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    1. DJ#46: Cereal

      by , 12-20-2015 at 11:41 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Not much, just a fragment about me finding a new box of cereal instead of the normal one, to my pleasant surprise. Went to bed too late.
      dream fragment
    2. [LUCID] Leaky ceiling / Missed meeting / Contaminated food / Lucid in the lab

      by , 12-20-2015 at 09:32 PM
      Bed @ 2230
      Woke @ 0540

      Leaky ceiling
      I'm in my master bathroom relieving myself. As I start, I notice that there's a drop of water on the ceiling. This concerns me, but I figure that maybe there's an explanation that's not terrible, though I'm not hopeful. My first guess as to a cause is that something is wrong with the weather sealing around the window. I'm surprised by how full my bladder is, and as I keep going, I notice more and more wet drops hanging on the ceiling. They seem to be popping up constantly. By the time I'm finished, the entire ceiling is covered with large droplets of water. I'm saying something like "no no no no no" and call out to my wife "Honey, we've got a problem!!!" As I continue trying to find out what's going on, I notice a place where the ceiling changes levels. Inside, I see some small pipes and immediately jump to the conclusion that they're the source of the problem.

      Missed meeting
      I'm sitting at my computer in my office. I realize it's eleven thirty and that I didn't dial into the daily meeting earlier; but then I look at my daily calendar and see that it's been moved to five PM. I hate it when my team lead does that; the new time is after I'm done for the day! Now I'm on the phone with someone. Now I'm closing browser tabs, trying to get things organized again. I'm really confused by the contents of the tabs - there's lots of gaming stuff. I keep closing them and finally notice a stylized blue E at the corner of the window. Oh, of course, I'm in Windows, which I only boot up for gaming. When did I boot Windows?

      Contaminated food
      I'm at a party with some people I know. Everyone else has food, but I don't. Now I'm in the kitchen to see what's available, but all I see is a half a rolled-up something on a cutting board near the sink. I try to nonchalantly look around to see if there's a plate I can grab to get some, but I don't see anything. Suddenly, weird stuff starts happening. Little statuettes start exploding and everyone starts behaving very very oddly. I realize their behavior has something to do with the food and am thankful I didn't have any. Somehow I manage to talk to some of them and snap them out of it. Now I'm listening to a group of them talk afterwards (mostly older women I don't know, though Jen is also in the group). Someone is saying that the stuff in the food is pretty nasty, that even touching it will let it enter your DNA and make changes to your aging process, and that it affects women more than it does men.

      Lucid in the lab
      I'm watching the opening credits for a TV show which takes place in some kind of laboratory. In the footage, a lot of shining stainless steel and a variety of fancy-looking instruments are pretty constantly in the frame. Now the credits are showing a character who's young, strong, and not quite all there. He's used for simple manual labor, moving stuff from one place to another; but really he's used for comedy relief, always banging into things and messing up the other characters. Sure enough, he comes through a door pulling a giant metal cylinder that's much bigger than he is, acting as if it's nothing, but as he makes the turn he swivels it into another character who gets stuck between it and the wall. I recognize this guy from something he did much later - I hadn't realized this is where he got his start. Now I see another guy in what looks like a glass elevator, but he's rotating slowly around. When his capsule lines up with the door he has a brief moment to connect something, but he keeps missing his opportunity and having to wait until it spins around again.

      Now I'm walking along a hallway in the building. Strangely, many pieces of equipment have handwritten signs on them with very strange, humorous (to someone) instructions written on them.

      Now I'm walking down another hallway with a group of people. Over the PA, someone announces that they're going to drop meat on our heads. What kind of lab is this? What kind of experiment is this? The ceiling starts to open up, and something starts to fall out. People start screaming and running for the far end of the hall, but balloons are already falling out of the ceiling. Balloons? Strangely, they pop the moment they touch anything. At first, I'm relieved they weren't really dropping meat on us, but then I look behind me and see that the balloons did actually have stuff in them, and that the floor is now littered with unidentifiable bits of red chunks and red stringy stuff. Ewww.

      Now we've entered an area with some other people. A woman dressed only in white bra and panties starts swaying her way towards my group. I don't make eye contact and try not to stand out, hoping she'll ignore me. She ends up fixating on the guy right in front of me and starts making out with him. Somehow she ends up sitting on my chest (she's very soft) while she's kissing him. I'm repulsed and try to think of a way out of this when I realize I'm dreaming. I shout out "This is a dream!" and wonder if any of the DCs will try to argue with me, but they just ignore me.

      Now I'm standing again, and I'm by myself. The dream is rather dull, and I know I need more vividness. First, I look at my hand. It's got four fingers and a thumb, but all my fingers are too long, and the thumb is pointing almost straight downwards. Colors are better now. Now I start to go through my memorized list. First, to help activate the logical side of my brain, I calculate the first few numbers of the Fibonacci sequence. Getting to 13 is easy, but the jump to 21 takes some effort, and I stop there, not wanting to focus too much and lose the dream. Next up, I try to activate my creative side by singing Mary Had A Little Lamb. I manage to sing one verse, though it somehow gets muddled together with B.I.N.G.O. I know it's wrong, but I don't care - I sang something and that's good enough. Now, onto the real tasks. I know I need DCs for both basic tasks, but I haven't seen anyone since right after getting lucid, so I'm a bit worried that I won't be able to find anyone. I turn around (I'd been facing the hallway) and find that I'm now in some kind of cafeteria area. Tables are scattered around haphazardly along with large ornate pillars, and lots of people are milling around.

      The closest person to me is a really cute, impeccably dressed (sweater vest, long sleeved shirt, slacks) little black kid. I ask him what a good task of the month would be. He very clearly enunciates something, but it's not a task. I go to a nearby woman and ask her, and she also says something that's not a task. I round one of the pillars and talk to an older man, and he says something that, again, is not a task. Oh well.

      I move onto the second basic task: I throw back my head and do my best mad scientist laugh (Mwa ha ha ha ha ha). The guy looks at me like, did I really just do that? But off in another part of the cafeteria I hear an answering high pitched cackle (Eeeee hee hee hee hee hee). Score!

      Onto intermediate one. I pull out my phone and will that Frank will call. Nothing happens. I decide that I'm going to count down from five and that it'll ring when I reach zero. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Zero. The moment I count "zero," the phone starts buzzing (it's quite a strong sensation in my hand) and the notification light starts blinking white, but the screen doesn't come on. I press the power button and it turns on to reveal an RPG. In the dream, I recognize that it's a smashed-up mess of at least two different games, and the city names shown on the map clue me in on what they are though I can't remember them now. Flush with excitement over successfully completing both a basic and an intermediate task in one dream, I wake up.

      Fragment: I'm walking through what I know to be a college campus. My wife is with me, and she mentions going to visit a place on campus "now that she can put the baby in the Ergo." I don't understand what that has to do with anything, but whatever.
    3. Ld #1000

      by , 12-20-2015 at 07:33 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I had 4 LDs last night to reach #1000!

      RelaxAndDream asked about this LD so I'll share it in case anybody else is curious about it.

      I woke up from a dream and heard a child in my room screaming some nonsense. The little (Caribbean?) girl came up to me to where I could see a part of her from under my blanket. I tried to get up but could barely move. I asked her to pull the blanket for me so I could see. She pulled the blanket to reveal a male adult dc beside her covered with white make-up it seemed. I asked his name out of curiosity and he said something I couldn't understand. I asked which country he was from as he spoke with a bit of an accent. He said he was from France and Costa Rica. I woke up.

      So, yeah, my 1000th LD was less special that I was hoping it would be. That's okay, though! I had plans to summon and eat a cake and then summon and ride a dolphin in search of a cave to explore, but barely being able to move and being distracted by DCs made a dent in those plans.

      5 more LDs and I'll be up to 365 for the year. It's been about 3 in a quarter years since I joined Dream views. When I joined, my LD count was at 20.

      As far as LD technique, I've gone back to simply setting my dream control intention and then staring at the blackness behind my eyelids until I start dreaming. With this, I had and caught 3 FAs last night. I've had multiple LDs the last few nights after a dry November and start of December so I'm excited about the future. I really want to get better at dream control and stabilization, though. It's kind of frustrating!

      Updated 12-20-2015 at 07:38 PM by 57896

      lucid , false awakening , side notes
    4. First Lucid Dream: Lucid Dream within a Dream

      by , 12-20-2015 at 07:29 PM
      This is what happened:

      I was walking around with my phone out and I saw an app called: 'Dream'. I clicked on it and was in a different place, but lucid. I was lying on a table and the Simpsons were painting me. I decided to do a reality check - as I knew I was dreaming. And when it succeeded I jumped off the table and ran outside. I pointed at the ground and yelled "Buildings!" In the hope of making some buildings appear. But to no avail. So I ran up to a DC and yelled "I'm dreaming".
      Then I woke up.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    5. The Adventures of Plankton

      by , 12-20-2015 at 06:26 PM (The Dream Cauldron)
      (Unconnected dreams indicated by a *. Connected dreams indicated by a •. )

      * I'm playing a videogame where Plankton (from Spongebob) is travelling to a metal island on which sits a metal fortress. When he arrives, he comes across a metal double door with blue electricity on it. Plankton says the door is "cold" and that he needs to get away from it. I get an eerie sense of an imminent explosion, which isn't helped by the eerie bass music in the background. I lead Plankton into the ocean. He drowns and loses a life. The scene starts over, only this time it's implied Plankton was captured by pirates. This time, after I lead Plankton a little bit away from the doors, I pause the game. Out of curiousity, I unpause the game for a short time. The game has turned into a let's play, but I still keep it paused.
    6. Don't Jump(Off the World Trade Center)!

      by , 12-20-2015 at 06:22 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I went to the top of the World Trade Center, I think it was one of the old ones, and it was over 700 floors to the top. I stood at the edge and was ready to jump off when security came. I ran and somehow got away from them. I hopped on the elevator and took it to a random floor(176). I noticed there were security cameras in the elevators so they would know what floor I was going to. When I got off, I climbed some stairs and then tried to find a place to hide. This went on for awhile. Eventually, I went to the first floor. You had to walk through security in order to leave the building. I walked through the metal detector but the pocket knife in my purse set it off and security found me. I somehow escaped and went to hide again. It was a long dream of riding elevators and hiding from police. At one point, I met a woman(I was now a man) and she stayed with me for months as we hid together. I got her pregnant. Some time, the police were right behind us so I said, "follow me!" and ran up a few stairs and through a door that had small walkways with a huge drop on either side. We hid there but a policewoman spotted my.. uh.. girlfriend and she finally left. I was all alone. I think at one point I might have actually jumped off the building but ended up back in it.
    7. Morning - Non-lucid

      by , 12-20-2015 at 06:19 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      ahhh let's see

      Imma just write down the fun part, which was that I was with my boyfriend and Super Smash Bros Melee player Mang0, doing some thing or other. My boyfriend was relaxing shirtless nearby, when Mang0 upended his bottle of ice cold water over my bf's chest. And my boyfriend just did not react at all. Ice cold water just running down his chest and soaking into his pants and he didn't even move. Mang0 was surprised like "Oh, I see why you like him now," and I was like "Right??" At which point my boyfriend was sort of getting flustered by this high praise. And then Mang0 got my boyfriend working on a website for him and I was like aw yeah, people I like are working together.

      Which is weird for a couple reasons. First of all, in waking life if you upended a bottle of ice cold water anywhere NEAR my boyfriend's chest, he would launch away from it like a cat. Secondly, I didn't realize that I'm a Mang0 fan, and actually I still don't even know if I am, considering my brain attributed to him the unflattering action of dumping cold water all over someone with no regrets.

      If my brain's sending me any kind of signal it's probably that I shouldn't treat my boyfriend like he's more unfeeling than he is. Or at least, I'm worried about doing that. Originally, it was something that I liked about him, because with my depression I didn't like the idea of getting close to someone I loved only for them to be dragged down by it. But I think that train of thought might've mutated into something more along the lines of "it's okay to disregard his feelings," which would be. Unpleasant. I mean, for someone like me who worries about screwing up and isn't always sure what will hurt people or why they feel the way they do, it would be a relief, but still. That sounds more like I'm treating him like a punching bag or a ragdoll.

      Gotta keep learnin' about relationship stuff. I don't really know what I'm doing or the best way to love someone. I'm the kind of person who tries to approach emotion with hardcore analysis. I don't feel like I can rely on my feelings to guide me in anything, they seem too inconsistent. And I like the idea of rationally and deliberately choosing an approach that'll make my boyfriend feel more cared about. But sometimes it just seems too mechanical, somehow. It makes me feel like I don't know what my "genuine" actually is. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

      aaanyway. Thoughts and feelings continue to be a complicated matter.
      Tags: the bae
    8. bad dreams

      , 12-20-2015 at 04:08 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last saturday 12/12/15 was my last day working at night. On monday of this week I started day shifts.

      For last 2 weeks or so, my dreams are so compeletely effed up. Bad dreams with things that...urgh
      side notes
    9. Running around

      by , 12-20-2015 at 12:23 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was wandering a city at a dusk. It was empty - no people, no cars - just buildings and trees. It was warm, there was a beautiful glow on everything. I jogged through the park and got close to some flats. I felt that there was some kind of danger waiting for me, so I took a different route, and ran back to the streets. I caught a bus and entered it. There was a pretty woman inside - she had dark, arms-lenght hair and was wearing a purple blouse and green jeans trousers. I sat close to her, we talked for a while and then we had sex. In the end she said "It was a witch that forced you to do this!". I left the bus at next stop, and jogged for a while.
    10. 201215: In Outer Space

      by , 12-20-2015 at 11:33 AM (The Dream Journal)
      I'm floating in a spaceship. I'm amazed that I made it to space, I feel amazing. I remember a dream I had where I was in space before (!) and reflect that at least now it's real. I float through the craft.

      Back on Earth, I'm in a machine shop. I see people I know, I take off my space suit and the helmet. The helmet's air filter is full of gold dust. I screw it off it's like a gas mask filter. I take out the compacted dust, it's solid now and looks like the blade for a milling machine. I think of a way of processing it to make something valuable.

      I go to a bomb shelter type of area. Through a big, thick door I get to a machine or a strongbox I'm supposed to fix. A shady looking guy pushes me to the side and says he's going to take whatever is in it and I better stay quiet about it. I slowly try to walk away and I close the door behind me, leaving him trapped inside. I get the impression that I tricked him. I go back to the hall and tell the people inside about the thief. Some time has passed and I think he's been in there for a long time without any water or food. When someone finally looks into the space I'm told he is so dehydrated that holes have formed in his tongue and he is in bad shape.
    11. 2015-12-20 long, vivid, present dreams, too much to remember

      by , 12-20-2015 at 10:36 AM
      Another night of "dream memory overflow" -- just so much going on

      + on beach with JT from company "N", grab handful of sand in both hands. The sand is fine and white, "This is my favorite beach/sand!"

      + (DO overhead) celebrity yacht/home/mansion massive, fly there 24x7 parties inside, food area with lots of grilled chicken (green sauce, red sauce) cooking, and a meat with noodles station, the cooks are serving it up to people

      + in the delivery office with an automated parcel handling system moving boxes from a conveyor belt to a storage shelf, automatically scanning the parcels, pieces of a complicated red and white printer arrive individually

      + playing chess

      + watching a huge fast plotter in action making a massive line drawing of some design. huge ink reservoirs. woman are drawing things on top of the plot as it draws, also extremely quickly, connecting lines, etc., but they sometimes make mistakes and their lines aren't perfectly straight or don't meet the ends of the other lines perfectly.

      + a race to the end of the long, winding path. running along cliffs, schools down below, through a greenhouse growing area where super long (4-5 meter) and very thin zucchinis are growing along (around) the lines/strings

      + at work, lots of discussion with various people

      + arrive at church with family. As we sit down I see DoFo (div. cousin-in-law) in front of me in the service area, I'm surprised to see him and look back and my wife giving her a "do see him?" look, they're playing multiple organs really strangely (just hitting random notes within a small range over and over) to create a dramatic effect during the sermon but it's just annoying. A woman comes by and demands to see our ID. I can't find mine in my bag.

      + sad beautiful Asian girl long black hair, black dress, dark hose, on bench on dirt road bending up and to the right on a hillside. She says her (boyfriend?) is being constantly criticized at work, he's producing video trailers for the company. I tell her "Honey, [I place my hand on her ankle], you can never please 100% of the people 100% of the time. Heck, if you can please 50% of the people 50% of the time, consider it a major success!" I think to myself it's not so bad, at least he didn't lose his ID like I did.
    12. #59: Swinging / Riva / Thesis

      by , 12-20-2015 at 10:03 AM
      I went to bed around 23:30, but couldn't fall asleep until at least 01:00. I'm not sure anymore when I woke up, I think it was around 07:00 or 08:00. It's now 09:50.

      I think this wasn't a dream, but more like leading up to a dream. I was laying in my bed and suddenly I could feel the world swinging back and forth, as if I was laying in my hammock. The swinging became more violent and I realised that I was about to WILD accidentally. I told myself to remain calm to not destabilise anything and to keep my mind sharp. The swinging decreased and I think I fell asleep without becoming lucid.

      I'm sitting on the backseat of a car. I think my mom is the one who is driving. We're in a city and it's already dark outside. Despite me being in the backseat, I appear to have some control over the car. We reverse into a parking space and then drive off in the opposite direction. For some reason I had to do it like this. It had something to do with that I'm the king of Riva [a kingdom in the book I'm reading] and the resources of the kingdom. I'm not the character that is actually the king though, I am myself. I mess around with the navigation, trying to get a route. It tells us to take a right soon. We decide to take a left instead, as on the right there is a canal.

      I'm at my mom's house. For no apparent reason I walk through the kitchen to the front door and open it for a moment to stare outside. It's daytime. Down below [my mom's house is on the 2nd floor] I see one of my university lecturers, Tim. I assume he has just parked his car. He waves at me and I wave back. I also see my mom who has just parked her car, but we don't make eye contact. I go back inside and panick slightly. I totally forgot I would have an interview with my lecturer. I need to get out of these clothes and into something presentable. I don't know where I pull them from, but I put on some jeans instead of whatever I was wearing (sweatpants?). The house also needs to be cleaned, it's a mess. There's no way I can do all this in the one minute it takes Tim to get up here. I decide to focus my efforts on the kitchen. I clearly see a q-tip on the floor, which I throw into the trash. At some point Tim is there. I throw a pile of clothes from some chairs and we sit at a kitchen table that's not there in reality. Though we both recognise that another lecturer is my thesis supervisor, we discuss my thesis so far. He talks about my research objective, calling it too technical and saying I should focus more on the policy side. I tell him that's what I'm doing right now, now that I'm making a new draft proposal. I laugh a small nervous laugh. My forehead is sweaty. I use a grey towel to wipe the sweat off.
    13. longest false awakening ever.

      by , 12-20-2015 at 07:11 AM
      this was a while back, but I'll post what I remember

      I was in bed with my boyfriend, and I woke up cause I was rather thirsty. I turned in bed and got a drink, at this point I think I actually was awake but I don't know for sure. Either way I rolled back over, hugged onto my boyfriend and fell asleep, I started having a weird dream where I was in this room with a bunch of guys I didn't recognize. I don't remember what was going on but I do remember one of the guys kept like coming onto me, he touched my arm and I jerked awake still hugging my boyfriend. I felt really light headed and tired though and soon fell right back asleep ending up in the same room as before, this time there was one less guy and I just walked around kind of exploring the room. it seemed like a hotel room and I have like brief flashes of faces and people I encountered but I still don't remember what happened, the guy soon returned and was a bit more forceful this time and tried to kiss me, again I jerk awake, even more lightheaded than before and trying desperately to stay awake but I soon passed out again. this happened like 15+ times and I have no idea if I was actually waking up or if it was a false awakening. the last time the guy like tried to tug my pants down and I jerked awake, actually managing to sit up and look around my room unsure if I was actually awake or not, it legit had me too scared to go back to sleep but I did and the rest of the night was uneventful.
    14. No dreams remembered

      by , 12-20-2015 at 07:01 AM

      No dreams remembered
    15. Walgreens Shootout & My Donation is Undermined

      by , 12-20-2015 at 05:35 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Walgreens Shootout (DILD)


      I’m going inside a store that resembles Walgreens, and outside is fairly dark. The dream itself is in this haze as if most movements made have a lingering trail of slow motion blur to it. I’m not sure what I’m going for at the moment, but I hear some stuttering and screams in the background, and quickly noticed that someone is armed with a gun in the store.

      He was black, wore a gray vest and dark colored pants, and had a muscular body. His hairstyle was probably a buzz haircut, and I could barely see any details in his visage, mostly because I was trying to hide from him like the others are doing. I kneel on the floor immediately, and started to panic a little bit, but then reigned myself back into place, and took advantage that I could see what’s going on in my surroundings in a third person viewpoint, and noticed that he, and potential accomplices were located.

      I remained in a stealth position with my knees bent, and literally fluctuating in standing on my toes, and having my feet firm on the ground. I’m wearing a black shirt and dark colored pants, and my main mode of stealth is this gray cabinet that stretches out for maybe ten feet, or so, and has this white backdrop sheet on the top of it. There’s also others like it with varying sizes, and I take advantage of the mini-labyrinth.

      I noticed that he wasn’t the only concern, as I get this weird vibe based from a mélange of sensations with peripheral vision, and what have you, that there were two women that were armed. However, I felt that they could be after him, but there was too much equivocation going on. I’m on the right side of the main base of the cabinet, and this is the section of the store where there’s more light.

      I see a random Caucasian female appear, and she’s holding a basic black gun akin to the Western movies, and she turns around and points the gun at me. But after looking at me, her visage of terror turns neutral, and she moves on. I breathe for a little bit, and presumed that she’s after the male, and then just as I’m trying to reconcile myself again, I look around to my left while still maintain the third person camera view to see there’s an Asian female with a hair bun hairstyle and some black pins inside of it carrying a larger weapon; maybe a shotgun of some sort.

      She’s walking slowly, and for some reason, the angle at the time felt as if I’m looking at her through a mirror that she’s walking towards. She’s swaying her foot motion in this “C” formation on her right side, and an inverted C for her left, and this is probably due to her wearing heels in general.

      She eventually gets to me, but she doesn’t shoot me at all. The guy is getting closer, and I have a clarity of his location, but I’m not afraid anymore. I can’t remember the rest.


      My Donation is Undermined (DILD)


      Strake Jesuit tennis player with bowl shaped hair hands over $600 when I thought handing $40-50 was good for some donation at a neighborhood. I was riding a bicycle in a neighborhood somewher.e
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