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    1. Past Jobs

      by , 08-29-2014 at 03:54 PM (Adventures in Dreamland)
      Went to bed around 12:30

      I only remember one dream. In this dream I was in the kitchen of a restaurant I used to work at. I was in the kitchen and I had to find one more menu before I could go home. So I started to look around the restaurant for the menu, and I was looking for a large square green menu, but I could only seem to find these blue rectangular menus. I walked to the front of the restaurant and there were two asian men I used to know, but they did not know each other in real life. One of them was laughing with a weird hair cut while walking out of the restaurant at the other as if they were both good friends. There were two guys playing around with each other one of them trying to hold on to the other ones hand as if they were playing around, this girl named Jessica I used to know was laughing while watching them, and it appeared to me in the dream she was trying to position herself to get my attention. I was keeping my head down, I didn't want to bring attention to the fact that I worked there, but I just kept walking. Jessica walked up further to another spot and continued to laugh at the two other guys while I kept walking, as if she kept on trying to get my attention. I just ignored her and kept walking, at that point I woke up.
    2. Blah Blah Bleh

      by , 08-29-2014 at 02:37 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had a long dream about my family going on vacation in a tropical destination, and of course pretty much the whole thing was laced with personal elements so there is basically no part that is safe for dreamviews. I will make note that I nearly got lucid during this dream however.

      EDIT: oops almost forgot another dream!

      I was partially lucid directing this dream about a character named 'Jetpack Joey'. I was thinking of making this a comic when I woke up. Upon waking it doesn't seem like that great of an idea though. The dream had a cartoon/anime styling and told a story about a young boy (12 maybe) who builds his own Jet Pack and becomes a superhero.
      The climax of the story took place on a suspension bridge. A gunfight has broken out between the city police and a criminal syndicate and Joey and the mayor of the city are caught right in the middle. Joey's jetpack has run out of fuel and he jumps into the water.
      The clymax was not clearly explained, but he then somehow used a sparking electrical wire to turn the water into hydrogen gas and refuel his jetpack.

      Updated 08-29-2014 at 02:46 PM by 53527

    3. Surfing in the City(Pt 2)

      by , 08-29-2014 at 01:21 PM
      I arrive at home after the wave pool incident to find my cousin, Blake, levitating while in full lotus meditation in the entrance of my room.
      I try not to disturb him and tip-toe to the lounge. On the centre wooden table i see a collage made with all of my pictures from when i used to live in Portugal.
      "What a lovely surprise present"i think to myself..

      Blake soon enters the lounge and we begin to watch some intense big wave surf footage of Kelly Slater,who films using a go pro strapped to his board so you are able to see from his perspective as he is tube riding.

      It's almost as if i am right there with the surfers,hovering over them from a 3rd person helicopter perspective.
      "Kelly Slater is an amazing athlete,the sporting world completely underrates him.he's the Tiger Woods of surfing!"

      As the worlds leave my mouth I float in this "3rd person perspective over a exotic string of islands in a turquoise blue ocean.
      On the islands i see an immaculate golf course.
    4. Work/Fight with Cherie'/Baby Picture Frag

      by , 08-29-2014 at 01:10 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I remember nothing about my first dream, though I do know I had one.


      I was working at the bakery, doing something with...well...baking. I "remembered" working as a decorator in training, and wondered why I was now on the baker's side. The sides were swapped from where they really are IWL. I also "remembered" seeing a girl I work with sometimes named Courtney C. taking orders on the phone; that was her sole job for the day, to stand by the phone and wait for calls.

      I was then mad at Cherie' and someone else about some way they were treating cats, or some thing they watched about cats...I can't remember exactly what, but it had to do with cats. I was off by myself somewhere when David came up to me and was trying to get Cherie' and I to make up. He was working at the bakery. I believe we did make up, though reluctantly on my part.

      Then, I was racing in this truck in a video game. I think it was supposed to be some Pokemon game. At any rate, I won and got a really good time. My father-in-law gave me a picture that was edited to look like I was a baby wrapped up in a blanket and he was holding me. My face was the same as it is now, though. He said something about it; he was proud of me, but I can't remember his exact words.

      I then wanted to talk to Dallas, but I knew he had married Brandi, a lady I had worked with at Kohl's a while back, but they had divorced. Brandi was still in love with him. I saw them talking in a store. I wondered if he had remarried her, or if they were still divorced. I talked to Brandi at some point. I found out from someone, Brandi I think, that they were divorced again. I was relieved because I wanted to be with him.

      At some point, I looked at the picture that my father-in-law gave me again, and it was reversed; he was the baby and I was holding him.

      There was more to this one, but for some reason, I'm having trouble recalling much this morning.

      Updated 08-29-2014 at 02:07 PM by 32059

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. Surfing in the City(Pt 1)

      by , 08-29-2014 at 01:05 PM
      Thursday28th August 2014

      Moon Cycle: 7% illuminated Waxing crescent moving from Virgo to Libra

      Tarot Card of Day: Queen of Swords

      Mayan Calender: White Electric Wind


      I was frustrated and feeling slightly annoyed. Who wouldn't be, after being told that you have to pay for the food at a funeral service. At first i thought it to be some kind of sick joke to play at a funeral, but after my uncle confirmed i put the keish/cottage pie down and left the half hexagon lecture the ceremony was taking place.

      (Scene change):
      I find myself in an artificial wave pool in the centre a city that could be New York.
      A golden sandy artificial beach lines the shore, and fake rocks built into a wall create a surrounding perimeter.

      There's a small crowd out in the water and and mind my own business,duck-diving waves and catching the ones I can.
      My balance is wobbly, and I attribute this to not having surfed for a while. There's a few self conscious thoughts floating around in my head,worrying about how i look while I'm on the wave.
      Suddenly from the far wall of the wave pool I see many old high school "friend"s trying to throw rocks directly at me!
      "Get off of our turf!"they shout
      Angered by this, I'm overcome by the urge to pull the middle finger at them, but think twice.There's many of them,and one of me.
      Another real friend gets close to me from the wall and tells me to ignore them.
      Shortly after, the entire pool is drained of water. It was now apparently the kids under thirteens chance to surf,and everyone was to leave the water.
    6. No Recall

      by , 08-29-2014 at 01:02 PM
      no recall
    7. Weeds

      by , 08-29-2014 at 10:54 AM
      On the 24/8 I posted this:

      " I started from scratch again 19 days ago. I've logged 22 dreams of varying quality...9 of those in the last 4 days (41%)"

      On 25/8 the various sections of my brain held an inter-departmental meeting to vote on a proposal by Ed that I "really need to be taught a lesson" Consequently, after 2 dreams on 25/8 I had no dream record for the next two days...bringing my percentage down. (I tried to calculate the % and my brain hurt so I gave up) Damn you brain departments!

      Although it might be moon phases. I've read about the new moon disrupting dreams and I did a short survey last time but couldn't back up the claim.

      On the "dreamless days in question (26/8 & 27/8) it was the last day of a new moon and the beginning of a waxing crescent. But I had reasonable dreams on 24/8 and 25/8 (beginning of new moon) so, if it does affect dreams there have to be other factors as well, which either increase or decrease the affect. Of course any truth would mean happy times during a full moon (next one is 9/9)

      2 choline - blueberries - strawberries

      28/8 Two weedy little dreams
      A benefit office (DS) I'm sitting in an armchair, bored to tears, as the manager (who I knew but worked in an entirely different environment years before) withered on about benefits...not an exciting subject at the best of times. My wife (who was there...well it's a dream isn't it?) said did I know I still had my pyjamas on? I trundled off to rectify the situation.

      In a caravan (again..why?) with some workmates (DS) I vaguely recognized and we were playing with toys (again...why?) to pass the time We were also sleeping sometimes (DS)

      Still working at ADA and the other disciplines. Once more into the breach.

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      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. I NEED HELP! :/ enough to browse google to find here. I just need one person, online or in my room.

      by , 08-29-2014 at 07:27 AM
      Okay so, my whole life I've had weird dreams. I've never controlled them or had any idea within my dreams to control them. I don't think I'm lucid but, I'm ALWAYS aware. Most the time I just forget the dreams, random interactions with people and places that don't mean much... But, every now and again my dream takes place while I'm laying in bed. Completely aware of the time, my place, my surroundings but, I don't get out of bed... Cause someone always "wakes" me up, I'm sleeping. sometimes they stop my dreams and bring me to my room, in my bed. Most the time it's just a conversation with a stranger, we'll just talk. I never completely remember the conversation, just that I had it. Other times I jump out of bed scared shitless, cause of the things said or I'll hear someone I love that's passed telling me I need to stop talking to someone. It's always been a part of my life, and I've never thought much of it, other than the times I've woke up terrified. I can only count two times I've never actually seen the people in my room, the first time it was just a deep voice. It scared me eventually waking me up, and afterwards I heard my grandma telling me to pray. The second time was last night, I was "woke" up, and asked if I could help him. I just leaned on my elbow and asked what... The voice sounded friendly, not threatening at all like the first, but when he walked towards me from the corner of black darkness of my room, a tall white man in a hat with a white fuzz/fluff engulfing everything but his face walked toward me and I couldn't process it. As he got closer, I noticed the fuzz was moving, like worms in a ball type movement, like he was stuck in between it all and I finally looked at him and he didn't have a face! None! Idk, I was terrified, first moving fuzz that wouldn't leave then a tall man without a face!?? Idk whether I was scared of him, or the situation, I was awake after that though. He's not gone, I know he's not. His voice was friendly, but if I saw the same silhouette on the streets in reality I'd steer the fuck away from him, like I said. I've always talked to people in my sleep, sometimes shit links to past stuff that I just see as a coincidence, and sometimes I talk to passed relatives but, this times it's not the same. I woke up, and I still feel the same uncomfortable feeling I felt last night. The same feeling I can connect to the last couple of days, wtf is going on!?? If lucid dreaming really is real, and people have "beacons" come find me, I talk back, I remember that much. I'm on an island in Alaska. Or at least someone tell me how to asses this situation, just keep note. I'm only aware of my surroundings, I can't control them. I haven't tried, but idk what to do. Do I need a fucking priest though?? This is the first board I've been accepted into, I need help. I'm scared to sleep.
    9. I can't find similarities???

      by , 08-29-2014 at 05:27 AM
      Soooooo......they say to write down your dreams because you will see similarities and be able to realize the difference between reality and dreaming. So far though my dreams are so random always in places I don't recognize or so off the wall it makes no sense what my mind is thinking........not sure what I can do to help tame my wild imagination??
    10. Hospitalized

      by , 08-29-2014 at 03:29 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a hospital. Bed ridden. Then it was sis who was bed ridden. I think it's a ward. There are many people, but at least the place seems clean. There's sunlight going through the windows.
    11. Printer Troubleshooting

      by , 08-29-2014 at 03:24 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a BPO, taking calls, but I kept interleaving a phone call I received. I was talking to a customer. She needs to check something, a printer, to see if it works. At first I was confused what we were talking about. It's like I woke up while taking calls. I gave her instructions, like trying color and black and white cartridges and another PC.

      Then we were talking face to face in a mall. The center was in a mall. I reassured her, and tapped her on the shoulder, and told her though that if it still doesn't work, she will have to get a new one. On the phone, I thought she was an elderly woman, but face to face, she looks young. Or was it vice versa?

      After our talk, I went to line up to buy tickets to Bulacan.
    12. Zombies got me Lucid

      by , 08-29-2014 at 02:59 AM
      I decided the "watch" The Walking Dead (which btw I haven't seen ever) but it ended up being like a video game. We started by getting a couple golf clubs and then we went into a forest. I had a plastic lightsaber which was blue. My friends and I were attacked by zombies. Then a friend from school that was a zombie in the dream came up to me and said something, we'll call him Bob, so I took my plastic lightsaber and cut his head off. . Then, there was this shack and we went in it and it had stairs going down. It was like a mineshaft but there were a lot of zombies. We fought them and Bob came up to me and said the same thing, so I cut his head off again with my plastic lightsaber. Eventuyally, we came into this large military place where there was helicopters. We shouted and waved to the guy running the place so he would get us a helicopter so we could leave. He ignored us and again the zombies started coming after us in a big wave.

      I fought them, but then Bob came up to me again AND SAID THE SAME THING. That made me confused because it was the third + more time he had said it. I then though Oh you keep saying that same thing...so...this...is...a...dream!!! I turned to the zombies and said, "Guys you all aren't actually zombies" and they all were like "Oh yeah right" and then just started walking around. I decided to leave because it was pretty boring in there. I flew up to another level and my friends parents were there and asked if I needed any friends. I replied, "No" then flew out the window and shattered the glass and all. I ended up out in a huge field. It was about early morning because there was still frost on the grass. There were houses on my right and I saw mountains in the distance. I decided to fly to the mountains so that I could complete my goal of BASE jumping. I was on the ground and tried to jump and fly, but I couldn't get up. I completely forgot to try any other methods. I felt myself waking up, so I prepared myself.

      As my vision faded to black, I just stayed still and thought about my old dream, but didn't try too hard, and then I ended up back in the dream. I still couldn't fly, so I summoned a parachute thing and got in it. I started flying and it was pretty cool. I was about 30 to 40 feet off the ground. I remembered to stabilize so I started to pay close attention to myself and everything around me. I realized how real everything was. I could see the leg hairs on my legs and the grass. It was a really cool feeling flying in the parachute thing. Because of that, I didn't mind that I was moving pretty slowly towards the mountains. It was really relaxing and fun. I ended up at the base of the mountains after seemingly a few minutes. My parachute went to the ground so I left it and started walking up the mountain. I saw some train tracks so I crossed them and found some friends there. They said that the train would take me to the top of the mountain, so I jumped on as it was moving, and started to go up. When it stopped, I got off the train and we were a bit higher up. My friends and I started walking up to the top and I started to think of tasks to do. I thought of the eye ToTM but I didn't want to do it . I decided to slap one of my friends to see the reaction, but I didn't remember actually seeing what happened. I woke up, and tried to DEILD again, and started to see the grass, but couldn't get everything to come up and I felt pretty awake so I let myself wake up fully, went to the bathroom and went back to sleep.

      **The other night I had a dream and there was this place on the side of the rode. My golf coach was driving a big bus and needed to turn around, so we turned around there** I was back on the bus and that turn around place was transformed into a swimming pool and a hottub. She went to turn around in there but drove the bus into the hottub. I got out of the bus with my friends. I saw one of my best friends and went up to him and said, "You won't believe it! I had 2 lucids last night." My friend replied condescendingly, "Shh, stop talking about that. You're going to scare *Other friend's name here*. You know he doesn't like that kind of stuff."
    13. An Expected Journey

      by , 08-28-2014 at 08:29 PM
      Type: Paranoia/Evasion
      Perspective: Mixed (initially Self, transforming to Character, male hobbit)

      NLD: The dream began with a long complicated plot set in a futuristic world. The antagonist was trying to find me and some other people; I had the codes to some device of his that would frustrate his plans. At this point my dream character was still me, I know this because enemy agents were using my name and even showing around a picture of me. (The prevalence of this "paranoia/conspiracy" theme in dreams is one of the reasons I suspect—pure speculation—that schizophrenia in waking life is a condition related to dreaming.)

      Enemy forces had located us, were closing in, we knew we had to run. We decided to split into two groups that would flee separately. I was with a group that was going to go on a very long journey. There was no perceptible shift in the dream or narrative, but by the end of the dream this was all entirely a group of male hobbits, and I, going with them, was also a male hobbit. There was no precise "moment" when the shift took place though, the dream narrative was continuous, and the transformation imperceptible: I was still "me' before the start of the journey then woke up remembering that I was one of the hobbits.

      I had anticipated that we would need to flee and already packed a backpack, so while the two group leaders were waiting for the rest of us to prep and join them, I went and grabbed it. I checked inside first to make sure I had the right bag. I saw lots of warm clothes—that was good, I'm always inclined to get cold. I grabbed a few more things from my pile: a fleece jacket, a wide-brimmed hat. I was already wearing a leather pouch around my neck with my ring in it. When I had noticed this earlier I had wondered why my ring was in the bag instead of on my finger; I assumed I had to hide it for some reason. (Source: the dream played out with an increasing LOTR theme, so this could be a nod to the way Frodo carries the One Ring; it could also be day residue, as the other day I had taken off my ring for a long time for some task.)

      On the table with the gear I was choosing from was a sort of talisman made of a round disk of leather, as well as a few masks which I grabbed at the last minute—they weighed almost nothing and might come in handy. I considered the options: should I put on a mask before we left? If I needed to conceal my identity from those who would recognize me it could be useful, but if we were trying to pass incognito among people who wouldn't already recognize me, wearing a mask might draw too much attention and be a disadvantage. But better to have the option than not.

      I was the third one to gather around the group leader, a male hobbit, and we were waiting on about three others. While we were waiting I went through the masks I had grabbed at the last minute to make a more careful selection, trying them on in a mirror. A couple were cheap plastic full-face masks, and I wasn't sure if they would stand up to the rigors of travel, so I set them aside. I kept one, though, because it gave me a scary monster face and I thought it might be handy if we needed to play a trick and scare someone. I kept a plain black eye mask and another one that was just a single sheet of light brown translucent plastic—it weighed nothing and could serve as sunglasses, I figured. For now, I decided to wear the simple black eye mask. When I put it on, I noticed that I was strapping it over the glasses I was wearing: they had huge round lenses. I didn't remember owning glasses like this, but that was just one of many, many clues that should have alerted me to the fact that I was dreaming—I had not an inkling of it.

      When our full group had assembled, the leader then instructed us to get rid of a lot of stuff that he figured we had probably packed. He had a list of very specific things we were supposed to give up, unnecessary objects that he said were a result of "emotional packing." Already on the table were a lot of little boxed games, like dice and tile games (source: Scrabble on Colbert last night). I worried that our long journey would get dull and depressing if we didn't even have a few games with us, but I understood his reasoning—we needed our packs to be as light as possible if we were to outrun our pursuers—so I reluctantly gave up some things as well.

      There was one item that I wasn't sure about, so I went to consult the leader. It was a boxed set (I hadn't opened it yet) containing a special kind of saw blade that could function as a lathe, cutting wood into round or shaped dowels. The leader and I opened the box and inspected it. I felt a tool like this might be useful at some point, though I couldn't think of a precise situation in which I would need to lathe a dowel to survive. The only problem was that the tool was made out of solid metal, a complex shaped piece about eight by eight inches, and it was extremely heavy. "It's about as heavy as a two-liter bottle of water," I estimated aloud. This decided it: the leader reasoned that water was more essential, so if the tool cut down on the amount we could carry, it would have to go. I reluctantly left it behind. Later as we began our journey, I thought back and regretted this: I realized that dowel-shaped wood might be very useful in making traps, and moreover that even if we had only brought the tool with us to sell, we could probably get up to 50,000gp for it, because it was an object from our futuristic world that would be completely unique in the fantasy world where we were going.

      I realized that we were pushing the limits of the time we had left and needed to leave right away. But as the leader and I stepped out from the room where we'd consulted about the saw blade, something caught my eye. It was a tiny fluffy grey kitten sleeping cozily on its back, lying in the hallway against to the wall on our right. "Wait—just two seconds," I said to the leader, "Look!" And we knelt down and tousled the kitten's belly. I explained, "It reminds me of something Sam said: this is what we're fighting for." I was remembering the line late in LOTR where Frodo is losing heart and Sam reminds him "That there's some good in this world... and it's worth fighting for." Naturally my version involved kittens.

      We then rejoin the rest of our group—which was more diverse in the beginning but by this point consisted of the full set of LOTR hobbits plus me as a random male one—and started down a lane. No sooner had we set out then I look behind us and see a group of fierce orcs, at least eight of them, less than fifty yards behind us and moving faster than we are, already closing in. Did we waste too much time with our preparations, losing our head start? I needed to act now, or our journey would be cut off before it began. Fortunately I recalled that I knew Ars Magica magic (all that practice in LDs paying off!)

      Twisting to look back while still running at full tilt, I held out my hand and blasted a frost effect at the group of orcs: it created a slippery ice slick on the ground where they were running and also iced their bodies directly, covering them with a pale layer of frost and slowing them considerably. I knew it wouldn't last forever so I was already trying to decide what my next trick should be. A grease trap on the ground might be useful: the lane was narrow and walled on both sides, so they wouldn't be able to bypass it. Then I was trying to remember the mechanics of Ars Magica spells: were they limited by a specific pre-set quantity (like in D&D) or could they be chosen freely but the rate was restricted by a mana pool, or could they cast at will but it was just really hard to succeed at the roll? Around this time the dream must have despaired of my ability to transform even a thrilling adventure chase scene into tedious decision-making and option-weighing, and I woke up.

      Updated 08-28-2014 at 08:40 PM by 34973

    14. Bung a rock at it

      by , 08-28-2014 at 08:03 PM
      Non lucid etc

      Standing in a room with the man who lives above my shop IRL. the room resembled my old sitting room but was in the wrong town. He had an old newspaper and said to me 'I see we're being called 21 and a half in here' I tried to look at the newspaper but struggled to read it - the bloody DC seemed to be deliberately holding it at an awkward angle!

      (Note - IRL at the moment I am trying RC while reading... looks like i'm mebbe getting there.)

      Standing outside my shop. There was an anniversary of sorts and a machine gun was going to let off 50 rounds. It was automatically going off at the side of my shop heading down the street. I was thinking to myself it was a bit unsafe!! I was standing beside a people carrier. A woman walked within ten feet of the gun and was unharmed! Indeed she was smiling. I entered the shop with my wife and two friends of mine. I started panicking in a light hearted way as the alarm system buttons had been replaced with a bit of cardboard. My friends started laughing. I found the buttons on the top of the machine, and entered the numbers for one of our other shops- it worked however, though no sound was heard when I pressed the buttons. I then went to the cupboard where the light switches were. It was a bit of a struggle getting in, but I flicked all 13 switches as IRL and they all worked perfectly - Bah!!! (I had been trying switches as an RC as well - hmm) I then went through to our other dept with the three others - My female friend said 'Steven, thank you - this is fun' - I gave her one of my patented stupid wee salutes. Next door my wife told us about a sandwich someone gave her the other day 'Flies, mushrooms & Pig' - I think I repeated what she said. Bit of a gap but then a customer came in and I noticed the lights weren't switched on in the other dept yet.

      An interesting couple of dreams - I have the feeling my subconscious is trying its best here - what with DC's acting stupid, things for me to read and light switches to flick - hopefully i'll get another lucid soon!!
    15. Skydiving Youtube, I Quit!, Simpsons Vs Family Guy

      by , 08-28-2014 at 04:44 PM
      I was on Youtube it was the old layout and, I was on someones channel looking through their videos like all of them were Skydiving except one said "Lucid Dreaming - Are You Dreaming?"
      (Next Dream)
      I was at a DQ drivethrough with my Father I saw through the window the old man was squeezing his chest area I was afraid he may have a heart attack he gave us the Blizzard I think it was Chip Ahoys or Mint Oreo he jumped out of the window. My Dad got mad and, murmured stuff I didn't know and, I asked "Is this Free?" The old man nodded "Yes, enjoy it kiddo." My dad was happy that he didn't need to pay for it.
      (Next Dream)
      The Griffins and Simpsons were yelling at eachother suddenly a voice said. "Peter and, Bart are now dogs." Lisa yelled "Look two dogs are fighting!" It was Dog Peter and Dog Bart fighting eachother.
      I then woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
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