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    1. Bad Drivers and Bad Magicians

      by , 10-22-2014 at 02:24 PM
      Lucid: Green
      Semi-Lucid: Orange
      Non-Lucid: Red

      I am sitting in the passenger seat of the SUV that my family owns. My older sister (16 years old has a license). She is texting, and has her feet up on the seat, not paying attention to the road. We run over some political signs. I start getting mad at her, telling her to pay attention. In my anger, and to get her to stop, I through my book out the window. She turns right at the next intersection. I get out of the car, and walk over to the side walk. I look back and see my sister following me, having left the car in the middle of the road with both turning signals on. The car is diagonal in the middle of the road, blocking traffic. Sitting in the back seat is my little brother. I walk over to the stoplight, needing to cross the road. I press the button, but a nail has taken the place of the button. I press the nail, and it works. I look around me. It is slightly misting, and it is gray cloudy. It feels cool, like a spring morning. As I am waiting, a man walks up the sidewalk from the direction of our car. He looks like a man I know from my church. He is completely bald, with a large brownish-reddish beard. He is wearing a brown leather jacket. As we walk across the crosswalk, my sister joins us. We walk up the small hill on the other side of the hill. Part way up, the man stops us and says he wants to do a magic trick. He pulls out some cards, and starts to do a magic trick. He is going to switch a card around, but I can see him switching them around in his coat. Some one walks past us on the sidewalk, and he goes and follows them. My sister and I keep walking until we find my book. The dream ends.
    2. What Happens When You Lower Your Ambien Dose...

      by , 10-22-2014 at 01:36 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      Alright. So I'm trying to wean myself off of my Ambien. I took a half of one last night and fell asleep no problem, but I woke up at around 2:30am, remembering only fragments about work, and started freaking out a little, thinking I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I took a benedryl and went into the other room (my husband was breathing very heavily in his sleep and it was also keeping me awake). This is what happened after I fell asleep.

      I was lucid, but I don't remember if I entered the dream lucid or if I became lucid later. I am having a lot of trouble recalling the specific details of this one, other than we were in a house, and I was trying to cheat on my husband with this guy I knew in middle/high school named Carter H. My husband was around during the dream, and we were trying to avoid him by going into different rooms and such. I do remember at one point Carter expressing how he would treat me well and was excited about being with me. I told him I was excited too. I think I was topless during that part in a bedroom.

      There was a point where I was outside in a garden, and I was afraid of losing the dream, so I took some advice from Hyu and started touching everything around me. There were plants in the plowed ground. I touched their leaves, feeling their realness. They felt a little muted, but it wasn't bad. It helped me to stabalize the dream.

      This dream was quite long, and I can't recall the little details of it all. It was a very...strange LD for me. I seemed to be in a weird mindset (I would never cheat on my husband IWL, especially with someone I barely know and have no interest in!).

      I then woke up.


      I was in a fairly normal-looking room; nothing weird was going on at all, but I decided to do a nose pinch RC just to keep my awareness up. I did it, and...I could breathe! I was super surprised; I thought I was awake! I think I said "What??" or some kind of exclamation. I did it again just to be sure, and sure enough, I was dreaming.

      Spoiler for Explicit content:

      I woke up and wondered why I did something so superficial with these LDs. I wanted to have another one where I summoned Mike or delved into past lives. Sadly, I didn't get to. :/

      Again, I would like to reiterate that I really don't have any interest in cheating. I love my husband very much. I am really kind of taken aback by these dreams, especially since I was aware that I was dreaming for them. I'm actually a little embarrassed to post them.


      I was in a dressing room at a department store. I had these black and white comics that I had made that depicted my cheating LDs. One was only a page long, the other a few pages. I taped them to one of the dressing room doors. I then watched people pick the comics up and read them. Some teenage guys read them and laughed. I left the dressing room for a bit. I didn't really want the comics there anymore. I went back and took them down.


      I was laying in the guest bed with my husband. We were getting ready to go to sleep. My husband put on one of my sleep shirts similar to one I actually own IWL but not the same. It was black with 3/4 length sleeves and lacy shoulders. It was tight on him, but he didn't seem to mind. I was wondering why he was wearing that (he usually doesn't wear any kind of shirt to bed). I guess he must be anticipating a very cold night. I said something about it being a girl's shirt. Again, he didn't seem to mind.


      Something to do with typing these entries up and an Animal Crossing game that you could only play with a wireless controller and could only play online for a certain amount of time. I was called by a video/game rental place and was asked if C (the assistant CS manager at my job) was my sibling. I told her no, she was my boss. I thought they asked me to verify the spelling of her name after that, but I couldn't hear them very well.
      "What?" I asked.
      They said something again, but it didn't sound the same as before.

      My DJ entries were all centered and spaced like I was writing them in poetry format. I was typing them up. I didn't want them centered, I don't think.

      I then was signing on to play League of Legends. They had really updated the game. My friend Jeremiah was online, and sent me a game request. I was in the middle of doing something else, but I guess I could play a game with him. I accepted his request. I picked my champion, a female one that doesn't exist in the game IWL, and we were then playing. It then looked very cartoony and very much so like FFII graphics. I started getting attacked, but the map controlled so weird. I didn't die, but it was a close call. I went to the settings, and I couldn't change the graphics back; I had to do it outside of game. There were two options I could have picked from, Cartoon or Realistic. It was a new feature that I didn't know about. Cartoon was checked by default. I considered quitting and taking the penalty for it.


      I seriously felt like I was having fever dreams all night. I'm not sick, no fever or anything, just...what. I don't even know. It probably has something to do with lowering my dose of Ambien and taking that benedryl. It affected my recall as well. I have to stop taking the Ambien though, so my entries may be like this until I even out. I will eventually go down to taking a quarter of an Ambien, then eventually completely being off of it. I am actually happy for that. I miss sleeping naturally; I haven't since November/December of 2011, so for three years.
    3. DREAM in a DREAM

      by , 10-22-2014 at 12:59 PM
      i had a dream in which i was sleeping and in it i had a dream which was LUCID but i woke up from that dream and was sad that i was awake when actually i was dreaming then i woke up from sleep and was sad that i didnt do a reality check.
    4. PennyBoarding, School, Restaurant

      by , 10-22-2014 at 11:25 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was in a huge forest, and the ground was covered in snow. I had my Penny board with me and had decided that I was going to cruise down some roads since I was on a downwards slope. I put my penny board down and started cruising downward. Something wasn't right though, it felt extremely hard to balance on my board in general. Because of that I fell multiple times. At one point I was going down a pretty deep sloped road and once again I lost my balance and my Penny flew from underneath my feet and I watched in terror as it flew into a pile of mud.
      I got back up and walked over to the ditch next to the road where my board was. I then walked into the ditch, expecting it to be really soft and squishy when I stepped in, but it was quite the opposite. The mud was actually really firm and held my weight perfectly. I slowly walked over to where my board was and picked it up. Out of no where, I started preaching about my board, "We need to widen roads so this no longer will happen to those who ride penny boards! And so no one will ever get mud on their Penny ever again!". It was more like a motivational speech.
      I heard my dad yell from some distance down the road I was on, "Shut the hell up son!". With that I picked up my board and continued down the road. Suddenly I found myself inside of a building. The floor was green and yellow and was as smooth as the gym floor. I put my board on the ground and started riding it. Again, I fell off almost immediately and my board would go flying in whatever direction multiple times. I never gave up though, thats one thing I noticed. I picked up my board, hopped on, and tried again. I don't know what it was but I just could not keep my balance, and it felt like the board would take off too fast when I kicked off.

      2. I was inside of some food place with my dad and sister. I remember waiting in line with them both and finally the person who takes your order came up to us. My dad ordered some sort of meaty flatbread. I thought to myself as he ordered, "Yea, Im going to get the same thing". When my dad told them the order the ordering person went to the back for a few seconds, and then returned telling us that they ran out of the bread that came with the meal. This mad my dad kind of mad. Then the lady who was taking our order went to the back of the restaurant again and stayed there for a few minutes.
      We ended up waiting for a long time and for some reason the lady sent out 3 kids to take peoples orders. These kids were no older than about 10 years old. They didn't even take orders either, they just stood in front of the register with their hands folded together and smiled at us. Each one of them had a hat too.

      3. I was in a gas station and saw my friend Caitlin. We talked for a few minutes and I found out that we both liked a certain type of cookie that was in the store.

      4. I was in school in class with Isabelle and I asked her for the answers to some work packet that the teacher gave us..

      5. I was outside in a parking lot, inside of a blue truck. My friend Patrick and someone else came up to the truck and I opened the door and talked to them. My sister was in the truck with me.
    5. Sexiness~

      by , 10-22-2014 at 08:59 AM
      I was in math class and we had a test. My teacher was 40 or 50 years old. The exterior of the school was being repainted. So, when we looked at the window, we could see people who repaints the walls. My teacher saw one of them and said "Wow, he's so sexy" and she spend all the test to tell us how much she find him sexy like "we can see his abs through his shirt, wow" but the boy was half my teacher's age...
    6. Unusual Lucid Dreaming and Magic Swamp

      by , 10-22-2014 at 08:15 AM
      1st. So I had a false awakening where I began to go back to bed. As I fell back asleep, I could feel myself going into the dream so I thought I may as well just WILD it. It felt like I was doing flips and moving around my room, slowly it began to settle downed I tested to see whether I was in a lucid dream. So I went directly to the mirror in my bathroom, I was only about 4feet tall and had pale blue/blondish hair, my face was also a different structure with my bones being a lot sharper and harsh to look at. After this my dad came in and I though about posts when people said that they would tell their dream characters that they are actually in a dream, so I did exactly that although I cannot remember what happened after that.

      2nd. So there was me and a little girl as well as my little brother. We were in this small circle sized area with a few other people and were surrounded by plants and fauna, most of these were normal looking. The girl began looking through one side of the bush where there was high shrubbery although an adult began telling her that she should not be doing that.. She then began going through another area where the ground was softer and almost marsh like and the plants were sparser and taller. Most of these were about half of my height. She began stepping on them, splitting them in the process. This would let her walk around without touching the ground. I thought that this could potentially be dangerous so I stopped her and she went somewhere else, while she was exploring somewhere else I became curious about what was outside of this circled off area so I began taking the path that she had taken using the same process of splitting the top of the plants. The plants became shorter and looked as if someone had already split them, so now the whole ground was practically covered. They also began to gain this weird purple colour. Suddenly the ground gave way to a massive pond. The pond was a very very dark green in colour and was covered in these gigantic lily pads with the length of a bed, the whole place had this kind of magical vibe to it. I started stepping on these although they gave way and flooded me up to my knees. At some point I decided to turn back after getting a bad feeling about the place, although I didn’t head back the way I came in, I went through this kind of swamp area with the same lily pads as before, although here the feeling of something being wrong went to dread and anxiety. I reached the shore in time although now everyone else was trying to do what I had done. I tried to warn them but they would not listen. This is all I can remember.

      3rd. I was in a large track area although instead of running track there was a forest to replace it. Here I was chasing my little brother or my dog (Can’t Remember). As we came around the corner I could see that there were a group of people clustered together. There was my step-dad there and my sister. On the ground there was a iPhone6. In real life I am actually waiting for my iPhone to arrive so I was excited when I saw this in the dream world. I immediately asked my step-dad whether I could open it, he said yes. When i lifted the top I noticed that it was the black model, had some sort of case already half attached to it. The iPhone itself was pure black, thicker and felt generally not like an iPhone6. I put it back in the case and told him I would prefer the white model and would gladly wait.
    7. Sarek likes me

      by , 10-22-2014 at 03:50 AM (Delenn's dream journal)
      I haven't been paying attention to dreaming much lately. Life has been getting busier. But last night I thought, "I'm going to lucid dream." And I did! It was a little different from other LDs I've had; there was no point at which I consciously thought, "I'm dreaming!" I just gradually became more aware. It was a very long dream.

      I was part of a group of people who had to recapture some kind of relic from an underground place. It was being held by enemies of some kind, maybe orcs. I see it--a small glowing thing--on a ledge about 50 feet away. We manage to sneak by the orcs and capture the relic. Suddenly Sarek of Vulcan appears. I say something like, "Sarek, it's an honor to have your here." He replies, "Your name is no less esteemed." (Seems like a very Sarek thing to say.) I get the impression that we are doing a good job on our missions vs. the bad guys.

      We casually walk out of the place without anyone stopping us. We might've had disguises; I don't remember. Just as we're going through some large double doors, there's an uproar behind us. One of the group, a white woman, shoots up in the air and starts flying. I think for a second that, "Whoa, she just did that. Maybe I can too." So we leave all our bags behind and just shoot up in the air.
      It was around this time that I became lucid. I was thinking that my dream-flying was different from any other time I've done it, that I was more "floaty". I was really enjoying myself. I thought about how I was really lying in bed, and I knew I was starting to wake up. I focused on the face of the woman beside me, in an attempt to stabilize the dream. I don't know her face. The stabilization works, and I stay asleep!

      Later we are in a shopping area, a cute strip mall or something. I think, "I want my backpack." (The one I left behind.) I hold out my hand and make it appear beneath me! This is another 'first' for me. I felt like Q from Star Trek, making something appear just by willing it to happen! Later we are in a different shopping area. I remember the pumpkin challenge for October. There's one pumpkin right in front of me, but it's already broken open and there is trash inside. I go looking for another pumpkin. There's a nice orange one. I plan on using my hand to cut it open, but then I think, "This isn't my pumpkin.. maybe I should ask if I can cut it open." I smile at this person, a black woman. I ask if I can open the pumpkin and she says yes. But at that time the dream abruptly ends.

      I have some funny dream logic. What do I need with bags in a dream, anyway? And do I really need permission to open a pumpkin in my own dream? Silly brain.

      Updated 10-22-2014 at 03:53 AM by 32584

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , task of the month
    8. Lucid Side Notes

      by , 10-22-2014 at 02:02 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      Had my first lucid in a long time two nights ago. I don't recall very much, other than it was night time outside when I became lucid. I then flew around for a bit, and I decided to change the time of day. I used the "force" if you will, to pull the sun into view, and it became day. The weird part was that when I turned around it was still nighttime behind me, but it was day on the other side. That's all I remember.
    9. Florida beaches

      , 10-22-2014 at 01:08 AM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed around 8:30pm - 1 am

      Night shift 3am - 8:30am

      nap 9:45am - 4:15pm

      Last night lots of dreams, mostly work related.

      Nap DR:

      I'm riding a bus. We are approaching Florida. Coming down a very long hill. To the left, nice vista opens. There is a valley with some jagged mountains running through the middle of the valley, parallel to the road. They are getting smaller as we travel. They are just dry rocks, like california or nevada desert.

      As we go on, I start to see some lakes. Some water is tropical blue, and I'm thinking it's actually ocean already, not a lake. Like a bay, or something. Then I see a shorline behind the mountain range.

      I scramble for my camera, and I think I have the exact same one as IWL. The waters are so blue and drop dead gorgeous. I'm getting all emotional, so happy to see it. (I was looking at pictures of cancun and Isla Mujeres yesterday IWL.)

      We get out of the bus and bus drives away. Looks like we have some time to explore, even if this is not our destination. So we start walking. Now it's dark, no street lights, just a dirt road to the beach. There are some houses, it looks like an abandoned village. I remember I wanted some icecream. We walk into the shop. They are closing. The icecram is already out of the bins and it looks bad. As when you have old icecream in the freezer. It's covered with plastic. Every kind has strawberries in it, they are just cut up differently. I say I'll pass, but a friend of mine tells me I could just get a chocolate one. At first I don't wannu, but then the desire for icecream comes back and I get one.

      We continue to walk towards the shore in pitch dark. I hear some guys ahead, and also on the sides of the road. I shine a huge flashlight at them and the 4 guys standing on top of a rusty car with AK47s suddenly act all shy, as if caught doing something. I tell them to relax, they don't have to be scared of me, lol.
    10. I am Tyrion... Baratheon? And I am about to die.

      by , 10-22-2014 at 12:49 AM
      18th October 2014:

      Note: These entries are ripped straight from my personal dream journal, so if any descriptions seem odd, it's usually something to help me personally remember what I'm referring to, not to easily describe it to others

      Tonight's was a very intense and unusual dream. Though some of the first details are (at current) a little fuzzy, I will do my best to record them. The first thing that happened was a panoramic view of a large stone cliff, like a massive slab of rock layered with green lichen, against a blue sky with soft, fragmented clouds. My Dad was there, and was, I think helping me around; the old red Polo may have been there too, perhaps with Dad driving towards the cliff edge (with me inside it, in the back seat).

      Next I saw a brief scene of Raziel running with his energy-sword attached to his arm, through a grey-tiled kitchen with wooden doors that reminded me much of the crudely rendered doors from Soul Reaver; he was running through a kitchen with massive old metal ovens, which filled much of the room to either side of him, and seemed to be of a 19th Century design. A few apples rolled off the counters of the ovens and onto the floor as he ran, making his way to the door to the right at the opposite end of the room.

      In the next scene, I was in a dimly torch-lit chamber in a castle, standing, the dream camera focused on my face, against the wall with my hands in shackles; I was still Tyrion Lannister, and I knew Peter Dinklage's character to be "me". Cersei Lannister screamed something at me, her eyes squinted in fury and her red dress, flowing as she moved, was embroided with gold, the Lannister colours. An official, male stentorian voice asked me (or words to this effect) if I pleaded guilty, and I believe told me that I had a chance to escape my fate. However, I pleaded guilty to whatever the charges were that were placed against me, and looked to the other end of the square chamber, where an identical dwarf to myself was standing in ragged linen robes, and I admitted to being the same person as that dwarf, a dwarf called "Scar"; some instinct told me that he was me from the future or something, and that we were one and the same person, as identifiable by the fact that we were both Peter Dinklage. The guard by the door, a noble looking sort with white stubble dressed in extravagant armour of gold and crimson with a crested, arching helm (he looked a little like Barristan Selmy beneath the armour) banged the tip of spear on the ground and said something along the lines of "Tyrion Lannister; you had the chance to free yourself from this fate, however you have pleaded guilty, and you are sentenced to death."

      The next scene was by far the most memorable. This scene (as it seemed to be part of a continuous story, so I'll call it that), took place in a massive, lava filled circular arena; in the middle was a raised circular platform with a mesh-floor border, and then, in the centre of the circle, wood. A shaped slab of rock serving as a table sat in the centre, which I can only describe as "Christmas-Pudding shaped"; it reminded me of the larger slab of rock at the beginning of tonight's dreams. I was sat on (I think) a smaller slab, and next to me was Renly Baratheon, though for whatever reason, I thought that my name was Tyrion Baratheon , and that he was my brother. He sat resplendent in his green and gold battle armour, a great helmet with curved horns sat above his head; technically it should have been antlers, but the dream didn't seem to get this detail correct. Set before us were two plates with biscuits on them: A couple of cookies and a shortbread. A wavery-voiced announcer, Pycelle, I think, said over some kind of loudspeaker system (there's no other way his voice could have been as loud as was) announced that the convicted had been given meals to reflect where they had come from, I, from the Dornish Marches apparently, (perhaps I had been helping out in Dorne or something), which I for whatever reason agreed with. Apparently light, crumbly biscuits also passed for Dornish cuisine. As for Renly, I don't remember where the dream said he was from, so I'll just assume it said Storm's End.

      We had a frank chat before our impending deaths; I offered Renly one of my biscuits (three light, crumbly biscuits were to be my last meal) but he refused. I only remember a few actual snippets of the conversation, but I'll record them as best I can. The scene gradually shifted to my bedroom, but we were still sat on the stone chairs before the stone table. I said "You know, we Baratheons have Targaryen Blood." Renly had looked astonished, and asked how far back that was. There was a tiny wise-woman on my bed (Tiny; she was probably about the size of a rat), wearing a frayed blue-grey robe and walking with a gnarled stick (or should I say twig). She seemed to be portrayed by Rosemary Harris. She told us that our ancestry stretched all the way back to "Fingers Targaryen"; I asked her how many children he had had (I presume to get an idea of how much the family line could have branched out between Targaryen and Baratheon), and she told me that he had a great many sons. I grinned and replied "He must have had his fingers in all the pies." This provoked a great laugh from Relny, and I smiled; we felt close as our impending deaths approached. The wise woman disappeared, and I finished my biscuits. I think I then asked Renly something along the lines of "Didn't you already die in 2010? What was it like?" however, I don't remember the answer. Eventually, as the hour of doom approached, I found myself hugging him, weeping, and crying. "I love you, man!" I had said. He then slumped backwards, his legs bending back behind him below the knees. I ran to him and shook him, pleading with him not to leave the mortal coil, and picked up from next to his corpse a small black-bordered console with two knobs, its main body coloured like fire. It had a small, dim display with red lettering on it showing the amount of time I had left to live: It was not long. I pleaded with him "What's it like?! What was it like?! Will I see you there?! What do you see?!" but there was no response.

      It was then that I remembered I had to tell everyone of my impending death; during this time I saw a brief image of me scrabbling for my phone in the dim back section of the caravan, the light of day streaming through the open door, but a moment later, I was back to the feeling of scrabbling for my phone in the world I had been in previously with Renly; I had to tell everyone that I was going to be dead in the morning, and began to write the lines, something along the lines of "When you all wake up tomorrow, I will not be here...", however I did not finish, and snapped awaked, shouting "No!" as I realised my death was approaching. It took me a while to shake the feeling of the dream, and it was one of the more vivid ones I've had since restarting this journal. That was everything I can recall of tonight's dreams.
    11. Open Your Eyes

      by , 10-22-2014 at 12:23 AM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #250: Open Your Eyes

      There’s a long sequence where I help set up a first date between a male friend and the twin sister of a female friend. Proud of having helped, I wander off to a hallway adjacent to where they’re having their date. There’s an old lady here staring at a set of wall hooks and commenting about how she’s a lucid dreamer and always checks wall hooks “just in case she’s dreaming.”

      Interesting idea, I say, and notice that the shape of the hooks keeps changing. I spot a wadded up piece of paper and decide to make it float, just to see. It takes some effort, but float it does, and
      now I’m lucid. I walk through a nearby door into a warehouse stacked with boxes, intending to encounter Dreamer here.

      As soon as I enter the room, I see Dreamer carrying some huge, heavy-looking cardboard box. She seems to be doing grunt work for some kind of retail job and there’s a disagreeable-looking young woman behind her shouting at her to hurry up her work. Dreamer sees me and gives me an apologetic look as this supervisor hustles her along. I approach the pair of them and tell the supervisor, “She’s all done with her work now, isn’t she?” The supervisor seems to accept this and wanders away.

      I grab Dreamer’s hand and we run as I babble to her about how this is all a lucid dream. We leave the way I came in, but now it’s a marble entrance hall. Then we’re out on a crowded street, people walking in either direction down the sidewalk and cars rolling up and down the street. I shout something bold to the dream world about how this is my dream and nobody’s going to cause me any trouble. A lot of the DCs stop and turn to me at this, and one of the cars veers off of the street and comes rolling toward us.

      Dreamer and I leap onto the hood of the car, run along the top of it, and jump into the air as we reach the trunk. She hangs on as we take flight, wrapping her arms around my neck and left shoulder. I comment on how silly it was of me to start thinking about dreamworld hostility when everything had been absolutely fine. Fortunately, none of it feels like a big deal, and we say something about how it should sort itself out.

      The flight’s a lot of fun but at some point I lose my sight. Dreamer says, “The dream is still here. Open your eyes.” I’m nervous about this, but I try it. For a second they feel like they’re glued shut and I think this has to be my real eyes opening. But a little more effort and they’re open! We’re high above the clouds now, and I do a hard dive back to earth, determined that this time everything will be easy and peaceful. I somehow hit the ground sooner than expected and faceplant in some grass. Dreamer seems to be gone now.

      I feel the grass a bit with my hands, and it feels phony, like mini-golf grass. A couple of DCs I know from another dream pass by, greet me, and I follow them into a building, through halls into a glass-walled office on the 2nd story. Somehow it’s night outside. An easy-going guy named Gary (black dude, friendly, on the tall side) joins us and I incorrectly remember that the Task of the Month is to pull a prank on a DC! (Oops, this is one from a previous month! )

      As a prank, I decide to pretend that the window is sucking me out into the night. I act scared and start shouting as I phase through, landing on the corner of a nearby section of roof. I complete the prank by humping the corner of the roof. The guys inside start laughing uncontrollably and I float down to an outdoor restaurant patio that’s just below.

      I think about whether I’ve got a chance to encounter Dreamer again and think about doing either another task or whatever the heck I feel like. As I think this, a woman seated at one of the patio tables turns to face me, and it’s Dreamer! She’s wearing a dress and has long blond hair, but otherwise looks and seems like herself. I talk a bit about tasks, but again lose my vision.

      In response to this, she starts singing a strange Australian song about “marching around” and tells me to try marching around myself. As I’m flailing about, I feel myself kick over a table or two and I hear some people shout in surprise. “See how silly that is?” she says. “Just open your eyes!” I have some trouble at first, but after a little encouragement, my eyes come open just fine and I’m still in the same scene. Dreamer runs up and gives me a big hug before we walk off together, talking again about what we should do next. We never get around to anything before
      the dream ends.

      Updated 10-22-2014 at 01:30 AM by 57387

    12. Lucid in a Restaurant

      by , 10-22-2014 at 12:18 AM
      Non-Dream Dream Lucid

      Dream 1:

      I am at a Target store buying gear for a home run derby. I have a bat and a Mike Trout ball that is oddly shaped. Trout is there too. Now I am at the home run derby in the stands. The crowd has to pay per pitch. Therefore the popular / well-liked players get more pitches because the crowd is willing to pay.

      Dream 2:

      I am at a restaurant with my friend/coworker GM. I am teaching him how to play a video game and the subject of lucid dreaming comes up. I become lucid. Not too sure how it happened - I guess the just talking about it made me become aware. I tell GM about all of the different things that I like to do when I am lucid like flying and eating. I cook some hamburgers and we both eat one - it tastes amazing. I am bored so I decide to trash the back of the restaurant where the cooks are. After this I go outside and decide to do something constructive with my lucid opportunity. There is nobody outside of the restaurant - which now looks like one of the outside eating areas at UCLA (above the bookstore). I yell out "why am I so anxious all the time." No answer and nothing happens. Then I yell out "show me something I am afraid of" so maybe I can conquer some of my fears. Still nothing so I yell it out again. Suddenly a man appears from behind one of the buildings and walks toward me aggressively. I know he wants to fight me. Apparently I am afraid of confrontations. He starts punching and kicking and I block all of it. Not just normal blocks though - I actually catch his fists and feet with my hands. Then I proceed to thoroughly kick his ass.

      After the ass beating I do my favorite lucid activity - flying. I fly over the football field at UCLA. There are people playing so I join the game. I make several great catches while flying and I shout out that I am the greatest football player ever at UCLA.

      Dream 3:

      I am having amazing sex with a very petite woman. At times during the sex I can see us from 3rd person view.

      Spoiler for Sex details:

      I stay the night and we have sex again the following morning in the shower. We head out to the backyard to do some gardening and I think her parents are there with us. It is very awkward. I am trying to stake some pepper plants but I am out of string / tape. I try to find an Ace or Home Depot store driving through the Culver City / Inglewood area on Sepulveda. The area looks like one giant mall towering over the street. I step into a Home Depot store and find the string - the store is very ghetto. I go to the outside section of the store and find myself in the army doing drills.
    13. Lock Down, WTH?

      by , 10-21-2014 at 09:16 PM
      Lock Down:
      Maya is going bezerk and she starts to beat me up becuase she wants to.
      I goto my class and, a lockdown happens all of the lights in the school turn off.
      I'm in the bathroom my brother pops up randomly and says stuff like psjdfosd fsdgosoi I walk out of the bathroom, "WTH?!" I yell.
    14. sidestep to your left

      by , 10-21-2014 at 08:57 PM
      No lucids this time, of course...

      - Walked doon some steps and went into a wee room. My (dead IRL) Granddad from my mums side and my granny from my dad's were sitting together.

      Granddad - 'Ah, yer here just in time, we're all leaving at seven, lots of people havenae turned up yet - and they were told!'
      Me - 'I wasn't told what time....'
      Me - 'Why's my other Granny here?'
      Granddad - 'How no'? - I named her after all.'

      I left feeling a bit confused.


      - Me and some other lad ended up in the water, there was land perhaps a mile or two away on two sides. We started making our way toward the land. I noticed that the water wasnae too deep, and by bouncing I was able to touch the bottom. I peered into the water and the sea bed was full of what looked like Canadian Pondweed. I had it in my heed that if I swam to my left a wee bit it would get shallower.


      Sitting on the edge of a bed with the wife. I had a pile of magazines. They were back issues of Doctor Who Magazine but were the wrong shape and size. I picked up an issue with Cybermen on the front and flicked through it. I noticed some writing on the inside which was an address with the village of Auchenblae as part of it. I then minded that I got that particular issue fae somebody or other.
      Thrilling I ken!
    15. At work at night

      by , 10-21-2014 at 08:49 PM
      I go to bed at 10:20, wearing my mask, with my alarm set for 6:30. I wake naturally at 1:30 with no dream recall. I quickly fall back asleep and wake again at 3:30.

      At work at night
      I'm in my cube at work building a new computer from new parts. Now, I'm walking through the office without any real destination; I'm just going for a walk. It's getting onto evening now. A number of us are going to be spending the night at the office, and I see sheets and blankets already laid out in some cubes. Now it's night. There's very little natural or artificial light, and I have to be careful as I walk around not to bump into or trip over anything. I'm still enjoying my walk, since I've never walked around the building in the dark, especially not with a bunch of people sleeping here.
      The office layout is pretty true to life.

      I return to bed around 4. It takes a while to fall asleep, and the rest of the night is pretty restless.
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