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    1. Violent Gay Marriage Protestors

      by , 05-23-2012 at 11:54 PM (Second Reality Experiences)
      I am in a large multi-story apartment complex. It's the middle of the day and I look out the window in the streets. There are all of these protestors who are angry about gay marriage and homosexuality that are causing a lot of chaos in the streets. I see a few of them breaking into houses and buildings - being very violent and harming people they thought were gay. There were lots of people trying to protect their property and I was there trying to help them. Strangely enough as I am gazing down onto the street I spot my ex-girlfriend from high school, Chelsie. She is wearing a white hoodie and is with the rallyers. I'm surprised and disappointed. A group of people start invading our building - including her. She climbs into a window and the moment she gets inside I walk up and confront her.

      "Chelsie! What the hell?! Why are you with these people? You are one of the most liberal people I know!"

      She looks away avoiding eye contact.

      "I'm just trying to make sure people don't get hurt," she says.

      That didn't make any sense as she was clearly walking with them and not doing anything to stop them. Our old friend Danielle is with her - also avoiding eye contact. There's a whole group of people in the hallway with us now.

      "Look, regardless of whether or not you agree with gay marriage or homosexuality, people have a right to be safe and they have the right to privacy. No one should be breaking and entering into people's homes!"

      I sigh and go outside to try to help people evacuate the area. I see a helicopter flying overhead - going toward a launch pad to pick up escapees. I run in that direction trying to guide a couple of parents and their children toward it so they can get in and leave safely.
    2. TinyChat with Raspberry. May 23rd 2012.

      by , 05-23-2012 at 09:38 PM (Dream Journal)

      This dream was very hard to recall ._. but I managed most of it! I also recalled a lot more fragments from other dreams too. They have a lot in common

      I was sarting at school again. The strongest dream sign for me . But this time I was in the woodwork classroom, on a laptop talking to Raspberry on TC. She turned out to be a girl I know in real life called Alysha. She does actually look like her though, so it's creepy. I was apparently flirting with her, but half way through a flirty paragraph I changed it because she had a boyfriend >.> I got off the laptop and walked in to her boyfriend a few times. But I was in another part of school. I then walked around school for a bit, and saw two dream characters fighting, then one stormed off in a rage. I got around to my area at school and there were LOADS of people coming out of an exam or going in. I then ran in to Alysha's boyfriend again and he said he felt bad. I said I would show him the conversation I had with his girlfriend because I felt sorry for him.

      I also had some fragments similar to this dream.

      Fragments: Sitting at McDonalds with the fighting dream character, I had a falses awakening, More school fragments and bumping in to the boy again.

      Pretty weird dream >.<
    3. Longer Vivid Dreams still Non-Lucid

      by , 05-23-2012 at 09:09 PM
      Non Lucid:
      My dreams have become more vivid but not a full on lucid dream yet...
      Though, my dreams were rather graphic last night, violent in ways and sexual...I usually don't have those kind of dreams so I wonder if my stress and eating Indian food last night effected my dreams.

      First Dream:
      (I don't remember the beginning, I know there was a good section that I'm leaving out and I'm sad I couldn't remember it). I remember being in my parent's house/house I grew up in. I was in the basement in the laundry room. There was a bedroom setup in the room, which I noticed was odd. I went upstairs to talk to my parent's about it and they mentioned that they have hired two guys to help with (I don't remember what the task was). My parent's asked me to greet them and help them get settled in. I went downstairs and met the first guy. He was young, and had dark hair and was tall. He was strong but thin. ( I realized he looks like one of the patients I took care of a few weeks ago). He had tattoo sleeves on both arms. He was friendly and quiet. I was nervous around him but then again, I'm always nervous around guys. I wasn't attracted to him, plus I'm married and in my dream I knew that. I was helping him get his bed made and letting him know where everything was in the house. He said he didn't need anything else and I could sense that we had this tension between us. I was about to leave but for some reason I told myself in my head that in my dreams I always leave and never kiss the guys...(strange because I was not lucid, yet I knew I was dreaming). I suddenly walked up to him fast and kissed him and let's just say that led to some bedtime...

      So then I didn't feel guilty at all in my dream for cheating on my husband. (On and off in the dream I realized I had a husband, other times I didn't. It was like I was in college again, or high school). I then went to the bedroom upstairs and suddenly started to get down with the other guy we hired who was blonde...(I am not like this at all, but geeze dream me was in the mood). So I went to the bathroom near my parent's bedroom to clean up. I was about to go pee when my mom walked in and looked at me funny. She instantly said, "It smells like sex in here." I instantly told her I didn't know what she was talking about. She accused me of cheating on Dane and we got into this whole huge argument. It got pretty brutal and I was fuming. It woke me up.

      Dream 2:
      This was a violent dream and I can't remember much of it. I didn't have time to write everything down this morning because I was late for my class for work...boo.
      I remember something with a basement or dungeon with people with decapitated body parts and blood everywhere. People were screaming and were half melted. I remember someone dragging their body across the ground and their legs were cut off. I think it freaked me out so I woke up again.

      Dream 3: I was camping or outdoors with my family. This time I wasn't married but with my ex from high school, Jeremy. The sky was cloudy, almost storm like. I was running in the open filed and I distinctly remember feeling the cold wet grass under my bare feet. I remember thinking to myself it felt soothing. Suddenly I was at a computer looking up Jeremy's location. A website showed that he was deployed to the "Northern Territory" (this has to be from watching The Game of Thrones). Then it showed a picture of him high up in a tree in a forested area. I remember thinking to myself, "Iraq doesn't have a forest with trees..." but I didn't explore more on that. I wrote an email to him saying that I missed him and that he needed to be home soon. Suddenly I'm on a horse riding towards this private school and then it becomes more like a movie, (this is when I'm not physically there but more like watching a scene). I see Jeremy in this long light red gown/uniform with this girl with long blonde hair wearing the same thing. (Think wizard wear). They are deep in conversation and I could see that they were flirting. Now I'm still on that horse, and I'm approaching them. I stop in front of a fountain but he doesn't see me. I have a group of friends on horseback too. They state that Jeremy was never in the "Northern Territory" that he was here all along with the "witch." Some how he was spelled into staying or something like that, I really don't remember the reason. Then out of my body comes this old white knight ghost like creature. He starts going on this rant that he is some ancestor and he knows that we must kill this witch to save the world. I forget the whole speech but it was weird. So we go to this huge body of water and get on a boat and of course go into this creepy cave. The ancestor knight turns into a giant "demon" which looks like the bomber creatures on Final Fantasy 13, it goes into the cave ahead of us and out of the "witch" is this other demon that is just a flat square floating around. I guess my friends and I explore the cave or something but I pretty much watch the scene and follow the demons. I figure out in my head that the witch was using the demon for power and that we had to get Jeremy away. The demons disappeared and were fighting in a different part of the cave. Up above my dream focused on this giant valve that was getting released with this purple/pink goo that was going to drip into the cave. We all began to hurry and knew that we had to let the goo lift us up out of the cave into this shoot to escape. Which we did and we were thrown into the air and landed in the lake...
      This led into a different dream (There is a lot more to this last dream but it's hard to explain...I don't know how to describe my feeling or the characters. Something to do with these two cartoon like characters running around in the cave...)

      Dream 4: I'm swimming in a lake at a campground (maybe it came back to the original campground). There is a boat that I'm trying to climb up into from a ladder but something kept stinging/biting my legs in the water. I was getting really scared and woke up.

      I always feel like I'm writing a novel or telling a long story when I write/explain my dreams. I find it amazing that all of it happened in such a short period of time, yet it feels like forever. It also amazes me that I can even think of something so crazy like these dreams. The last 2 dreams were so vivid and beautiful with colors.

      Updated 05-23-2012 at 09:13 PM by 30601

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    4. Seventy

      by , 05-23-2012 at 08:44 PM
      In which D really wants obedience...

      I'm in the kitchen at work. D is chopping up some veggies. Suddenly he begins to slam the knife repeatedly into the chopping board while shouting, "Obedience! I need obedience from all of you! Obedience! Obedience! Obedience!"
    5. An Astral Episode

      by , 05-23-2012 at 07:25 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I was on a bed somewhere (I presumed it was my real bed). I was lying on my left and I knew that I was in some sort of sleep paralysis. My body could not move and I felt vibrations all around me. I tried a few exit techniques (Not realizing that I was already out of body.). first by moving my head forward. did work I felt my head move slightly and my vision blurred less as if I were coming out of some veil momentarily, But I sunk back in. The next thing I tried was to move my pinky. I moved it with much effort but I never exited. The vibrations got louder and I soon noticed that everything was a shade of blue. I tried exiting full body now and once again got the feeling like I was getting past some sort of veil but I sunk back in. Next I payed attention to the vibrations. I recalled reading some where that if you spun the vibrations faster you might enter a lucid dream. I spun them faster. The energetic sound I was hearing went faster, and i somehow felt them going faster. Th sound was like a whiring around my head. it went eeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEeeeee Each time getting louder as it past my ears. It was as if I were a giant buddha singing bowl. The instrument used to circle the rim of the bowl was what I was hearing everytime It got louder. Only I was the singing bowl, the vibrations and the instrument.

      I began perceiving the sound as millions of bead of light. Each particle of light was L shaped and not only was each particle revolving around me at a tremendous pace, but each particle was revolving around itself as well. Everytime I spun the vibrations faster the particles would revolve around me faster and themselves faster and sometimes took on a new depth. This happened until the light was all around me and just a blur. The particles of light, time and time again took on new depths and the effect was similar to a Mandelbrot equation. I was reminded of a book I read, Stephen Kings the Gunslinger, when Roland and the man in black palaver. and the Man in black was going on about how there were infinite universes and sizes withing each grain of sand, and how it just kept going. I felt I was seeing this with light somehow.

      I remembered I wanted to hear some music, remembering how in other states of SP, I heard a most awesome and intriguing music. I willed myself to hear something It didn't work at first. Until, I began hearing a helicopter and I heard the pilot speaking AM quality gibberish into his headset. That wasn't music. but at least it was something.

      I somehow turned my head and discovered I was sitting at a picnic table outside of some town house. There was a gumdrop machine on the table but I thought nothing of it. I turned my head left and I was back in that bed. Right again and I was at the table. I realized I could go back and forth from he scenes at will. It was similar to what I read in carlos castaneda when Don juan gave carlos little smoke while carlos was lying down. Don juan would tell carlos to will himself upwards from the lying position. Not physically get up. but just Be up. I now noticed that people were coming to sit down at the table. Across from me sat A woman I knew from BC years ago. Saffron. To my left and her right sat another woman who I seemed to know. and To my Right sat a man I seemed to know and recognize. He wore a black baseball cap (Actually it was kind of leather something like a biker might wear). He had slightly rugged features but at the same time had a bit of a boyish face. I knew him and liked him. (upon awakening I realized I have no idea who he is). Everything was still a shade of blue, and I still heard and felt the vibrations. Saffron was looking at me with a dumfounded look on her face.

      I wanted to orient myself where I was. Was I dreaming? No I was too heavy for that. What I in astral.. or some physical place where I was just a ghost. I got the man's attention. he seemed to know I was there. I asked him what the date was. He looked as if searching for an answer, saying he wasn't sure. I told him that I was pretty sure it was the 23rd. He said maybe. but it can't be that far in the month yet. I told him that I was positive it was the 23rd. He looked down. I noticed I had trouble breathing. it was too low. I was almost suffocating. I knew I could wake myself up. So I did. I woke up on my right side and the bed wasn't the same bed where I had started. Also the man who I felt I knew I realized I had never seen him before in my life.
    6. Night of May 23rd, 2012.

      by , 05-23-2012 at 05:11 PM
      first dream i remember, playing diablo fighting like a champ pack or something,and thre were these salt packs on the ground? ad they were supposed to help me kill them lol. meme popped up right after about hulk, saying that when he was truly mad he was a doctor but when he was calm he became hilk.

      next dream was with kevin yun, telling me natalie had denied him to prom even though she said yes.

      last two totally slipped my mind

      edit: remembered a dream.

      not sure if this was last night or two nights ago. i was smoking weed with kalvin and two other guys in my car, and i think someone saw us lol so we started running and left the car there with the doors open… also remember being in shenel’s house but it looked completely different.

      this dream i know for sure was last night— i was at costco, had my backpack on for some reason and my wallet and iphone was in it. i feel someone “push” me a little, and i’m like oh shit. i check my backpack and my iphone is gone— i catch a glimpse of the guy who stole it. didnt see his face but he had a gray sweater. so then i (we) start checking everybody who had grey sweaters and it seemed like the entire store had grey sweaters on lol, but we couldnt find it. i was so bummed. then i remember receiving some sort of note/letter from the guy who stole it, saying “Thanks for the free inferno” lol.
    7. In the Sky

      by , 05-23-2012 at 04:06 PM (Zoe's weird things)
      [I went to sleep yesterday knowing that i can't sleep more than 7 hours and i might not get an LD, but i was still hopeful for an early one, it paid off ^^]
      [The lucid part of this dream happened at around 7:40AM]

      It all originated from a really long dream... it was about me and my teacher driving around the country for "sightseeing". She was driving a small car which had a trailer and i was sitting in that. While going past a grassy field, i got a little skeptic and just for fun i tried to lift another car up in the air with telekinesis as a kind of reality check. It didn't want to work out, so i just accepted it, but i remained a little more aware than usual.
      When we almost got home, i suddenly became lucid just randomly thanks to my higher awareness.

      I flew up from the trailer and hovered in the air for a while. I got my thoughts together and remembered that i had a dream before where i was practicing lucid dreaming on the street with others... i thought of how stupid i was that i didn't get lucid because of that...
      Then i flew all the way to our house, just to look around the neighbourhood for a while. While flying i noticed a small dog sitting at the doorstep of a house, looking all sad... then suddenly i heard a random girl voice from somewhere that said "Poor little doggy..."
      After that voice for some reason i had a thought that the dog is sick...
      [I didn't stop just to pet that dog, i wanted to do something more important instead, but secretly i wanted to stop by... i don't know why i didn't... Next time i'll pay a visit to him ]

      As i was flying around i realized that there were some thin clouds really close the the ground... i got a sudden thought that clouds might taste like candy floss... My goal was clear after this: to eat a cloud!
      I started flying upwards in a straight line, passing the thin clouds and getting more and more covered in the bigger ones.
      As i was advancing i totally forgot to stop and taste a cloud, it just felt too good just going as high as i can...
      After a while the white clouds started getting darker and it started to rain. It felt really real as the raindrops touched my skin. They were as big as apples, not like regular raindrops. I focused on the feeling as the raindrops touch my skin and it was a surprisingly awesome sensation It's just hard to put into words what i felt...

      I kept flying higher and higher and suddenly i popped out of the cover of clouds, there were no more of them anywhere other than at my feet. I stopped advancing as what i found up there just amazed me. Lightnings were arching in every direction in the sky, constantly flashing and lighting the darkness above. It looked really similar to this:

      I was just staring at it and thinking that a lightning might hit me, but i didn't care. I wanted it to happen, i wanted to be hit by the lightning if that's what's gonna happen.... But i didn't focus on it intentionally, so it didn't happen after all.

      I looked down and the clouds at my feet were less orderized, more scattered around than when i passed between them. I could see a huge grassy field down there and a long white building in the middle, with some forests further on the field. I think i've seen some animals walking by on the field, but i was just up too high to really determine what was it. I just felt really happy and satisfied up there... and i decided to stay instead of doing anything else.
      Suddenly i found some tendrils hanging by from a cloud and i grabbed onto them. They formed a swing under me and i was just swinging there not caring about anything. I was shouting things like "WOOOAH!" and "THIS IS THE TOP OF THE WORLD!" .
      I still heard the lightning sky buzzing above at times, but everything was just so calm and peaceful...

      I was swinging there for a while, just enjoying it, but then i suddenly woke up.... or at least i thought so... I got a false awakening.
      I suddenly found myself on the same street where i got lucid, but now i was sitting at a bench-desk (it's that bench-desk which they have in schools). At first i was suspicious, after all how could i get there? But then a girl and a boy came up to me and asked if i succeeded in getting a lucid dream. I told them that i did and they congratulated me. After this i lost my lucidity fully.
      There was a pair of girls at another table close to me, they were trying to get lucid too.
      I attempted to get another lucid dream at that bench-desk, i closed my eyes and focused then i got the same feelings just like when doing WILD, it felt really real, so i didn't suspect anything anymore. I fell "asleep", but then two guys woke me up as they were tourists and wanted to ask for directions.... then i woke up soon for real.

      [I still can't believe how i could lose lucidity like that... it's really unusual for me... :/]
      [Anyway, it was a fun dream, it just felt so good being up there in the sky, it was just so peaceful.... i wish i could really explain it better that how it felt to be there... ]

      Updated 05-23-2012 at 04:16 PM by 54420

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    8. Calling to say goodby

      by , 05-23-2012 at 03:52 PM
      I'm in a strange house. I have never seen it before but I know is my own.
      There`s a soccer match I am watching at the TV.
      A dear friend calls. I thought she wanted to comment the match since I knew she was a big fan.
      Instead, she says she is leaving for good and that that was her last called ever.
      I recall then that our country had being having very hard times and some people had being unfairly prosecuted.
      I cry deeply.
      I run to find Patricia, who is at the bathroom, to get her at the phone since I knew she was very dearest to her as well.
      her reaction is almost apathetic.
      I yell to her through the close door detailing the circumstances.
      I wake up.
    9. Tower of Alduin

      by , 05-23-2012 at 03:24 PM
      5-23-12 (non-lucid) I was in a car, traveling down a highway towards a tower, looming ahead of me. It was a bit of a boring car ride, and I got to drive through a forest for a little bit and I arrived at the tower, overlooking a cliff and the ocean to my right and a steep drop into another section of forest in front of me. I got out of my car and looked up at the tower. It was circular and was a type of grayish-white stone and had a dome ceiling that was a greenish blue. I heard someone yelling and looked over at the forest hundreds of feet below and saw the person waving their arms frantically. I looked closer and realized that person was T. I told him to wait a minute and I backed up a bit and snapped my fingers and I saw a black shape flying in the distance. I apparently had a Pegasus, which I thought was freaking epic. It was black, had a black mane and red eyes. I got on it and charged at the cliff and I thought it was going to fly gracefully and land near T. and I’d get him and we’d ride off to the tower…nope! It dive-bombed and at the last second swooped up and started flying towards the tower. I was yelling at it to turn back and get him and silver reigns appeared, but I decided to go to the top of the tower. I got up there, my Pegasus flew away and I decided to just fly where T. was. I looked out the opening of the tower and glided off towards the forest, and landed. I told him that we needed to defeat Alduin (a dragon from the video game "Skyrim") and he was going to appear at the tower when I summoned him. I held onto his hand and we both lifted off the ground and sped for the top of the tower. We got up there and I told him to get ready for the battle. He pulled out a huge silver sword and nodded his head. I rolled up my sleeves; apparently I had mage robes on. It was purple and the trim was black. I created a fireball in my hand, spoke a few words in Latin (I actually know some Latin) and the fireball hovered and exploded, the flames completely enveloped the ceiling and then everything got dark and I heard a roar and the dragon landed inside the room, the battle began. T. ran at it and attacked it and I stood back and moved my hands in a pattern in the air and dark purple spoke appeared and grew brighter and shot out at Alduin. It roared and lashed its tail at me. I ducked and I ran at it and swung my staff and jumped back and shot a fireball at it and T. managed to stab it in throat and it fell over. I went over to it and acting like a total badass I poked it and asked if it was dead. As soon as I said that Alduin disintegrated and T. and I high-fived and I held onto his hand again and flew off to the high school I recently graduated from. We sat on a hill near it with a few of my other friends and they asked how our day was and we just kind of chuckled and I sipped some tea. We talked for a bit more and busses pulled up to the school and I got on to go for some sort of trip and I woke up.

      Updated 05-23-2012 at 03:57 PM by 30067

    10. ...what?

      by , 05-23-2012 at 03:18 PM (I hate Titles...)
      I was walking into the school bathroom, my throat felt weird. Looked into the mirror, and I had a HUGE Adams Apple. It looked like I had swallowed a ship, and it was lodged in my throat. Then I began vomiting up this yellow chalky stuff.

      Looking at the door, I noticed I had walked into the ladies restroom.

      The dream was so weird, I woke up laughing.
    11. 23rd May 2012 - Third Lucid Dream [Though, quite short]

      by , 05-23-2012 at 02:01 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      Prior to this dream I had been taking Sageous' advice for WBTBs from his WILD class, as well as dream incubating and generally telling myself that I was going to recognise that I was dreaming next time I was in a dream.

      The dream before this I also achieved another milestone, I was successfully able to "chain" two dreams together after incubating the previous dream. I didn't become lucid in that one though.

      I was at some sort of theme park with my mum, my sister & her children and my brother & his girlfriend. I forget large portions of the beginning of the dream, there's fragments of us going around the park on all sorts of different rides and doing different activities. Although, I'm not entirely sure if they are fragments or just drastic scene changes, as drastic scene changes are a common occurrence in my dreams.

      Near closing time for the park, me and my mum depart from the group to go find our car as we couldn't remember where we parked it. We were walking up this hill, which upon waking I realise how realistic it was. I could feel my legs getting tired and struggling to walk up this hill after a day of walking around the theme park. Eventually we reach the parking lot, we look around for our car but there are so many we don't seem to be able to find it.

      We meet back up with my brother and sister who we queue up with as we're going out the park, we all get in my brother's car and start driving off. I question what we're going to do about my mum's car because surely we can't just leave it at the park. I'm assured that it's fine and we can just pick it up next time we come to the park.

      I start becoming suspicious, going to theme parks with my family isn't a common occurrence, but somewhat brush it off anyway. We begin discussing when next we would be coming and planning a date, when I realise we're no longer driving on the road. We're on the sidewalk next to the road, driving over patches of grass and rocks.

      I do a reality check by counting my fingers, which fails, although I'm still suspicious. Awareness kicks in and I'm realising that despite driving over this rough terrain the car's driving along smoothly, as if it was flying above the ground slightly. I also realise there doesn't seem to be any sense of gravity of G-Force from the moving car.

      I force my mind to get in the "Reverse Reality Check" mindset that Sageous has been teaching in his WILD class and begin "pulling" my consciousness into the dream world by solidifying my place in the dream, and realising what that truly means. I count my fingers again, but it still fails. I decide to try another reality check, I plug my nose and am shocked when I am able to breathe!

      I'm still sceptical, I was thinking about jumping out of the car but after so many failed reality checks I didn't want to risk that just incase it was real life. I put my finger up to the window of the car and try to will it through the glass, but it fails also. I undo my seatbelt and definitely begin to realise there's no sense of realistic gravity here, there's nothing pulling me back into my seat when I sit forward.

      I try to imagine myself floating and then going out through the roof of the car, I float up somewhat but don't quite make it all the way out of the car and fall back into my seat. I look at the window again and really try to will my finger going through, pushing harder and harder on the glass but with no luck, it seems solid.

      I become frustrated, I know it's a dream but nothing I seem to do is working. I guess because of how sceptical my mind was after all the failed reality checks.

      At this point the dream starts becoming fuzzy, I can feel myself losing the dream so I become calm and focus to the best I can. The dream fades back in momentarily but as soon as I drop focus it instantly goes to black and I find myself back in the waking world.
    12. Sony Vegas?

      by , 05-23-2012 at 01:17 PM (My Dream Journal; Mentis est Infinata)
      A tiny dream fragment. I remember editing a video in Sony Vegas. That's all I can remember.
    13. Terminator 3!

      by , 05-23-2012 at 01:04 PM (My Dream Journal; Mentis est Infinata)
      3 Words: BEST. DREAM. EVER.

      I suddenly become lucid. Not sure how or where. I decided I wanted a Terminator 3 based dream. So, I summoned the TX and the T-850. Like in the movie, the TX tries to kill me and the T-850 defends me. I don't remember much from the dream, but I remember this part very clearly:

      I was in a school. I ran into a classroom and went in the closet to hide. It was completely empty, not even a shelf or a light. I could see as if there was a light, though. Unfortunately, the TX opened the door, and the first thing it saw was me. It didn't even have to look around first. It just walked in and looked straight at me as if it already knew where I was hiding. It prepared it's weapon and was about to fire it. I was afraid if I was killed the dream would end, so I teleported the T-850 to the classroom. It took full advantage and shoved the TX to the floor. I can't remember anything else, so I'm going to consider it a dream fragment.

      Again, BEST LD EVER!!!! :bravo:

      If you haven't seen the movie, you should check it out!

      Updated 05-25-2012 at 01:25 AM by 54449 (Added more detail)

      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    14. amazing

      by , 05-23-2012 at 12:18 PM
      Red = Lucid Dream
      Blue = Dream

      On Sunday (20-05-2012) I had my first real lucid dream since joining DV. It was also the first lucid dream I actually did something in.

      I woke up in bed still having my body and half of my face paralyzed, I decided I wouldn't move and go back to sleep. Moments later I found myself waking up in the bed of my childhood home. I did a reality test (pinching the nose and breathing) and decided I was dreaming. The dream was really fuzzy and I forgot to stabilize the dream but I had some time to do things. I decided to walk to the bathroom where I would find a cute girl. On the way to the door I bumped into some electric guitars. There must have been 20 of them. I knocked a few over but didn't feel concerned as this was a dream anyway. I then got to the bathroom and found the cute sitting on the floor in darkness. Then the dream faded.

      Again I decided to stay still and go to the next dream. The first image was one of two poorly rolled joints, I used my concentration to turn them into one well-rolled joint. As I lit it and took a toke a room materialized around me. It was a living room with two couches and a TV and an open kitchen. I recognized two friends, but there also was a third unidentified person. I did a reality check and then one of my friends started talking to me. Intuitively I knew he was only talking to me to distract me from having a lucid dream to I interrupted him and said 'Hold on'. I stood up and walked to a window, opened it, choose a part of the night sky to fly towards and jumped off. The flying was really cool, I felt as if I was being pulled towards the area I was focusing on. The night sky had more stars on it than I had ever seen before, it was amazing to watch. I decided to fly into space so I banked up and watched the stars fly past me. I decided I wanted to make space more psychedelic but my attempt failed and looked more like white paint thrown on black canvas. The dream faded and I woke up.

      This morning (23-05-2012) I had another lucid dream. It was a wb2b. I found myself walking through a town street with red brick buildings everywhere. I knew I was lucid but did a reality check anyway. This time I did so some things to stabilize the dream. I rubbed my hand and started focusing on the world around me. On the wall of a church I found a brick with a blue-glazed square on it and a circle indented on the middle of it. I decided to focus on the brick and send my consciousness closer to it so I could fly through the minute details of the brick. I felt myself flying, as a speck of awareness, towards the brick and I started to have a real good look at it. The blue square disappeared and I found myself back in my body.

      I decided to do something else and imagined a group of hot women waiting for me inside the church and I was going to have a sex ritual performed on me. There was a door near me in the side of the church and I walked in. There was a large group of attractive women and I thought this couldn't go any better, but as I got closer to the altar I saw a lot of my family in the crowd. I sent out a mental message for them to leave the church and everyone except my aunt left. When I told my aunt she had to leave she became confused and started asking me why and telling everyone how confused she was.
    15. 5/23/12 Road Trip!

      by , 05-23-2012 at 12:15 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I remember being inside my school. It was mentoring day, and I had to help with the little kids after school when they play their outside games. (It must have been field day for them)

      I remember walking outside my classroom and into the middle of the hallway, where my friend who is a Junior, Mike's sister, was waiting for me. She held a piece of paper in her hand. "Here's the directions for the games," she smiled. "I can't wait. It's gonna be fun."

      I opened the piece of paper and it said something about having to work at the little kid's games. Well, I already knew that.
      Somehow though, I ended up changing missions. Instead of helping the little kids, I was supposed to do some sort of picture work. I had to go take pictures of different houses along the highway.

      For some reason my mom's car was at the school, but she wasn't there. So I decided to drive it out, even though I didn't have a license. Along the way, I kept swerving and nearly took out a couple cars; but I was pretty careful. I was worried because if a policeman stopped me; I don't have a license.

      Riding along the highway, I managed to carefully take pictures of nearby houses while keeping my eyes on the road. They turned out fairly good and I was surprised with myself. I came to an old house. The grass was overgrown, and their were some rusty things in the yard. I pulled into the driveway, and got out.

      It turns out my parents were here doing something. They saw me and were surprised. I admitted that I had driven here without anyone in the car with me. They were fine with it.

      Instead of my mom's car, I grabbed a nearby Moped scooter. I then drove that back to school.
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