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    1. Football, Football, Football, Football, Lady?

      by , 11-11-2010 at 10:59 PM
      I haven't been recalling much lately, but I did manage to have two dreams:

      Football!: I ended up in a giant football stadium with all my team mates. We were walking around the locker room with regular clothes and our helmets on. Why we had those on, I had no idea. We ended up deciding to go throw the football around a bit, and we went onto the field and past some gates with barbed wire on them. They ended up throwing the ball to me but with horrible aim, and it went over the fence. I had to go get the ball, so I hopped up the fence, but when I got to the top I realized there was barbed wire and it hurt.

      Who's that lady?: It was christmas time, my dad went out and bought me some gloves because it was cold. He came back and had these really strange gloves. Him and my mom started arguing about it and I realized someone I knew from school was now living in my house. I started talking to her, and then the next thing I know I'm at football practice and she's suited up too O.o
    2. Some Paranormal Activity

      by , 11-11-2010 at 10:20 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was at a hotel with a guy. We were waiting on another girl to join us because we had a mission to go on or something. The girl didn't show up, so he told me that I could chill in her room until she came.

      The room was a white baby blue color and the sheets were made of lace. The walls were a light blue and a bit bare. The peaceful room made me tired and I decided to take a nap on the bed.

      In the dream in the dream, I was in a grocery store. I had a partner in crime and we were both fighting against some idiot who was also amazing at fighting. Unfortunately, this guy was setting little children on fire. We were trying to extinguish the flames that were killing the children while trying to kill the villain.

      My partner and I ran to a long bench where a bunch of children were sitting. They were on fire. We paused time to extinguish the children, but as we paused time we noticed something very peculiar about a girl on the very far end of the bench. She looked demented. She reeked of yucky evil.

      We resumed time so that we could kill off the villain. I had a gun, which was not working properly. Something caused me to realize that I was dreaming. Knowing that I was dreaming, I went into hyper speed fighting - flying into the air and trapping that asshole in the corner until I could kill him. It took awhile to find him, I had to knock over several counters and pretty much trashed the place. I got my revenge though. I did something else while lucid, but forgot.

      I woke up from the dream back into the first dream in the hotel. That nap felt great! I shifted in my bed, and realized that I was laying on something hard. I got up and saw that I was laying on a grotesque picture of a green devil's eye. It looked like someone had made a puzzle out of it. It reminded me of the eye from the nightmare I had back while ago where there was a green eye on the mirror and it had shattered around it.

      On the wall above the bed post a picture of the same creepy eye had been hung. I wondered how all of this happened in my sleep...

      On the night stand next to me at least a hundred dimes or quarters had arranged themselves to form a perfect pyramid. It sort of reminded me of the pyramid and the eye on the back of the dollar bill. It was a really, really creepy scene.

      I explained what had happened to the guy I had come to the hotel with. He scoffed it off, removed all of the creepy items from the room, and told me to go back to bed. I did so.

      And when I woke up, the exact same thing had happened. The picture of the demon's eye was back on the wall with a stare that seemed to go through my soul.

      I decided to leave the hotel and go to karate. Unfortunately, they were closed because someone had rented out the facility to sell burgers. Next to their entrance was a green alien. People were gathered around him and he was yelling, "Come! Join me on the moon!" I rolled my eyes at him, thinking he must be a charlatan or something.

      I went out to the lake and sat on a floating dock. I thought about all of the scary shit that happened today. A misty fog gathered around the water. The moon shone so bright it almost acted as an alternate sun, but the light that it provided was dim and dull. I sat out on the floating dock alone in the middle of the lake, thinking to myself. Another dock floated next to me. On it was a woman with brown hair sitting in the lotus position. She looked at me and said, "You must eradicate the demons within you."
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. The Perfect Storm

      by , 11-11-2010 at 10:19 PM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      My cousin was at my house, or we were at his. Our houses looked very similar. He was attempting to grow a tree in a pot, but it was dieing. He drenched it with water and then put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. He took it out, and the bark on the little tree was sizzling like a roasting marshmallow.

      Someone that was at our house announced that there would be a heavy storm tonight. They wanted to take cover in Memphis, but needed someone to stay behind and guard the house. I volunteered to do so, and they left.

      The scene changes and now I am seeing them at a party/bar. They are discussing how tonight we will see if I am the 'chosen one'.

      I am now Neo from the Matrix, or at least that is who I feel like. Trinity is with me and we are aware that Agent Smith is somewhere in the house. We hear his footsteps creaking the upstairs floorboard. We try to secure our surroundings for full protection, but suddenly he is behind us!

      We start running through the house and jumping through walls as if they are liquid. After we jump through the wall, we lock the door behind us so that he cannot get in. We think that we are safe from him...But he walks through the wall too!

      Instead of running, we begin to engage in a fight to the death. He shoots Trinity through the eye and she collapses on the floor. I'm so pissed off now that I don't even need a gun. I begin attacking him with bizarre karate moves that could only exist in a dream. I walk up into the air and kick his face several times, so fast that my feet break the sound barrier. When I jump above him I can see something remarkable - He's not Agent Smith!

      "You don't look like Agent Smith," I say while attacking him.

      "That's because I'm not." He says, and smiles creepily.

      I manage to eventually take him out, and he collapses on the floor.

      I walk into the din where Trinity is to see if she's still alive. She isn't moving nor does she have a pulse. I hear a scraping sound...

      I look to my left and see 'Agent Smith' dragging his bloody body across the floor. Before I can take in exactly what has happened, he points the gun at me and shoots.
      Tags: death, matrix
    4. Porno Class

      by , 11-11-2010 at 09:10 PM
      Ok this was a very erotic dream. Please don't think I'm perverted or anything though

      So I was in a classroom with a bunch of other people. I was talking to this one guy who I think was my best friend's boyfriend. We were just talking before class started and he said something about how his hair was gonna stick up when it was straightened (I think that was cause in real life my friend said she was gonna straighten his very curly hair one day).

      So class starts. I got paired up with this girl (in real life she's in one of my classes and an actual lesbian but I'm straight). Starting out the class we were supposed to seduce the other person by being sexy. I looked over at some other girls who were flipping their hair. I can't remember what my partner was doing, but I was teasing her and lifting up my shirt just enough so that my stomach was showing. Then she stood me up and started feeling the skin just above my breasts. For something reason I could actually feel the sensation. I put my own hands on her upper arms. Then she sat me back down and pulled me towards her, legs spread.
      Tags: class, porno
      dream fragment , memorable
    5. Lord of the Rings remake

      by , 11-11-2010 at 08:25 PM
      Non-lucid Half lucid Lucid Other notes

      Apparently someone had decided to do a remake on the Lord of the Rings movies and I watched a few fragments from those on a computer. The main story was still the same, but their length was much shorter and most of the characters were played by new actors (Although, Elrond seemed to be played by the same actor and I thought it was a bit weird that he would want to do almost the same thing once more...). Actually, some of the characters had even been replaced by others. Instead of Arwen there was a woman with long, red hair. I sat there watching the fragments of those movies while at the same time reflecting over those remakes. I was a bit annoyed and perplexed that so many remakes were made nowadays instead of completely new movies. However, at the same time I thought it was going to be very exciting to watch another interpretation of this story.

      A bit later I had actually been transported into the world of those movies together with one or two other persons. However, those people were more in the background. In front of me was a wide, open landscape with a few broad paths. There were a large group of elves and humans, dressed in colorful clothes, marching on the path in the middle. I knew where they were going: To the sea to sail away in ships. At this point I started to become half lucid and realized that I could choose another path instead of following theirs. I told the "background people" who were with me this and then branched off to the right instead. However, this path did not go very far but stopped at a shed with a large wooden wheel and some other stuff outside. I then realized that maybe the main path was more interesting after all. I now became a bit more lucid and looked more closely at the marching elves and humans. I noticed that some of them were dressed in rather ridiculous ways, almost like circus performers. I soared above them now, sank towards them, but then soared higher again. I almost felt as if I was teasing them. When looking more closely at their faces I saw that a few of them looked as if they had a bad attitude. I was annoyed by this and thought that elves in those movies were supposed to look pleasant and serene and have a nicer attitude. I therefore grabbed one of the women closest to me and pressed her against the wall, as if to force her to become nicer and happier. This, however, did not work. Instead she seemed to become afraid and angry and was struggling. I believe I woke up shortly after this.

      Updated 12-17-2010 at 06:34 PM by 38576

    6. 11 November 2010

      by , 11-11-2010 at 06:53 PM
      11 November 2010

      DJ 17
      Run into bunch of college folks that I use to hang with. Looking for someone to go out to a dance in town with – although what hey would be doing here is beyond me. Wound up going with blonde Lisa of the ‘two Lisas’. Even though she is married (in dream). End of dream – never made it to dance, so I don’t know how the date turned out..

      DJ 18
      I’m babysitting a couple of young daughters of I believe of Lisa from DJ17. I’ve got them outside lying on blankets and covered with blankets as well, though it isn’t really cool outside. There was something about the pillows that alludes me that was important as well.

      I’m trying to get them to take nap. Suddenly, they’re floating off the ground (blankets, pillows and all). They get to about my head height and I decide to pull the bottom blanket that they’re lying on out from under them. They start to descend back to the ground – not really falling, but coming down faster than they had gone up. They were totally unaware of the incident.

      I, with two others were taken prisoner after being captured in a medieval battle. We’re sentenced to be tortured to death.

      We are tied to the ground in chains and then our hands are roped and a neck is put around our necks as well. The ropes are then set through a pulley on a tree near us and then back through to a crank. And they are winding the crank so that we’re being pulled tight by our arms and also being strangled by our necks. The other two are being stretched out of form (this should have been a sign to me), and then my ropes are started to be pulled, but for some reason I was given the chance to ties my own hands and neck. Just as the rope around my neck starts getting too tight, my hands slip free and I’m able to slacken the tension on my neck.

      I enter into an auditorium with a group of people (mostly high school folks that I knew) and we’re to hand in papers for an essay of some sort. My friend and I walk in wearing stocking caps on our heads and sweating because of it (it’s warm). But we don’t take off the caps. We eventually hand in the papers we had and take seats. I take a seat in a row where there’s gal I had a crush on.

      Suddenly, they decide to hold a raffle where we write down a number on a piece of paper that represents and amount of money we think they should give away to some lucky winner in the auditorium. And the number is ridiculously high. Never got to hit it off with the gal next to me.

      DJ21 (This dream sequence took place during two snooze periods this morning)
      In a café, discussing with a couple the legality of going sidewalk shopping during spring clean up and then selling those items back to the public. They argue that it isn’t legal to do such – well one of the two does. And I point out that an antique piece that my father had just given them where they were trying to sell the item amounts tot he same thing, and it’s perfectly legal for them to do that. They sheepishly agree with me, for they didn’t know how I knew they were trying to sell the item.
    7. (11/11/10) - Not so great...

      by , 11-11-2010 at 04:48 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      I kept on with MILD last night, but didn't see the same success as I did the night before. Not only did I not realize I was dreaming, but my recall was really bad as well...I remember one tiny fragments of a couple dreams...

      I was holding some small, rectangular object in my hands, looking it over, amazed by its capabilities to do...something...

      I was back in time a few weeks when I was building my computer. "Now lets see, where was that screw...no, that's the thumbscrew for the case...that's a mount for the motherboard...ah, here we go!"

      Not terribly good, but it might give insight into a dream sign to look out for: the computer!
      dream fragment
    8. November 11 - Giant Indoor Obstacle Course

      by , 11-11-2010 at 04:39 PM
      I'm not quite sure how to explain the interior of this dream. It looks like a giant foyer or boiler perhaps where all the floors are that material where you can see down to the floor below you. In the middle of this wide expanse is a big hole where a set of spiraling stairs goes down an uncountable number of floors. It's very dark inside, but somehow I can still see everything that goes on. People are pressed against the walls along all the walls on every floor, as this seems to be a series of races. I'm actually involved in the first race around.

      When we start, you're not allowed to stand up and run. Most of the races consists of you trying to crawl at a fast pace to every stage on your knees. I'm allowed to stand to run down the stairs to the next level, but I'm required to crawl to the next actual stage. At this point I seem to be very far ahead of everyone else. Once I reach the first stage, I stand up and have to do some tasks. I don't remember what it is other than it had something to do with archery. I continue on the course, but cannot recall what all stages I have stopped at or having gone down all the rest of the stairwells. The next thing I remember is passing the finish line, somehow on the top floor once more and I'm not at all our of breath.

      My prize turns out to be a HD T.V. of some sort. I instantly turn in my dream and go to hand my prize to some little boy's father. He tries to reject the gift, but I insist that he takes it anyways, so he does. I then return to sit with my family to watch more of the races. I hear names of people I recognize being whispered, and I actually see one of my friends tumble off the side of the top floor of the foyer. I can actually perfectly see her crash several floors down, but she just gets up like she never actually fell. The races continue on, but I wake up just as a group of contestants make it down the first flight of stairs.
    9. halloween

      by , 11-11-2010 at 04:22 PM
      went to the mall and started browsing. Their was this large multi colored slide that went down really fast and looked like fun on a skate board but the people working it said you needed to pay 10 dollars i asked i could go down half the slide for free and they said yeaaa. wen i walked out i saw my friend ryan and he hopped in the car and we started driving. i said hey il call jajeh so i hit him up and he was at the movie. while i was on the fone its like the dream flipped screens and i could see jajeh at the move theater talking to me on the fone. then he said he was goin on a boat with his gf for two days and i imagined i was at the lake and then their was to boats a and a small tea p that matt told me he was staying in with her. i laughed and sadi oh sounds sick dude and then i dont remember wat came after aht
    10. 11/11/2010 - "Ninja Girl"

      by , 11-11-2010 at 03:55 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      "Ninja Girl"

      There is much of this dream that I do not remember. My earliest memory is being in some sort of building, with a couple of other people. I'm getting conflicting visions of the place being either a bar or some kind of industrial compound, but I'm not sure which is correct. Maybe both? Anyway, something happened, to where the building was overrun with armed thugs. They stormed the place, in seconds, and had completely corralled all of the hostages. Things were getting really intense, between all of us, when - from out of nowhere - this gorgeous ninja girl dropped in. She looked almost exactly like Kasumi, from Dead or Alive. I don't remember much of the fight, but she completely annihilated the entire group of thugs. A pair of sais; her weapon of choice.

      She made her way quickly around the room, ending up at the last thug, who was directly in front of me. I don't remember if he had a hold of me or what, but the ninja girl basically just grabbed him and took him out, without missing a beat. Glancing right at me, she looked me over and gave me an, obviously interested, smile. She didn't stop to talk, though, and immediately jumped into the air, climbing the wall like a squirrel and flipping herself upside down to slide - feet first - up into the rafters. Perched on one of the beams, she dropped her eyes to me once again. Giving another cute little smile, she reached one hand up and blew me a kiss. She then slipped out of sight so quickly that I couldn't even see which way she went. Outside of the fact that she looked like Kasumi, I got the strong feeling I'd met her somewhere, but couldn't remember where. Shortly after this point, the dream transitioned into a flashback.

      I was now in the role of the ninja girl, but a younger, teenage version of her. I was wearing traditional Japanese garb, and making my way home to a little house, which sat in the middle of a large field. Apparently, I'd just gotten done working with weapons, and was bringing mine and my father's sais back home. This part of the dream was very vivid, and I remember the sais in great detail. My father's sais were so heavy, that I had to carry them over my shoulder, and could not lift even one of them, with one hand. The steel felt so realistic, and they were wrapped in rubber grips and had family crests studded at the bottoms of the hilts. My sais were identical, but much lighter.

      After what had seemed to be any normal day, I walked into the house to find that both my mother and father had been murdered. I believe it was the sound of heavy feet, but something tipped me off that the killers were still inside. I put down the sais and went to pick up one pair, grabbing my dad's, by mistake. I couldn't even lift one of them off of the table. Switching to my own pair, I sneaked to the doorway of the room the goons were in, and hid with my back against the wall, waiting. The footsteps got closer, and I saw the bladed end of a staff begin to emerge from the room. I was going to wait until the perfect time to strike, but the blade suddenly swung up in my direction, as if the attacker knew I was there. I took my chances and lunged, hoping to catch the man as soon as he stepped out, but he parried my sai with his staff, and knocked me off balance. Not yet an expert fighter, my movements felt awkward and insecure, and when I saw that there was actually more than one killer, I decided it would be best to try to escape while I could.

      I bolted out the back door, running toward a neighbor's house, which had to have been a good half-a-mile away. I could just see it, across the field. I think I began to approach lucidity here, because, as I was running, I started thinking about how awkward it was that I was running with a pair of sais. My train of thought was derailed, though, when I heard a dirt-bike approaching me from behind. It was the two goons, and they were closing in on me quick. There was no way that I was going to outrun them, now. Still at a full sprint, I passed a tiny tree to my right, and made a sharp turn around it, just as the motorcycle zoomed by me. Instead of completely changing direction, though, I just ran around the tree, now behind the two murderers - who had hit the brakes to see where I'd gone. The first guy didn't have a chance to get off of the bike before I stabbed him in the back and side. The other gained some distance and then turned back to square off against me. Frantically, I threw one of the sais at him. I wasn't even sure if I thought it was going to do anything. But my aim was horrible. (Again, I was still getting that vibe that I wasn't comfortable with these sais. I know very few sai techniques in waking life, so they just suddenly felt alien to me.) The sai spun like a saw blade and hit the grass, a couple of yards in front of him, bouncing back upward and traveling toward his face. At the last moment, though, he swung his staff up and swatted the weapon away. One sai left, I rushed in toward him. I really don't remember this exchange, but it ended up with me stabbing him twice in the mid-section - having gotten my other sai back, during the skirmish - and holding him, painfully, up on his feet.

      He coughed up blood, trying to tell me to just kill him and get it over with. I refused. I wanted him to suffer for what they had done. My fists still wrapped tightly around the handles, the long sai prongs skewering up through his insides, I walked him the rest of the way to the neighbor's house. I kept him on his feet, even when he wanted to quit, using all my remaining strength to support his weight with the steel that ran through him. There was at least one point where he said something that caused me to pull one of the sais out, and make a fresh hole through him with it. Can't remember what that was, though.

      We ended up reaching the front porch of the house, but my memory then skips ahead, back to the present. I was "myself" again. Apparently, though, some time had passed, and I was now friends with this ninja girl - whose life I had just previously lived (though, at this point in the dream, I had no knowledge of having done that). I remember us driving around in a car, and she was telling me about something. I don't remember what she was saying, though...

      Updated 11-16-2010 at 05:13 AM by 2450

    11. Scary Slideshows, Strange Games, and Elves In My Basement

      by , 11-11-2010 at 02:45 PM
      1. Someone projects images of creepy-crawlies all over my walls, and won't let me leave.

      2. I can change my curtains by selecting an image on my computer.

      3. I'm playing a very strange Mario-meets-Metal-Gear-esque game where Snake has to find and destroy an evil spinning top within a certain amount of time.

      4. My friends and I are exploring a bunch of secret doors in my basement, which lead even further down to a fancy bathroom with a bunch of elevators in it. We get into one of them and end up in an elf-village that resembles a casino. There's a currency system where regular coins won't let you play the games, so you have to trade them for special ones by dancing. The leader of the elves kicks my friends out for being human, but for some reason, he allows me to stay. (At which point my alarm wakes me up)
    12. Multi-view dreams

      by , 11-11-2010 at 02:38 PM
      Dream 1:
      I had a dream I was on a helicopter ride over a river or marsh with some of my friends. The helicopter crashed and I was the only one to jump out into the river before it crashed. After making it to dry land, I collapsed and immediately started the dream over from the views of each of the passengers.

      Dream 2:
      I was at work at a large online corporation with several flaws in their website. I was upset that I didn't get the position in the Coding department so I broke the website several times by introducing special characters into the form fields. They ended up breaking the site very badly and I came up with a solution to fix it. After the site was fixed, I was sent back to the shitty position that i was originally hired from.

      I then started to see the dream from someone else's point of view. The person who was trying to undo what I had done and get the site running. They had a slight chance of finding out who did it, but had no real evidence that it was in-house. After I received help from my previous-self, just a nobody who answered the phones, I took credit for the fix and got a raise. My previous-self got no recognition at all.

      Dream 3:
      My roommate lent her car to a friend who had recently totaled his car. He called from a bar, later in the day saying he was bringing the car home now. It was obvious he was drunk. My roommate was so angry that I received the brunt of her anger(this happens in real life, I get abused for something I had no part in). I was finally sick of all the abuse, told her, "it isn't my fucking fault" and moved out the next day.

      My next part of the dream, I was someone who was trying to buy my roommates car from the cops after it was impounded. I remember asking many questions on how I could buy impounded cars or the locations of the auction sites. The cops said they were the same ones who pulled over some drunk kid and had to use excessive force on him. They then raided the house of my previous-self's roommate's house because there were drugs stashed under the driver's seat.
    13. Three fragment-y type dreams

      by , 11-11-2010 at 02:13 PM (Book of Dreams)
      Preamble: IRL I'm in a consumer management class, and two days ago we had "mock interviews" and we had to dress up and it was this big grade and whatever. We weren't actually interviewing for a real job, but the interviewers were from real companies.
      Dream 1: My gym teacher is reading my fitness card, and her eyes grow wide.
      "Woah," she says.
      "What?" I reply. I have never seen her make a face with emotion before.
      "You got the job! Your interview was so good that they're actually offering you a job."
      I feel a sense of accomplishment. I know I did a good job, but I did not expect to actually get offered a position. This is great! But do I really want to work at a bank?

      Dream 2: This is just a fragment. I'm in a house, and my friend Chris is there, but he's evil or something. I honestly don't remember a lot about this dream. But I remember that Chris' dog, CJ (who's actually my friend Laura's dog) is with us, and she's on the brink of attacking. She makes me nervous, and I want to get rid of her.

      Dream 3: IRL I bought an xbox 360 last weekend, but I haven't told my brother because he's obsessed with video games and if he knew we had it, I'd never see it again.
      In the dream, I walk down into the basement and my brother is playing the xbox. (wtf? why is it an option to put in a dancing banana??) I know that now I'll have to start hiding it so that he doesn't steal it from me. "No, Tommy," I say as I turn off the system, "this is mine. I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want you to take it. You can use it, but not all the time. I bought it with my own money." He get's up and the look on his face is a mixture of horror and deep sadness. D:
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. My Eye

      by , 11-11-2010 at 12:45 PM (My poisoned mind O_o)
      After spending much time away from the internet I finally return
      This is a creepy dream, and naturally at the time I didn't really have anything wrong with it, I thought it was kinda cool.

      My right eye is in my mouth, I look for some water to put it in cause I don't want it to dry out. I'll get some help about what to do afterward but first that water.
      I find what I'm looking for fill it at the tap and spit the eye into it. I notice the eyeball has 2 pupils/iris, curious. And some other bits but I don't really notice them. No idea what they were.
      I'm talking to someone. I say "Hey" and I get the reply "なくなちゃった!" This means approximately "you lost it!" in this circumstance. It's Japanese making this the first time I can remember that I've dreamed anything in Japanese. I open that eyelid a bit in front of them and they complain, but I notice I can still see a bit with it, so I assume part of the retina is still present, which doesn't seem to fit what I saw when I spat it out. But I don't know enough about this kind of thing. I'm a bit upset that it's gone yet I don't really care.

      Upon waking I was a tad disappointed in discovering the continued presence of my right eye, then decided it's probably for the best as I regained sense.
      In retrospect if I had payed more attention to the oddity of the retina still being there then I ma have been able to go lucid, but otherwise very un-lucid.

      Updated 11-11-2010 at 12:50 PM by 33144

    15. Reading in mansion

      by , 11-11-2010 at 12:38 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in the backseat of a car full of people, probably women ranging from my age down to about 13. The driver may have been one of the girls' mothers, and she may have acted as a mother-figure for me as well.

      I think I was going to an airport. But since I had a little time before I had to catch my flight, I was going to walk through the cemetery first.

      A couple of girls had gotten out of the car to let me out. The car was a big, wide, 1970s-style sedan, probably pale beige colored. We stood in a dusty parking lot that felt like it was in the middle of a construction area, like for a small business park that was just being constructed.

      I was now in a tall mansion, up in a room on the second or third floor, reading. I sat in a big, heavy wood chair at a big, heavy table made of dark wood. The room was small, crammed full of all kinds of books. The floors were probably some kind of dark wood. A decent amount of daylight came in through a window.

      I looked up to see that one of the women (whom I recognize as a woman who works at a bookstore I frequent in waking life) was sitting across the table from me, reading. I was surprised that she had come to read as well.

      Now a couple other girls bustled into the room. They said it was time for me to go to the airport. We left the room. We walked down a tight, steep stairwell.

      I kept trying to ask the woman what book she had been reading. But the other women kept dissuading me, as if we didn't have time for me to ask such a question.

      We were now outside the mansion, walking down a tight, narrow, stone staircase that ran from the porch, down a steep hill of lawn and past a tall stone wall, down to the curb where our car was.

      As we descended beyond the stone wall, we passed a few cluttery stacks of old-looking books. I may have heard the woman who had been reading with me telling me (through telepathy?) things about the book she had been reading. Either she or I had been reading a book having something to do with Irish culture, possibly the Celtic aspect of it.
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