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    1. 05.15.2016 Burial and playland

      by , 05-17-2016 at 05:44 PM
      Oh yeah, saw The Cure live in concert last night!!! Super excited! I did a few RCs while at the concert, because I felt like I was in a dream. It seems to have helped as I was able to recall a lot of details. I did get caught in the rain though, so the sickness I was fighting has finally caught up to me. Sore throat, itchy throat, headache, stuffy nose.

      DR 1
      My best friend and I are walking; we've just come from eating soup at a restaurant in Chinatown. The weather is warm and we are both wearing shorts. She has on a white cotton blouse. We are talking about life and our next career move, etc..when we see a yellow banner from one of the restaurants has blown down. It has red letters, but I can't make out what it says. I just know its a restaurant banner. It blows across the street and becomes entangled in a black gate. I go across the street to untangle it. I take my time getting the banner strings loose, and it untangles. But then, as I am holding it, it turns into two white figurines. They look like little white figures of a king and queen, with no faces, about 12 inches tall. There is a man walking by, kind of scruffy looking, and he starts to kind of bother me, hitting on me and such..I ignore him and I walk around the corner (to my right) to a place where there are bushes, and a small garden. There is a small plot- someone has dug a small square plot for the figurines. Feeling like they want me to bury them, I place them in the plot and I cover them with leaves. I stand in silence and there is a soft breeze. I can hear the spirits on the wind agreeing that I have done what they have asked me to do.

      DR 2
      I am on vacation with friends, some of them are from work. We are on the coast, and the water is blue- very blue and clear. There is a long wooden board, about 6 inches wide from land to a yacht. My friends tell me to walk it, that I'll have no problem, so I start. I begin to walk it like I am on a balance beam. I'm being careful, and when I come halfway to the boat from land, I sort of lose my balance. Instead of falling into the water, I revert to gymnastics training and fall, with one leg on either side of the board, and catch myself with my hands. I softly place my behind on the board and let my feet dangle in the water. (whew!) I then notice one of my friends (? nobody i know IRL, a blonde girl) jump from the yacht and begin to moonwalk over the water. She starts saying its so easy, and my friends start to follow her, doing their own versions of the running man or "cutting" across the water. I am laughing and I think it so cool. I get up to try and the dream changes. The water is so beautiful, clue and clear. (I realize now that all of this really should have woken me up into lucidity.)

      DR 3
      I am back on land with my friends and we are still vacationing. We are sunbathing on land in front of a huge sand pit, The inside appears to have been lined with millions of very colorful lego blocks. Its like, a pit for dirt bike riding or something. I find this very interesting because I have never seen anything like it before. I look around and there are different sand pits around but before I can look at them in detail.. a toddler girl comes running up to me and puts her face right in front of me, tells me my name and cries "tell us about ellomenopy!!!"
      I'm like, "what is that?!" There are toddlers all around, and in front of me, a few feet away, is a professional filmmaker. They scream the word at me again...In surprise, I ask the kids to use the word in a sentence. In response, they sing the alphabet, and I laugh, be cause they have combined the letters L M N O P and created a word..I make up some meaning of the word that is very very silly and go on to explain it, and the camera crew laughs. They finish the scene and the babies go off to play.
      My friends and I continue about this play land, and we want to get something to eat. I wake up.
    2. Danger is Just Around the Corner...

      by , 05-13-2016 at 02:40 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was with my mom in a car. We were driving onto the interstate. It was daytime. I came up to a sharp curve, and around it was a completely flooded roadway. I saw cars getting pulled under as there seemed to be a violent current. I briefly got caught in the current, but got us out in time.

      Later, I was with a few other people, though I'm not sure who, and we were going to the same curve, but we were in sled-type things this time. We approached the curve, and I saw a blast of what looked like ice/snow, though I didn't think that's what it was, and when it reached me, I felt that it was cold. There was still lots of deep water on the curve, but it had started to ice over. I slipped a little on the ice.
    3. 05.10.2016 Threes

      by , 05-11-2016 at 02:51 PM
      Mother's Day, so i finally got some much needed rest. Hung around with my mom all day on Sunday, so a lazy day. Allergies are giving me headaches, but taking benadryl at night. Its been affecting my dreaming, though not so much the recall. I think I'm recalling more.

      DR 1
      I am visiting a house that, supposedly, I used to live in long ago. My mom is there with me, in the background. I walk into the kitchen and there is a huge table that appears to be a display table, with three tiers. On each of the tiers, there are red and white cakes and assorted pies. I am excited, but my mom acts as if she already knows about them, but it super happy. I am buzzing around and looking at all the old rooms.

      I begin to reminisce in one of the rooms, thinking about furniture and things..because now the carpet has been pulled up and there is only foam padding underneath.

      I come back to the kitchen and most of the cakes are gone. I ask my mom where they are and she tells me that she gave them away to her old co-workers. I become highly upset , so upset and start crying- telling her that she never thinks about me.

      As I am crying, i go back to my "old bedroom". I notice there is a trap door in the floor. I know that there is water in the room below the door, so I don't go near it. My mom comes into the room, she's wearing Ugg boots, and she asks me if I'm ok. She notices that there is water in the corner of the room. She steps toward it and I can see that the water is above her ankles, but she is wearing boots so its ok. She goes towards the trap door. I tell her there is water underneath, but she doesn't care. She opens it and we hear like a bump- a deafening rolling noise...and then a wave of water rushes up from the floor, but then, a huge wooden table top rolls up from the door in the floor and stops almost right in front of us...then a second, and finally a third. Then, a small wooden box with a gold padlock washes in. My mom and I stand speechless. Everything is then silent.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Traumatic Hiking Trip

      by , 05-06-2016 at 06:04 PM
      Went hiking with D and a few other people. It’s a hike I recognized, wooden trail spiraling up to a platform. The wood is new. There are black labs who are scared to walk on the planks. Work keeps calling D, telling him there’s an emergency he needs to deal with but there’s nothing he can do since he's so far away. We head back down and the guy we’re with says we have to rope swing across the lake. He says it’s crucial we don’t touch the water more than necessary because ‘we would not believe what was growing in there’. I was completely confused, I don’t remember having to do this on the way up. Plus, I’m not wet and I would be if we had done this. I also am carrying a pillow that’s completely dry. I ask someone, “What did I do with this pillow last time to keep it dry?” They told me to fold it up and put it in my shirt, so I did. The guy went first and didn’t make it far before he went head first into the water. We scoffed, “so much for not touching the water.” D went second and swung out to hip height and waded to the other side. I decided to angle my swing to the left toward the land, so I got minimally wet. When I got to the other side, everyone started getting concerned because the first guy had not come up yet. D was annoyed that he was going to have to dive in and search for him, but then the other lady managed to pull him out. I was in a room and couldn’t see what was happening but D started gagging, telling me that the guy was covered in unsightly mud and disgusting debris. He was unconscious so D delegated to me to get the first aid kit. There wasn’t much in there besides IV equipment so I grabbed what I could. D wanted a 1” IV tape but I explained to him that the only reason I was able to take the 1/2” tape from the hospital is because nobody likes to use it, so that’s all we had. People start performing CPR and I leave the room to help. It’s a very disturbing sight, indeed. He looks deformed. He’s blue, has a swollen and bulging neck, and they had to cut off his fingers and toes - leaving strings of rotting flesh in place of his fingers. Someone holds him while people perform CPR. I take my turn at compressions and then he starts talking. D explains to him that he probably broke his neck. I asses his body and it’s full of gnarly wounds. They had all been exposed to bacteria. D is now at risk for catching the life threatening bacteria since he handled this guy’s blood. He’s irritated about it. I go home and have to retell the story to Mike and sob while I do. Mom says she thinks it’s her karma from frequently passing out in front of people. The girl we were with, Sarah, posts about it on DV and I comment about how painful and traumatizing it is to read and remember.
      Tags: family, fear, water
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    5. #237 - Snakes in the water

      by , 04-30-2016 at 09:19 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I remember being on a platform with some people, a few of which I was friends with I think. I can't recall how we ended up there, but we weren't supposed to be on it. It was like it was heaven or something.. There was this huge demon guy who we were hiding from, but it was impossible to hide up there, I was just crouched down in the cloudy/misty floor with nothing to hide behind. There's also something about snakes being in the centre of the platform though I didn't see any. He discovered me and my friends (we were split up at the time I think) and picked us up. Oh shit.. He starts walking to the edge of the platform and we know he's going to throw us off. It's hard to explain this next part, but while I was being carried there was.. a pair of socks with me, which I think represented my friends? And there was a bird fluttering around, I was in third person, but I couldn't see myself. The bird was trying to save me, so it put a block of cheese on top of the sock, but its plan failed (see? That doesn't make any sense O_O). We get dropped off the edge, you can't see anything below because there's only a thick mist. We're plummeting down, the bird tries to remove the cheese from the sock and I have to get inside the sock. We splash into water, it's kind of green and murky. There's snakes swimming in the water, I climb up on the side of the platforms support structure but there's like fuck all to hold onto. I see them slithering beneath the surface, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. There's a huge variation in size and colour, red, green, brown, blue, some look like they'd be 20 metres long while others are <10 inches. My friends have gone somewhere, one of them is Daniel. They do something and all the water drains away. It should have been really deep water but the ground is right beneath me.. It's all mudflat, I'm super nervous about stepping onto it because there's burrow holes which can only be where all the small snakes went. Where are the big snakes? They must have follow where the water went... My friend Daniel is here now, on the mudflat, there's something about a small snake nearly biting him I think? I can see an exit not far away which we decide to head towards. I walk across the mudflat and there's this one snake that I keep trying to avoid but it never gets further away because of dream reasons.

      Dream fragment
      This was pretty vivid, I remember being in my bed and everything in my room seemed normal. But then I felt my cat jump on my bed... I only felt it, I didn't turn to look since I was just lying with my head in my pillow. Now I KNOW this was a dream, because earlier in the night I had put her out of my room. At the time I was like "Oh, that'll be Peaches" (my cats name, she's ginger ). I felt her walk around my body and towards my head. I then thought "Wait, didn't I put her out? Hmm but she's clearly here... I guess she got back in somehow?". I absolutely want to kick myself for not realizing this was a dream, I was aware enough to question it but the setting was just SO mundane and consistent with reality that the thought never even crossed my mind.
    6. Lucid! well tiny one :)

      by , 04-27-2016 at 07:12 PM
      D1 - The person of my dreams is there again. Somebody else, who I know from work was starting to use the technique to get to the portal again to visit the other world but they lady said no. That no one but me was allowed to visit hahahahaa

      D2 - Someone I know seems to be some kind of army ninja and is planning on killing three people who are standing in a line.
      No one gets hurt but it seems its the beginning of a mission.

      D3 - Continued from dream 2 We know we are being chased and must escape the island.
      On an Island in a hot country, could be Greece idk, it is heavily wooded and fairly mountainous.
      I need to get across a wide canyon. I can see the other side but the drop down from cliffs is way to high.
      We are staying in an old manor house, white. We decide to make a break for it but don't know where the enemy is. Running down a steep road. which is cut into the mountain, we walk trying to take shelter from the mountain side, it is thickly forested higher up.
      It has recently rained and the road is dark with water, still cloudy and overcast.
      Shots are fired from out of nowhere, we are pinned down. But make a break for it again.
      I close my eyes to use my powers to see what is ahead, at the bottom of the cliffs that we have to get too.
      Sure enough, I see the cliffs and caves towering above and I am at the shoreline, with waves coming up to my ankles.
      I see first one monster, green and round appear, then another. I was right there are many enemies around! Oo

      I open my eyes, and wonder for a second what to do.
      But only for a second as I feel something cool touching and slipping round to the front of my throat.
      Spoiler for Tiny lucid:

      I totally bliss out, and it is so warm and wonderful. Then I go back to sleep and wake up smiley and have a funny sync on waking.
      The radio says my name, then cuts to another caller who says hello in a language she speaks. hahahahaa thank you universe I owe you one

      A big dream sign is kids from my class at school LMAO!!
      Tags: goldy, holiday, water
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    7. Flipping Rafts

      by , 04-26-2016 at 10:26 AM
      Morning of April 26, 2016. Tuesday.

      I am on a raft made of logs of which is floating on a body of water, but I am unsure if it is implied to be the ocean, a lake, or a wide river (though ocean seems the most likely). Over time, I notice a few empty rafts in the distance on each side of me, though more to my right.

      My dream becomes somewhat abstract. I try to use the raft as a trapdoor to flip it over to enter another realm.

      Flipping my raft (part manual effort, part mental effort) makes the other rafts in the distance automatically flip in unison with mine, though I somehow remain atop my raft when it flips. The implied “doorway” under each raft is black and seemingly without the presence or essence of water. I know that I am trying to wake up or at least enter a clearer level of awareness within the dream state even without viable lucidity. Going down into the water as well as the supposed dark “doorway” would imply dream induction. Still, I try for several minutes and eventually notice Zsuzsanna on a different raft. I get the impression that flipping my raft will send me through the implied portal up and onto her raft as a mostly subliminal act of “retuning” to our bed. This works and I am with her, by her side, and quickly wake.

      This is the first time (at least in recent memory) that a dream rendered a raft as a “door” (or as potential doorway waking symbolism). It makes sense though, as the water body implies going deeper into unconsciousness and a raft additionally implies autosymbolism of our bed, and again, was even perceived as such by my dream self.

    8. Be like water my friend, water is my friend :)

      by , 04-22-2016 at 07:35 PM
      D1 - With my daughter on holiday she is little in the dream (always lol) my sister is here also. Me and Poppy decide to go and enjoy the last days of our holiday at the beach, away from all the hussel and bussel. I see it in my minds eye as fairly deserted and sandy.
      We are walking through a town when we are stopped by newspaper stall guy, with a thick moustache and greasy black hair. He and his colleage try and sell us some smokes.
      They are selling slithers of chocolate in a silver wrapping, apparently you can smoke it
      I realise I really need to pee and so does Poppy, so we go look for somewhere.
      There is a cubicle and I go in after Poppy, but when I go in the door falls open. Outside the door are a load of school girls, I recognise one of them as someone I know, but she is a teenage girl (How sweet, such big eyes, hahahaaa) she says really loudly looking first at me then her friends, "Oh there is the super cute boy!!!". I feel super happy.
      The cubicle is then completely falling apart at other side now, I have a pee quickly and get out lol.

      D2 - At my mum's apartment (she doesn't have one in real life, that I know of lol)
      She is not there. I am looking for something while i'm staying away from home. I need to be really stealthy as there are secuirty red laser thingys.
      There is a large wooden coffee table and things are everywhere on the table and floor, like someone has already been searching for something. But I think nothing of it.
      I search through everything, and decide to find her tarot cards as I feel I need them.
      There are two sets, one is really vivid and multicoloured. I find one card it is a picture of a giant wave, it is abstract so a bit hard to tell but i really like it. It has a lovely bright acrylic blue but also white and red.
      It is beautful and evocative filling me with vibrant emotions

      Elainey keeps saying I have a lot of water in my dreams, so I named it water as both dreams have some in,
      Sync This morning Siren sent me this link:

      Updated 04-22-2016 at 07:42 PM by 89275

      Tags: holiday, love, mum, poppy, water
    9. Water from a Vacuum Cleaner?

      by , 04-22-2016 at 10:22 AM
      Morning of April 22, 2016. Friday.

      In my dream, my wife Zsuzsanna and our children and I are living on Barolin Street though my family and I seem mostly as we are now. (We moved from there in the first part of 2008.)

      I am planning to go out through our back door from our kitchen to vacuum our utility room, which in real life has a concrete floor but with some of the area being bare ground. I am not focused on how futile it would be to vacuum near or over the bare ground and I illogically consider that our backyard might need some vacuuming as well.

      As I am dragging our vacuum cleaner easterly through our kitchen, I notice puddles of water here and there on our floor, which our vacuum cleaner’s power cord may have traversed. I try to determine where the water is coming from but I am not sure if it is from our vacuum cleaner or had already been there as the result of a spilled glass of water or a leak from our kitchen sink pipes. I also wonder if I should continue on to our utility room even though our vacuum cleaner is not plugged in yet. My dream fades from this point as I am looking down at our kitchen floor.

      As with many dreams, other than when literal prescience is a factor, this dream has no connection with waking life other than real-time biological associations. It is based on a distorted unconscious perception of the cleansing process that occurs during sleep, in which water is most often a circadian rhythms factor in symbolizing the dynamics of sleep. To help you understand, here is a quote from npr.org on “Brains Sweep Themselves Clean Of Toxins During Sleep”: “During sleep, the system that circulates cerebrospinal fluid through the brain and nervous system was ‘pumping fluid into the brain and removing fluid from the brain in a very rapid pace,’ Nedergaard says. The team discovered that this increased flow was possible in part because when mice went to sleep, their brain cells actually shrank, making it easier for fluid to circulate. When an animal woke up, the brain cells enlarged again and the flow between cells slowed to a trickle. 'It’s almost like opening and closing a faucet,’ Nedergaard says. 'It’s that dramatic.’”

      The above quote also explains why water as induction (dream state initiation), and why water getting lower over time as waking symbolism, has remained a consistent factor in thousands of my dreams for over fifty years, occurring in at least a few dreams each night.

      This validated biological symbolism is also why the vacuum cleaner hose seemingly has an ambiguous association with a garden hose in this particular dream. While a vacuum cleaner sucks in dust and dirt through the hose (inward dynamic), a garden hose washes away dust and dirt (outward dynamic). This is known as composite synthesis (in this case, the circadian rhythms cycle ambiguously mixed as a type of dream state economics, that is, mixing such elements in unification due to critical thinking skills and viable time orientation not existing in unconsciousness). Because this is a biological dream and not based on waking symbolism (other than there being less water in contrast to more water), it can be determined that the focus on cleaning the backyard relates to cellular cleansing processes regarding the human digestive system.

      This entry has been resupplemented on Wednesday, 16 August 2017. I welcome intelligent comments only.

      Updated 08-16-2017 at 11:10 AM by 1390

    10. Beating myself up

      by , 04-21-2016 at 07:43 PM
      D1 - I was writing a letter in an agreed code to the love of my life. I was communicating in the way we had agreed in a language only we understood. I was working away when somebody started nosing asking me what I was doing. Then there was someone else sending a letter, too her, a normal letter. I got annoyed that they were sending her things and started to question whether I was right or not.

      D2 - Some dark dream about large enemies in a dark inky watery world. A struggle for survival, repeated over and over.

      D3- At work I am feeling the emotions carried over from the previous two dreams, I am distraught, feeling too many emotions, saddness, anger and hopelessness all overcoming me. A boy is goading me and even though I know I will lose my job I chase after him, meaning to hurt him, I gets some steel prongs and catch up with him on a stairwell. We struggle and I hit him, bubbling over with anger. I hit him again aiming to kill him though at the same time not wanting too. He just looks at me strangely not retaliating.
      A teacher is coming and I know they will put me in prison.
      I know then that I am dreaming and change the prongs into broken peices of a plastic spade, harmless. They can harm no one any more.

      I realise the boy of course is me, when I was younger
      who I blame for the mess I am in now
      although he obviously intended no harm

      The dark world is the world I have been living in I think.
      just fighting for survival.
      I walk out of that dream into a calm place on a seashore, I sit feeling the calm and peace wash over me.

      I think I know the first dream too but it is a bit to personal and near the bone right now.

      Updated 04-21-2016 at 07:53 PM by 89275

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , dream fragment
    11. 4 fragments

      by , 04-20-2016 at 06:30 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Fell asleep: 12:10 A.M. (with 50mg trazodone)
      Woke up: 9:25 A.M.

      9 hours 4 minutes sleep last night
      7 hours 10 minutes restful sleep
      1 hours 53 minutes restless sleep

      79 % restful sleep

      Fragment1: Something about a spider and one being behind my pillow. When I woke up, I was paranoid for all of two seconds before exhaustion said eff it and I went back to sleep.

      Fragment 2: Two people talking, just in time the big dude goes into the room where the other is and closes the door as an Alien movie type creature patrols by. We were there hacking into a database, and we thought it was all good until the other (me??) looks at a terminal and sees green text and numbers (like in Matrix) flashing and I warn the guy about it. Skip. We're transported on top of a mountain-island. The details are jumbled here, but we transport off of onto another island. It seems like the mountain-island was some hard place to get to, so maybe we shouldn't have left. On this island, we realize that we have to take down these orange creatures before we can keep going.

      Inspiration: The RPG event going on in Hesokuri Wars (Osomatsu-san app).

      Fragment 3: Mom is looking through my mismatched socks and finds the green/white tie-dyed one. She seems to be about to throw it away, so I quickly reach out for it and explain that I want to keep it. I start to mention that the other one has a hole in it, but my mind freezes as I recall that we already had this conversation.

      Inspiration: We actually did already talk about the socks but she thought it was fine to keep the one.

      Fragment 4: Looking in the fridge and being surprised to see that my blue flowery cup is in there and full of water. I wonder how long it's been in there and if it tastes okay.

      Wakeup times:
      1:50 A.M. for 10 minutes
      3:20 A.M. for a minute
      4:01 A.M. for 3 minutes
      4:20 A.M. for a minute
      6:40 for A.M. 4 minutes
      7:57 A.M. for three minutes
      8:10 A.M. for 2 minutes

      I remember waking up once for the spider dream, once because my cat was sleeping on my back, and once because she was rustling a bag and I sat up and saw that it was stuck on her head... I know a woke 2-3 more times for dreams but was too tired to do much about it. I stayed up a bit late reading. @_@
    12. Garbage Pickers and Snowscape (DILD)

      by , 04-17-2016 at 10:54 PM
      Ritual: I've had a bit of a dry spell lately, and even worse than the lack of lucid dreams has been the sensation of diminished overall awareness: my sleep lately has been distressingly ordinary. I'm still waking up frequently during the night, but now I can't even tell what time it is—usually I can guess accurately within ten minutes or so. When sleeping properly I always wake up a few minutes before my alarm, no matter what time I set it for, but lately the alarm has been waking me. I've been having an ordinary number of dreams, but they too are lacking even in rudimentary awareness. In the past, stressful periods at work have boosted my LDing, but I feel like maybe I'm getting a bit burnt out, so I've started using sleep as a form of escapism, instead of an opportunity for more interesting kinds of work. I've become a lazy sleeper!

      Probably because of this lack of awareness, this time even when I started wondering if I was really dreaming, I continued to find the environment and events extremely persuasive and followed the plotline to its end. Only then did I take the time to deliberately RC. The only aspect of this that isn't disappointing is the fact that, once having noted I might be dreaming, I did manage to hold that thought and then come back to it, instead of just forgetting. I also felt as though my rational mind was functioning well in the way it recognized the dream sign, something that hasn't always been reliable.

      The dream plot was based on waking life residue. Last night (in WL) around 1:30am we heard the sound of someone going through our trash bins outside the house, even though the bins are through a gate which, although it has no lock, clearly demonstrates a property boundary. Unfortunately there is no window through which to observe that area, and by the time I went out with a flashlight the person was gone.

      The same thing happened in the dream, except that the person had left behind bags of newspapers, and I was worried they might contain criminal evidence. I wasn't sure if I should call the police, as I had already moved some of the bags, so my prints were now on them too. There were many more minor details and events that would only be tedious to record here, so I'll skip them.

      Later the garbage-pickers come back, and I realize I can see them if I get the right angle through a window (not true in RL). I want to take pictures for evidence, but I have trouble pulling up the camera on my phone, normally a very simple operation. Even when I do get the camera working, it is too zoomed in and I can't frame the shot properly. I recognize these technical difficulties as dream signs, but at the moment I'm too caught up in events to RC.

      The garbage-pickers leave before I can get a good shot, so I go around the front of the house for another try. The camera is still giving me trouble, and once again I notice how much it resembles a dream sign, even though this doesn't feel like a dream. After a few more minor incidents that plotline wraps up, and I now realize that I can give my full attention to checking whether or not I am dreaming. Everything has felt very real and convincing, but I know well how little that sensation can be trusted.

      I jump... inconclusive. I came down quickly enough, but the jumping itself felt easier than I think it should, as though I am not lifting my full body weight. I jump a couple more times, trying to draw out the moment at the apex. It might actually be lengthening as I focus on it. My suspicion grows, I jump a bit more, and then sure enough, I find that I can pause at the top, hovering in the air. That clinches it. It was a dream all along.

      What now? It's been so long since I've been lucid that I just want to explore and enjoy the environment. I look out the glass wall of the living room and see an expanse of snowy fields and pine forest stretching to a distant low mountain, utterly unlike the RL scenery. I feel satisfied with this prospect, so I fly through the glass without hesitation and start soaring over the landscape, looking down and enjoying the clarity of visual detail. I'm reminded of a recent conversation with a WL friend who also turned out to be an LDer, who mentioned that he prefers not to do tasks but would rather just fly around and enjoy the environment. Today that feels just fine.

      I fly to the top of the mountain and land, hoping to explore on foot. There is a problem with scale, however: I am huge in relation to the mountain. My feet cover its entire upper surface. I take off into the air again, hoping I didn't crush too many trees and little creatures. The distorted scale now makes everything feel artificial, and the dream destabilizes. I exert will to remain in the dream state as it deconstructs, and for a moment I find myself flying through a black boundless space marked with thin white lines running horizontally and vertically in three dimensions. It strongly resembles the conception of virtual space in the movie Tron. I recognize that this is unconstructed dream space, and try not to let it disconcert me that the dream has faded, and I feel very close to being awake... I remind myself that if I should be able to enter a new scene if I can just be patient and maybe suggest something.

      I'm trying to stay relaxed, so I imagine lying in a bath of warm water. This makes me realize that my flying feels like swimming so I use the idea. I am swimming underwater in a pool of water that is no different from my body temperature—that's why I don't feel it. And of course I can breathe underwater, because why not? These thoughts in mind, I now think I can see the glimmering underside of the water's surface just above my head, so I fly up and break it, preparing to find myself in a new scene. I notice how seamlessly my breathing remains the same as I transition from breathing water to air, and again this feels too artificial for my liking, but I try not to let it disrupt the dream.

      I am in an empty tiled space containing a pool. The lining of the pool is made of identical square beige tiles as the walkway around it and the low walls bounding the space. It appears to be outdoor because the walls don't go up all the way, but there is no impression of any surrounding environment, much less sky or weather. It is still very vague and plain and artificial; perhaps it could be described as "semi-constructed dream space." I look around for something notable, perhaps a DC, and I begin to hear music. It is a simple melody on a plucked string instrument, like a medieval lute. I don't see anyone else, but vision isn't perfect now, so I keep listening and looking. The song ends, and a woman's voice says, "Thanks, I really enjoyed this one song." There is a kind of parenthetical remark appended to the sentence in the same voice that I perceive simultaneously, though I don't seem to "hear" it as literally as the words just spoken. The parenthetical remark is: "...after a moment's reflection." In ordinary text one could write it as:

      "Thanks, I really enjoyed this one song (after a moment's reflection)."

      But that wouldn't quite convey the effect that the parenthetical part was not spoken aloud, and that it had a kind of simultaneity with the statement itself.

      Feeling confident that I will momentary see the singer, I keep looking around... and feel paws on my face, my real face. The cat has chosen just this moment to come back to bed, waking me. Damn!
    13. Two fragments

      by , 04-17-2016 at 06:59 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Fell asleep: 1:55 A.M. (with 25mg trazodone)
      Woke up: 8:10 A.M.

      6 hours 14 minutes sleep last night
      5 hours 10 minutes restful sleep
      1 hours 4 minutes restless sleep

      83 % restful sleep

      Fragment 1:

      Apparently my Uncle J made a surprise visit, and he transported his pool water with him and put it in a ditch. We went there to see him. The water was turquoise blue. I got upset because K, J's daughter, was there too, and no one had told me. This would be the third time my sister had surprised me with her and put me in a vulnerable position.


      I was in the water and trying to swim around, but it was just way too shallow and uneven for it.

      Note: While my sister did hurt me twice IWL, one time involved school friend A and the other another school friend (L) and her dad. K had nothing to do with it, but my dad was talking to J & K via Skype yesterday.

      Fragment 2:

      Cole (Pillywiggin on here) showed me about 7 sheets of paper. They were all from penpals he was writing to. I was surprised and like "why didn't you tell me? :O". They all had fanart drawn on them, some had a little text, some had a lot, but they were all in Japanese.

      -Detective Conan. Doodles of Conan mainly I think. There was a lot of text on it and I was worried Cole wouldn't be able to read it all. Some part of me asked why Cole would have this, because he isn't into DC like me.
      -Undertale. I remember a small Toriel doodle.
      -Sailor Moon. The page was mostly filled with a colored illustration of Sailor Moon.
      Aaand that's all the ones I remember. :'<

      Cole said that the art he'd sent back was all from the Homestuck game he'd been making but had never finished.

      I was really curious about doing it too, but I wasn't that great at art like Cole so I was worried what I'd put in my letters.

      Wakeup times:
      7:25 A.M. for 20 minutes

      General notes:

      I find it so interesting when I question things in the dream idly. I can see where it could lead to becoming lucid if more awareness was in the picture. It's kind of amusing to be going along in the dream and be like 'but x doesn't make sense' and such and still just...keep going. Either because you make up an excuse or because you shrug it off. *smh*
    14. Past dream: Log 4 - Adventure park

      by , 04-13-2016 at 09:46 PM
      This past dream was definitely lucid, I remember a lot of contemplation in the dream as to what I should do next.

      It was all inside a place very much like an adventure/explore park. Like Conkers in England. It was a large claiming frame area and jungle themed with lots of dark wood and vines being used in both decoration and play equipment. There were false animals attached to walls and poles and various other places.

      I remember one portion of the dream where I walked across the top layer of the park and found myself in a water park area (again with the water... wonder what that is?). There was a large pool, divided into two by a 2 meter wide bridge which I later found to reach down into the water somewhat. One side it was kiddy-pool shallow and the other side grew deeper as you went further away from the centre bridge. It eventually led into a waterslide, everyone had red inner-tubes.
    15. Past dream: Log 3 - Watery Fragment

      by , 04-13-2016 at 09:24 PM
      So this past dream/fragment is an odd one to say the least.

      Everyone knows what a soft play park is, or at least hose who have experienced one. It's those placed where everything is colourfully padded and there are foam rollers to climb through and balls pits and climbing things with lots of coloured rope.

      Well this dream was me inside one of theses places but it looked like it had merged with a water park play area. There was water gushing all over the place and I remember it being blurry in my vision but I could make out what was going on.
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