I would believe it to be one of my nieces at the time but I knew it could not be because she would never lick my neck. Calmness filled the room. My niece kept saying those words for a while. I started making my way out of this mode, seeing how I always freak out whenever I enter sleep paralysis. I wiggled my fingers and toes and slowly worked my way up until I had enough force to escape. The demon started to say a few other things. There was one other and it would sound something like this, "I am sitting next to a twitcher." After a short while, I was finally free and woke up making sure there wasn't anything hiding around the bed.
Part 1. At a beach house or beach boardwalk or something about it. I know I'm dreaming, and I try to change what is happening in the dream, but I know I risk waking up when I push too hard due to previous experiences. Can only change things around lightly, 50/50 chance of it working. Something about a bicycle. Part 2. At a really big house, bottom 5 floors are like a classic american house but big, and then theres a sky scraper above it. I think I'm about 7 years old. Everyone in the house who used to live there was killed , now its haunted, only I can see the ghosts. I'm scared, I think I recognize its kind of a dream but I can't control my fear. A medium or whatever gives me a flashlight that will keep me safe when I shine it on the ghosts, and I start being nice to them and talking to them and asking for help to find weapons to help my dad defeat some evil dude who lives at the top of the building. The evil dude's name is Urruk or Ururuk or something lithe that, it started with a U. All of a sudden the ghosts get really angry and start refusing to help me and everything is all angry, I escape the house. My dad decides to go climb the building to defeat Urururururk and I think I tried to go with him. Missing a bunch of small details from the dream, but I got the basic overall thing of it.