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    1. Comp Night 9

      by , 03-10-2023 at 05:46 PM
      I was with a group of friends. We were having fun and it was great. Played this word game that was like Wordle mixed with some letter game. Well, this game gave me inspiration to look at DALLE 2. I wanted that lake SCP. SCP-1630 I’m pretty sure (That SCP in reality is a group of bean people) It had a great result though. Then I just wrote “SCP” in the AI art prompt and without pressing anything, It started generating a bunch of disturbing images of people getting killed and screaming, with distorted music playing.

      My friend passed it off as normal and this got me insta-lucid. I originally was gonna gtfo cause of how messed up that art was but I remembered my PR and tried teleporting to it. I failed, and instead made it to this big mansion. Instead of using doors, I traveled by fusing into walls. Went out of bounds, like a game. I found two twins. Both of them looked mentally disabled but they were really built up. I tried asking one of the twins for directions, but then I woke up.
      nightmare , memorable , lucid
    2. Duck, Duck, Bear

      by , 03-09-2023 at 05:17 AM
      I was standing by a pond, when I noticed a sickly looking duck under the surface. Its eyes were half closed, and it looked nearly dead. I contemplating saving it, but I felt it was beyond hope.

      I recalled reading somewhere that the end stage of drowning can be almost calm. Was would be the point of saving the poor thing? It would only suffer another minute before dying anyway.

      Suddenly the duck seemed to come to life again, and it kicked away a stone then swam to the surface. It had only gotten one of its feet stuck under a rock! I felt bad for standing by idly.

      I looked back at the duck, and it was now a cute little mammalian creature, with fur and a tiny blowhole. It seemed happy. I was glad it had no resentment toward me. Some water had flooded over a nearby sidewalk, and I followed as it swam up. I remembered what this creature was now, this was a bear cub. All bear cubs are aquatic in their youth.

      But... if this was a bear. Oh god. I turned around, and found myself staring straight at Momma Bear. She was not pleased. Yep this was it, time to die.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    3. Mouth Wide Shut

      by , 03-04-2023 at 02:36 AM
      I was laying down on a scrappy mat in a hospital. What was going on? I felt weak and incoherent.

      I overheard one of the nurses saying that my kidneys were failing. Strangely this was a little comforting because at least my sudden arrival to this scene made some sense. I must had passed out and been brought to the ER.

      I asked the nurse what was happening, and she told me that I had stopped taking my "beauty pills" and that these were the results. Beauty pills, once you're on 'em, you can never go back.

      Now I couldn't fathom why I'd decide to take beauty pills, but I just accepted this as truth and figured they'd just give me these pills again and I could go home. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Time skipped ahead and I was looking at myself in the mirror. The left side of my nose was extremely swollen, and it seemed to be getting worse by the second.

      I went outside to go find help, but shortly my tongue started to swell too. My mouth was forced open by the swelling. I tried to talk to someone to get help, but all that came out was an unintelligible "mmmmffffbbllooooggggdd".

      People looked at me like I was nuts. Oh well, some days just suck.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. Nightmare and the Bandroom Jungle Cruise (Thursday Night)

      by , 03-03-2023 at 06:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm checking doors to make sure they're locked. It's cold and rainy outside. I realize that I might have forgotten to lock the backdoor after I took the trash out earlier. I go over and confirm it isn't locked. Suddenly, it bursts open, rainfall flooding in. My brother is there with a knife, stabbing at me. I slam the door shut and try to hold it but he is pushing back and stabbing wildly at the openings of the door. I hear myself making moaning sounds. I'm trying to scream through sleep paralysis. I heard myself because GF is waking me up.

      I'm in band class. My GF and I are near the front of the room, surrounded by a bunch of percussion instruments. There's a stack of symbols, and I carefully try to maneuver out of the center of them, and I dodge the first bunch. I sarcastically brag about it and then knock over a different one on accident. GF sighs. I make my way to my instrument case. I'm wanting to go warm up and get past being embarrassed.
      Some time later, I'm eating some sugary chocolate ice cream drink while wading through a pool. Apparently I'm on the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland, but in pool form. The group of band people is on the other side of a bar sitting and watching me wade across this pool expectantly. It seems like a positive experience, where the staff is encouraging me. The ice cream was actually pretty tasty. I make it to the end, and everybody cheers.

      I get up about 4:30AM and perform a WBTB (planned this time, no supplements). I stayed up for about 20-30 minutes. I fail to perform a WILD, and I don't have any recall after the WBTB. I'm thinking this may have been too long to stay awake for me.

      Updated 03-08-2023 at 05:33 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. February 28, 2023 6:58 am

      by , 02-28-2023 at 08:14 AM

      Sleep notes: Yesterday, I got to be part of a dope project I cannot disclose about that was a ten-hour-long day, I had to wake up very early to get there, had a breakfast smoothie, and bought a sandwich at the train station to eat as lunch later knowing it was gonna be a long day. It was genuinely a great experience, but I hate to admit this, they treated us poorly on terms of nutrition; Half of the catering consisted of sugar-heavy snacks (Which I didn't eat because I recently quit using sugar) and there was an this weird sweet tasting water that was in a bottle previously used for syrup, that was the only "normal" water, any other option was either cola or sparkling water. There was lunch, but not until 4 pm, which consisted of a very small portion of food and between lunch and eating that sandwich at the end of the day I barely ate because there was nothing but candy and soda available. I ate my sandwich from earlier in the train home, and two bites from my dinner before going to bed early. Safe to say, I suffered a great headache as well as a lot of dizziness yesterday due to poor nutrition and lack of hydration. It's gone now, fortunately.

      Anyways, here's my dream:
      I believe I was at another field trip of some sort, the same girl from the previous dream and I were once again going to share a hotel room, we hugged and made out, but we were both a little drunk so we didn't go any further than that. That and I also had to go to the bathroom really badly and found myself going though random hotel rooms looking for a vacant toilet because why should I use the one in my room. Finally back from the toilet, I get back in bed with her and we were about to sleep when a guy I knew from theatre crashed into our room to give us a college lecture through a projector which was already installed there. As he asked us questions we answered and he laughed, his laugh (and in hindsight also his appearance) resembled Eric from Sex Education.

      A blonde teacher I cannot recall walks into the room and logs into the computer and changes all her folder names to the new class she will he teaching after the head of department from my old theatre school gave her the opportunity to teach her the class she dreamed about. I'm trying to listen to her story, but the setting of the dream has now changed to a classroom whose interior vaguely resembles that of a theatre and cinema foyer as well as the Eye film museum in Amsterdam but in a dark, metal colour. In the classroom sat my old classmates from theatre school complaining about how her changing subjects will somehow affect their studies, but they were doing that while she was talking about her dream class and why she wanted to pursue that which I wanted to hear more about, buy couldn't. I got up from my seat and stood closer to listen, eventually telling the class to shut up and only have one person at a time speak, this angered the class and they all started getting mad at me which didn't help my sensory overload either. They felt threatened by my presence as I was still standing between them and the blonde teacher, who didn't step in once, and my body language seemed defensive in an aggressive way apparently.
      Kids from the class get up and tried to pull me out of class, I refuse. They then get the head of department there whom I'm glad is here so I can explain the situation to him, but he angrily grabs me by my wrist and pulls me out of class then tries to find a vacant room, opens a random door in the hallway that leads to an unknown room. We sit down, but as we're about to talk, I wake up and can't get back to sleep to dream about something else because I was fully rested with eight hours of sleep for once!

      It was an interesting dream to say the least. The girl from the hotel room from both dreams, is a girl I haven't seen in years now and barely spoken to, let alone thought about for a year now, too. The theatre school part has been more common, though. I should definitely see a therapist about that. Because although this type of situation didn't ever take place in real life, there is a lot of unresolved theatre school trauma I personally still struggle with that still lingers my mind and gets triggered at the most random situations.

      Also the hotel rooms as well as the labyrinth of hallways were all pink coloured.

      Updated 03-03-2023 at 12:08 PM by 81762

      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. Chores and Important Words

      by , 02-28-2023 at 03:22 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm on a vacation with my family. We are at a beach, but the sky is gray. There is a pool nearby the beach and it has multiple "floors" under the water. My sister tries to show me a deep dive area, but I can't hold my breath and I have to go up for air.

      I'm cleaning my childhood house with my brother A. I'm annoyed because he keeps assigning me chores to do. At one point I had moved my bed mattress into the garage, but then had to carry it back because I misunderstood what he was asking for. We're outside now, on the east side of the house. I'm playing some game with my brother. Maybe we are doing more chores. The grass is super green, like the way it looks in old pictures. A fighter jet flies very close over us. It does a cool flip trick and I give it a salute. The fighter jet drops two bombs down near us. They sit there a second before exploding. It doesn't hurt, but I feel the heat rapidly go up. I say "I love you, S" and then die.

      Updated 03-09-2023 at 05:30 PM by 99808 (Title might have been a bit too dark.)

      nightmare , memorable , non-lucid
    7. Having a child and then facing an upcoming end of all life on Earth scenario

      by , 02-26-2023 at 11:23 PM
      I dreamt of meeting a child, still a baby, that would end up being my child. I've never planned on having kids and it was a pretty pleasant dream.

      Then I had a dream about being in school and getting pulled aside with a couple of other kids and a teacher told us about a pack of comets that were on course to hit the earth towards the end of the year. The dream felt rather real. I recall then seeing what some of the older kids in the school were being shown and it was no-where near the level of truth I'd been shown, basically blowing it off. I remember seeing with others, some things burning through the atmosphere and the sky starting to fizzle as they did.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    8. 2/21 - held hostage + escape

      by , 02-21-2023 at 01:45 PM
      very little recall here...

      I was being held hostage by this woman in her house. I was myself as a child. There were at least 2 other children being held there with me. The lady was choking me and I almost fainted, but then one of the other kids started crying and yelling for help in another room so she ran off to stop him and left me alone. I was having a bit of trouble walking since my head was a bit messed up from the choking. The other girl I was being held hostage with opened the front door of the lady's house but said I should wait until we can plan a real escape. I don't care so I start trying to run out of there. I get out of the door and try to look for somebody to ask for help or something to hide behind since I know the lady won't be far behind me. The street outside of her house gives me the same feeling as the street next to the elementary school I went to irl. I begin to run but I feel something at my feet. This wakes me up, it was my cat trying to get warm.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    9. Helen Told Me To

      by , 02-20-2023 at 05:47 AM
      I had a fabric doll, with skinny arms and spindly legs.
      I think her name was Helen.

      I was walking at night, holding Helen. I was sleepwalking. Yes I must have been sleepwalking. Helen wanted me to walk into my parent's room. Why not do what Helen wanted?

      Flash forward, I was in a bar. I didn't know how I got there. Did Helen want me to drink? Was I an alcoholic?

      Flash forward, I was talking to a friend. I asked him how old I was. It felt like an awful lot of time was passing. I didn't know what to make of these time skips. Was I sleepwalking through them? When I was sleepwalking, was I doing what Helen wanted?

      Did Helen want anything? Was Helen just a doll? Had I finally lost it completely?

      Flash forward, I had decided to burn Helen.
      I tossed Helen into the fire but she refused to burn.
      I tore Helen apart.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    10. Jaguar Surgeon

      by , 02-20-2023 at 05:23 AM
      Terrible luck, to be mauled by a jaguar.

      But strikingly good luck to have access to a jaguar surgeon! She gently adjusted the angle of my head, remarking on my "giraffe like" features. I knew that all animal injury surgeon specialists were like this, seeing animals in every person they operated on. She was the real deal. I was in good hands.

      She walked off for a bit, and out came the jaguar. And wouldn't you know it, she got mauled too. Oh she didn't look so bad, but there was no more jaguar surgeon for me, she needed to find one of her own now.

      I didn't remember being mauled by a jaguar, come to think of it. How did that even happen? Why was this jaguar just roaming about the zoo? Did it jump the moat? Aren't jaguars in cages?

      I guess it didn't matter, because here I was, bleeding to death. It was an amusing fate honestly. I almost laughed.

      Then, a crazy idea.

      What if instead of a jaguar surgeon I got a regular surgeon? What was so jaguar specific about this injury anyway!?!

      I felt like a genius! I called out for help. I begged some folks nearby to call an ambulance! But they insisted that the jaguar surgeon was out of commission. How was I to be helped without her? I tried to reason with them, but they couldn't understand. This was pointless.

      I was inching forward on my stomach now. There was no pain, but I was getting very weak. I dragged myself away, and happened to find my father sitting there on a bench. Surely, my old man would react quickly to save his son!

      I begged him, call a surgeon, any surgeon (covered by my insurance, please)! He looked confused. Surely this was a job for the jaguar surgeon?

      Truly, this was not a world worth living in. I resigned myself to my death.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    11. 15 Jan: Leaving a party in an island and running away from my creep dad

      by , 01-15-2023 at 09:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some party with lots of people from many places. It's fancy but also in some desolate location in some ruins. I get tired and get out of there, to realize we're in an island. I ask someone what time is it and they say 2 am. I say that's not possible. They reply is the jet lag, that's why I am not sleepy. But that is not my issue, my issue is that outside it looks early morning, with sunlight. I encounter some familiar faces and they ask me if I am joining them leaving this place. I agree, because I know nobody else and don't know where I am. So they walk me to a dock and then some small row boats come and get us.
      Then we're taking a trip by bus once on land again. Still not recognizing the place as the night falls. Then I recognize the sillouette of Las Vegas in the dark, despite all the city lights being turned off. I just recognize some of the iconic shapes in the dark, like the Sphinx and the Eiffel Tower replicas. When it is day again we stop at a large mall so we can eat or buy anything and stretch our legs. For some reason I encounter my father, who apparently was looking for me and traced me back here. His behavior immediately throws me off as he starts asking questions and making innuendos that I don't even understand. I ignore him for a while and I evade his questions, but allow him to follow me around as I look at the shops for fun. I am wearing a long skirt and a corset and he touches the strings on the back of my corset, asking what happens if he pulls the strings off. I am starting to feel really uncomfortable and tell him to stop. Then I look at beautifful dresses and he asks something like who I am going to wear them for. I say I don't even know what he is talking about. Then we pass by a section of lingerie, to which I don't even look at, but he starts asking if I like this item and that item, all very girly pieces with fruits stamped and not exactly for my age as if he is signaling he wants me to be his little girl again. I tell him he is sick and disgusting and I have had enough. He plays dumb. But I tell him I know his mind, I know he is sexually attracted to me and jealous that I grew up and might get a boyfriend (I say I still haven't had one, but if I did that was none of his business). He looks embarassed and doesn't deny it. I call him all the names I ever wanted to call him and move on, through a pastry shop and then a jewel shop. He still follows me and then tells me to wait while he goes check on the bus we have to take home. I do sit in a bench thinking about what to do next, but I have no intention to join him. Billie Eilish is playing on speakers and I start singing along, and so do other teens around who smile at me. Some even start doing a coreography and I am really impressed. Then some guy I know vaguely from school also sits on the bench and he is the one recognizing me first and asks me about what I am doing here. He offers me a ride with his friends that are coming. I accept but still I feel bad for leaving my dad alone, worrying he might get lost looking for me, despite all.

      [Note: My dad was a bit of creep all my life and I do have reasons to feel some disgust and anger towards him, but some of the dreams I have been having are a bit too much, because I don't recall him actually abusing me or saying stuff like he says in my dreams. This is disturbing stuff.)
    12. Disturbing

      by , 12-20-2022 at 06:36 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      Had a dream where Jesus was telling me Jamie is going to die soon. His exact words. Ummm... Not sure if i believe it. (I can't vouch for my dreams being 100% prophetic, just sometimes strange real life coincidences with them). Since i haven't heard from her in so long, and we don't have any mutual friends, if such an event took place I would likely never know of it. It's already like she died in a way to me, I suppose... It seems like she wouldn't lift a finger to reach out even in the event of imminent death anyway. So, besides having and posting these dreams (A well that has already pretty much dried up.) there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

      Visit from beyond

      My Cousin Kiah, Who had a seizure and drowned not 10 feet away from where I was sleeping, while she was detoxing from fentanyl addiction. Saw me in a dream in some house and run up to me, started talking to me. I started freaking out and screaming in fear as she's supposed to be dead. She looked really offended by that. Wow.

      Crazy flashes

      (note this may or may not be related to the Jesus prophecy dream) I was a girl or woman. It was really dark, I was with someone who was also injured, We are freezing to death maybe outside or in a place with no heating. Something burns out. I say, or the other woman says, "OH NO!!! IT's Burned out!!!." we both start sobbing because it means death for us. Flashes forward we are both trying to run somewhere to safety but we are fading fast.
      Tags: death, jamie, jesus, kiah
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    13. Winter Competition Second Week, 1st Night

      by , 12-09-2022 at 06:28 PM
      This was a rather peculiar and odd dream.

      I found myself in a pitch-black manor.. I wasn't able to see much besides a few things. I gave myself night vision and was able to see a zombie-like entity that was headed my way, lunging at me. Before I was able to react and fully process the fact that I was dreaming, I've already woken up in a pile of sweat. The dream was really intimidating and it surely managed to scare me.

      I shortly went back to sleep, thinking nothing much of it.
      But there was I again, in the same manor. This time I was pretty mentally prepared and nothing could catch me off guard. I was not in the same room, but it felt like the same manor and I was sure of it.
      I recalled the competition and the tasks and immediately got to work. I phased through a nearby wall, and it felt like I was slowly making my way through gelatin. I wasn't able to see much besides the texture of the wall, until I was pulled back by something and I woke up, again. This time, the dream was trying to fool me into thinking that I've woken up, but I already knew that it was the same dream. I stood up from my bed, opened the sliding door to my balcony and flew off at a medium speed. But shortly after that I was woken up by my alarm clock, and didn't get to do much.

      That's basically it, since the weekends have started I'll be getting more dreams since my sleep won't be interrupted.
      The two dreams were pretty weird in my opinion, I don't get nightmares often anymore so it's a pretty rare experience, I had fun overall and actually enjoyed them.
    14. You may see me differently after reading this dream. (I am Insane)

      by , 12-07-2022 at 02:02 PM

      There was a party at my house a lot of people talking and dancing. There were a lot of people I knew there and a lot of people I didn't know. I was sat down in the main party area where two kids started annoying me around 10 to 12 years old. I got mad and pushed with force both of the kids to the ground. The mother of one of the kids got mad at me and she looked like the karen meme then I go to my bedroom to ignore her. I lock the door and can relax, then someone from outside knocks down the door and a bunch of people pile in. At the same time I clicked a virus link on my laptop and it started going crazy opening random videos and images and looked like when they over exaggerate hacking in movies. I eventually considered the laptop a lost cause and returned to the party. There was a person that looked like someone I knew that made a joke I laughed at it and gave them a hug as I hadn't seen them in a long time, but it turns it was someone that looked similar to someone I knew and the person I knew was right next to the person I hugged.


      I go into the main area and it seems bigger than I remember. I then go into someone random persons bedroom and see this femboy looking fella. I'm questioning at first whether or not it's a guy.
      I say fuck it and decide to fuck. The unknown entity agrees. I pull down it's leggings and and see a cock and balls and confirm it is indeed a man, but I'm too far deep now and too horny to give up so I just say fuck it and do the do. Big Mistake. The first second is maybe pleasurable, but after that the feeling is unexpected. It feels like I stuck my dick into a sewer drain. I instantly pull out and nearly throw up. He is clearly affected by my reaction and runs out the room. feeling disgusted, I go to take a bath. While in the bath, I see the femboy again sobbing and crying. I call him over, I ask him to get in the bath with me and he gets in with all his clothes like a stupid idiot.


      Its late at night and I'm tired and don't feel like walking. I'm there with the femboy aswell. I hitchhike a random car as it passes by, I get in this black van and they start driving. They are driving in the middle of the woods and they seem to be going in circles. I'm scared for my life and I wonder how it's gonna feel to die. They pass the exact same tree for the fifth time except they quickly drift down a different way than the other times, they do a full 360 drift around this tree with duck tape and shackles on the base of it. The 2 men in the car with typical bank robbing masks pull out guns and there are 2 to 3 more outside with guns too. I realize how absolutely fucked I am. I think of any possible way out of this situation, since it's a dream my brain comes up with something. I see a video of a lawyer telling me that I payed these guys as hitmen to kill someone else but I don't remember it, So all I need to is pay them the money and they will leave me alone. I pay the money and the dream ends around this time.

      This dream is something else I don't know how my subconscious comes up with this shit.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    15. 30 Oct: Abused by my father and being in a movie

      by , 10-30-2022 at 06:42 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Sleeping in my bedroom with a friend who's staying over. We're at my old parents house, in my parent's bed, because it's bigger for the two of us. My mom is sleeping in the couch or not at all. Then I wake up very early morning and my dad is laying behind me, I have no panties and he is penetrating my anus. I feel totally disgusted and get up in a jolt and punch him, saying that it was the last drop. My friend wakes up spooked. I make a scene dropping all my anger on him and saying I am no longer treating him as my dad and that I lost the last ounce of respect I had for him. I go to the bathroom to wash myself. Meanwhile my mom heard some noise and woke up and came to see what's up. I hide in the bathroom and don't want to tell her. My friend doesn't know what to say and my father comes up with some excuse. Anyway, the dawn comes, so I pretend I just woke up early and I am preparing for school normally. After I get dressed, I go to the kitchen to have some breakfast and through the open window enters a raven. At first I try not to scare it away but then he makes sounds as if he wants some help, so I grab some food and approach to see if he wants. Then I notice he has a broken jaw and a broken beak and looks awfully thin. Was probably hit by a car and is in pain. I pick him up and take him to my bedrooms' balcony. I look for some box to put him in but all I find is some pillow. I drop him on it and tell him I will be back soon to care for him. I think about calling the wildlife protection services when I cross paths with my mom in the hallway and she is with three male and a couple female brazilian teens from her evangelical church (when she attended church). The guys come from the bathroom where they were washing hands and the girls have a tiny kitten in their hands and they are all saying they adopted him and she begs them not to abandon him when he grows up. They seem a bit overwhelmed with the long term commitment. I see my dad again coming out of the kitchen and wanting to make amends with me and I yell that I'll never allow him to touch me again and he may stop expecting us to have any sort of relationship. My mom hears this and she doesn't understand what's going on. Thinks I am being harsh with him and makes a sympathethic look towards him. I still don't wanna tell her what happened, just say this is how it's going to be from now on.
      [Note: my dad was always a bit of a creep, but I have no conscious memory of him abusing/raping me, despite my dreams about it]

      I'm watching Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid movie. At the end, when I think they died I get the message that they actually never die and that there are multiple films after this one in which they always come back miraculously from their apparent death at the end of every film. I am surprised and happy to know it. The I am actually the lady who is their lover in the film and I am at home waiting for them. I casually tidy up the house which has some active fires from some small explosions that took place earlier in the movie and then I start putting food in a fridge. When they return, I scold them but I really feeling happy that they are alive.
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