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    1. Photographs that Won't Last (DILD)

      by , 01-20-2016 at 08:53 AM
      Train—open—more and more crowded—trying to stay secure.

      Earlier, plane—everyone had kissed the screen, identical lip print.

      Bangkok—know the route from having taken many times.

      Scenery from the train amazing, began photographing—tall earthy brown cliffs on the right; later on the left forest, enormous trees, figures of other beings like bas-relief in bark, then we were zooming through a city on the water, buildings alternating from Renaissance to modern faux-vernacular shopping plaza style.

      Reminded myself to actually look at the photos after I took them, because when I woke up, they would be unlikely to still be on the camera. Some were amazing, and I was sorry they wouldn't last. Others not so great—we were moving fast, and I couldn't always capture the best angle.

      "This is the clearest dream I've had in a long time." Happy because for a while dreams have been distant and dim, frustrating. How did I accomplish this? All I could think was that I had finally wanted it enough. But how did I get lucid? Thought back and tried to remember the moment—this actually destabilized the dream and began waking process, but it was gradual enough that I could think back a bit first—realized there was no "aha!" moment, the lucidity had dawned gradually, probably because it was right before I'd been planning to get up anyway—only genuinely lucid for those last few moments when I started thinking critically about the pictures and the dream itself. At the time, though, I felt not an alteration of circumstance, but a sense of continuity with what had gone before. To be aware that you are dreaming is not unusual; to be aware that you are aware that you are dreaming is to be lucid.

      Was the lucidity that which allowed me to appreciate and experience the clarity of the dream? But an appreciation must have preceded lucidity because that's what prompted me to start taking the pictures, before I realized they wouldn't last. And even after I knew they would not persist—I couldn't help hoping that this time would be different from all the others, this time they might cross over, through some miracle.
    2. Competition

      by , 01-18-2016 at 12:20 AM (Here be dragons)
      I'm participating to a kind of scavenger hunt. At one point we have to get to a underground place, but when we reach it it's partially underwater The water is cold and murky enough that we can't see the bottom. As we dive in, another team spring out of the water; it's a trap. We manage to push them to the door, then out. I tell part of my team to make. sure that .they can't .get back. in, and we move to open the door at the back. It lead into another room, longer than larger, with racks on the walls. There's a lot of differents things here, unusuals weaponry, bike in neon colors, and what looks like a dwarven armor next to a jeager suit.
    3. [January 13, 2016] More orca

      by , 01-13-2016 at 02:09 PM
      Had a great non lucid last night. I was a marine park, not my favorite place to see the orca since I am anti captivity but at least I got to see them. It was a long dream too. I spent a lon time just looking at them casually swim by. Various orca were there from young to old. I just sat by the waters edge an watched, perfectly content to just stay there for hours and watch.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Tornados; water; bad forces

      , 01-08-2016 at 10:10 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Had 5am-1:30pm shift yesterday and have a 6pm-11pm shift today.

      I slept a lot last night.


      Very chaotic, fast paced, no leader, nobody knows whats happening or how to solve it, everybody doing his own thing.

      I'm in some very tall and big structure. Modern building, maybe like office building. There is water on 2 sides.

      A girl I'm babysitting goes in the shallow water and is dragging a huge black sheet of plastic behind her. I grab it and reel her in.

      Later on the other side of the buuilding, we look out the window and some huge tornados are in the sky. They ar skinny and they have some cross sections on them. They are weird. We get in the corridors and away from doors and windows. I try to go back and look at the tornadoes again, but I sense danger like I could get sucked out at any moment.

      Some strange, bad force is at play as well. We look for ways to neutrilize it. We look in cabinets and drawers and other pieces of furniture.
      Tags: ocean, water
    5. Walking on Many Roads

      by , 01-04-2016 at 07:51 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was walking towards a place, via roads. Some were unfamiliar. I was going to Rob's place. I was walking all over the place at first, passing by what seemed like the roads surrounding QC Memorial Circle. Then I arrived at a place that looks familiar: the walls of my elementary school. I walked up the road. I went "inside" somehow. I was looking at a lake or seaside area. It was an illusion created by technology. There were a few people there. I was looking for a shade under the tree. I sat beside them without any of us minding it. Rob texted where I was. I told him near/in front of his house. I then wondered whether I should have texted first that I was heading here since they might be elsewhere.
    6. Bees That Live In The Water

      by , 01-04-2016 at 05:45 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Bees That Live In The Water (DILD)


      So, there's this obese female that's akin to a co-worker of mine that I'll nickname MariT. She's trying to run away from some bees via going into some water, and when she does, she comes out green, and bees come out of the water to sting her.

      She's like,

      "Help me, Brandon," in this really, really awkward declaration for help.

      Also, the graphics for the dream is akin to a side scroller game in 2D.

      Funny thing, when I met her today, she was busy eating some chocolate. But I'm wondering why I've had a few dreams about her lately. There aren't any romantic connotations, so it could just be random noises firing at random contexts, I guess.
      Tags: bees, water
    7. Sept 11 regular - writing my old dreams down

      by , 12-22-2015 at 05:16 PM (sparkley guy dream journal)
      Regular dream
      There was a flood in my town and my sister, my mom and I and a few of my cousins we trying to swim into a building so that we would be safe.

      So me and my sister swam in first and got the the first entry (there was two) and then we swam to the second entry where some guy was holding the door open for us, but then my sister budged me and got in first, the second entry doors closed but then my mom opened it.

      I became safe but the guys that were guarding the place with guns for some reason seen my mom "push" me, so they shot her.

      I became wicked angry and grabbed a gun from one of the men and hit them with the butt of the gun and started mowing down all the guards.

      My cousins never appeared afterwards, the only place I seen them was outside trying to swim in when I was swimming to the second entry so I'm guessing that they drowned.
      Tags: drown, killing, water
    8. Snorkeling in Sweden

      , 12-07-2015 at 03:07 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      I worked yesterday, had night off today and tomorrow

      I'm told that I can move to an island off of Sweden. It's a manmade island made of wood. I'm under water, coming up to surface. There is lots of seaweed and light is filtered by them. I'm only few feet under the surface. I'm watching the bubbles rise, how the seaweed is moving with the waves and some sea slug on a large leaf. I'm amazed. I come up and see a large rectangular island that looks like a pontoon.

      Next I'm on the island and i feel sand under my feet. It's hard to believe that it's all on wood, because sand seems to be deep.

      Someone needs to poop, so they squat behind some drift wood. They cover it with showel and sand. I wonder if someone makes a hole next to it and they showel sand on it, if they uncover the old poop 0_0.
    9. The Castle

      by , 12-06-2015 at 12:13 PM
      sometime in 2014

      The Castle

      I woke up in an old castle where i would attend classes that were focused on me finding out what I wanted to do in life. The overall consensus was that I was not happy because I didn't know what I wanted to spend my whole life doing. But I think I began to question whether I really wanted to pick one thing. The monotony of spending the rest of my whole life doing one thing sounded like a hellish existence of repetition. I didn't even want to think about things before doing them at all at that point.

      I liked the idea of free choice and pondering all the options and directions to go so I left the class and went downstairs. I heard the door up stairs open as this other classmate came down trying to get me to go back to class. I resisted and went around back the stairs where i saw these glowing shimmering lights. I went underneath into the shadow cast underside of the staircase and reached for these glowing objects but when I was about to grab them they shot out like streamers all around the room. I turned a corner and the classmate kept following me. I knew he was trying to get me back; at this point it seemed like by force. I was getting bad vibes, like the whole thing was controlled and I was in a prison like loony bin where the caretakers where to ones who had actually lost their minds. I ran into a dead end, turned around and the classmate was blocking the way saying I had to go back to class. I told him I had free choice and ran passed him toward the glass doors to the outside. I started to pick the lock looking out through the frosted glass into the green hue overtones of the outdoors, but gave this up and smashed the glass with my fist to save time being that I was being chased at this point.

      I ran out across the grass and took an immediate left around the building where people were playing football as my classmate and a few others are chasing me yelling to catch me. The players are alerted and join the chase. I pick up speed and jump a fence into a hedge-maze where I take a few rights and a few lefts until i lose them. Then I realize that I'm lost myself and this feeling of being trapped for eternity sweeps in as I slowly loose consciousness...

      I wake up in a bed in a small stuffy room with my mother sitting above me reading off a list of the symptoms that I have like "paranoia, anxiety, depression, deranged thoughts, loss of will, short-term memory loss" She's trying to help but it made me feel like the very act of a assuming these problems projected them on me. I felt like I was being diagnosed to the point that the diagnosis was creating the very symptoms they were focused on treating. The forced help mentality of projected mental health issues was what was in-sighting my paranoia that thereby drove me to jump straight out of the bed and run downstairs, back out through the glass door I had broke. I ran straight this time across into a huge field of old recycled cans. I was literally wading through aluminum cans where my feet wouldn't even touch the ground any more. The cans formed a hill and as I waded on the light became visible as I could see that the cans were piled against a wall. On top of the wall I looked out across a bay with a lighthouse in the distance. I jumped down onto the beach and sat in the lotus position looking at the waves. It was at this point that my body felt weird like I was electrically charged and I knew I was dreaming. I looked at my hands and they started to melt like I was on mushrooms, the overexposed high detail of my finger prints shifting and changing sizes. I looked up and my friend Sarah was here and she wanted to go swimming. I wanted to fly so I began to float upwards over the water as she swam. As I looked down I slowly began to sink further and further down into the water where I sank and woke up in real life to my fellow dreaming black cat Phantom sleeping on my chest.

      This is just one of my lucid dreams that I've had that involves my main reoccurring dream-signs:

      Getting Lost (Normally underground in tunnels)
      Flying/ Falling (enjoy both when falling I like to land on my feet)
      Being swept away by water beyond my control
      A castle
    10. November 17th 2015 Non-Lucid

      by , 11-17-2015 at 10:10 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream started on JMU's campus on our quad. We were playing some sort of throwing game where if you messed up you got electrocuted. I kept winning and didn't have to get electrocuted, but I wanted to know what it felt like so I purposely messed up. The thing that shocks people was a car battery with wires that hooked us up to it. It shocked me and I felt this very unnerving feeling that caused me to sort of jump up and down quickly several times. I walk on a path next to the quad and see my friend Austin who I say hello to. IRL him and I saw each other yesterday and said hello. Then, I'm over by this field thing, sort of like a theater with it starting low and going higher. There were trees to the right of it. People were standing in this gradually sloping field looking up to a stage that was very high. In my mind I was about to perform, but my job was to grab a rope and swing on it. I start from the back right of the field which is higher and right next to the trees. So, I grab this very long rope and start swinging over the crowd, higher and higher. The crowd is cheering me on but I don't know how to slow down. I let my feet sort of dangle and I kick some people in the crowd. Then, my path is over on the left of the stage and swinging towards my starting position on the back right of the field where the trees are. I manage to kick my feet on the ground where less people are and I come to a jumping halt at the trees. I go behind where the stage is and climb a really high amount of things to get to the top. When I'm there, it's a padded platform which is sort of walled on all sides except for one which has an opening with the rope there ready to swing. My mind thought I was some sort of host to a show. Now, this area is really high up in the air, I mean miles on miles in the air. I think there are people on the ground watching me. There was that one feeling you get when you are really high up in a dream that was freaking me out. I started to slip backwards out of the opening. My hands grasp the edge for a half second before I fall very far down. I think 'wow am I really dying at this show.' Then, I'm up on the high stage again looking down. Someone says that I need to use the rope to swing down again, and without any hesitation, I grab the rope and swing down to the ground.

      At some point I'm in this broken up house looking at a sort of water slide contraption that is really small. I was supposed to fix it for this girl who I don't know. There's a ball that moves down the slide and apparently to fix it you have to let the ball catch at the end in some hole thing.

      Do you know those dreams about someone you really like that can be about whatever and it doesn't really matter what actually happens in the dream, but it gives you a feeling that it was all about her and when you wake up you have strong feelings for this person? Well, this happened to me. So after I'm fixing the water slide contraption, I'm down on a lower part in an open area. It's like a water park. I'm in a pool of water that turns into a water slide that goes down and further along a path with buildings and trees on either side. I'm in one pool and I look to my right to see this girl who I like a lot named Dana floating in another pool. Both of these pools empty into a water slide. When I notice her, I act like I don't see her and look another way because I don't know if she's seen me or not. We both empty into this slide that is pretty much a down hill lazy river. She grabs onto me and we sort of piggy-back down the river which turns left into some overhead structure thing. Ultimately, it turns into another pool that has some block thing out of the water in the middle which turns it into a pool that goes in a circle. We get there and then turn around. She starts to swim away from the pool and I wrap my arms around her like I'm hugging her from behind as we swim back up the stream. I know nothing big happened with her in this dream but it still made me miss her a lot when I woke up.

      I had a dream I was in China but I can't really remember much except that I think there was some sort of rock concert going on. At some point, I fall into this cart thing that has my friend Katharine in it. She says something that disappoints me so I turn towards her friend CJ and talk to him about something. I remember ultimately wanting to go find a woman who sells noodles who I call Noodle Lady IRL back when I went to China this past summer.
    11. kara and lucid dream

      by , 11-07-2015 at 06:37 PM
      I don't remember dreams for last night but when I fell back asleep this morning I had at least two, maybe three but I'm pretty sure 2/3 are connected, but I don't know how and I don't know the chronology.
      I remember having sleep paralysis (at this point I can't even tell if it was real or not). I tried reaching for the fan remote that was on the floor by my bed (my arm was hanging off, and the remote was out of view but I knew it was there somehow). I grabbed it but couldn't do anything else. Then I tried pulling my head up, which didn't work, and then I tried wiggling my feet which only worked slightly. Then I just sat there accepting my defeat and waiting for my mind to drift off back to sleep, but I get bored and a little bit annoyed I can't get more comfortable so I try again and suddenly I'm able to peel myself off the bed.

      I get out of bed and look around. It's very dark in my room, but absolutely nothing else is out of place, yet I decide to RC anyway. It works. I decide I'm going to fly around. I fly right through my roof as if it wasn't even there, and I look down at my house and it's like a glitched video game. I can see through the roof and everything around my house on the outside is just pitch black as if it doesn't exist. I can see into all the rooms and I see my dad at his laptop in one. I fly-swim around and drop into another room. It's dark all throughout the house but it's light enough to see things somewhat clearly. I notice a laptop right up against the wall, open, and it's floating in mid air. I ignore it and don't think much of it. I rub my hands together and touch stuff and then I yell dream clarity and everything is pretty clear, I look at the laptop and admire how "HD" everything looks. I began to walk back to my room thinking of what I should do and when I'm about enter my room I feel the dream slipping and I quickly try to think of a way to keep the dream going but I fail.

      Another dream I had I was going into Karazhan raid tryouts (in WoW). I was with my friend who was playing, and we go through the entrance, to the right into this huge room with a large disk, almost CD-looking but with a large hole in the middle. It was about the width of the room and it was kind of floating off the ground. In the middle was a giant robot looking thing (looks JUST like this https://www.dandwiki.com/w/images/2/2f/Arcane-golem.jpg). He was the boss we were going to fight. We all hop on the disk and it begans wobbling and spinning around the boss and it's really tough to stay on. I remember looking at a warlock to the left of me, it was an orc female, and I also looked to the right and saw my friend trying to stay on and stab the boss. I think we ended up killing him or something, and getting off the disk and walking back to the first room.

      This third dream is connected to one of the last dreams, but I don't remember which. It begins with me falling out of the sky into the water into some minecraft world. I look out and to the right of me is a shore, left is a mountain, and forward is a mountain shaped like a creeper head, with eyes popping out. Suddenly there is a creeper in the water and I begin punching it and I notice it is only a creeper head. It's taking damage from something and it keeps trying to blow up and I deliver the finishing blow. I assumed it was drowning and that's why it was taking so much damage. I then swam to shore. I remember other things happened in that dream, like I flew around and talked to some people in a chat. I also think the dream started before I fell down into the water.
    12. #149 - seds exam / goddess nightmare (5/11/2015)

      by , 11-05-2015 at 10:26 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 - seds exam
      Me and my friend John are in a car and driving around for part of a field trip related to the sedimentology paper we're studying. I remember being near the coastline and seeing some calm water while we're on a dirt road nearby under the canopy of some pine trees. I think we're pissy about something. We're back in the paleosed lab in our geology department studying for the exam now which is related to the field trip we've just been on. John tells me that the other people studying have placed the 'backshore' zone *here* (he shows me somehow, maybe with a picture). I get annoyed, "dude they're doing it wrong. Look at this" I start illustrating the beach and shoreface zones in their entirety and start teaching him about everything. "Well damn mister sedimontologist huhuhu" he says jokingly (kind of an inside joke where he's saying I'm a smartass ).

      Dream 2 - Goddess Nightmare
      This dream was a little weird. I remember being on a boat, surrounded by water. I know that in the direction behind me is land somewhere but I can't see it. There are other people on the boat but I don't recall seeing them. There's internal dialogue going on, I'm just.. Thinking?
      "The beginning of the world was due to the contact between the gods and goddesses" (this is similar to Greek mythos I think, Oranos the sky father and Gaia the earth mother). I'm in the water now, the boat is non existant and the dream is showing the distance between gods. I represent a god that is wading in the water, while in the distance I know there is another god but she's only just visible and is wading in the water. It's supposed to be impossible to contact one another, but the dream story says that we do and that is how everything begins.

      It is now a different time, the 'present'. Mankind has to be careful of the gods and goddesses because they walk among us in disguise. They require constant sacrifices every day. Some seduce their prey and kill them in their houses. I think a hot woman picks me up and we head to her house. She's actually a goddess (surprised?)... I think she goes into another room to get change and tells me to wait here (in the living room I guess). I think I somehow discover she's a goddess as I seem to see her on her bed in a red fishnet body dress thing. She was doing erotic stuff and I was like "oh shit she's going to kill me" so I ran and hid. Another person turns up and she kills him instead. I'm hiding in her closet but it's full of 'skins'. Like body suits she can wear to disguise herself. Behind them all is another door which takes me into another bedroom. She's still after me so I think I bolt out the window and onto the grass outside. I run downhill on the lawn towards the main road and manage to escape but the whole time I was terrified. Like she could get ahead of me somehow and come around some corner with an axe like they do in the horror movies O_O. I decided I wanted to wake up so I did.
    13. Number one

      , 10-30-2015 at 07:01 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Sleep 3:30pm - 10pm

      I'm with a huge crowd of people, hundreds, maybe thousands. We are starting something new, like a new school maybe. They are putting us in order and I end up being #1.

      Some kind of a test but not really a test, or they don't tell us. But something happens and people are trapped under water. I'm on the bottom of some U-shaped ditch that's very deep but not that wide. I look up and I see many feet of water above me. Water is clear and there is lots of items in it. I do something and I save the people but I don't see details how or what I did.

      Now we are sitting outside again. He announces the results of the test, who was the best. He calls my number, #1. I have to stand up and I say hi while I look around at everybody.
      Tags: water
    14. Snakes and a water-themed in-between place

      by , 10-28-2015 at 10:06 PM
      In the previous scene, I'd been doing shots with a man who drinks live snakes, one every day. The bartender gives me a dead one, since it's my first time; it'll go down easier. Now I'm walking around half-submerged ruins where I've been before. There's meant to be a door here, though I hadn't seen it the first time around. Now that I'm searching, though, I spot the fold in reality that's hidden it, pull it through so that it becomes solid. It's set in the base of what had been an empty stone arch.

      The other side of the door is an in-between place, and I go slightly lucid in order to pause and enjoy the view. It's a stone bridge hanging in space, pale stone, low and sloping walls on either side, and something like coral growing over it in patches. This space has the quality of light seen from underwater, and floating above there's some enormous, amorphous, diaphanous shape, jellyfish-like. It's all very pleasant.

      Along the bridge I run into two women with the tails of snakes, mermaid-like, who are frozen in place, and whose verbal words don't match the meanings I hear - the verbal words are friendly, the underlying meaning is to get me to come close enough and stay long enough for them to kill and eat me. I find them pleasant, too; I can't blame them for being hungry, this place sees so little traffic, and I don't intend to stay long enough for them to kill me, so they're effectively harmless.

      When I leave the in-between place, it takes me to a scene where an Egyptian woman with a clipboard is consulting a guest list. I have to wait in line behind some snake-haired triplets while a dead human woman talks to the woman with the clipboard, trying to justify why she belongs inside, citing the royal status of her lover.

      Updated 10-28-2015 at 10:10 PM by 64691

      lucid , non-lucid
    15. The hidden House

      by , 10-26-2015 at 04:35 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm underground, standing on a old stones pontoon. The only light comes from a arched window on the wall on my left, half covered with ivy and fitted with metal bars. There isn't any boat on the dark waters, but a narrow stones path run along the wall to another potoon with a old wooden door. It's pretty cold but I'm warmly dressed, and the place have a deep, heartly smell of soil, wet stones and thick foliage, with a sweet undertone of decay, like the floor of a forest.
      I walk up to the door, careful not to fall in the water. I knock on the door and a middle aged blonde woman open it, asking me if I'm here to visit. I agree and she let me in. It's a old house, but well-loved; the wooden floor have the color and the shine of honey, and the walls are painted white. The ceiling are impossibly high, with long, swirling staircase going up to the upper level. There is very little furnitures, and the little that are scattered around are pretty broken down. I walk around, sometime crossing path with the owner. I reach a narrow, tall wooden door in a art déco style, and the owner agree to open it for me. It lead to a garden, big and untamed, yet I can spot littles details that tell me that it's a deliberate look, everything in it's exact place. I smile at the big almond tree, aware that in the spring its flowers smells amazing.

      A very comtemplative dream, without a lot going on, but with beautiful sceneries.
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