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    task of the month dreams

    1. 1. The Dream Journal (LD) 2. The Rooftop (LD)

      by , 07-17-2023 at 02:56 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. The Dream Journal (LD) [Summer 2023 TotS: Basic i & ii ; Advanced i]
      I'm in a side room in a dimly lit building at night. It's near the end of the corridor, yet there is still a room on the edge. I make my way into the room by the bed and get the feeling that something is off. I glance at my hands in the dim light and it seems like I have six fingers. I go for a nose-plug, breathe right through, and say "Yes!" as I become lucid. I want to get my adventure started and decide to phase through the window. I glide through the window set against the far wall of the dimly lit room and out into a setting with a stone walkway roughly twenty meters wide with hexagonal stones. There are square black metal tables with tall lantern-style lights coming up from them, and the entire area resembles the outside of a cafe. I want the dream to be more vivid, so I begin shouting "Clarity now!...Increase clarity now!" several times. The dream becomes very vivid and stable and I'm really happy with how well it works. I make my way around the side of the cafe come around the corner and notice many five to six story buildings in the early morning hours. As I make my way between buildings, down a central walkway, several pairs of DCs are approaching my direction. I decide not to fly and simply to walk slowly as I want to take in the surroundings and see if the slow movement will aid with dream stability as I reflect that the onset of flying sometimes destabilizes my lucids. I slowly walk further down alongside a five story building appreciating the stability and begin thinking of dream goals. I think of a persistent realm for a moment, but ignore this as I decide it would be perfect to begin working on the tasks of the season. I consider going for the dream journal record first, but also consider going for an easier goal to start. I turn around, realizing that I need to find an indoor area with written records. I glide down the walkway and notice that the building to my left is filled entirely with white gym equipment. The windows are five foot and rectangular with curved edges. I progress to the next section, and there is even more gym equipment in this area. I rationalize that it would be tough to find written records in this area, and that it's possible that the gym extends to the second level. I make my way even further as the building wraps around to the right via an overhead walkway. I glide up and enter around the second or third story by phasing though the wall. I'm in a dimly lit area of sorts with a dark wooden decor. Stairs lead up to a half-story level. I notice two DCs standing at the top of the stairway - they're younger versions of JP and J. I think this would be a perfect opportunity to go for a basic task of the season. I ask JP "What's going to happen tomorrow" he responds "No" or "Don't know". I ask again and he responds "I don't know". I explain that I really need to know for the Dreamviews task of the season and he responds "JP is gonna kick you out of school - that's what's gonna happen" in a comical way. I find it funny since I'm clearly not in school. I decide to begin working on the next task of the season. I know that I'll need to find an area with written records I make my way further into the room and find a section that resembles an office with many desks positioned throughout. I begin glancing over all of the desks which are strewn with envelopes of various sizes and colors, none of which would suffice for a dream journal. I go to the next desk to my left, still finding nothing, then to a third. On the third desk to my left, I find a small, light orange colored notebook with a square, opaque section on the front, possibly for a a title or for something to be slipped in. I begin flipping though the pages to find a legible section. I read a word after flipping a few pages, and it appears to a a poriton of the word 'iguana' - I decide this won't count. I continue flipping and on roughly the sixth page I find a section beginning with the scribble, that eventually transitions to "Thank you... Tokyo 1954... toy". It appears to be a a dream journal entry about buying a toy in Tokyo in the past and a DC saying thank you for it. I'm happy that I knocked out another task and get excited for the next! I leave the office area and glide down to the lower level while thinking of going for the advanced task of stopping yourself from being born. My mind begins reeling about how the heck to accomplish that. Do I go back in time, find my parents, and stop them from doing it? lol. I decide to simply go for an easier task of building an improvised weapon and wonder how I'll do it. I come around a corner on the bottom level, turning ot the left and notice a large dark blue and purple stuffed alligator, roughly six to seven feet long, face down in a large bin the wall. Next to it is a long black vacuum cleaner shaft. I decide I can build a makeshift weapon out of the vacuum cleaner thinking back to the spear example on Dreamviews. I pull it out, find a black lever on the left side with a white line marking. I decide that flicking the lever will reverse the air flow and do so. The airflow is now strongly reversed outward. I continue down the walkway with the powerful blower and into an area that resembles and under-construction parking garage on the lower level, with a gravel/dirt ground along with many uneven patches. I see a DC in the distance and decide that I can use the blower to launch rocks at high speed. I grab a rock off the ground and shoot it at the DC asking him if this would count as a catapult for the Dreamviews competition. He responds that of course it would count as it's launching projectiles. I satisfied with this, and continue looking for rocks, I find a yellow colored rock and reflect that it looks like a sunstone of sorts. I see two guards/officers approaching in order to see what we're up to and stop us. I decide to mess with them and play dumb as they approach the DC I was interacting with. I simply float up and say "Duuuuuuuh" and they look at me confused. I laugh, then turn around and fly away, without them doing anything. I approach the edge of the campus area and several DCs are walking on a walkway on the outskirts. Their is a large grassy area on the periphery which leads down into a forest area. I wonder if this could be a persistent realm I could return to as it's very beautiful. I turn around and continue to to consider the advanced task and how I'll manage it. I look at the buildings raising roughly eight stories with light tan concrete and wonder where I should enter. I loop around more and notice a second building to the left. I fly closer and notice many rows of manikins in the windows. I contiue to approach the building on the right, flying slowly toward roughly the fifth level. I fly for quite a bit considering what to do upon entry, taking in all of the details of the manikinss' faces and the dream begins fading.

      2. The Rooftop (LD)
      *Semi-lucid transitioning to low lucidity at end
      I'm in an area which resembles a dorm-room and it's around lunchtime. I notice that I forgot my lunch and begin searching for a lunch bag. I find a black one, yet there's not much in it, only two small sandwiches and a small bag of pretzels. I decide I can find something to eat and tell myself "This is a dream" and simply fly through the wall. I fly to the balcony on the back of the building and begin thinking of how I should have practiced lucid dreaming more in college as I look at my reflection in the window. My lucidity begins to rise a bit and I get the impression that I'm in a dream. I notice two DCs and decide to phase through the window and begin talking to them. I get off of the green colored balcony, phase through the window, and begin asking the nearest female DC where she is headed. I then wake up.

      Updated 07-17-2023 at 08:50 PM by 50425

      lucid , task of the month
    2. Becoming Lucid in a DV Member's Dream (Task of the Season)

      by , 07-07-2023 at 03:46 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      Another long lucid! Even if it was split in the middle. And a TON of dreams overall! Though they took forever to type. Slept at 12:30.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Something about driving and LGBTQ. Woke up at 4:00 and WBTB.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      I was reading about a closeted gay eighth grader, and of course since it was a dream the scenes popped into my head like a TV show. MC was in a warehouse with his friends, goofing around, when he looked in the mirror and said, "You know what, guys? I'm going to go do it, I'm just gonna do it, why am I waiting for high school? It doesn't even make sense."

      He was talking about doing the nasty with a girl, but he didn't really want to. He was just trying to prove to himself and everyone else that he wasn't gay. When he headed for the door, my feelings of opposition seemed to affect him. He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around. I physically typed out the words I wanted him to say: "You're not gonna stop me?!?!"

      Then I wrote out his friends' response: "No?"

      One laughed in confusion, another scowled. I remember crossing out a comma and replacing it with the question mark, then being sure to emphasize that one of them was scowling.

      MC said something about "three men," and the angry friend became even angrier. "Of course not," he snapped.

      After that MC was tempted to say the same thing about "four men," but he chickened out because there were four of his friends there and the risk of them catching on was too high. I accepted that, just glad that he'd changed his mind, and he left the warehouse.

      The plot changed. I was now actively in the dream, as myself yet not myself. I lived in a big house with my "grandma" and brother Z. He and I were in "our room," and when I gazed out the arched window into the night, I saw a peculiar black cat rummaging around, eating trash. I was fascinated by its strange appearance and wanted to interact with it.

      It was past midnight, so I waited for "Grandma" to go to the basement before sneaking downstairs and opening the front door. I whispered for it to come inside and eat something edible. It obeyed, but the granny was coming back upstairs so I fled to my room.

      She definitely knew I'd been down there, despite Z trying to cover for me. (He was not himself either.) However, she let it go and sat down with the cat at the table, saying that they had to have a long chat regarding me.

      At one point she called sweetly to me from the kitchen and snapped at Z when he spoke up. He was holding a "full" glass of regurgitated yogurt (it reached the fill line, but that line was barely one fourth of the cup). It was not abnormal in the dream, but I was disgusted all the same.


      Woke up at 5:00 and, after journaling, sat up and really focused on becoming lucid. I explained what it meant, quickly performed MILD, and upped my awareness of myself and my surroundings. Then I went back to sleep, lucidity the last thing on my mind. (As in, the final thing I was thinking about, not something I didn't care about at all... I hate English.)


      Dream #3 (Lucid):
      First thing I remember is tagging along as a man led Harlequin down a flight of stairs. We were in her dream. Once we reached the bottom of the steps, we could see an oasis-like place at the end of the hallway. But when we looked back up, we realized we had descended 2000-feet-worth of stairs, and Harlequin's family was screaming her name at the top of their lungs as if she had died.

      Trying to keep things under control, I asked, "Are you going to go to the oasis?"

      She frowned and scoffed, "My brain drew that with MS paint." Then she left the dream. [I don't remember what she looked like because I wasn't paying attention.]

      What a waste, I thought, and went to check out the oasis myself. It was really just a small room with a pool of water, cabinet, window, and carpet, but I sat down on that carpet and
      became lucid.

      I attempted to increase the vividness and thought it was working, but when I woke up I couldn't remember how it looked so maybe it wasn't. I also believed myself to be more clear-headed than I really was. To my credit, I was able to remember the Task of the Season and decided to complete a basic task: asking a dream character what will happen tomorrow!

      I phased through the window and emerged a couple stories above the ground, a tree swaying in the wind below me. Everything was a bit unstable so I grabbed a leaf and tried to focus my attention on it as a stabilization technique (as Oneirin suggested), but it didn't work very well.

      Somehow I got out of there and ended up flying down a street, chasing after people in cars and trying to get them to answer the question, but every one of them just flashed weird looks and drove faster. Finally I peered into the passenger window of one car and saw a one-year-old baby strapped into a baby seat in the middle. Next to him, on the far side, was a 12-ish-year-old blond boy.

      "Hey!" I yelled to the baby. "What do you think will happen tomorrow?"

      He glanced at me and started lifting his arms out of the harness straps. I assumed he wanted to get closer to the window, but if a car struck them from behind and he was unbuckled I knew he'd be dead.

      "Uhh, no, no, don't do that," I said, and suddenly a horde of skinny, black-bodied, white-headed, Bendy-like creatures rushed toward the car with their arms outstretched. Altogether they resembled the Wall of Flesh in Terraria.
      I was kicked out of the dream and replaced by a fourteen-year old anime girl.

      She flew through the car and grabbed the twelve-year old, sending them tumbling out the other side into an alleyway. The car was destroyed and the boy watched his baby brother get ripped to shreds, one layer at a time. But he wasn't fazed at all! In fact, when the girl held out a hand to him (third person POV), he blushed and took it!

      She was a dream superhero of some sort, and there was the sense that she had saved many people from those creatures many times before. She wore red gloves and a short red skirt, black sweatpants, and a black sweater.

      At some point they were hiding in the "|" part of a "T"-shaped alleyway, and the boy was able to keep the creatures out by stretching his body to disturbing proportions. Even as the nonexistent observer I was very confused.

      Once the creatures cleared out, the boss of the girl appeared. With a smile they said, "You must be [name]'s reincarnation."

      [Name] was a very powerful Dream Hero, the most legendary of them all, but the girl was not her reincarnation. No, that was a different girl, and she was back at the lab undergoing testing. MC reminded me of Akko, and the reincarnated girl reminded me of Diana (though she looked like Neiru from Wonder Egg Priority).

      MC was having trouble keeping her face stable (it was actually glitching) and started to deny it, but cut herself off. "Is- is Izzy here?" (Another Dream Hero.)

      Don't remember if anyone responded, but somehow it was revealed that the boy had "done this before" and was actually a member of their organization. When she heard that, MC flushed with rage and grabbed his collar.

      "Say that sooner!" she shouted. She was embarrassed because she'd been under the impression that she'd saved a helpless civilian, and now felt stupid for being so proud.

      She stormed out of the room (the alley had gradually morphed into a hotel room) and
      I returned to the dream, lucid again. I had very little memory of what had happened and zero awareness of having switched with the girl. But I realized I still hadn't gotten an answer to the TotS question, and ran back to the boy. He was being carried like a sack of potatoes by an invisible person.

      "What should I do tomorrow?" I asked. (Phrased it that way because I thought he might not respond to "what will happen tomorrow?")

      He glared at me, and the vividness of his voice increased tenfold as he spat, "I think you should die."

      I actually got goosebumps from how clear and angry his tone was, but brushed it off. The style of the dream had become cheap and pixelated, and I turned to see Mafuyu lying flat on the ground.

      I sat next to her. "Mafuyu, what will happen tomorrow?"

      She probably assumed I was asking her out and responded, "Saturday is sad day." (Both she and I were under the impression that tomorrow was Saturday.)

      "I see. Sad day, huh." I sat by her a little while longer before standing up.

      Each hotel door was themed to match a Project Sekai character. Kanade's was first, light blue and decorated with solid circles and hollow triangles. I cracked it open and found her wrapped up in blankets like a burrito. Sensing that I would wake up soon, I decided it wasn't worth interacting with her her.

      I hurriedly moved on to Mizuki's sparkly pink door, but for some reason, I knocked this time. I called her name, excited to hear her response, as she and Mafuyu are my favorite characters.

      After a pause, a very accurate voice responded, "Yeah?"

      I asked the question, but before she could answer the dream faded and
      I woke up! Nooo! But at the same time, yesss, to this amazing lucid!


      I was surprised to find it was only 6:25, but it took me an hour to finish writing, so I didn't get back to sleep till 7:30-ish. I wasn't very tired, so maybe that's why I kept waking up and had all these dreamlets.


      Dream #4 (Non-Lucid):
      This was on the border between a hypnagogic hallucination and a dream. I was in the kitchen and one of my parents dumped milk and acid in my head. Then I was in a dark void, walking down a floating runway and smashing open doors with an axe. I found my dad in one of them. He had murdered my mom. I raised my axe and killed him. Woke around 8:00 and WBTB.

      Dream #5 (Non-Lucid):
      I was being driven somewhere in the middle of nowhere to tutor a kid my age. I was very confused, saying that A was the tutor, not me. But they didn't listen. We nearly ran over a fallen tree and had to get out of the car. It was foggy outside and there was a lake nearby.

      When I demanded answers, my mom grilled me in return about how I got my voice recorder. [Answer: I biked to the store and bought it without her knowledge.]

      "I told you, I just found it in my stuff!" I protested, speedwalking away.

      I came across my brothers and a group of old friends, the only one I could see properly was a kid named Blake. He was holding a football and I asked if he was copying me, as I was playing catch with a football for two hours a couple days ago.

      Don't remember his response, but I took the football and asked if I could punt it. He refused because there was a lake in the distance and he didn't want it going in.

      Woke at 8:27 and WBTB.

      Dream #6 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Forgot everything when I opened my eyes. Something about flowers. 8:46 WBTB.

      Dream #7 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      (Illegible.) 9:06 WBTB.

      Dream #8 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      Lifting weights. Later I was in a store and Harlequin was there, asking how to get home. I directed her to a staff member. 9:19 WBTB.

      Dream #9 (Non-Lucid):
      I was driving to a therapy session, though not doing a very good job. In the end I had to lift it up like a chair and force it into a parking spot within the building. Switched the parking brake on and it finally settled down. A girl next to me was doing the same. Some time later people were watching the dream on a screen, admiring the "perspectives" and skill of my "internal camera." I was a little uncomfortable.

      Plot change. Someone had filmed a TikTok of me saying, "Do you want your madlad chicken? -goes off-screen and returns a couple seconds later- Sorry, they aren't allowed in the café but here are some french fries and ketchup."

      It had 12K likes and I was wearing a dark blue plaid jacket and mask. It repeated a few times before showing the aftermath. S was grabbing me and pointing to a bundled-up customer.

      "Merlin," they said. (Not my real name but that's what they called me in the dream.) "You have to figure out their identity. Once you do, you'll be shocked."

      But I could already tell that the twist was that they were gonna be my doppelganger.

      At some point I had a false awakening and when I was writing down the dream I added, I was covered in leaves (thank goodness I remembered that!).

      Woke at 9:47 and got up for good. Kinda sad that none of them were lucids, but oh well.

      Pics of the dream scenes, and a map of the third dream (yes I am totally copying Harlequin):
      What keeps your body alive, if you aren't in it?-img_20230706_212340382.jpg What keeps your body alive, if you aren't in it?-img_20230706_212444608.jpg

      Updated 07-07-2023 at 03:32 PM by 99938 (fixed colors)

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , task of the month
    3. 2022-07-17 lucidd #269

      by , 07-17-2022 at 10:38 AM
      key summaries, detail later

      Tortuous night of not being able to fall asleep after an early (3.5 - 5 hr?) waking.
      Got up moved to other room sat quietly. Slowly got a bit more sleepy. Back to bed. Relaxed and comfortable, but can't make the transition to sleep, remain in a light sleep or very relaxed awake phase. Every time the transition to deeper sleep approaches I can't make it over to the other side. This happens repeatedly for probably 1.5 - 2 hours. At one point get a (REM atonia probably) all-body buzz. Get some weak images that I interact with a bit but don't solidify. Then the following happens...

      + [WILD entry?] tumbling / sliding down a rectangular staircase [DS], thinking "this is an innovative dream entry method," and thought it was quite fun at that!

      + table with food colleagues after party: first cheese, then chips, then, (sushi?) fish, then see container with noodle dish and grab that

      + JH (president company "N") has a skin condition, the doctor is lifting large scales of skin off of JH's hands and forearms, while JH is talking to himself wondering if he can get $860 million for his home. I think it's ridiculous for him to be worrying about that, he's rich enough already.

      + Approach outside-of-city home. I see the green fence has been tampered with and some parts moved aside. I think this means thieves have entered. With this thought I see more evidence of fence tampering. Look into house, see computer devices inside, try to see if anything's missing. Old printer, what's that doing there? Looks like stuff's been stolen, perhaps including my laptop. I'm stumbling through the backyard wallowing in emotions about how horrible this is. Unless.... <RC: nose pinch>... AH! This is a dream!

      (Try to remember TOTS tasks, can't remember anything but elevator and I don't want to try that one again before the others)

      (Many "adult" interactions....goes on for quite a while)

      Toy on the table, ask the "owner" to do some DC magic and summon what I want. He doesn't. I imagine touching a part of a small object farther back on the desk will work. It doesn't. I then turn and walk back into the room searching for what I want.

      Young, elegant, beautiful woman in 18th century dress. She's a bit reluctant, says ("I have a flight to catch" (?) ... "we had that time on the mountainside.." (like, that was it, we're finished). I dare her to get frisky with me right here on the table in front of everyone in the room. This gets her interested, things get going, and ...

      ... fade to awake. Stunning LD. Super vivid, stable, clear, long, immersive. Definitely top 10 of all time, and a candidate for best ever!
    4. 27 October - Fun with my clone

      by , 10-27-2021 at 11:56 PM
      WILD. Vibrations. Suddenly, I feel like I am standing, I reach with my hand and can feel a wall with wallpaper to my left and a carpet under my feet. No vision yet.
      I follow the wall with my hand and take a few steps. I want to open my eyes, but it feels risky. Instead, I stabilize my dream body - I touch my face and proceed downwards. I begin to see. I inspect my body and legs under my nightie - everything looks realistic.

      I decide to try the TOTM task - have fun with your clone. My plan for this is to use a mirror to clone myself, pulling my image towards me. And maybe repeat it a few times.

      I walk around the room and look at the bed. My body and R's are there. There's a wardrobe next to it where a large mirror should be. I think to myself, there should be a mirror here, and when I look again, it's there.
      My reflection looks slightly different than me but nice.
      "Hi," I tell her. "Give me your hand."
      She stops mimicking me and takes on a life of her own (good!), but there's still a glass wall between us. I reach out to take her hand, but the mirror is solid. I remind myself that the mirror doesn't exist and try to use more force, but the glass doesn't let me do it.
      Then there's a big TV next to it, which I can stick my hand in without any problem. The stuff inside feels slightly wet and foggy.
      The mirror also changes size and position whenever I turn around.
      R, meanwhile, has woken up. I talk to him for a while and ask if he knows how to get my other me out of the other side of the mirror. He offers no advice.
      I decide to kiss the other me. For the first second or two, I feel cold glass, but then I feel soft and warm lips. I make it into a long kiss with my eyes closed, as a silent goodbye.

      I leave the room and want to go to the workshop to give the chance to the ring task. Is it even possible to do two tasks in one dream? I don't know, but I don't care, and the cloning didn't go as planned anyway.

      I walk through a couple of rooms that aren't in my house IRL. The last room has an industrial feel, with rough walls, a series of steps to a lower level, and a tiled floor. The door to the workshop isn't where I expect it to be, which confuses me for a moment, but then I see a door a little further to the right - it's glass, sliding, with a motion sensor. When I walk up to it, it opens.
      The workshop is a lot bigger than IRL, but a little darker. There are three benches, one with semi-finished jewellery on it.
      I look for some material suitable for a ring. On one of the benches is a large piece of gold, more bar than wire, high karat (18k or even 22k). It looks too thick for a ring, but I take a closer look. It's at least 10mm thick, definitely too thick for a ring.
      While I'm thinking I wouldn't even be able to bend it, I wake up.

      - While being completely invested in getting my reflection from the mirror, I completely missed that there was another me in the room that could be used as my clone - my body in my bed! I have to try to "wake up" my "real body" one day!
      - That chunk of gold would be worth something around $50,000. I certainly wouldn't mind finding something like that IRL
    5. 26 September - Control struggles and TOTM

      by , 09-26-2021 at 07:26 PM
      comment dream lucid

      Failed WILD (light vibrations, I thought that nothing happened but I was probably dreaming about being in bed at that point or very shortly after).

      I'm in bed. I get up and walk out of the room through a hallway. Something feels off. The movement - it's slightly slower and smoother. Am I dreaming? I raise my hand to do a nose plug RC but don't even finish it, the movement has a definite weird feel. I step into the room across from the bedroom where I slept and immediately know it isn't supposed to be there.
      The room looks like a combination of my childhood bedroom and the bedroom in my in-laws' apartment.
      What was I going to do? Trumps! And something else, but I can remember that later.

      Trumps come from the Amber book series by Roger Zelazny. In the books, they are tarot cards used for communicating with the person in the picture and also for teleporting.
      I've always loved Amber and came across the idea of using Trumps in one of FryingMan's posts. If I can get them into my dreams, it would be a neat tool for summoning DCs and for teleporting.

      I try to get the cards out of my pocket. But I don't seem to have any easily accessible pockets. I remember the sweatpants that I wear IRL now - they have zippered pockets. I feel the zipper and unzip it. From inside, I pull out an old tissue.
      I face a desk. There's a black phone on it, and music is playing. It's something modern, pop/techno/dance, mostly beats, I don't like it, but it's an original song and that's what gets my attention. I pick up the phone and say, "Play some rock." The music stops, but nothing new starts. "Classic rock," I specify. Nothing.
      I leave the phone alone and return to the contents of my pockets. More pieces of tissue. A small piece of lined paper, as if cut from my DJ, but blank. Nothing more.
      A DC enters the room. He wants to know what I'm doing with the phone. I pick it up again and say, "Play something." Now it works - the phone starts playing something techno-like again.
      The DC walks to the other end of the room, where he joins another DC who was already there. I wonder what to do next. TOTM! I look around the room - the other DC is now just a little closer. I walk up to him and ask "What part of my subconscious do you represent?"
      He looks at me in great surprise. "I don't know," he says, throwing up his hands. He turns to the other DC, but then turns back to me and says "Mrzoprs" with effort. I'm not sure I've understood correctly. "What?" "Mrzoprs," he repeats.

      "Mrzoprs" is a nonsense word, but if I assume Czech etymology, it could be loosely translated as "regretboob" or "grumpyboob".

      OK, enough. I have more goals to do.
      I go out into a big atrium. My next goal needs me to fly. But my lucidity and concentration have dropped significantly and I'm having trouble getting airborne, as well as problems with my clothes getting in the way.
      Then I get distracted by a friend who finds my attempts amusing.
      Nothing else interesting happens.
    6. Log 2303 - August/September TOTM 2021 Advanced Task I

      by , 08-20-2021 at 08:42 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 20 August 2021

      Got an LD and some fragments today.

      Scrap Group 1
      Various dreams about being at work. There was a terribly long backlog of th

      False lucid dream (I "knew" it was a dream state, but lacked true awareness). I launched myself into outer space. I cruise through a few solar systems. I also fly into a nebula, where my view was obstructed by space dust.

      Dream 1 - August/September TOTM 2021 Advanced Task I

      The visuals were a bit dim. I was in the backseat of a van on the road. My younger brother was driving, while mom, my niece, and someone else were in the passenger's seats. Heavy rain obscured the roads cutting through suburban shopping centers around us.

      Feeling tired, I lay down to take a nap. I notice some "hypnagogic sensations", including sounds similar to wind and chimes. I concentrate for a WILD attempt, only to get interrupted by my niece whining about something. Burying my head in the seat, I make another go. Once again, more interruptions, this time through my younger brother blasting the stereo with music (pretty sure it was Sonic Adventure music). Groaning, I seat myself up, and forgo further attempts.

      I look out at the rain, disappointed. That when I start noticing how peculiarly groggy I'm feeling. I think this over, but couldn't justify how that's such. This brings me very close to awareness. I open the nearest door. The pavement below scrolled by rapidly. Seeing as much made me hesitant to exit. I take a deep breath, tell myself this was most likely an illusion, and take the plunge. It was a bumpy landing, but I notice I was somehow able to keep up with a moving van. Proof enough I was indeed dreaming.

      Satisfied, I wave the others away, and launch myself to the storm clouds. Things deteriorate into a grey void. I quickly think of a task. The superhero task was first in mind, though I sensed I probably didn't have time to try that. So, I instead try one of the TOTM's.

      "All right, dream", I call out. "Show me the greatest musical experience!"

      A few seconds later, I notice jazzy music sounding in the distance. As it becomes clearer, I identify it as a song from Cuphead. Pretty good, for sure, though I was looking for something unheard of. Several more Cuphead tracks played, much to my disappointment.

      I almost give up, when finally, I hear an unfamiliar piece. This starts with a horn duet playing a tense, dissonant tune. It was an amateurish performance at best, neither tempo nor pitch remaining steady for significant lengths of time. But then, an entire big band ensemble accompanied the song. In contrast to the horn duet, the rest of the band were real pros. Such a juxtaposition only added to the tension. A really curious, thought-provoking piece, indeed.

      At that moment, I found myself walking through a vast sound studio. I could see the band, each standing/seated behind a mic set, playing their respective instruments. The two horn players were in the center, while the other instrumentalists surrounded them in a box formation. Everyone there were dressed in expensive suits.

      About a minute later, the song goes into a percussion solo. The drummers played a low, quick beat on their cymbals. There were occasional crescendo's, though it was never played loudly. Following that was a bass solo. Oddly, the "bass" was actually a viola. The player, a middle-aged light skinned woman, plucked the instrument with great disinterest as it stood on its own chair. The song seemed to end there. But, the silence breaks with a sudden, blaring crash. With the song over, the musicians celebrate with cheers, hoots, whistles, and handshakes all round.

      The dream collapsed shortly after.

      Updated 08-20-2021 at 08:47 PM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment , task of the month
    7. 4 August - 1st time flying and TotM

      by , 08-05-2021 at 08:03 PM
      comment non-lucid (shortened) lucid

      I was sitting at a table with a guy I liked and I asked him something (in Czech). I realized that I was in an international group and that he wouldn't understand me, but that if it was a dream he would understand me. He asks me some follow-up question, which makes it unclear if he didn't understand or misheard. I answer it in English. He answers in Slovak, which satisfies me - it makes sense that he understood my Czech. I continue talking to him in a mix of Czech and English.

      I used to have some language-induced LDs. These days, similar situations usually end as only semi-lucid (I know that people in my dreams understand everything). This was almost there…

      In another dream, I'm running errands in Prague, walking down a street in the centre, I want to catch a tram. I think about the previous dream - I set an intention for the next night so I don't make the same mistake again. Anyway, it's a pity that I haven't managed to fall asleep again after that dream, otherwise, I would have had a good chance...
      ...How do I know this isn't a dream? It doesn't seem likely to me that it is. But thinking about it, I don't really have any reason to be here...
      RC confirms. Nice.

      I'm in the mood for a different experience today than yesterday. I recall Sageous's thread and the memory exercise. I know I'm not in Prague, and I know I'm sleeping. I recall my birth year. Then the exact date of birth. Easy. Highly lucid, I think, ready for anything
      (not as much as I thought at the time, but it wasn't bad).
      Goals? TotY, TotM, and teleportation training. I tell myself that TotM - asking a DC which part of my subconscious they represent - is easy and a good place to start.

      I turn the corner and approach a woman. I excuse myself and ask her, "Which part of my subconscious do you represent?"
      She looks confused and scared and doesn't know what to answer. She tries to talk her way out of it, so I let her go.

      The city around here isn't much like Prague anymore. It has a vibe somewhere between the multicultural neighborhoods of Western European cities and third-world countries. There are more women around with headscarves. I don't want to ask them in case I scare them. I also notice there are a lot fewer people around than there were at the beginning. I want to go back to the center.

      I tell myself that an experienced LDer would fly, but I still can't fly. Just taking off probably won't work, it's never worked for me. I decide to try high jumping.
      1st jump - I jump higher than I would in reality and the man who passes me looks at me in surprise.
      I bounce again, and I'm even higher, about 2-3m, which still isn't enough, but gravity already has a weird feel.
      I bounce once more, this time bending my legs a lot to bounce, and gravity is already completely broken, like it was in the Defying Gravity dream. I do a half backflip and float in the middle of nothingness, seeing only solid grey above me. As I realize there's no reason for me to land backwards on my hands, I flip forward again and the street reappears in my field of vision. I use swimming motions to orient myself and dive into the air in front of me. I'm flying!
      Occasionally, I'll add a swimming stroke, but my clothes restrict my full range of motion. I'm losing altitude a little, but very slowly. I started at roughly streetlamp level and flew about 200m before I landed on the ground again. Cool!

      I want to give the TotM a second try. There's a small market in a side alley. I approach a group of people, same question as before. They look confused and I notice they're really young, young teenagers. So I explain it to them in more detail.
      "There's a theory," I say, "that all the people in the dreamworld, except for me..." a girl interrupts me: "Why except you?", but someone shushes her.
      "All the people in the dreamworld, except me," I repeat, and continue, "represent a tiny part of my subconscious. And I have an assignment that my mother gave me" (this seems like an ok lie) "to ask some people what part of my subconscious they represent. So what part do you represent?"
      The children seem attentive and understanding. One boy starts to say something but stops after two words and it doesn't make sense. Someone says they don't know. Someone else says something evasive. So I thank them and say ok. It doesn't get any better than that. Done.

      Teleportation. There are lots of doors and lots of walls around, lots of opportunities for different techniques. There's even a box that has doors on 4 sides! But I want to go somewhere farther.

      My lucidity has gone downhill from here. I want to fly more, but I'm carrying strange silver plates. I want to tie them to my waist with a towel so I can fly, and a woman is helping me, but it's not really holding. Then I think about leaving them in this locked chest I have with me, but I find it's full of silver coins with wolf images on them.
      A merchant shows up and offers to trade me silver for gold so I can have a smaller volume of stuff. He's got these dodgy coins, pale greenish-yellow, don't look like high purity. He wants to know if my Witcher coins are genuine, and he wants me to prove myself to him with a Witcher pen. I remember that I lost the pen in the previous dream. The deal is off.

      I wake up.
    8. Log 2282 - Lighting the Floor Task and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 07-31-2021 at 07:45 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 30 July 2021

      I should really post here more often... Anyway, I have just enough time to post my dreams from yesterday.

      Scrap Group 1
      At home during night time. I go upstairs, and find an old computer with a CRT screen activated in the hallway. My cousin, Finn, was using it. He was playing Fire Emblem, his favorite game. But, on closer look, it was the untranslated version Monsho no Nazo ( a title I'm quite sure he never played before). He mentioned his mages having terrible physical attack stats and weapons, which caused him to miss a staff that would've been dropped by an enemy armored knight. Again, several more things that made me raise my eyebrow.

      Vaguely recall flying from parking to parking lot. I was frantically looking for something, but I can't say what.

      Barely remember flying under the bridge of a Roman aqueduct.

      Walking around an unknown kitchen, square white granite counter standing in the center, isolated from cupboard-lined walls in the distance. Beyond that was total darkness. I get aware. I shrink myself, and jump on the counter. Soon, a figure steps in, a thin, auburn haired woman in her thirties dressed in a leaf-patterned faded blue gown. She was perturbed to see a tiny person on her furniture, and walks away muttering to herself.

      Dream 1 - Lighting the Floor Task

      Various unknown scenes before this point, during which I'd gained awareness. The visuals were a bit blurred. I was in an unknown house, the floor large white tiles, and all the furniture upholstered with brown and black patterns. I myself wore jeans, a white tee shirt, and similarly colored sneakers

      Basic Task i came to mind. To set the mood, I begin sounding Billie Jean, to which I began strutting dramatically. As expected, the surrounding space dims, while the floor tiles lit up wherever I stepped. However, unlike the music video, these illuminated into electric-themed patterns, from lighting bolts, to sparks, and arrays of electric waves. After a few steps. the light show haphazardly stopped. I looped the song back, and repeated this process. But with each instance, I could only take fewer and fewer steps, and eventually, the lights stopped appearing. A bit disappointing, but oh well. Task complete.

      Don't recall how this ended. I wake up a minute later.

      Dream 2 - Cloud Contact

      The visuals were slightly blurred. I was in the lobby of an office building, supposedly a new workplace of mine. A fake palm tree stood near the receptionist's desk. Omar was nearby, while a bunch of young adults were walking around hurriedly in the area.

      Soon, one of my current bosses, Lambert, dressed in his usual business casual wear, walks by. He approaches and fiddles with some radio controls. Just then, fire alarms begin to sound. People grumble something about a fire drill, though I sensed this was something more serious.

      And so, a large group of us go down a long hallway towards a back exit. Yet, the people ahead of me hesitate to step out when they notice large storm clouds outside. On closer look, the clouds were very, very low to the sky, a phenomenon I point out to Omar. Just then, a section of nimbus dives at floor level, and seeps into door. More peculiarly, the vapors stop just inches away from the startled onlookers. Curious, I reach out to feel the cloud. It was frigid, damp, but also tingly. Jonathan warned against keeping my hand there, lest I get shocked by static electricity. Another person blurted out the cloud was sapient. I wondered the possibility...

      Don't recall how this ended.

      Dream 3 - Dragon Ball - Battle and Chase

      The visuals were slightly blurred. I was in the Dragon Ball world, flying high in the yellow-clouds. Already aware by this point.

      From the start, I was fighting with the supposed latest villain, a gaunt old man dressed in a toga, his skin rust red and mustache grey and ridiculously bushy. He was wary to take me on head-to head. I had to chase him around in the skies, firing a volley of golden energy blasts his way. One hit true, and sent him crashing into an array of spectacularly tall pillars.

      While he recovered, I charged at him, only to get clocked upside my head. The villain pummels me, then tosses me to the depths. He follows me down elbow-first.

      However, I quickly regain composure, and, with a flick of my wrist, shoot a surprise energy shot. The mustachioed villain fails to dodge. In that instant, he's blown to pieces.

      The dream collapses shortly after.

      Scrap Group 2
      Another DB related dream. A bunch of previous villains were giant sized, and chasing around other smaller villains and heroes alike. Semi-aware, I blow up the entire dream out of displeasure.

      Dream 4 - Vast Cruel Destroyer

      Dreamlet to dream, from which I retain awareness. The visuals were slightly blurred. I was floating over the streets of a suburban area, clear blue sky above.

      Soon, I stumble upon a frighteningly vast nude figure reclining on the streets: a thin woman, hair long and light brown, and most poignantly , spanning many city blocks in length. The giantess casually stamped her fingers on helpless people beneath her, merely to stave off boredom. Ambivalence left me motionless for some time. But eventually, I could endure this cruelty no longer.

      "Uh uh. Not in this dream!", I exclaimed to myself.

      Flying high into the blue, I then shoot an energy dart at the evil giant woman to get her attention, striking her lower spine. But, I only succeed in pinching her. The giantess, grumbling, gazes down at other figures beneath her, whom she blamed for her discomfort. Unfortunately, they were promptly squished under her thumb. Whoops. No time to mess 'round, I guess. From my finger, I fired a dark red laser, honed down to the size of a pin. The beam pierces her foot, blood immediately spraying from the talus and sole. With a great shriek, the colossal woman faints from shock.

      Things get hazy. I lost lucidity. The dream loops several times, during which I had no involvement. I wake up about a minute later.
    9. 19 Mar: Buddhist Lama and attempting TOTM

      by , 03-19-2021 at 10:41 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In the countryside, there is a lake and I am staying there with some friends. One of them is apparently developing feelings for me and because I am not interested, I decide to keep my distance from him. Literally, when he is on one side of the lake, I am at the opposite, and every time he tries to reach me, I move away. Our other friend comes to tell me he thinks our friend is depressed and he believes it is because of the recent racism escalation so he wants to throw him some lunch party or something and I find it a bad idea because his problem with him is uncorresponded love, but I tell him to go ahead, just don't count on me.

      Then I am in the mountains. At a wooden cabin. I hear gunshots, probably hunters, which I detest. I go check on my dogs who are outside within a fence, but hunters sometimes don't care, they shoot anything that moves, so I fear for their safety. I see a couple Buddhist nuns passing by, and ask them if they've seen hunters around. They say they heard the shots and are saying prayers towards the animals at risk. Then some larger group passes right in front of my gate. The main figure is a Buddhist Lama and he comes surrounded by many monks, one of them by his side carrying a golden metal piece I can't identify. When passing in front of my lawn, the Lama grabs the piece quickly and drops it heavily at our entrance and apparently that means something important. They all come onto the lawn and sit around the Lama who is facing the golden object doing prayers. Then he makes some unintelligible prediction about a baby. Riverstone, whom I haven't noticed before was there, claims to hear something like a baby crying behind a wooden wall on our backs. It's supposed to be a hollow space for storage under a staircase or something, which has a door on the back that I know is locked with several locks. He is kinda out of his mind so he rips a board from the wall, not even letting me say there is a door. Inside this space is an altar covered in brocades and inside some covers is a baby girl that he picks up in awe and shock and brings to the Lama. Everybody is thinking of miracles but I know there is a door at the back of this pillar and ask Fernando S., who is also there, to check if the door is unlocked. He quietly confirms that it is unlocked. I get a bit pissed about the whole show, I don't understand the need for faking this whole shenanigan and I go outside the fence to the beginning of the hill descent. It's dark but I can see there are many other cabins and lots of activity going on, fires and prayers. It totally looks one of those Tibetan Buddhist settlements in the mountains, around monasteries and I think of my guru.

      Literally I am telling the previous dream to Riverstone. I get to the part of the monks sitting at the garden. And he is so excited to hear it, just as he was in the original dream to live it. He is grasping for a meaning and I can tell he will be disappointed in the end. Anyway, I didn't reach the end of the story.

      I am sleeping at some kind of attic at some family gathering. My dad, my deceased uncle Fermando and his wife are in that same house but they wanna leave, so my dad comes to wake me up to join him in offer them a gift before they go. I was pretending to be sleeping, cause I didn't want to be involved, but I notice them coming to check on me, so before they see me, I sneak out of bed and hide between an opened closet and remember I had more interesting things to do.
      I get lucid and teleport myself to outside. Remember to do the TOTM but cant do the ceiling fan thing because I am outside now, so I go for the surf thing. I visualize the ocean just over the end of a hill nearby and I start hearing the water. I go there and half way walking on grass, the ground beneath me disappears and I fall from the sky into the ocean. Amidst the waves, I try to visualize a surf board but it does not work. I kinda feel it but I do not see it, so I catch a wave in an invisible board. Then i see some kids surfing. One of them fall from his board and I "borrow" it. They are pissed about it, but I tell them it's just to catch one wave and I'll give it back. But the waves are really flat. I catch two, but have difficulty in taking any pleasure in the experience. Feels more like sliding over flat water, than actually surfing, as the waves are so small. The last wave pushes me into what seems a small cave but then it is a room.
      The dream shifts and now I am with kids in a room and they are waiting for the educator to come back. They say she'll put me in detention for making a mess. Indeed I am all wet and spread mud and water all over the pillows I am supposed to be sitting on. But when she comes in and before she manages to say anything, I sneak out and think I wanna surf more, but I am in the countryside again. I visualize an ocean bay and I head there. I am on top of a cliff where people watch beach goers down below. I then see Fernanda in a modelling gig shooting pics at the other side of this cliff, where there is some kind of canyon or canal and other people leaning over a rail, watching it. I ignore, because my goal is to surf again, so I turn again to the bay but it is gone and now in its place is a walk-in water fountain in a park with kids playing. Damn.
      I walk a few more steps towards the end of this park and someone calls my name excited. It's a friend of a friend (who actually does not exist in RL). I come back to say hi and she is very unpleasant, asking what I am doing here as I should be with my family or something. Then she has another friend with her, whom I never met, and she insults me too, saying maybe I am fooling around with some guy as I did with that guy in Italy while my boyfriend was at home. I did not do anything like that in RL, but in the dream I felt like I did, so I ask why this bitch knows about this and how many more friends of friends know. But then I say it doesn't matter because I don't know them anyway and I couldn't care less. I turn around to leave and they also leave still laughing and insulting me. I just go back two steps to tell the lady that I actually thought she was a nice person except for the part where she is a fucking cunt. They went down some stairs and when I look around I am inside some house again, seems like a clinic. There are rooms with patients and rooms with professionals apparently receiving training. I feel I am intruding but the patients gathering at some leisure room are very welcoming. Then I realize they all have back problems and are there for some physical therapy. I see something in the walls that catches my attention: intricate living landscapes. Each frame has divisions with small landscapes like lakes, ponds, ocean. You can see tiny rocks in it, mosses, algae, all real but in tiny size and most incredibly they are all covered in water that stays vertically in the divisions without anything holding it. Also, we are encouraged to touch it and make waves, make the water muddy, etc. Then I recall again my objective and I am considering choosing an ocean landscape to jump into it, but I wake up.

      Updated 03-19-2021 at 10:47 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid , task of the month
    10. Log 2139 - Whirlwind Fan and Clay Pot Statuette and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 03-09-2021 at 06:35 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 08 March 2021

      Got a nice DILD and a WILD combo today.

      Spoiler for 1.2k+ words:

      Updated 03-09-2021 at 06:42 AM by 89930

      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    11. Log 2129 - Ride and Lightning Warp LD

      by , 02-27-2021 at 12:53 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Friday 26 February 2021

      Got an LD loop and some fragments to note. There was a lot more to the non-lucid dreams, and also a bunch of other material, but I can't recall any of that now.

      Spoiler for A lot of words:

      Updated 02-27-2021 at 01:00 AM by 89930

      dream fragment , lucid , task of the month
    12. Log 2126 - January February 2021 TOTM Basic Task I

      by , 02-24-2021 at 01:06 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 23 February 2021

      Got a DILD today, and a scrap.

      Scrap Group 1
      Seated with a group of supposed acquaintances. There was talk of dreaming and awareness. Big miss on my part...

      Dream 1 - January/February 2021 TOTM Basic Task I

      Scene 1 - Valkyrie's Command
      The visuals were a bit blurred. FA in an unknown bedroom. I try just dozing off. But then, mom barged in to yell at me. She kept pressing me to get some supposed time-critical paperwork done. On and off, she went back to morning routines, and then returned to complain further. Just let me sleep...

      Eventually, I was left alone, only to be interrupted by another figure. This time, it was some blonde, middle-aged opera-esque valkyrie, complete with wings and a horned helmet. Like ma above, she demanded things of me (fortunately, without a blaring song). In this case, that I protect the local (whatever "local" meant in this context) mayor. The spirit soon vanished from view. Groaning, I forced myself up.


      Scene 2 - Courage Comet
      The visuals were dim. I was walking down a suburban street during night time. That above-mentioned mayor, a short, stout, balding white haired man in a grey suit, was snooping behind me. The man looked very nervous. Identifying me as his bodyguard, he complained that he was getting tired. So, he asked that I haul him around. An annoying request, but it was better than hearing his whining. I lugged him over my shoulder, and continued along.

      Upon crossing a street, I noted how absurd this all was. Cue awareness. I waste no time trying tasks, starting with the superhero one. I set the mayor aside, and wave him off to leave him to leave. Anyway, for practice, I attempted to conjure energy between my palms. But, no luck. Guessed conjuration was gonna be a problem with this dream. Moving on then.

      I tried an easier task: this month's first basic task. Calling out to the dream, I asked to be shown courage. All of a sudden, a comet zoomed overhead from behind, low in Earth's atmosphere. A blazing white trail followed, one bright enough to momentarily bathe the sky in orange light. Within seconds, the comet was out of view. For a time, I pondered what this could mean, but a clear answer never arrived. Oh well, I thought. I'll probably understand it better when I was awake. Task complete as far as I was concerned.

      Just then, an auto accident happened right by me. From what I could tell, a grey vintage 50's sedan skidded on the road, then crashed into a light pole. If that wasn't enough, a red sports car collided with the first vehicle from behind. I just shrugged. It's merely dream weirdness. Instead, I put my thoughts on, uh, smut. Regardless, my efforts were in vain. Such foolishness collapsed the dream.
    13. Log 2118 - Two Tasks Two Misses

      by , 02-16-2021 at 04:56 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 15 February 2021

      Got a DILD and some fragments. I tried two tasks in today's LDs, as the title indicates, I screwed up at both. Oh well. I had fun regardless.

      Scrap Group 1
      In a wide, darkened area, like an amphitheater. Monsters were lurking the place. I was given psychic powers, which I used to fly around and shoot telekinetic blasts.

      In a hotel lobby or a similar place. A bunch of of zany cartoon monsters (drawn in a 40's art style) were wrecking havoc. It was left to me and a handful of people to neutralize them. One of the creatures was a huge tree. I was told that it was mom, who had been corrupted into that form. I was conflicted on how to handle this.

      Dreamlet to dream. Various forgotten scenes. Vaguely recall being in a school. I slowly gained awareness. Warp.

      Dream 1 - Two Tasks, Two Misses

      The visuals started rather blurred. I was in a wilderness pathway leading to the gate of a large park, sunlight peeking through the leaves.

      Suddenly, mom suddenly rushed in from nowhere.

      "Hey!", she speaks frantically in Spanish. "How do I change the TV to channel 8?!"

      This only catalyzed my awareness. I turned away, dismissing her request. Ma kept babbling about a number of topics, such as trivial updates about my sister. No doubt the dream's way of distracting me. I claimed I'd attend her soon, but of course, I wasn't going to do such a thing.

      Since the dream felt unstable, I hurried to hold onto an old wooden railing nearby. I rubbed it carefully, as I worried about splinters. Once I was more assured, I seated myself cross-legged, and meditated. As expected, I began ascending, if much faster than intended. It took only seconds to reach the clouds.

      I thought of tasks at this moment. Just then, an ethereal female voice spoke.

      "Here he is!", she booms cheerfully. "He's FireFlyMan! A man of power!" A cheesy fanfare followed as she continued her speech. I listened intently. "With the ability to fly, and shrink himself, FireFlyMan is a hero like no other!"

      "Wait", I interjected. "When you mentioned power, what did you mean? Did you mean, like, super-strength?"

      "Yes.", replied the voice, annoyed. A pause followed before she continued her speech. "So join FireFlyMan as he journeys through the vastness of space...!"

      I interrupted once more. "That's okay, thanks. I'm good now."

      "Ugh. Fine.", the woman grunts.

      Task done (or so I thought; I realized wasn't in costume much later!). With that settled, I flew at sonic speeds to try warping. Suddenly, blue smoke erupted a distance away from me. From it sprang a massive space craft. Much of the ship consisted of glowing blue metal, its light flowing as a stream. Just as soon as it appeared, it vanished.

      But, something else was left behind: a huge portal, cackling with electricity of similar coloration to the craft. What else was there to do, but explore? So, I entered the warp heedlessly. I found myself in a maze-like wormhole. Much like the ship, it resonated with wave-like blue radiance. As I continued, the tunnel narrowed. Eventually, the path forks two ways. I opt to take the left.

      At this interval, thinking of a TOTM gave me a more definite destination: an alien planet. Once this thought occurred, the portal suddenly ended. I was thrust into a dark, foggy cavern of blood-red stone. Eerie violet lights sparked intensely in the distance. Certainly, this wasn't our world any longer.

      Without wasting time, I search for a plant. I soon found a patch of long blades of grass, faded green plants tinted blue at the points and edges. I then begin working at super-speed. First, I smash the leaves between rocks until they become a fine, vibrant purple powder. Then, by will alone, I conjured a campfire, along with a boiling brazier of water. Finally I throw the powder into the pot. The mixture reacted violently, exploding into purple smoke. Only a portion of liquid remained.

      I instantly grab the pot, and almost take an swig. But, fear of getting scalded, let alone of drinking an alien substance, held me back. I drew a deep breath, and tried again. Unfortunately, the dream deteriorated immediately. I wake up with a gasp.

      Updated 02-16-2021 at 05:29 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment , task of the month , task of the year
    14. Log 2099 - Your Name Is Macheval and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 01-28-2021 at 07:06 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Wednesday 27 January 2021

      At last, something worth mentioning. It's also been twelve days since my last LD. Twelve days too many, if you ask me.

      Spoiler for Lots of words:

      Updated 01-28-2021 at 07:22 AM by 89930

      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid , task of the month
    15. Log 2011 - October 2020 Advance Task I

      by , 10-31-2020 at 06:10 PM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 31 October 2020

      Got a DILD and a fragment today.

      Scrap Group 1
      At home. There was a blue and white shuttle bus outside.

      Dream 1 - October 2020

      Scene 1 - Another Brief Condo Flight Awareness
      The visuals were slightly blurred. I was walking outside through a pathway within a condo complex during a cloudy day. As I enter a hallway, I get aware. I float around for a bit, but the dream begins collapsing. I wake up briefly. Re-entry.

      Scene 2 - Magic Curtain Rod
      The visuals were dimmer than before. I was upstairs at home during night time, vague lights visible from below. I retained awareness.

      Took a moment to really keep presence in the dream. After that, I hurry downstairs. As I do, I think over a list of tasks. Only the magic wand tasks seemed tenable at the moment. And so, I go to the front window, and wrench the curtain rod from its attachment. Oddly, the curtains remain floating in place. Anyway, I observe the metal rod. This one was an older kind we'd replaced years ago, one that had a fake crystal at the end.

      I gesture and mutter nonsense at the rod as part of an enchantment spell. Next, I point the wand at the door, expecting something amazing to shoot out. Instead, I only got a bit of smoke. I whipped it repeatedly, and eventually got a trite rainbow display you'd find in a cheap carnival toy. Unsatisfied, I continued further, until finally, sparks began flying out. They initially only trickled out, but eventually they fired and smoked out in a similar manner to the spark cone fireworks, if more subdued. Works for me. Task complete.

      I kinda drew a blank of what to do next. I only roamed around, observing the place for notable differences. Things get hazy. Don't recall anything else until the dream ended a few minutes later.

      Updated 11-01-2020 at 05:41 AM by 89930

      lucid , dream fragment , task of the month
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