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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Dream Journal Day 9: Night of Sunday 12.11.2023

      by , 11-19-2023 at 11:41 PM
      I remember being in a place that seems like an American-style cartoon town. Red barns (like Applejack's) surround a small square and wide dusty streets. They are big, each two floors and then a high barn roof. I have a brief image of being inside one of these, on the first floor. The floor was of light wood boards and the room was large and fairly empty. I feel that there were wrought iron spiral stairs down to the ground floor - though those would be rather out of place in a barn.

      Outside there seems to be a small market going on. In the square I examine goods displayed on a wooden table. There are other people milling around, as well.
    2. In the hotel... again

      by , 11-17-2023 at 04:36 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      I was in the hotel...again, I came to know this by remembering through dream memory, I've been there before.
      It felt more like a level Ive completed already.
      For some reason in finland, I was lost in this large hotel, it had all kinds of rooms and halls, it was quite ornate, think 17 century french palaces, but a bit less fancy.
      Idk what I was looking for, quests I guess...but I knew that there were layers to that realm and I had to switch by them... at one of the doors I encountered the echoes of an enemy or something hostile that took the form of a man, but it couldnt hurt me now, only saw and heard its monstrous echoes...
      I went to some sort of dining hall, there were people down there, eating, while I was up there on some sort of balcony, near the ceiling, that was really high, like 200 meters.
      There was a girl there, I wanted to ask her for directions but then I woke up.
    3. Log 3119 - Forgotten False LD, Guilty Upgrade, ...and Sand Bar Beach Awareness Fragments

      by , 11-17-2023 at 02:23 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 16 November 2023

      Got a LD re-entry and some fragments today.

      Scrap Group 1
      Vaguely recall thinking I woke up from a lucid dream. Lacking memory of such, I'm inclined to believe it was false awareness.

      In a very dimly lit space, like a wide basement or something. I pick up a laptop from the floor. I "recalled" buying a new system with one of the latest high-end ARM processor. Got it at a relative bargain at $1k. I watch some videos on multiple windows concurrently. One was clips of Attack on Titan. There were a bunch of purple splash effects for some reason. I spot my bro snooping nearby, much to my annoyance. I minimize the AoT videos and watch the others. These were matches for various Guilty Gear titles, including Strive, Xrd, and XXAC. One had Sol spam Grand Viper. Warp. Another unknown dimly lit place. I'm imitating Grand Viper. I managed to project fire too.

      In the kitchen of an unknown house during night time. My niece was working on a school project. There was this light skinned black dude around. Only on waking up do I notice he was the host of Mental Outlaw. Anyway, he helps Jalani with her homework. Later, my niece and her mother (my sister) go out to get groceries. Timeskip again. The project was near completion. I see it's some kind of macaroni art on a cardstock booklet. Instead of macaroni, it's tortilla chips, both the triangular shaped and round varieties. These were arranged in rather sophisticated floral and butterfly patterns. The booklet, when folded, had cut-out city buildings and a radio tower pop up. I was asked to hold the book as he continued his work. He was making the finishing touch, when suddenly, most of the chips slid off its surface. I guess it wasn't as fixed as it appeared. The guy slams the counter in frustration. I noticed a tube of Elmer's glue in one hand, the other covered in the paste. I tell him my requiring a much stronger glue for a similar project some time back. Too little too late, I thought...

      Spectator mode. This was some kind of Monty Python (or Python-esque) castaway survival comedy show. This took place at a lost island during a clear day. A barely dressed, stubble faced Englishman wanders off to a swampy area. There, he sees a withered tulip. For some reason, he likens this find to the burning bush of the Exodus. He discreetly collects some seeds. A bald, sunburnt old man in a robe calls out to confront him about this. The first man denies finding anything of value. The old man continues to accost him on the matter. They arrive at a beach of profound green, the shore littered with seaweed. Not far into the deep water was an expansive sand bar. Anyway, the younger man makes a claim that he found tulip seeds at a swamp much further away from the previous area. The old man is outraged, and calls him out on the lie. He then chases the other man into the high waves.

      Dreamlet to dream. Dream re-entry into the same island mentioned above. This time, the waves were far calmer, though still congested with plant life. I walk towards the sand bar. I could feel the pressure and coolness of the waves, its briny vapor stinging my throat. Yet, I felt no dampness, as if water failed to stick onto my skin. Once on the bar, I strode on the water out to the greater blue sea. I anticipated some enemy would attack. On cue, a huge saltwater crocodile torpedoed at me from below. I dodged the beast, watching as it jumped over four meters into the air. I leaped after it, and grappled with the animal. I then flew us high up, arriving near the sky almost instantly. To much amusement, the crocodile suddenly changed into a big plush copy of itself. I hurled it far into the horizon. Then, I raised a a pillar of water from below, a cylinder about 1m diameter in depth and standing as high as I was floating. I froze the pillar into an icy pole, and began sliding all the way down. I'd thoughts to phase through, but decided I needed a bigger surface. As I was nearing the water, I thought maybe the sea floor would do? I soon hit the ocean. But, instead of piercing through, I wake up instantly.

      Updated 11-17-2023 at 02:29 AM by 89930

      dream fragment , lucid
    4. Dream Journal Day 7: Night of Friday 10.11.2023

      by , 11-17-2023 at 12:02 AM
      I've been lazy about editing my journals for posting so I've got a bit of a backlog now. Four more dreams waiting to be posted - including this morning's journal! Nothing lucid yet but it looks like my recall is improving, so that's good. Perhaps I'd better move on to trying some lucid techniques soon.

      I'm abroad in a different city. I'm sure this is some mainland European country, though it somewhat reminds me of English country towns. The buildings and walls are built of large irregular cobblestones while the streets are paved in the uneven way that's so common in Corsica (to the detriment of my shoes). I catch sight of a large set of wooden double doors, black, wide but not as high as those I see in Italy and France.

      I'm guided to the house where I'll be staying by two men. They both wear glasses and seem nerdy, I think they are a gay couple. In retrospect, I'm quite sure the two looked exactly the same - that, or I saw only one and imagined the second. The two are friendly and I remember them talking and laughing with me. They have brown hair.

      I meet two more people later on. One is a businessman - broad-shouldered, black suit, cold expression and an office full of heavy dark wooden furniture, thick books and leather upholstery. He reminds me greatly of a character from one of my favourite series. I don't remember the other.

      At one point, I'm wandering the streets in the evening, light spilling out of restaurant windows which display scenes of people leaning towards one another talking, cutlery resting loosely between gesticulating fingers, red wine swilling about in glasses, unfinished dishes on the table. I can almost hear the hubbub of hundreds of conversations jostling to make themselves heard.
    5. November 13, 2023 10:23 am

      by , 11-13-2023 at 06:26 PM
      I was dating a German influencer and host, I don't remember the exact details but it was pretty cool
    6. Log 3110 - Incursion of the Wicked God

      by , 11-08-2023 at 09:42 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Tuesday 07 November 2023

      Got a dream and some fragments today. I feel so motivated for dreams again. It's that same enthusiasm I had when I genuinely started LD practices all that time ago. I want to try and maintain that passion, without any baggage of ambition and distraction I've had in that interval...

      Scrap Group 1
      Wandering around locally during dusk. There were very different looking buildings in the shopping plazas, and far more of them in the spaces that should be empty. There was also another pond near the intersection. It looked more like a dirty marsh.

      Riding around town via public transit during a clear afternoon. Seemed like a lot of aimless wandering.

      Playing an MvC2 match. I thought my opponent was an old friend. I was using Magneto, Storm, Cyclops on player two side. He was using Magneto and I believe Cable, with Sentinel as an anchor. The background was The Abyss. I'm sure IRL he's way better at me in this game than I'll probably ever be. It came to a surprise when I not only took the initiative, but that he didn't respond to my fumbling a faux Rom-loop (used medium punches instead of light kicks; shouldn't be possible). I did a bunch of lazy day one resets to keep the pressure going. I finished with a no-confirm thrown out super, which he responded with his own. A silly DHC escalation followed, ending with my Cyclops beating out his Cable. A similar event happened later on. I reduced him down to his Sentinel, which he played substantially better. He got me with some solid Rocket Punch fly loops. I was left with a low health Magneto. More cheesy resets got me the win.

      Spoiler for It's a long one:

      Updated 11-09-2023 at 07:02 AM by 89930

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Log 3108 - Turbulent Fall, Calm Shore

      by , 11-07-2023 at 08:34 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Sunday 05 November 2023

      It's been far too long since I shared anything on the forums. Time I fix that.

      Scrap Group 1
      In a condo complex during night. There was a group of people around, mostly of college age. There was talk of forming a DnD campaign. Everyone was very interested, though I was concerned it would've been too many players to be enjoyable for long. Judging from the builds people were spitballing, the group were really bad at optimization. At least two wanted to play Monks or awkward Monk multiclass, and one or two unironically thought the Champion was a powerful choice. For some reason, I started climbing up the wall of a three story building. I made it to the roof in mere seconds. Then, I tried to make a leap across to another building. The dream ended then and there. My waking thoughts were then muddled about DnD character optimization for some time.

      Work stuff.

      Dreamlet to dream. FA in bed. I suspected something was amiss. I look down at the mattress. But, instead of just seeing sheets, I find I was looking at a reflection of myself. This mirrored version was wearing black clothes, contrasted by the white ceiling. I was perplexed momentarily, before I asserted that this was indeed a dream state. I hurried up and out, only to walk into the void. The dream collapsed immediately. Re-entry a minute later, using calls to my guide as an anchor.

      Dream 1 - Turbulant Fall, Calm Shore

      The visuals were very dark. re-entry in bed. I call to my guide. As anticipated, E's voice echoed around me, first faintly, then more crescendo into dizzying volume. "This way", she repeated. "Over here". At first, her words seemed to be at the head of my mattress. It then shifted to my left. I roll towards there, and fall to the void. In doing so, the voice ceased.

      I initially descended without much emotion; I've done this many times before. It seemed I was taking way longer than normal to see any change. To pass the time, I started yelling. Some concerns then made me notice my sleeping body, particularly in how I was sleeping on my side. To turn my attention away from this, I began screaming much more passionately, while I used my remaining strength to pivot into an elbow drop. Macho Madness, baby!

      Wind resistance dramatically began to build up. Thinking to practice for the next DV Competition, I try plummeting so fast as to form plasma around me. Instead, I was shunted into a glowing wormhole, an ethereal tunnel swirling in violet and deep blue. I anticipated a warp, while still focusing intently on creating energy. This passage was also taking quite a bit of time. More doubts set in. I let out one final shout of defiance. It's then I noticed it was getting damp.

      I promptly landed elsewhere. As I come to, I see I was ankle-deep in a shore. This was a shallow sea of calm waves, seemingly endless on all sides. The light of dawn glared in my eyes, almost muting all colors into grey; only faint traces of brown, red, yellow, and blue remained. A rush of emotions fluttered within me. Moist poignant was... nostalgia? I don't recall ever having seen anything like this, yet I felt as if I'd wistful memories here. This was accompanied with feelings of joy, melancholy, longing, and a strange foreboding. I had to collect myself quickly, lest I was completely given in.

      For a moment, I was numbed. I needed to focus to steadily start feeling the cool water beneath me. I ambled slowly forward. As I did, I remembered I'd still not controlled an element. Guess water was it this run. Raising my arm, I tried raising a stream in kind towards my palm. To my surprise, I'd instead lifted up a colossal wave. It formed a few city block away, and was of like width. Wouldn't have taken much time to crash upon me. As it neared, I lowered my arm. The wave immediately settled down, and dispersed harmlessly. That's a relief.

      I walked aimlessly for a bit longer. More unease lingered in the back of my mind. This brought feelings of guilt for some reason, as if I was unworthy to have this experience...

      Before I could correct such thoughts, the dream fades. Another re-entry attempt, but it was inconclusive.
      lucid , dream fragment
    8. Dream Journal Day 4: Night of Thursday 02.11.2023

      by , 11-04-2023 at 12:28 AM
      Day 3 (Tuesday 31.10) is not one I'm comfortable sharing, and I also remember very little of it. I experienced the dream as an invisible observer and played no part in it. Today's I remember a little better, but it is still two fragments. I believe I unexpectedly became lucid at the end.

      A white, pink and grey house. It's a modern bungalow. A relative (grandfather?) of mine lives here. In the large kitchen-living room is a counter, black granite on top, pink sides. A variety of kitchen utensils on top of it include a shiny silver, tall teapot. Full-length windows wrap the side of the room that faces outside. It's snowy out there, some shrubs and spiky winter plants peeking through the snow under a blank white sky. I see that there are two small steps down from the glass door in pale beige stone. I remember running in and out of the house, hiding some objects or my own self in black and grey halls and behind doors. However the dream was overall a calm one. I remember sitting curled on the floor, reading. I remember modern white metal baskets and filing cabinets, supermarket bags full of clothes, and some piles of clothes on the floor. I remember conversation and a casually dressed man with longish dark brown hair and a small beard on his chin. I remember cooking, walking on a snowy road to get here. All the other recollections are too vague to be put into words. Faint fragments of emotions, flashes of images and indecipherable, tenth-of-a-second beeps of sound and glimpses of movement. I feel sorry to have forgotten what I feel was an eventful and interesting dream.

      Later. A white box room, no windows or doors. Someone is in here with me.
      Suddenly I become aware that I am dreaming. Elated to have achieved lucidity, I want to test the limits of the dream and see what I can do. I think: 'how about flying?' and move my arms a little away from my sides. Then I am spiralling up into the air towards the ceiling of the small square. I can look down at the same time as I see myself from above, looking upwards to the ceiling. I feel an incredible rush of joy and lightness while my companion is looking up at me. But it's short lived. As I'm about to go through the ceiling I feel the dream slipping away from me. The scene itself seems to break away from my consciousness and spiral downwards into blackness until it disappears.

      While losing my dream I saw my bedroom, with lights on, appearing. I don't know now if I woke up or fell into a deeper sleep. I remember waking up later, to the sound of my alarm, in darkness.
    9. 2095 (2023)

      by , 11-01-2023 at 10:42 AM
      Watched a sequel to a popular film about the apocalypse, 2095 (first film was 2024). It focussed on the main cast of the prior film rebuilding in an empty landscape and trying to start a millenarian religion with the sole purpose of warning when the next collapse will happen. The film was somber, with the occasional dry joke here and there. A lot of the places people visited were empty buildings, I think I remember there being a school.

      2095 was apparently stuck in development hell, as the film had a sprawling series of logos before it started, with both environmental groups and a network of Christian ministries attached to the name of the project, as well as an organisation called "project 2024", which appeared to be there for the sole purpose of bringing the sequel out once and for all..

      Updated 11-01-2023 at 01:28 PM by 65287 (typo fix)

      Tags: movie
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    10. October 31, 2023 7:?? am

      by , 10-31-2023 at 07:52 PM
      I had multiple brief snooze dreams about singing into work from home but constantly clocking in too late or my supervisor messaging me why I'm late or not at the office.

      In all dreams, my room was much bigger and had different variations of offices like a company room. In one of my dreams, I had a door in my room that lead to the room in the neighboring apartment building that was much bigger and built around my room.
    11. Night of Sunday 22.10.2023 (NLD)

      by , 10-31-2023 at 12:18 AM
      I rarely remember a dream as long as this one, with so many details. I can still visualise the dream scenery quite vividly. Currently I'm working on increasing my recall, since I'm a beginner, so I may not have any lucid experiences to note for quite some time.

      1. School day?

      Remember a lecture earlier, at school, in the pool. The bottom of the pool is raised to floor level and we are all sitting on it. Swimming teacher (IRL) tells us her belly is fake (attached by some permanent procedure, who knows why) and that's why she's fat. There will be more lectures, by others, in the future, and one has already happened - I know this thanks to a paper stuck to the wall, with a list of lectures typed in blue, Times New Roman.

      After it's over, I leave, I'm in the school building. Exams are either coming up or have just finished. The school (not IRL, but a squarer, more industrial-looking, white building) is empty. Hallways seem like endless white square tubes, with blue noticeboards on the walls. The carpets in there are blue - IRL they are red. I leave.

      I'm standing on an unfamiliar street corner, outside a food shop of some sort. The air feels fresh and cool and the area seems lit up by almost blinding white light, as if a faded white photo. The buildings opposite me are white and glowing. There are cars on the road but they don't seem to move or make a sound. I get the impression I'm near my local library.

      A girl runs up to me, I know her IRL, though we aren't as close as friends. She grins and greets me with my name. She has a cup of bubble tea in the left hand. We chat a while about school and I have the impression I'm doing quite well in my exams. We're still talking when quickly, she says she has to leave. She runs across the road, between the cars, and jumps in through the already-opened door of a shiny, sleek black car. Then she's gone, leaving our conversation unfinished.

      2. Chase

      Fragment: my brother chases me through the streets around my house. IRL geography. I run past the pharmacy but don't remember where I go next.

      My (?) cousin (blond) arrives. He wants to see my brother and they enter the bathroom (?) together. I stand outside eavesdropping and feel frightened by what I hear. Cousin touches brother's shoulder and a whitish-yellow light glows. As the door begins to open, the landing lights turn off and I dodge and tumble down the stairs to curl up in the corner of the next landing. My brother descends as I'm pretending to be asleep. I fidget a little, and feel myself shaking in fear, wondering if he'll see through my act because of the trembles. He walks past.

      Then I am in the living room. (It's mine IRL). My aunt is here. We talk - I don't remember the words, but she knows they are after me now that cousin did something to my brother. Speak of the devil - my brother suddenly races into the room and makes a beeline for me. Aunt intercepts him, grabbing him by the shoulders while telling me to run. I run out of the house and turn left, racing across the road and into the nearest street off mine. I know I need to quickly get around some corners to make the most of my head start - hopefully, this will confuse my brother since I'm not taking the route I had before (in fragment above). I run through several streets and around corners and the architecture shifts from almost-real to a cartoon-like candy land. The houses have uniform pointed roofs with cherry-pink candy borders.

      Soon I realise this isn't the fastest way for me to move and I start bounding, somewhat like a four-legged animal, putting both hands on the ground and pushing, propelling myself forward in great jumps. My whole body lifts off the ground as I jump. The scenery is blurring around me as I'm moving so fast.

      Suddenly I can see from my brother's point of view. He's looking for me, running through streets of beige gingerbread houses. The streets are lined with heaps of giant, golden, caramel popcorn piled up steeply against the walls. He throws out his arm and scatters a heap of popcorn as he turns right to keep running. It seems my cousin is speaking into his mind. He makes several left turns. I feel relieved at this since I've been turning right and seemingly heading in the opposite direction.

      My point of view again. Suddenly, I see him turn a corner and come towards me. I skid and hurl myself backwards. This time I feel like I'm soaring up into the air, flying on my back, as if I'm floating in a swimming pool. My brother soars up as well and slows to float above me. I hear a conversation between my cousin and him, to the tune of 'about time, do it'. He unfurls a huge flag, in blocks of colours: red, yellow, green. It's made as if of many round beads close together, forming a flat (flapping in the wind) surface, yet with nothing obviously joining them. It billows out against the direction of the wind. I'm still desperately trying to propel myself away.

      I hear 'NOW!' and brother comes down on top of me, flag gone. We fall to the floor. I fear my cousin controlling my body, as he is currently controlling my brother.

      Then we are sitting in the road, as if we've been dropped from above (I suppose we have) and my cousin and aunt reappear. They cry out: 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'. A surprise? My brother has returned to normal, unaware of what's been happening. The dream ends.


      - The first dream had familiar but not quite real landscapes
      - The girl who approached me was someone I actually know
      - The second dream took place partly in my IRL house
      - IRL I don't have a brother, or a male cousin
      - I didn't remember any sounds of speech or particular words, nor any faces. Make this a goal for next time!
    12. Night of Monday 10/23/23

      by , 10-24-2023 at 07:41 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at 11:00PM.

      There is a beach on a starry night. Galaxies are visible in the vast darkness of space.
      The beach itself reminds me of GP's bachelor party from a few years back.
      Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are battling each other on the beach.

      Woke up at 6:45AM.

      Updated 10-25-2023 at 05:16 PM by 99808

      dream fragment
    13. been a while

      by , 10-14-2023 at 03:44 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Let's start with... Jamie Dreams! There have been a few.

      1st: Vague dream where we might have been kissing or something.
      2nd dream: I wasn't lucid but understood the dream world so to speak. I was sitting in a living room with people. My dead cousin Kiah since 2021, popped up and was like, "hey, hello..." etc. And I asked her, "Can you do something for me? I need you to check someone name Jamie for me. She was supposed to show today but I can't find her." I specifically remember saying to Kiah to, "Just go through my memories, You'll find her." Kiah pulled a curtain made of nothing out of nowhere and wrapped herself in it making her disappear.
      Dream skips to where Kiah comes back and says that she had seen Jamie bragging someone that she had a "dream of only," boyfriend. (referring to me, also hinting that Jamie doesn't actually plan to talk to me in person ever. Which is pretty bad in my view, how about I just don't post dreams anymore about this subject. Me, I want a future without this insanity. I'm pretty sure Jamie can find loads of simps to stroke her ego because they think they have a chance. I'm not one of them. seriously.)

      I ask Kiah to show me. We teleport to some weird wannabe Harry Potter dream world. There's an english school. We go in. I'm in a role I think I've played before in this scenario. I'm in a teachers or principals office. 2 people are talking about a conspiracy or something. I just lose interest as Jamie's not around.

      This morning: Jamie at a funeral being sad, Second funeral dream about Jamie hm...

      Too many other dreams to really write down. Scariest one being I kept going into an elevator that would take me to a dark hallway where people were sleeping. A vampire would come by and kill them. not in the typical vampire way... In a way that's impossible do describe, you'd only have to dream it. (Raven if you still read these, try dream viewing this one. might be an exciting dream supernatural scenario that you're recently fond of) The guy would like teleport inside their skin and/or behind them, causing them to choke to death on a most horrific way. The guy seemed unaware of me. I saw this happen a couple times. I was also semi lucid at times.

      Driving dreams... almost crashing a LOT. Driving up and down impossible hills.

      One dream I had a really angry roommate or something. Walk on eggshells kind of guy.
    14. Ate finger, saw giant airplane.

      by , 10-11-2023 at 06:17 PM
      I was in my room and I heard a truck and some guy say "Lets burn that house down!" I thought they were talking about a different house but then I heard my door open. I think about getting a gun, and I go downstairs and I realize I forgot to get a gun. [COLOR="#008000"]I decide that I don't need guns I can just beat the crap out of the people I go in my bathroom, and there's a stall in it like a public bathroom, I punch the door off and nobody's in there so I decide that they wont burn the house down if i don't expect them to. I remember that I wanted to eat my fingers, so I took a bite out of my left index, it squished like a gummy and tingled a lot. It tasted like blood but when i looked at it there was only a little skin missing.[/COLOR]

      I was in a house and I looked out the window and there was this giant green airplane that took up about half the sky, on each wing there was a white circle with a black star. Some smaller aircraft went past it really quickly and I didn't get a good look at it.

      Updated 01-31-2024 at 05:13 AM by 100014

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Night of Saturday 10/7/23

      by , 10-08-2023 at 10:57 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 1AM.

      I'm in a movie theater. Reminds me of IMAX. There is a group of people with me.

      Quest for Buried Treasure
      I'm on a quest. It feels like a video-game.
      There is a 2d sidescroller-styled 3d environment. Similar to Sonic Colors (which I've been watching gameplay of recently).
      It is a beach-like place, with beaches on the left and right sides, and ocean beyond. Sunny, of course.
      The land proceeds forward and I'm searching for buried treasure.
      I'm leading a group, and I've found the treasure before so they trust me to find it again.
      We find other treasures along the way, including equipable pink gear.

      Recorded on waking around 12PM.
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