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    1. Candy Store

      by , 08-02-2010 at 09:11 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I dug up this entry from a slightly older dream journal.

      I was inside a Candy Store; this place was around the size of a cell phone store and had blue walls, as well as solid and pale confetti-colored flooring. Lining the walls were clear jellybean candy dispensers with different colored jellybeans, and there were a few cylindrical rotating shelves with pull-out drawers spaced out in different areas of the store. The counter with the cashier was in the back of the store in the middle, and it too was painted blue with a confetti-colored countertop.

      My thirteen-year old sister walked up from behind me and said, "I'll be like five minutes in here." I knew I would be taking slightly longer, but I nodded and went to shop. I browsed at a bunch of unidentifiable candy in plastic bags and then went to the jellybean section and looked at the dispensers. I didn't end up buying anything, but then my sister met up with me and she was holding a large, opaque white bag that said "5" on it. I guessed that the five meant pounds.

      She went to the cashier to pay. She was a woman in her forties with curly ginger hair, and was wearing one of those little hats like they give you at Krispy Kreme.

      Except it didn't have anything on it whatsoever, it was just plain white. My sister gave some coins to the woman without even giving them the bag to examine, and then she handed her a survey. My sister looked at me, raising an eyebrow, and then at the survey again. "What is that?" I asked her.

      "A survey about dogs."

      "Why?" I asked her, completely dumbfounded. My gaze then flicked to the cashier who obviously heard my tone of voice and she said, "it's compulsory if you want to buy candy from this store. Take it or leave it, and the candy."

      "This is bull," I spat, immediately frustrated, and took my sister gently by the arm. "We'll get candy somewhere else," I told her. I was still fuming as the two of us stormed out of the place.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:44 AM by 28408

      Tags: candy, shop, store, survey
    2. Home Depot Seed Fight- 7-29-10

      by , 07-29-2010 at 01:15 PM (My Randomness)
      lol this one was funny. im inside this store, i think its home depot because were around these shelves with wood and carpet and other stuff. the floor is wooden at the start, but later it turns into tile. anyway, im with my sister and neighbor, were just standing around, when suddenly either me or K (neighbor) throws a handful of bird seed at each other, starting a big seed fight. i run off and hide behind a shelf. i see him and grab a handful of seeds, then jump out and throw them at him, but i think it misses. he then swings this really long yard stick at me, which i stop and grab right out of his hand, much to the surprise of everyone there. then this dude walks over, and we all run, i think he was the manager or something, coming to yell at us for throwing the seeds. thats all i remember.

      Updated 07-29-2010 at 01:22 PM by 27356

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Store Frag- 7-28-10

      by , 07-28-2010 at 11:21 PM (My Randomness)
      this one is a fragment (obviously). im in a store, and im running or sliding or something down an isle. i then suddenly run into the shelves at the end, and fall over. me and a couple people nearby bust out laughing, i think one was my sister, i get up and try to play it off, like i didn't just knock a bunch of stuff off the shelf. me and a friend then run away, i see a person from school, and i start laughing when she looks at me, like she knew i just ran into the shelf. thats all i remember, it was pretty funny.
    4. A

      by , 07-27-2010 at 08:36 AM (Naiya's Gallery)

      Updated 12-31-2011 at 10:32 AM by 17680

      lucid , memorable
    5. Stealing red dirt- 7-23-10

      by , 07-23-2010 at 04:01 PM (My Randomness)
      this one starts outside, i don't know where, its sunny out. me, my sister, my stepdad, and my mom are all standing near a bunch of trucks full of red dirt, or maybe it was brick dust, i dont know. we were all planning to steal some of it to cover something up, which just happened to be buried right next to the trucks lol. they start shoveling the stuff out, im standing a distance away, doing something. i then grab a different type of shovel and bring it over to my stepdad, who is doing all of the shoveling. i hand it to him, saying something like "try it this way, it'll be easier...". he takes it and is unusually happy about my idea, praising me a lot. my mom then says something to him, calling him "tuck", which is not his name. i think in the dream my stepdad and my mom were just starting to date or something, and she got his name wrong. i was calling her a dumbass in my head lol. then the story changes, my mom and sister go into a building, but i don't go with them, i hear them talking inside. then, after a small memory gap, im inside a very old fashioned house, and my stepdad is getting his temperature read by some sort of antique thermometer held by some old guy, theres someone else in the room too, i don't remember who it was though. it looked like a small rectangular box with a fan inside, and a wire going into my stepdad's mouth. then, they get him a real digital one, just in case the antique was wrong. thats all i remember, i had to wake up with an alarm.

      Updated 07-26-2010 at 06:55 PM by 27356

    6. A

      by , 07-23-2010 at 06:30 AM (Naiya's Gallery)

      Updated 12-31-2011 at 10:36 AM by 17680

    7. #103. Sears

      by , 07-09-2010 at 07:06 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      They'll never let you leave.

      I'm in a department store with a bunch of people. We're trying to escape, but a malevolent presence won't allow it. A few people find an exit sign, but when they open the door, space loops back in on itself, sending them back through a door on the opposite side of the room.

      I wake up, briefly, and automatically chain myself back into the dream. I'm standing in front of a set of steps leading straight into the ceiling - a dead end. I take a breath, and hurl myself into the air, over the obstacles blocking my path up the steps. I land on my right foot, spring up over a metal bar, flipping upside down and twisting. I land at the top of the steps.

      There's an attic access now. I pause to imagine blue skies, and gently push the melamine panel out of the way. I stand up, and look at the sky. It's nearly blank, with a decidedly greyish tinge. There's a bit of blue mixed in.

      I decide that if I fly, the dream will resolve itself. I take off into the air, fly up and up and up. The grey shifts into clouds, and the blue becomes stronger and stronger as I get higher.

      A DC joins me in my flight. He has a warning for me, but I don't remember it.

      I ponder on how interesting it is that I can turn into other characters in my dreams, and then utterly become the character. I land back on the ground and shapeshift. I'm Neil Caffrey from White Collar.

      I wake up again, but I fall asleep right away. I'm back in the dream, muttering about dream-chaining and going over the events of the previous dream so I don't forget them.

      I talk to a DC who's supposed to be a newborn cousin. She can say her own name, but is unable to pronounce most words. It's an interesting conversation.

      Sears. Scare Factor: 2.
    8. #23. Nitwit Protagonists

      by , 06-14-2010 at 05:10 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Alice and I are having grand adventures in a very big store that, oddly, doesn't change at all throughout the dream. Well, maybe a bit.

      A young Draco Malfoy is trying to get me in trouble during class for using a fixative over my charcoal drawing. Prove it, Draco. They like me better than you here.

      Horseback riding. I touch my friend on the shoulder and am surprised when a sudden movement causes her to be knocked to the ground. She hits her head on the ground / a rock, hard. After dismounting, my character quickly decides that Alice is dead and she should try to figure out who the murderer is. She gives a Sherlock-style monologue to the two evil stepsisters nearby, also on horseback, about figuring out the murder. In the background, from a third person POV, I'm screaming at my character, "Why don't you start CPR, already?!"

      Nitwit Protagonists. Scare Factor: 3. Grr.
    9. JJ you stupid fag!

      by , 06-13-2010 at 03:20 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      JJ YOU STUPID FAG! (Non-lucid)


      JJ from school was acting super gay (as usual) So I popped and screamed at him "JJ YOU STUPID F*****G FAGGOT NO ONE LIKES YOU I HATE YOU FAG!!!" (Disclaimer: I have nothing against gay people at all but oh my god you need to meet this stupid kid to understand...) He started crying and said "I thought you were my friend!" When he said I thought you were my friends I felt a little bad...

      Later I was in some sort of store talking to Nicholas alone about my outburst and I think he supported it.

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 03:23 AM by 29105

      Tags: clothes, nick, store
    10. The Talent Show-Candy Store Mashup!

      by , 06-13-2010 at 02:31 AM
      Quote Originally Posted by r2d2651 View Post
      The Talent Show-Candy Store Mashup! (Non-lucid)


      Fragment 1: I was outside with a bunch of other kids I think there was a parking lot and there was a building. Brian Branstetter Tried to beat me up or kill me after all the other kids went inside. I get a couple of good hits in and get away. It is daylight and the grass is green.

      Fragment 2: There is some kind of talent show going on and there is a very long platform sticking out from a ledge in the building. Kids walk onto the platform and Drew Draper did gymnastics. I found myself in mom's car and I asked if I had a black eye where Brian punched me she said yes...

      Fragment 3: I end up in some sort of store. Devin Griggs is working there with someone else. There is some kind of contest going on I think it's trivia or a search the store thing. I ask Devin about the contest and he said with a smile as he shook his head no "I'm not gonna tell ya." There are glass counters much like the ones in arcades you redeem your tickets for prizes at with candy in them. Devin and the other guy are selling candy but as he was talking to me Devin was outside the counter while the other guy was behind it.

      Caitlin bought 3 or 4 red gum balls and then rolled them down a miniature roller coaster for gumballs on the floor. Later I bought green twisted sticks with gummy stuff inside from and old guy.

      Fragment 4: I was in the school bathroom I think the floors where red tiles like sections of floor at the mall. I was in front of a urinal with some kid to my right and Chance to my left. My [expletive] was like a foot long and I had an [expletive]. I said "Chance look!" He refused several times...

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 02:37 AM by 29105

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. March 23, 2010

      by , 06-13-2010 at 02:17 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Different Tests:
      I started this dream out as lucid, unfortunately, I can’t remember how I became lucid. I think I was in some fantasy land, just have that feeling because I can’t exactly remember the land, etc…. but I decided that I wanted to fly. At this time, it was dark and I had a friend nearby, so, I told them to look up at the sky. I could see the moon in a crescent shape and it was rising up pretty rapidly into the sky. At this point, I decided that I wanted to see the sun so that when I fly, I can see the landscape and just didn't like the dark in general. Suddenly, rays of yellow sunlight penetrated the air from behind us. It was kinda odd having the sun and the moon at the same time but I never turned around to see the sun itself, just saw the rays. I think I got distracted a bit, because, I ended up deciding to try some elemental attacks. There was a metallic cube with a circle in it that was floating infront of it which I decided to try some attacks on. I started with electricity and I pointed my finger at the cube. It didn’t work at first but then I said “this is my dream” and tried again. I could seem blue sparks come out at the end of my finger. Since I was mostly interested in seeing it work, I was satisfied and decided to try fire next. Again, my fingers were pointed at the cube and the circle and it’s surroundings were engulfed by the flames. Finally, I tried to freeze it and it froze, since, I could see the ice, bubbles in it, reflections, etc…. I wanted to get somewhere and wanted to teleport but decided again it in fears of the dream ending, since, I lost my lucidity in my last LD, so, I decided to fly.

      I decided to try and float at first, so, I sat in the lotus position and concentrated hard and could feel a strange tickling sensation in my feet but nothing happened. Then I decided to go buy a flying pill. I went to some large store, but, don’t remember how I got there. I didn’t have any money, so, I picked up what looked like a penny sized object from a nearby slot. When the previous customer left, I walked beside them and somehow acquired 2 coins which looked slightly bigger than my penny. Funny enough, I think the cash opened on my side since I remember walking and it just came out and hit me, so, I put it in. I asked the guy(I think it was him) on the counter about flying pills and if they had them and he said that they ran out. He was also wearing a blue uniform similar to walmart but it was only the top portion and no writing on it. I was suspicious and felt like he was hiding them from me, so, I went to the next counter which was conveniently placed around a corner. Between the two counters, there was some shelves behind some glass which had purchasable items on it such as food, etc…. I looked back at the first counter to make sure that he wasn't looking this way since he was doing some something at the back and then looked at her. I think she was wearing glasses but that’s all I can recall. I asked her for some flying pills but she also said that they ran out(must be really famous pills). I started to ask if any of their other stores have some and pointed at another store which was in the same plaza across from us. I think she mentioned that it was also sold out as well, so, I asked if any other stores had some, but, before she could answer, I told her that I’ll look around. I returned home and I recall just walking from the store as if it was near my house(I think it was across from it).

      I was a bit disappointed but noticed a black guy who was wearing a grey t-shirt in his early 20s follow me. I knew him in the dream and I think he was one of my roommates. Anyways, I walked back home and went upstairs. The walls were colored light purple which interesting enough looked nice and just seemed to fit. The stairway was on the narrow side and seemed a bit cramped but would fit two people easily. After walking upstairs, I decided to walk back down and meet him on the stairs since I knew what he had with him(call it dream psychic). He told me about the flying pill and gave me two things, a pouch(I think it was that, can’t exactly remember what it was) and a sleeping pill which looked like a small pill which had a grey metallic color and had two wings on each side. I thanked him a lot and got the feeling he didn’t want me to lose my mind(what a great DC, lol). I went outside and ended up doing something first(distracted again I guess) but I lost the pill and started to look around for it in the grass. I couldn’t find it and was disappointed yet again. At this point, I remembered that I didn’t need the pill, so, I went back inside my house to create some wings. I sat down, possibly on a box in the dark and concentrated on imagining them and how I would look with them on as well as possible. The wings were to be large, grey, similar to what I’ve always seen wings appear like in movies, anime, etc…. After a while, my shoulder area felt a bit strange as if something was growing and then I started to feel like there was a good amount of pressure there and that I needed to do some pushing of my own. I was thinking of looking into a mirror after they were fully grown but never got the chance.

      Thoughts: Well, my third LD and I was definitely more conscious than my second one, can't really compare to first since that was too long ago. This LD was soooo long, even within the LD, I remarked to myself "This LD is really long, I don't think I'll remember it all" and I was right. It took a good amount of time to recall and piece together the different events and I got distracted a couple of times, kinda makes sense since I've been reading about people being distracted from their specific goals. I think this occurred in my 4th or 5th REM cycle, thus, the length

      Updated 06-13-2010 at 02:34 AM by 24565

      lucid , memorable
    12. Pokemon Plushes

      by , 06-09-2010 at 08:03 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I've been having a slew of pokemon dreams recently.

      Dream 1 - Store

      I was in a store, some sort of Claire's or Ardene's. I never shop there, ever, but here I was in the dream, shopping. At the back of the store, there were four long shelves spanning from one wall to the other, one on top of another, filled with Pokemon plushes. Some were smaller and had black keychain things stuck to the top of them, and some were large. Really large. I picked up the biggest one (that didn't resemble any sort of actual pokemon): it was purple and a lighter red, and the price tag read $364.99. Wow, just because it was as large as me, that didn't mean I'd spend that much on a piece of fabric. I chucked it back into the shelves and looked some more. I then picked up a Turtwig plush, which was the same one I had in real life. I got the real thing in Disney World; Epcot's anime store to be exact, but this wasn't an anime store. Because of this, I was like "wow, they have this plush here too?"

      I definitely wasn't lucid at this point; at least not until I picked up a shinx plush. It was about twice the size of an ipod touch and had a black plastic keychain at the top. I looked at it for a little while and then put it back, as I had now become lucid and didn't want to waste my time looking at these plushes anymore. "Sweet," I said out loud and exited the store, emerging into a rural area with homes and sidewalks. Immediately I decided, since somehow I forgot about my current dream goals, to ride a pokemon. Fly it, to be exact. I summoned a Charizard using my turn-around method, which looked the way I wanted it to, with the exception of its size; it was slightly smaller than it should have been. After all, how was I supposed to fly on its back if it couldn't even support my weight? I let it go and it bent over, allowing me to get onto it. It then began to fly, but as it got to a certain point in the sky, maybe a few feet above the houses' roofs, it began to sink back down. I imagined it flapping its wings even more in an attempt to get it to go higher, and it did for a moment, but it sank back down again.

      I was sick of trying to mess with this, so I jumped off while it was still in midair and belly-flopped right on the ground. That was clumsy. I looked up (I didn't move my head, but instead just moved my eyes) to see it flying away, higher and higher. As soon as I did this, however, the dream went darker. I stopped looking up and got to my feet, feeling that looking up was a stupid thing to do. Had I just destabilized my dream?

      I suppose I did, because the dream continued to turn darker and darker.
      Then, it ended.

      Dream 2 - False Awakening

      The next thing I knew, I was in my bed. Crap, I thought, it was so stupid to look up because it destabilized the dream. I was about to get up for a glass of water, but I suddenly realized something. I wasn't in the right bed, and so I realized that I was still dreaming, it was just a false awakening. "Wow, my lucidity carried over from my other dream," I said to myself as I got up. But the dream ended rather quickly.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 07:01 AM by 28408

    13. Avatar and Flying

      by , 06-09-2010 at 07:02 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was a weird dream, and I wasn't as lucid as I'd have liked.

      It began with me and my parents. We were in some form of mall, similar to the Mall of America, but there was only one floor. The style of the tile, walls, and stores looked the same. I remember distinctly seeing an Avon store with an identical logo to the real thing, as well as an HMV, but the logo was a brighter blue instead of hot pink, and it was big, covering the whole top part of the entrance of the store. Inside it had black walls instead of gray, but that's all I remember, as I didn't go inside.

      The mall was packed; there were hordes of people, but it wasn't so crowded that it was uncomfortable.

      The next thing I knew, we were at a large store that looked almost like a more closed-in "Apple" store, as the interior was white and gray, but dimly lit, the walls covered in merchandise and cherry wooden shelving. There was two doors side-by-side in the center of the entrance, and there were large windows on either side. It was around the size of a Hollister store. On one window, covering nearly the entire panel, was the official Avatar poster, with "Avatar" on the bottom in blue, glowing papyrus typefont. It also said "April 22nd" right below that, in a slightly smaller font, which was the actual release date.

      I decided to go inside, as I wanted to buy the movie (for some reason I knew that it was the grand opening of this "Avatar" store and the release date for the movie, but I didn't see any customers once I entered!) There was a very short hallway, and then it branched off into a few rooms, almost like a spacious maze. On shelves there were snacks and Avatar merchandise, including small professionally packaged bags of chocolate covered cherries, selling for $5.00 each. This, I remember distinctly. I'm not sure why this occurred, but I looked down at the floor and I was wearing no shoes! I then became lucid, but it was a low-level lucidity, and I lost it as soon as I turned the corner and saw James Cameron. He said, "hello" to me, and I replied, "hi". I didn't attack him for an autograph or anything of the sorts, and just continued to browse around the store. I don't believe I ever saw the actual DVD or Blu-Ray of the movie in the store.

      The dream skipped. I ended up in my dad's old apartment, in the hallway right beside two elevators, boasting shiny silver doors, slightly scratched from rubbing against the mechanisms inside the elevator wall. The carpet was slightly lighter than burgundy, and it had a detailed but spaced-out filigree pattern in transparent gold. The lighting, again, was slightly dim but was fine to walk around in. I decided to take the stairs (why, I don't know) and they were way different from what they should have been. It was a stairwell that hugged the four walls of the room, curling around in a square-shaped style, and I looked down the middle; it was around ten or eleven floors tall. I started taking off down the stairs, suddenly aware that someone was behind me, chasing me. Although I wasn't lucid at all, I decided to fly by summoning a pair of feathered wings, and I dove down the center of the stairwell. I could see my wings in the corner of my eyes, and I felt the person trying to grab me the second I went over the edge.

      I landed on the first floor, still in the stairwell, and my wings were gone. I took off and went through the door. I was now in the city.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 07:04 AM by 28408

    14. Awards and a Creeping Man

      by , 06-09-2010 at 02:28 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Last night was divided into two distinct segments.

      The first segment involved me being at the church where we hold my school's closing ceremonies each year. The air was dustier than usual, but the ceiling was high and triangular like it should have been, enclosing the room which was very spacious. The church's walls were wide wooden panels and there were long benches, three in each row, slightly curving around the front stage area, also made of polished wood. There were unrecognizable people, probably students, sitting comfortably in the benches. I was called up to the stage by the principal of my school (who was the only person I could actually recognize).

      I got to the stage and walked towards a table, sprinkled with green and orange glitter. It looked pretty bad and cheesy, like a big birthday party table or something. I knew this even in the dream, but I didn't say anything. There were five or six papers laid out on the table, and I picked each of them up. One of them read "Shel Solversten Award", which wasn't a real award. Written below the name of the award was "for having the best signed piece of artwork".

      Once I got my awards, I didn't shake hands with the principal as I would do in real life. Instead, I walked right out of the building through an exit to the left of the stage. The steel double doors swung open as I pushed both of them at once, and I found myself on the side of a street. I looked back and there wasn't a church anymore, but a store. It was a brick building painted blue, around the size of a pawn shop, with large glass windows. In the window display there were those pink and white dogs like from Victoria's Secret.

      I walked in, the award papers now magically gone from my hand, and went into a fitting room at the back of the store. This "fitting room" was more like a bathroom stall. There were three in a row, all pure white except for the metal hinges that squeaked when I opened the door, and there were inch-wide cracks on either side where the door closed. This made me uncomfortable, so I positioned myself in the stall where no one could look in. After all, there was a bench of people outside (but right in front of) the stalls. I sat in there for a few seconds and looked out the left-hand side of the door. I saw a man sitting on the bench, a few feet away. He was slightly overweight and looked really grubby, almost like a criminal or something. I locked eyes with him and thought, creeper, then moved over so I was hidden once again by the door.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 07:06 AM by 28408

    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 01:36 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Currently on my Linux boot. I'll turn this into a proper entry once I feel like restarting and bringing up Vista and my DJ.
      Super Special Awesome Edition (Non-lucid)

      So, there I was. The car in which I sat had that standard old car smell. CTB was driving us to Walmart to go shopping. However, as we approached the turn in to Walmart's parking lot, CTB kept on going. Annoyed, I asked him what he was doing. He didn't respond to my inquiry. Instead, after a few more seconds, he pulled into the parking lot of Toys R Us. "Wow, I didn't know it was so close by," I said in wonderment. "Let's go!"

      We exited the car and made our way into TRU, walking by various aisles. We both know where we were heading, and soon enough, we were there. The Nerf section: where a nerfer's wildest dreams can come true. I wasn't interested in any on brand stuff, and my budget was fairly limited, so we decided to look at some of the off brand merchandise. They had something resembling a Manta, but blockier and able to attach to your wrist. They also had a few jumbo darts that I thought I could use for some reason. I was having a blast, discussing with CTB how well this gun or that one would fare in an HvZ game.

      I tallied up what I had gotten and it was only about 15 bucks for everything. I had around 60 dollars to spend, so I decided to pick up another Raider. To my surprise and delight they had a special edition Raider with a black drum clip and body for sale. I snatched it up and one time lapse later I'm back in my dorm room. I decide to test out these new blasters. First the Manta rip-off. I opened it up to find it was missing a few darts. No big deal, I guess, but, when I fired it, it went all of 4 feet. Very disappointing.

      And yeah, that is the most interesting thing I can remember from last night. Thrilling, huh?

      Updated 06-23-2010 at 05:49 AM by 25167

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