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    1. 1. Syrano Shifting (LD) 2. Meadow Tree (LD)

      by , 03-30-2024 at 01:47 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      Spring Competition - Night 1

      1. Syrano Shifting (LD)
      I walk toward the doorway leading to the central area of the main house in Syrano. It's quite dim. Something doesn't seem right... I'm lucid. Sweet! Competition time - I'll start my three step. I go to fly, yet feel a strong gravitation force resisting. I walk forward a couple of steps, and lift right off. I fly to the right and phase through the sliding glass door, heading out onto the lanai. I turn to phase into the wall to my right, phase fully inside and my vision goes black. I don't want to teleport yet, so I phase back onto the lanai. I figure I should head into an area with a bit more room to transform and and simply fly up through the ceiling and end up in an upper area with metal beams constituting a walkway of sorts. I consider what to transform into and decide on a mouse. I shrink down and begin running across one of the metal beams, feeling my front legs in front of me. As I skitter across, I hear a small mouse shriek. I decide to revert to humanoid form, and notice how my vision raises up many feet as my dream body enlarges. I fly forward to the end of the area with the beams and enter a sprawling indoor mall area. There is a row of trees to my right, and the trees become progressively larger the closer they are to the escalator in the distance. I see several shops in the far distance, similar to ones I've seen before in Syrano mall area. Time for some super strength. I fly forward and go to rip out the first tree, yet decide that it's too small. I head a bit farther, yet notice leaves that look like poison ivy on the trunk of the next tree. I hear the dream warning me not to touch the leaves. l heed the warning, progressing down to the next tree, yet see more poisonous type leaves. I head one farther down, grab it and tear it out of the ground with ease. I then pick it up and chuck it at the massive trunk of an enormous tree on the edge of the walkway, overlooking the first floor below. It doesn't knock it over, however. I'll just tear that one out I go over to the enormous tree, bear hug it, and rip the entire thing out of the ground. The roots are exposed, facing me, and I shove the entire thing over the balcony. Alright, let's do some basic summoning and eating I turn toward the restaurant area and see what appears to be an ice-cream shop as well as some type of Italian restaurant just to the right with an illuminated sign. Several people are in the central walkway. I begin flying toward the ice-cream shop, yet wake up.

      2. Meadow Tree (LD)
      I'm aware as the kitchen in the main house in Meadow begins to appear. I see the counter in front of me as well as mom. Time to engage to stabilize this. I rush forward, pass mom, and head into the corner cabinet to grab a bar of chocolate. I find a plastic baggy with a small bar inside and begin eating it. The dream is still a bit hazy. I fly toward the front of the house and phase through the front doors. I'm standing in the front of the house in the twilight hours, and begin to look up toward the sky. The dream begins to feel a bit more stable. I'll explore the back area a bit more actually. I'll basic summon some more chocolate and eat it as that was a bit hazy.. I phase back into the house, fly toward the kitchen once again, and look in the corner cabinet. I don't see any bars, so I look in the cabinet next to the fridge where I usually find bars. I quickly find a bar on the right side in a plastic bag. I grab it, open it and begin eating yet, yet it has a bit of a cheesy flavor. I float up and phase through the window above the sink, heading into the backyard. I figure I can just imagine the flavor becoming a bit more chocolatey and it does slightly. I see a tree in the corner of the yard and a large terrace where the neighboring house is. I wonder how it got constructed recently. I move forward a bit and decide to ground. I stick my right hand out, slow down, and take three, slow deep breaths. I see a silver ring on my right hand as usual. I go to use mass telekinesis on a large clock structure on the top of the terrace, yet it doesn't budge. I turn toward a neighboring terrace, setting to use mass TK once again, yet the massive structure don't budge to my surprise. I turn toward a tree to my right, rip the tree out of the ground and chuck it roughly thirty meters to my left, launching it over a terrace. I turn to the right and see a large structure in the distance. I decide to start flying toward it, then consider super speed, yet the dream becomes dark quickly. I don't want to risk speeding into darkness and destabilizing. I figure I'll head toward some light, yet as I turn I notice that the other part of the yard is dark as well. I figure I'll just phase into the wall and teleport to Haven. I phase fully into the wall and begin imagining Haven Peaks. I begin to wake up.

      Updated 03-30-2024 at 02:57 PM by 50425

    2. Dream Journal Day 38: Night of Friday 22.03.2024

      by , 03-30-2024 at 01:40 AM
      I'm in a sparse one-room cabin high up on a hill. The hill is steep and covered with green.

      Then, I'm sitting about halfway up the tiered seating (this is also very steep), in the middle of a lecture theatre, listening to a lecture. I can't remember what it was about now but I felt moved and I remember discussing it with the man sitting next to me. I thought he was in the anime club and I remembered that I'm in that club.

      When the lecture ends, I head to the anime club room. It comes is off a high-up hallway, seeming to float over the hillside, bridging two towers together. The sky is dark now and it's pretty dim and shadowy up there. I am the first one to arrive. There's a smallish room with three long tables and benches, and an even smaller one through a door at the back of it which is either an office or a cloakroom.

      Two women arrive, one blonde and one brown-haired. They sit down and, unusually forward for me, I ask the brunette (she's closer): ' Hi, What's your name?'. She tells me, it's a pretty normal one, and asks enthusiastically what my subjects are. I tell her that I'm studying Italian, French and Latin!

      Then she goes into the back room and I slide along the bench to be opposite the blonde girl. I ask her name. "Don't laugh," she says, "My name is Tickdick." I'm slightly incredulous and she explains its meaning to me.

      More people come in. I look around the room and now apart from the women I spoke to I see several men all in the same pale blue waistcoat. I remember thinking that I didn't expect there to be so many men in this club.

      Later, after everyone has left and the room has grown even darker, my friend (IRL) comes in and we talk.

      She speaks about how many girls in the school (including her) are now in lesbian relationships after failed relationships with non-binary people. They weren't sure about their sexualities when they previously said they were bi. I say something about this and she mentions that others in the school used to talk about me a lot, years back, when she was LGBT and I was the only one who supported her. I ask in interest what they said about me but I can't remember her answer.

      She gets up and says she wants to go out to the field to see the olive saplings. I think that's it, at least. We leave the room and head down the hill to a bright, sunny green field nestled among the hills. There are rows of olive saplings on the hillside and rows of smaller plants below. We spend a while admiring them.

      A farmer lad arrives, to take care of the field. We chat to him awhile. He needs to break down all the plants as it will help them grow. My friend protests a little but we watch him sweep his arm along the rows, breaking the stalks in two. He collects the broken tops. My friend tells him to leave those, at least -they'll dissolve into the soil and help the plants grow. He agrees and scatters them about.

      Once he leaves I notice three birds glide out of a tree. They are positioned as if sitting upright with their wings folded to their backs, looking ahead. They still move forward steadily in the air. I point out to my friend how weird this is and we both stare at the birds in confusion, continuing to talk. Finally, high above the trees, I see the birds open their wings and begin flying faster, beating the air. "Of course!" I say. "They glide first, then they flap their wings to stay up!"
    3. Dream Journal Day 37: Night of Tuesday 12.03.2024

      by , 03-30-2024 at 01:22 AM
      I enter my school's sixth form building late at night. As I head down the hall towards the dining area I can't see anything around. The hall is black carpeted and so is the larger room. The usual round tables are nowhere to be found and the serving counter is lower and farther forward than it is in real life. It's made of smooth white marble. The fridge is also shifted to the left. Though not quite real, the room is easily recognisable.

      Nobody is around, but I get the impression a big gathering has just ended. Everyone else has probably gone upstairs already. (Seems like this is a dormitory in the dream - IRL there are only classrooms upstairs). There are lots of desserts left over.

      On the counter are two large slate trays, each piled with jelly cut into cubes and stacked. One tray holds red jelly and the other, yellow. In the fridge is another tray of orange jelly and a cake liberally piped with cream on the top and around the sides. A few slices have already been cut out. Pitchers of clear juice or squash are on the shelf, one cherry-pink and one orange. I love desserts. I'm thrilled and head over to fill a plate.

      I am really annoyed that I don't remember anything more! I've yet to taste food in a dream, still.
    4. Parkour in minecraft LD

      by , 03-29-2024 at 07:38 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Color code

      I used wild to enter the dream.

      I felt my body floating as I transitioned into sleep, it felt like I was floating upward as visuals started to appear, it was Minecraft again. The terrain was unnatural and there were layers of floating land masses that were built using a single layer of dirt at various heights.


      There was an unrecognizable song playing as I was floating, I couldn't control the melody, but I was in control of the vocals. It was euphoric. "I will remain calm" I injected into the song's lyrics. I didn't want to wake up from excitement.

      I landed on one the highest floating blocks and began running forward, jumping to new blocks I looked down and could see my legs, they looked like my normal legs I noticed. I could feel my excitement growing as I continued running. I wanted to calm down a bit more, so I decided to turn around and see what was there.

      As soon as I did though, everything went black, and I could now feel body hallucinations as I became aware of my body. I opened my eyes and could see through my eyes as I was lying in bed and couldn't move, I thought this was a false awakening because the light was on in my room and I left it off, I was still disturbed because I couldn't move and closed my eyes again to finally wake up.

      Note: I need to stop derailing my dreams before they become grounded.
      Tags: minecraft
      side notes , lucid , false awakening
    5. Some good dreams.

      by , 03-29-2024 at 07:03 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Steady Jamie dreams. Holy.

      Tuesday night: Asuka spoke up as a voice in my head (she's been quiet for years, except for occasionally grumbling at Jamie.) , asking if she should double check on Jamie. I'm like, "Ya! Do something funny so we both remember something."


      A flash of being in a living room. Asuka walks Jamie in and Jamie has this crazy 80's hair with the messy waves and big hairspray. They are both smiling like it's funny.


      I'm in the black space, Jamie is holding me tightly and talking all serious with me but loving. It sounds like she is saying she wants something really serious with me, but I can't remember the exact words. Is that so? Well, I'm all for it. I just hope she's clear with me next time on, Goals, Labels, and intentions.

      Wed night:

      Various flashes of Jamie but the are so quick, not even a fraction of a second long.


      Somewhat vivid non lucid. It's night time and outside, I'm by my dream house. There's a funny slide I fly up to and go down. One time I came off the slide and there's these Giant black frogs with black spots. They are HUGE, like medium sized dogs. I go on the slide a bunch of times and the dream fades.


      A love-making dream with Jamie. It was really tender is all I'll say. I both felt it and had a 3rd person perspective on it.


      I walk into a garage where Jamie is she is sorting recycling and looks grossed out. Dream fades right away. Is Asuka making her do chores again?

      Last night:


      I'm going to a group meetup of people that worked at Wal-Mart when Jamie was there. There's an open field. Jessica and Tanner are there. They kind of ignore me. Jamie walks up and says, "Hey everybody." While sort of looking around at us, but she never makes eye contact with me. They freeze her out too and then she storms off. I spend the rest of the dream wandering around and wondering why Jamie never said , "Hello," to me directly and why did she storm off? I took it too personally and I started getting intense feelings and almost started crying.

      I woke up and realized, it was her intense feelings of getting fozen out that transferred to me, causing myself to not properly asses the situation, making it all about her. In the dream, since I wasn't really saying anything (I always get nervous around her unless she says something to me) so she was seeing me as part of the group that was freezing her out. I guess I have to be prepared for situations like these. My goal would be to listen to her and validate her feelings about the situation, but since being seen as part of the group I wasn't even given a chance to. I know all too well how feelings of worthlessness can EDIT what you are seeing in reality. I have posts on this forum from years ago, where I'm intensely arguing with someone over what I think they said. and I go back and read and they didn't say it at all. That's why I liked working Mcdonald's is because it forced me to really work with people. I used to get upset at someone if they looked at me the wrong way, or said something mean. And I would either rage at them or rage in my mind. But then I started stepping out of that mentally and really looking at things and thinking, "Maybe they are just being sarcastic," or, "Maybe they are just having a bad day. Then after a while, I become the sarcastic, funny guy that doesn't take things too seriously.

      Still upset

      I go back to Jamie's house and find she's locked herself in a bathroom with a giant fancy door. I can't get in to talk to her, then the dream ends. I hope she's okay.
      Tags: frogs, jamie, wal-mart
      non-lucid , side notes
    6. Losing the van 3/27/24

      by , 03-29-2024 at 06:41 PM (Book of Cursed Dreams)
      Color code

      *There was a lot of dream story I can't remember before this point*

      My mom was driving her van as she answered her ringing phone. It was from a lady at a school, they were talking for a bit when the lady realized that my mom was driving while talking.
      "You shouldn't be talking on the phone while driving!" The lady hung the phone up.

      *Some stuff happened after this and somehow, I ended up driving the van, trying to bring it back to my parents' home*

      I began to approach a drawbridge; it was only wide enough for one vehicle at a time. There were three semi trucks driving down it, as soon as one exited I drove onto the bridge despite the fact that it was too narrow. Alarms stared to sound and I stopped to put the van in park. The bridge deck started to lift up allowing a boat to pass under. As the bridge deck lowered I could see that the two semi trucks were still coming, I pulled off onto a pocket to allow them to pass me.

      After parking the van on the pocket I could now see there was no way to drive the van over to the other side of the bridge. Now walking down the bridge I was met with a fence that I couldn't get over. I noticed a trap door and I thought I could probably pick the lock to get inside of it.

      "Hold on my friend I got the key" I heard from behind, looking up I see that it's Cruz.
      *he works for the general contractor at the job I'm currently at.*
      "It's okay I can pick the lock" I reassure him. He ignores me and tries to hand me the key put drops it into a container of glue. "All the more reason for me to pick the lock" I think to myself. Undeterred he picks the key up and opens the trap door anyway.

      I climb down the trap door and somehow end up in my parents backyard walking up to the home with two other people. "Oh no, I left the van behind" I remember.

      "Well this is just a dream so I can just imagine driving the car to bring it back here" I think to myself now closing my eyes. Everything is now dark with some swirling noise in the background. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I'm trying to imagine it I can't seem to see it, I can't even feel that thought to make any sense. It's as if my will is being suppressed by the expectations of the dreams logic. I open my eyes and see that I'm still walking with the two men up to the house.

      We were right outside the house now, the two men set up a latter to climb up to the roof. They pull one of the shingles back to reveal that there was no tar sealing them in. "We're going to have to take down all of the shingles and reseal everything", After they said that I could now see my dad, he had an embarrassment look on his face, as if he should have known about this.

      Note: This was the second time that I could remember where my dream self knew I was in a dream but I wasn't fully lucid.

      Updated 03-29-2024 at 06:46 PM by 100743 (wrong date)

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    7. Sunflower (LD)

      by , 03-29-2024 at 02:20 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I'm aware as I'm on the couch in Syrano. I stand up and begin to walk, yet the dream feels a bit hazy. I go to fly, yet feel a heavy gravitational pull. I make my way around the couch an float upward a bit, heading down the hall. I feel the dream is destabilizing, so I drop down and begin to rub the ground in circles with my hands and legs. I maintain for a moment, hoping that the dream will simply continue, then feel that a new scene is about to form. I soon find myself in a large grassy yard in the daytime. There's a brown fence in the distance and the area looks somewhat similar to the yard behind Meadow main house. I float toward the fence, happy to be lucid. I fly upward, curve to the right and see a brick structure in the distance, slightly to the left of the Dark Woods. I fly in its direction and see there's a space between two structures. I fly through and enter a large outdoor area, between several large brick structures in what appears to be a slightly urban area with some type of mini resort to the right. As I do so, the song Sunflower begins playing and I feel a sense of energy and happiness just exploring the lucid environment. I begin thinking about practicing some dream control. I see a balcony on a building to the right that appears to have palm trees and a lounge area. I decide to fly down toward it, then quickly phase through the wall and enter a large room that appears to be a classroom. I land and quickly do a transformation to a mouse, then revert to humanoid form. I begin thinking about the dream control I've been doing and how many points each element would be, adding them up. Many young students, who area about five years old, are working on various projects at their desks. I figure I'll practice some basic summoning and eat something. I look on the teacher's desk for a chocolate bar, yet don't see any. I decide to go for invisibility. I snap my fingers, go invisible, and walk in front of the teacher to see if she'll notice me. Her eyes look right past me as I approach her. She then appears as if she may be looking at me, so I ask her directly:
      "Where do you keep your chocolate?"
      She then points at some documents on her desk and explains that they should be around them. I look underneath several white documents, yet don't find any. I look in the first drawer and fully expect to find a bar underneath a few white papers and envelopes. I quickly find a bar in a plastic bag. I take it out, walk forward a bit, and take a bite. It tastes great! I make my way to the far end of the room and exit the area. I make my way into a neighboring room and a notice that one of the young students with dark skin follows me into the room. I snap, go invisible, and he walk past me. After a moment, the boy passes by me and the dream begins to feel as though it's fading. I maintain awareness and soon pop up in a building and make my way outside. I see some large structure to my right that appear to be a mix of construction equipment and play equipment as well as a large silver building in front of me. I decide to practice some mass telekinesis. I go to raise the equipment and two massive pieces easily lift up from the ground. I turn from the area, fly toward the silver building, and phase inside. I'm in a central hallway with light gray walls and quickly make my way into a shop area to the left with several women working. There's a tall woman with blonde hair to the right as well as two shorter women with brunette hair to the left. I decide to find out Norzz's full name. I ask the tall lady, yet she doesn't have a solid answer. I then ask one of the other women.
      "What's Norzz's full name?"
      Lady: "Norzz'jyagerie"
      She explains that the name has components of the name Elijah and another name in it. I begin looking around for something to eat, yet don't discover anything. I wonder if there's anything else in here that I'd want to do, yet don't find anything. I walk further down in the room and look at the face of one of the women. It soon transforms into a narrow, golden nozzle. I ignore it and begin to head into the next area which has gray walls with an open area in the ceiling just ahead. I transform into crow form, feeling various aspects of my body and work on tucking my back legs in. I flap my wings and pass through the opening in the ceiling. I soar into an outdoor area, reverting to humanoid form. I wake up.
    8. Sunny ranch

      by , 03-28-2024 at 05:51 PM (Lucid-Wannabe's Dream Journal)
      I haven't been focusing on dreaming as much recently from being pretty busy. I also have some work projects starting next week so I feel like I'll be drifting out of this phase of my attempts to re-connect with lucid dreaming, but I'm still going to try to maintain my practices as best I can anyways.

      I woke up in the middle of the night with a lot of dreams in mind, but I didn't want to write them down since I haven't been able to get back to sleep as well after doing so recently - so I skipped those ones.

      Sunny ranch

      I'm at a ranch and it's very sunny and bright out. There are a lot of people I know here, but I'm mainly with James, Tami and Elisabeth. The wife and husband of this ranch were showing us around, they bring us into a barn - I can't recall what was in there but I feel like it was empty. As we were leaving it they pointed out a very low electric fence to make sure we stepped over it.

      Then the husband and wife were shooting a music video around a truck. There was a camera man and music playing. On the ground were rolls of cash that members of the production would pick up and toss above the camera to have flutter down on the husband and wife. I looked at one of these rolls of cash and noticed it wasn't prop money but real USD cash. I picked it up, took off the band which was keeping it together and tossed it above the singing couple.

      I'm walking away from the shoot and notice Tami and Elisabeth on a tall fence in the distance waving at me. I meet up with them and James finds us as well. We go into the main house building and there's a large party going on here. Akiko comes in and says something to me but it's so loud I can't hear her. James nodded at whatever she said, I asked "What did she say?" he leaned over and spoke but the party was so loud I also couldn't catch what he said as well.
    9. Night of Wednesday 3/27/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 04:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      It's daytime.
      I'm driving with my girlfriend's Mom in the passenger seat through a roundabout.
      Traffic is slow. A policeman on a motorcycle signals to pull me over.
      I've been arrested. I'm at the police station in an interrogation room.
      The woman interrogating me is talking down to me, but I know I've done nothing wrong.
    10. My first dream journal: Robbing a old man with sage advice.

      by , 03-28-2024 at 05:49 AM
      This is my first time posting my dream journal to any website so I am trying first by writing a lucid dream I had yesterday.

      The dream itself came in two parts a weird headset thing and me robbing an old man.

      The first part:

      In my dream, I was with some of my friends from school. I had a weird headset on that was mostly white but with too white strings attached to it that had a bulb thing that glows blue. For some reason, we were being quarantined because of an infection. We weren't alone though and there were lots of tiny groups around us with similar headsets. All of us were on a huge flat yellow circular platform and a yellow locked door across the platform from us. Somehow the platform had collapsed and the quartine had failed.

      That dream was very blurry and hard to remember and I think something else was happening before this like a showcase of the headsets but I could just be grasping air.

      This next dream is a bit less foggy and vague but the feeling of incompleteness is still there. But there are some really vivid bits in it.

      I was trying to rob a man for some rare beans. The "beans" themselves looked more like hairy bulbs. And I have a feeling that another old man had given me a few of these beans but I needed more, also this old man will be called Jeff. I think the dream lore is that Jeff died for some reason (that I can't remember) and that's why I had arrived at his house instead of asking him for more beans. I woke up with a tool kit at his place and I pulled out a giant heavy metal multitool for stealing things and some nail clippers. I went up some yellow stairs and I found a man. Without hesitation, I lug them in the head with my giant tool thing. The room he was in had a carpet on the floor and had lots of shelves full of boxes. There was also a lady in the corner of the room. There are also two more staircases. One going upstairs and one to the basement. I head down to the basement and find some white panels after banging on them a bit I decide to go upstairs. Same concept as the room before except there is an old man in the corner instead. The shelves were full of beans I looked through them and eventually found a box that looked similar to the packaging Jeff gave me mostly white with pictures of regular beans. I grab it and check inside. They were the wrong beans. I found another similar box and this time it was correct. I grab the entire box full of beans and I take them away.

      I hide the box (somewhere kind of fuzzy for a sec)and I come back inside and I go upstairs This time he notices me and he asks me if I would like a sample of what he was making. I agree and he gives me a weird diamond-shaped scoop to taste some of the golden goop he was making. It was really sweet and tasted great. He then explains to me that he is trying to recreate a family recipe, this goop should have actually tasted better. I then get a very vivid shot. I can even explain it's like going from 360 p to 4k in quality. I get a different angle from my body of the guy using a weird vertical metal Daimond grated tube thing bubbling as a cover of Daimond carrying the goop away and him pouring oil onto the bubbling goop. I then renter my body and we started chatting.

      We are at a table and the lady downstairs has come up. I told the old guy I knew his father by accident and his brown skin physically turned pale. I am very confused and realize I had misspoken and said I'm sorry I meant I know your brother Jeff.
      His skin was still pale he said, "You mean my little brother".
      I say "No your older one".
      He responds "I am the eldest son in my family"
      The dream implies that Jeff was lying to everyone that he is the oldest brother to be more important (but I am not sure because I don't feel too betrayed in the dream). Then I get a vivid image of two cards being swapped in a deck top card and the bottom card. and another of two cities being swapped on a map. He gives me some advice about not stealing not directed at me but I still feel guilty for robbing him and he gives some more sage advice. Something along the lines of "the little are eaten by the big and the big are eaten by the bigger." My vision fills up with a black void and a couple small white creatures being eaten up by pink big creatures that are then eaten by giant blue creatures.

      The End.

      The environment was very yellow and reminded me of the middle east.

      I am sorry if this was hard to read or if there were many errors in my writing.

      Also I have a question is it more important to have detail? Or is it better to remember sumaries because my journal has gotten more dreams per night about 1 to 3 but they are becoming less descriptive

      Updated 03-28-2024 at 05:57 AM by 100778

    11. Night of Monday 3/25/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:40 AM (Dreamlog)
      La Bamba:
      A boy and a girl are fighting in a hallway.
      The boy is looking for his sword, the girl has it. It is a double blade, with velcro holding it together.
      The girl doesn't give the sword back to the boy.
      It is night-time, with a blue-green feel to the scene.
      The classroom is a portable pod, similar to the ones from my elementary school, but closer to the ground.
      I'm in the scene now and notice the sword outside the classroom door.
      I've returned to the classroom, and know that I am late.
      It is a band room, with the regular odd variety of sounds coming from people warming up (or messing around).
      I hear a violin, and notice how out of tune it is. I reason that, if I were to learn that instrument, I would suck at it for a time too.
      M from the clarinets in high-school marching band starts to dance and play a "La Bamba" type tune in front of the group.
      The teacher highlights him, and then the class joins in.
    12. Night of Sunday 3/24/23

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:35 AM (Dreamlog)
      There is a Fire Nation City from Avatar the Last Airbender.
      Azula is chasing Zuko in some kind of battle or showdown.
      Zuko is part of a ceremony at a big outdoor theater.
      He is renouncing the Sun, and getting painted to symbolize his new loyalty.
      Tags: avatar, chase
    13. Night of Saturday 3/23/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:32 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm laying in bed, and I think there might be a home invader.
      I can hear noises coming from the kitchen.

      There is a hot-tub car outside that has a mechanism to drain the water and then transition to driving mode.

      My girlfriend's sister and her friends are over at our house eating snacks.
      They are very loud, so I go over to talk to them.

      I'm at the edge of a city with towering buildings.
      The buildings abruptly end and transition to dirt.
      The drastic change reminds me of the border of Thousand Needles and Feralas from World of Warcraft.
      The whole scene has a grey-ish tone to it.
      There is a cloaked woman on the other side of a large gate.
      I know that she is bad, the antagonist.
      I go to reason with her, and she convinces me to let her in.
      Her power decreases as I become more confident, and the threat dissolves.

      I'm at a rooftop party with J from the Tots.
      There are two small dogs on a landing above looking down at us.
    14. Night of Friday 3/22/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:24 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm with Androids 17 and 18 from Dragonball Z, and a coworker.

      King's Training:
      I'm in a warehouse-type area on a metal stairwell going up.
      There is a line of kids, classmates, lined up for try-outs.
      An intercom announces that the King's Tournament will begin soon.
      I remember that the King's Tournament is for basketball.
      A group of 3 kids in front of us recognize me and the person I am with.
      They seem impressed that we have King's Training.
      There is a sense of belonging in the group. Something similar to how I felt in marching band from high-school.
      In this situation I was the senior, inspiring the younger ones.
      The person in front of me in line is up. He messes up his free-throws and become very frustrated.
    15. Yay.

      by , 03-27-2024 at 12:52 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      This will be a shorter entry. Had trouble sleeping lately due to shitty sleeping arrangements where I live. Apperently I was right. I had to call on Raven again to help with Jamie. She fought of some guy who looked like freddy kreuger. That seems in line with what I remember about someone wearing a large hat.

      I had a couple non lucids that I can't remember.


      Fell asleep talking to the Jamie voice... instead of the usual Jamie in a black space where the conversation continues. There's a big fat Demon pertending to be Jamie. I wake up and fall asleep again, this time it's a skinny demon, saying the things that apparently Jamie is saying. Well, great. And yes I have prayed obsessively about these voices. and of course "Jesus," responds as a voice in my head. That's always trustworthy! But according to Him, We may be hearing one another's thoughts. Be careful to speak to it however, other things may be listening... and also might respond. In either case I'll try my best not to respond overly emotionally to it, or take it "too," seriously. I like how, when I pray for Jamie, I occasionally hear a, "Thank you." from her, as if she somehow hears me. That's always re assuring (No sarcasm).


      Me and Jamie are both attending a high-school together. A class or school has ended and I'm in a hallway by a bunch of lockers and a bunch of students are in my view. I notice Jamie talking to a blond girl pretty sternly. Jamie leaves the girl and walks through the crowd. she then takes my hand and we walk away. Before I turn, I notice the blond girl is giving me and Jamie some really evil side-eye. I guess I'm back with my girlfriend... or dream girlfriend. (please send help.)

      Last night: Had a really long non lucid. No jamie. Can't remember what the dream was about. A bunch of people in a large warehouse or something, and I was also doing drywall work. Bleh, not really worth remembering anyway.
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