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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. I transform into different animal

      by , 02-16-2015 at 05:58 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I wake up with a weird feeling, as if I can't move. I try to get out of bed but can't. I push harder and am able to force myself out of bed. I continue to push myself to walk and this feeling goes away. I'm at my grandmas house. I notice my grandpa in the family room and say hi to him. I remember my next dare and look for a mirror. I see a small mirror on the wall, but a big screen tv next to it where I can see my reflection. I look at myself. My mouth is stretched out about 9 feet. It starts to recede but I get the idea to transform into an elephant. I grab my outstretched mouth and pull it down. I focuse on making my ears grow which they do. I focus on making a tail grow which it does. I see my shadow and it looks like a small elephant. Next, I focus on the legs. I imagine my elbows and knees being hooves. I walk around but can still feel my feet a bit. I wake up. I forgot the tusks. I count this as a partial transformation. Very near to full, though.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. Past and future talk.

      by , 02-16-2015 at 05:43 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      I wake up and notice a trail has been constructed through my bedroom. Little kids are trying to walk through it. I don't like this and try to stop them but can't. I look around and find that the whole downstairs is an outdoor market. I must be dreaming, I think. I do a nose plug and can breathe. I go to a vendor and ask for a hot dog. He tells me I must go and get it for myself. As I do this, I remember my dare to hear a conversation between my past and future self. As I summon them the vendor is trying to tell me something but I'm able to ignore him completely, thus banishing him. I see I summoned an overweight man (I'm underweight IWL). He claims to be my future self. He introduces me to my past self. A boy with dark, shaggy hair. I ask my past self if he has any questions for my future self.

      "I don't know..." past self says, "Are you sick?"
      "Our parents had us when we were, like, 16, (24 IWL)" future self replies, "How do you know what seduce means?"
      "It's something you look on the internet, I guess."

      I woke up. That's all I was able to get. Incoherent dream talk, but conversation nevertheless. It was very hard for me get two dcs to talk to each other. I guess because I don't talk much myself IWL.
      lucid , false awakening
    3. Black Dragons (LD #168)

      by , 02-15-2015 at 12:50 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Well, I saw some lucidity last night, so I figured I should jump back into DJing.

      All I remember was that I false awoke in my bedroom. I instantly knew that I was dreaming. I forgot to stabilize. I made my way downstairs on a mission to find Manei and carry on with my mission of finding out what was in that present.

      When I got downstairs there was a white tapestry hanging from the ceiling in the kitchen with two black dragons circling around some kind of alchemical circle. (It looked like a transmutation circle from FMA) The dragons on the tapestry animated and came out of it. They somehow became much bigger, about human sized.

      They stated that they were happy that I had become lucid because it meant that they got awarded bonus points and gold star stickers. I started to get the inkling that the dragons were doing something to hinder my lucidity. Despite having a friendly demeanor, they didn't have a very friendly appearance. They looked like Alduin from Skyrim.


      I lost recall here. Some vauge fragments of going outside and getting into a black car. It was warm and sunny like summertime.


      I woke up thinking that I had had two good long lucid dreams but had forgotten what the heck had happened other than the beginning. I tried to DEILD/WILD but no success.

      Updated 02-15-2015 at 01:59 PM by 53527

      lucid , false awakening
    4. Meeting with Loved Ones and Not so Loved Ones - February 11, 2015

      by , 02-15-2015 at 04:49 AM
      Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD). This was a very vivid string of lucid dreams, more vivid and clear than waking life itself. After a 1 hour Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) routine I closed my eyes and meditated. I focussed on visualize on having a stack of 10 or so coins in my hand, then opening my hand and allowing the coins to fall. It started off as flashes of light and over about 15 or 20 minutes I had reasonably clear imagery of this happening, then my body was asleep, but my mind was conscious, and I simply let all thoughts go, and I let the imagery present itself however it may happen. I simply went with the hypnogogic imagery, and I did not influence it. The imagery transitioned into a lucid dream after about a half hour, and I found myself standing there in my parent’s house. I could hear my poodle barking outside.

      She always barks when she’s ready to come in, so I ran for the back door to let her in. It was nighttime, and there was nobody else around. When I opened the backdoor I saw my dog standing at the bottom of the concrete steps, and she illuminated by what looked like a fog light from above. There isn’t a fog light there in the waking world, so I looked up to see where the light was coming from. To my surprise I saw a glowing sphere above the house and it was projecting a beam light down on my dog. It was directly above us, so I floated my feet upwards, and I rotated my body so I was in lying in a horizontal position looking up at the light. The light then began to move upwards and it drew me along. I slowly rose, mesmerized by light, and soon I could see the outline of the clouds against the starlit sky. Seeing the stars and the clouds so vividly made me excited and I returned the void, where I was once again consciously aware with my body was asleep.

      I found myself in a false awaking, and I lost lucidity, because I really thought it was real. I could hear my wife in the kitchen talking to a friend. The house was a place where we use live back in the late 80’s. That should have been enough to tip me off that I was dreaming, but it didn’t ‘click in’. My wife came into the room and snuggled in with me for ‘sexy time’, but our bedroom door was open, and my wife’s friend peaked around the corner. At this point I became lucid, but I felt totally uncomfortable with the situation, so I didn’t engage the moment. Actually I haven’t done ‘sexy time’ while lucid since my mid-teens due to a bad lucid experience, but I definitely would like to try this with my wife when I don’t have an audience! Thank you very much! I slipped back into ‘the void’ (Nrem).

      I entered another dream lucidly, and I found myself in some sort of empty warehouse. My mother in-law was standing there amongst many other dream figures (My dear mother in-law passed in 2001). Remembering my mantras to connect with my daughter (My daughter passed in 2013), I looked at mom and asked where my daughter was. As soon as I said it, she walked up beside me, to the right, and I said, “Daughter is that you?” because she looked different, and she said in her exact voice, “Yeah, it’s me!”, so I scooped her up into my arms. As I held her close she morphed into her true physical appearance. I told her I loved her, and I started to slowly bounce around the perimeter of the room, facing inward. While lucid, you can jump up and slowly float down, like you’re in low gravity, kind of like bouncing on the moon. Her feet were dangling in the air, and I asked her, “Hey daughter, how’s the food is in Heaven?” She replied, “Huh?”, so I repeated the question, “How’s the food in Heaven?” She happily said, “That’s the first thing people always ask me about heaven! Oh, dad.” We bounced past one of the windows, and I saw people standing on the sidewalk. My vision started to fade, so I focussed on my hand, but unfortunately everything went black. Darn…..

      I remained perfectly still and I visualized myself back in the dream, and then I was, except I was now across the street in another warehouse! I lost lucidity again, and I was looking for a place to sleep, so I could get back to be with my daughter. A short and very wide woman walked up beside me wearing a hooded parka, and asked what I was doing, so I replied, “I need to find a place to sleep so I can lucid dream.” She pointed at a carpet on the floor and said, “How about there?”, and then she pointed at an old recliner on a pile of junk and said, “How about there?” Then she pointed at an old wooden chair and said, “How about there?” I became semi-lucid because I realized this is probably a dream, so I didn’t care about sleeping in a filthy place, so I opted to sleeping on the carpet. I laid down on the carpet and looked up at the obese hooded woman and said, “I’ll sleep here.” Just as I said that the woman morphed into my mother in-law. She was in her late 50’s.

      I said to my mother in-law, “I love you!”, and she replied, “Oh, so now we know!”, as I watched her grow younger to be in her late 20’s, she was very beautiful! Then I said, “I really miss you.”, and she distractedly replied, “Oh, okay.”, as sunglasses materialized in her right hand and she tried to quickly put them on, but she accidently dropped them. Quickly, another set of sunglasses appeared in her hand and she fumbled to put them on. Two men appeared in the direction she was looking. One fellow was “clean cut’ and casually dressed, and the other fellow had long hair, a leather vest, and was covered in tattoos.

      The ‘clean cut’ guy was holding a scalpel in his hands, and the tattooed man was holding a stainless jug containing some sort of chemical. Suddenly the ‘Clean cut’ guy raised the scalpel up and said, “We’re going to cut you eyelid open and pour kerosene in there.” Instantly and firmly I replied, “No, you’re not going to do that!” I quickly took the scalpel from him and I broke the blade off, and rubbed the broken shard against my eyelid and said, “Let’s get this straight, you want to cut my eyelid open, and pour kerosene under my skin. What possible benefit would that have for me? Is there any reason at all? What could that possibly do?” I was firm and direct and right in his face. My mother in-law said, “Yeah, what good could that possibly do?” I then noticed the ‘clean cut’ guy had scars in his eyelids. The tattooed guy then dropped the stainless, kerosene jug on the ground. It appears they both got fed-up with my defiance and walked away, so I quickly picked the jug up and chased after the tattooed guy.

      I grabbed the tattooed guy by his shoulder and spun him around, and I said, “You forgot your kerosene. Why don’t you take this somewhere and start a fire!” He then looked very sad and insulted, and then feeling some remorse for what I said, I placed my hand on his shoulder and said, “It’s okay, I’m just joking, I appreciate you stopping by.” He turned and walked away without the kerosene, and then I slipped back into ‘the void’.

      I was consciously awake, but with my body asleep, and I was reviewing the LD’s I just had. Should I wake myself up and voice record these lucid dreams, or risk having another lucid dream and forgetting what just happened? I decided to continue on. Then, very unexpectedly, I felt somebody hugging me during Nrem. This dream figure was very big and broad, and worse yet, it was a man! Yuck! So pushed him away and told him to leave. That freaked me out, but I kept my cool, and then I was false awakened by the ‘clean cut’ guy from the warehouse.

      I jumped out of bed and stood face to face with the same guy from the warehouse. He was standing in my room and glowing slightly white. He held the scalpel up to my face and asked, “Why won’t you do this? Let me cut your eyelid and pour kerosene in there!” I was angrily replied, “Why would I do this? It makes no sense. Why don’t you come back to me after I’m dead, when I have more time to think about this? I’ll probably be dead in 20 years, and you can ask me then. No wait, I’ll find you, and then we can talk about this. ” He looked totally freaked out by what I said and he slowly backed up wide eyed. He then shot forward at me and made a real distorted face, and this caused me to go back into ‘the void’.

      I remained perfectly still and I tried to return to the warehouse to find my daughter. Next thing I knew I was standing between the two warehouses and I was perfectly lucid. Then the ‘clean cut’ guy ran out of the warehouse were my mother in-law and I were chatting earlier, and disappeared around the corner of the other warehouse where I was hugging with my daughter. I floated up in the air vertically a couple of feet of the ground, and I took off after him. I had thoughts of doing a high speed tackle! When I rounded the corner, there were now men five men walking together. One of them was the ‘clean cut’ guy; one was the tattooed man, and the other three I didn’t recognize. I floated up behind them quietly, as they walked; and then one fellow turned around and faced me in total shock. I then went into praying lotus position, floated around them, and then faced them as I was travelling backwards, floating. My movements were surprisingly smooth and precise. One of the men, who I didn’t recognize, started smiling at me. I guess it must have looked pretty funny seeing somebody in praying lotus position hovering in front of them as they walked. Uncontrollably I started to smile back, and I really didn’t feel any anger towards the ‘clean cut’ or the tattooed man. Then my waking world alarm went off, and I woke. Darn, I wonder what would have happened next.
    5. The Door Has Hands DA + DILD

      by , 02-14-2015 at 11:50 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I recentely left a construction site where I was disguise as a construction worker and was observing the area with another detective. He appeared to look younger than 13 but seem sharp. That's when he tells me the guy we were looking for was near. I hid in a store and began wondering where was anyone? That's when the boy knock on the door telling me to get ready. We enter another building, the inside of this place was completely dark with water leaking from pipes. Then out of a door a large transparent blue hand grabs the boy and then slams the door shut. It was so fast that my eyes couldn't anticipate the sudden movments. That's when an FA occured and I found my hand tied to a fan that was about to turn on. This wasn't adding up, I then said I was dreaming, Moments later I manage to brake free of the wires holding me down. My focus was not concentrated enough to remain lucid through this experience. I then wake up. Lucidity time: 5 seconds.

      Updated 02-15-2015 at 12:10 AM by 67903

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    6. Lucid #27 Ganantamine + Alpha GPC

      by , 02-14-2015 at 08:14 PM
      I went to bed at 11:00, and woke at 4:00. I took 8mg galantamine, 500mg choline bitartrate, 600mg Alpha GPC, and .5 mg melatonin. I tried the WILD instructions from "Advanced Lucid Dreaming, The Power of Supplements", but after awhile gave it up and set my intention to recognize the dream state and let myself fall asleep.

      honestly when I read that it seems ridiculous to take all those pills. I got lucd, but I have had lucids without supplements that were of higher quality. I also noticed a great intensification and increase in the vividness of my NLDs after taking the supplements. The melatonin made it very easy to fall asleep. I will experiment further, but am not terribly impressed. Total time lucid was about 1.5 minutes. Dream seemed sort of "washed out." I had an average level (for me) of lucidity, could not remember goals, could not remember to locate my sleeping body, etc. dream follows:

      I wake up and it's completely dark. I suspect I may be dreaming so I do a nose pinch state test. I am dreaming. I test again because it feels so cool. I can't see, and can barely move. I rub my hands together, pat down my arms and chest. I say "more clarity! More ️lucid awareness!" Several times, I feel increasingly alert, but it's still dark. I feel "in" the dream so with great effort I get out of bed, there is a strange and distinct "peeling" sensation as I stand up, like I am a Sticker being removed from its backing. I stretch out my hands and feel my way around the room. I bump into a wall with a distinct noise and sensation. It's still dark. I wake up again, in the same room but now it's daylight. It a generic bed and breakfast room. I get out of bed and walk over to look at a brocade-ish tapestry hanging on the wall. "This is what I bumped into last night" I think. I walk out of the room into a sort of dimly lit lobby area. It looks like a foyer in someone's home. There is a pair of French doors to my left. I realize again I am dreaming and walk over and push both my hands through the glass pane, past my elbows. They move through as though the glass were water. I push through further moving my head and shoulders through the glass to mid chest. Then I rotate my body so my chest faces the ceiling and my back is facing the floor. I think I am going to grave the pane above me and pull my legs through the glass. I see a short old man in the lobby. He has in a hat and leather jacket and looks like a mildly elderly Italian gangster. I immediately have a strong desire to karate chop him?? I instantly dis-entangle from the door contortion and cross the room to him, preparing to chop. He looks at me somewhat blankly. I realize what I am doing and stop. I look at him and say loudly " I love you man! I love you!!" His face lights up and he looks so happy, he starts laughing and I wake up

      I woke up and wrote it down, it was 6:05. i went back to sleep for a jumble of very very vivid fragments.

      Updated 02-14-2015 at 09:24 PM by 67045

      lucid , false awakening
    7. I Have Such Bizarre Lucid Dreams...

      by , 02-14-2015 at 06:43 AM
      Actual Waking
      False Awakening
      The dream setting is uninteresting, I'm facing the wall and I see the edge of the pillow and the face of the mattress. There's a vague sense of unreality that makes me think I'm dreaming, to test it I press my hand flat against the mattress and push. My palm breaks the surface like it is a pool of water and I reach down past the mattress into a strange place that is infinitely black.
      Something drives me to a lighter sleep, it feels like waking but isn't. My boyfriend comes into the room and lays behind me, it makes me uncomfortable but I can't tell him to stop. He says something about going to the store and gets up. I can hear his keys jangling.
      I descend once more, for a moment I'm confused about whether or not I'm awake. I press my hand down into the mattress, past it into the dark. My knuckles brush against a metal bar, then I feel a hand grip mine. At first I am startled and frightened, and I rip my hand free. The force of my extraction jars me almost unto waking.
      I have some awareness that I'm not yet awake, I see the same view of my wall, the edge of the pillow and the face of the mattress. My mind sinks a fraction and I thrust my hand into the mattress. I immediately feel a small hand (about the size of my own) grip mine. It slips away so I reach further, this time with both arms clear up to my shoulders. My left cheek and ear descend as well, once my ear clears the mattress I can hear a woman screaming. Sometimes wordlessly, other times for help. I can't speak but I try to pacify her, all the same. This works for about two seconds. I have one of her wrists, I can make the shape of her arm. There is a very dim source of light nearby. I catch a glimpse of her face...and then she recognizes me.
      "YOU!" She yells, it's accusatory and terrified, threaded with uncertainty for my motive. She wrenches herself from my grasp and, heart hammering, I retreat. I can't give up though. What kind of person would I be if I just left her there, all alone in the dark?
      So, once more, I reach down. My knuckles brush the metal bar then her wrist. Her wild struggling and screams echo hollowly in the cavernous maw. I rear back, pulling her out through the mattress and collapsing backward, pulling with all my strength.
      Honestly I was expecting to find Saja but she...is entirely different, if familiar. She is tiny, like Saja. Bird-boned with a pointed chin and high cheeks under ice blue eyes. She has light red-brown hair to her shoulders. I notice that she is naked, but while obviously feminine, her body could have belonged to a mannequin for all the details I didn't assign her form, and for all the notice I take of said nakedness. She's trying to catch her breath, laying there gasping. She seems...disgusted with me, but I don't know why. I glance away and then back at her, and she's suddenly gone.
      Then I realize she's fused into my back, and her arms are hanging under mine.
      I decide it's time to leave!
      I take off down the hallway and out into the yard. (I used a door!) I reach up to grab the top of the brick privacy wall and climb up. While I'm doing it I wonder why I didn't use the gate, and decide that it's easier to stay lucid if I do things a different way. I get distracted by my (the woman's) extra arms flailing around....

      There's a moment of vertigo and I wake briefly, this time for real, though I'm confused because my view is...the wall, the edge of my pillow and the face of the mattress.

      When I fall back asleep, I am still in my room, the woman lays nearby. I remember my initial purpose when laying down for a nap. I wanted to get answers out of Liam, I wanted to try to find him to ask about the whole wanting me to die thing. So I repeat his name in my mind, a low mantra, and extend my right arm down into the darkness. I don't feel hands this time, much to my disappointment, but a scene lays itself out for me. It's a warehouse with two large, dim, circular light fixtures. They reveal a pool table and a vaguely familiar man with chin length dirty-blond hair. He wears a loose white shirt and one of the harnesses from Maze Runner. I see their story clearly, that I was once friends with them. The man I see is a serial killer ((*annoyed sigh*)), who at this point is wearing a very convincing person suit. The woman believes they are good friends, but this is before he betrays her and confines her forever to the Dark. He turns his eyes very slowly up to meet mine, jarring me to a lighter level of sleep. You know, this isn't the only time I've gone looking for Liam and found a serial killer instead. What exactly are you trying to say, subconscious?

      Once more I find myself in my room, laying in bed. The woman is not here anymore, as far as I can tell she is no longer fused to my back. I rush down the hallway, out the front door and into the patio. I use the gate this time, because it's standing open, to get out to the driveway. The wind blows my hair across my eyes, annoying me, but I'm worried if I try to brush it back, the motion will wake me up. So I turn my face against the wind and let the next gust do it for me. The dream starts to break apart and I stop walking, hoping it will stabilize. That only makes it worse.
      Keep moving,my subconscious whispers, it'll force your brain to keep creating images., I take my own advice and continue to the end of the driveway. I feel flush with pleasure when everything settles back into place. I want to see how far I can get and how different this is from reality, before I wake up. I get to the end of the cul-de-sac and there's an unsightly gap between the houses, the lawn there is all churned mud, and beyond that the landscape drops down. I can see a great city reaching out across the horizon, as far as I can see. But before that is a messy highway. Hmm.
      I trip in the mud.

      My leg jerks violently, interrupting the dream. I wake briefly.

      When I slip back under, I run outside and this time decide to go left. The street is much more interesting in this direction. I actually think I've visited this in a lucid before. The wind presses my glasses to my face...wait, I haven't worn glasses in years. It feels like when I use to fall asleep with them on. But I'm dreaming, I don't need glasses. I try not to think about it too hard, because that's what usually trips up my lucid commands. I instead blink slowly, and think about not needing them and POOF. They're gone. I grin, taking in the wide street, lined with trees. The next cross street is also wide, but there are white and red bricks in 3 ft walls at the edge of the sidewalk. I see a man riding either a golf-cart or a bicycle, it's hard to tell. He's an older gentleman, wearing mostly white, with a white beret and a plaid undershirt. He uh...notices that I'm lucid and grins. He then makes a show of reaching into his pocket and pulling out a coin. He throws it at me and I raise my hand to catch it (even though he's pretty far away) but the wind makes it go wild. I see it whip past and I see it, willing it into my hand. I feel the sharp slap of the coin against my palm and hold it up in triumph. He throws his head back and laughs, then gives me a thumbs up and a finger-gun, buddy-Christ-style.
      The interaction makes me feel light, happy, and unspeakably amused.
      I turn to continue exploring the street, but only make it a few more yards before waking.

      Updated 02-18-2015 at 02:44 AM by 54746

      lucid , false awakening
    8. Feb 11, 12, 13 Fantastic Flight Scape! Jacuzzi Threesome! Healing Light

      by , 02-14-2015 at 01:21 AM
      325am wake from fantastic flying lucid dream. Starts with wife and I getting separated on these outdoor terraces and stairs in a nice setting somewhere overseas it seems like. I retrace my steps and try going where I think she ended up by going a new way and eventually find her with our fashion friend G who is having a show. The models are coming. We are inside this huge and busy fancy conference center wide hallway area and wife and G jump up on side wall to sit...no space for me so I stand. At some point I something catches my eye maybe this train carrying stuff for a traveling pro soccer team. We may be in England. I get on the train unknowingly and a guy comes delivering a slice of pizza like at a sporting event and I say not my order. Guy to my left claims it and I switch to a train going back the other direction so I can rejoin wife. I start swinging out from the train involuntarily at first but as it gets more and more fantastic flying and hanging on, I realize I'm dreaming and let go and fly. No longer concerned where my wife is I explore this huge conference center by air. It has different sections with different themes. Huge atrium. Huge auditorium. Big outdoor "Polish training" area on the rocky underside exterior (left side of complex). On same side is a parking garage and this is where I start to get the attention of security and start having flying issues where I decide I have a jet pack to assist and reach around my right back side to push the ignition button. That helps for a little while but I am now flying in a limited height area in the parking garage and security is trying to grab me. I throw a few bursts of energy from my hand but I feel a little tired of all of this chasing and let them pull me down and I wake up smiling. I am leaving a good deal of detail out (lazy, sorry) but the lucid section went on a good 10 minutes or more. Wow! Apple juice I think played a part in the vividness and wealth of visuals and scenes built after an early 3 hour WBTB. 353

      *Jacuzzi threesome!! Walking past freshmen but big sports recruited freshmen and I convince a few of my group to call out "we smell (freshmen)!" (nothing like me to do this back in high school, much less now.) One guy with us says those guys will kick your ass. I think maybe they are recruited out of the ghetto and he probably has a point. Enough of that and we walk on. Memory gap and myself, wife and a sexy woman go into a separate hotel room from the rest of the group - this must be a dream! I head towards the big jacuzzi in our room get undressed and ask if anyone wants to join me. My wife climbs in and my hand motions to the sexy woman with us to climb in also. Their clothes disappeared in an instant when I looked back to invite them in. My wife didn't object and I held them each - wife on left and other woman on right and gently nudged them towards each other for a kiss. So hot!!! I think this went into an FA because I don't remember anything more after this.

      I had one other sexual dream of a woman stripping bare in front of me but the memory is hazy I think I tried to go back in too many times and it was also a late late dream where I sometimes (but no more if I can help it) get a reduction of vividness and clarity. Not clear enough to mark as a 3rd LD, so I won't.

      9am S has a little sister? No that's S (herself), her hair is just cut shorter. So cute in her bobbed haircut. Others here sitting in family room. Someone is performing or drawing attention and #deceasedFatherInLaw comes in standing tall and so much like I remember him. I almost say this is a dream out loud but I decide no need to. I am firmly lucid. I mess with a few DC's in the room and head towards the front of the house but that section is dark and the whole dream goes black. I stay calm and can feel I am still in the dream realm and decide to start to imagine my favorite water "rebirth." At first I get a slightly musty smell. Interesting. I start to feel the slight sensation of being in water and I wanted it to be significant waves but near shore and I started feeling it more and more but when I expected to see the shore I instead found myself indoors standing between a kitchen and family room. I see a door and am intrigued as to what might be on the other side. I open the door and it is dark and I don't want to lose visuals again so I keep one foot in the door and peek left and right. Visuals form down to the right but no DC's. It is 3 cubicle looking sections each with an old fashioned school desk facing a teachers desk in a very classic stereotypical scene. I look back inside the door where I came from and see a few DC's now including an attractive woman. I start to make out with her and lift up her top and while I am caressing her breasts her head becomes a boiling cooking pot full of some delicious looking beef stew. Weird! I then remember that I had some goals I wanted to do and I think about my memory pegs. I skip past peg 1 and 2 for some reason, perhaps because peg 3 was an older important goal I had forgotten about and hadn't re-prioritized until a day or two ago. The goal is to heal my back with a ball of white light. I decide two is better than one so I hold out both hands and just know and feel the white light in each hand and reach around to my back and place the white light on each side of my lower spine. It feels like it did something and I decide to reinforce the idea by bounding around the room pain free. (It seemed as if I hardly noticed the pain the next day, though I was sure the damage was still there based on less direct signs). After relishing my pain free back I pause to think about the next peg I wanted to do and seem to have trouble in the few seconds before fading all the way back to bed.

      1045?Amazing dreamlets I continued with amazingly vivid clarity and very imaginative. Deep kitchen sink and swimming in clean water as a miniature.
      Me tiny at my water fountain.
      Me as a human looking at a tiny me to that me and then again down to an ant wondering into the nest through the tunnels and down to the queen ant.
      Me in my bathroom downstairs. Enter toilet, nah. Sink drain, nah. Fresh water plumbing yes! House pipes to big main to treatment plant to aqueducts to reservoir to waterfall and river feeding reservoir to swimming with the salmon upstream!!!
      1104 wake. (Not as good as an LD but amazing vividness for daydreaming).

      sharing a bed with several people perhaps a hotel on a trip and I suggest laying sideways for more room for all. I end up next to #wifeSister #sisterInLaw and she doesn't mind that I see her in bra - I am dreaming - and we both get frisky. I touch her breasts and think about going downtown but not appealing to me. But! I stick my ahem in her mouth and she starts slow as if falling asleep then starts doing it how my very nicely like she is getting rather excited. Nice! Others on bed start moving around including wife. I don't seem worried. #GirlFriday is here also! She sits up on her knees on the bed and starts unbuttoning her red short shorts! She gets up and goes to corner just behind the door and finishes removing her shorts but just out of view. So hot! I think about shining my phone light over at her but have some doubt now.

      Trippy elevator ride! Going up at angle again. Warpy feeling. We want to stop at 164th floor and we seem excited? Goes one past. stops several other floors before 165(?) picking up passengers.

      Side notes:
      Got a very bright white light at awakening in right corner of my right eye both 2/11 and 2/13 long before sunrise - completely dark!. Weird! Very strong hypnopompic hallucination. On 2/11 I noted: Bright light! I thought moon was shining through window into my eye but no! Even considered if a flashlight could have been weilded by someone. On 2/13 it was still fascinating but I had a better idea of what was happening.

      My use of SSILD seems to have become too rote and I have switched over to dream control and dream sign based visualization as I fall to sleep especially at WBTB but it has also worked (resulted in an LD) after a seemingly too early WBTB after only 3 hours of sleep. Visualizations seem to be instrumental in creating DILD triggers. Some quick dream sign mantras the night of my most reliable dream sign (deceased father in law) may have played a part that night. I pretty much dependent on some form or length of WBTB to become lucid reliably.

      Changing up RC triggers.
    9. Waterfall From Clouds OST + DA + DILD

      by , 02-13-2015 at 12:08 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was in third person point of view when I began witnessing two guys arguing. It appear to be late night, the two eventually push each other and quickly left. That is when the scenery had change. I found myself sit down in father room with 2 other people. One guy name was Ricky and somehow I knew that. The other person was inhabiting one of the corners in the room. It was a disc that appear to be floating had a smiley face and a glowing aura around it. I notice it hovering over my clothes so I decided to approach it. The more I got closer to the hovering disc the more it distance itself from me.

      It must not like me I thought to myself. I decided to step away from it. I then started talking to Ricky to find out what's going on. Soon though it occurred to me that a hovering disc with a smiley face is an easy sign to know that I am dreaming. I went over to grab my journal to see if it's the exact same as it is in waking life. The words were different but at least it made sense. Ricky soon left to where I yelled through the close window that we got to fight some day. I punch the window which cause a large impact with the other items in the room.

      This reminded me that I was still dreaming. I attempted to phase through the window but was unsuccessful. I open father front door to the living room and open the back door. It was partially clouded but with some sun piercing through. I then phase through the blinds and began my jog through the grass to a near hill. Then the environment became unfamiliar to me. I saw a few wet puddles on the road, I purposely step on one of them to see if it mimic the feeling correctly. It was exactly correct and felt real. I quickly reminded myself that I am still dreaming.

      The weather was beginning to change to a more stormy windy scene. I then realize I was lost and had no other direction to navigate through the pool area. Then like before in another one of my lucid dreams, a ranger appeared. He ask me am I another guest waiting to enter the pool? I said no, I am trying to figure a way to continue walking east. He pointed to a rock stairway and told me to slide through the fence. I thank him to where I continue walking. Before I cross paths with him, he ask how many verbs did I know?

      I told him some but that I am still working on my vocabulary. I found myself in a park, there were kids playing sports and doing track. I decided to watch them in till I felt the need to join in. The weather has now become a thunder storm which intensified the experience playing with them. However I soon woke up. Lucidity time: 7 minutes
      lucid , false awakening
    10. 12.02.2015. OBE+DEILD+3FA - Raduga style...

      by , 02-12-2015 at 08:51 AM
      Wow! What a night! I had an OBE-like experience, a Lucid, and 3 FA - while doing 3 times the Raduga technique and feeling the separation! Wow!
      Well, went to bed at 23:30, WBTB at 05:00 for 15 mins and back to sleep with my Rem Dreamer - lights only. I said to myself that if I succeed in Raduga again, this time I will be in my house - I will have an OBE (wanted to see if expectation matters, as it should). It took me some time to sleep (about 45 mins) and at some point I found myself in bed remembering the dream I just had. I thought I was late - some time has passed since awakening - but nevertheless I tried the Raduga separation technique. I felt a moving sensation, not strong but it was there. I alternated techniques, moving my limbs and then my body, and relaxing at the same time. I felt I was being dragged but not strongly as usual - I struggled to separate. But then in an instant, I floated out and I was flying in my living room! It was dark but I could see that it was my living room (and after awakening, quite strangely, it was - no false memory this time). I landed and walked a little bit - a sofa was out of place (I knew it then and same thing after awakening) and ...the RD lights went on - in bed again... Tried the separation again and in a few seconds, strong moving sensation again and I am thrown in darkness. I do a RC (nose pinch), negative at first and positive (breath through) a few seconds later! I am in total darkness. I take my RD mask off in order to see, but no use. I imagine I wear black glasses and take them off - no sight again. Then I just imagined seeing around and simply waited... A few seconds later I started seeing, and I was there: in a blue room decorated with stars. I'm wearing a silver spacesuit also with stars and the room is like a child's room, decorated with stars and planets - very beautiful.

      I feel my hands in the gloves and try to stabilize by rubbing them and touching around and it's quite steady by now - not perfect, but steady. I'm very happy and I say my pre-planned affirmations: I am Lucid dreaming every night and I'm always calm and peaceful. Meanwhile, the dream starts to destabilize... I have difficulty speaking and...
      my wife moves in bed and the RD lights go off again... I am in bed and in apparently no time I had a FA. I take my RD off and take notes about my lucid, when the RD lights flash again...I am in bed and tricked by a normal dream... RD Lights flash again and this time I concentrated and started the separation again. I feel the movement sensation quite strongly, but as I am about to separate, my wife turns around again (she was very tired and didn't sleep well) and I am back to bed.... slowly I take my RD mask off (for real) and take notes on all this....WoW, what a night!

      Updated 02-26-2015 at 11:05 AM by 54186

      lucid , false awakening
    11. The Biggest Tool

      by , 02-11-2015 at 01:43 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #410 - DEILD - 4:08AM

      WBTB @ 3AM. Caffeine from coffee.

      I wake slightly surprised that I can recall no dreams. I lay still and focus my attention a few inches from the crown of my head. Vibrations quickly start and it's not long until I feel my dream body float up from my physical body. There is a moment where I can feel both simultaneously and this causes an in-and-out-feel or 'bouncing' effect of my dream body. I shift my focus to walking and make my way to the living room. I am blind, but I feel like I just have my eyes close so I slowly and cautiously open them, worried that I will open my physical eyes and wake up. Luckily, this clears up the dream with no other effect. As I walk to the front door, I have a strange feeling like I am half crouched or hunched over and my eyes feel like they are trying to roll into the back of my head. I correct this by straightening up and trying to look more downward.

      Outside, I see a full moon and the yard is only lit by it's dim light. There's are a few scattered stars and I recall one of my goals to meditate on one with the intention of travel. As I look up my eyes go out of focus and the feeling of them rolling into the back of my head returns. Then, there is some visual distortion like my physical eyes have opened slightly. I make a poor attempt to correct this not really knowing how and I wake slightly again.

      I DEILD the same way as before, but this time when I reach the living room I enter a true void. Usually I have some phsycial sensation during these 'void' experiences, but this time I feel truely cut off from everything; no sight, no sound, no touch. I don't even feel like I have a body. Instead of fighting against it, I decide to relax and enjoy whatever I am given. I then regain some sensational and feel as if I am slowly floating around a space. I then begin to roll and I see a light on each rotation through closed eye lids. I had no sense of time and wondered if there was light coming from my bedroom window. Maybe it's later in the morning. I begin to wonder if I am going to roll on top of my wife. I think about this and decide to have dream sex with her. I kiss her, but the feeling quickly slips away.

      I am fooled momentarily by a false awakening. I open my eyes and find that I have in fact rolled on top of my wife except I have my butt in her face. I feel embarrassed and we both laugh. I quickly get back on my side of the bed and try to focus again to DEILD. I have a vivid image of my wife laughing, but her teeth look very brown and decayed like some meth-head's.

      I am repulsed by this, but quickly realize this is a dream. I say to myself, "You are still asleep!" I know this is true, but I feel as if I still need to continue with the DEILD. The same as before happens, but this time I enter into a vivid dream (I was already there).

      There is a mirror on covering one whole wall in the bedroom and I hear a song from an acoustic guitar. The music sound generic and unoriginal yet familiar. My reflection has a giant wrench in his hands and is singing into it while bobbing up and down.

      Like this guy.

      I feel disconnected from it for a second, but quickly we merge as I sing. I have that awkward moment where I am not sure if I am singing in my sleep or not, but I do my best to ignore it. The lyrics just come to me without much thought, "I've got some issues. Yeah some issues. I've got some issues. Yes I do." Then I use the wrench to play guitar with then into my crotch as I use it to do some pelvic thrusts. I turn to the mirror on my wife's closet door and dance a little in front of that. I go out of the room and the song changes, "I'm gonna make great love...great love...yeah great great love. I've got some issues yeah some issues but I'm gonna make great great great love." I recall another goal that involves a dub-step song to try to induce a Star Wars battle. I sing loudly, "Destroy them with lasers!" Unfortunately, the music doesn't change. I say out loud, "Oh ok. I guess we're gonna keep going with this then." I start to sing some more, but the dream quickly fades and I wake up.

      Updated 02-11-2015 at 04:20 PM by 5967

      lucid , false awakening
    12. Little Visits with Loved Ones - Feb 6, 2015

      by , 02-08-2015 at 02:07 AM
      Wake Back to Bed after about 5 ˝ hours’ sleep. Read some Stephen LaBerge for 45 mins. Incubated my dream and said mantras for 15 mins, and then back to sleep at 5:00 Am. Yes, lucid dreaming was embedded deep in my thoughts, and I was heavily focussed on meeting up with my daughter.

      In this dream I had a pencil in my hand and I was drawing the horizon line through the sky as I ran towards a building. I went through front door and walked into an elevator, and then the doors closed. When the doors reopened I continued to draw the horizon line out of the elevator, through the air, and then onto a piece of paper. I was in a dimly lit room, but my piece of paper was brightly lit. I drew an arching line across the paper, and I was quite impressed with my horizon line! I flipped the piece of paper over to draw another horizon line, but on the opposite side of the paper was beautiful painting of a rock band performing. The paper was black velvet and the scene was drawn in florescent colors. In the corner of the painting was a small piece of loose leaf with blue printing (I should have read the note). I excitedly said, “Who painted this!” My daughter then answered from behind me, “I did!” I instantly replied, “It’s soooo good!” I then got excited and the dream ended before I became lucid.

      This was followed by a false awakening. It was dark in my bedroom, and I was lying on my right side staring at the open bedroom door. I started to think about the dream I just had, and I wished I could have stayed there longer, became lucid, and hugged my daughter. Suddenly my daughter poked her face around the corner, and she was brightly lit, like somebody was shining a flashlight in her face. I jumped out of bed realizing this must be a false awakening! I took my right point finger and pushed it through my left hand (as a reality check). I’m Lucid. I ran towards the door to hug my daughter, but unfortunately I woke from the excitement.

      As I’ve mentioned in my other dream journals I recently bought a mini voice recorder where I simply push a button and voice record my dreams so I can journal in the morning. After voice recording this dream, I fell asleep physically, but my mind was conscious, and I entered a dream in the lucid state. Unfortunately, I forgot to voice record it during the night, and I forgot what happened by morning (it was a great LD). But, I do remember swirling at the end when I started to lose lucidity, and then I entered into another LD, which I remember very well. Here’s what happened:

      I was walking through some cattails towards a sandy beach, and I was calling, “Daughter, Daughter, please come, I’m lucid.” I stepped onto the soft sand beach, and my daughter walked up beside me on my right and said, “Hi dad!” I put my arm over her shoulder, and I said, “Let’s go for a walk.” And my daughter replied, “Sure!” It was an amazing beach boarding a freshwater lake. There were small waves rolling in, and my daughter was walking bare feet with the waves gently washing past. She then said, “Dad, I have to tell you something”, and I replied, “Yeah sure.” She then started to tell my something really interesting, but the lucid dream ended, before I could understand what she was telling me. Darn! I woke and voice recorded the dream. I then fell back to sleep and had several more interesting and fun dreams. Then I woke and voice recorded them again. It was now 8:30 Am, and I thought I would try and have one more LD (After all its Saturday!). So I fell asleep, but my mind was still conscious, and I enjoyed much hypnagogic imagery, sounds, and voices, and then I got ‘the vibrations’ at about 9:30 Am. OBE time!

      I felt 3 sets of minor vibrations lasting about 1 second each, spaced apart by about 10 seconds, and then there was a continuous vibration, where I felt like a shaken can of soda exploding, so then I leaped from my body, but I only made it half way out. I used all my strength to slowly rise out of bed and I was left standing in complete darkness. At this point I was questioning if I was actually standing, or if I was back in bed. I gradually opened my eyes and realized I was standing. Great! I headed for the bedroom door to get away from my body before I got sucked back in. Wait, what’s that? There’s a dark shadow standing between me and the door. I went to hug it, but my arms went right through it, like it wasn’t there. I thought maybe I was seeing things, so I turned and went to open the door, but I wouldn’t open. Then I realized why, there was a hand to the right of me holding it closed. The hand was lightly glowing, and I turned around to see who it was. Holy smokes, it was my dear mother in-law, who passed in 2001! She was standing there in a beautiful white robe.

      She said, “Hi, please turn on the lights.”, as she pointed up at the light fixture. So, I went and flicked the bedroom light switch on, but not surprisingly, they didn’t work. Light switches often don’t work for me in lucid dreams so why would they work now? I then decided to say, “Lights on! Lights on!”, but they still didn’t turn on. My dear mother in-law then took a small transparent patch of material and waved it back and forth across the light switch, and then a mysterious light, under my bed, turned on. This light was orange, yellow, and white, and seemed to be slowly churning and mixing, not like anything I’ve seen. I then went and sat on my butt beside the bed to be in the light, and my mother in-law kneeled down beside me. She started to cry, and I could see the tears coming down her cheeks. I could feel her sadness and it was because of our family being separated in the afterlife, and also because of our great effort to stay connected. She looked right into my eyes, and she said my daughter has a message for me, “She said…..” Then I got sucked right back up into bed again, and I was awake. I got too emotional and woke up. This entire string of dreams was absolutely amazing, and I’m very fortunate to be able to experience this.
    13. Smushed

      by , 02-07-2015 at 02:30 PM
      DILD #1

      I don't remember this one that well, it happened very early on in the night. I just remember being lucid and having a sex dream with Dreamer. I remember stretching her limbs to ridiculous lengths like she was Mister Incredible.

      DILD #2

      I repeated this dream a few times. It started with me eating roast beef, thinking it was vegan. I realized it wasn't and was a little grossed out by what I had just eaten.
      I became lucid from that and went on a journey with Dreamer in some strange shopping mall. I actually repeated the dream a couple times. When I didn't like how it went, I would restart it from the roast beef decision.

      In one of the restarts we were exploring some staircases when I saw an abomination.

      He threw his hook at me but I ran at super speed and dodged all of his attacks while jumping super high as well. I restarted that one when a few more abominations appeared.

      In another one we were exploring the same staircases when I summoned Percylucid. He started talking about some dream stuff, I don't remember anything that he said though. I think we kind of went on exploring without him and eventually got to some place that looked like an insane asylum. There were straight jackets and those Hannibal Lecter style masks everywhere. I could hear doctors and nurses rushing in to restrain us. I decided to try a teleportation technique that I had read in Percylucid's DJ. I closed my eyes, visually imagined and felt where I wanted to be, then jumped in the air. It worked, sort of. I got out of there but I ended up in the bedroom again with Dreamer. I forgot that I was dreaming and I don't remember what happened after that.

      DILD #3

      I was having a stress dream where I was in a shuttle bus with a bunch of old people. It was taking us all to the airport. I took the wheel at some point then dissociated from my body and realized that I was actually sitting down next to another version of me that was driving.
      I became lucid from that and told myself to make us fly into the air super fast and do crazy flying moves like spins and dives and rolls. He pulled it off effortlessly. He then crashed the car into the ground, but I wasn't injured at all despite the brutality of it. I asked Dreamy #2 to summon a microwave that was big enough for me to get into, one instantly appeared in front of me. I opened it with my mind and tried to climb into it, but it was just a little bit too small for me to fit inside of. I remembered what Dreamer did and I made the microwave start to suck me in while my body simultaneously shrunk. I eventually fit into it but with my limbs all tightly compacted in a very uncomfortable cube. The dream started to end so I quickly turned the microwave on and the last thing I saw was a 3rd person image of my legs and arms and face all smushed up against the side of the microwave window.

      DILD #4

      I became lucid in a shopping mall/amusement park. There were little food stands and small rides everywhere. I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to do, so I just relaxed while calmly walking through the dream and admiring the beauty of the world around me. These two old, blind women walked up to me, I think they were attached to each other. They told me that they could teleport me to any place that I wanted! I really liked the idea of that, so I asked them to send me to D.R.

      They said sure then started summoning portals while running around. Right as I would run up to them, the portals would disappear. The two blind women thought this was hilarious and they kept summoning portals for me to run into them making them disappear right as I got to them. After trying that about 4-5 times, I gave up and decided to just try to get there by myself. I closed my eyes and jumped in the air. I ended up in a void then woke up shortly after.

      DILD #5

      I became lucid while in a fight with some guy. I became lucid from it because his punches weren't really hurting. I then took him to the ground and used my super dream wrestling skills and thought to myself that I wish I was that good at wrestling outside of dreams.

      Updated 02-07-2015 at 02:49 PM by 66732

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , task of the month
    14. Feeling a Little on Edge - Jan 24, 2015

      by , 02-07-2015 at 02:35 AM
      This particular night was my most active lucid dreaming and OBE night ever! I’ve already journaled all the other experiences from that night and here’s the last one.

      Prior to this particular experience, I had a hilarious OBE where my CPAP mask was covering my right eye, and I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t see out of that one eye. Anyway, I woke up after that, and then I went back to sleep physically, but my mind was conscious (This happened at my parent’s house). About a half hour later the vibrations started. They come in waves about every 10 seconds and last about 1 second and gradually increase in amplitude. When I felt the vibrations peaking in strength, then I leaped out of bed, OBE. I landed beside my bed and tore off my CPAP mask and blanket, piece by piece. And then I ran out the bedroom and went downstairs into the living room. Clarity was perfect.

      My niece and nephew were sitting on a bench alongside the West window. They were looking at me with a shocked expression on their faces, and oddly, they were both very young. It seemed like I was back in time by at least 8 or 9 years. I’ve already had several a few LD’s and OBE’s that night and I guess I wasn’t very patient, because I went straight to my quest and sternly said, “Where’s Daughter?” (I should have greeted them nicely). My niece looked at me and said, “What? What do you mean?” Then I angrily said, “What, You don’t know who Daughter is? Have you forgotten about her?” My behavior had gotten way out of control! My nephew looked really startled by what I said, and he quickly jumped to his feet and waved at me to follow him, so I did.

      He headed straight for the backdoor and pointed with his finger for me to go outside. It was nighttime, and it was raining. When I opened the backdoor I could see 2 youths and 2 adults walking across the backyard towards me. I couldn’t make out who they were, but when they got close I recognized my daughter! She was crying. The three others stopped walking, and one of the adults pushed my daughter towards me. She looked confused and upset. She was really young, maybe 7 or 8. I kneeled down and held out my arms and she cautiously walked up to me, then I said, “Daughter, it’s daddy!” She then recognized me and ran into my arms and started to smile and laugh, but she seemed giddy, and more in a state of shock, than happy. My wife then walked out the back door, gave me a look of displease, and then quickly turned her expression to happiness in an effort to comfort my daughter. I felt a little upset to how this OBE was playing out, and unfortunately I went back into ‘the void’, and then immediately had a false awakening with my wife. I actually thought I had awakened! My wife had a big piece of wood and she was dropping it on my bedroom floor. It was so loud and annoying, so I started to give her crap because she woke me up while I was trying to dream. Then I went back to sleep, not knowing I was already asleep.
    15. My cat ends my dream

      by , 02-06-2015 at 12:36 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      My cat ends my dream (DILD)


      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      2nd DILD (+5 pts)
      DC Interaction (+2 pts)
      Stabilize (+1 pts)
      Flight (+4 pts)

      I had a false awakening and I started writing down my previous dream. I planned to do a WBTB but I could not get out from bed. I was paralyzed. However, a moment ago I was writing a dream and I found the timeline to be impossible. I somehow turned lucid, but I could not do a reality check. The dream quality was terrible. My wife asked me where was I going and I told her I needed to fly.

      I exited the house and took of to fly. After flying for a while, I could see the dawn of a new day and I saw a beach. I wanted to approach the beach but I felt something hitting me on my legs (I was still flying) until I woke up...
      from my cat jumping on me.
      Tags: cat
      lucid , false awakening
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