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    1. #231 - Bus driver

      by , 04-15-2016 at 11:52 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I recall the dream starting in a house near where I live, there's family around (though no one I recognize, it's like a made up family). I decide to head off and I drive to another house, it's quite big and is painted white. After walking inside I come out, noticing that the other family members have arrived, one is a white girl (sister maybe?), another is an asian girl (sisters friend), then there's Saya who is the child of the family (around 3, she resembles honey boo boo). I think there's also a parent or two. I'm outside the house and I see my friends Dad, Ben, driving towards us with another person in the car beside him. He does a U-turn and snatches the coffee and muffin from someone in our family and then drives off. I laugh at this, those 2 have always been snatching stuff from each other, sort of resembling a Homer Simpson + Ned Flander relationship. I'm eating some kind of cooked chicken meat now, I think there was a mini buffet that was nearby. After this we all hop onto a yellow bus and drive on up the hill. While we're driving I spot Ben (who snatched the muffin and coffee) parked up by a house, he has a job interview. That's good, since he's been on the doll for like 20 years. I see Saya sitting at the front with an iPad or something, she's smashing it against the metal bar between her and the driver. It's so annoying... The driver has a 'fuck it' moment and just gets up and walks to the back of the bus to sit down. Oh my god! Really? Saya then goes and sits in the drivers seat and is semi driving while still smashing the iPad. I swallow the food in my mouth and put the rest of the chicken I was eating on the seat (it has packaging so it won't get any germs ). I head to the front, why the hell is no one panicking?!?! The sound of smashing is continuously repeating, but Saya isn't smashing the iPad anymore. I noticed that it's because she recorded the sound when she was doing it, so it's just the sound playing from the iPad. Wow, she must be pretty smart for her age. I get shitty at everyone because they don't want to discipline Saya, she needs to be told off so I decide that I'll do it, I start telling her off firmly without being angry or anything, letting her know why she can't do what she did and that she should apologize. While I do this, my ex gf smiles at me and sits on the drivers seat and takes over. Phew, we'll be safe for now. I then walked to the back of the bus and pick up my food, taking a bite out of it. The asian girl stands up and speaks to me rudely, saying "So now you're going to eat your food? You're so tense and angry, like you're so annoying". WHAT. THE. ****. I just saved your life and you say that? You couldn't stand up to a 3 year old! I'm a little bit furious, my mouth is full of food so I can't even talk back. In the end I just roll my eyes, sigh, then turn around and sit further away from her.
    2. DJ#145: Competition Night 6

      by , 04-15-2016 at 11:43 PM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      15/4/16 (My recall bounced back in abundance now all my assignments are done and I can relax. A lot of these will be related to the bridge project I was working on haha)
      Dream 1: I was working on a large structure, like a dam or a bridge, but part of it broke off. Part of the wooden support structure broke, and I think some people who were on that part fell off as well :/

      Dream 2: I was involved in some sort of military training camp along with a whole bunch of people from my high school. We were split into two teams, red and blue, for a simulation exercise. One team had to protect a world leader figure giving a speech and the other group had to assassinate that world leader. He was in a palace sort of building and my group were the attackers. We infiltrated the building slowly, some climbing up on the roof, others including me disabling their security systems. Once everything was secure the guys on the roof broke through the glass dome above the leader, dropped down on ropes and completed their mission. After this everyone started talking and giving feedback and stuff. After a little while a guy from the organisation running the show gave a spiel about how good we were and they would love to have us there permanently.

      Dream 3: I was in the car with my dad driving through the suburbs. The traffic was horrendous and my dad was getting frustrated, so I started telling some jokes and stuff to lighten the mood. We ended getting almost stuck on a huge bridge but the traffic started to ease and we managed to escape without too much difficulty.

      Dream 4: I was in my doctors practice, not sure why but I saw a sign inside about some competition going on. I walked up the stairs and saw a line of around 20 or so teenagers with one of them speaking chinese to a judge. (They were all second language) I listened for a bit and decided that my ability was better than theirs and entered the line to try and win the competition. A few more people spoke and only 1 or 2 of them seemed as good as me or better, so even though I hadn't prepared I felt reasonably confident of my chances. I can't remember whether I actually ended up giving a speech or not before the dream ended.

      Fragment: My group didn't submit the assignment on time, were all blaming each other.

      Dream 5: I was at Hogwarts along with, once again, a whole bunch of people from my high school. I believe I was enrolling there, not sure though, so I was getting set up with my student ID and email address and stuff. A Hagrid like figure was helping me with that. I looked around and saw a cople of friends I hadn't seen in years, waved to them and then returned to filling out my paperwork.

      Dream 6: I was in a sort of minecrafty world at the top of a cliff. I believe I either fell down, flew down or scaled down the cliff and ended up right next to a giants camp. I froze, seeing one just ahead of me, knowing if he saw me I would be dead. I slowly backed away and then once past the cover of a large boulder began running back to find my way up the cliff. I saw there was a long hill path ahead of me that doubled back to lead back up to the top of the cliff, so I started walking along it. After a little bit I saw some odd looking structures on the side of the road, pretending to be part of the cliff face but I could see better. The first two looked deserted but the third one I could see had a couple of people hiding behind it. Sensing that they were bandits who were going to try and rob me I started to sprint, hoping I could get past them before they realised I was there. I think it worked, as I got past them and they didn't chase after me. I continued up the path and wound back at the top of the cliff, next to a very large tree.

      Dream 7: I was once again on top of a cliff (different cliff haha) where a few people were hang-gliding off. At one edge of the cliff there was also a big stone railway bridge that went off into the clouds. From those clouds an old steam train appeared and slowly chugged in to a rest at the cliff station. My brother came off that train and over to me, telling me about his experiences there. He talked a lot about different kinds of blast beats and how the people on the train were doing them.

      Dream 8: I was at basketball training with my coach and also two other coaches there. My one took charge of the session and while we were doing it the other two were judging his performance and then talking to each other about random stuff like their recent holidays. I think one of the coaches kids showed up at one point, and there was something about a stack of speakers.

      Dream 9: NSFW A guy was having oral sex with a woman. After a while he asked if he could go down below and she agreed. As he did so he got a bit of gel from beside him on his finger and licked it. It was obviously a drug of some sort that he seemed dependant on for prowess. As he did this more and more and old guy materialised in front of him. It asked him whether he knew what he was doing, and whether it was a good thing. The guy ignored him but then the old man asked if whether he had many friends from doing this. The guy looked up and said he had 5 friends. The old guy asked how many of these were true, good friends and the guy, suddenly struck with realisation, whispered 'none'. The old man nodded, and then turned into grey and disappeared.

      Fragment: My brother got a golden legendary in hearthstone and bragged about it to me.
    3. Quiva Turns Up Again

      by , 04-15-2016 at 11:33 PM
      I am inside dreamviews program. It is like the whole program and everyone in it is trying to defragment me because I don't realise I am dreaming. It feels like brain and heart surgery. Every so often I will come out of the computer and meet my good friend Quiva IWL who is trying to show me in the way she is or how to be. She is encouraging me and then sends me back into the dreamviews program or website. It is clear the the program is not working on me that there is like a big block and I am not getting the main message people are trying to tell me. I meet Quiva again and she is completely happy and content but she says "it didnt work did it". I wake up feeling that something is going on even if i don't fully get it yet.
    4. Here we go again

      by , 04-15-2016 at 11:04 PM
      Was at ups working and I heard a cat meow. I look down to see one of my cats. I figure he somehow followed me here. This is not a safe environment for a cat so I made tongue clicking noise to get him to come to me. I picked him up and told him I'd get him out of here. He doesn't like being held so he squirmed and I wasn't holding tight so he jumped away. I called him back to me and picked him up again and told him if someone drops a heavy package he'd get squished! He looked at me and said to me telepathically, you're the only one who can understand me and talk to me. He sat comfortable in my arms this this time while I tried to find my way out but the building kept shifting around. The feeling became more and more frantic because I didn't want to miss much time working but I didn't want my furry buddy to be lost or hurt either. I looked at the wall of doors where I unload the trucks and thought the exit is opposite this wall, but why can't I see the path? It was really frustrating and confusing. I saw my supervisor and I told him I needed to find the exit.....that's all I remember.

      I was walking down Lorain road, it was late night/early morning. I was kicking some piece of plastic along the sidewalk, I had some sort of enmity toward it, like it was a part of my van or something that broke off forcing me to walk (maybe from earlier in the dream I can't remember), and that was annoying me. I saw a guy across the street carrying a trashcan and picking stuff up. He saw me kicking whatever I was kicking and he started walking toward me with this disappointed look on his face like "why are you going to make me pick this up dude?" So he picked it up threw it out and said I don't have a gun I'm not going to shoot you. I turned around and saw another guy with a pissed off look saying oh good I'm going to shoot you then, toward the trashcan guy. I immediately started running as fast and far as I could. I was in between Mackenzie and porter on Lorain and I ran toward Mackenzie. I turned on Mackenzie and was looking at the yards for a good yard to cut through so he couldn't find me. I went through one yard that had a broken up white fence. I hoped there were no dogs to bark and reveal my location, thankfully there weren't. As I emerged back into the streets after cutting through a couple yards I was back on "Lorain" but none of the buildings were right. There was a plaza I decided to cut through but it was actually a dead end with more storefronts connecting the two bigger buildings. I saw a path that I could probably jump up and climb on to the roof. I almost made it firs attempt but slipped off. Caught the lip with my hands and effortlessly pulled myself to the top. I realized I was really exposed up here, if the gun guy walked by he'd easily see me, so I tried to lay flat but as I did two people walked by and saw me. The one guy was my friend, D. He climbed up with me, we shook hands and I told him what was going on. I felt safer now that we were three so I climbed down and woke up.

      Note: took "IQ boost" pills containing DMAE, huperazine, and other choline and acetylcholine boosters two days prior, also smoked calea two days prior.

      Updated 07-25-2017 at 06:36 AM by 28649

    5. 10 FA in a row!

      by , 04-15-2016 at 10:25 PM

      *I become lucid by doing a RC while laying in bed after an SSILD attempt. I woke up right after but I was actually still asleep. This happened over and over again
      about 10 times. This freaked me out because the more it happened the more I felt stuck in a loop of FAs.
    6. Dream & fragment

      by , 04-15-2016 at 07:22 PM (Keitorin's Dream Log)
      Fell asleep: 11:30 P.M. (with trazodone)
      Woke up: 9:02 A.M.

      9 hours 18 minutes sleep last night
      7 hours 38 minutes restful sleep
      1 hours 39 minutes restless sleep
      82 % restful sleep

      Dream: I was exploring a new house we were staying at, and I started finding secret doors, but they all just seemed to be alternate paths to other parts of the house until I found this one that led to a dark room. I tried turning on my activity watch's backlight but I don't know if it worked. Still, I could see better, as I spotted books on a table to the left. I could see that they were probably all just romance but I had to be certain, so I walked up to them and skimmed through them with my eyes. Yep, romance.

      At some point I realized this was just another familiar room, that it didn't maybe lead to someone else's house like I speculated after I heard a TV running. Then I realize that someone is coming over - dad. Not knowing what else to do, I waited until he was to my right and yelled "Boo!". He wasn't surprised, as usual.

      I'm exploring a specific section of the house. I'm crouched down on the floor looking in the nooks and crannies of a shelf or something, and there's a bunch of objects stuffed in there. There's a kid to my right and I realize it was probably him that did it. I pulled out a handful of writing utensils. Then I start looking for diapers, but all I find is toys and stuff.

      Fragment: Looking through a hidden house full of some kind of historical stuff packed away, a man discovers me, another pile of hidden stuff back outside near a tree.

      1:35 A.M. for 23 minutes
      3:45 A.M. for 16 minutes
      7:20 A.M. for 41 minutes
      9:02 A.M. for 15 minutes

      Updated 04-15-2016 at 07:30 PM by 20026

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    7. competition night #5

      by , 04-15-2016 at 04:34 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD#1-I know I caught a FA. The next thing I remember is that I was flying through the air trying to transform into a dolphin. I found a dolphin and was trying to phase into it but nothing was working. I woke up.

      DILD#2-I woke up and walked to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Something seemed off, though so I decided to go into the backyard into the night and jump as a reality check. To my surprise, I flew. Looking for solid objects to phase through, I flew to the roof of a building. I found an interesting checkerboard wall that had squares of see through wood. I made sure it was solid by knocking on it before going through. I then flew into a nearby bay where I saw some dolphins before I woke up.

      DILD#3-I woke up and did a nose plug to find I could breathe. I went outside and starting thinking about how I could control time. I went out the door and rotated my forefinger counter-clockwise to reverse time which worked. I then rotated my finger the other way while leaning backwards. This caused me to speed out the door without any effort. I flew to find a nice open are by a pool. I put my hand behind my back to summon a dolphin, making sure it was big enough. I ended up summoning a sort of dolphin-eel hybrid. It was plenty big, about 10-15 feet in length. I woke up.

      DILD#4-I woke up and tried to breathe through my nose but couldn't. Still, something seemed off so I got up to go to the kitchen to find the layout of the house was different. I see a person who sees me and says "Okay. This guy has been sitting here with a match all day long." I was trying to figure out what he meant by this when I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    8. Not trying very hard these days but remembered a dream

      by , 04-15-2016 at 03:34 PM
      Was at family's house and my grandma and mom were going to let me inside their house. I felt at home.
    9. The Zombie Hunger Games!

      by , 04-15-2016 at 02:55 PM
      This dream, my gosh this dream was a weird one.

      Back in September last year, I visited my friend in Atlanta which, if you didn't know, is where they shoot The Walking Dead. His house is huge, four stories and full of so much stuff. I think The Walking Dead thing played into this dream a little bit.

      There were about 8 people in his house, a few people I knew, and a couple of people I didn't know. It wasn't shown or explained explicitly, but we all knew that we were in some kind of reality show, where people would watch us being pit against zombies with indefinite waves. Essentially, they would send out the first wave of zombies, and they would be slow moving, and almost impossible to be caught by. Once we fought that wave and it was completely gone, the next wave would come. The next wave would be just a bit bigger as well as faster and stronger... so on, so on. It was very similar to the Call of Duty zombies if anyone has happened to play that. I actually mentioned this and we came up with the ingenious plan of not killing the last one, and just keeping our eyes on it so that we had a lot more time and we had a moment to breathe.

      At this point, time seemed to skip quite a bit to where there were just a couple of us left. I ended up getting split off and cornered, and I feared for my life as I was hiding in a room. I remember being so absolutely petrified of the pain that I would have to endure as I went down. I actually contemplated killing myself for a little while. I heard an announcement that the other two people had died, and I was the last one, and it was as that point that I decided I was going to keep going. I fought the few that were left, again leaving one.

      The very last thing I remember of the dream was sitting down in a room hiding behind a chair as I heard one of them come closer and into the room. I felt like I was a little bit exposed and as it left the room, I shifted the chair which accidentally made a noise. It came running at me and barreled over the chair, and I could so vividly hear the sound of it right by my ear.

      I then immediately woke up.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. Spell's Comp Day 5: Well, I tried to summon help...

      by , 04-15-2016 at 02:33 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I remember a dream about being on my college campus. I remember hardly anything about it save for the fact that I was in the cafeteria eating the baked chicken that they served there occasionally. (My favorite meal from that cafeteria, even though I rarely went there.)

      All that I remember past that was that I was walking somewhere from the cafeteria. became lucid because it was
      Friday and I realized I didn't have to be on campus today, so I must be dreaming. but I Layer 1'd almost immediately...


      A dream about me and my Dream-Dad. We were playing a game together. MMF! WATH? DREAM DAD IS COOPERATIVE? [RC's] Anyways, we are each play as one of these Mechs. They look like the cougars from Mechwarrior. We have three weapons. Machine Gun, Rockets and Sniper cannon. We head out and encounter the bad guys. There are three of them piloting heavy slow mechs.

      We hide behind some rocks and shoot them. They are so slow that they can't hit us. We beat them. I remember thinking something about there being no weapons in the game with splash damage and how we might use that to our benefit.

      The same three players kept coming after us in different mechs. Flying Mechs. Tanks. Etc. We would always beat them, but we were running out of ammo. We went back to our base. (That was underneath this big energy shield dome, and got ammo crates.) The bad guys came back. One of them was piloting a dropship and the other two were in mechs. One mech was big and heavy. (Mad Cat) and the other was very small and ran very fast. Now that the bad guys were mixing up their strategy, we were having a harder time fighting them.

      I woke up.


      I remember I was walking in town. I saw a Jeep-like car come over the hill and roll sideways. It skidded on its side down the road, leaking gasoline out of the exhaust pipes. I thought there would be an explosion.

      I then saw a bus in the parking lot of the Wendy's that was on fire. I heard the people inside screaming and pushing on the glass. Someone asked why nobody could get the door open. I ran to help everyone but the door opened as I got close and everyone got out of the smoky bus. I saw a couple of cops ride into town on a motorcycle. One of them pulled out a gun and shot into the air to restore order.

      I realized that the whole downtown area was falling into chaos. There was what looked like a riot going on and people were rolling over cars and buildings were on fire. I decided I would run to somewhere safe, so I turned and ran in the direction of my old school.

      "This is a Nightmare, I thought to myself. A Nightmare... wait.
      [Nose Pinches]." Yeah.

      I remember the dream had lost a lot of stability because I had been stressed and scared by the disaster scenes in town.
      I DEILDed and came back into the dream where I was living in my apartment. Apparently in dream, I had my own apartment in town now. (Though it was in the place of a house.)

      The entire room was a bathtub, toilet, sink and a small bed, with a tiled floor. I for some reason shouted 'This is my Dream Base! I will return here in every dream and become lucid!' I then decided that it was a dream, and I could make the room bigger. So I took a deep breath and began doing a pushing motion. The room was big enough that I couldn't touch the walls, but I was trying to... psychically push them farther apart. And it worked.

      I then decided I would summon Manei. So I looked at the door, and did my good old fashioned 'Manei, Kuansen Axio Sosubmle" command. I heard a knock on the door and opened it. Apparently she was still manifesting in because she was just a floating head at first, but after a few seconds her whole body had manifested in from a hazy white light. I remember when she finished a little purple (+10) appeared. I guess that was in reference to the competition since I've been putting all my scores in purple.

      She was awkwardly trying to move all of this stuff. (Like carrying a backpack, two purses and a couple huge suitcases.) I guess she was moving in with me...

      I wanted to hurry past this part so we could get to the important stuff we had going on tonight. Especially since she kept stumbling on stuff that had been left in the hallway by other people. I started making stuff disappear right before my eyes to make it easier for her to move everything. I was reluctant that I would delete something of hers, so I asked before removing each object. Most of them were just bags of trash in the hall. I would level my open hand at them and think it, and they'd disappear with a humorous pop sound.

      At some point there was also an annoying issue with finding her invisible coin purse on the floor of the hallway.

      After that, she went away for a bit while I took note that the room had a closet and a larger bathtub now. When she came back, she was pushing a king sized bed down the hallway. (Well, I guess I know what's on HER mind, because we both know that we're already asleep, and we don't need a bed.)

      She asked me to help her get it into the room. The tight hallway we were in made this a crappy physics puzzle. She must be much stronger than me because I tried to move that king sized bed and it wouldn't budge. So I wound up figuring that I could transport the giant bed into the room by teleporting it into higher dimensional space. I did. It also disappeared instantly with a 'pop' sound. I went into the room to see that it had already re-appeared and I thought to myself that it must have put the old small bed into hyperspace.

      (Weird how my physical strength in dreams is only moderate, while I still possess the ability to telekinetically move or teleport massive objects.)

      Anyways, after that she wandered off. Somehow or other we were in my house now, and the apartment we had created was where my room was. I just remembered that she was talking on her cell phone and I jumped over her, did a flip and landed in front of her. She hung up.

      "Sorry, am I a little too-in-your face?"
      "Yeah- I thought you didn't want to see me. I messed up. I taught you the wrong command and I tried to make you grow up too fast. I thought you didn't like me anymore because I wasn't perfect."
      "Psh, Think of all the times I messed up in front of you and did something dumb. I just wanted to make sure that wasn't gonna become the norm. We gotta keep each other in line, you know."
      "She said some reply in gibberish and I noticed she was crying a little."
      "Really, you gotta cry about this? I said I forgive you. You can be such a big baby sometimes..."

      I remembered commenting that she wasn't her usual cheerful self and that it was because I had been sick in waking life, so she had been rather sick in the dream world and was still getting over it. Apparently sickness in waking life=depressed dream guide. Not sure how that works. I also remember through the whole dream she was wearing this gray beanie hat with a little blue knitted flower on the side. It was kind of cute but also conveyed her dismal state quite well.

      "So I'm a little twitchy because I'm in the LDing competition right now."
      "Really, I don't like lucid dreaming competitions." (She said it really clearly to make sure I knew what she felt.)
      "I wasn't sure if I would like them either, but I decided to have an open mind. That Reminds me. I have to do... elemental bending for it. That was the reason I wanted to see you. You taught me water way back when..."
      "Things that you want to know that you don't even know how to know. Well I have to go now the dream is gonna end."

      She then proceeded to take out an umbrella and open it over her head. She disappeared using some trickery, leaving behind only a cat. I remember the cat meowed and the inside of its mouth was yellow. I tried to ignore the fact that she said the dream was gonna end, hoping there was still more lucid to come.

      "I sighed. Well I guess I'm on my own... Tesseract to-"


      Dream Fragment (+0.5) College dream counts as fragment since barley remembered.
      NLD (x2=2) Im counting the Mech dream as well as the burning bus dream.
      WBTB (x2 =2)
      DILD (x2 = 15)
      Reality Check (x1 = 1)
      Chain LD (x1 =2) (Successful this time, from a layer 1 though, still lucid-awake-lucid.)
      Unspecified Dream Control (x1 =5) Making the room bigger.
      Basic Summoning: (x1 Dream Guide = 5+5) Manei is not a real person. Think that counts for 10.
      Interact with DC (lots of DG interaction.) 2
      Basic Un-summoning: (x5ish trash bags, one at a time = 5)
      Don't know how to count the teleportation of the king sized bed from hallway to room. Spell can decide.

      Total: 44.5

      Weird, I still got a lot of points for helping Manei move her crap into my room.
    11. Being held hostage

      by , 04-15-2016 at 02:11 PM
      I was being held in a house w/ some other women by Andy Griffith, lol. The house was we were in was set back in the time which reminded me of The Little House on the Prairie. (this show was on when we arrived at my mother n laws). We kept trying to escape & his & his henchmen weren't physically mean to us but they wouldn't let us leave. They would just stop us & take us back into the house. It seemed to go on forever & we never got out. Non-Lucid
      Tags: non- lucid
    12. 04.14.2016 Dance Language

      by , 04-15-2016 at 02:07 PM
      Late yoga class yesterday, preceded by a lot of running around (work and errands all day long).
      Decided to go on a 10 day smoothie cleanse, start day was 04.14.16

      DR 1
      I was a translator for the high court. However, one of the parties only spoke "dance", so I had to dance to communicate stuff. In my mind I was like, "really?"
      (Super hilarious and interesting but I was apparently doing this as a job.)

      DR 2
      Someone was reciting rules to me about what I should or shouldn't do. I only halfway heard them.
    13. Dreaming about lucid dreaming, and life

      by , 04-15-2016 at 12:06 PM
      I was with some random DCs and one of them was talking about lucid dreaming, about how he couldn't get lucid, one of them said "it takes upto a month" so then I'm shown a little memory, of how a DC has missed being lucid, I was kinda frustrated in the dream! Then we started to talk about WILD, and watch a DC have a successfull WILD! Too bad I didn't realise I was dreaming! There was a girl that had been missing but didn't know where she had gone, but she left her phone in the house and everytone one was worried.

      I was in the school hallway, it was random, I didn't recognise ot anyway, I notice how one the girls in their try to hit on me, not knowing it was a Dream i totally forgot about my girlfriend, Hannah. My phone kept going off so I had to keep recharging it for some reason. Something weird happened that I cannot quite grasp one once I woke up. The dream turned into like a big screen and she was showing me all the programming language a that I needed to do a specific thing. For android(my phone) it looked like HNDROID.

      I was in a class room with a man that wasn't even teaching, just sitting there, you get the one of two students that think there funny because I went outside I went to see how they where and one then just acted like a complete idiot so I went back inside, argumenta arise and so they tend to get a little bit cheeky so the teacher site them down and completely just knocks them both out haha. I come back in and ask him if I can punch them but I wasn't allowed to. As the dream carries on they come back wanting to come back causing more trouble trying to have a fight with me but that doesn't happen. So they kinda just disappear from the dream for a bit, I felt like I was being tormented but i was glad because they teacher had my bad, I was thinking to myself, the teacher is going to get kicked out if he's doing that to students it's bad, but I just realised I don't give a shit have. The teacher then does somehing funny, he goes into the other room and jumps on the teachers back and pulls her skirt down and replays a couple of times. I was getting ready for my family to come to school but I don't know why they where coming, as they got here, my step Mum said "I'll tell them your my son" and I just completely agreed and then my dad walk in I was shocked he didn't say a word and just say down. It Carries on and turns into a bus, I have no chlothes on accept underwear, and me and Hannah are suppose to be getting off next stop. I thought that Hannah got off the bus with me but completely didn't! As I got off it changed, the enviroment changed, everything changed and I was lost, but then I realised Hannah's was only round the corner, as the bus went it looked like my dad was crying and Hannah sitting there sad. It drove away and as I step into the middle of the road this fast yellow car comes along and I nearly get ran over, I was so terrified!
    14. Strange Tree Prop

      by , 04-15-2016 at 10:15 AM
      Morning of April 15, 2016. Friday.

      I find myself in an unknown area, seemingly indoors, with no memory of much of anything. I think that there may be some sort of movie being made but this is not certain. The setting may be either a movie studio or a warehouse for movie props.

      There is a large (apparently uprooted) tree on its side. The area with the roots is very large and complex. There is another (unknown) younger male character present.

      I look more closely at the area of the large roots and notice a number of “eggs” between sections of the roots. However, these “eggs” soon seem to somehow be very small egg-shaped mechanical men that are also somewhat like egg-shaped garden gnomes. I cannot really determine the nature of the setting at this point though I decide that the tree is some sort of very odd movie prop.

      One of the “roots” is actually some sort of lever. I pull it and a human-sized mechanical man emerges from the underside of the tree, from within the roots (as if the bottom of the tree is mostly hollow). The mechanical man is dressed in ordinary clothes and emerges stomach down with its arms forward, but moving with a sort of slower butterfly stroke swimming pattern, but also implying it is “reaching out” towards the other person. This “reaching out” is only incidental however, as this mechanical prop would always do this same routine whenever someone pulls the lever. I find it somewhat amusing and vaguely familiar, though I am not really focused on what sort of movie this big prop might be for. In a way, it reminds me of me when I was perhaps around twenty years of age.

      This is a very strange (and for me, entirely unique) waking transition. The butterfly stroke as being relative to swimming is an excellent hybrid flight symbol and simultaneous water emergence metaphor, similar to a manta ray, stingray, flying fish, or flying sub association.

      Instead of climbing a tree as related to moving through another level of conscious awareness within my dream, my dream-self projected “mechanical me” (which otherwise symbolizes the “unreal” aspect of the dream state itself and the lack of a “real” physical form for the dreamer in the dream state), comes from inside the tree, and from the underside, as metaphorical for waking up. (Of course, “movie” is a replacement word for the dream state, though as stated before, fictional dream characters curiously also use “movie” to describe a real-life event.)

      This is probably one of the only times I have seen a tree in a dream symbolize birth or awakening and as representing motherhood (validated by all the little egg men which are analogous to human ovaries, the tree roots being analogous to fallopian tubes in this case). Very curious. I am otherwise very familiar with this symbolism since I have documented hundreds of dreams which utilized this same basic template (including “The Tadpole’s Ghost” and “Red Wagon Teleportation” and many others). However, I am not aware of any dominant light source (or beam or ray) in this dream, though which is probably implied to be the seeming daytime setting itself (though I do not recall seeing a sunbeam coming from a window or doorway).

      Updated on Friday, 1 July 2016: I forgot that “coming out of a tree” could also be a play on “The Lorax”, who came out of a tree after it was chopped down. This then, would also seemingly be a reference to mortality rather than just birth. “The Lorax” was broadcast first on Valentine’s Day in 1972 and my father died on Valentine’s Day in 1979. The connection seems obvious now. There are probably hundreds (more like thousands) of markers like this in my dreams which I have not discovered yet.

      Updated 06-30-2016 at 06:30 PM by 1390

      Tags: prop, roots, tree
    15. #230 - Cafe Playground / Star Wars office

      by , 04-15-2016 at 09:18 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      I've been thinking lately about something a friend said to me, apparently if you stay properly hydrated during the day then your body will need 30% less sleep during the night. This is because keeping hydrated allows it to function better during the day so you don't need to recover as much while sleeping. I started paying attention to how hydrated I've been and noticed that the days where I stay extremely well hydrated result in the nights being more vivid with a higher chance of lucidity. I had 2 lucids last night which was unexpected, especially since the activities I spent time on doing yesterday usually result in me being less aware (reading, gaming, watching shows, exercising). My awareness has also just been generally gobshite over the past few days, despite meditating every night. I also didn't meditate last night since I was too tired, but I did consume a massive amount of liquids throughout the day. The only variable I can think of was that I drank like 3 different kinds of tea which I usually don't drink at all. Other than that my diet was completely the same as always.
      I think staying hydrated could be a key condition for myself getting lucid at night, so I'll keep paying attention to it for now.

      Dream 1 - Cafe Playground
      I remember being with my daughter inside a playground (like the ones in McDonald's). She was much younger than she is now so I was helping her out a lot. I remember being able to see her mother/family outside the playground, we decide to head down a slide and go see them. We get down safely and go sit in the cafe that we appeared in. Next to me is someone from the family but I can't recognize who. I order a smoothie, it must be blueberry (guessing from the blue colour). I think I get up to go pay or something and I realize the baby isn't on me, so I turn around and go pick her up but I realize I'm dreaming. I wander past the cafe (it's like a small cafe they in the middle of the mall) and look around. The area seems similar to the mall near where I live, I think about what to do and come to a decision. In 1 of my previous lucids I was able to enter a VIP area by the elevator and wanted to see if I could get in there again. I find an elevator and press the button a few times. Geeze I feel like it's not working, eventually I wake up. The dream was pretty standard for my lucids, about 30-60 seconds.

      Dream 2 - Star Wars office
      It was like I was in a star wars video game (like jedi academy), I was doing a mission in an enemy base. The corridors were all metal and there was an opened gateway to my right. Past the gateway was a rocky cliff that seemed to end in an endless abyss, but there was another gateway on the other side. I'm sprinting along as I see this gateway, the doors on both sides are slowly closing, I do a huge leap over the abyss and tumble under the gateway on the other side. It was really close but I managed to make it before the door closed. I then enter the stars wars galactic government room, with all those floating things the politicians talk from. I remembered that in a video I watched a while ago the race E.T. was from was part of the galactic government, for some reason I really felt like looking around for them. After not being able to see them (though there were definitely a whole variety of alien species around) I had the awareness to become lucid. I decided that, unlike in my last lucid earlier in the night, I would reality check and attempt to stabilize a bit and then pursue a dream goal. I pushed my thumb into the palm of my hand, stretching it and confirming the dream state. Next I decided that I'd continue my search for a dream guide, the area I was in was more like a business work floor now. I remember seeing a girl walk past so I tried asking her if she was my dream guide, she kept moving away too fast and I couldn't catch up. She was only walking at a normal pace and I was running, she should have been a metre apart but eventually the distance increased to several metres and she disappeared. I got too caught up in the chase and ended up waking up.
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