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    1. A Ride to the Wilderness

      by , 07-04-2019 at 12:42 AM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm in line with some friends to get on some kind of cool ride. From the looks of it, the ride is similar to a roller coaster. Right at the entrance to the ride, one friend gets a bloody nose. He asks for a tissue from the attendant. I ask for one as well since I feel like I need to blow something out. It feels like blood as I blow into the tissue so I quietly throw it into the trash. We finally make it on the ride and I get a front row seat. As the ride starts off we are suddenly in an open meadow surrounded by trees with many other people. We all have our backpacks off taking a break from hiking apparently. Some people have already started up again back along the trail. I tell my friends to grab my coat when they leave as I want to get ahead of everyone else. With my backpack on, I sprint along the trail, going down some steep parts until I catch up with the leaders. I continue to move ahead until I'm all by myself at what is to be our camping spot. I take a look around and move over to a table with some kind of jug on it. Just looking at the jug somehow makes me understand that I may be dreaming. I try to push my fingers through my hand with a little success but lose lucidity fast. I feel like I've woken up, but I'm still in the same spot. I lay down where I'm at to try and "fall back asleep", but my ears keep moving up and down with each breath I take which is distracting.
    2. The Wilderness Game

      by , 09-27-2018 at 08:08 PM (Bridger's Oneironautic Expeditions)
      I'm in the wilderness going to some vacation place for a month or so. Some of my friends are coming as well, but they won't be here for another few days. I end up at a house that we are sharing with another group of 3. I introduce myself to them and go out to explore the area. The wilderness is mainly alpine with some mountains in the distance and rolling hills and forests making up the surroundings. I know this place is meant to feel like a game where you achieve progression and unlock skills. I start walking towards the forest to chop some trees for crafting or something. The forest nearby is quite thin and I don't want to chop every tree down, so I move farther away, and find a much larger, thicker forest. I start to chop some big trees, but a tree guardian pops out and starts attacking me. It's a much higher level than I am but I try to fight it anyway. It ends up hitting me hard and permanently knocking down one of my stats. I decide to run back to the house and regroup. This is really when some emotion starts to kick in. I'm running freely, back through the fields, jumping off or over any obstacles that are in my way. All of the textures around me are very detailed and the roofs on some small buildings I'm passing look fairy tale-like. Right before arriving back at the house, I come across a bridge, but I jump right over it and land easily on the balcony of the house. I'm excited about all the other things I get to do and sit down on the balcony to gather my thoughts. The guys from the other group say hi and ask how it went for me. I reply by saying, "this feels like it's out of a dream." I look around a little longer before going inside. It appears that the owner we're renting from has stocked the kitchen full of food. I see breads, rolls, and boxes of other things.
    3. [11-02-2017: Survival]

      by , 02-11-2017 at 06:45 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      With my family we were stranded in wilderness. We sheltered in a cavern that opened to enormous pit left by an earthquake. It was in a crossing of huge river, desert and a temperate forest. We quickly prepared the cavern for our living area, then set up a small farm nearby. Just before the harvest, during one night, some people decided to start a wild party at our farm and destroyed almost all plants. We got rid of them and set our farm anew, bigger than before. Then we started exploring the pit in search of coal and iron.
    4. Something about Nothing

      by , 12-30-2014 at 05:24 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      December 29, 2014

      Had a pretty long dream, but I didn't write it down or think too much about it (or anything, really) when I woke up, so I can't recall much of anything from it. Zukin was there, and we were on a mountain or in some forest, but I can't remember exactly what we were doing. It was probably shenanigans :)

      Hoping for some lucidity tonight or next night so as I can keep my wingses. Let's see if tonight is the night. I have a really good feeling about it for some reason :)
    5. Adventures in the Mountains

      by , 10-19-2014 at 05:09 PM
      I'm in the wilderness, with a bunch of my friends. We're surrounded by beautiful mountains.
      We're walking with a guide, finding black bears. I have seen 4 before we come to a bear in a small cage. The cage is decorated for Halloween, and is set back from the trail. Behind that is tall grass.
      "Who do we have here?" the guide asks to nobody in particular, getting closer to the bear. My friends follow him but I stay on the trail, which is on a ridge.
      The long grass moves. Something is coming! An opossum scurries out of the grass and up a tree.
      "Guys! Run away! Something's coming!"
      I start running away frantically. I look back; my friends haven't moved. A massive black bear jumps out from the grass, and gives a loud, mighty roar.
      My friends scramble up the hill to join me in my mad dash. The bear chases us. We burst out of the forest and arrive at a mansion. Out of breath, I look back at the forest. The bear doesn't come into view. I get an overwhelming sense of safety.
      Then, I wake up.

      Updated 10-19-2014 at 05:15 PM by 69683

    6. Illegal Weapons/ School Trip Dream

      by , 08-04-2014 at 04:05 PM
      3/4 August
      Illegal Weapons Dream
      Me and a bunch of my friends were down at the beach/harbor. two of my friends were trying to chat up some girls that were there. I was showing my friends my arsenal of weapons I had purchased illegally online. we walked up some stairs right beside the beach and walked for a bit. we arrived at a skyscraper apartment building. My friend grabbed a lock-pick blowtorch combination thing and started trying to get in the locked front door. Everyone was cheering him on apart from me and another of my friends. I did not want to get arrested for possession of the weapons, so my friend offered to get them taken to his uncle who would have them destroyed for me. we started walking down a hill, away from the rest of our friends. I was concerned because his other uncle is a supreme court judge in Glasgow, so i thought he was going to get me in trouble, but he promised he wasn't. There is a blank here and i cannot remember what happened. Then we were both in small cars driving down the road. We reached the bottom of the hill and my friend started driving up another uphill road. I was following just behind but before i started going uphill some idiot crashed into me side on which broke my car. I had to run up the hill. Then i woke up.

      School Trip Dream
      We were on a school trip to some wilderness trail course. we were about to walk across a bridge. Mr.Coward (teacher at my school) was talking to someone with the same name as me who had an English accent. They were standing just to the side of the bridge start. As I walked past he said to me "how is your hay fever, Cameron without the English accent?" But I thought he was talking to someone else so i kept walking. A little onto the bridge my friend informed me I had completely ignored him and we both laughed. To the left of the bridge the school football (soccer) team was playing. I looked to the right of the bridge and when I looked back my friend Declan who was previously there was not and in his place was some kid a year below me called Jack. he was holding a bib, the ones you wear in PE to tell who is on your team. I don't know which colour it was. Walking along the bridge was Mr.Hughes (another teacher at my school) handing out these bibs to everyone . Before he could get to me i suddenly found myself on the ground below the bridge, while everyone else was doing a "treetop trail". They all had earphones in, which were plugged into the rail that their harnesses were clipped into. When they noticed I was on the ground they threw a rope down so i could pull myself up. Before I climbed up, I took out a plug/socket which was battery powered and plugged some earphones into them somehow. I put the earphones in even though they were not playing any music or making any sounds. When I got to the top somebody asked how I was supposed to plug my earphones. I showed her the socket and we kept on going on the trail. Then I woke up.

      I also have a dream fragment of a stone archway.
    7. 7-13-14 Sounds like a sick stomach

      by , 07-23-2014 at 04:37 PM
      I dreamed that this girl I like and her family and I were antique shopping in a quaint little town. I had gone into a shop before the others. It was a music shop, and I was randomly strumming the strings of a bass, which was horrendously out of tune.

      Suddenly, this girl walked into the shop and stood really close to my side. I strummed the strings, and they made a really weird noise. She asked what I thought it sounded like, and I said, "Like a sick stomach". She was about to hug and kiss me when the rest of her family came in.

      Then I dreamed I had a lion costume. You know, like a cheap, stupid-looking Halloween thing. It looked totally weird, but a man who was an expert in lion costumes said I had the "right physique" for it.

      Then my grandpa told me a strangely menacing story about the apostle Paul voyaging to America, travelling to the midwest and preaching to a farm full of animals, in particular a turtle. When I asked if the story was true, he merely winked and said, "I guess we'll see".

      I dreamed I had to ward off an angry red-eyed bear from my house in Minecraft. It was terrifying!

      A young woman was alone in a wilderness valley at night during a full moon. She was cursed. Blood to soak up the stems and into the petals of these strange lily-white flowers that were growing in the valley. Suddenly, the young woman was surrounded by ravenous hyenas. Then a silent movie actor appeared out of nowhere and saved her.
    8. More lucidity with Afiel, rainbow butterflies, and the trash man

      by , 09-27-2013 at 06:03 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (This is from September 26, yesterday.)

      I awoke into a lucid dream, however I didn't perform any reality checks, I just knew immediately I was lucid. I looked around and saw I was in some kind of run-down building in a room on the second floor. It was nighttime. I walked out onto the balcony, which had an old wooden staircase leading down to the sidewalk, and saw a man standing under a street light. He looked suspiciously like Karr, but had black hair and giant black holes where his eyes would've been, so I decided to avoid him because I didn't feel like dealing with creepy stuff. I jumped off the top of the balcony and glided down to the street, facing away from the creepy guy, and remembered a few new tricks I'd read about for summoning people in dreams. I attempted to summon Afiel by calling behind me "Hey Afiel, can you help me with this?" like he was already there, however it didn't work, and instead I heard Karr's voice say "I'm not Afiel!" That's when I realized the creepy eyeless guy WAS Karr, so I spun around to confront him but he was gone. After a few more calling attempts, I gave up for the moment and went out to enjoy the dream. For a while, I just flew around the night sky... more like glided, really, because I couldn't keep myself up. I kept slowly gliding back down to the ground, and had to push myself off the ground with my hands to get back up. I wound up at some kind of horse race and took the opportunity to ride a horse, which was super fun. I even won the race and had my name engraved onto a high score board on a wall by the track. I wandered away and into a nearby building, another rundown place made of rotting wood, and saw my mom sitting on a couch next to a bunch of plants. She said hi, but then just sat there like a statue and wouldn't respond to anything, so I ignored her and attempted summoning again. I tried another trick where I walked up to a random closed door and said "Hey, this is the door Afiel is behind!" and then open it expecting him to be there. The first few times it didn't work, but I finally opened a door and there he was, standing there looking confused. He walked around the building, looking at random things, and then we decided to head outside. On the way out, we passed by statue-mom sitting on the couch and her plant collection, and Afiel was immediately sidetracked and went to go look at all the plants, because he's a total geek about that kind of thing. He told me to come over and look at one of them, and when I got closer I noticed the collections of seeds on the plant weren't actually seeds at all, but hundreds of tiny bugs. I thought it was gross and backed away, but he was all excited and kept watching them. When we left the building, it was daylight out, and he suggested we fly to a particular place, but I can't remember where it was he said. I think it was some kind of religious place. He spread his wings and took off, and I followed after him but I had trouble staying up. My body kept doing the gliding thing, and kept wanting to drift back down to the ground, but I didn't want to lose him so I did these awkward jump-glides after him. Soon we were in the wilderness in a big grassy field that was fall-colored. In the background were mountains, and hills covered in colorful trees, and the sky was clear and blue. I saw Afiel pretty far ahead, so I landed and did the lucidity shout to gain more control. It worked in that it made the scenery super vivid, and I forgot about him for a moment and sat there in the grass enjoying my surroundings. I wondered about the "ACME lucidity pills" I kept hearing about online, so I reached into my pocket for them but felt nothing. There was nothing in my other pocket either, but then I saw a large beige bottle on the ground next to me. I picked it up and took the pills inside it, and suddenly everything came into laser focus and I felt more in control. I flew up, now able to fly without gliding, over some telephone cables and up over the mountains, but I could no longer see Afiel. As I kept flying, I came upon an old Mayan temple, so I landed on the steps and walked up to the top to find a door. Behind the door was a pretty Japanese water garden, with lots of people and animals but no Afiel. On the wall was a laminated piece of paper with rules about the water garden and I remember being surprised about how clear the words were, since usually words in my dreams are blurry. I walked out onto the water Jesus-style, among all the lily pads and fishes, and saw weird little mice and cats under the water attacking each other. I reached down into the water to pull out a mouse that was about to be killed by a cat, but I noticed the mouse had worms for eyes and for claws. I freaked out and dropped it, the cat grabbed it and bit it in half. The mouse was actually a robot and had a map inside him, and when I picked up and unrolled the map, I realized it was telling me where Afiel had gone but I woke up before I could make anything of it.

      A dream where I had to go retrieve postage stamps from dad's house, but I was scared of going inside because he'd want me to stay forever. I think I was able to get the stamps.

      A friend and I were walking down the sidewalks at an outdoor shopping center, and there were these shimmery rainbow butterflies that kept landing on my shoulder and following me around. Then we saw some pretty hummingbirds, and my friend could match their pace and keep up with them on her roller blades. I, however, could not, and just ran behind her and the hummingbirds awkwardly trying to keep up, dozens of butterflies flying after me. We stopped in front of an interesting restaurant and decided to eat there, but there was a wait, so we stood outside until it was our turn. The butterflies kept messing with me, and everyone around me marveled over how pretty they were. I think I remember seeing Dale from King of the Hill leave the restaurant and he made some comment about me being an alien. When we got inside, we were seating at separate tables, so my friend was at a table to the left of me and I sat with strangers, and there were TVs at the tables along with piles of DVDs. There was also a big plate of chicken nuggets in the middle of the table, and the waitresses would hand out bags of chips to anyone who raised their hands. I turned on the TV and there was a Disney movie playing, but a guy walked over and said I wasn't allowed to use the DVDs, only employees could. I told him I wasn't watching a DVD, and that the movie was just on cable, but he didn't believe me and turned off my TV and took the DVDs away. I also saw him to the same thing to my friend's table.

      There was a guy who worked inside a huge dumpster the size of a house. He was in charge of sorting trash into recyclable containers, and he worked 24 hours a day and never slept. The dumpster was also full of dangerous snakes that would always bite him. The news channels caught wind of his predicament and kept trying to interview him, but he would always hide from them. Soon, other people were offering to work at the dumpster part-time to take some of the burden off of him, but many of the new workers were bit by the snakes and had to be taken to the hospital. I applied because I had been dating a girl who'd broken up with me because she said I wasn't independent enough, and became a part-time worker in the big dumpster thinking it would make me more self-reliant. I would walk across wooden floors covered in snakes, but they wouldn't bite me and I wasn't scared of them. Instead, I'd pick them up in handfuls and toss them off the walkways. As I sorted trash, I noticed that someone had thrown away a perfectly good TV and the 24 hour guy had taken it and put it in a weird makeshift break room. However, the TV was covered in orange slime and was gross, so I cleaned it up for him and he was super happy for it.
    9. Sodas in the woods, school problems, and spelunking in the pyramids

      by , 08-26-2013 at 05:56 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I was driving in my car, but for some reason it was scorching hot inside my car yet cool and nice outside. I had somewhere I had to be, I can't remember where, but I knew I couldn't spend another minute inside my hot car so I decided to park it somewhere and just walk the rest of the way. I pulled into a Barnes & Noble parking lot and a valet knocked on my window and asked for the keys. I told him I wasn't actually going into the store, I just needed to park my car so I could walk, so I drove into a space, parked, and then gave the valet my keys and said I'd be back later. Then I started walking down the road to wherever I was supposed to go, and feeling happy that I was much cooler now.

      Mom, my brother, and I were all staying together in an old log cabin in the woods. It was in the middle of nowhere and only mom had her car, as we had all came up to the cabin in her car rather than taking our own separate ones. However, in the dream it had a convertible roof, which it doesn't have in reality. Behind the cabin was dense forest, and in front of it was a huge field with long grass up to my knees, and then more dense forest about half a mile out. We were all sitting inside watching a TV show about ghost hunting when we heard this strange noise. I didn't make anything of it, but mom and Jonathan looked nervous and said they were going to go outside to get some sodas. As I sat inside, I heard the car taking off, so I ran out and saw them driving off in a panic, leaving me behind! I freaked out and ran after their car, and somehow caught up to it by running super-human speeds, but then mom stopped the car and I stood at the passenger door asking why she'd run off. She said she was afraid because there were ghosts and she didn't mean to, but then she said she only stopped so Jonathan could run back to the cabin to get something he forgot. I was super pissed that she would stop for him but not for me, but I got in the passenger seat anyway. As I stepped into the car I noticed there were dozens of unopened cans of Sunkist soda all over the ground outside the car, but even though I was kinda thirsty I didn't take one because they'd been touching the ground. The convertible top was down, but the top part of the window was super low and sharp and I realized that if we stopped suddenly it could totally decapitate me if I flew forward, so I put the top back up. Suddenly while Jonathan was still in the cabin, this orange SUV (the same orange as the Sunkist cans) came driving past us, but then spun around, kicking up mud everywhere and driving right at us. We knew it was chasing us but didn't know why, so we sped away to outrun the SUV and left Jonathan behind.

      A group of people were spelunking into the Great Pyramids and found a secret chamber. One of the people, a lady with a big fluffy ponytail, was lowered into the chamber with a lantern and a camera. The chamber had a huge floor the size of a ballroom and a giant mural of some kind of green bug-like creature on the ceiling. It looked kind of like a praying mantis. The group saw the mural from the camera and were terrified because it meant something bad and then the lady started screaming demanding to be taken out of the chamber because she was scared. I think there were spirits in the chamber or something.

      It was my first day at a new school and this girl was being nice to me so I sat next to her thinking we could be friends. Then I noticed everyone else avoided me and I didn't understand why. It turned out that the girl was in the KKK and because I actually talked to her, everyone thought I was in the KKK too! It really bothered me and I started avoiding the the girl but she wouldn't leave me alone. She would follow me around and randomly give me unwanted gifts. There was also something involving a Christmas card she left on my desk that had a drawing of some klansmen on it.

      Another dream involving a school, where I would switch seats depending on how my mood was. If I was feeling good I would sit on the left where the talkative people were, if I was feeling stressed and had social anxiety I would sit on the right by myself. At some point my teacher asked why I switched seats, and I cried and said I couldn't sit on the left when my social anxiety was bad, and then she gave me a hug.
    10. Spiders, Hot Wheels, and a girl named Abigail

      by , 08-20-2013 at 12:34 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I was laying in my bed alone and it was morning, so I got up and walked over to the dresser when out of the corner of my eye I see movement on my bed. It turns out there were thousands of spiders crawling all over the bed sheets, and I went into a panic feeling myself all over making sure there were none on me. Then I noticed that they were all over the floor as well, and all along my walls! Just tons of them, of all different types. Little ones, big ones, poisonous ones like Black Widows and Brown Recluses... I had to just stand there without moving my feet because I was barefoot and afraid I would step on one and get bitten, and at that point I became lucid and I realized the whole thing was a dream and it would be impossible for so many spiders to be in my house. Unfortunately, I didn't have any control over the dream and couldn't will the spiders away, so instead I tried to reach for my shoes so I could walk over the spiders and out of the room. When I looked in my shoes there were spiders already with webs hanging out in them, and no matter what pair of shoes I picked up they all had webs and spiders in them. There were also webs all over my room now, in all the corners of the wall, in my bookcases, around my dresser and on my bike, and even under the bed! It was absolutely terrifying. So the whole dream I just stood there still waiting for it to end.
      (Note: My fiance and I went hiking earlier yesterday only to discover spiders in webs all over the path because apparently they come out in force after a rain! We had to turn around early: hike cancelled on account of spiders. I think that caused this dream/nightmare.)

      I had just transferred to a new school but nobody in my class wanted to help me get caught up on the assignments, until I sat down next to this nice girl. We both sat in the front row, near the middle. I think her name was Abigail, or Agatha, something like that, and she had blonde hair in braids and was really white like she never went out in the sun. She also wore an old-fashioned light blue dress that reminded me of Little House on the Prairie. She was really helpful and would let me borrow her notes and supplies I needed for the coursework. She was always smiling and I kinda had a little crush on her. The next day I sat down and she wasn't there, apparently she was running late. The professor had us work on an art project the class had started before I transferred, so I didn't have anything to work on. The project involved making an intricate picture out of string. Since Abigail wasn't there to loan me any string, I went over to the storage drawers to see if there was any extra laying around. I opened one of the drawers and someone's string art slid out and became tangled, I think it was a picture of a building made with red string. The guy came stomping over and was pissed at me, so I lied and said it was like that when I found it, but he didn't believe me so I went away from him and sat back down. He kept glaring at me the whole time, though. Soon Abigail came in and we discussed what we were going to wear on Halloween, and we left the room together and walked down the hall still talking about it. As we walked, the hallway transformed and soon we were walking in a vast snowy field at night, but it wasn't too dark because of a full moon. Abigail also transformed as we walked, she became a short old Inuit man, but for some reason I didn't think that was unusual at all. We sat down in the snow and the man made a fire and told me depressing things about how hard it was to keep food on the table for his wife and children.

      I was in a library with a big collection of Hot Wheels cars, and I was sitting at a long wooden table going through one of those old-fashioned card catalogs. I wanted to find out how much my Hot Wheels were worth so I was looking for price guides. The collection was pretty big so I couldn't finish pricing it before the library closed, so I came back the next day. When I got there the library wasn't open yet and apparently wasn't going to open all day for some reason, so I sat there at the door hoping they'd open anyway. The library itself looked like a giant church, almost exactly like the Chapel of Loretto, and was out in the middle of wilderness, with no civilization around for miles. It was wintry outside, but not too cold, and there was a little bit of snow on the ground. Eventually I got annoyed and gave up, and started walking away, past some bare trees and over some hills.
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    11. The end of a Seinfeld episode, wilderness survival, and grocery store freezers

      by , 08-15-2013 at 11:24 AM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      I was sitting in a plane near the back, and I turned around and saw Jerry Seinfeld and his friends sitting in the very last row near the rear exit. As the plane started down the runway, he was making jokes about how the last row was where terrorists and murderers sit, and everyone around him was laughing. Suddenly the door to the rear exit started swinging open, and Jerry noticed it right away and did that silly shout he always does in the show as he jumped out of his seat and raced to catch the door and close it before the plane got airborne. My dream ended right as he reached the door. I saw the plane from the outside and it was like, halfway on the runway and halfway in the air with Jerry's arms hanging out the door when the scene froze and started showing Seinfeld end credits and playing that little concluding riff.

      There was some sort of competition between me and someone else involving surviving in the wilderness. I was sitting near a campfire with some guy I'd hired to help me survive to give me the edge in the competition, but the guy was annoyed because things weren't going to plan and all the huntable animals that were supposed to be in the area were gone. The wilderness we were in was very beautiful, though. It was a large grassland with small amounts of trees and lots and lots of lakes, but it wasn't wet and marshy like areas with lots of small lakes usually are. There was a mountain range in the distance that spanned the entire horizon, and opposite of that the grasslands ended and dropped off down steep cliffs with no bottom. I think the person I was in competition with was either a ninja or a pirate, but he rode around on a big griffon so that gave him an advantage. He kept flying by and belittling me.

      Some vague dream about a father and daughter sitting in the den, and the mother comes in and they talk about something. I remember the mother saying "That's why I had the fireplace put in." and the daughter and father were all surprised and weirded out by that for some reason.

      I was in a grocery store, going up and down the aisles pushing a shopping cart. It was a very industrial-looking grocery store in that it looked more like a Home Depot except with food on the shelves. I got a few cleaning supplies that I can remember vividly. There were these huge mechanical aisles that were all pushed together in one massive block, and as I walked by them they automatically separated into actual aisles you could walk down and they were all frozen foods aisles. I thought that was very neat that they came together and broke apart like that and thinking it was very energy-efficient to keep the cold air in, even though the energy used to move the aisles was probably more than the cooling. As I walked up and down the frozen foods aisles, I saw that one of the freezer doors was actually a regular door that led into a building that was a labyrinth of even more freezer shelves except it was almost completely pitch black and I could barely make out the doors and the floor. I kept opening the doors but all the freezer shelves in that building were empty and had ice accumulating on the glass. As I tried to make my way through the labyrinth, I kept getting text messages from my ex-girlfriend I haven't seen in like eight years. They were weird one word text messages of random words, and she sent them super-fast, like I was getting a text every tenth of a second. I kept trying to text back but I couldn't keep up with her typing speed. When I got to the end of the labyrinth there was a dark room with some neon LED lights around and it was like a little lounge. I saw a lizard in a big terrarium and a door that led me back into the main grocery store. I was relieved to finally get out of the dark place and when I left there I stopped getting the texts so fast.
    12. Surviving the soaking wet wilderness when you're cold - murder crabs and the toilet.

      by , 12-01-2012 at 12:07 AM
      I'm below a few meters of snow. I remember thinking, "I need to create a pocket of air here, so that I can breathe" but I concluded that I would definitely be dead if I couldn't get myself out of there fast. I could see the sun shining through the snow even though I was a few meters below it. I manage to crawl myself out of the snow. As soon as I get up there's water everywhere, and I'm leaning toward a piece of ice in the middle of the water. I was freezing to death, and I knew from my experience in wildness survival that I wouldn't survive without getting warm, especially since I was soaking wet and losing heat fast.

      I went through it in my head "Shelter first, or I'll die of hypothermia, I can make it a while without food and water, just get warm, but grab any food you can on your way to shelter if there's an opportunity". I see this very wide island with some trees on it a few hundred meters in front of me. As I'm swimming too it I can see and feel crabs everywhere. I rationalize "grab a few for later!" at the same time I realize getting a fire would be difficult because it had been raining. There were hundreds of them around me and at one point there were so many of them I thought they would pull me below the water and that I would drown. Once I got to the island I hadn't managed to grab a single crab. I soon realized that this was a very small island, and that there was a bigger one behind it.

      I appeared on the other island and I began running around in the wilderness, trying to figured out a way to get warm knowing I don't have much time. I realize there's no way I can get warm fast enough with a self-made shelter considering it was so cold and everything is wet. I keep running, and soon I see a small building. It reminds me of the place we stored our playground toys as a kid in kinder garden, the vibe I get is that I'm at a school ground, even though I realize I'm not. Next to the small building there is a large villa, with several glass doors next to each other, I want to get inside but I realize there is a hostile in there so I try avoiding being seen.

      I make it up to the small building, and there are two massive padlocks (one would be about the size of your hand) and a chain keeping the door locked. I realize that the key is hanging in one of the padlocks, so I make my way in. As soon as I get in there is a 1 feet distance to another door. I open that door, and there's a toilet. The place is very very small, it's as wide as the toilet and the sink is right in front of me as I sit down. I don't mind, I was just happy about getting warmer, and I could literally feel slowly warming up, from being completely frozen. It felt really good and I was relieved.
    13. Fake paralysed arms

      by , 09-05-2012 at 04:56 AM
      I was watching on as two people were resting in a hollow in the ground out in the wilderness. Suddenly they were surrounded by soldiers, pointing rifles at them. The soldiers, upon finding out who they were, put down their rifles and said they were there to rescue them. The woman claimed that her arms were paralysed. I took her to a nearby park bench where we all sat and played cards. I suspected that her arms were fine, so I started to torment her by putting things near her hands etc. Eventually she got mad and just grabbed things, and then everybody saw that her arms were fine. We all laughed about it (including her).
    14. 7/1/12

      , 07-05-2012 at 07:26 AM
      non lucid. My house in the city is now in the country. A long winding country road to get there. There is a path that goes out beyond a pond/lake and there appears to be a second part to our house. I thought "cool, more bedrooms". But the kitchen was dark. To get back and forth I ride some kind of motorized saucer shaped sled. The second part turned into some kind of hotel for young singles. Don't know how that happened. Then I guess it wasn't mine anymore.
    15. Dannon's Journal of dreaming.

      by , 06-27-2010 at 06:00 PM
      Into the Wild

      I am in Southern Oregon, in the Red Buttes wilderness, camping with some friends. It is a beautiful summer afternoon. Everyone is doing their own thing and I go to the campfire and see that the salmon steaks that are on a spit are almost done.

      I go off to find everyone. They went down the trail that goes South. I walk down the trail and it goes over the summit of a mountain pass and then I am in Northern California. There are redwoods all around suddenly. I am with my friends now and we walk down to a beautiful mountain lake and we decide to go swimming. The edges of the lake have an underwater shelf or ledge so it stays pretty shallow for ten feet or so and then drops off into deep waters. This place is similar to my special place, but it is not the same place.

      There we are, swimming in the water, all four of us. On the opposite beach we see four birds: A turkey vulture, an eagle, and two owls. If I were lucid, which I am not, I would look for Darkmatters. Maybe he is one of us four, but I don't know who the other three people are, just that they are my friends.

      At the same time, the four birds launch and swoop into the water and swim towards the four of us. Raptors can't swim, can they? But they are swimming. When they get to us they reach out their claws and each one takes one of our hands and leads us back to the opposite shore where they were. Now they sit in the shallow water upon the shelf but they are one giant bird with four heads: an vulture head, an eagle head, and two owl heads.

      We get out and explore and we find that there is a bunch of discount outlet stores here! Darn it! I thought I found a remote place in the wilderness where no people go. I tell my friends that the salmon is probably done and we should head back to our camp. But they think I am just making excuses because I am scared of the wilderness. They want to go shoe shopping.

      Another Into the Wild

      I am kayaking in Alaska with some friends. We kayak up to the edge of a huge glacier. The ice is very beautiful - the way the water is lapping at the edges, making ice caves underneath the glacier at water level. The aqua-blue-white of the ice and the layers of translucents and opaques and the way the light plays with it and the water. So beautiful and peaceful.
      Spoiler for big pictures:

      I look up. The top of the glacier was WAY up there. It was massive. It reminds me of the cliffs of the Na Pali coast in Kauai, but made of ice. So awesome was this mountain of ice that I became a little nervous should a chunk fall off on me. I did not want an iceberg to fall on me. Also I know how icebergs explode when they land in the water, the same way ice-cubes crackle when you put them in a drink. So I kayaked a safe distance away into the ocean. Then Lo! The Humpback whales arrive!!!!
      Spoiler for MORE BIG PICS:

      A few times they have showed up in dreams past as harbingers of lucidity.

      My friends and I get out of the water just past the glacier and park our kayaks. We knock on the door of some cabin/inn in this fishing village. A man answers the door and invites us in. He is a friend of someone in our party and we are to be his guests for the remainder of our time in this town. He looks at me suspiciously. We take our boots off and sit down and have coffee. Our host reminds me of Cliff's roommate (Cliff is an old friend of mine whom I worked for and his roommate was an asshole. He only ate redmeat, nothing else, and he claimed he was a master healer, but his place was filthy and smelled horrible and had flies all over it eating all the leftover steak grease).
      I don't get a good vibe from our host. He gets it into his head that I am having an affair with his wife.
      Spoiler for The cabin and the jealous guy:

      I tell him "No way, man. Relax! I wouldn't fool around with a married woman, and I wouldn't betray your hospitality that way, and besides, I just met both of you two minutes ago."

      He grumbles something and we all start making music. There are other guests there who are musicians as well. I pick up a guitar that is laying there. I am looking at my hands and seeing which frets I am playing. One song has these chords: C/E7/A minor/C7/F9/E7/A minor/D9/D9, F9/G+,G/C/G7. Just a blues song. Now I notice that I have chocolate syrup on my hands and I stop playing. I am confused, how did I get chocolate syrup on my hands?

      The guy got up and grabbed the guitar and yelled at me. He yelled "THAT is my WIFE'S guitar and I don't appreciate YOU playing it without asking me." I look over at his wife and she obviously was enjoying the music I was playing. He shoves this homemade instrument into my hands to play instead. It looks like a broken piece of plywood with metal springs and things attached. He thinks that I won't be able to play it because it is a piece of crap, but if you know me you know I can make music out of anything. It sounds beautiful.

      I am beginning to get angry with this alpha dude because I have no interest in his Eskimo wife. So I look down at my hands playing this fucked up kalimba when I suddenly realize that my hands, this instrument, this whole scenario is just a dream! I look over at this angry guy glaring at me and I felt such love for him and compassion because he is so threatened by me and insecure because he thinks that he actually exists separately from me; he doesn't realize that his nature is emptiness and he is just a part of a dream.

      I knew he wouldn't understand it if I tried explaining it so I turn to CNDR and say: "Let's get out of here." I take her hand and we teleport to a tropical beach and there are the humpback whales in the water. Then I wake up
      Spoiler for Farewell Whale:
      Tags: wilderness
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