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    1. Tooth and Blood

      by , 04-10-2016 at 10:10 AM
      Morning of April 10, 2016. Sunday.

      In my dream, I am in an unfamiliar building which seems to be in Japan, or at least I am aware that the building is Japanese. (I have only been in Japan for a short time for one day in my life in reality in my move to Australia.)

      After a time, a tooth on the upper right (which I do not even have in reality - which is ironic) feels slightly loose. I move it with my tongue. I end up pulling it out with my fingers even though it is not that loose.

      After this, I am aware of my mouth bleeding from the area I pulled the tooth out. I go to the sink (which is illogically in the unfamiliar bedroom I am in, on the opposite side of the room from a large window) and keep spitting out thicker blood. After about five or six times, I start to wonder how much more blood I can lose (it seems like a lot) before I start to feel differently or even pass out. No one else seems to be around at that point. It slowly dawns on me that I am dreaming, which I find somewhat amusing in that my dream self fell for the losing teeth scenario yet again (though it was more common when I was younger).

      Other than when it is relevant to an actual real-life focus (such as recently having a tooth pulled or having an actual toothache), I sincerely believe that dreams of losing teeth have no “interpretation” at all as it seems a common waking transition component, which in actual cause, is simply the dissolution of the dream and the cessation of the dream self (since using one’s mouth is a main way of acknowledging one’s consciousness and wakefulness to others and the unconscious self cannot speak - so the dream renders a focus on the fictional dream body’s mouth as losing teeth - pretty simple), just as falling, rising into the air, or suddenly tripping, or even seeing something falling from the sky is (of which also typically have no “interpretation” and are simply a natural form of the waking transition). Still, I think this bleeding may relate to acknowledgement of the energies of my internal dawning consciousness and physical form in a similar way that tripping over in hypnopompia is acknowledging the dream setting does not physically exist during the waking transition. The color red also dominates a dream when I have been asleep a bit too long.

      I will note however, that when I was younger, most such dreams proved to be precognitive of which teeth I would actually be losing in a specific order. The only way to explain this would have to relate to some sort of foreshadowing regarding body awareness that is presently not understood (which of course does not explain all the other types of more detailed literal and visual prescience). This one is the reverse though. That is, it is the literal memory of already having lost the tooth, though assigned to a common hypnopompic distortion.

      Tags: blood, sink, tooth, water
    2. 1) Robbery at the bank. 2) New car

      by , 04-08-2016 at 08:38 AM
      I'm in a bank. There are many people celebrating something, they are also the heads of the bank. I'm with a small group of people, one of them is famous. No one has noticed, but we've done a robbery at the bank, it has been some kind of operation performed using computers, I have not actively participated in the robbery, but I'm an accomplice. Now, for some reason I do not know, may they discover us and we must flee and leave the building. We got out and the other attendees seems a bit strange that we are gone so fast. When we left, we are in a beach area with palm trees and the group of people who was with me get into the sea, they are very happy because they have managed to make the robbery and escape, but I will not go into the sea and I keep walking because I think we have not really escaped and at any time they are going to arrest us and I'll get in big trouble. I have a pretty big feeling of being overwhelmed!

      I bought a car. Although it is powerful and is in good condition and also looks nice, I realize that it is an older model and when I start to drive it I realize that the engine fails.
    3. Flood and a lamb

      , 03-28-2016 at 03:17 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      This is a small part of a loner dream.

      We are walking on a dirt road. There is a ditch to the left which is filled with fast flowing flood water. The tiny baby goat or lamb jumps in it and I watch it in disbelief how it's being carried down the stream.

      I look around but nobody is taking action. I don't really wanna do it but I just have to. I jump in the water and start paddling fast expecting to be getting close to the lamb. But I realize right away with a surprise, that this 5 feet wide ditch is filled with grass that grows in bunches like this.

      The water is kinda cold and yellow murky from the mud it's carrying.
      There is very little space between those bunches and I'm practically standing on top of them with very little room to swim.

      I can't swim here at all, but thank god I see how the lamb had enough of it and it pulls itself out on the shore.
      I get out too and I cuddle him in my arms as we keep walking.

      Not really sure about feeling from this dream. Maybe being inadequate.
      Tags: animals, flood, water
    4. White ocean; Amazon card

      , 03-22-2016 at 04:38 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed 11ish-8am.

      My mom is driving an open top car, on a winding road. Ocean on the left, hill on the right. I look over the ocean and the sunrise is just spectacular. The skies are so beautiful, and the ocean is so calm and almost white, only a touch of lightest blue. I tell my mom to look but she is not looking, so I tell her to stop and she slows down and pulls to the hill side of the road so she can look. ( I think I got this because I watched kardashians and they were driving in snow)

      I'm working for someone who knows and works with celebrities. It's New Year's Eve and we are prepping for a party. I get a phone call but people that just came are so loud, I tell the person to hold on, I need to walk to the back rooms of the house where I know it's quiet.

      So this person tells me that I defaulted on paying for some Amazon purchase. I tell her I didn't and I find some receipts saying that I paid it off on January or February 23rd.

      She tells me if I want an Amazon card, I need to get my blood tested. So I go the another room where someone I know is talking to me about it and asking me which arm I want to have blood drawn. I say neighter. This whole time I'm holding a tiny cute puppy in my arms.

      Somehow they talk me into it and I lay on the exam table, puppy still in my arms. I gave her my left arm and she puts a needle in it. I look up and Pierce Brosnan with his partner walks in. He looks sharp in black tux and white shoal. It's 15 min to midnight. I wonder what are people thinking about seing me there.
      Tags: ocean, water
    5. Sweden

      , 03-12-2016 at 12:48 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Day shifts this week. Last night bed 9pm - 3 am. 4:30am shift.

      I am with another adult and 2 kids. Walking on some kind of a berm and seashore I think in Sweden. We suppose to get to the other side of the bay, across the water. There is a narrow path I see, surrounded by water. It's a low tide and we can walk across on the rock all covered in green moss and still wet.

      At some point we walked up on a hill that was along some other path and I saw the bay in the distance, with a smallish town huddled on it's shore. Windows all lit up, otherwise only dark silhuettes of the houses were visible, because it was at night.
      Tags: ocean, sweden, water
    6. Coins; Aquarium

      , 03-10-2016 at 12:54 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Day shifts this week.

      Last night - I'm walking in a park area, look down and I see a coin. Look closer and there is a huge pile of pennies and a bunch of old coins, all half sticking out from dirt. I walk away to cut a piece of plastic off of some large piece to put the coins in.

      Maybe a week ago:
      I'm looking at this structure made of aquariums sitting on top of each other. There are all kinds of aquatic creatures and plants in there. One is really cute - a red/orange creature with 4 legs and a body, kinda like a centaur, but miniature, size of a snail.
      Tags: coins, water
    7. LD/TOTM--Childhood Crush and Asking DC What Their Favorite Dream Was.

      by , 03-06-2016 at 10:02 PM
      I did a Wake Back To Bed this morning. I was actually awake for several hours before falling back to sleep. But I decided to give it a shot anyway. I lay back down with my mp3 player. I was listening to U2's album October playing super softly. I suddenly felt myself start to drift, so I decided to turn off the music. Then after a while I realized I was still hearing music, so I turned the music off again. (I'm not sure which one was the real one and which was the dream).

      I remember being in my mom's house. We had talked about remodeling it. I walked out to the garage and suddenly realized that it was in the middle of being remodeled. When did that happen? There was a huge round hole in the side of the garage and the whole garage was about ten times its usual size. The front was gone and huge stone pillars were being built on what was to be a beautiful new entry of the house in front of the garage.

      The next thing I remember is seeing a friend from high school. I had had a crush on this friend for a few years and he didn't ask me out for a real date until I had gone away to college and was serious with another guy. Yep, sad story.

      Anyway, in the dream I was glad to see him and we were laughing and having a good time. Then suddenly he morphed into a guy I had had a crush on in the fifth grade and who moved away so I had never kept in touch with him. Oh, how I had liked that guy. His name was Jason and he sat next to me. He had long dark brown hair and light brown skin (he may have been part Mexican or Native). He was always really nice to me and a protector of sorts. The guy who sat on the other side of me was often a jerk to me, and Jason would stand up for me. As a shy fifth grader I thought that was so amazing.

      Sooo, we were in a van and were talking, flirting and laughing. At some point I became lucid. I told him I wanted to take him flying. As is typical in my lucid dreams I didn't immediately realize that since I was dreaming he wouldn't be real. I kept on thinking he was really there, and now since I was lucid I could take him flying and show off a little.

      I held on to his arm and we took off into the air. We were still at my mom's property and we started flying above it. I was having trouble getting much height. Every time I thought we were high in the air I realized our feet were about to drag the ground. I told Jason to start moving his arms and hands like he was paddling though water. He did and we started getting higher.

      I told him I wanted to fly to the lake (now we were back to where I live). As we flew to the water I saw that it was more like a ride at Disneyland. I could see two whales that reminded me of the whales on the Storybook Land canal ride. As I got closer I could even see the whales' eyes open and close. I thought that was really cool. I landed in the water next to a waterfall and we swam a little. Then I suddenly realized that Jason had morphed into a baby.

      The absurdity of that reminded me that I was lucid dreaming and that I really needed to get serious and do a task.

      The first task that came to mind was the Ask a DC to share their favorite dream. I looked around and saw a young boy who looked to be about seven years old. He had brown hair, a sprinkle of freckles across his nose, and two front teeth that seemed too big for his mouth. I approached him and asked if he would tell me his favorite dream. He crinkled up his nose and gave me a mischievous look and thought for a second. Then he started, "Well, there were these two clown fish. And there were also these two dirty people. And they were swimming. And then they bumped into a log." He stopped and laughed. That was apparently the end of the dream. I wanted to clarify--in his little kid "accent" I couldn't tell if he had said "clown fish" or "clam fish", so I asked him. "Clowwwwn fish", he emphasized.

      Cool. It was a very simple kid-like dream. But it would work for the task. But as always, I wanted to repeat the task and see what other results I could get.

      I looked and saw a guy next to me. I was pretty sure it was my childhood crush, now morphed back into an adult, but looking a little different. I asked him if he would tell me his favorite dream. He grinned at me and started, "There were these two clown fish and two dirty--"

      "No-no--You don't get to repeat the kid's dream. You have to come up with one of your own." I interrupted. [Yep, my mind is always trying to cheat a little.]

      He stopped and I could tell he was pondering. So I looked around and saw another guy standing not far behind the kid. He looked like Bill Clinton, yet the lower half of his face was all narrow and pinched together like an alien face. I called out to him "Hey Bill Clinton Alien Dude. Tell me your favorite dream." The Bill Clinton Alien Dude stood there looking at me with a small, thoughtful, but creepy smile.

      I suddenly jerked awake.
    8. LD: Jumping

      by , 02-24-2016 at 07:09 PM
      Here is the dream from 2 days ago (the first of the three in a row).

      Lucid Dream:

      It was night and I was with Jeff walking on this path up a hill. We were looking for something (a museum, maybe). At one point I remember lifting up my legs (like when you're a kid holding your parents' hands and letting them swing you along). I think this made me go lucid because I was trying to figure out how I could be doing this while only holding one of Jeff's hands.

      We got to the top of the hill. We were on a kind of covered patio. Behind us was a door. In front of us was a rail where we could look down at a large pool of water far below. I could also see a building and a dock by the water.

      Jeff then says to me, "Did you notice how when we move our hair doesn't move in the wind?" I said, "Yeah, I did notice. I think that's because we're lucid." I then said, "I know a good way to find out for sure if we're dreaming. Let's jump off this and down to the water below. If our hair doesn't move, that means were dreaming."

      Jeff agrees to jump with me. We then run to the edge and hop the railing. I didn't even think to try to fly. I feel super heavy and we fall fast. I notice feeling that very real feeling of my stomach lurching as I fall. The fall is long enough that I had the chance to look over at Jeff and see that his hair is perfectly still. I call out to him and point that out.

      Finally we hit the water and sink quickly to the bottom like a heavy rock. I'm a hundred percent positive that this is a dream now, so I don't worry about breathing. In fact, I start to talk to Jeff under the water.

      And that's all I remember.
    9. Building collapse; Monster fight

      , 02-19-2016 at 02:39 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      5am-1pm shift yesterday. Nap most of the afternoon and night. Dream recalled just before 4am.

      (This one was few days ago: I'm on some tour in North Korea. We walk around and have some meals. The tour guide is suspucious of me because apparently that is my second consecutive tour and they think I'm a spy)

      DR 1:
      I am living on a top floor of a scryscraper. Some residents are talking in a hallway about safety. Somehow we find out that they cut corners while building the structure and someone said they inspected the part that is still under construction and there are parts of walls and support structures missing. The building can crumble at any moment. I feel the urgency and me and my mom start packing.

      We make it to the ground. I look up at the cloudy night sky and I can see the unfinished part of the building starts to shake and buckle. I yell "look it's coming down" and parts of it are starting to rain down. I see people holding on to it while falling. Now I am one of the falling ones. We ar really high up and I'm liking it. My stomach starts to feel like on a roller coaster and I'm enjoying the fall. I wonder if I will finally hit the ground, as I never do in any of my lucid falls (this was non-lucid).

      There was lot more details in the building and on the ground before and after this, but they are all so vague.

      I'm talking to someone, I think it's AURON. Looking at some readouts from my dream stats. There is one line of text in blue, looking like a URL link. I say "oh ok, it's blue, looks like I was lucid then, when I "went" to fall with others, because I love falling."

      DR 2:

      There is a body of water with some monster keeping hostages on some floating structure. The traffic is closed off nearby so police can take care of this.

      I'm sitting in a huge orange/yellow construction truck and I aim it straight down an almost vertical slope heading for the water. Some of my friends does some magic and makes the slope slippery with snow and ice. I gun it and drive the truck in the water. I poke a tiny needle hole into the monster and he slowly deflates.

      DR 3:

      I'm at the airport carrying people in my cab. With another cabbie we decide to take some passenger and his luggage.

      Updated 02-20-2016 at 01:16 AM by 50242

      Tags: falling, fight, water
    10. #95: Canal jump

      by , 02-18-2016 at 08:29 AM
      Canal jump
      I can't recall the beginning of this dream. I'm somewhere in London it seems, trying to get to my (taekwondo?) class. The city has been overgrown somewhat by plants and the infrastructure has crumbled. It's sort of post-apocalyptic, except for the fact that there are still people. At some point I have to cross a canal. I think this is where the dream started. I'm swimming in the canal, going upstream. In my left helft I'm holding a loaf of sliced bread, wrapped in plastic. From somewhere (perhaps a voice over) I hear the information that the Chinese dump their poop in this canal, on the left side from my perspective. I can see the poop floating by on my left, going downstream. There's a clear border until where the poop is floating. My bag with bread is floating away from me a bit, crossing the poopborder. One of the floating poops touches my bread. Fuck, no! Nasty! Am I still gonna take this bread with me? [This part of the dream was so freaking gross]. I continue upstream. I need to be on the left side, but there's no easy way to climb out of the water there, though there are some boats lined up to the side. I exit the canal on the right side. The wall is quite high, but I climb out easily.

      A few metres further I'm standing at what used to be a bridge over the river. It's broken. All that's left are a few steps on this side and a few on the other, both sides quite overgrown with vegetation. I consider jumping to the other side, but it's clearly too far. Plus on this side the bridge is basically a set of stairs going down, making it impossible to get a good run up. There are 2 white guys standing with me. I'm not sure if we're talking in English or in Dutch, but I tell at least 1 of them that I need to get to taekwondo class, which started on the hour. I look at the watch the guy has on his left wrist. It's one with a white background. I can see that it's already 15 - 20 past the hour and that I'm late. I think it's slightly raining at this point. I look down at the river. There are massive tubes underneath the water surface, perhaps 1.5 metre orso. They have various colours, amongst others purple. I considered diving into the water from here, but if I do that I might hit the pipes. I also wonder for a moment how I didn't feel the pipes if I was swimming down there just now.

      I'm back along the edge of the canal. My new plan is to jump back in the water and cross to the other side. One of the dudes throws my bag of bread in the water. No you idiot! He asks me why it's a problem, since I'm gonna swim anyway. I tell him that it's a problem cause he threw it in close to our edge of the water and I was gonna jump as far as I can so I wouldn't have to swim that far. I think he retrieves it for me. The stone edge with the water is just a step higher than the rest of the street. Perfect for a run up. There's a small box on it which I can use for extra height. I don't have much space to run though, perhaps 2 metres. From a position a bit further to the left I have more space to run. I consider running with a bow, but that's inefficient. Then I realise I can just move the box to the left, where I have slightly more space. I do so. There's a young kid playing around the box. His mom, who I think is on the other side of the canal on a boat, tells him to give me some space. A man with black hair who is turning bald is approaching from the left with 2 young girls. Somehow I'm under the impression that this guy is from an Eastern European country. He's about to get in my way. This isn't the best run up due to the people around me, but I decide to go for it anyways, as else I might have to wait for the guy and his girls to pass. I run with a slight curve to the right to avoid the guy and jump as far as I can. I had estimated that I would land halfway in the canal, but instead I make it all the way to the other side. Then I continue as if I was doing a parkour run. In the mean time I hear a voice. It feels like I myself am narrating something, but it is in an Eastern European language [I don't speak a single Eastern European language]. I have some fun and do a cork.
    11. Water city.

      by , 02-16-2016 at 09:45 PM (Here be dragons)
      I'm riding a horse, pushing it to run through an old, decaying city of stones. It's build over water, and we have to jump over water canals to reach my objective. It's a tower of crumbling stones, half covered with wines. I get off my horse and get in.
      It's not abandonned; in fact, there are people here, a family. They furnished the house with drapes, flowing veils and scattered cushions, all very colorful and standing out again the gray stones. It does little to protect us from the damp, chilly atmosphere, but it's cheerful. I get up some crumbling stairs, ending up in a bedroom with one of the wall destroyed, opening into a breath taking vista of the lake the city is build on. I feel tired, and lay down on some cushions.
      I wake up from the panicked call of the mother of the house, begging me to take her daughter and flee. I get up and slip on a bright blue t-shirt big enough to dress a lumberjack and pull the girl with me to the fallen wall. She doesn't thing twice and jump in the lake. I take a more safe approch and climb down the wall before getting into the water. My plan is to swim discreetly to the border of the town, where my horse is waiting.
    12. Scanning the Bottom of Loch Ness and Finding Beauty

      by , 02-16-2016 at 08:16 AM
      Morning of February 16, 2016. Tuesday.

      I am watching, while incorporeal, the adventures of two young males riding in a small boat in Loch Ness. There are other people around, but not as integrated into the events I am viewing. As the men travel over the lake, there is some sort of special imaging they are able to see which is related to a new kind of advanced technology. Other unseen characters are making this possible for them and they do not seem to be part of the research themselves. There is a sense of beauty as the bottom of Loch Ness is rendered in perfect detail, though all in one brighter color yet which seems to be different over time.

      Soon, the flat fossilized remains of a huge pterodactyl are seen on the large screen. However, it seems as if I am moving over this rendered area (of the bottom of Loch Ness) in a bird’s eye view as well as with no implication of water, only the imagery of the lake bottom as I (or the imagery) slowly move ahead, somewhat like horizontal scrolling though with the seemingly correct size orientation (as if my incorporeal form is integrated into the technology itself or at least the end result of it). There is a vague awareness of the possibility of seeing the Loch Ness monster if it exists, but this does not occur. Over time, only unrealistically huge fossils are seen, mostly all of flying creatures. It seems amazing that mankind is now able to see everything at the bottom of Loch Ness and the two males are thrilled and grateful to the others who are making this possible (as, again, they seem like random members of the public who just happen to be in the right place at the right time).

      A huge archaeopteryx fossil is also seen (possibly about a hundred times bigger than it would be in reality), and the focus probably remains on this section for the longest period. There are also a lot of similar fossils, one which is possibly the fossil of a giant (fictional) prehistoric flying snake. Curiously, again, there do not seem to be any fossils of swimming creatures anywhere on the lake bottom, or extinct lake denizens, mostly only the giant prehistoric birds and flying reptiles, some fossil sections touching mostly at wingtips. The mood remains very cheerful and satisfying even during the waking transition.

      Of course, this dream represents looking into the deepest recesses of memory at the deepest levels of mind to see things that were not as visible or detailed as before. The fact that they were only gigantic flying creatures relates to the “higher” ideas and memories (and with greater perspective) I think, which had originally “taken more in” from a more detailed “bird’s eye view” before becoming a part of my memories and dreams. This also fits in with my increased research of date-specific layers in dreams over time. On February 16, 1970, there was a dream of a living archaeopteryx (only about the size of a chicken in this case and remaining on the south side of my room) in my bedroom in Cubitis, which was influenced by an image in an old book (which my mother bought second-hand) on prehistoric animals.
    13. Lencois Sand dune lakes in Brasil

      , 02-01-2016 at 07:13 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night shift from 5-10pm

      Slept from 2am-9am

      [Yesterday I read a book about Just Paying attention. So I was doing it most of the day, trying to keep my attention on what I was doing. For ex. I was carrying a box, so I would say: I'm looking at my hands, I have black gloves on, I have a box, I'm walking, looking around, there are people, are these DCs, HI DC!, ... and just basically noticing things around me and acknowledging them.]

      Woke up with memory of a DILD.

      I am with some people when I realize I should be dreaming and lucid. I count my fingers but I decide I'm not dreaming. Immediately after that I KNOW I am ALWAYS dreaming and lucid so I recount.

      I count one by one, all the way to 12 on my left hand, to make a show for those people. I'm amazed, because every one of my fingers is dressed in pyjamas. Light blue with some toys and teddies like a baby's soft flanel pyjama. When I come to 12, people are also amazed.

      I walk to the window and tell them "Now I'm gonna do what I always do when lucid. I'm going for a flight". And I jump out the window.

      I'm flying superman style (I normally fly in standing up position, kinda like a hummingbird) over some sand. I realize I wanted to see the Lencois Sand Dunes in Brazil.

      So I bank left and there they are.

      One lake is more beautiful than the other. All different colors and shapes.

      Turqoise, green, blue. I can hear myself go "uuuuuu" and "aaaah" and I'm surprised and amazed at such beauty.

      Little further down, also in sand dunes are some low, elongated openings to the underground. It seem to me that those are the ends of lava tubes where lava was coming out from. Not sure why, because they don't look like it. (I have been to a real one on the Big Island of Hawaii).

      After all this I write down the 12 fingers, the lakes and I feel especially important part is how I realized that I am ALWAYS DREAMING. I knew I'm writing this down in a dream but I was hoping it will help me remember after I wake up. (This is second time I done this)
    14. Look and you will find (there is gold in them der hills, yeehaa! )

      by , 01-24-2016 at 02:08 PM
      A man investigates a space behind a wall in my parents house. It is a vast dark space, filled with an old railway line (dream sign).
      He can be heard playing a large grand piano he finds there, nice accoustics.
      He searches in a land that is cold and dark, the earth a kind of grey clay. He is unconcerned and swims in dark waters, wearing a wet suit.
      Eventually he finds an old half ruined city. He is high up on some buildings, down below is darkness. One building, with the upper storeys tiered, smaller, is covered in millions of tiny gold objects.
      He shows us this using a camera attached to a tube and a light, much like something used for nonenvasive surgery.
      The gold he says is not wanted by anyone these days, people only want silver.
      I begin plans to get hold of the gold, gaining access via a chimney. At work I make excuses and change into normal clothes and start the search. G shows me what he has found. A first room is cleared of obstructions by lowering all objects to the ground.
      My father hands out large banners he is giving a tutorial about something. Meanwhile my mother is trying to wind an old silver carrage clock, with delicate silverwork. I turn the key and it opens magically at the top, an unfurrling of metal work, revealing a secret for me.
      memorable , non-lucid
    15. #73: Smell / Wet / Wetter

      by , 01-21-2016 at 09:48 AM
      I went to bed a bit earlier than usual I think, but not by much; between 23:00 and 23:30. I woke up at 06:00, stayed awake for a while and then slept again. The last time I woke up was around 08:45, it's now 09:15.

      » Something that has to do with Dragonball Z and timetravelling.

      » Something about my little brother, though I don't remember what.

      » One of classmates has made a parkour video. I'm watching it, but also sort of living it. It's taking place outside during the day.

      » A dude enters my kitchen. He has a plastic tomato ketchup bottle and he intents to stab me with one of the shards.

      » There was a police chase that ended in Indonesia. A guy ended up getting electrocuted by a power cable. I think he was the bad guy. He ended up like that cause he was just centimetres away from the cable while standing on top of a car that I ran in to with my police car. The steering wheels were all on the left, though in Indonesia they should be on the right. I also remember my girlfriend and another friend being there.


      I'm with my cousin and her 4 and 1 year old kids. I'm on the ground playing with the 4 year old when I smell something. I wonder if the 1 year old just pooped in his diaper. Just moments after I'm sure he has, he somehow pulls his diaper of and starts playing with his poop. He even eats some of it. His sister joins him. I try to stop both of them, but they still get some in their mouth. Meanwhile their mom, just 1 metre away, doesn't do a thing.

      I think this might be the first time I smelled something in a dream!

      I'm on a couch or in bed with two girls. One of them reminds me of the girl with the ukelele from Scrubs. The other is a girl I went on a few dates with. Ukelele girl just joined us and is already passed out on the corner. I tell the other girl that Ukelele has a nice butt and grab a hold of it. Ah, guess I was mistaken.

      A bit later the girl I dated is gone. Ukelele girl is naked and I invite her to join me in the shower. I walk to the bathroom. It's mostly blue/green -ish tiles and a weird shaped bath that's very shallow, made of the same material. A lot of my clothes are on the bathtub (on instead of in, because it's like a platform). They're all somewhat wet, as are my black backpack and my blue/white striped hammock. I attempt to rescue them, but I quickly grow tired of it. It seems the cause is that the tub isn't probably draining, just a few drips at a time, in combination with the crane leaking a bit. I walk outside to the other room again. Ukelele is dressed. I'm surprised that she isn't joining me. She says I only hurt her, so she won't. I'm surprised again. I thought she meant physically, but she meant emotionally, as I don't want the same level of commitment that she wants. We walk in the bathroom again and this time I make a real effort of saving my stuff. She helps me. Now there's also my iPhone, iPod and 1 or 2 more valuables, plus someone else's white iPhone with a colourful cover with an integrated charging point that hooks up to the side, which I think is pretty weird. They are covered in a layer of water and I quickly move them all out.

      I'm at a party in a public area, something like a small park or something. It's my birthday? I'm not sure. I recall several family members being there. Most noticeable is my uncle, who I've never dreamt about before. There are several party tents. There were some people who joined in a small, friendly competition with me, a sort of mini championship. They've just left the party, but the score cards are still on the table. A bulldog appears out of the blue. My mom places some chocolate in a box on the hood of a car close to him. I take it away and tell her that chocolate can kill dogs. She says that the chocolate wasn't meant for him, plus it's in a box. I reply that he might take it anyway. He then makes a run for a table which has tiny sausages and cheeses on it. At first a bit like a cartoon dog would do, he snatches the sausages in rapid pace. Then he just uses his mouth like a regular dog and goes all out. Some people look at him in disgust. I run after him to get him away. He runs from me. I hold a sausage in my left hand and let my arm hang besides my body. He runs up to me and I grab him by the skin of his neck. He fights me, but I take him with me. For a moment I wonder if he's in pain, but this is how you pick up a dog, right? He has a keychain around his neck. I take the keys off and cross the street, towards an appartmentcomplex. He also has a kind of nametag, except there is no name on it, just a drawing. Great. I take a look at the different keys. My grandma stands besides me and tells me to use a certain one. I do and it opens. In the mean time a woman all the way at the top comes down and thanks me for bringing back her dog. I think she has short blonde hair. She has the dog in her arms and it's cuddling her back. I guess it's safe to assume this is really her dog. I also hand her the keys.

      Back at my party it is slowly starting to rain. There are some drinks on a table that aren't covered. My uncle, being a wiseass, says that there is no need to cover them cause none of them are his. In the mean time we cover up everything else. When I look to that area again there is a white table with an enormous laptop on it, which must have at least a 30" screen. It's closed and there's a big "sun umbrella" (can't think of the word right now) positioned above it, to keep it dry. It still gets a bit wet. It's the laptop of my mom's boyfriend. He's worried about it.
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