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    1. 26 Oct: Vampire party, travel in time and to other planet

      by , 11-03-2010 at 11:46 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      22:30 GMT – sleep

      Birthday party
      Going though airport checks and lines. Preparing to go outside. It’s freezing cold and I don’t have many clothes, just short sleeves. I prepare a postcard and a cake to offer to my grandma.
      There’s someone’s (grandma?) birthday party going to take place and I find myself walking around the city with a group of people who are preparing it. It will be on some open air space. They’ve set a table between two slopes. But it won’t be a peaceful celebration because there’s a bull on the loose in the fields and there’s a dragon flying around the hills.
      My mom appears and offers to drive us to wherever we need to go. She takes through stone paved streets to a bakery where we will get cake. She is upset because she had also ordered a cake, which is later delivered at the party. Too many birthday cakes, I think four.
      Back in the party, there’s lots of my relatives there, aunts, uncles, cousins. Then I excuse myself but need to use the toilet. They are all around the door and ask for a bit of privacy “please?”, but the door doesn’t close...

      2:00 GMT

      Vampire party
      In a party in a palace with some friends. Entrance is not allowed for humans, just for vampires but we crashed in, pretending we were vampires. Some of us went upstairs, but then there’s a snitch spreading the word that there are humans among them and they start searching for us. I manage to escape discretely to the outside with the group that stayed downstairs and I keep the door open while trying to call my other friends (on the mobile, I think), but doors are being locked to prevent anyone else to get out. There are some young vampires who also get outside, sick of the party I guess, and they spot us but they don’t denounce us. Actually there’s a young couple of vampires who walk by our side, when we’re leaving. The vampire girl says she finds cool what we did, that she is in favour of ending this segregation of humans, but the vampire guy she is with doesn’t seem to share so much her enthusiasm, even if he tolerates us.
      Then we follow separate paths but later on she passes by us on a kind of open top bus, where another party is going on. The bus stops by our side on the road and she asks if we want to hop in. She explains she just arranged her own “against discrimination” party where humans and non-humans will party together. At first my group rejects the idea, a bit afraid maybe, but then we end up joining in. The party goes really well and in the end there are humans and vampires hooked up and making out.

      3:05 GMT

      Alien planet
      Staying at a nice huge hotel. Must be on some other planet because I see through the windows really strange creatures, which I film. They are clearly intelligent and I see they have family bonds. They are similar to our primates although physically very different. Then out of the blue some guys with nets comu up and try to capture them. I see fear in the eyes of the creatures and lots of chaos as they run in all direction and try to protect their kids.
      I bend over my window and reach for the guys nets as they pass by under me – it’s all very fast, but I knew immediately I could not allow them to do it. Then I go inside the window without them even seeing me or what hit them.
      Later I’m downstairs at a cafeteria on a line to eat and I see a guy I knew from highschool. He works there and he is showing people the several drinks available and explains that the materials and designs of the bottles are all ecological. I just grab an orange juice and the bottle seems totally normal to me.
      I then meet a girl friend and she tells me we can join a group she met at some table, but we wander around without finding them. It’s then that I realise I am wearing a half-naked outfit, almost like a simple bikini, with a cape. Then as we look lost trying to get a table, a guy is totally digging me.

      I learn that this cafeteria has doors which lead to other rooms in different dimensions – to save space – so we decide to look for our friends in other of these other-dimension-rooms. Then I notice this freaky guy who can’t stop staring at me is following me. Later he kidnaps me and keeps me in a cage on a kind of cellar. I’m locked up, with only a bed, a shelf with a few books and a large wi-fi system embedded in the wall.
      He comes once in a while to bring me food and I pretend I am asleep, so I shut the light whenever I sense he is coming. But he always turns it on and inspects every inch and every corner of my cage, to be sure I’m not doing any attempt to escape.
      One day, I find that behind this wi-fi on the wall, there’s a tunnel. I don’t know how long it is or if it has an exit, but I plan to find out. One day my captor almost finds it. He touches carefully with his fingers the wall around the wi-fi, but he doesn’t manage to find the trick to open it.

      I then wake up and write the dream on my DJ. Later I wake up for real and realise I had a FA and then I can’t remember the dream anymore. Frustrated I fall asleep again, remember the dream while dreaming and wake up again to write it down.

      6:20 GMT

      Time-travel tourism
      I am on the rooftop of some historic building of a beautiful sunny city which I think is Lisbon. I feel a bit vertigo when I’m close to the roof’s limits I try to stay more to the centre. There’s more visitors there, looking totally cool and relaxed. I grab my camera from inside a bag and start taking pictures. I get down from this roof and continue my visit. Later I’m with my boyfriend at some strange old-looking pool. Half of it is covered by a wooden structure that offers shade but it looks totally bizarre. My boyfriend goes to swim and after a while in seems to be in distress so I go help him. But I don’t dive, I walk over the water (much better, no?). When I reach him I conclude he is just fine, so then I ask him if he can film me walking over the water. He agrees, so I go back to solid ground to get my camera. It should be again on my bag, but my bag is on a locker. I have a key, number 125 and I go to this kind of elevator that brings up the bag corresponding to the number of the key. But when I insert my key, it comes out a backpack with the number 152. I decide to go to the assistance booth to solve this. The girl who’s working there seems annoyed by my problem. She doesn’t help much, she just suggests I put the backpack in again and try use the key once more to get the right bag. I do so and it works, but I totally forgot by now that my boyfriend was waiting me and decide to go away.
      As I walk down a street paved in stone I see a man with 18th century’s garments. I look around and it feels like I’m in the 1920’s.

      8:30 GMT – wake up

      Updated 11-03-2010 at 11:49 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , false awakening
    2. 2/6 Tue: Focusing on Tasks

      by , 11-03-2010 at 11:34 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      So I'm trying to get back focused on my tasks. My lucid rate has been ok lately but they have all been kinda aimless and accidental. I want to get into my fun and rewarding tasks. Didn't actually succeed in any this night, but it was a good effort so I feel good about it.

      First Cycle Randomness
      0755: B. First cycle. Bunch of randomness here. Not sure of the order. I'm in an airport, picking up lots of loose change. I think there was just a party of something and there's a bunch of change left. There are also pushpins with people's names written on them. I think the one I read said Bill. I am careful to keep the coins and pins separate. Then my father is here and he's haggling with a man to buy a coin sorting machine. I really want him to buy it to make my job easier. The fact that he's haggling over the price makes me think he is cheap. Then I'm talking to my father about the pushpins and the names on them. They were part of some party event where each person is given a pin and you're suppose to find the person whose name is on it. Or something like that. My father and I are talking about the psychology of it. Something about how people's anticipation always leads to disappointment and therefore people's happiness is always going down. Weird. Then I'm at another party or maybe back to the party that started it all. A group of people are sitting on couches around one guy. He looks like a frat boy with a backwards hat and t-shirt. They are talking about the pushpin game. He's bragging about how good he is at these party games. Last time, the game was to annoy people and he won four times in a row. He also has his own internet video feed on him all the time called "HD Hale." Then I'm watching a TV commercial for MetLife with a statue at the top of a building. The voice-over is talking about how they have solid investments on Mars. The statue is of Abraham, Jesus, and 4 other monks holding torches. But then the commercial turns into a comedy skit. Jesus is now Robert Downey Jr. and he's talking to the Abraham statue, who is played by someone named Carmack. He's saying, "Hey Carmack, why do you always get to be the father of God?"

      Street Fighter Documentary
      0927: C. Hugh is watching a documentary about Street Fighter. The original stages were in an underground hideout of a gang called the Panthers. But they abandoned it because it was radioactive. Then it talks about the possibility of a sequel and what will happen to the characters after many years. I see an older Ryu with his face starting to wrinkle and his hair starting to go gray. It says Blanka won't be around because he can't have children.

      Counter-Strike, Lucid
      Method DILD (spontaneous)
      Lucidity B
      Vividness B
      Control C
      0949: Very quick time from the previous dream. I'm in a game of Counter-Strike. I must be T because all my enemies look like CTs. A guy is camping upstairs in a building with the Para machine gun. I sneak in through a window and kill him. I take his machine gun and start camping the same building. I'm at the top of a stairway, overlooking the front room of the building which has a front door and several broken windows. Many CTs try to attack me from this front door and windows. One has a shield. But I mow them all down with my machine gun.

      As I'm doing this, I sense that I'm narrating the action in my head. It's as if I'm trying to help myself recall this later for my dream journal. Now one more enemy comes to the front door with a flashbang in his hand. He throw it up the stairway and it goes off near me.
      This sudden flash combined with the self-narration makes me lucid. I stop fighting. I walk down the stairs and outside. I still see the CT enemies around but they are just standing still doing nothing.

      I look at the scenery. Vividness is pretty good. It's bright day. It seems like a small town in France or Italy with cobblestone streets and stone buildings. I'm in a large city square or courtyard, with impressive buildings on three sides and a street lead up a hill to the north. I've been walking up the street on the slight incline of the hill. I start to remember my plan. I rub my hands and look at them to stabilize. Feels pretty good. Next task: summon music. For some reason, I think I should be indoors for this. I turn around and see one of the buildings. It's an old stone church with stained glass windows. Think Notre Dame. It's beautiful and vivid. I start walking toward it, but the dream fades.

      More Gunfighting
      1108: B. It starts a bit like the end of the last dream. I'm in a quaint European town, but now it's near the ocean. I'm in a large courtyard again. In one direction there looks to be a shipyard. In the middle of the shipyard is a futuristic airplane that looks like a giant green and purple hornet. Hugh is here and I guess it's his plane. He's sort of like Batman and the hornet plane is like the Bat-Mobile. Hugh says he just got all the armor upgrades for it. He gets in and it flies way.

      Skip. The scene is now similar to the beginning of the previous dream. I'm in an old building that feels like a church. I'm on the second floor balcony that overlooks the large room below. I'm alone with a machine gun and I'm fighting off enemies below. This time, I think they look like marines from Starcraft. After a wave, I am reinforced by my friend H who leads a small group of his own marines. He says we need to move out. Before leaving, I pull out my dream journal, lay on the ground (still in the dream), and start writing in it about this dream.

      Bus Station, Failed Task, The Moon and Mars
      Method DILD (false awakening)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control C
      1201: I think I am in a suburb of New York City. I am near the river at a bus station. It's early morning and it's mostly light but the sun isn't fully up yet. I'm looking around for someone or something, not sure what. There are a few DCs around and in the booth selling tickets. I walk all the way around the building and give up on what I was looking for. I am wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants but white shoes. I exit the bus station through a chain link fence. I get on a skateboard and start skating away toward a residential neighborhood.

      False awakening. I'm in an unfamilar bedroom with very little furniture. I'm sleeping on a cheap cot. There's just a bit of morning sunlight coming through a window to my right. This is all wrong so I become lucid and back it up with a nose-plug RC. But for some reason I question whether I am really dreaming. I nose-plug several times, each time confirming that I am indeed dreaming.

      So I finally accept that I'm dreaming and try to remember my plan. Rub my hands. Ok, I do that but I bit rushed. Summon music. The song I have in mind is "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I imagine it in my head for a moment and expect it to keep playing on it's own. No. I try to will the universe to play it for me. No. I gesture with my hand, as if pressing a button on a remote control toward a stereo. No. Hmm. Not working. Discouraged, I abandon the rest of the plan.

      Instead, I hop out the window and hover and land on the street. It's a quiet residential neighborhood, like in the scene before the FA. The street is framed with big trees whose leaves have turned orange and brown for the fall. The sun is just rising in the distance and the sky is still a bluish-black with stars visible. I can also see the moon and Mars, which is right next to the moon and almost as big. The colors are so rich and it's a beautiful scene. I think to fly to the moon or maybe fly to Mars instead. I run and jump and get some height but then halt. It's like my rockets ran out and I slowly drift back down to the ground. Now I'm stuck and I start the feel my physical body. I can feel the sleep paralysis and so now my dream body can't move. Even my neck is stiff but I'm still looking up toward the moon and Mars. I know I'm waking up soon and I can't move, so I start bring the moon down to me! I pull the moon closer with my mind and it's getting bigger and bigger. It's about to fill my view and crash into the Earth when I wake up.

      Zerg, Driving, Bar
      1247: C. Was patrolling for Zerg (Starcraft again). I found some but forget to write down where on the map. (I think that was a false memory in the dream and I didn't actually experience it.) Anyway, I'm beating myself up for that mistake. Now I'm driving home in my car. The street looks like the area around my real office. I want to stop at a bar. I have to make a left turn into the parking lot and I have to wait a while as other cars are pulling out of the lot. I think I cut someone off. I walk into the bar and it's very small. Everything is wood paneled. I accidently bump into a guy near the door. He's with a group of rowdy people. They must be college students and I want to avoid them. I walk to the bar area. The stools are all out of place. I pick up one and place it at the bar and sit down. I'm sitting next to a middle-aged guy to my right. I think he says hello to me. There are two bartenders which I think is weird for such a small bar and only a few people inside. They are both young guys with short black hair. One says hello to me and asks what I want. I think for a moment and order a Corona Light (which I though was weird because I'd probably never order that in a real bar). Dream fades.
    3. Bland Dream Journal Name Entry

      by , 11-03-2010 at 08:11 PM
      Dream 1:

      I was playing Halo: Reach, but I was in the game as a spartan. The game type was like invasion, and me, tristan, jorden, and someone else were on offense. I could activate a communication thing, that allowed me to see the vision of my allies and talk to them, although it caused me to no longer be able to hear things going on around me, only my teammates talking. My friends were snipers, and I was more of like a medium ranges soldier that had a dmr and some weird new sniper, I remember sniping a jackal with the weird sniper at one point. I went up to a Covenant structure and captured the Covenant core. I slid down a inclined wall to the ground and ran to a cliff face that led to the beach. My friends were behind me as I easily jumped down the rocks to the beach. Me and my friends rushed down to the beach with the Core and paused for a moment as we marveled the at the detail and beauty of the beach: the water was was sort of a black dark blue tint, with some rocks protruding from the water and the moon reflecting across the water through the misty clouds. One of my friends commented about how much detail Bungie put into the game. We then rushed to the capture point, where we encountered man covenant, but we charged through like a football team and scored.

      Dream 2:

      Me and my friend tristan were doing something. It was a game, we had guns, and we were hunting down a man i think. We found him and he had a gun pointed at us. I argued that I could shoot him no matter what, and grabbed a hold of my gun. I asked him to be honorable and holster his gun so we could have an old fashion cowboy western showdown. We shot and hit me in the face, I felt nothing, but flew back. As i flew I pulled out my gun and shot at him. He put his finger up and stopped the bullet with his finger. We somehow got away from him, and I was complaining about how he's not supposed to be able to do that. We then started looking for a save point, which happened to be a toilet. While looking we talked to tristans mom about something.
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. First LD?

      by , 11-03-2010 at 08:05 PM
      Lucidity: 3
      Vividness: 5

      (Lucid time in bold writing)

      This was my first ever lucid dream(happened on the night after registrating on this site). Dream was quite bizzarre and that may be the reason I realised I was dreaming.

      Anyway, in the beginning I was in the locker room of an Aquapark I visited the day before. There were some of my friends and few other non-important characters. First thing I remember was me trying to close the locker door, but every time somebody interrupted me before I could close it. After ten or so attempts I grew angry and started yelling at them.

      Then the dream changed and I was in front of my house. Behind some trees a sportcar drew onto a field (I live on the countryside). It was a white car, looked something between an Audi R8 and Aston Martin. After a second identical car parked itself next to the previous one, I remembered to do a reality check. So I looked at my hand and saw six fingers. It was weird but I understood I am certanly dreaming.

      Wanting to do something cool, I tried to fly. Using some tree branches as support, I kinda like levitated myself off the ground and away from tree. Having no control what-so-ever I started to slowly fall towards the ground.
      Dream ended before I reached ground.

      Anyway, in the morning the dream felt more like a dream of how lucid dream should be like. Can't explain it quite correctly, but everything happening exactly as it was supposed to (e.g six fingers), made it feel not really lucid.

      Could anybody explain it to me? Was it a 'real' lucid dream?
      Thanks to everyone who took a moment to read my scribbles.

    5. Nov 2, 2010, Dream Journal 001

      by , 11-03-2010 at 07:32 PM
      Grey = AWAKE Green = NL

      So last night, I decided to try the WBTB method by drinking a few large glasses of water before bed. I woke up around 2:30, went to the bathroom, and tried to have my first lucid dream telling myself over and over I'd notice my dream, and take control as I fell asleep. I start the dream in my house, and realize that my brother and a few people I'm 'friendly' with at school are getting ready for a sweet 16. I run upstairs, and next thing I know it, I'm walking out to the car, which happens to be located in the middle of the road (should have done a reality check, but didn't). My brother told a girl I don't know, me, and a couple friends he'd promised to drive. The girl and I got in, but as I opened the door the car was accelerating, and when I managed to step on the car was going much more than 80mph. I was flipping out and apologizing to people through texts (which every time I looked to and from them, they changed, another reality check should have made me lucid) telling them I'm very sorry for what happened and that I'll make it up to them. We passed a restaurant that I like a lot, and a few of my friends who have never even heard of each other were eating a deer. Like a whole deer (should have done another reality check). We got to the party, and the entire place seems like one of those farms that you got pumpkins from when you were a child. This part was VERY vivid. There were bails of hay everywhere, the sky was a light gray and cloudy, I even felt the wind! My brother looked towards the yellow barn (perfect time for reality check) and told me this party was going to be beat. We walk in, and I see plenty of friends, and everyone seems to be having a good time. I walked into a room to get a drink, and they had some kind of solid substance, like jelly, that you had to shake in water to make a coke. After I made mine, I wanted to put orange soda in mine for some reason, but my history teacher walked in and told me it was illegal, So I just stuck with my coke.
      Then, I woke up to my alarm, annoyed that I hadn't done one reality check
    6. November 3, 2010

      by , 11-03-2010 at 07:00 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      Dream Salvia Dream (semi-lucid?)

      BroY, his friend, and I were in my room. I hit the extract, lie (lay?) down, and close my eyes. I find myself on a staircase with thick fog limiting vision both up and down. I see a small child will white wings and dress fly across. Vines begin to rapidly grow and cover the railing. Moss covers the steps. I am amazed. "This is just like a dream. I can't believe salvia put me in a dream state." I think something like that.

      I proceed down the steps and through a hallway into a house I don't know. I hear noises and look in a room. There's a multitude of people performing various sexual feats. A gorilla is in on the action. I quickly run the other way and lose vision. I feel the salvia gravity as I come to.

      BroY is lying down doing a bike pedal motion. I am mad. He is supposed to be the sitter and not smoking. He comes to but immediately wants to do it again. End.

      Interesting. Marked as 'memorable'.

      Bring Your Friend to Work Day (non-lucid)

      I go to work but take my friend because we are going to play Halo: Reach. There's a lot of work to be done so we decide we are just not going to work and play games instead. Then some young girls walk come in wearing Halloween costumes. They are making silly faces. My friend grabs one to stop her escape and question her. I follow the other outside and see a cop car. I go back inside but the cop followers. It was a trap. And the cop takes my friend to jail for "assaulting" the girl.

      School Party (non-lucid)

      My friend looks at a Myspace map and sees there's a party nearby. We go over there and get in line. Some chick takes my hand to lead me somewhere but we get lost in the shuffle. Later, I make my way up some stairs and see my friend banging this chick right there in the hallway. I pass them and head to the punch bowl. There's nothing but losers and nerds around. I must be one of them.

      Everyone looks bored. I leave the party. Outside is a bad part of town and I hear some gun shots.

      My New Job: Snowplow Man (non-lucid)

      I am at my place of employment. We are separated in two groups by shifts. My group heads into a room where we entertain ourselves with Street Fighter 4. This one girl is damn good. I talk to an old friend about my new job as a snowplow man. It wasn't that interesting.
    7. winding up w/ a mystery by accident

      by , 11-03-2010 at 06:06 PM
      This is an on-going dream

      Part 1:
      I was staying at a farm and one day find a secerect passeageway. I went through the passege way to a peehole and saw what I think were conterfit machines. I than returned to the farm and asked the owner about a cave on the property. She says she's renting it to a group that acts werid doing moonlight nights. I than went through a woods (of COURSE with flashlight or "torch"!!) and syped on them. I decide this: make green robes and wear them underneat the white robes. But First I called my friends from Highschoo: L, K, &S. They agreed ready.

      Part 2:`making the dressing-borning

      Part 3:

      We made the robes and wore them on the first moonlight night there (after my friends arrived/had the robes made). S said "um Anne are you sure you know what you are doing?". I replied "Yeah I'm sure". We were deciding who should be the one to stay guard at the bushes when the owner's teen granddaughter appered (also in robes)---Yes we ALL HAD MASKS ON.

      Part 4: The 4 of us (L,K,S&I) joined the werid group. We than went into the cave after saying "Larkspur" to a guard. But I had a sneaky suspicion that we would be discovered soon. After listening to a meeting we went into the room where I saw conunterfit machines. 20 of the 30+ crowd unmaksed themselves. So until they all unmask-we were safe.

      Part 5: In the meanwhile back at the farm. P&T showed up. They came by to apolgized for their behvahiour in Late elementrary school. But they didn`t see me at the farm. So they asked the owner. The owner told them that me and L,K,S were syping on a group. P said "Oh yeah. I remember that Anne wanted to be a dective when she grew up." So first they searched for the passegeway and found it. I almost screamed when I saw P`s eye at the peephole. So I quitley moved over to the peephole and told them what I knew and what I suspect would happen. So i moved back to where I WAS standing w/ my friends. In the meanwhile P&T went to the woods and met with the owner`s granddaughter. It was just right at this moment that the boss in the cave insited that everyone unmasked themselves. We didn`t. they started grabbing us. But I stomp on my one`s foot and hit him in the face twice and started running. I even tried to howl. But lucky P&T had called the international Candian police before leaving the farm. So I went and hid w/ them behind the bush.

      In all the commiton of capturing counterfeiters (P&T had joined in the---Tackling?) someone tried to kidnapped me-I screamed and P&T heard me (my friends were just coming out of the cave). They told one of the internation police and he left the scene and helped P&T, and my friends look for clues. They did spot my shoe prints on the ground. Than my footprints stop my tire prints started. The international police officer didn`t have a clue what kind of car I was taken in, so P looked at the ground and said "These look like car tire prints-and the car tires are snow tires". L said-"Its the midde of July. Who would have snow tires in the middle of July?" Meanwhile I had espaced from the car and went back to the farmhouse. I called P`s cellphone. I said I`m back at the farmhouse. I asked for a wig and a costume.

      I wore that but 5 days later the kidnappers got me again. I screamed and woke up the house. All 5 of them got flashlights and looked for me. They did get to tire prints (again)and P said `"These aren`t car, or truck prints there are van prints-snow tire van prints. I know Anne wants to play dective but isn`t this getting to be a bit dangerous?". They went back to the the farmhouse when (I should) got a call from the international police. K answered it but told them I wasn`t here at the moment. She listened to what they had to say and at one point with a startled "OH!!" look on her face. She hanged up the phone. She told the others "Policer officer Dave told me that almost all but 2 people were caught."

      In the morning I realize I was in an attic from where I could see the farm house I looked around for a mirror to use and find one!! I used it by beeming the mirror at sunlight. Luckily my friends were outside trying to find me. And Katie noticed the light from the house. They threw a rock through the window and me using some paper(which I placed around the rock), the mirror, and a pencil I did a resverse message and threw the rock straight back. Sara realize what I did and they used a mirror to find out what I said. But that`s when the dream ened for now at least.
      memorable , lucid
    8. Bad Night

      by , 11-03-2010 at 04:28 PM
      I had a terrible night's sleep. I was waking up very often an I was itchy as hell. I only remember a bit of a fragment. Something about a rock band, or an unrelated competition.
    9. Injections, mushrooms and crabs

      by , 11-03-2010 at 04:14 PM
      Injected Again
      Clarity: 7/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm in high school, but enter a kindergarden class where they give us all injections to make us smarter. The shots work and then some. I notice the kids are moving things around the classroom with their minds. We all have telekinetic abilities!

      I lead the children through various exercises, making them use their telekinesis as a group. But our powers don't stop there. We can view and control things remotely, and do telepathic communication. I tell the kids next we're going to help someone with a test. I tell them to find someone taking a test, and they collectively choose a target. We begin to see the questions our target is facing on the test, and send him the answers. Unfortunately, all the questions are super easy, and I say to the class "Maybe we should have picked a harder test."

      A teacher enters, and I begin to explain to him our powers. I tell him it's like remote viewing, only so much better. I then leave with the teacher and we go to his house, where he demonstrates his abilities to his wife. He causes a pile of match sticks to form into shapes, but this freaks her out and she runs out of the house saying she can't handle this. The pile of matchsticks continues to grow and morph, making a recreation of the house we're in. Then I becomes animated, with little characters moving through it and building while the house continues to grow. Finally the house is complete, and the teacher's wife comes back in and loves the little match stick recreation.

      Mushroom Forest
      Clarity: 7/10
      Sleep: Good
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      Sean, Jay and I enter the woods from the train trestle, coming from the army base side of the river. As soon as we arrive on the other side of the river, I notice huge mushroom trees. They are basicaly giant mushrooms, or trees with caps instead of leaves. Since it's pretty late in the fall, these giant mushrooms are all black and rotted, but they are still pretty impressive for their sheer size.

      We come to a crossroads on the path we are following, and there are a bunch of green garbage dumpsters and electrical transformer casings. Inside the the dumpsters are huge crabs that feed of the the rotten vegetables thrown in there, and flourish all year long. I find it odd to have crabs in the middle of the forest in the winter, and wonder if they are good to eat. I get Sean to pull one out so we can look at it. I remember my uncle telling me he used to grow pot here, but there are too many people walking by to do that these days.
    10. 25 Oct: Humanitarian, artisans and discussing parenthood

      by , 11-03-2010 at 02:51 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      23:00 GMT – sleep

      Humanitarian work
      On a remote place, I feel it might be Sikkim, doing humanitarian work, saving children. But I can’t say to anyone what it is my work.
      I cross a suspended bridge and take some pictures of it but I have to be careful, because the power is in the hands of some military group and they might confiscate my camera if they see me using it.
      Then I am with my family back home and they are asking me when I go back on my next mission.

      Weirdness just goes weirder
      On a cinema entrance, there’s a challenge going on with a really good prize. I have to untangle some yarn ball which is suspended in a high place without breaking some rules. Because levitating is not included in the rules, that’s exactly what I do, so I reach the yarn ball easily. Then I find some vine plants have grown around it and I also see a huge beetle. I wait for it to move away before untangling the yarn, but then the beetle transforms into a turtle that falls over my head. I just grab it as it falls and then return to the ground. Then I’m looking for a place to put it and see a fridge. Open it and on different shelves there are other turtles in the vegetable drawers. I find it bizarre, but I put this turtle on an empty drawer to.

      5:10 GMT

      Artisans fair
      I arrive early morning to some artisan fair on the fish market by the Lisbon port. For some reason I am hopeful that Nighthawk might appear but he doesn’t show up. It’s so early the artisans are still preparing their booths. One of them is my friend TS. She recently separated from the father of her children but she’s already with some other guy. She introduces me to him, he looks handsome and she looks happy. Her older daughter is also there and seems to get along with him.
      Later they invite to join the lunch of the artists and I accept. We’re all sitting around a big improvised table and I ask if they have something vegetarian, because what’s on the table has meat. The organizer of the event says yes, there’s something but makes a condescend smirk. Then someone brings a large bowl of rice and a huge pot with a kind of soup with red and white beans and a lot of vegetables – like carrots, and zucchinis – with their peel and still in one piece. First I feel disrespected, because it looks like food for the horses, but I eat it and actually it tastes good, so I don’t complain anymore.

      New house and discussion on having kids
      Me and my boyfriend are looking for a cheaper house to live in and we find one in an old neighbourhood which is a bit old, but has 3 floors. The problems are the stairs are quite hard to climb and impossible to carry furniture through and I don’t like the landlady. Also, the neighbours seem noisy. I tell the lady I will discuss it with my boyfriend.
      Then I meet my dad at another bigger house he found. It’s newer and also more expensive, but he is so excited about this one he already has the papers to sign on his hands. I want to trust his judgement, but I go around to take a look and find out it’s just in front of a busy street with a market just in front and I predict it can get quite noisy. But in general I also like it. Then my father starts saying that because this one’s bigger, I would have space for a baby. I remind him a baby it’s not in my plans. But I know this is important to him so I say, it’s not 100% excluded, just not in the near future. He insists, saying that now is the right time, later might be too late, biologically speaking. Then I also remind him that me and my boyfriend don’t want to have-have a baby, we still would prefer adoption. Then he goes ballistic. I know he hates the idea. He says an adopted kid will never really be ours and I say I would treat any adopted kid as my own. He says we would be investing on a child you never know what will turn out to be and I ask him if he really believes I would turn my back to my child, adopted or not, based on he/she not being what I expected – does any kid ever become what we expected? He can’t discuss it rationally so he just goes to the other side of the house, infuriated. My mom also appeared and watched this discussion. She supports me and says he has to accept whatever our decisions is because it is our life.

      7:30 GMT – wake up
    11. November 3 - LD #5 - Such an odd dream

      by , 11-03-2010 at 01:54 PM
      Non Lucid - Lucid

      Surprisingly this has been the first dream in the past 4-5 days or so that ive had any recall other then just a few scenes here and there. Probably because those days I smoked the herb after 10 haha.

      From the start of what i can remember, my cousin and I were in my backyard playing baseball with these green nuts that fall of the trees. i was making all kinds crazy diving one handed catches, and after about 10 minutes of playing something happened and my cousin spit on me. Pissed off, I tried fighting him (I can never land any hits in dreams) but this went no where untill i smashed one of my dads prized wooden ducks over his head. This is when I realized that I was probably dreaming, I plugged my nose... but it didnt work This drove me crazy because i knew how screwed I was, so for a few minutes I screamed at him, and my mom trying to explain why i was right while flippin tables. The next thing i know im laying in my bed, not angered or anything.(possible FA? or just new part of the dream?)I figured i would try and WILD, because this is what i do everytime i wake up in the morning now. As soon as i had this thought i had the sensation of SP come over me. for some reason I moved and did a RC.(this is why i think it may be a dream)This time plugging my nose worked and made the sensation of SP stronger. A few seconds later and my head fell through the back of my bed and i was like a pinwheel doing backflips. all i could see was a sheet of greyness and i just kept flipping because the sensation was so incredible. Then i woke up...

      So my question to anyone out there who may know what happened... Was i just dreaming about SP and the whole process of backflipping on a pinwheel through my bed and seeing nothing but grey? Or when you really enter SP do you actually drift off into a dream where your not constricted to your bed and are walking around and such. (Ive come close and had a strong sense of vibration over me for about 15 seconds, but nothing ever happens or i give up.. haha)

      Updated 11-03-2010 at 02:01 PM by 37924

    12. Drunk CoD

      by , 11-03-2010 at 01:35 PM (Images In The Night)

      This dream starts with me at a school. I'm at my high school and no-one seems to be taking their classes seriously. I'm moving my car around inside the school by pushing it. I didn't want anyone to steal it, which makes no logical sense, but it is a dream. I eventually go to a class where a movie is about to start. I see the opening trailers for it and it shows "The day after Tomorrow". Someone asks why its showing it, then someone else answers because its an older movie. I push my car to the exit of the school. I put it in a parking spot outside.
      Dream Skip
      I'm inside the school and pick up a bottle of wine. I take it to where me and this girl are apparently on a date. We drink very little of it. The person at the front desk, when i return it, asks for 22.50. I say we barely drank any at all. He doesn't believe me and asks again. I say how much for the whole bottle. He says 8 bucks. I just buy the whole bottle. I drink it pretty heavily for a while. Then i head home.

      On the way home all the other cars are on my side of the road. My brain was probably trying to crate a drunk feeling, but i've never been drunk before so its hard for my mind to create something it hasn't experienced. So i dodge cars and yadayada i'm back at my house. I start playing CoD WaW. I think of playing black ops, but decide not to. In world at war, i'm playing a mission i never played before. Its on an online map, but its playing like a story mission. Plus i get to call in dogs.


      An old friend of mine comes in with a bag of weed. I go, "SCORE!" My friend gives me some of the money he owes me and i buy some from him.


      At my brothers and he's smoking pot, and so am i. My mom finds out from my brother that i smoke, and i feel bad. So she walks into my brothers room and gets on her Mac computer.
      Tags: drunk
    13. Bizzare dream.

      by , 11-03-2010 at 12:51 PM
      I can't recall much. But i'll post what i remember.

      It was me and 2 other friends in the dream. I remember Walking up a very narrow hallway of stairs. It was really long and felt far to reach the top. As i was walking up, i looked back at where i came from, It was black, and i hear faint moaning coming down from there, getting louder and louder. My friends are gone. As i walk further up, A little bit of light shows up, but barely. I look back again and see 2 other shadows besides mine. They were my friends, i feel like they were at the same place as me, just in another dimension. As i got closer to the top, I see a little girl standing there looking down at me. She is just staring at me, wearing rugged clothes. When i get to the top, my friends appear too. They line up against the wall, and i do the same. A lady shows up, She is very pale, Her eyes are all black and wide, wearing a long red dress. She goes up to my friends, and they grab her hand and kiss it. I do the same. After that i remember walking by a big fence that says, Throw used socks here. It was a big sock disposal. I made a joke about it to my friend. There was big mountains of socks. And we just walked passed it. I then remember getting to what looked like a kitchen. I saw something that looked like a devil come up to me, then in the blink of my eyes, turned into something weird. Its hard to explain, It was like a pencil shape, and had to tube coming out, one on top, and one on bottom. And it had legs. Looked kinda cartoony, and was inflatable. It said something about raping some girl. But i didnt want it too. So i popped the top tube, until all the air came out, and squeezed it into a ball. Next thing i could remember is being in a ballroom, with a lot of people, all of used seemed to be tiny, because when i looked outside, There was Giant people looking inside the ball room. That is all i can recall, It was a very long and interesting dream. too bad i cant remember all of it.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Women on beach, dinner in Washington

      by , 11-03-2010 at 12:18 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I remember two dreams from last night.

      Dream #1

      I was, or was seeing through the eyes of, a pretty girl. The girl had a face like Alyssa Milano, but she was short and very thin.

      The girl was at a beach house. Out the back of the house, she saw one her female friend in the water, about up to her waist in waves. The girl thought that her friend was hurt, not as if she were drowning, but as if something about the water was making her friend ill. So she ran out to help her friend.

      The scene now seemed to repeat itself. Except now I was watching it from a 3rd person view, as if I were watching a movie. Now the woman in the water was the Alyssa Milano-type girl I had just been. She was a transgendered woman, now, too.

      The woman who ran out of the beach house to save the woman in the water was now an Asian woman, slightly overweight, and a little ditzy looking, like the girl from the live action Cutey Honey movie.

      The ditzy woman now had the other woman on the shore. The ditzy woman wanted to make sure the other woman was still breathing. She pushed the other woman's thin, pink tank-top down below her shoulders, even below her small chest. The woman had pink glitter or pink, glittery coverings, on her nipples.

      I now saw this scene from inside the beach house, as if I were myself looking out to the beach. I turned away from the scene. My friend, a girl or a transgendered girl, thin, with blonde and brown hair, and wearing a thin, zebra-striped tank-top and skirt, sat in a big, leather chair, her legs curled up into the chair as well.

      I laughed and said to my friend, "I forgot how in love she (the ditzy woman) is with her (the woman who had been in the water)."

      My friend asked me why I cared so much about those two girls. She seemed hurt. She then looked at me in a sexy way. I realized she'd been wanting me to pay attention to her and play around with her a lttle. I didn't know if I wanted to. I couldn't quite remember if she was a woman or a man. But I started feeling really attracted to her, anyway.

      Dream #2

      I was out in what looked like a driveway made out of smooth river pebbles. It may have been on the right side of a house. I stood by a car with a couple of my family members, whom I don't recognize now.

      We were in some town that people usually think of as a tourist destination. We had taken care of some task, and now we had some time left over. I hadn't anticipated this. So I told my family members they could go spend a couple hours doing the fun things this town had to offer. I figured I'd have some fun, too.

      I went into the house. I went down into the basement. I was now sitting at a very cramped, dirty bar with an old, very overweight man.

      The man was talking to me about how, if you went into the military, you didn't always have to carry a gun. He said, "I knew people who, they went into the Army, and the only thing they ever touched the whole time was a gib!"

      I couldn't quite figure out what a gib was. I just smiled and nodded. But I somehow gathered that the man meant that his friend had worked on some kind of maintenance crew. I started talking about (and making hand motions indicating) a table saw. The man waved me off, almost as if saying I was too young or naïve to understand.

      We were walking back up the stairs now. I figured I still had a couple hours to hike in the mountains of this area before meeting up with my family members. Maybe I'd even hike to our meeting point, which was now, somehow, deep in the woods.

      But the old man invited me to have dinner with him. The first floor of this house was actually a fine Italian restaurant (even though it basically looked like a living room full of tables). The guy sat at a table right next to the side door.

      I figured that since this old guy had taken such a liking to me, I'd go ahead and eat with him and have some more conversation. But I knew this would basically take away all the time I had left for doing anything fun.

      I got a huge plate of spaghetti and meatballs with thick noodles and a lot of sauce. I saw a long table full of family members. I went and sat down with them, on the opposite side of the room from the man.

      It now seemed to be night, from what I could see through the windows. At some point the room became windowless and dim, with sea-green walls.

      I had forgotten about the man. I looked over my left shoulder. I saw another table, a round table, about half full of more of my family members. The man was just now sitting down at that table. One of my family members had invited him over.

      I looked way back in the dim room, to where the man's table had been. The room was mostly empty, bare. But by the door, a lot of older, tough-looking men (who I thought of as Croatians) sat along a big, dark bench. They all seemed to be heavily dressed up in winter clothes. They were talking in a different language, moderately but happily.

      I looked forward again as a young, female family member to my right began saying a prayer in a different language. I was about to tell her to stop praying that way -- the old men would think she was making fun of them. But she said something like, "This is a very sacred prayer in their language. They appreciate the fact that I know it."

      Everybody was talking and joking and eating. I looked across the table and to my left. A few seats down, I saw my great-grandmother. She was alive! She was as small as a child, and she wore a gauzy, crepe-like, pink dress and a broad-brimmed, pink hat.

      I looked away for a moment. I now remembered part of the task we had been here for. I also remembered that we were actually in Washington, DC. My great-grandma had apparently died. We took her to DC for the funeral, because she'd wanted to go there and we had planned a vacation there.

      When we'd gotten there, I remembered, my great-grandma had been so touched by how much we loved her that her body had come back to life. I remembered seeing her in the casket, her eyes blinking open.

      I now looked at her sitting at the dinner table. She was talking with everybody and helping herself to some food. Her hands looked stubby, and she seemed to be wearing a yellow dress. I knew that she could only keep her body alive for a little while longer. I was thankful for the time she had given us.
    15. Pointlessness...11/3/10(Early Morning)

      by , 11-03-2010 at 12:14 PM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I started off at school(DS). Mrs. Smith(DS, and no longer my teacher) was teaching. My friend Joel(DS) sat next to me. He stood up, and we then heard: Zzzzt. Zzzzt. Zzzzt. His phone was going off. He got in trouble. I got home and told everyone about it on Facebook. Then, I began to play Green Day: Rock Band(DS). My friend Steven(DS) entered. He said we were gonna play baseball with some other people. We went out. Steven(DS) was first batter. He made it to second base, but hurt his foot. So, we had to wait for him to get patched up. We got bored and left. I saw my friend Elliot(DS), who was fishing. I joined him. We tried some tricks to help catch the fish easier.Then, I awoke to my alarm.
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