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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. The Ice Moon Cometh...

      by , 01-17-2012 at 02:19 AM (My brain and I)
      dream : comments : lucid

      17th of January, 2012

      Had some failed lucidness early in the night.
      I was sleeping and Nooks woke me up saying "it's 9pm, time to wake up!" I was all "Why the shit would you be waking me up at 9pm?" at which point she proceeded to start putting fish on my feet. By that stage I was all "nup, this is stupid, this is obviously a false awakening" and when I did my hand-check I mustn't have been deep enough into the dream and the movement actually woke me up for real. Almost immediately after that I went back to sleep and back into a dream. Not quite a WILD, but I was almost instantly aware. Quasi DEILD, perhaps. Again I was lying asleep except I was a bit deeper in and was this time at a beach. I was in the sand when I woke up again. Did a RC and wasn't dreaming. God damn it!
      Back asleep again and THIS time I was still at the beach but could really feel the sand and water. I focussed on sinking into the sand so as to stimulate my senses a bit and really tried focusing on Nooks' face to become hyper-aware. It all sort of worked but then the dream began to fade and I couldn't get it back.
      Ah well. Close.


      I was at some dodgy apartment block and was meeting all the neighbours.


      I was at a birthday party and drinking champagne. Some hippie type girls offered me LSD which I accepted. The acid was on these plastic strips that had different phrases printed on them. The one I took said “Spiders in your mouth”. I half dissolved the strip and suddenly realised I didn’t want to be tripping on acid and remember that it said anything about spiders being in my mouth so I spat it out and asked for another one, which they didn’t let me have. I wanted the one that said "Ice cream".

      We went outside where people were drinking and partying in the back yard and I hung around drinking my champagne and having a good time. Presently, I looked up into the sky and was struck with awe. The moon was enormous but different. It was covered in gigantic ice crystals- all perfectly formed like giant snowflakes. The arms of the crystals spread out far into the sky, about twice the diameter of the moon itself. I was totally blown away and ran screaming to the other people to come and have a look. When they came over the crystals had begun dropping off and falling through space towards us. While they fell, they broke into smaller pieces and snowed down on us as snowflakes the size of dinner plates. It was a beautiful experience and I remember turning to Nooks and asking if it was the acid or if it was really happening and she just smiled and nodded before catching one. It was nice.

      Later on there was something to do with hot air ballooning in a cave and finding magic mushrooms. That lead into my family having issues with a neighbour shooting arrows into our yard. The neighbour became one of my younger brothers who stabbed one of my other brothers with an arrow and when we told him we would call the police on him he suddenly became really cute and baby-faced. I asked him to apologise and when he did he became a manchild with a seedy ass beard and looked totally creeper. He started apologising in this weird rhyming slang and I decided I hated him.


      Aliens invaded in cool space/aquatic ships. They were all spiky and black. As they landed in the water, huge waves flooded large parts of the city and the street we were on was suddenly awash with buses coming towards us. We narrowly avoided being crushed by the sliding buses and ran up a hill into a park. There, some people offered me cheese and I said, in a very posh voice “no... quite alright thank you” which they scoffed at. I asked if they’d prefer a more bogan approach and said “aw, fuckin’ aliens and shit invading, hey!” then left. We went into a house that had a smaller house inside it and I climbed onto the smaller house’s roof. All of a sudden I realised my teeth were loose and they began to fall out and break apart.

      Didn’t do a dream check because apparently I’m an idiot and don’t recognise my own dream signs.

      Anyway, I woke up shortly afterwards.
    2. Pools of water

      by , 01-15-2012 at 05:32 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was heading to a building that was surrounded by different sized swimming pools, and there were a lot of people there. One of the pools had a plank bridge that I needed to use in order to get inside the building. While crossing it, I lost my balance and fell off. There was a group of three in this pool. A girl and two guys. The girl started talking to me first. Whenever she talked to me, she'd hold her hand out like she was going to shake mine, and when I extended it, she'd make our thumbs meet. It was really weird. Eventually one of the guys started talking to me, and I asked him what it meant and he said that it meant he owns me.....whatevs.

      I walked in the building, and came out and decided to swim with some other people. This place was like party central. I think I remember flirting with some asian girl for the rest of the dream.....things get fuzzy, but I do remember shooting a ton of ki blasts at someone and exploding it.

      I'm watching a home video of Nina on a vacation. I don't know where it's at other than a random big city. It's almost like a documentary because of the way it's shot. There was a giant alligator there attacking all the people in the city, and then I was actually on location. I don't know what happened, but I don't think it was an easy fight.
    3. Sex-filled Lucid with Bananas and Hairy-assed Fat Dudes

      by , 01-13-2012 at 04:24 AM (Jakro Goes Hardcore Into LDs)
      My recall stays fragmented and I seem to not have any weapons against that. I usually only remember the last bit before waking up. Still, at least something every day. So let's head back to the past again. We have now reached July 2009, my best ever lucid month - 8 lucids in a month. To make that record, I had to have a lucid right on the first night of July. So let's delve into it.

      Sex-filled Lucid with Bananas and Hairy-assed Fat Dudes <- My best headline so far.
      Date: July 1st
      Lucid: Yes
      Method: DILD

      My phone was calling people on it's own. It was possessed. It called to some unknown guy and then other unknown voice insulted the one who answered. Answerer got really upset for being called and insulted in the middle of the night. I was trying to explain that it wasn't me and that some unknown source is controlling my phone. I doubt he bought it.

      I was panicking. I tried to shut it down. It restarted on it's own. I tried removing the battery. It didn't work. I was really getting desperate, until all the sudden I came to my senses. "Wait a minute... This kind of thing can't happen... I must be dreaming."

      After the nose test confirmed that I was dreaming, and me being a raging dick, the logical conclusion was that I'd proceed to having some hot lucid sex. Unfortunately it wasn't that hot, in fact it didn't feel like anything. So after a quickie I decided that I'd try to do the challenge that was in effect in our forum. It was still the same as my last lucid - try to ask some kind of life advice, wisdom etc. from one of our real life buddies. So I decided to again get my hands to my buddy Niko.

      Again I used passive control and just presumed that he would for some reason be in the room next to our shower - he indeed was. What's this thing with Niko and our shower? Why it seemed that I always found him near there? What was he doing there? Well, all I know is that he had a rake on his hands, so I guess he was raking the leaves... inside the house. Okay, it doesn't make any sense.

      Niko's dream self was pretty annoying, far more annoying than his real self. When I started talking to him, he said jokingly that he could hit me in the head with that rake. I just calmly answered "you might as well do that, as this is only a dream." He didn't react to that. I lead the conversation to our forum thread and to the challenge so that it was natural for me to ask the question.
      "So how you do you pick up a ton of women like you do?" I finally asked.
      "Yeah, I certainly do", He answered smugly. That was no answer. Idiot.
      "Yeah yeah, but why?!" I continued.
      "Well", Niko started and got more serious, "it depends on the location etc..."

      I guess that's true. To pick up tons of women, you gotta be near tons of women. Now that the challenge and sex were both done, I continued by simply being curious about the world around me. I tasted some bananas I ramdomly found. They tasted the usual, maybe a bit more lame than usual. Then I proceeded to have more sex. Yeah, I'm a raging dick. Some nude, hairy fat dude was wandering in the background during the act. I guess I'm fucked up. Also I started concentrating too much on the woman's breast and they turned into this mutilated mess of details as my brains kept twisting them. I needed to look away.

      Finally I woke up. Well, that had lasted pretty long anyway, I consoled myself. I was also excited to go post this into our forum. I routinely still did the nose test. Wait a minute, I'm not even awake yet! I guess that's the difference between me then and now, I now struggle doing reality tests routinely straight when I wake up.

      I wasn't sure if I'd remember the first instance with Niko, so I decided to be safe and go ask him something more. He was still there in the room next to the showers.
      "So what are you exactly doing in here?" I asked to sate my curiosity.
      "I'm cleaning", he answered.
      "Yeah, but why are you cleaning here?"
      "I'm cleaning!" He said with more force.

      Dream ended there and I woke up.
    4. Fear of Waking Up

      by , 01-12-2012 at 09:19 AM
      I've recently begun attempting to lucid dream and I've yet to succeed for more than a few seconds but my dream recall has been steadily improving. For my entire life I've struggled to get out of bed in the morning and recently this struggle has been playing itself out in the form of false awakenings.

      A couple weeks ago I awoke in my girlfriends bed, despite being a couple hundred miles away, to the sound of my alarm clock. It didn't strike me as odd that my girlfriend was nowhere to be found and I rolled over to hit the snooze button... nothing happened. Next I tried turning off the alarm completely and still the alarm kept going off. Frustrated and confused I ripped the plug out of the wall to shut the thing up so I could go back to bed in peace but even that didn't work. Furious I took the alarm clock and smashed it on the ground breaking it into as many pieces as possible... but somehow the alarm continued to go off. I got so frustrated I gave up my attempt at going back to sleep and haunted by my alarm I grabbed some clothes and went into town to grab a cup of coffee. The entire walk my alarm still haunted me. My dream began to get a little more fuzzy as I continued on and for some reason began talking to a police office for a reason which I can't recall. The last thing I remember is realizing that I must be dreaming and decided to fly away from the sound of the alarm. Suddenly I (actually) woke up to the sound of my alarm, looked at my clock, and realized that I had just slept through my alarm going off for 20 minutes.

      This afternoon I took a nap before going to work and once again had a false awakening. I was woken up by the sound of my garage door opening and my dad coming home from work early. He came in to my room and offered me a ride to work since I had to be there in 15 minutes (not enough time to walk) but when I went to respond my throat tightened up and I lost my voice. I then almost vomited (I have acid reflux so stomach pain in the morning is common) and developed an excruciating headache (also common for me in mornings for a reason I'm not sure of). I felt horrible and laid there in bed for a while contemplating how I could miss work but decided since it would be my last shift for a couple months I could get away with skipping it. I then somehow ended up in a local coffee shop waiting for my coffee to come out of a tube but the cups of coffee had gotten stuck (I really don't understand how in the hell my cup of coffee was coming out of a tube). I then realized I was actually at work, working at the coffee shop, and it was my job to fix the tube. They then made me sweep because I couldn't fix it. I then (actually) woke up, freaked out because I thought I had overslept, and looked at my clock to realize I had over an hour till I had to be at work. Though I was a little disappointed my dad hadn't actually come home which meant I had to walk to work.
    5. Fassbender and Gyllenhaal - Invisible, Mountainous Bobsledding

      by , 01-12-2012 at 12:48 AM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I guess this qualifies as a false awakening. And yeah, I know this is yet another dream with Michael Fassbender, but I'm trying to get back into the habit of typing up all the dreams I can remember! Hopefully the presence of Jake can make up for that.

      This dream began with me lying on my back, on a bed, with the covers thrown completely over my head. This bed was twin-sized, and there was a thin cream-colored bedsheet on me. On top of that was a brown, heavier comforter, almost like a duvet. The bed was positioned in the corner of a small room, the headboard against one wall and the right side of it up against the wall. The room was probably only 10x10 feet, smaller than a normal bedroom, and it had no other furniture. The door was on the wall opposite to where the head of the bed was up against, off more to the right. There weren't any sources of light in the room; it was almost completely dark, except for a pale glow coming from the half-open door. The light leaked into the room quite a bit, and wasn't confined just to where the opening in the door was.

      I tilted my head up a little bit and I could see the door - I didn't have to take the sheets off to be able to see through them, as they were a little transparent (but not that much). I had a good sense of surroundings, but I didn't realize that I was in a completely random room somewhere; all I knew was that I was in bed, and was supposed to wake up soon because it was morning. There was another feeling, however - I also believed that it was night time. This confused me upon awakening, but hey, it's a dream so anything goes.

      At the beginning of the dream I already knew that I'd been lying down awake for some time, so I was a little groggy and actually felt a bit heavy from tiredness. I probably only laid there for a minute or so, but the time felt like it went by much slower. Before I knew it, I had put my head back down into the rather soft pillow, still on my back, only to hear scampering footsteps, like that of an excited animal, right outside the door. The scampering was a bit slower, then got faster and faster, almost like something from a horror movie - such as a monster that was coming right up behind you. But the door slowly opened, spilling more light into the room (the hallway that the doorway led into had a blank cream wall, offset to a yellow tone from the light). A large dalmatian, probably a good four feet tall, came walking in excitedly and leaped up onto the bed in a realistic manner: it bent its hind legs, raised its butt and pushed up from the ground. I'd never observed such realistic behavior in an animal before. I could even hear quiet jingling from a collar, and felt the weight of the dog's paws on the bedsheets, which were still on top of me.

      The dalmatian was now standing on the bed, over the lump of covers with me hidden underneath, and started to lick the sheets right where my face was, rustling around on the covers. I could hear its breathing and nose sniffing around like a real dog. As for myself, I had a slight amount of lucidity, but I wasn't aware enough to achieve true lucidity - you know, that defining epiphany moment with a sudden realization of my current state of being in a dream.

      I used my elbows to prop myself up and, feeling the weight of the dog (which was a bit less than it should've been for a dog this size), I pushed it away. The dog went down onto the floor and walked out the door, and I followed.

      Long story short (just for the sake of posting because I dreamed this entry over two weeks ago), I ended up walking outside onto a road that wound along the side of a mountain. I summoned four small, flat levitating pieces of shiny metal which I laid down on and proceeded to move slowly down the mountainside. I heard two people zooming up behind me and as one of them passed, I looked and saw that he was Jake Gyllenhaal. I also heard a voice next to me that casually said "hey, how's it going?"; when I turned to my left I saw Michael Fassbender. He looked at me, smiled, and pulled back behind me so that I was now in the middle of them. I sped up and rushed down the hill without falling off this makeshift 'bobsled', and summoned bright yellow bursts of light at my feet to speed me up even more.

      Updated 05-15-2023 at 10:28 PM by 28408

      lucid , false awakening
    6. First lucid dream!!! Gta plus two false awakings

      by , 01-10-2012 at 09:00 PM
      I stayed up reallly late last night and convinced my dad to let me skip school. "Perfect wild oppriantunty," I thought. I dont rember entering sp or anything, just waking up in grand theft auto then realsiseing i dont have gta anymore. I MUST BE DREAMING!!. I almost failed waking myself up, but then i rembered the hand reality check. 6 fingers SWEET! Me and my dad drove around shooting people when we entered a grand canyon area. He was telling me how some people where after us when they pulled up behind us and started shooting. I duck behind the sheat when a bullet hit me, but it didnt hurt. What a weird sensation. We find a cop car burryied in rocks when i wake up in the dream world, outside of grand theft auto. I woke up for real shortly after this. My first LD was amazing and will not be eaisly forgotten.
    7. Relative's wedding, small bed, pixel ceiling, try to fly, monster

      by , 01-10-2012 at 07:19 PM (Hypatia's Dream Journal)
      My family and I were getting ready for the upcoming wedding of a family member (note: this wedding is upcoming IRL). My sister and I were trying to get dressed and pack our purses. I was in a state of stress because nothing was going well. I couldn't find my cell phone, my hair was unruly. For some reason, I was desperately scooping up potato chips and dip on the floor into a bag, as they were some kind of joke my sister had set up. I eventually found my phone, but it was low on power - how could I navigate to the venue without GPS in my car? Fortunately, a shared shuttle that looked like a cable car and contained some of my relatives stopped by, and we boarded.

      Later in (I think) the same dream, I was in my grandparents' house in a room with many beds. This is the same house my cousins and I would stay in when we were little. As an adult in the dream, I was much too large for my "bed," which was little more than a doll's wooden rocking crib. I woke up (from one dream) in this bed, and realized I'd split it in two. My cousin's weren't impressed.

      I stood up from the bed and realized I was dreaming. I hadn't performed a reality check of any sort. It just occurred to me that this wasn't reality. Once I realized it was a dream, the world spun and I did circles in place to stay asleep. It worked, and I continued with a few reality checks. First, I looked at my wedding band. It was there, and the metal wasn't shifting (my typical reality check), but I realized it was thinner in the dream than IRL. I wondered if it was actually a poor reality check after all and noted that I should think about it once awake.

      Next, I decided to fly, since I'd been having trouble doing so. I used the advice in the forums and simply assumed I could take to the air. And I did - for a moment, but then had trouble and started merely hovering. Boo.

      Some kind of demon or monster came up at this point and grabbed me. I told it to get lost, since this was a *lucid* dream, and if I couldn't even keep monsters at bay then I utterly sucked at lucid dreaming. The monster wasn't particularly scary, but he grabbed me and I was in a pool of water, so it was difficult to spin in place to keep the dream going. I managed to free myself and spin.

      I started thinking about the artistic possibility of this lucid dream, and my thoughts became temporarily lost in books I'd read, like the Wheel of Time series. I was in a long building with a high ceiling, and suddenly looked up. A beautiful, animated lightshow was happening on the ceiling. The entire surface seemed pixelated - made of blueish metal squares. But in clumps and shapes, rainbow-colored groups of pixels were bulging and sliding like a bioluminescent mushroom, sending waves of color through the whole ceiling. I watched the show for a moment, wondering how "surprises" and new images are conjured up in a dream that I'm aware of.

      After I'd looked long enough at the ceiling, I decided to try and improve my dream control. I decided to create the simplest of environments - a blue sky and black ground - to practice flying in. This environment started to come into view, but I struggled to sustain it,
      and eventually "woke up" into (I believe) another dream, in which I didn't realize was lucid and didn't remember.
    8. 9th January

      by , 01-09-2012 at 09:41 PM ('Don't Start, Join In!')
      Right, I had a fragment last night, a full dream and a lucid. I could have remembered more on the fragment, but it was a false awakening. And it went undetected until the morning when I was shocked to see my DJ empty. D:

      The fragment was me, at nursery with other people my age. Just to let you know, I'm not in nursery any more

      The most I could remember of any fragment was this... I was in a shop, and I recalled being in the shop many times before. In reality, I have never been. I remember remembering the Christmas decorations being up all year round, except in December. I looked at some hats, and there were the funkiest hats ever... The hat was a dress, and at the top, instead of a bobble was a small body and a head. At the bottom, attached to the head were feet... The feet were round, and they snapped open. If you put your hair inside, you would have pigtails and a doll sitting on top of your head. This has been copyrighted by me in my dreams. I have dates and blogs on my side if you try to steal the idea. :3 Well anyway, I wanted them, but I thought it was too expensive, and it was too small for me. D:

      Anyway, onto the lucid. I was at my dad's house, waiting for my dad to come and pick me up. Everywhere, there was grass, and it even grew on the roads. There were rainbows in the air and everybody was happy. The houses were just hills. My dad came, not in his normal taxi but in a handsome carriage (Google if you like)! I got in, and became lucid. I couldn't get out because he was going so fast, so I decided it was impossible for me to teleport. I decided I wanted to fly, and I saw a hill in front of us. I asked dad how fast we could go, and he shouted back, 'Let's find out!' He made the horses go really fast and everything was almost a blur, and I felt myself flying. I thought I was flying, but then we landed at the top of the hill. This hill was different, behind it there was a cobbled ground and lots of people begging for money. I reached into my bag to find that it was full of chocolate coins, so I threw them to the people and they all started singing. Not too long later, I woke up!

      Happy Dreaming
    9. Austin's Dream Journal

      by , 01-09-2012 at 05:17 PM
      Last night I had a dream and I was pretty lucid during the Hunger Games part but i'm not going to describe all of that in the entry. I only remember fragments of the rest. I had this glove, that could shoot fire out of it and it was my weapon. I got a horse and I was riding on it to get to my grandfather who had advice about an upcoming battle and how to utilize my "weapon". My horse fell off several ledges and died on the way, and every time it did i would respawn on it, kind of like a video game. Finally I got to a shack and I went inside. I sat down at a booth opposite my grandfather. My dad was right next to me but I have no idea how he got there. My grandfather took the glove and looked at it in awe, telling me that he remembers the old days when he had last seen one of these. He gave me advice, I don't remember exactly what he said but I could shoot fire out of it now. I don't remember how I got there but I was now in the Hunger Games, with my glove. The games went by very quickly, and I won, along with Katniss and Prim. Afterwards I rode in my car to my cousins house, and I ran into the house and embraced this random guy, who I suppose was my uncle in the dream? I cried and was so happy that I survived and hugged him. I then hugged Samantha and Melanie (cousins) but melanie seemed tired and uninterested. They were both eating slushies. I'm talking about the games and all i remember was my "uncle" saying something about three people winning was one of "effie's tricks".

      Updated 01-09-2012 at 05:19 PM by 52292

      lucid , false awakening
    10. Riding Totoro Out of the White House [lucid]

      by , 01-08-2012 at 08:03 PM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 01-08-12
      Length: 15 Minutes
      Clarity: 10/10
      Control: 10/10

      I was laying in bed using Ev's Singularity App when I began to WILD without even trying.
      My mind was already asleep.

      I got up from my bed and Sean and Reina were there, I think they were talking about Daily Grace.
      To stabilize the dream I started spinning really fast and rubbing my hands together. I almost fell over at one point, and was beginning to black out, so I decided I should go slower and be more careful.
      I looked at my closet doors and I told myself "when I walk through those doors, I'm going to be in Barack Obama's bedroom. I opened the door and sure enough, Michelle Obama was laying in her bed in her pjs giving me the weirdest look. I walked down their stairs which turned into Y-po and Y-gong's house.
      I remembered telling Stephanie that if I lucid dreamt, I would dream of flying on Totoro's stomach like Satsuki and Mei. I told myself that when I opened the front door, Totoro would be standing there with his top, waiting for me. I opened the front door and I see Totoro just hovering in my grandparent's fountain. I run up to him and for some reason there was a big pile of dog poo on the edge of the fountain. I jump on his stomach and we begin to fly away. We passed the neighbors' kids and I heard one of them say, "It's Totoro!". We flew higher and higher and I told myself once we landed somewhere I would be like Harry Potter and cast spells and fly around on a broom. Totoro's fur was super soft and kind of carpet-y. I closed my eyes for a second while feeling it and realized what a stupid idea that was.

      I woke up staring at my wall..

    11. Gwatts and the grand illusion

      by , 01-08-2012 at 02:34 AM
      Well, this is my first entry so i guess i will jump right in.

      for the last couple of weeks i have been trying to obtain WILD skills and so far have had a few close calls. Last night was a slap in the face as i fell asleep while trying WILD and actually dreamed i was awake thinking of how to lucid dream.lol. This is not the first time this has happened, and it is so aggrivating! But i wont give up. In one of my WILD attemps, i had blinking lights, then one dream i had was a strange thing; i dreamed very clearly the saying, "ask and you shall recieve" the next day, i heard this term 3 times

      Updated 01-09-2012 at 11:53 PM by 52266

      non-lucid , false awakening
    12. Two Near Misses 26.06.2009

      by , 01-06-2012 at 09:00 PM (Madeofparts return to Dream Lucidity)
      False Awakening (Non-lucid)


      went to sleep with earbuds in with 6 hour delayed lucidremix.mp3 but I woke before it went off, remembered following dream.
      I am lying in bed, False awakening. I have dreamed that I heard the mp3 and it made me lucid and I have woken up (I am not lucid) My girlfriend is there and she is afraid.

      Attempted WILD in nap (Non-lucid)

      Trying to WILD in the afternoon... surfing the border for a while but then begin to dream non-lucidly
      In an apartment with girlfriend in dream. I fiddle with the controls of an audio hi-fi but it is not working properly. I try to talk to my GF I think I am close to becoming lucid, but sleep paralysis (more accurately - some awareness leaking in to my dream of REM atonia) gets me so I am struggling to speak (I hate it when that happens) so I wake up fully.
      Should have tried to DEILD right then but maybe next time...
      non-lucid , false awakening
    13. Reality Check in dream works

      by , 01-05-2012 at 09:22 PM
      It has been a long time since I have had any lucid dreams.

      Last night / this morning I was having a dream and woke up. I decided to do a reality check so I looked at the clock and noted the time. I then looked away, looked back and the time was way off. I did it a third time to see a different number and I realized I was dreaming.

      I remember the false awakening was so realistic. I tried to reason with myself that it was so realistic I must be awake. Not sure why I remembered to do the reality check but glad I did.

      I don't think the lucid dream part lasted very long. I remember vague parts of it like trying to jump up in the air and fly but it didn't work. I also remember entering a room and trying to create people. I was successful to a degree.... I don't remember the people having detail like faces, they were more like mannequins.

      I also remember tying to "Spin" to keep myself in the lucid dream. I believe I was successful.
    14. Fondling a Girl's Breasts

      by , 01-05-2012 at 01:49 AM (Jakro Goes Hardcore Into LDs)
      Nothing particularly worth remembering last night, so we'll delve into "classics" again. In case somebody's confused, I do have a dream journal where I obviously write every dream down, in finnish - I just translate only interesting/lengthy entries into this one.

      Dark Future
      Date: January 28th, 2009
      Lucid: No

      This started with a fragment of me fondling some girl's breast, thus the header. The girl just laughed at me for being so gentle. I guess girls like it rough. Soon enough the whole dream transformed something completely different and one of the most memorable non-lucids I've ever had.

      I found myself in some kind of electronic control system for laser turrets. My brother was in the cockpit of the next turret and in the sky enemy fighters flew all around. I've written that it was the final battle between good and evil, so perhaps that's how I felt about it at the time.

      I managed to recall the controls of the turret quite accurately. Two joysticks moved the turret around, though I don't know why they needed to have two of them, one would suffice you'd think. Moving and firing was easy, but the problem for me was aiming - there was no way for me to actually see into the sky while I was in the cockpit. In the end I just decided to pull the triggers and keep the laser firing blindly into the sky. At least there's a distant chance of hitting something.

      That wasn't a good idea though. I guess the turret's mechanics couldn't take such continuous firing, as the it jammed, or something like that. It ceased to fire. I pressed all the buttons, but nothing worked. It was time to bail out of there as I had no means of defending myself.

      Outside the situation wasn't much better, as there were dangerous human-destroying robots looming all around. I just knew that, I don't remember actually seeing one immediately after leaving my turret. I was still wandering the streets and I thought to myself, that even if I hide into a basement of some building, the robots must have some kind of life-tracking device and they'd inevitably find me. I felt like I was already dead. Despair filled me.

      I didn't see these terminators around, though. Somehow I still felt threatened. I soon saw and old, abandoned warehouse. A classic place to hide. I didn't hesitate when I walked in there. Maybe I should have, because there was some addict/drunk - a guy who seemed dangerous anyway. He wasn't angry though, but since I was in this threatened headspace already, I was suspicious of him.

      We began talking about something. I don't remember what it was about. All the sudden I grabbed the guy's arm and tried to twist it. First one way, then I switched to the other. It didn't work. The guy just got upset and shot himself with some syringe. Then he attacked me. The details of the fight are out of my recall, but I did manage to knock him out - perhaps even kill him. Makes me kind of seem like a villain as I was the one who attacked first, but still, he did seem dangerous. Better to strike first then.

      I wasn't out of the trouble yet, though. While fighting I had seen another addict in the next room, but he was apparently so high or something, that he completely ignored us. I was leaving the place when three other addicts came in from the same door I had come in. Well, now I was in trouble. They saw the body of their buddy behind me and they weren't happy.

      The addicts surrounded me. I was scared to death by this point - remember I had no idea that this was a dream. It felt very real to me. I was only thinking that I had to survive somehow. I was thinking about performing some kind of wall-jump to go around them, but I guess I was a little bit desperate. This time they were the ones to attack first. One of them threw a punch at me. I managed to partially block him, so that my face only received a touch. Still I let out a loud "Oof" sound as the fist hit me.

      The same guy seemed to stop and think for a moment. Then he threw another punch. This time it got nowhere near to me. Yet again I let out the "Oof" sound, even it didn't hit me at all. All the addicts started to laugh at me. I still felt very threatened and rightly so. I guess the laughing distracted them enough and I took the chance; I ran out between two of them.

      While I was running I already knew I had survived, unless they have guns or something. I was, and still am in at least a solid shape. I can outrun some addicts any day.

      The outside of the warehouse was similar to what it was when I went in. I've described it as being similar to the opposing side of counter-terrorist's starting point in the map cs_compound in Counter-Strike: Source, without the containers. Wow, that was a terrible sentence. Anyway, let's move on. I was going around the warehouse clockwise, but I again ran into trouble - two addicts coming right at me! I supposed they were all buddies of each other. I turned back to round the house counter-clockwise. The addict still at the door of the warehouse behind me shouted to them: "Throw a bottle at him!"

      The other of the two guys that just came at me turned around and started going around the warehouse clockwise, apparently trying to meet me at the other side and surround me again. When I emerged from the other side of the house, I continued straight after the wall ended. The guy coming from the other side appeared a little behind me. He threw a bottle at me. It was a small bottle of 7up, you know, plastic bottle. Seriously? I doubt plastic bottle would have caused much damage to me. There was even some liquid in it still, so I even considered picking it up so that I'd have something to drink. I decided against it in the end.

      "Hahaha, you didn't hit me", I mocked him while I continued to run away. I shouted some other insults as well to him, but I don't remember those anymore.

      So I got away. While I was easing my step, I was visioning myself returning there to revenge. Someday... Apparently I thought myself as some kind of action hero.

      I ran into the "City". Now City was an interesting place. Only the Chosen People were let in there, and I wasn't one of them. So as I approached the place, the special forces started firing me. Gee, I'm really not having good luck. From danger to danger. From addicts throwing plastic bottles at me to special forces firing with guns at me. Some "getting away".

      Somehow I survived being fired at. All of these Chosen People of the future dressed exactly alike. They had long black leather-coats, sunglasses and they all were bald. The coats were open and the clothing beneath it was dark as well. So it was hard for me to mix into them. I wonder how the hell I didn't get found and shot.

      I figured that if I just shaved my head (I have long hair) and dressed alike, I could fool them. That was my long-term plan.

      I don't remember why - or how - but I went to some hospital. There some professor started telling me all kinds of things. I guess he was the exposure needed at this point so that I'd know how this world works. The professor told me about "The Perfect Race of Humans", that they had created. Apparently the Chosen People. On the monitor there was 3d-model of the head of these humans of the future. They had long skulls and small noses. Big forehead. Those were the details I noticed particularly.

      For some reason I started to think about what would be the perfect amount of humans from which the current (as in future as the dream was set there) segment of the humanity had descended on. For some arbitrary reason I figured 10 000 would be good amount. Then I proceeded to think that that's why the killer robots were probably around. They were used to get rid of rest of the humanity, so that the Chosen People would be all there is eventually.

      That's pretty grim vision of future, but at least I survived. It was nightmarish dream, but at the same time it still was totally awesome. One of the best I've had ever.

      It ended in a false awakening where I was in my room, but after that that part is boring. So let's end it here.
    15. tagged dream 2

      by , 01-04-2012 at 10:16 PM
      at home i ask mom to go out then i arrive at dads old house i tell him that dogs are needed for safety as he say that prickly wires are better he opens the gate sis and mil appear i lend sis's Nintendo ds a wire hangs then dad makes a move which pulls the wire throwing the ds down she rages a little for that then we all enter on the grass i see potential twin pit-bull dogs playing on the green grass then on a shifted modified version of the porch theres a man like pelvis with a dark green shirt then i hear cryings and bandit blowing when i look in direction of the mansion i see a green shirted father beating his (hidden) kid then the dream shifts to a semi third first person view where i am a sausage in a trio of three thick red commercial sausages we are driving the same white car with the black sport line we stop at a corner of a turning point of a road we then come out out the car and walk a little around the road corner thinking about an issue to contact someone(indeed the image of that person was me IRL ) for some strange things happening (i think it was the feeling i had as i wanted to wild and this is the dream of the failed attempt ) then a mini truck comes stop-crashing in the exact corner then we find it useful to go see who's inside we see a woman in the passengers seat she had a sleeveless with her seatbelt on and head on the dashboard in front of her but our sausage trio are then astonished by the fact that there is no driver by intuition i make an instant escape but i have a dual form because one of my legs are caught off by an invisible force i tell myself that i may not escape but i have to at least free my leg from that force , i pull , i pull , i pull till i free my sausage self ( don't ask me i was dual because i was running with the feeling of legs still my body was a lump of sausage)
      then i started running to ascend to the hills that overwhelmed us and on my run i heard my two other sausage fellers being eaten by the lady who had awakened and i was on my way to the top to meet the human on the other side (me irl ) escaping the woman who was still by the truck ( i figured that the crash was a fake intended to trap us ) .
      i my real self is now in the city village driving painting some details on the sideway in the turning point of that city then when i reach at a point where a woman in her car would put me on the road if i went to her side with my car so i drove a bit till a certain point then i don't get a hint how i did it but i am now on a bike riding through the ripped woods neighborhood thinking how my aunt would see me there i watched the time(stupid working watch in a dream , it shouldn't work) it was half past one then i turned at the round about seeing two girls there then i speeded up when i made my 180 turn thinking about the rules of the road i then came back to the turning point that i was with the white car i was then behind a bus i thought of overtaking but it was hard to do so then many cars including the bus overtook the one that was parked by the road blocking the traffic i passed through police officers ( but that ol' dream logic ... i can pass through the officers but how in the world could that bus pass) then i arrive in the main town , i ask myself if i was to take the bus to go home but then decided to ride back home .
      i am in my room on my bed in the same position i took the nap then the scene was mingled between me arriving from town and me waking up from the last dream ( funny i am still in the dream at that time ) then m bro comes troubling me wanting to tell me something that happened whilst i wasn't there i didn't want to hear it then i was then thinking how i had a great adventure till the point where i wake up knowing all of this was a dream ( the dream was6/10 of vividity enough for me th think it was reality )
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