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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Breathing under water

      by , 01-23-2013 at 05:04 PM
      This dream started with me lying in bed. I wasn't sleeping so I got out of bed and tried to walk down the hall. I felt a little dizzy, kind of like when you get up too fast or you're not fully awake yet, so it was difficult to walk at first. I think it was this feeling that made me really look around at the situation. Everything was dimly lit so it had a bluish grey quality, but I could still see well. As I started down the hallway I suddenly knew I was dreaming.

      I was excited at my discovery at first and it felt like it might slip away, so I concentrated on keeping calm. The hallway I was walking down was very wide and made of stairs that gradually went down. The stairs were so wide that I would walk maybe four feet before I would step down the next one. There was a small landing and it turned the other direction still heading down. Since they were so wide, and I knew I was dreaming now, I decided to try to fly down them since it would be faster and more fun. I kind of lifted my feet up and spread out my arms but I only succeeded in floating down closer to the stairs and having to walk again. I remember thinking that I must not really believe I could do it or it would have happened.

      Since I still felt a little fragile (might lose lucidity) I stopped on a landing a little way down and just tried to meditate for a while. I closed my eyes while standing and just concentrated on my breathing for a short while. I always do this with my palms facing forward for some reason but it seems to help. After a few moments I felt more secure in lucidity and moved on.

      Looking around I realized that this area was all outside, which might be why everything seemed dimly lit. I didn't see any specific lights anywhere, but sometimes you can see outside when it's night. It's hard to remember details now (I had this dream around 3:00 am and didn't write it down right away) but I remember a bunch of different platforms and similar stairs. There were many different directions you could go. Off in the distance a short way I saw a pool of water. It was very clear, blue and clean, and it was lit from within so it really stood out in the darkness. I think there may have been some trees around it or something; anyway, it looked very inviting and I wanted to get there.

      I walked down the stairs again in that direction and eventually had to start back up again to get to the pool. I tried to envision each step taking me closer faster and it worked really well again like it did in my last LD. When I finally got to it, the light was out in the pool. Everything was so dark I could barely see in front of me. I laid down and put my hand in the place where I thought the water would be and it felt really warm. I just laid there moving my hand around in the water and wondering if I should get in. I wanted to, but everything had gone dark and I've never really liked getting into water that I can't see the bottom of.
      I decide to go in anyway. I know it's a dream and I had seen how clear and clean it had looked, and I just feel compelled to go into this water.

      Since the water is flush with the ground (an in-ground pool) I kind of just push myself in from my belly. It feels really warm and nice in the pool. I let myself float further down and then turn myself around so I can see the top of the water. The dim light has returned above so I can see the water rippling above me. It looks really pretty. Since it's a dream I know I should be able to breath down here so I try it and it and I can breath fine. I let myself float all the way to the bottom of the pool and just lay there on my back looking up at the top of the water. It feels so nice and quite down here, and everything looks so pretty that I decide to stay awhile. For some reason I get the feeling that someone is looking for me and maybe I should go above, but a deeper feeling knows I should stay. I can hear myself breathing and feel the water supporting my body all around me. Everything is so calm and peaceful and I don't think of anything, I just float there for what seems like a long time.

      After a while I see lights above and know that the person looking for me is above. There seem to be two people, I think it was a guy and a girl. They look down in the water at me and I know they must think I'm dead because I've been down here so long. It's difficult for me not to laugh since I know I can breath just fine. I decide to just lay there and let them think what they will for a moment. One of them jumps in to get me and before they can get any distance I can't help myself from smiling and laughing. They look surprised and stop their decent in the water and just look at me. I just keep laughing and I come up out of the water.

      I think I lose lucidity at this point because I don't remember much more. I remember seeing a jeep that belonged to the girl, it's what they drove up in. There was a windy dirt road that lead up to the pool. It was still night but seemed a little brighter like it might be dawn soon. Otherwise, that's the last thing I remember.
    2. LD stabilization problems

      by , 01-23-2013 at 10:30 AM
      I had some more LDs last night. I have a huge problem with stabilization. Please any professional lucid dreamers with good stabilization techniques leave some comments on it if you are interested in helping me out. I tried rubbing my hands together in every single one of these and it is not working for me. It might help for a second but I eventually just wake up not long after.

      I start out lucid in this parking lot in front of a store which had a name with Blood something on it in glowing red letters, which I notice my brain is testing me in each lucid dream to make something bad happen. I don't think much of it at all and I walk out onto a sidewalk. I look down the street and see a few buildings and the street lights are on which it is night time. I walk over the road and walk into a yard and see houses along a street. I notice some of the ground in front of me starts to become darker and I rub my hands together. It doesn't really help so I just sit on the ground and try to focus more, I close my eyes and try to change where I am but I wake up.

      I go into another LD and I don't realize it at first. I am sitting at a table in a school or something like it. Then as I am sitting there it comes to me, oh ya i'm doing LDs right now and I get up and start walking. I walk past this kid who fucked with me a bit in high school, he didn't bother me much IRL but he would piss me off sometimes. I saw him and recognized him. I knew my brain was testing me and tried not to think about him but he did turn and look at me because I felt uneasy around his DC. I ignored him though and came up on one of my friends IRL. I asked his DC if he knew any stabilization techniques, which I surprisingly wasn't having much problem with at the moment. I don't talk to my DCs much. I couldn't believe what this fucker did. I asked him and he showed me a hand gesture of straightening the fingers together and tapping the tips of the middle fingers against each other. I tried it and he watched me with a grin on his face. He slapped me in my face and started laughing hysterically. I just stared at him and said you're fucking around with me aren't you. He shook his head continuing his laughter. I was laughing a bit as I couldn't believe my brain was fucking with me. I woke up at some point after that. What the hell was that about.

      I do another LD and I get up from my bed. I walk out of my room and see my brother on the computer as always. I start to walk for the door to adventure out side but I wanted to try and stabilize first because I knew I would wake up if I didn't. I sat down in front of the door and relaxed a bit. Miles then asked me what I was doing. Thinking about it now it was kinda stupid what I said. I asked him, "Can you see me" thinking that because it seemed pretty real as he is always sitting at his spot on his computer, which is what he is doing now as I am writing this. Everything was just like real life except I knew I was dreaming. He said yes and I was kind of amazed. I then woke up not long after, because his DC distracted me. I had a FA about me telling him about that exact LD and he thought it was pretty cool. I then woke up IRL.

      Updated 01-23-2013 at 09:33 PM by 60431

      lucid , false awakening
    3. Between the Realms of Gods and Men - 01/09/13

      by , 01-23-2013 at 05:28 AM
      Headlights fly by as the rain patters lightly on the windows. The passing of which I've always found to bring back a sense of passing time, reminiscent of what'd I imagine it feels for the passing of stars. Our very own sun, cognizant of its own gliding through the deep expanse of outer space.

      There is a driver at the wheel, but the sky is dark and her face remains in shadow. An accompanying sense of familiarity falls over me though. Only one could bring this sense of comfort. Mel. My eyes dart to the left and right, looking for anything out of the ordinary that might be in the sky. An age old habit. One acquired by watching far too much of Star Trek and the X-Files in my youth. Or does it predate that? Does it have some basis in the actual collective memory reality of our species? Perhaps there is a reason we look to the skies. Something deeply embedded within our collective unconscious, the return of the holy feathered serpent of our world's mythologies. Quetzalquoatl, Nehebkau, or perhaps the Chimeras depicted on the hieroglyphs of ancient cities.

      Then I spot it. A streak in the sky. Gliding like a banner in the wind, rippling up and down like a wave. A white light radiates outward from its body, lighting up the night sky in the distance. That is it. The feathered serpent. A radiant white chinese dragon, even more beautiful in real life than portrayed in their artwork. Natural and fluent. God-like. Truly a spiritual being beyond anything of earthly realms, but there it is right before my eyes. Does Mel see it? She doesn't seem to notice.

      "Mel, do you see that?"

      She looks to the right and seems to spot it, but no words come from her mouth. Speechless it seems.

      What is that? Another one. Wait, no. Two. Three. Four? Several of these serpent-esque beings fluttering through the sky. That one actually has wings and almost appears to be a gargoyle. Wow, amazing. Something attracts my gaze on the left. Holy mother fucker. What the FUCK is THAT?

      A gargantuan entity emerges from the woods on the left side of the highway. Enormous, unearthly, a beetle like being of epic proportions. Its eyes burn with fire. This isn't a threatening being, however. Merely powerful, wise, ancient. It remains still, hovering over the road, observing the surroundings. Is it even living? It could almost be the entrance or the stone guardian of a holy temple - a gateway into the underworld. Into the world beyond the scope of human comprehension, veiled to us by our rigid intellect and desires for power.

      I am entering the realm of the Gods.

      Or at least some hidden plane. Beings surround our vehicle. Is there even anyone else on the road? Discs fly through the air. My god, these again. Classic saucer UFOs? Those things only appear in my dreams. Wait a sec... Duh. I'm in a dream. Wow, this is intense. Can I even get a handle on this one? There are living spirits all around me.

      The sky fills with saucers and spirits, winged serpents with their white light fill the sky. These could have even been interpreted as angels in some cultures. From the distance the resemblance to chinese dragons and angels is hardly distinguishable. Regardless, their power can be felt from miles away, even as they sore high above the Earth. Such an alien power, impossible to say whether as to its benevolent or not. It is just so foreign to our own sense of self.

      You're losing track of things, M. This is a dream. Remember not to be drawn in to its splendor. The distraction of your mind's own creative power. This is a dream.

      Then why can't I control anything? The usual techniques are not working. No power of flight, no time/space manipulation or ability to alter the entire emotional feel of the setting. This is strange. Is it a dream..?

      Wait, that's Mel's brother. I'm in her house. Was I sleep walking? Kid looks like he's about to puke. Either that or he's just really stoned. Neither would be uncommon for him. Hmm, my vision is blurry. I must have taken out my contacts. Definitely sleep walking.

      "You okay, DJ?"

      "Hah, man. You're totally fucked."

      What could that mean? He points at the floor beneath my feet. I stepped in something. A puddle. Okay? DJ holds up a small vile.

      "No fucking way. Did you spill that on the floor, dude?"

      He starts laughing. You've got to be kidding me. I've been dosed completely by accident. Jesus Christ, how often does this have to happen to me? That is far too much acid in one spot for a safe trip. In no time I'll be going ape shit. God fucking damn this kid. Oh well, there is no stopping it now. I might as well accept what's about to ensue.

      Everything is warped. Waving. The walls are alive. "Throbbing with energy" as Terence McKenna says. It has begun. The onset is surprisingly slow. The buzzing rises through my ears, disintegrating my surroundings. I feel the sun. I feel another environment. Where is this? I know this place, I have been before. Though I am accustomed to its flavor, the taste of deja vu is beyond uncanny. Is this still Mel's house? Is this reality? Was it ever? Don't forget, the questions don't matter. Illusions, merely fabricated by our minds to prolong the discovery of truth. There is no stopping this though. I have been thrown into the pool, regardless of my preparation to swim. Entheogens don't hesitate. This is all or nothing and now the walls are coming down. Light begins to seep through the cracks. The environment shifts. A wall to my right now. I am lying down. Windows to my left.

      Is this.. my bedroom?

      I have re-emerged, back into the so-called "real" world. The collective memory reality. The ingestion of a psychedelic substance within my dream consciousness transitioned me back into waking consciousness. No matter how many times I have experienced that it will never cease to prove fascinating. The human brain truly is a receiver, capable of tuning into a multitude of channels across the cosmic radio. Switch one neural receptor on, another off, and you're broadcasting at an entirely new frequency. Receiving, broadcasting, the difference is the same. Both a generator and receiver of consciousness, filtering the endless waves of quantum energy through the intricate networks of evolutionary design.

      Is this reality any more real than the one I was just experiencing? I noticed no gaps between my perception. It was but a continuous flow. Sleeping into waking. What is different? What was ever different? Is the reality tunnel we send our gaze through any less relevant there than it is here? When all is said and done, life is just a memory after all. An ephemeral thought. A dream.

      Updated 01-23-2013 at 06:13 AM by 60729

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    4. My SECOND LD ever

      by , 01-22-2013 at 06:42 PM
      I am a beginner, and i have been practicing for about the last 6 weeks. I have been using the WBTB method with no success.. until last night! I woke up in the middle of the night because I told myself to wake up before (auto-suggestion), and i tried not to move too much. I then recalled the dream I had just awoken from and imagined what it would have been like to see my hands in that dream while falling back to sleep. THEN, my whole body tingled and i felt weird. I heard kind of a "whooshing," sound and founf myself in a dream. I had gotten up out of bed in this dream and walked around the house i was in. At first I thought "Astral projection?"... Then I realized no, it was just a dream. I turned around to look in my bed to see if I was still sleeping there, and a scary looking man was laying there.I ran towards him and jumped up and destroyed him with my fists. I must have woken up soon after, because it seemed to fade into the course that a natural dream takes. I only had, i'm guessing, about 1/4 lucidity and could only partially control it. But I sure hope this means progress for the future!

      Thanks for reading! This is my first post.
    5. Startled on the Road

      by , 01-22-2013 at 01:10 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      PreBed: Valerian Root

      Bedtime: 9:30PM

      Try nREM WILD. Close. But I lose it.

      2:30 WBTB - I vaguely recall a dream about a guy at a car lot talking my wife out or working there. Shootings and stabbings. The location was dream familar. I see it from an birds eye view.

      I try to induce WILD with Binaural Beats from my recliner. I found the sound kept me awake and one of the cats kept making noise. As soon as the audio stopped I feel into non lucid sleep.

      The dream is like a TV drama about a boy finding his mom abusing pills. The dad has a break down in front of people at a party. There is an after scene and the mom says shes taking her life in a new direction. Someone tells the son to take his money and fix the window and then use the rest for gas. He continues to tell him the doesn't was this hanging over his head the rest of his life. "Zule" will be with you. (Zule? WTF?)


      I move to my bed.

      I have another crazy dream about some crazy woman in a tree. She almost looks like Ernest P. Worrell in drag. She is quoting from the bible. Her plan is to crash through a window of a church and exercise a demon. As she is reading the Bible she acts seductive and rubs her legs. It was all very comical. She then leaps onto a zip line and almost crashes through the window but she was too heavy and hit low. She gets up off the ground hurt and says something so funny that I wake up laughing. But I couldn't remember what it was she said.


      MILD mantra. Back to sleep.

      #122 Startled on the Road

      I am having a sex dream with my wife when I hear some one yell, "OK TIME TO EAAAAT!"

      I have a type of FA here. My wife runs into the other room and says, "How do they expect us to come like this?"

      I reply, "How do you think I feel?"

      Then realize the bedroom door is open and we are visiting. I see her Aunt D come to the door way and pause. I stretch and yaw like I had just woke up. She walks in and adjusts a strange looking box fan. She asks, "How did you sleep?"

      I say, "I slept fine."

      Suddenly I am driving in my car. I can hear a intermittent wind coming from the left window (I think it was actually either my breathing or my wife snoring LOL) I look at the window but it is up. Then, I wonder what just happened. I look to the right and see my wife is not with me. I yell out for my son, "R, are you back there?" Then I realize he wouldn't answer. I ask for my wife, "A, are you back there?" No reply. I feel odd about this so I do a habitual nose plug.

      I blow right through! (The sensation is always so odd) *GASP* "I am dreaming!" It was such a shock for some reason. I either am too excited or I think about my physical body, because I have a FA but I can feel light vibrations. I wait a moment to be sure of things and then I get up. The feeling of it feel about right for a dream. This time the sheet stick to me. I can see fine in the dim light and note the bedroom door. I try to unwind myself but the sheet keeps coming like a roll of toilet paper. I drop it and ignore it. I start thinking about TOTY and how I was going to teleport. I feel confused about it.

      Then I wake briefly. I start to DEILD and begin to feel the vibrations again. This time I let my mind become distracted by trying to remember how this all started. The vibrations left and I was fully awake now. I tried to get it back but I couldn't

      Wake at 5:23AM

      Position: On my back and slightly turned to the right side
      Lucid Duration: about a minute. Too effen brief.

      Tech: MILD mantra "I am dreaming" after several non lucid awakenings.
      Aids: None
      Things to improve: Staying focused on the dream and on the now. Excitement issues returning.

      Updated 01-22-2013 at 01:23 PM by 5967

    6. 01/21/13 Guardians

      by , 01-22-2013 at 01:46 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      The Three Guardians
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie heading for the moon. I land and get out, looking around to see if there's anything unusual going on. I see nothing out of the ordinary. I open a portal with the intent to have a Dark Tower dream. I go through the portal. I see movement as I go through it, but the portal closes before I get to see what the movement was. On the other side I am in a forest clearing. I look around and see Eddie not too far off. He is carving at a piece of wood. When he sees me he puts the carving behind his back. I ask what he was doing, he says just carving something… then adds that he's not very good. I comment that carving stuff sounds cool, and with practice I'm sure he'll get better. I want to get MoSh in on the dream. I open a portal with the goal of finding MoSh. A portal opens and I see MoSh in a house on the other side. It looks like he is playing video games. I tell him he is dreaming and come on for a Dark Tower dream. MoSh comes through. Eddie has gone back to carving, apparently deciding he doesn't care if I see him. I hear something approaching. Something big. I hear a tree fall not far off. I realize where in the Dark Tower series we are. The guardian is on its way! I am about to try to warn MoSh and Eddie when the thing enters the clearing, a bear that looks like it is about 50 feet tall, a bear that looks insane and pissed.

      Eddie scrambles up a tree, which seems like a good plan. The bear goes after Eddie, who is the one who moved quickest. It doesn't seem to have noticed MoSh and me. As the bear is trying to shake Eddie out of the tree I see Roland appear with Susanna on his shoulders. I hear her saying Roland should take the shot… she'll miss… but she finally takes the shot. Her shot takes out a radar dish that was sticking out of the bear's head. I see movement in the trees, but no one shows themselves. I wonder if whoever it is might be scared of the bear. I see weird parasites oozing out of the bear's mouth. I think it is over, but something else is coming. So now MoSh and I head up a tree, and Eddie, who had started climbing down, returns to the top of his tree. I see trees falling down in an approaching line. I see there are two locations where this is happening. Two more of the things are coming! They both enter the clearing at the same time, I see Roland and Susanna take cover behind a fallen tree. Not a very safe place, but all they had time to get to. I can clearly see the radar dishes on the heads of the second and third bears. One of them is heading straight for Roland and Susanna. I don't know where MoSh gets the gun, but he suddenly has a gun in his hand. At first his hand seems to be shaking and the first shot goes wild, I have no clue where it went. But then he seems to calm down and takes careful aim, blasting the dish right off of the top of the bear's head. The other one is heading for the tree MoSh and I are in. I wonder if we are high enough to be out of reach. I decide it is now or never, so I form Witchblade into a sword and jump out of the tree right onto the bear's head, slicing the radar dish off as I land.

      As the bear is going insane I jump off of it and land hard on the ground, rolling to absorb most of the impact so I am unharmed. I take cover behind the same tree Roland and Susanna are behind. Now the guardian bears are going mad. They are all spitting parasites and they are attacking each other, tearing each other apart. The violent engagement doesn't last very long before all three of them collapse and appear to be dead. Eddie is a bit slower to get out of the tree this time. I see he is covered with bear snot and dead parasites… yuck. Susanna comments that MoSh and I sure seem to know the right time to show up. I tell her I show up when I am needed. We go over to take a closer look at the dead bears, which Roland calls guardians. They smell awful. They smell like they have been dead much longer than they actually have been. They smell like sickness. It looks like Roland has a headache. I ask if he is ok, he says something about a boy that never existed. I remember that there is a paradox that will have to be worked through before he'll really be ok. He says he doesn't know which one is true. I say the first thing that comes to mind… nothing is true. Roland looks at me strangely. He says neither is true and yet both are true at the same time. Everything is permitted. I didn't mean to say that out loud… but apparently I did because Roland says in the search for the tower everything is permitted... even… but then he trails off and is silent for a bit. He then repeats the two lines as if considering them, I do notice his headache seems to have passed for now at least. Eddie is looking at one of the bears and says it's a robot. But they are bleeding where they have injured each other, bleeding blood infested with parasites. It looks like they're part robotic and part biological. Cyborgs? I look at one of them closer and see a silver tag inside one of the ears that reads something to do with positronics. I have no idea what it means. I look closer to try to read it but I wake before I get a closer look.

      Another Dreamer?
      I am in my own room, I look around to see where Midna is lying. I am not lucid. I don't see the cat so I get up and leave the room. In the living room I have an art area set up, I have been painting a seascape, though not a very good one. I wish I could learn to paint better. As if I made the wish aloud Q appears and answers.

      Q says I have played Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood… so I know exactly where to find a version of Leonardo Da Vince… so why don't I… I interrupt and tell him I am not going to waste the time of someone like Leonardo Da Vinci considering I have absolutely no talent. Q pulls a Leroy Jethro Gibbs on me, he smacks me lightly on the back of the head. I tell him not to do that. He says to stop being dense. I tell him I have to get to class. For some reason seeing Q has not triggered a reality check. He says I am dreaming. But I am not listening to him any more since he has been talking about Leonardo Da Vinci. I look at my painting and think if there is any way I can salvage it. I am thinking no, but maybe… I go to get paint out. Q gets in my way and tells me if I won't listen, then how about this? He snaps his fingers and the scene around me changes. I am in a bedroom that is foreign to me. There is a woman huddled in the corner in a fetal position with several men standing over her and yelling things at her. They are telling her she is useless and will never amount to anything, that she has no value, no talent, if she killed herself no one would even notice let alone care. I notice they are also producing a field of negative energy around her. I ask them what the fuck they are doing. I tell them to quit that. One of them looks over at me. I realize they are Templars. I wonder why they are psychologically attacking this woman. The Templar that looked at me tells me this is none of my concern, I should just leave. I say I'll leave after they do. Quit attacking that woman. The Templar says I don't even know her… just go. I say I don't care if I know her, I want them to quit it. The others have continued their attacking. I decide they have done enough. I focus on a healing song, Touch My Heart, to surround the woman with positive energy. The positive energy forces the Templars back, and now they are all glaring at me. I tell them they have until the count of 5 if they all want to leave in one piece. I count by seconds… 1… 2… 3… 4… one of them says I can't hurt them and I know it. I say I can still make things pretty nasty… 5. I form Witchblade into a sword and run one Templar through, the others apparently decide here isn't where they want to be. One Templar dies, the others all disappear. I go over to the woman and ask if she is ok. She says it doesn't matter. I tell her this is a dream, as I am getting the feeling she is a dreamer. She says it's a nightmare… just like her life. And those people will be back soon enough… so I have not done her any good. I ask if she is a dreamer, and tell her if she is to join up with DV or MM and post dreams so I can find her in waking life. She scoffs at that and crawls into bed, ignoring me now. I am wondering what to do. I can't think of anything to help. Q appears. He says I didn't go where he had intended, but maybe I was needed here. I tell him I don't know how to help the woman, she seems to be depressed and the Templars are making it worse. He says first I need to help myself. He snaps his fingers and the scene changes again. I am now standing right in front of Leonardo Da Vinci as he appeared in Assassin's Creed II. He looks at me strangely, I mutter that Q is in big trouble for this as I focus to wake myself up.
    7. I just kissed my dream guide!?

      by , 01-21-2013 at 11:16 PM (Somnium)
      So I was in this prison, I sat with all the other convicts around some tables. Then I started thinking: what have I done to deserve this? and I came up with nothing, and whoah, I started thinking it was a dream. I checked my hands, both sides, and both of them had stubby fingers, like 1 cm long only.

      So I thought: yay lucid! Then I got up, and thought I should explore a bit of this prison. So I went out of the main cell block and went up the stairs, no one even looking at me, like they would if the people in a dream sees me do something out of the ordinary. I didnt think of that at the time, but then this cute girl came running after me, while I was in the middle of the stairs, never seen her before in my waking life. (well, probably don't remember that I've seen her) so I asked her something, I don't remember what it was, but then she jumped to the top of the stairs saying she had seen me before and complimenting me on my "rock hard abs" those were her words, also not spoken in my native language, she spoke to me in english. then I asked her something and she giggled, then she leaned in on me and started making out with me. And boy did it feel real. the tounge, she also licked me on my cheeks and stuff, and it felt so wet, so real. now, my dream changed and I went non-lucid again I think.

      The reason that I think she was my dream guide is because she was not one of the other convicts, she had the same hair as the girl I have seen be my dream guide before, all though a lot younger. It looked as if I was gonna follow her, since she went before me before we kissed. Anyway, it was a quite bizarre lucid dream.

      but wasn't it kinda awesome though?
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    8. My first lucid dream achieved!

      by , 01-21-2013 at 02:38 PM
      Can't recall all as I am writing this later on in the day, I wake up with a family of my own and am almost convinced that it's reality, but something is nagging at me, and I try to use some super powers like creating a ball of fire in my hand (one of my regular reality checks) but nothing happens. So I try to change the scenery and fly and surprisingly I am able to do this! I am not incredibly excited because what draws my interest is my actual family in the future. I have a son and a wife, I'm horrible to the son but I believe I apologise to him later and share a really nice time with the wife, I actual believe I felt love for the wife, which is a bit strange, since she's a part of my consciousness. We spend time in the garden and I recall her face perfectly. After some time she dies and I cry alot, but I go to some underground place where all the dead people are who were good at survival, it seems there are different chambers for each category of people who have died and I find her, she comes with me, we find another boy down there, and I jolt awake and ponder on what's just happened.

      (the woman is a girl from school for some raisins)
    9. AC's Baby Boy

      by , 01-21-2013 at 12:06 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      IWL, AC is my office mate at work. She is about 8 months pregnant.

      AC's Baby Boy
      I'm at work and AC has just returned from maternity leave. She has brought her son to work. His name is Parker. He should only be weeks old but in this dream he can crawl and has a full head of hair. He crawls around the floor behind my chair. I'm careful not to roll my chair back for fear that I would run him over.

      I start to become skeptical of the situation. Parker is older than I expected. He shouldn't be able to crawl yet. I look at the date on my computer. It says 7/31. July? I thought it was February? (It's actually January, but close enough) I must be dreaming. Wake.

      AC At Work
      This may have been a continuation of the previous dream or a different one. I remembered both in the morning.
      I am not lucid but in the dream I am aware that the previous dream was a dream. I am back at work with AC. I tell her that I had a strange dream last night about her and her son. She is intrigued and we laugh about it.

      But sure enough, Parker is again in this dream and he's even older. He seems about 2 years old. He's walking around the office in overalls with a kitchen pot for a helmet. He's banging sticks and singing. Annoying kid stuff. I try my best for focus on my computer.

      Then AC asks me for help with her computer. She wants to configure some program to open two projects at once. She says she learned it from a tip for new mothers to help manage their new child. She shows me a post-it note where she has written the instructions. She tried but it's not working and turned to me.

      I look at the note and recognize what it does. I check the program and she seems to have done it correctly. I take AC to another office down the hall. In a drawer she finds a floppy disk which we insert into an older computer in the room. I tinker with the same program to get it to work. We go back and forth from our office to this other office. I finally figure out that the folder paths needs to be relative, not absolute. Then the owner of the other office enters and is surprised we are in there. I say we were just borrowing something and leave. The program works.
      Tags: child, computer, work
      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Stuck in my house... (Lucid) (21/01/13)

      by , 01-21-2013 at 11:36 AM

      Stuck in my house, (lucid dream)
      I was in the dinning room I was starting to become suspicious of the fact that it could be a dream. I remembered to reality check and bam I was lucid. I ran down the I of my house attempting to jump straight through the door. It's important to note that it was fairly Dark and I could not see very well. I tried again pretending to be a liquid passing through a door and that still did not work. I then finally ran into my living room and tried to jump through the window. And all of these attempts failed unfortunately. I became frustrated with the fact I was unable to leave my house plus the lighting conditions only made the matter worst. Eventually I work up. The best part about this dream is that it felt like I was actually there and not just unconsciously having a lucid dream. I've only just started my routine and I'm doing good

      Notes to self
      - Stay calm in a lucid dream,
      - If you can't do anything extraordinary, then don't let that get you down (just open the door)
    11. "One Can't Maneuver!"; OGFJ-1; OGFJ-2; In The Water; Car Problems

      by , 01-21-2013 at 08:18 AM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      "One Can't Maneuver!"

      I think I forgot the first part of this dream, or it started with a false memory that there was more of a beginning.

      I am walking down to a street in the dark. I'm looking at a t-shirt being put on a hanger by only a set of hands. Something was wrong with it and it was going to be returned to the store.

      Then I decide to take the shirt to someone, or simply that it was a good opportunity to go to this person. Now it is raining, and very dark. I say, "One can't maneuver!" and I hear this refrain echoed by someone across the street and to my right. I shouldn't keep saying this, but I do. I'm intrigued by the sentence and that someone is repeating it. It is like a chant.

      I turn to the left and start flying. Now I'm evil because I'm not supposed to be going where I'm going and saying what I'm saying, and I'm flying to get there which somehow adds to my lack of concern. I see a car coming from one direction so I fly to it and figure on scaring the person in the car, when another car comes around the corner from the other direction. I manage not to get hit, and I'm now across the street.

      I fly a couple feet above the sidewalk and approach a witch of a woman lying on the ground, but moving forward. She is lowly and evil, but I encounter her as a reflection of myself. My own "evilness" is a self-imposed view.

      I continue flying down the sidewalk feeling a sense of power, but end up flying to a place that is narrow, and like a tomb. It isn't really a tomb, but there is nowhere else for me to fly. I do more self reflection and consider that I am here because of my evil nature.

      I guess I shouldn't have crossed the street saying "One Can't Maneuver!" That's "very bad"!

      The End


      I am with my OGFJ. She is in a weird metal suit that shows her body. It is designed for me to take her, though I never did.


      I am with J again. At first we are in at my dad's house, though it isn't necessarily his real layout and all. She is naked. I am going to take her, but then she is outside on the street naked. It is purposeful for some reason, like that is how we are going to get together. I'm supposed to see her outside naked, and then she will walk up to me and finally in the house. It was like foreplay.

      Finally she was in the house, but now she had her clothes on, and she was asleep. I started to take her clothes off when she woke up. It was as though this scene was repeating itself even though this was the first time it happened. (?)

      In The Water

      I have a jar with a fish in it. There is sand and a plant at the bottom, and there is barely enough water for the fish to swim. I put more water in the jar but it is warmer than the water already in the jar, so I'm worried for the fish. I put more cold water in to even out the temperature.

      Now I'm at a creek. I may have been at the creek the first time I put water in the jar, but why would the water have been warm? I was trying to get to the creek for more water though, so now I'm there in any case.

      All of a sudden I'm lying in the water. It's not really gross, but I'm a little concerned for what I can't see. Mostly, I'm not thinking about it though. I look up at the leaves on a branch of a shrub hanging in my reach and realize I'm dreaming, but only kind of. It feels more like I'm aware that I'm awake in this dreamy world rather than realizing I'm dreaming in my asleep world.

      I put my hand behind some of the leaves and see shadow. I find the view really dreamy. The leaves are foggy green, and the sun in the sky is not bright. It looks like the sky in the beginning of "Tales from the Dark Side" when they show the creek.

      I see that I am next to a big, black cloth thing in the water which makes me nervous. I have no idea what is living under it.

      I begin to figure out that I am dreaming, though it is kind of an FA. I try to imagine my self sliding down a slide to start moving, and sure enough I start sliding on a curved slide.

      Car Problems

      I'm in an old, 70's green car. I think it is a Mercury, though it isn't the shape of a Mercury in my dream. It is a great car, but the transmission is out. It won't go. I press the accelerator but slide backwards.

      I decide to put it into Park and hope that will reset it. I then put it into 2 and it does start to go.

      The End

      I'm categorizing this as lucid because one of my dreams was pretty much lucid, but I'm not tallying another lucid where I keep track of them.

      Updated 01-21-2013 at 05:34 PM by 41873

      Tags: flying, shirt, witch
      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    12. Old Pictures of Friends

      by , 01-21-2013 at 04:36 AM
      short lucid bit

      Sitting at the bottom of my old high school's bleachers. There were people from my old church and close family friends the Bs. I was sitting in an office chair flipping through old 3x5 photos when I came across one of Seth and Amber. In the dream they had once dated. In the photo they were sitting on pool rafts, being playful and slightly sinking. There was some others barely in the pic. I noticed that Amber looked really good in her bikini. She doesn't look bad now but she has aged a little. Then I noticed Seths hair which was almost shoulder length, wavy and had a big bald spot(He has never balded).

      I was sitting next to Amber and so I held out the picture and said "Hey look at this".. She made some comment about how Seth was always so proud of his hair.. to which I replied "Don't worry I remind him that he looks like a doosh." She laughed and said "Yah that's what my mom does." For some reason my brain was mixing everything up in this dream and Seth's mom was Amber's mom instead.

      I laugh too and my chair scoots back about twenty feet or so and quickly whirls back to where I started. I was half pushing half floating. I thought this was a very strange thing for a chair to be able to do through sand. I asked with my brain if anyone had seen that and people in the crowd(which was different now) started to raise their hands. I looked at my hand and quickly counted five fingers. I knew I must be wrong and when I took a better look there were three small extra fingers coming out of the right side of my palm. I wasn't lucid very long before the dream faded.
    13. 01/20/13 The Drawing

      by , 01-21-2013 at 03:46 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)

      Drawing of the Four
      I am in my Fire Valkyrie heading for the moon. I land and wait for the dream to stabilize before deciding what I'm going to do. I remember a goal of having a Dark Tower dream with MoSh. So I open a portal with that intent. I go through the portal to the beach. On the other side the beach is really rocky. There is a door standing alone in the middle of the beach. It is attached to nothing.

      There is a man tied up near the high tide mark, that must be Eddie. Detta Walker is closer to the door watching it from the side. She must be waiting for Roland. I look at the sun, which looks a little too close to setting. The so called lobstrosities will be out soon. Will Roland get back in time here? I wonder if I should intervene. I decide I will if it gets too late. I wait for a bit. Detta hasn't noticed me. She is very intent on waiting for Roland. She occasionally shouts expletives at Eddie about how he's been abandoned by that other honky mo-fo bastard. The sun is setting. It is time for Roland to come back. But I'm wondering if he is going to make it. The lobstrosities are already coming out. I decide I've waited long enough. Maybe this is why I was sent here. Something held Roland up just a few precious minutes. I head down to the beach, surprisingly Detta, who pulls a gun and tells me to stop right there. She calls me a honky hoe bitch and tells me to keep my head out of her business before she blows it off of me. I am not worried about being shot at. I continue to Eddie and use my hidden blade to cut his ropes. Detta is asking how many honky mo-fo bastards does it take to rape one little black woman with no legs. I turn after freeing Eddie and I see there are 5 Templars standing on the beach glaring at me. I ask no one in particular why every time I turn around there are Templar assholes following me around. Detta answers, saying it's because I suck on their little white candles. I tell her I wasn't asking her. One of the Templars says if I return what I have stolen and stop interfering with their plans then they'll leave me alone. A lobstrosity is approaching me. Eddie and I move away quickly. We are near another one, I stab it with my hidden blade before it can bite a piece off of me. A lobstrosity is approaching one of the Templars.

      I tell them they'll want to be staying away from those things. They bite hard. One of them, the one closest to the lobstrosity, asks what the fuck it is. I tell him it's a man-eating giant lobster. It questions that, did-a-chick? He moves away, but not fast enough. The lobstrosity tears a chunk of flesh from his leg as he goes. He cries out in pain and surprise, but the injury is minor. We all move up the beach, away from the things. Detta has been yelling expletives the whole time. Now she suddenly stops and looks into the door, pauses briefly, then freaks out. Suddenly there are two of her, and Roland is back. The two... Detta and O'Detta are fighting. Roland looks to the beach where Eddie had been, noting he is gone. I want to get MoSh into this dream. The Templars are demanding their treasure back. I ignore them. I focus on a portal to find MoSh. A portal opens and I look through it. I don't see MoSh. Where is he? Roland is relieved to see Eddie is ok. A Templar is trying to push me around. I ignore him as best as I can. O'Detta is hugging Detta as Detta tries to strangle her. That positioning makes strangling a difficult task. A Templar pushes so hard I fall down. I tell him to cut it out. I get up and look through the portal. Still no MoSh. I see someone else, though. Asuka is over there. She comes to the portal. I ask her where MoSh is. She says she doesn't know. Shit. Why didn't my portal lead to MoSh? Detta and O'Detta are embracing. They blend to one woman. The Templars are getting annoyed at being ignored. I am annoyed at not finding MoSh. Roland is talking to O'Detta / Detta, who is now going by Susanna. Susanna says Roland has saved her and kisses him. Eddie is saying at least Roland bothered saving one of them. But as long as Eddie is safe. I feel I am waking up. I decide to have another Dark Tower dream this night. I decide to do a basic task of the month before I wake. I grab a Templar and ask him to pick a number between 1 and 100, thinking of the number 22. He looks confused then finally says 72. I tell him he is wrong, no prizes awarded today. The Templar just stares at me. One of the other Templars says I will take him to the item I stole. He throws his arms around me. I turn around at the last minute so I am facing him. I say I didn't realize how much he cares… and hug him back. The look on his face tells me he was expecting to get stabbed, and he is clearly relieved that it didn’t happen. I am waking up. Roland calls to me not to go, but I can't help it. I feel the Templar get violently ripped from my arms as I wake up.

      Drawing of the Five
      I am in my own house, though it doesn't look quite like normal. I am not lucid. I look out the window and see that there are many workers out there. I have the idea they are going to destroy all the desert around our house. I don't like that. I tell my mother to stop the work because it will destroy the desert. She doesn't seem to care. I go outside to see if they will listen to me. When I get out there I see the workers are gone, but there are Templars there. Templars? I never see Templars in my waking life… I pinch my nose and find I can still breathe. I become lucid. One of the Templars is about to say something, but I interrupt him. I tell them they are great dream signs, thanks! This could've been a wasted dream. I remember that I wanted to run another Dark Tower dream and see if I can find MoSh this time. So I open a portal with focus of finding MoSh. A portal opens and I see MoSh standing outside the house in his inner world. A Templar asks if the treasure is over there. I say no, it's not. If he must know, it's in the hands of the greatest genius in the reality. I go through the portal and shut it in the Templars' faces. I go over to MoSh. I tell him it's time for a Dark Tower dream. I open another portal to get to the Dark Tower world. On the other side I see Susanna, Eddie, and Roland.

      Eddie sees me and says I hadn't given him time to thank me for saving him. Roland looks sick, I don't remember noticing that earlier. I think there couldn't be anything wrong with healing his infection… so I go over to Roland and focus some healing energy into Roland. The infection is quickly brought under control. Roland now has a bag of useless antibiotics. He says he knows who I am. He said I am the Raven that he had been told about, a mysterious woman in white robes (I am in my Assassin outfit) with golden hair that is called the Raven. I tell him yeah, that's my name. Raven Knight. And this is… I turn to find MoSh, but he has wandered off. He is walking down the beach towards the tide mark. I also see some Templars. I roll my eyes and go over to MoSh. I tell him he can just ignore the Templars if he wants. Roland looks at MoSh and says he was told about him, too. Told he was a gunslinger… Roland hands him a gun, though not one of his big revolvers, and says he wants to see how MoSh can shoot. MoSh shoots a lobstrosity on the beach, hitting it right in the head and cutting its question short. Dud-a-BLAM! He then shoots three of the Templars right in the head, perfect shots right between the eyes. The other two Templars disappear quickly. Roland says MoSh is definitely the one he had been told about. MoSh looks over at Roland, who says he believes we will all play a role in finding the tower. I find myself hoping the Templars don't screw things up. I ask Roland where we go now, which way to the tower. I say I want to see that place, too. Roland says he knows what direction to head in. I figure on following him for a while in this dream but instead I wake up.
    14. the broken dream

      by , 01-21-2013 at 12:30 AM
      im in my house and i walk out side with my dad he says hey look theres a dead guy here a dead guy i say i turn to see him pulling out a bald skinny naked man i queckly relise this mut be a dream i do a RC it works i put my hands together and say stablize this seems to break my dream world so i run and jump over the fence and say here we go i start to wake up so i try to stay still and go back in i go back to sleep not lucid
    15. 20 Jan: Kidnapped by men in black

      by , 01-20-2013 at 06:07 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I'm hiking some forested mountains with a group of some 10 people. It's almost dark and we feel a bit lost. We just descended from a mountain and we arrived at a clearing. There's a path going through another mountain but we're not sure we can go across before it's dark. Some want to go back, others are sure there's a village just minutes on the second path, so in the end we camp at the clearing. Soon after it gets dark, we're surrounded by some strange fellas. Their leader kinda hypnotizes us, telling us we're we're all going to a better place, full of love. I only regain some awareness when we're on board of some kind of flying ship. I can see we're flying over the forest, which strangely has the shape of a heart. I guess I'm hallucinating due to the mind control. I fight back and they realize I'm becoming aware. So, two men hold me down and one stitches my mouth with a needle and a thread, while another tries to stitch my hands to my seat. I fight the pain by realizing this is but a dream and soon it doesn't hurt a thing, although I feel it.
      Then some gap in my memory, but later on I am with the whole group behind me, we've escaped to the nearest town.
      We hide at some underground tunnels under a market, but in the morning we have to go, because there's a grid over our heads and in the daylight we can be seen by those above us. But when we try to get out, we see groups of men in black that we immediately know belong to that gang and we're sure they are looking for us. I suggest we must split up because together there's no way we can escape. But some don't want to. While we discuss strategies, the men in black open the entrance to
      the underground and we run for our lives. I escape into the crowd, but some of them are caught.

      Updated 01-20-2013 at 06:10 PM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid