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    1. Dream 3 (April 13, 2014)

      by , 08-30-2014 at 02:55 PM
      I was in a classroom, and there was a student that was being the substitute teacher. I was focusing on these five cards, each with a different word on them. They felt like index cards, and they seemed very important. They were in with a large stack of cards, like "Magic the Gathering" cards, and there were two different sizes of cards. I then put the cards away and noted how cool it was that I had every major type of word a sentence could have in those five cards. Then I realized that I didn't have any adjectives and I felt kind of disappointed. Then I realized that one of the words < I believe it started with 'B' and ended with 'M'>, which reminded me of the cold of winter and frozen things, could be used as an adjective <As hard as I tried I could not remember the word when I awoke>. I then got out my cards to be sure, and as I looked for the five I needed I separated the other cards into three different piles, only to realize as I finished with the superfluous cards that the ones I wanted were right on top the whole time. I scanned the five cards, though I didn't actually read them or even really look at them, and then I put them back on the deck and put the three decks back together and I put the cards away, the matter apparently resolved. I then moved on to my next period class. This time the regular teacher was there, only there was a student that was missing . I went on from there to lunch, where my brother was using a taco replicator to make himself some tacos, he ended up with 5 or 6 tacos. I realized that I didn't have breakfast yet, so I made some large waffles in the shape of a square with lot's of maple syrup. When I went back to the taco replicator my brother had not eaten as much as he should have and there were seven or eight packages of original flavor skittles <real original, with Lime not green apple> and my brother was only half finished with one. I grabbed myself a package of skittles and replicated myself a taco and I sat down to eat. The taco was really good, like a Mighty taco, so I went to replicate another taco. There were two rectangular things, one on top one on the bottom, that provided information in green digitalized numbers. The top one said that there was only one taco left to be replicated. I knew there was a way to fix this but I didn't know how. I called my brother in and he pointed out that there were really four rectangular areas that you needed to pay attention to. Not only did 2 more rectangular areas appear to the right of the original, but the replicator itself appeared to go from one corner of the room to the opposite corner, even though I was still standing in the same spot relative to the replicator. The top right area set the number of tacos that would be replicated by a dial and displayed how many were about to be replicated in a rectangular box with green digitalized numbers. The bottom right was different from the rest in that unlike the others it was a button instead of an area that displayed information. The rectangular button was used to reset the number of replications back to zero, which saved time from using the dial. The top left area was actually for displaying the number of models that could be chosen from, and it still displayed its one. I have no idea what the bottom left area was for. I turned the dial to set the number of replications I wanted and it immediately jumped to sixty. I slowly turned the dial down to nine. In the meantime I was watching the output area, which had a large bag the tacos would be replicated in, and also there were empty kraft mac and cheese boxes. As I turned the dial not only were there less tacos appearing in the bag, but the amount of mac and cheese boxes decreased as well. I decided that nine would be a good number and I left for a little bit, then I came back, replicated the tacos, and ate them. <Then I woke up>
    2. Dream 2 ( July 29, 2013)

      by , 08-30-2014 at 02:54 PM
      The dream started with my classmates playing some game that involved a swing over a merry-go-round. I got on the swing and for some reason the game ended, though no one got off the merry-go-round. The people on the merry-go-round kept on apologizing and I would say it's okay. I swung over the merry-go-round 3 or 4 times and then started to swing in a large circle in a clockwise direction facing the merry-go-round. As I was swinging there was a group of three trees which would block my view slightly as I swung around. As I was swinging I was going faster and faster. I swung around four times and it occurred to me how dizzy I would get and I got off. My gym teacher was there telling me about stocks which somehow worked by kids playing on the playground. He then told me to get some money to make my own stocks. I went down into the woods. After a while, it became 11:00 am the next day somehow, even though I had no watch <It was this feeling, I got the impression of a time card being held up, like in some shows and movies just before a scene>. My way was blocked by a deep gorge, so I looked for a way across. I came across a wooden structure. It had a log high above the ground that was hard to get over. Then there was a lower log that was easier to get over. Then the railing along the sides blocked the way. I could see that there were eight steps further on that didn't come close to going across the gorge. I continued to look for a way across. I came upon another wooden structure, but it was the same one as before. Suddenly a beaver came out from under a log railing. I was scared that it would bite my leg. I saw its large canine teeth <it had teeth like a dog or wolf's>. I jumped on top of a log. I could see the beaver jump at me, trying to bite my leg. I kicked it and went back up the hill I came from. The beaver followed and blocked my way. I went down the hill and around an old wooden house that was suddenly there and began walking up the hill. There was a small pile of stones with a hole or small cave in the middle. It looked like a much better place to live than the log railing, and I was sure the beaver would like it. I looked down and the beaver was there and began to explore its new home. I figured that should keep the beaver busy for a while and proceeded up the hill. "wait" the beaver called, it was a male voice, " Why do you keep running?". I kicked the beaver in the face. "Sorry" I said, "You could bite my leg,and chew it right off". "relax" he said, "I will not bite your leg, I promise". It was night now, the beaver said he could see the "Great Fish". "where?" I said, the beaver replied " do you see that red star?" I looked up and I could see the stars, but I could not make out what colours they were. I saw the red light of an airplane. "Is that it?" I said " first of all..."said the beaver "... that's not a star, that's a plane." I finished. I looked again, a female voice said something about stars and I commented. The beaver seemed to be mocking me that I could not see the red star. "At the beginning of the Universe..." I began. Suddenly I could see everything as though I was there. There was a great cloud of dust. The cloud separated into four dust clouds. The dust clouds spun and some of the dust flew off in bands. " Each one developed bands around its center" a voice said. One had one band of dust around it, another had two, another three and the last had four. The cloud with four dust bands seemed very special, and looked very beautiful. Suddenly I was in a room, probably part of a government building or hospital. Research was being done about people who remembered things they couldn't possibly have had any recollection of. "this one remembers things from the dinosaurs" a doctor said. I thought that it might be cool to know all of what I remember but shouldn't be able to. But I imagined the hypnotist would say "sleep!" and I would say "no!"and the hypnotist would say "Why not?" and I would say "If I went to sleep now my dreams wouldn't be lucid". <then I woke up>
    3. Dream 1 (about two weeks before dream 2)

      by , 08-30-2014 at 02:53 PM
      I had a dream about a large battle. The armies looked like they do in The Rise of Rome game <small and faraway looking down from an angle>. I was chased by a large dinosaur and went into thick woods to get away. Then I was chased by a small raptor.I escaped the raptor by going into a tree with small ape-like creatures. The far Army won the battle and chased the other army. When the army arrived at the edge of the battlefield, they began to disappear. I woke up and wrote something into my dream journal <still part of my dream>. I was anxious about getting it all written down on time. <Then I woke up>
    4. Lucid Hattrick!!! Three dares completed in one shot!!

      by , 08-30-2014 at 10:41 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Lucid Hattrick - Three Dares completed! (MILD)


      Lucid Hattrick!!! Three dares completed in one shot!!

      After waking up and not able to recall a dream, I started to use the MILD technique, something I have been doing for a couple of days and I focused on getting some dares done.

      I ended up forgetting the non-lucid part of the dream, actually, I recalled right away writing down this whole dream in my Dream Journal and getting comfy back in bed, and I hoped to remember it in the morning, but I did not mind if I did not, as it was not a spectacular dream anyway, and well... I forgot it lol.

      So, this dream started with a False Awakening. I was in my room and I was going to write down the dream, but I had some difficulty and I was unable to write the dream down, so I sat on the side of my bed and trying to focus a little bit to be able to write it, but I felt weird and I my wife woke up. I told her I was feeling funny and I said,

      - Imagine I was dreaming.

      My wife laughed and told me:

      - Yeah, right. Go back to sleep. - And she just tucked herself back in bed and I did a Reality Check.
      And I laughed and said, "Well.. I am in dreaming indeed. But my wife was either gone or just she fell back asleep." The dream quality was not great and I had the feeling all the time that I was going to wake up, so I exited the house and started to fly, demanding to get clarity and to anchor myself in the dream. A few times, I lost vision, but I knew I was still dreaming, so I did my best to open my dream eyes while I anchored myself into the dream, with success.

      I found myself in downtown but I still did not feel like myself, so I decided to enter a big building, which was a hotel and eat some food, as I was sure that the taste of food would anchor me further into the dream. I asked a woman I saw there if she knew where I could find an apple, and she directed me to the kitchen. When I entered the kitchen, it was not a kitchen, but one of those meeting rooms, with large tables on the side and said tables contained food, veggies, fruits and meats from all times, apparently, the meat was raw and uncooked, but as I was looking for something to eat, I realized my dream was pretty good and clear, so I passed on the fruits and decided to work on some dares. Since I have not been dared yet to anything, I decided to work on the "anyone" dares, and I got started with:

      "Let yourself fall from a great height and hit the ground at full speed (Xanous)"

      I felt it was an easy one and since I was in a huge building, all I needed to do was to climb it, so I started to fly, exited through one of the windows and flew to the top. As I reached the top, I could see that I was in the tallest building of all downtown (I believe this mightn't been the Trump Tower because of the shape.) All the cars and people looked tiny.

      I decided to jump. Before I did, I was laughing with myself because it would be funny the mayhem I was going to cause when I crashed in the ground. So I just jumped off, head first and I flew at full speed. It still took a while, even though the speed of the fall fell amazing on my face. As I was about to hit the ground, I wondered if someone would grab me, but no one did and I crashed hard in the ground. It felt similar to when you fall in bed, but it was a lot harder, but I bounced back. I could hear a big noise type of "splat!" but it did not hurt and it neither affected the quality of the dream.

      So much for thinking I would make a mess... no one seemed to care I crashed in the ground... oh well! Dare completed!!

      I recalled the next task:

      Do a 'trust fall' (free fall backwards) into the arms of the nearest DC. Did they catch you? (Dreamer)

      I had no idea who made this challenge, but I was able to recall it well, so I walked to a plaza that was busy with a lot of people. I walked by a lady who was in her 30s and very good looking, so I thought it would be a great opportunity for this catch.

      I said, "Hi there!" and immediately, gave her my back and I free fell. She indeed grabbed me and asked me if I was okay! I told her, "Sure I am, thanks a lot!! Another Dare completed!!"
      (I thought that I had t be caught in order to successfully accomplish this dare.) The lady appeared to be attracted to me, as she making a lot of eye contact with me and she was like taking care of me, if you know what I mean...

      I recalled it would be another good chance to get one more dare completed, which is:

      Get naked in front of a DC (Dreamer)

      So, since the mood was there, I just found out it would be a cheap way to get this one done, and then, hattrick the dares. I look my clothes off and she started to do so as well, while we were still in the middle of the place, but no one seemed to care. Dare completed!!!!

      I felt this was a great dream, and I did not want to risk it due to having sex with the woman, so I just took of and started to fly away from there.

      I suddenly lost control of the dream and had a false awakening. I felt, "So much for not having sex to save the dream..." As I was about to write down the lucid, I had a funny feeling that my mind was playing games with me. I could not see a thing, so I started to touch my fingers. I could feel five fingers, but something was not right. I had a couple more false awakenings and then I lit a small light in order to see my hands, the light came out to be very pale, but that, I did not notice, however, upon checking my hands I realized I was still dreaming.

      I walked away from bed, and I was still naked, but I did not care, I fly naked many times, so I just took off and I started to fly. It was dawn and it was very foggy:

      It felt great to fly in the nude, as it was fresh, but not cold. While I was flying I thought of a fourth dare to get done while I was at it:

      Apparently, it was not a anyone dare, in fact, I cannot find this dare at all, but I know someone said to do this in Dreamviews recently. It was about applying Photoshop effect to something:

      I landed next to some city lights, and decided to apply the Photoshop effect. I moved my hand, pointing at the city lights and visualized them changing color, which they did successfully. Then, I decided to apply Bevel and Emboss to one of the city lights upon waving my hand into them, I was able to see how it turned thick, like if it was a Photoshop layer. I decided to wrap it up with adding shine light effect to the light bulb of one of them, said bulb turned very shinny and bright.

      As I was about to do something else, I woke up.

    5. In some random bot-war

      by , 08-30-2014 at 10:39 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      In some random bot-war (Non-lucid)


      I boarded some sort of train, as I planned to go to some place that I cannot recall. As I was about to get to the place, I was given an assault gun that was exactly like the plastic ones they use against Magneto in one of the movies. But not as toy like:

      I was wondering what was going on and why in heavens I would need a gun. I realized that we were going to some sort of war and I was dressed like a military.

      I got out of the train and there were some war-bots wandering around, so I destroyed a couple of them. One of them, had a cable hanging on its butt, so I pulled it and destroyed the bot. Some other bot said, "Pull his cable then" and they pulled out something from my back and I lost focus for a few moments.

      From here, I went to some sort of war court, as apparently, I did a war crime for some reason. There were a lot of generals who appeared pissed, but I had no idea why was I in so much trouble. But I saw a friendly face, one of the judges that was surprised to see me there.

      He told me to speak with him, just the both of us. We entered some sort of mobile building. In the office, there was a calendar with a schedule that said:

      Monday - Kill
      Tuesday - Kill
      Wednesday - Murder
      Thursday - Murder
      Friday - Murder
      Saturday - Kill
      Sunday - Kil

      I started to worry, I did not want to fight any war and my gun did not work well, sometimes, it would shot by itself.

      I shared with the general that my gun was not working and that I got there by accident and I wanted to go home. I told him I am a Psychic Medium and not a Soldier and that I could not do anything being there at war.

      He appeared to understand me and he gave the order to ship me home. I was relieved.
    6. Handbags

      by , 08-30-2014 at 10:15 AM
      Choline doesn't seem to have contributed to dream results these last few days (unfortunate because I've just bought 2 more bottles...still, it's early days yet) I didn't take any before retiring to bed.

      This could have been a blockbuster Western (maybe like The Big Country) but because it wasn't particularly long or vivid it was more like a B movie...or even one of Ed's home movies.

      It seemed to concern local "Families" and another big local family seemed to want my family to leave the area. Two of their senior women were astride their horses and wanting to know if we were leaving this morning...as I had apparently said we would be.

      I was saying something about maybe we would later in the day and one of them said that our presence was upsetting another of their senior women. Clearly not a John Ford masterpiece...not a gun in sight.

      Did a quick WBTB and had a very small coffee and took one choline. (can't resist experimenting)

      Another fragment really. It involved some sort of gathering (maybe even a wake) commemorating a family member. The highlight seemed to be a crowd of younger people laying on the floor partly obscured by furniture. They were singing and the girls in the group were periodically holding up their handbags. (was this supposed to represent a group of girls "dancing around their handbags?) I noticed one handbag in particularly fine detail...it was enormous, open and completely empty. Crazy...and completely incomprehensible...

      Nothing to get excited about last night but at least there was an early dream. I'm hampered by the fact that I usually waken with leg pains and automatically turn over before my self-conditioning - not to - kicks in. How much that destroys dream recall is difficult to quantify but I know I lost at least one more dream.

      Still working with ADA and other routines. I'm trying rosemary oil (a couple of drops on a pillow) after I read this article

      Rosemary aroma may help you remember to do things:-

      Rosemary aroma may help you remember to do things -- ScienceDaily

      We'll see what happens long term.

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      Updated 08-30-2014 at 12:27 PM by 63430 (remembered one small thing)

    7. Tricky false awakening

      by , 08-30-2014 at 08:22 AM
      This morning, my alarm was set at 4.45 am because I had to go to work early. I had naturally awoken at 3 am and thought I still had another REM cycle to sleep.

      I "awoke", looked at the clock and it was 4.37 am. I thought I'd just lay there until the alarm went off. Next thing I know, I look at the clock again and it's 5.20, so I had ten minutes to get up, get dressed, ready and have breakfast, and head out. I guessed I had overslept and hadn't heard the alarm, but it was weird because that had never happened to me before. I got up, went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Before bed, I had tied my hair up in a bun, like I sometimes do, but in the image I was seeing in the mirror, my hair was down. "I swear to God, my hair was tied up in a bun. I must be dreaming". I looked at my hands and they looked normal. "Well that's weird, to be dreaming and see a realistic replica of myself in the mirror and have normal-looking hands. It's unlikely, but maybe the hair tie has slipped from my hair". However, I had it around my wrist and it was close to impossible that it had got there on its own. I couldn't believe that, even being conscious, my mind was still trying to trick me into thinking that was real. I knew that just couldn't be, but just in case, I started putting my make up on. Soon afterwards, the alarm went off for real.

      Updated 08-30-2014 at 08:27 AM by 64401

      lucid , false awakening
    8. Full Bed, Dad's Custom Racer (20.8.14)

      by , 08-30-2014 at 04:42 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm in my bedroom with Daryl at my old house. There's two girls laying in my bed. I recognize both. One is the female I hooked up with a CQ Night Club and other is Ash Browns Girlfriend.
      I jump into bed with them and I feel a little unsure if they don't want me in the bed with them.

      A dog begins running around the bedroom and I follow it around the room.

      Dream 2

      I'm at my high school and I walk towards a shed. I enter the shed and I see a bike that I take with me. The bike a custom built racer bike, its a odd design but I like it. I see that it has a Facebook logo on it.
      I take it to where the community center in marinda park is, along the footpath near milk bar. I see my cats and they keep getting in the way of the bike. The cats eventually steal the bike and take it around the corner.
      I walk around the corner but area doesn't look like what it usually looks like IRL. I get the bike back and begin to clear the footpath of things that are in the way. I see a dog bowl on the path.
      I have to squeeze my way passed the cats , due to them being on the path. I begin talking to someone about the bike and telling them that it's vintage and would have cost a lot to do up.
      I talk to my Dad and ask him why he did the bike up. He tells me it's a hobby of his.

      Dream Fragments

      1. Someone is talking about Marc Marquez. They mention that he's American.

      2. Rita & Bruce are over at my house. Daryl is in his bedroom and yells out something to me. I yell back but he doesn't respond. I go to his room and find out what's up. I see that he's on dreamviews and is on my dream journal.
      He mentions that its running slow, so I hop on PC to check and it's running fine.
    9. Debating execution

      by , 08-30-2014 at 03:49 AM
      Setting loosely based on China some centuries ago. There's two men standing on either side of a gateway; they used to know each other a long time ago, but not anymore. The one inside's a soldier; the one outside used to be. Currently he's drunk and being held up by two soldiers who work under the one inside. The one inside is deciding whether or not to have the other one executed. In the end he decides against it and says something along the lines of "Get this drunkard out of my sight."

      As a disembodied observer, I'm thinking that he's going to regret that decision. In a few years they'll be rivals who both want something or someone, and the other man will win. I see an image of that future, where the man currently standing inside that gate is now watching the other man from a distance. He's thinking back to this moment and wondering what would have happened if he'd executed him then.
    10. Safe Good Driver, Max The Hacker, Snow Beach, Bank Confusion, LD#40 (28.8.14)

      by , 08-30-2014 at 03:37 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm in a car with Kayley and she asks if she's a good driver. I tell her the truth and tell her the difference between a good driver and a safe driver. I tell her she's a safe driver. She doesn't take it too kindly and she seemed to think she was a good driver.

      I'm now on foot and walking towards a house flat. I see Jamie Pennys kids at the door step. I decide to turn around and leave. As I turn around a corner I see Jamie himself. I mention to him that I saw his kids out the front of his house.

      Kayley seems to have bailed on me and I have to figure out how to get home. I start to think about the long distance it'll take to get home. I have a backpack on so I check for money inside of it, and find a few coins. I see a man on the other side of the road and he's standing next to a car and looks a little suspect. He just doesn't look like a guy with good intentions. I'm taken back by the size of the man, hes very tall. He offers me a smoke which is unlit but looks to have been already half smoked. I keep insisting to him on why I don't want the cigarette. I tell him I quit a long time ago. I have a feeling the cigarette itself has something wrong with it and would cause harm if smoked. I end up taking a couple of drags of the cigarette. I tell him his very tall and he tells me his 6'8. I have a feeling his taller than that.
      I can now see a scene of the guy in a nightclub. Two males approach him and they're taken back as well by the size of him. They tell him jokingly ''Where's your cousins at?!'' meaning that they must be tall as well. Now he's cousins come into the scene, and they're just as tall.
      The man asks where the bus is, and I look into the distance and see one coming. The bus looks weird from the distance. It looked skinny. I tell him ''There's a bus coming, but I doubt it's yours''.

      Dream 2

      I'm sitting at the computer, about to play some online poker. I enter a table and notice that Max is sitting at the table also. He name is odd and consists of Max in it. My avatar is a picture of myself and I quickly leave hoping he hasn't seen me.

      My computer shuts down from being hacked. I figured it was Max, he must have seen me before I left. I walk over to my Dad, who is in front of his own computer. He seems to be having problems as well. He tells me that Microsoft Office isn't working. I tell him about Libre Office, which is FREE.

      Dream 3

      I'm walking down a street. As I'm walking, I'm pissing at the same time, leaving a trail behind me. I see that there's two males on their bikes heading towards me. I get worried thinking they're going to know I left a trail of piss behind me. I get on my skateboard and start to try and build up speed, but seem to struggle with power and cardio. I look back where I had previously pissed and see that it wasn't as noticeable as first thought.

      I reach a beach which is windy and overcast. I see that there's snow and rocks leading towards the ocean. There's a flash of lightning which hits the ground only meters away from me. There's a lot of people looking towards the ocean. I have a look to see what all the fuss is about and notice that the waves are swelling a lot and that there looks to be a lot of seals in the water. The waves begin to come over the concrete barrier where I am standing and begins to flood. My shoes get soaked but I feel no sensation of wetness or cold in my foot. As I'm leaving the beach I throw some snow at a kid and he gets pissed off at me. I think he's a bit of a sook, so I flick sand up towards his face to toughen him up.

      I'm now at Josh's old house in Strofford Ave. I enter the house through the backdoor and notice that there's a dog trying to enter the house also. I have to push him back to stay outside. I stroll through his kitchen and notice that his bench top is different and see a toaster near the sink. I leave the kitchen and walk into the lounge room. I see Dad standing next to what looks like a iron board. Dad begins to question me, as if I had done something wrong. I keep insisting that everything is fine but he keeps digging for answers. He asks if I'm hiding a female in my room. He now goes on about something I may have done outside. I start to get confused on why he's questioning me so much.

      Dream 4

      I'm on Dreamviews IRC and I'm talking to gab. Gab asks me a question and I don't seem to be paying enough attention to what she asks and I respond with the answer. Gab asks me to explain my answer and I feel I have been caught out not paying attention.

      I'm now sitting down talking to some people that work at the bank. I begin to tell lie to them about having a house and that I have been living in it for 3 years. I hope that Daryl is over hearing our convocation cause he would find it funny that I'm making shit up as the convocation goes along. I start to get confused and can't seem to follow what the bank employees are telling me.
      I see Daryl sitting at a table with three young ladies.

      Daryl takes me to another room inside the bank. He introduces me to another bank employee. I tell him I didn't understand what they were telling me earlier. He hands me some paper.

      Dream 5 - 9:25AM (Lucid - MILD, DEILD)

      I'm watching a female get ready for a fight. She is standing where the fighters are usually checked by the referee. I begin to come aware in the dream and I start concentrating on her facial features, until I realize I am dreaming.
      I think I'm in a class room and I kneel down to stabilize the dream and start to feel/smell/rub face/lick the carpet. I dream still feels a tad unstable. I begin to feel as if I'm still in bed and have something covering most of my vision (probably sleeping mask). I successfully attempt to bring on a false awakening to restart the dream, by falling backwards with my eyes shut. I feel my body float to the ground. I start to visualize the last thing I saw in my dream which works instantly. I'm back in the dream but only for a few seconds before I wake up.

      Side Notes

      Night 2-3 of practicing MILD with success. I become lucid just before my wake up alarm goes off, this is a common thing for my lucid dreams.
    11. Coat of Butterflies - Super Quick Entry

      by , 08-29-2014 at 10:49 PM
      Question about first lucid dream-butterflies.jpg

      I don't know what to call this. It seemed that I was in a state between awake and asleep in the late morning in a somewhat meditative state watching dreamlets and my favorite one was this person with a coat of butterflies that flew off of the person with the multitude of colorful butterflies flooding my field of vision. Absolutely beautiful! It was more multi-colored than these images I found above and very vibrant.
    12. Big loft at Chicago

      by , 08-29-2014 at 09:46 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Big loft at Chicago (Non-lucid)


      I was in my computer and a client was giving me a hard time (and this actually happened today, out of a few years and over 5 thousand readings, I had today the third person giving me a hard time within these last years.) I decided to just close my computer and go somewhere else.

      I was in Chicago visiting some friends and I was going to stay there for a few days. It was night and I went to a big building, apparently, this was Marina City building, as it was round on the inside.

      I entered one apartment and it was huge, it also had a loft and a swimming pool. All the decor was very fancy and upscale and there were free appetizers and drinks available.

      Someone was giving massages there and I planned to sleep there overnight. As I was trying to find a confy bed, I noticed that there were a lot of people around and many of them were drunk.
      Tags: chicago, drunk, loft
    13. Entry 3

      by , 08-29-2014 at 07:13 PM
      Ok, past two days I couldn't remember any dreams, but I remember a few today.

      I was outside this building, it was big and concrete and shaped like my house. My yard was an exact replica of my yard, but there was a wooden privacy fence splitting the front and backyard, and the backyard was even bigger than it is now, and it's like a compound in there. It's some gang's territory, and for some reason I'm about to have to go in there. There was a reason why, I don't remember what happened but it was because they took my friends or something. I have an automatic gun, kind of like an ar-15 or an ak-47 but It's wooden, but still really effective. There's a guy standing by the gate and he asks "Are you sure you want to enter? If you go in, there's no coming back...". I open the gate and go through, there's a lot of wooden barricades and towers. I get in a gun fight with all these guys. (then a cut because I don't remember what happens next, but I think I go in a building). It's a large, dark room. It's REALLY dark, yet I can see perfectly. At this point it's just a huge battle royale. There's towers and stuff inside the room as well, I remember a part of me getting on top of the tower and drop kicking this guy who was about to kill a hostage. It was badass. I don't remember much of this scene, but I remember it lasting a LOOOOOOOOONG TIME, I mean this was a full dream. There was even an ending, which I vaguely remember. After all the gang members were dead, the hostages were freed and reunited with their families.

      Also, I had another dream with my dog, who ran away in it. I was on my porch and he was laying there (there was also my other dog who we gave away). When I saw him I was like "Whoa he's back! I should do a reality check..." and I did, but it FAILED! And I kept on dreaming...
    14. We mustn't diiddle about here

      by , 08-29-2014 at 06:31 PM
      After a couple of very encouraging nights, just a few wee bits of confused rubbish

      On Facebook - which then wasnae , as it goes. Some poem on the screen which then became a bit of card detailing a boys fishing expedition for sharks. I wish I could remember it as in my dream I thought it was rubbish! - There was a wee flap in the middle of the card which said turn over or something...

      Same dream later, I think - playing a computer game which involved the Bash Street Kids form the Beano. Part of the game was to use the mouse to click on all the rubbish they were spilling everywhere. While I was playing there was an issue with my vision. Anyway, I remember starting off playing pretty methodical and clicking on everything, then getting a bit bored.

      One wee fragment - a real life bit of normality where I was helping my wee boy to change into his jammies.

      Hopefully some better stuff the night
    15. Attempt to Disbelieve

      by , 08-29-2014 at 05:40 PM
      Brief DILD event in last sleep period: I was at home, and stepped out of the library to find what I thought must be catsick all over the hallway. It was confusing, though, because it occurred in distinct splats all over a wide area, almost forming a lattice pattern, and there seemed to be way too much of it to come from the cat. Then I noticed that there was a hole in the ceiling, as though something had burst through. Was this something that had fallen through the roof from outside? Or something that had been lodged under the roof and had now fallen through the ceilling? And what the hell was it? It was beige and chunky, and sure did look like cat vomit. It was spread over such a wide area that I couldn't help but step in some as I passed through the hall, and I was even more disturbed to feel a tiny movement under my toes. Oh my god, was it full of maggots or something?

      I walked carefully across the kitchen floor, trying to step only on the heel of the dirty foot so I wouldn't spread the stuff around more, and then washed my foot in the kitchen sink. I needed to put on shoes to protect my feet, as well as clothes better suited to cleaning up this mess. I went into the living room where I thought I could find sandals and maybe some clothes I had left next to my worktable, and I stopped, stunned to discover that all the furniture in the room was missing. It was just a blank expanse of floor. How could this have happened? There was just no way... I realized that I had to be dreaming. Upon questioning the scenario my initial impression was that no, I wasn't dreaming, but I refused accept this and persisted firmly in my doubt: sorry Mind, you can't trick me this time, I'm obviously dreaming, get with the program. In the face of such resolve my mind finally acquiesced and acknowledged that I was dreaming by spitefully waking me up.
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