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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Time Travel School Dream

      by , 07-02-2017 at 09:25 PM (Dream)
      Side Notes
      Time Travel School Dream

      I got sent back in time in my 6/7 year old body, I was in 1st Grade again.
      My first thought was 'I have to do all 12 years of school again?'
      In the classroom we went over basic stuff like ABC's and Adding/Subtracting
      It was lunch time so we had to go to lunch, I remember talking to the teacher who said "Kiba (from Naruto
      somehow he's a classmate) has OCD, so we can't do Ice Cream today."
      I walked to lunch from the main office direction, I saw Cameron (who wasn't even at my elementry school) and
      I had to try and become friends with him again, if I'm not careful everything in my life can change for the better
      or worse.
      I sat on a table and I saw Kiba with his Spider: Akamaru and the Spider was eating his Orange. Akamaru ate the
      Orange from the inside out.
      We were in Music Class, I remember thinking I'm weak and Fragile, I also felt Nostalga for being back at the
      Elementry School.

      Other Part of the Dream(?) or maybe a Fragment
      I saw a school bus, it was way bigger than me, it was full of kids.
      Going back in time to fix your mistakes sounds good but, it could create more problems and could change other important things in your life. It would also be awkward to be a kid again, also I'm almost done with school and would not want to do those 11 Years again. I'm going to start and type my Dreams up earlier than before bed because: I heard while you sleep your brain thinks of what you did during the day and I could end up getting a Lucid Dream early during REM sleep.
      July 2nd, 2017
    2. Ripped heart and the guy

      by , 07-02-2017 at 04:22 PM
      Finally, a vivid dream againxD and it was pretty long I thinkxD I had it two nights ago, so I can't explain everything in detail now, but I somehow know how...here I go!

      I was on my way to school I think..or at least, a place where there were lots of people.
      On this day, I was almost late, so I was in a hurry. I went on my bike.

      Than I was with friends somehwere in the dream, and arrived on the place where I had to be. It was on a car road and there was this small guy (an anime character from an anime I really like..) called Otani, who was really teasing me hard.

      I was so irritated and mad that I ripped out his heart out of his chest. That was so weird..Why did I do that? It felt really realistic as well..I throwed it away, and the guy (I usually like in the anime) was slowly dying. I had regret on taking his heart, so I wanted to safe him. Than there appeared this guy I now Always see in my thought during the day, who helped me to tell me how to safe him. He was super calm and kind to me, even though I did something that terrible..Anyway,

      The heart was on the car road, and there were riding lots of cars. It was to be lucky to not let it be crushed by a car..When the heart was on safe zone because of the wind, it moved away from the cars, I could pick it up.

      Than the kind guy explained to me to try to attach the heart to the blood vessels inside of him. I saw the hole where I ripped out his heart, I tried to put it in again. Explained to me, if I do it correctly, the heart would attach itself to the blood vessels. The heart was weird enough yellow, lol.

      I did it correctly, and the Otani guy lived again. I was relieved, and the guy who helped me was proud of me, still as calm and misterious as ever. I sticked with him more since I really liked him somehow. He let me fell good and happyxD
      The Otani guy also stayed with me and the guy and began to tease and pick on me again.. That was really stupid..but I couldn't get mad again, since I would rip out his heart again if I did. I tried to ignore him.

      The unknown guy tried to get Otani's attention by giving him a gift to get him to not tease me again like that. I was really happy with that. I saw at that moment that the unknown guy had unknown money that was rather pretty. He told me it was money from other countries to where he had travelled. I was hypnotized by the money by it's prettiness. He saw how cool and awesome I thought it was and gave me some of it with the number ''8'' on it. Really, only with the 8 on it. I wondered what that meant..but anyway, I really was happy by the gift, I really felt happiness>.< I maybe have a little crush on him lololol.
      He was happy that I was happy and had this really beautiful smile on his face. (wait a minute...Why did I not notice that this was a dream? I mean, money with number 8 on it doesn't exist...lol)

      Than the scenery changed to it of a classroom. I sat on a chair and I was injured, the unknown guy was nowhere to be found this time. but I had my Lucky charms were enough for me for now, but anyway, I couldn't do much and Otani had to solve the problems on the chalk board for me. He totally didn't want to do that for me and throwed the chalk to my face.

      Me and the teacher went mad and ran after him through the hallway of the school. It looked kinds funny on this part, but I woke up because of my mom at this point..I wish I could continue this dreamXD hahaha.

      Well, what my question is...Who was the unknown guy? before this dream, he would appear suddenly in my mind, not smiling, but really calm and misterious. I don't know his name or anything about him, but he gives me this warm and happy feeling when I see him. I also can't erase him from my mind, he keeps coming. I never thought of a guy, he is just there and I wanna know more about himT_T I know his figure by his black hair (and an asian look lol, but yeah) and a striped sweater. (HE'S SUPER CUTE)
      But yeah, he now appears in every dream of mine in another settingxD

      Next dream entry is about a LD I had last time^_^ I hope you enjoy them!
    3. Very Vivid lucid

      by , 07-01-2017 at 07:20 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      A week ago I had this lucid dream, it was really vivid and clear , took about 10 minutes, and it was just simply amazing.

      I became lucid upon realizing that my home is on a hill , somewhere in a big city, in the distance I saw a tower.
      Then I started to analyse the situation , I talked to someone but then the dream started to fall apart.
      I sat down and started to concentrate on 'my sixth sense' ,and then I started to manifest a room , a room that was in an apartment , first I saw the bed and the window, that was on the left side of the room, then as I looked around the room ,the other parts of the room manifested , on the right side was a big shelf ,with a television on the middle, on the shelves was posters and stuff , with writings on it, I could read them all, it was so vivid, like if I was actually in another reality.
      There was other things in the room but cant remember now.

      The posters was about a guitarist called "Marcus Paul" and he seemingly died , or so that was in the TV in the background i heard flamenco music.

      Then I stood up and went to the door that was in the back of the room , I opened the door, and found myslef before another door, things seemed to get really scary and dark so I was getting ready to be scared and wake up , but that did not happen. I opened that other door and I found myself in a hall, on the end of hte hall to the left was a glass door , the exit , and in front of me was an open door , from the other room came out a little girl in some old balerine like clothes.

      Upon seeing this I proceeded to freak the fuck out, and thought that this girl will morf into a demon any second, but it just started to walk towards me ,she seemed to be cheered , then suddenly a girl and a guy came , they seemed to be brothers.
      The guy has reddish eyes, brown hair , he didnt look unusual . The girl had an almost anime like face, with the same red eyes, medium\short orange hair, and had some earphone thing on her head.
      Then we talked some(they apparently only spoke english ), they seemed to know me , the guy checked how high is my fear level, he suddenly pointed at me ,and his eyes pupils , took a pink\veiny texture, but onyl the half his pupils took this colour, that supposed to tell me that my fear levels are around 50-60 percent. He said that its something , but its not that bad. Then the guy told me that "you will fuck up" then the girl said taht I should probably get the bus that takes me home, and with this I ran out of the building , and jumped up on the bus ...

      -The dream was unusually vivid, I was able to even read
      -The room I manifested seemed to bear a meaning, so I thought to myself that room may be important to me in the future , or in life?
      -Even if I expected to meet demons in the dream at a point, that didn't happen, even if my fear was high. This time my expections didnt screw up my dream , which is weird...

    4. Life after Death

      by , 06-30-2017 at 07:58 PM (Nonsense and Conundrums)
      The dream started with being at work...again. But! This time, it went beyond work, and what happened after work was much more interesting.

      I've just gotten off of work, and pick up Owl and a couple other friends to go to the Pride festival (I was talking with a friend about this yesterday, so it makes sense how this showed up in my dream). We have a great time, and I wander off...

      And end up in a strange place with a series of staircases. The staircases are going up and down, full of people. I think they are waiting for a bathroom. I ignore these staircases and go outside.

      Outside is a more Western-style scene, with log cabins and the like. I'm waiting on someone to come out of this building when a man approaches, flirting with me. He says something extremely rude and I knock him to the ground, impaling him with an umbrella I suddenly have. The person I'm waiting on finally comes outside, a shocked, but mildly impressed, expression on her face.

      Then I don't remember if this is a different dream or if the same dream just changed again, but somehow, I die. I'm shot and I exit my body, I am formless, I am free. It feels so nice, I am at peace.

      I'm in the same spot, still, it's just that no one can see my formless self. Someone starts speaking with me about this afterlife, but I cannot see them either.

      After a time, I look for someone in particular. I find my grandmother (she passed away last February. Also, I still can't see her, but it's her voice and I sense her presence) and she's really happy to hear from me. She seems to understand I'm not actually dead (something I didn't understand while in the dream) and we have along conversation. I ask her what her afterlife has been like. She says she's the most relaxed and at peace she has ever been in her life. She says she's traveled everywhere, residing at lakes and other bodies of water as much as she can. She asks me how my family is doing, and that she misses us, and she loves us.

      That's when I wake up.
      Tags: afterlife, death
      non-lucid , memorable
    5. TARDIS and Dimension Jumping

      by , 06-30-2017 at 09:23 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Okay, I am literally typing this out in the middle of the night because this might just be the coolest dream I've had yet. No, I wasn't lucid, but not all cool dreams need to be lucids as far as I'm concerned. Anyway, here's the boring stuff.

      Fell asleep at: 10-11:00ish

      Woke up at: 2:30 AM

      I was in my home when suddenly I find it: The TARDIS. I inspect the humble machine, and having not watched the show (I know what the TARDIS does but the dream worked with it differently), I'm curious. And I think, "inter dimensional travel? Okay, let's start small before we do anything drastic." And I use the TARDIS to send me to a parallel version of my house. Nothing was too drastically different, but then I notice something, a box with candies and junk food. I quickly take the foodstuffs (Without suspicion, since I was just in a parallel universe and I probably looked like that universe's version of me) and bolt it for the TARDIS.

      If I haven't told you already, the little telephone booth was in my washroom. Maybe another interdimensional traveler found his way to my dimension before being stuck there when I took it. Or my dream just sorta threw it in there.

      In one of the parallel universes I had to distract DCs by means of drawing attention away from the TARDIS and how out of place it was. They made it to the washroom to do some laundry where I maintained conversation with them until they left the room. I then hopped back thinking I didn't have much time left. The DCs represented my sisters.

      I then wind up at my school. I step out of the washroom containing my precious when I wind up getting myself lost. See, in the real world, I have a pretty shit sense of direction. Tell me to go somewhere and it'll take me forever and a minute to recognize what you're talking about. I'm not stupid -- even though I have the reflexes of a sloth.

      Anyways, it was getting dark out but there were still people running around. Apparently some kind of big event was going down. There were carts, unfinished rides, and crowds everywhere. Feeling like I needed the assistance I found my friends Shanna and Rudy as well as a parallel version of me. And I say something along the lines of, "I am an alternate version of you, me. I come from a dimension where everything is the same, but different, and I need your help. I don't know where to find the washroom that contains my TARDIS. You know what that is right Shanna?". They tried helping and were pretty cool with the fact that I was from a different world.I mean, you can't really argue with that when you see an exact clone of somebody in terms of personality and appearance now do you?

      It is also worth noting that parallel universe me had longer hair. That helped differentiate us.

      But after some time had passed and I felt like we were getting no closer to finding the TARDIS, I eventually split up with the crew. It was a mad dash to the TARDIS and I was running around all of the school's grounds to find it. Daylight had come, and I eventually found the "appreciation center". A place with high ceilings, a podium, tons of small sofas, and tall windows where the sunlight streamed in. It was apparently a lounge/book reading area.

      I go back outside and go through the bushes when I see an old man copying my movements. It wasn't anything too scary, as he was just mocking me for how stupid I looked. I did the same and made an old man voice that went along with his movements. He walked off, but after that the dream ended.


      1. This has been the longest regular dream I've had so far. Even though it probably happened on the first REM cycle of the night.

      2. Dimension hopping and stealing from parallel universes with no consequences was both fun and exhilarating.

      3. I can always count on my friends (And myself) when times are tough. I know that probably wasn't a major theme throughout, but I thought it was too heartwarming to pass up. Thank you subcon for not trying to make me feel bad.
    6. Peter Pan and Burping 101

      by , 06-30-2017 at 06:12 AM (Nonsense and Conundrums)
      The dream started out interesting, then it turned into another school dream...

      My "family" and I are going on a long trek to find Peter Pan. MY "family" consists of an old man who is the leader, driving an RV (Like Dale from The Walking Dead.. ), my "mother" who is Wendy from the Peter Pan movies, and my normal dad. We have a huge tour bus/RV style vehicle. We are at a beautiful spot: a lovely enchanted forest with some docks leading to a sparkling lake.

      I think we do find Peter Pan, and "Wendy" goes with him, but that part is blurry. I think I wake up in the middle of the night, go back to sleep, and the dream changes.

      Now it's the first day of my senior year of high school, and the counselors have completely effed up my class schedule. I'm completely outraged upon realizing my first class of the day is "Burping 101"! Not only that, but the school would not give us an actual schedule to keep, we had to remember what we were told, once. I wrote my class schedule on my hand.

      So many students are so upset about this that they have a strike in the lunch room, refusing to go to their classes. Campus police end up forcing us to move along, but everyone is so confused. I end up arguing to a teacher about my schedule, and she agrees that it is utterly odd and has no idea what happened. The only normal class I seem to have is AP Comp Literature...the other ones are Advanced Geometry and Tristonometry...? Whatever.

      So yeah, more nonsense, but I have noticed that my dreams are much more vivid now. I'm slowly improving my skill!
      memorable , non-lucid
    7. Motel of Illusions/A School Dream Again? (Brain, you can think of something better than that)

      by , 06-30-2017 at 03:52 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes
      Motel of Illusions
      I was watching a new season of The Walking Dead, Rick and Co. were at some motel. A motel that feeds on your wishes with illusions. I remember seeing Rick and Michonne talking to each other but it was clearly Super Saiyan Blue Goku talking to some other Dragon Ball character.
      Meanwhile, in one of the rooms at the motel there was a old mexican woman who's husband died, she was watching a TV Show based on him, it was titled "_______________ you!" He appears and sees G(name starts with G)
      "Oh my gosh, you're alive?" He was the one who lived while G died, not vice versa. G is an Illusion.
      Meanwhile a Chick with puffy, rainbow colored hair tells Rick "We can call the police and say we're ___feminist______
      evil superheroes." Then, she holds up a book that has what she just said as the title.
      Rick agrees, "Call the police." He doesn't trust this place.
      The people in charge kick them out, the man looks back and sees his Wife, G who has her hand up on the window.
      "G! G!" He tries to run towards her but security pushes him back, Rick and Co. leave the place.

      Another School Dream? Again?

      I'm at school, in a Computer Lab like place, Sinai and a few other people are there.
      Sinai says "Hi William." (Don't talk to her IRL anymore) I tell everyone I'll probably not come on the last two days of school. My Social Studies teacher gives this guy across from me a study guide packet.
      I'm sliding down the steep hallway. I trip people and I say "Pardon me" "Excuse me".
      I glide to the far left side of the hallway.
      I'm standing now and head to my next class, I remember it being dark with a red glow in my Website Design classroom. (The whole school looked different from any of my other dreams.)
      My friend Adnan came over, we were in a room, it was bright pink. We talked and played some video games, one game I think had Dragon Ball characters and I remember there was a stage that one of the DB characters knocked someone through the roof and flew up to the other character. They were at a new stage now, it was a room! This game has Stage Change?
      I then went and stood at the door with a video game in my hand.
      Later, Adnan went home. I was at home (old house) in my sister's room watching TV. My Dad comes in and asks what would be a good time for Adnan to come over, again.
      He just came over but he can come Thursday, tomorrow.
      I then, realize if I don't go to school tomorrow I could fail Social Studies! There's a final coming up! (For some reason I worry about failing Social Studies in my Dreams even though School is over IRL)

      I did not upload yesterday because I had a kinky dream and I really don't like publicly showcasing those types of dreams.
      I think High School, Social Studies, End of the School Year, The Walking Dead and my Best Friend Adnan are dream signs. And, if I do see them again IRL, I should RC. Maybe that'll trigger a Lucid Dream and I can try participating in the Task of the Month and Task of the Year.

      June 29th, 2017
    8. Lucid Tower Meditation

      by , 06-28-2017 at 06:12 AM
      I'm outdoors on a lush, green landscape. It's like a park that is being gradually infiltrated by warehouses, factories, barns, and public buildings.

      Everything is very vivid. The light has a strange, beautiful quality, as if the light itself is full of possibility.

      I know that I'm dreaming.

      In the middle of the landscape is what might be a children's playground or what's left of an industrial plant. It's hard to tell, but I swing on a horizontal bar like an athlete, having fun.

      I drop down to the ground, thinking that I was supposed to do something the next time I was lucid, but I can't remember what it was. I don't want to waste the entire dream trying to remember, so I decide to fly. Predictible, yes, but a great feeling and not only is it less effort than ever with more control, but I also feel no anxiety as I rush up into the air.

      Ahead, there is a green hill with a tunnel going into it. Now there is some anxiety, as I wonder it was going to come out of the entrance.

      A large bus/short train comes speeding out and I jump high into the air to avoid it. It is yellow and reminiscent of a child's drawing of a bus/train. It has passengers.

      Then I recall that I was thinking about meditating in a lucid dream, which I've done once before and had a great experience.

      I close my eyes and I feel that I'm inside a tower. Opening my eyes intermittently, I see the translucent skeleton of the building's internal framework.

      Eyes closed, I rise up through the tower, hovering up what feels like about 40 floors. Hovering in the middle of this semi-visible building, I enter a deep meditation.

      I feel myself in bed, lying beneath the covers.

      I feel myself standing in the dream.

      I feel myself hovering in the middle of the building.

      I am the building too. I'm the structure, the beams and frames, stretching up and surrounding myself.

      When I hear footsteps, I open my eyes and my friend is quietly entering a kitchen in a fluffy white dressing gown.

      "I'm just making myself a drink," she says. "I can't sleep. You want one?"

      "No," I say and close my eyes.

      I stay in the dream, lucid, deeply meditating and just experiencing the various states at once for what feels like a few minutes, until my 'in bed' state feels very uncomfortable - I feel like all my weight is on one arm - and I wake myself up enough to turn over.
    9. Video Games, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Hiding

      by , 06-27-2017 at 06:22 PM (Dream)
      Side Notes
      Vs Hades
      I was playing a Kingdom Hearts Game, just defeated a boss then I realized I'm going to have to fight Hades again.
      We're in a hallway it was like the Underworld in KH2 but there was lava and acid.
      I did lots of air combos on him, he had a KH1 Life Bar, he was on Orange health.
      I fell in the acid accidently and healed myself. I remember in KH2 Blizzaga did lots of damage on him.
      I checked my shortcuts but I didn't put it in there, I had to scroll down to Magic and scroll to Blizzaga.
      I get damaged but I have Once More and Second Chance, I air slide to the other side of the room and run.
      I pause the game, Donald's behind me which he didn't show up previously. When I am pausing the game I can see Sora's
      MP restoring.

      Finish Him!
      I was at E3, I ate 5 slices of pizza. Two of my friends Steve and Kevin were playing some 2D fighting game.
      I remember Steve was playing as a Ryu like character while, Kevin was playing as Sub Zero.
      I ate another slice of pizza and left a slice on a table.
      He beats steve and I hear "F*** him!" but I was probably mishearing the game, it was Finish Him.
      Kevin does a chain fantality on the Ryu like character.
      I comment that it's hard for me to remember the fantalities and supers.
      We're at school and I say "I wonder if they have a (Video Game) specific bus." We're heading to the buses.
      Some person next to me says "They don't have School Buses for Specific Games, idiot."


      I was at School, in some classroom. I think it might've been a first day for the class.
      Sometimes teachers on the first day do an activity for the students.
      Our teacher made everyone play...Yugioh, you can only pick two cards and you have to see if you can beat your partner
      with only two cards.


      At School, again. I remember being on the blacktop at Elementry School and being in a room with someother kid hiding in a locked office from aliens at the High School.
      How do you guys like my new Color Code? Whenever, I type my dreams up: I forget most of them but as I write, I start to remember my other dreams. Unfortunately, I couldn't fully remember the 'Hiding' dream.
      June 27th, 2017
    10. Dream - Find The Photos & You'd Better Believe It

      by , 06-27-2017 at 01:36 PM
      Date of Dream: TUE 27 JUN - 2017

      Dream No. 142 - Separated Sections

      Dream 142 A - Find The Photos
      I forgot what happened at the start of the dream. My family were staying up late at night to prepare for these three relatives that were supposedly coming down from America. My mum did say that she might even be up until four 'o' clock in the morning. I was then asked to use this photo sorting program on laptop to look for photos we could share with these people. Some times, my computer screen would glitch up when it came to graphics and so I had to call my brother over to fix it. He came and he showed me what to do... I had to select number 4 out of the five options... The glitch would put the option at 1. Although once, I tried graphics option 5 and I was in love with the cloudy look of my screen-saver. My brother did say that it was always best to choose 4 though.

      I then continued through photo sorting and each time the glitch would pop up, I would always put the screen back on option 4. I noticed that this photo sorting program was attached to my instagram account. There was this notification that had popped up, a 15 year old girl from Sri Lanka started following her. I decided to see who this girl was and so I clocked on her profile. It was weird, she was identified as Sri Lankan but then she had a Japanese appearance. The dream said that Sri Lankans nowadays have more of a Japanese appearance.

      After more photo sorting, my mum and come into my room, impatient. My mum tells me to hurry up and that she wants me off there soon. My dad adds that it's 2:15 in the morning. I try rushing now but at the same time I think to myself, “why rush me when you're staying up until 4:00?”. Soon I was done and headed over to the front room where everyone else was. I was standing next to the fireplace and the cat appears next to me. She then suddenly goes for my hand and is holding it in her mouth, pressing her teeth down! I use all my thought power to make it not hurt but at the same time, I am yelling for mum to come and help me. She's on the ottoman, looking down at her tablet computer. She can't hear me and so I yell at the top of my lungs, “Mum!” and she eventually makes the cat drop my hand. I don't remember what happened after that.

      Dream 142 B - You'd Better Believe It
      The dream started off with my driving down the hill on Jells Road on the way from the Burwood area. There were the traffic islands/speed humps that I really hated going over and it would jolt the car a lot. I eventually went to this unknown parkland that was only claiming to be called Jells Park but didn't look it it. When I got out of the car and shut the door, these girls in Killester uniform came up and started attacking me. I straight away started to call for Dreamy WB but there was no response. I kept calling and running around in circles for quite a long time.

      I then ran out of the area altogether and came across this truck which I think was the school in the dream. Once I stepped into the truck, I felt like I had lost them. EL and NBr were in there and so I spoke to them for a bit. I soon saw WB stepping into the truck and so I told EL and NBr I had to go. With WB was this other girl that looked very much like her but was in casual clothes. This time I wanted Dreamy WB, so I called both the girls over and rubbed my fingers through their hair to see if there was any difference with them. I then go, “Aha!” to the casual girl, “So you're Dreamy WB”. WB then pipes in that it wasn't and that girl was actually WB's friend.

      The girl then walks away and WB screws her face up at me, asking me “who's Dreamy WB”... She looks at me like I'm a mental case. I then said to her “she's just like you but then she comes in my darkest times and protects me”. That's when WB's jaw dropped, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. I then further explained to her, “she has a higher conscience than you. Her conscience is that of a dream level”. WB doesn't sound sceptical anymore and rather, she is very interested. She asks me “wouldn't she have a higher awareness than that?”. I answered “You have an Earthling Awareness, she has a Dream Awareness”. Then a group of girls came in, being led by BT and they were about to start attacking me. I told WB I had to go and she told me good luck for finding Dreamy WB.

      I knew the girls were still after me but for some reason I didn't think about getting back in the car. I jogged up the other end of Jells Road and ended up in front of Wheelers Hill Shopping Centre. When I was there, the girls started to corner me. Once again, I tried calling for Dreamy WB but in a way like I had never done before... I found I was at some points, calling so loud that my voice was breaking and squealing like a little girl. It worked this time, I felt myself lifting off the ground without explanation. I turned my head and saw that I was in her arms now. Although Dreamy WB had a female energy, her appearance that was more of a male... She was wearing a skinny, red t-shirt and she had this dirty blonde, short curly hair... Her face was still like the real one though and she did not have hair anywhere else besides on the top of her head.

      So she was holding me, with my head now resting on her shoulder and perching, looking outwards. As she was carrying me, she was walking back towards the area where I had come from. We were cornered and I thought BT was about to swing a punch at me but then Dreamy WB quickly turns around and tells me to “watch out”... Apparently the other girl was due to swing a punch first. But before that could happen, Dreamy WB slammed her palm into the girl's face, pushing her over and that's when I woke up.

      Dream Trophies Achieved
      - Rack Off Mate! (Have Dreamy WB repel 1 nightmare)
      >> When she face-palmed the girl on the footpath.
      - Something's Not Right (Have WB and Dreamy WB appear in the same dream)

      >> When I told WB about her dreamy clone, later on finding that clone myself.

      I think it was so amazing, WB's reaction when she found out about her "dreamy clone". I'm curious to find out what would happen if they actually met each other. So the dream made it so I could really tell them apart. WB's appearance wasn't messed up at all, she was even in school uniform and rather kept an authenticity of her true state as well as her true personality. Whereas for Dreamy WB, her features were messed around with a lot which really tells you who belongs where.

      Updated 06-27-2017 at 01:57 PM by 93119

      memorable , non-lucid
    11. Trying to Save People on B5 thru Drugs, Staying with Friends Who Turn out to be Death Eaters

      by , 06-27-2017 at 12:08 PM
      06-27-2017 -- Odd HP/B5 mash-up. First bit I can remember, I am at the Hickory House, which is somehow on B5. I'm being lectured by one person (possibly Sheridan) that I can't save everybody, while being warned by another (probably Delenn) that I have to find a way to save them all! I'm not sure what's going on, but we're drinking something that is supposed to cause odd hallucinations, because it will provide us hints of the future. I drink the thing, and am waiting for the hallucinations to start, and there are bits and flashes of light and movement and stuff, growing into a brighter and brighter flash.

      And then I find myself on Hickory, and it is early in the morning. I'm extremely tired, but for whatever reason, home is why I am tired, so I can't go there. Somehow I can remember I was staying at the Goodwins before this, so I decide to go back there, though I fear it is a bad idea (after all, it's early in the morning.) In a sort of dream deja vu, I go there twice. Both times I open the screen door, try the door knob, find it is locked, turn to walk away, and then hear a loud bang that I fear I caused, but I can't figure out how. (In actuality, I think the screen door was on a strong closing thing, and as I walked away, it banged shut.)

      Anyway, I know I've done this twice, and am afraid the banging is going to have woken the family up and gotten them mad at me, so I'm about to rush away, hoping not to be seen, but as I glance back, the door is already open, and Barbara is standing there, so I turn back to apologize and explain myself. I explain that since I was staying there briefly the previous afternoon, before going off to however my mind was understanding this bizarre mash-up, I was just trying the knob, combined with mention of how tired I was. I'm also kind of nervous to realize I am standing here in my underwear. Instead of yelling at me, Barbara simply invites me back inside, and I somehow find myself dressed in a full set of blue pajamas, kind of collapsing on an extra bed in Jeff's room, more or less passed out.

      I realize Barbara dressed me by magic, and I'm Harry Potter. Jeff's starting to stir, and Marvin is there as well. They are talking quietly, and I'm only half asleep but acting like I'm fully asleep. Jeff is dressed in a green boy scout uniform, and my blue pajamas are morphing into the same. Meanwhile, I've swung back to a sitting position on the bed and am apologizing to Barbara again, except that I am starting to refer to her as Narcissa. But Marvin/Lucius is now and always only Sir. Oddly enough, Jeff stays Jeff, and thankfully doesn't turn into a Draco clone.

      Turns out something is going on today, and several of Jeff's Death Eater friends have shown up, and are slowly changing out of their green boy scout uniforms and into their red Death Eater robes, while Narcissa is cooking us all breakfast, trying to prepare us for the day. I'm feeling out of place, sitting here in my green boy scout/Gryffindor robes while everybody else has switched into their red robes, and my mind isn't even catching a hint of the odd color reversals. It does lead me to commenting on how some Death Eaters are perhaps not so bad, while wondering if I ought to dress up in red robes as well. Narcissa is looking at me strangely until I mention "Can't you just imagine the expressions on the faces of all the light-side wizards at seeing me that way?" and she starts laughing.

      They head off to what they need to do, and I walk back to the Hickory House, where I now feel ready to head inside again. But as I approach the door, I am briefly stopped by seeing four of my friends walking up, dressed up as a set of super heroes, all different, yet with a hint of uniformity to their costumes that indicate some sort of team. The only one I can identify is David. They are iffy about letting me approach the house in my red robes, but I quickly explain and walk in. The first thing I do inside is approach my room, because I know my cat was left in there, and I figure with my being gone for a day, nobody is likely to have let him out, so I am fearing a mess. As I head into the second bedroom, I am thinking of a more recent cat (probably a cross between Black Lightning and Ray), but what I find is still the old marmalade of Cocoa and Sammy. I'm trying to coax the cat out, but it doesn't want to move. That's about all I can remember of this one.
    12. Runescape Farming (and Other Games) Turns to Flying thru a Balloon Convention, Flash Flood in P-Lot

      by , 06-27-2017 at 11:40 AM
      06-17-2017 -- No idea where I am or what is really going on. This dream was earlier in the night, and I have had more time to forget it, and it made less actual sense, anyway. Somehow I am standing in front of a sort of farm plot that looks like a Runescape allotment patch, and I am sort of planting plants or pulling them up or something, except I think I am mystery shopping (or at least laying out my route for mystery shopping, which makes no sense. Doubly so, since I am stopping at every fourth plant, like I am laying out a tram line on Locomotion. Just very strange.

      As I'm working on this, a friend walks up to me (it's probably Nick Vasile), asking me questions about electronics bits and things, and I am carrying a bunch of stuff with me. I have a computer, keyboard, drive, monitor, the whole line-up in my arms, and I also have a large white something (book? Drawing pad?) that I have found or purchased or whatever. The location stays largely the same (the farming patch is just there) even though the focus of the dream is changing, and I find that I am at a balloon convention or possibly a clown convention (I only see balloons, no other clown 'arts' being shown or talked about, but some people are wandering in clown makeup.)

      The large white thing is now something clown-related, but still I have no clue what, and I am being warned by a couple of friends that the person who is in charge of the whole thing is somebody that doesn't like me. So I end up wandering off and just leaving my stuff sitting there, as I wander through a lot of the building, seeing a few people twisting balloons, and a couple of people giving lectures, and just wandering around a bit.

      I spot the guy who is in charge (he looks like a thinner, younger Ronald Cross [who is/was probably a perfectly nice guy ... I don't know because I never had a conversation with him ... but something about his face always looked unhappy, in or out of clown make-up] and manage to avoid him, but it is getting more and more crowded, and to have more room, I start kind of jumping up on walls and things, and kind of flying around the place, maybe about fifteen feet in the air. Soon I'm being confronted by the guy who is in charge, and he is infuriated that I am flying around the place, because only he is allowed to fly around here! Since I am a far better flyer than the hypocrite, I decide to just ignore him, fly higher, until I am up in the ceiling, and he's struggling to follow me, and then just fly back to my stuff and leave.

      So I make it back out of the building to the farm patch (which is finally not a farm patch, but a bunch of dealer tables set up outside) and am trying to gather my stuff back up together and stick it in a large backpack, and I turn out to be just in time, because a couple of people are poking through my stuff, thinking it is stuff being sold by the dealers, and I kind of have to pull it from their hands and explain "Um ... that's already mine, sorry." I'm trying to get my stuff together quickly enough to get out of there before the guy who doesn't like me can catch up, but Nick's computer has had a system crash, and he needs my help to copy over part of the system from my computer to repair his. Problem is, we may not even be using the same brand of operating system, which is just making things more troublesome.

      Add to that, we're outside, and it has just begun to storm, with fairly heavy rain and lots of lightning starting to flash. I'm trying to pull the computer stuff under a small awning, and thinking it really is time to get out of here, when the punk leader shows up and starts making threats (yet is worried about the lightning, even as he tries to make light of the danger), when we are interrupted by somebody reporting the storm is causing mass flash flooding that is on it's way, and he points at a small hill a short distance away where I parked my car when I arrived this morning, and mentions anyone who is parked over there better get their cars moved before the flood waters arrive.

      So I grab all my stuff best as I can, and start to fly over there, looking for my car as waters begin flowing into the area. You would think the hill, being higher ground, would be safe, but no such thing. The car park that was a flat collection of marked spaces this morning has turned into a multi-floor parking structure with all but the very top level being inside the hill, underground. Secondly, there are a tremendous number of cars, and like in another recent dream -here-, to fit them all in and save space, they've kind of been shrunk down. The waters are pouring in, the structure is being destroyed, and actually the whole scene looks a lot like that other dream, except this time we aren't in any danger, just our cars are being ruined.

      So as I fly through this ever-more-flooded mess, looking for my car, the structure is getting deeper and deeper, and each time there is always another level to go down. The water is kind of reversing the shrinking process on the cars, but not properly, so you end up with cars that have returned to their normal size for most of the length of the car, but then perhaps the entire engine compartment will still be six inches deep, six inches tall, and about a foot wide, warping out to a normal-sized car. I'm having no luck finding my car because there are so many gray Toyotas in the world, so I start using my keys to try and beep the car, and each time I do, in the distance I can see a plume of water spray into the air. I approach the spray and finally find my car, in the deepest level of the structure, filled with water (hence the spray) and only half-unshrunk, and I pull it free and start trying to pull out the shrunk portions of the car and kind of shake it back into proper size and form. Weird.
    13. The Talking, Wilted Rose

      by , 06-27-2017 at 04:17 AM (Nonsense and Conundrums)
      I am in a combat situation. I am fighting this man; I know I have no chance against him, yet I still fight.

      I am eventually defeated, but he does not kill me. Instead, he takes me for his own, imprisoning me for an indefinite period of time. I have no clue how long I am in this prison. All I know is I am not given enough nourishment in this place, and am slowly growing frail.

      The man comes around and takes me out of my prison, bringing me to this place of glass. The entire building looks modernistic, yet all of the walls are made of glass. I am alone in this particular room, except for the armor in the corner I am to wear later, but I can see a group of men talking in another room. If I listen closely enough, I can hear what they're saying. They're talking about an upcoming fight, about how tough this contender is, and how this girl doesn't stand a chance.

      Through listening to them, I realize I'm being set up for a fight with someone. Really, in my condition? What fun is fighting a weak girl?

      While being frustrated about this and awaiting my "opponent", I hear a tapping on one of the glass walls. There is a rose, petals waving wildly, trying to get my attention!

      I let the rose in, and is slithers into my room. It is a little worse for wear, most of the petals having wilted away. That doesn't seem to detract from it's spirit, however, because it starts talking really fast as if it has so much to say in a short amount of time.

      This is the part I barely remember, sadly, but the rose tells that I need to leave immediately, that this was a setup, that this would lead to permanent damage. Then, the conversation turns strange. It actually answers a question I've been asking every night before I go to bed. It tells me the location of someone I've been looking for.

      It did not tell me the exact location, but enough for me to go on. It tells me I need to go to her, and help her, for she will need the training. The rose says more, but I no longer remember, as this was the tail end of the dream.

      That's all I remember.

      Updated 04-28-2018 at 02:03 AM by 93526

      non-lucid , memorable
    14. You did this?

      by , 06-27-2017 at 03:45 AM (Dream)
      There was a bunch of Dinosaurs in a gray field, dinosaur bones were scattered all over the place.
      A Green Dinosaur (I think it might be Beast Boy from Teen Titans) was talking to other dinosaurs across from him.
      The Dinosaur that was in the middle shot a big red dinosaur with a laser.
      "D(Can't remember full name but it started with a D) you's did this?" Green asked.
      "You did this?" A red dinosaur mocked.
      On the ground in front of the red dinosaur was two dead dinosaurs, one Blue and one Red.
      One of the "Evil" Dinosaurs took a picture of Green and his companions.
      Green and the others decided to leave by going into the RV, they start to leave, they forgot BMO (from Adventure Time) and his look-a-likes and they all yelled: "Wait!"
      They chased the RV and got in.
    15. Vampires in the Closet (another childhood lucid dream)

      by , 06-27-2017 at 03:11 AM (Nonsense and Conundrums)
      I think this lucid dream (it seemed a lot more like an OBE, but it doesn't really matter) also occurred when I was about five or six, a little while after the first. And for someone my age, this one was a nightmare.

      I "woke up" in my bed. Upon getting up, I suddenly realized I could feel my body still sleeping in my bed, yet here I was, standing up and fully awake!

      I walked down the hall of my house, heading toward my parents room to see if I could see them sleeping. For some reason, there was small patches of the floor that were on fire. Once I was in my parent's room, all seemed well, but their closet door was open wide. They had one of those big walk in closets, so I went inside.

      Perched upon the top shelf was a strange looking dark creature that I considered to be a vampire at the time. It didn't do much of anything but stare at me, but seeing anything so hideous at my young age was utterly terrifying, and I willed my self to wake up by forcing my waking-self's eyes open.
      memorable , lucid , nightmare
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