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    Memorable Dreams

    1. 12/24/2010 - Jail, Superheroes and a Bar

      by , 12-24-2010 at 08:51 PM
      The last dream of this segment I became lucid! This was my first lucid dream - ever! While it only lasted for a short time (due to, well, being new to it and not being able to stabilize), I can't tell you how excited I am at this improvement! Also, the dream that I had during was really, really vivid. Interesting.

      12/24/2010 - Dream Fragment - Jail

      I found myself competing in a drinking competition with Jim while in jail. There were lots of colorful drinks.

      12/24/2010 - Superheroes

      I had an intricate dream where I was on the beach. I think I was a superhero, but I definitely had the ability to control tornadoes. I do remember that we were on the coast. I had to help defend the town from three tornadoes that were ultimately creating monsoons for the town. As the town wizards rallied, a large lady (black, curly black hair) spoke to me and told me that if the waves causes a swell of greater than 8 meters, the levies would break and the city would be destroyed.

      I became highly interested in this and we prepared at the coastline. All three tornadoes came from next to one another, causing huge tidal waves. The wizards attempted to quell the waves as we protected the coastal city, but it became quickly apparent that the wizards would not be able to successfully combat the three tornadoes when they were all in the same place. The waves were already reaching upwards of 8 meters (said the woman), and it was almost at critical mass. I watched the waves come crashing into the village as she said this. I decided that I had to take a gambit to save this town.

      I used my powers to move one of the tornadoes. I was only able to apparently move one, because I was too weak after moving the first one. I changed it from all three tornadoes being right next to one another, northeast off the coastline, to one of them closer and northwest of the town. This gambit paid off, as it allowed the wizards valuable time to quell that tornado and then take care of the others. We were able to wrangle the tornadoes and take control of nature. We also protected the town.

      (Diagram of the coast and tornado movement is here in my physical journal)

      I returned to the beach, where I found my grandpa and the large lady talking with one another. My grandpa said that he was very proud of my success. He asked us for some hot chocolate (which I recall him asking for before, but I don't recall him before this part of the dream. He might of been talking with the large lady when I was solving shit). She asked why my grandfather was asking for hot chocolate so often, to which I said that my grandma always used to make it for him. I made some appear and gave it to him. He smiled large and my grandma's voice in my head said thank you. I told the fat lady I heard my grandma and I started crying. The scene fades.

      12/24/2010 - Bar

      I think this was supposed to be related to the first dream. I was in a bar that was colored very light brown and with a lot of beige. I was sitting at the counter of the bar. I recall there being dream characters about, but I don't recall seeing any. I do recall that Jimmy was in my dream again, but that I never saw or talked with him. I was watching a news report on the television while drinking a beer. I remember that Britney Spear's "Toxic" was playing on the jukebox, but I don't recall seeing the jukebox either. I was also irritated and a bit confused by it being on in here. I reached for the menu and opened it to look at it and I started to feel a bit odd. I read over the menu once, but then stared at it. The letters changed before my eyes. "I must be dreaming," I thought to myself.

      There was an audible snap and everything became incredibly vivid as I became lucid. I was actually overtaken by emotion and excitement! This was my first lucid dream - ever! When I got excited, I remembered that if I didn't calm down I would wake up, but instead of calming down first I started attempting stabilization techniques. I looked at my hands in order to deeply observe them, but they seemed like they were cut off (I was missing half of each hand, diagonally, from my wrist bone to my index finger knuckle). It started to worry me. I stop doing this and got up quickly and I touched the table, tripping over a chair in scurrying over to one of the back bar counters. I grabbed one of the clear salt shakers that had a yellow lid and many, many holes (industrial) and began to feel it with both of my hands. While doing this, I accidentally closed my eyes and the scene faded to black.

      I snapped my eyes open and I was in my room. I immediately tried a reality check, but it wasn't a false awakening. Success, ladies and gentlemen! After two years of on and off trying, I finally had a successful lucid dream - a DILD! Now the next step: Do it again, remain calm, and stabilize properly. I'm so pleased with myself I can hardly stand it.
    2. Chilling out on the Quad - 12/24/10

      by , 12-24-2010 at 05:54 PM
      Chilling out on the Quad (DILD)


      Alright, now, this was a VERY long dream, and I can't remember most of it. I dimly remember it starting on my college campus, and I also dimly remember it transitioning to more of a video-game type feel. It had interesting architecture though, like sloping tunnels. Mostly I remember it after it had transitioned to a place that felt like a location of its own.

      This place looks kinda like a campus, I suppose, but the buildings are large and it's hard to find my way. Several times I get lost and end up getting into places where I'm not supposed to be. When I end up in such a room, I get some very annoyed... people? on my tail. I think they're people, anyways. They kinda remind me of Ordinators from Morrowind. In any case, they start running towards me, and my first instinct is to run away, so I do. They can easily run faster than me though, so I can't get too far before one of them catches me. When they do though, they're unarmed. They just kinda "warp" me out of where I'm supposed to be. This happens a few more times, by which point I'm no longer scared and just sheepishly hold my hands up, letting them do their job. I don't mean to get in their way, but I'm lost and nothing is easily marked. I also felt like exploring around me, too, which probably didn't help. At some point I turn to a guy next to me and remark, "If these rooms were well-marked I wouldn't be getting into nearly as much trouble."

      It turns out this guy is a very friendly sort, and we just wander around the courtyard type of setting I am in, chatting. I'm pretty hazy on his appearance, but he's a pretty scrawny-looking guy. Pretty thin, a little short, but also a nice guy. I think he was black, though I'm not sure. He had kinda long hair, though I don't remember the color. As far as clothing goes, he is wearing some sort of beanie on his head, though sometimes it's there, and sometimes not. I think he was wearing standard t-shirt and jeans clothing. He looks to be about my age, too (20).

      I forget when, but sometime around this point I realize that I'm dreaming. I don't recall making a big deal out of it or even commenting on it much, though, I just take it all in stride. I feel like I asked him about a ton of stuff, although I sadly can't remember most of it. Here's some transcripts more or less paraphrased from towards the end of the dream, remembered to the best of my ability:

      Me: *notices him starting to walk off* Hey, wait a sec!
      Him: *turns and looks back*
      Me: Um, can you tell me who you really are? And don't say anything silly like, "Oh, I was this guy in a past life"...
      Him: *smirking* What, so you can try to find me in real life when I have no clue what's going on? (He's implying he'll forget this all when he wakes up) *he turns and starts going back the other way*
      Me: Heh, well, you don't have to tell me, I guess. I'm just terminally curious... that's why I'm here.

      (He decided to stick around a bit longer)
      (Later, we're near an empty cop car, and I'm just kinda floating/flying in the air, chilling)

      Him: *Gives me a look that seems to say, "Oh, how jeuvenile"*
      Me: Hey, it's just one of my guilty pleasures.
      Him: Well, just hope a police cruiser doesn't come by.
      Me: *floats a bit higher* Well, I'd like to see them try to catch me.
      Him: Hey, don't underestimate them. They're actually pretty good.
      Me: Yeah? How high up would I have to be?
      Him: You'd have to be... on the moon. *We both look up to see the moon*
      Me: Hmm... that might be a problem then.
      Him: Why?
      Me: I don't know how I'm going to get up there before I wake up. *As if on cue, my dream starts fading*
      Him: Oh, look what you did now! (I think he's stifling a laugh at this point. He's definitely more amused than annoyed)
      Me: *wakes up*

      Well, that's all I can remember. For a dream that seemed to be mostly unbidden, I'm very impressed though. I think it's time to get back into lucid dreaming. I am curious if any of you DVers find this oddly familar, though. I'm willing to entertain the notion of a shared dream, though that'd be weird considering I don't really know any of you. xD
      lucid , memorable
    3. Rollerskating the Cosmic Palmistric Postborder

      by , 12-24-2010 at 09:03 AM
      I am in a self-improvement or psychedelic video game of some kind. The start of the game should be really awesome and soothing, but I don’t remember it. All I remember is that the theme was space and the universe and the music was soothing yet energetic and upbeat. The reason was that my clock radio was playing Maudlin of the Well’s Part the Second (it’s a free downloadable great CD for those interested, check out maudlinofthewell.net). This wasn’t astral travel or anything, but still more than normally relaxing, and it felt symbolic, important.

      I finish the video game or whatever, as the fourth track ends, as my mind equates it with the ending of a level. Then the credits sequence follows the start of the fifth track and its just as relaxing as anything, still interactive.
      Some time into it, I make it to this giant wall on a metallic planet, with lots of little nodes on it. I have to follow the notes. I have little fragments of other things going on, especially that I met people in a house in between, but alas. As I climb it, I communicate with an old lady sitting at the far end of the well, that she should climb it too. It frustrates me a bit how slowly she reacts. I think I had known her in the past in the dream. Was she the elderly form of a love-interest? It wasn’t as much climbing as getting transported by the nodes, and it wasn’t as much a wall as… several sides of a huge cubical object. When I get up there and look out into the distance, I see a planet that is metallic like the one I am on. I immediately realize what’s going to happen, and literally clap and cheer. The planet is somehow the one I am one, but not, and I somehow know that it is captured by a fascist party, that I throughout the dream debated back and forth whether was nazi or that was too obvious and stupid a target for the occasion. I knew what was going to happen as if though I had seen it before, perhaps on the back of the jewelcase. The moment feels all romantic and perfect, I don’t think the woman ever made it up, because my mind had sort of forgotten about her, but everything about her as she was there pointed towards that she would make it up to witness the explosion, and that’s how I treat it. That far off planet, that is also our own, is blown up. These massive solar-flame-like beams hit the planet, and it explodes. This is somehow a good thing, the symbolic death of the fascist party. The explosion is one of those where you just see a single extending circle of energy. At first I thought it was disappointing, but then sparks started flying where the planet had been, and the lightshow really started. My vision was sort of zooming slowly in on the planet.

      What happened afterwards I don’t remember. I want to think that yet again something new and amazing happened, but that might just be my recollection of the first time the “game” extended. All I remember was that when the fifth and final track was over, I woke up.

      And this was sort of conceptually a video game, but felt like so much more, and I forgot about that fact.

      That was a nice Christmas present.

      Updated 12-24-2010 at 09:30 AM by 39298

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Dogs, People, Campus, and a Girl

      by , 12-24-2010 at 08:58 AM
      I have been doing some soul searching with my dreams and it seems to have been working with my dreams changing from me walking around aimlessly and alone to me involved in situations and always around people.

      Dec 22, 2010
      Dogs and People
      Partially lucid
      I have been exploring around a city to see its crime ridden side but after seeing one lone heroin junky and how he was more frightened of me, I decided to go back to my car. I knew I was in a dream and could lurk around the alleyways unharmed but also thought I had a car parked somewhere.
      On my way back up the city was a vicious dog looking like he was going to attack. I did what I usually do and flew above him about 7 feet up but found it hard to get any higher. The dog lunged at me and I easily hit him in the forehead with my fist. I was surprised how real he felt against my fist. He still looked threatening though and since I couldn't get much height I dematerialized, so much at first the city started to fade but I pulled back a bit and was cloud-like but I could still see the city. I tried not to look at the dog just in case it was a replicant I didn't want to give it more power. The dog jumped at me again but this time I felt it pass through my abdomen and left arm. It stood at the side of the road looking at me quizzically.
      Once back in the town square there was a market. I landed and rematerialized and looked around to see if my car was nearby. Then a guy came up next to me also looking for his car I thought. He had a lot of clothes on and a blanket over himself like it was a scarf. He seemed like a pleasant black man but was very worried. A woman came up to us complaining about where their car was and I said "especially the way they aggressively ticket here." She said "I know right!" in a loud new york Hispanic accent way which startled me as I was going to say something else and I thought she was a replicant. Replicants always do what you expect them to do and that was unexpected.
      I woke and committed it to memory.

      Dec 23, 2010
      Campus and Girl
      Became more lucid as dream continued.
      There was a lot of me exploring a baseball field in a school's play area. Soon I felt like I was a kid again and got on a tiny van bus. My mind though was not a kids, just my body. The bus drove around for a bit and I got bored and told the driver "let me off here." He was angered that a kid would talk to him like that, "hey you sit there and behave!" I was lucid enough to know I was invulnerable and now I was angry so I started to throw stuff off the bus out the window. He yelled "THATS IT!" and turned the bus around but it was one of those places you cant just turn around in, that you have to make a lot of lefts before you get back to where you want. So while he had stopped at a light I opened the sliding door quietly and walked out. The bus drove off with the door open and I crossed the street to the other side being that there was a park over there.
      Once in the park I took off my shoes so that if school officials came looking for me they wouldn't notice me(?) [Hey at least its more than what Superman did for his disguise]. When my feet touched the ground I felt how real the ground felt, there was texture and temperature and I could even feel my socks over it all. This boosted my lucidity and I began hearing and feeling the thoughts and emotions of everyone nearby. It was very intrusive upon my own mind and I manged to block most of it out, I couldn't think with everyone else's thoughts in my head. Thats when I felt the place and it felt like a college campus. I followed this place's strongest feeling about this to a building to my right. There were a lot of 20 somethings sitting around studying and a few discussing things. Distance didn't matter, if I looked at them I could hear/feel what they were thinking making it hard to stay focused. A guy leaned out of a window and yelled that he was looking for students to help in his office with some light work and some light lunch would compensate for payment. I wondered where this was supposed to be and "Berkley" came to me but this was way too obvious a dream environment to ever be physical.
      I walked into the building and looked in rooms till I saw a TV on in one of them and entered. There was a white blond girl of 20 or so explaining to two Hispanic guys, that just wanted to watch TV, about the paper that they had due. I got a picture in my mind about this paper after I took a seat on the sofa with the 2 guys, it looked long and they had few ideas put to paper. "Come on guuuuys we can do this!" the girl said like a cheerleader of this paper. I thought she was pretty cute so I watched her talk a bit. She smiled at me and said to all of us "big hug!" And she hugged the 2 guys and he arm came around to me to. I felt she was touching me on purpose but couldn't think of any way to reciprocate. Then she leaned near me and, as if not noticing, pressed her elbow into my privates area which did feel good. At this point I thought "oh, its on now!"
      Woke up "ah crap..."
      Tags: campus, dogs, girl, people
      lucid , memorable
    5. Dec. 23rd

      by , 12-24-2010 at 08:53 AM
      Well I don't recall any dreams, but I had some strange things happen while awake.
      So I was listening to my music, then a song came on that I didn't want to listen to, so I pressed the skip button, ad apparently fell asleep immediately after pressing it. I thought the music kept me up for a long time, but it turns out I just fell asleep and then woke up around 4:00-5:00 Am, and thought I was awake since 1:00, because I never realized I fell asleep. Since I thought I was awake so long I decided to look at the music I listened to after waking up, and I realized there were 5-10 songs, not sure, that I heard around 4. I also found that the song after the one I skipped, I have no memory of having listened to it, nor part of it. So it would seem I fell asleep and woke up so fast I had no idea! Pretty cool.
      Also at some point my arms started lifting up and fell, so I thought maybe I entered a dream, checked my clock, no luck.
    6. A Visit from my grandma

      by , 12-24-2010 at 12:06 AM
      I was standing in a long line with other people. We were all dressed up. The people were a mix of friends and family of my step-father who recently passed away. We were inside a big open room. The room was all white. one wall consisted of all big windows. Infront of the windows were square island type stands lined up in a row that had palm trees in them. I was standing next to my step-grandmothers sister in the line, she eventually turned into my step-grandmother. From the other side of the line walked out my Grandmother whom passed away about 3-4 years ago. My mom was walking behind her crying with her hand placed on my grandmas back. I ran up to my grandma in total shock and gave her a big hug. I tried to say i love you but i was so choked up and short of breathe that i couldn't get the words out. I stepped back and saw my grandma crying looking at me. I started to cry and put my face in my hands. the dream started to fade away and i realized this and try to hold onto it but i woke up.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Dec 23

      by , 12-23-2010 at 07:30 PM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Try Living Without Money

      I was in what was close to my house with a black girl and my mom. They were arguing about something dumb but I don't remember what it was, I just wanted the argument to be over. I got in between them and told them to calm down and my mom just wouldn't shut up. The we got into an argument about how she doesn't listen to me. For the first time ever, I stormed out of the house. She yelled out, "Try living without money!" in an attempt to get me back in the house. I didn't listen and kept walking. It was night and I was walking up a green grassy hill. There was a pathway with some street lights around it but I wasn't on there. I passed my cousin, Asia, and she was walking the opposite way and was on the pathway. She said hi as she passed me. I looked and noticed that she was bald shaven. I kept walking. At the top of the hill was a rom with all glass walls. It was a computer lab. Before I got there, a guy, for some reason, wanted to fight me. We got into it a little and like most dreams that I get in fights in I became heavy and it was difficult to move. Our fight continued into the computer lab on the top of the hill. Because I was getting so heavy I did something I think is interesting. I took off three sweatshirts (recently as it is winter I've been wearing layers of sweatshirts). I was instantly tens of lbs lighter, and my sweatshirts aren't tens of pounds. I started putting everything I could into fighting him. I was tackling and throwing all of my weight (not much) at him but I was careful to not damage the computers. AFter the final time of taking him down, I ran out of the computer lab. The top of the hill on the other side was a cliff that fell into the sea. I jumped off the cliff, and faked my death. I later climbed out at another point, safe.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Recap Nov 30th - Dec 23rd

      by , 12-23-2010 at 07:18 PM (limitless' limits)
      30th- Had a longer dream about being chased by an old neighbour in a barn or cottage, and i escaped into the rafters. (nightmare)

      3rd- Had a dream that Moose and i were at a hotel together somewhere in europe, we were crashing after a long day of travelling. We had our own rooms within the hotel room we were in, but i fell asleep on the couch. Next thing i know, its early in the morning and i start to pack everything so we can head back out when Moose woke up. I went into her room to pack her stuff and she had a tent half set up in the middle of her room that i took down and i remember picking up socks that were everywhere. I finished packing and went into another room and watched a movie with my headphones on so i didnt wake her, and the maid came in with an open box of candy that i had, saying she had to take the rest back and gave me my weed stash that i had put in there for whatever reason. Weird dream.

      5th- My notes say: "McDonalds if Hitler was still in charge." But i dont remember that dream, just lulzy that it happened.

      13th- Had a dream that i was back in college, it was the beginning of my new semester and i was drafting bathing suits, and the teacher told me: "You have enough marks to graduate now, so you can stop if you want or you can stay and learn jackets." I agreed to finish the class.
      -Frag. about meeting a cousin of mine at a miss-matched subway station in Toronto. Almost didnt recognize him, gave him a hug and said: "Shall we go?" and woke up.

      15th- Had a dream that LimboCity was lost in my area and he found me at a bus stop so i could help him find his dad whom he left in Toronto. He tested me by sending me a txt and waiting for me to receive it, so he could make sure it was me before approaching me. I had never seen a picture of him before but i knew it was him. When i woke up i checked my inbox and he told me he had a dream about calling me. I told him about this and he showed me a picture of him, it was identical. Very weird, is that a shared dream?

      23rd- Some frag.s that i was having a bunch of online convos with people, i remembered who and some context when i woke up for a few seconds but not long enough to write them down.
      - I was part of a group of friends in the 70's and we were all getting ready (seperately) for a semi-formal or a prom. One girl was a dancer had a crazy reputation with boys, and i was with her -taking the bus to the dance. Some guys came onto the bus and it transitioned into the right place, the moms who were volunteering were on stage and were asked to lead the first dance, so everyone partnered up with whoever the came with and danced, guys were dancing with guys and girls with girls. I saw a DC version of a friend from my work walk by in modern clothing and called her name but she didnt hear me. I turned to my friend that i was dancing with and all of a sudden it was my friend from college, Val. I scanned the room in confusion and everyone was acting like it was Reefer Madness and Val kissed me. Then i woke up.

      Updated 12-23-2010 at 07:26 PM by 35587

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , dream fragment
    9. Night of 12/22 - What the ....?

      by , 12-23-2010 at 11:18 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hours of sleep: 8
      Vividness: 3/5

      Oh my Gosh, what a crazy night

      I'm somewhere. This sounds crazy, but I couldn't see at all, what was going on around. I didn't see anything, I didn't see a white page, or a black one. No. There is nothing. Kind of hard to explain, but there was really nothing. Strange.
      This lasted about 5 seconds or so, than I saw one of my professor of university in front of me. He was talking to me, but I heard nothing. I just saw his lips moving, but no sound was coming out. After 3 seconds or so, his voice appeared slowly, than I could hear that he was saying [in German, his mother-tongue] that he had corrected my paper and that he wanted to speak a bit about it. He said, that we had to go in his mobile-home. I looked around me and I saw, that the void had disappeared, I was standing in a field, in front of me was a mobile-home. I had the feeling that I was in some circus or an amusement park.
      His mobile-home was really tiny, I just thought:
      - Well, it seems that professors don't earn that much money...
      I was still confused, because I knew that he was one of the important researcher in human science at my university. Strange.
      So I entered and I couldn't believe what I saw. This tiny mobile home had three big rooms about 4 meters high, 5 meters wide and 7 meter long. It looked like an old mansion or something like that, but it was decorated and built like a Swiss chalet. I was so impressed that I couldn't say anything. The professor said, as he closed the door:
      - Well, I wanted to bring something familiar with me. You know, when you live away from your motherland, you get a bit nostalgic.

      Just for info: he's Swiss

      He offered me a seat at his bar (yes there was a bar too! ) and he talked to me, still in German:
      - I corrected your paper and I was kind of amazed. You got nearly everything right, you did just one fault, but it isn't worth speaking about it. Well you got 18 of 20.
      I wanted to converted it up to 60 points, but I had difficulties to calculate and after two or three tries, I finally got the right number. This confused me, because I'm good in math.
      - But this isn't really the reason, why I wanted to talk to you. You gave an example of writing a novel in one question. I just wanted to know, if you write novels in your free-time.
      Really? Did I wrote that? Well that's right, but I couldn't remember that I did it.
      - Yes that's true, I said in German.
      - Well, tell me a bit about it.
      I wanted to explain a bit, but for some reason, the words didn't came out as I wanted. Although I'm a fluent German speaker and I write my novels in German, I just kept on using inappropriate words and expression to explain my activity as author. He looked at me really confused, I knew that I was making bad publicity for my writing skills. I felt so ashamed, like a little boy, who had broken an old porcelain vase. I saw that he was smiling and was kind of amused about that. I stopped my speech and I ran away

      Updated 12-23-2010 at 11:22 AM by 27488

      memorable , non-lucid , nightmare
    10. Dream part II

      by , 12-23-2010 at 10:15 AM
      anyone experience continuing your dream the next night, as if it's the part II of your dream? I experienced those. I have a dream one night and it awakens me, then I continue it when I came back to sleep and then the next night I continued the dream I dreamed last night. I am aware that I am controlling my own actions in that dream. Do you think I am still the one who was in control of continuing it?
      lucid , memorable
    11. Warcraft healing (LD), Chaotic inner world (LD)

      by , 12-23-2010 at 09:41 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      December 22, 2010

      Warcraft healing (LD)
      Short fragment involving playing Warcraft in my dream. I actually wanted to do something else, as this dream felt very taxing and tiring. But, I told myself that by letting this play out, it would somehow benefit the game in waking life. And so, I continued the series of dream quests I was doing. I don't remember too much specific about them, but in hindsight, I wonder if my brain was trying to solve something in regards to healing, which I've been finding very stressful and un-fun lately.

      Chaotic inner world (LD)
      I'm hanging out with my friend, Sherry. It was all very abrupt, but Sherry, suddenly finds herself in the jaws of a very big werewolf. Like... a massive werewolf. I called for help... but somewhere during this call, it transitioned that I'm the one instead who was being nommed by this werewolf.

      Once free from the wolf (who vanished), I started making my getaway. I noted that there weren't any bite marks on me, but I was moving painfully and slow. I wondered if it was some kind of paralytic poison? I kept hobbling along. Out on the street, I figured I'd catch a bus so I could move a bit faster. I saw one come along, and it did a U-turn just before it reached me, to pick up passengers on the other side of the road. Another bus behind it, I told the dream, "Stop here," and pointed to the ground in front of me. The bus drove past.

      Fed up, I started walking. I was in amongst what could have passed as the Tacky Disco parade. People were dressed up in all sorts. But as I walked, I lost the paralysis. I remembered that I actually did have a goal to accomplish today. To get to my inner world. I shouted out into my dream, "Please, help me get to my inner world, please!!" I probably didn't need to say please twice. I wondered what I should do? I saw that I happened to be on a hill, and below, were houses. So I pushed off the ground to fly to them, but I merely drifted instead. I didn't fight it, and landed on a muddy patch of dirt. I heard a cell phone ring. I carry a cell phone in my shirt pocket at work (IWL), so I checked there. Nothing. Pants pockets? Nothing. So, I held my hand up to my ear and answered a pretend cell. That worked I can't remember the conversation, but it seemed like I had helped someone with a work related issue.

      I looked around at the houses. My inner world was supposed to be a beach house, last I remembered. None of these houses look very beachy, and this neighbourhood didn't even look like mine, but I figured I would go exploring.

      I opened the door to the first house (not locked). Inside, were gorgeous mahogany walls and floors. There was a pink area rug, and the whole thing felt very Victorian. But, it didn't feel like mine. I didn't walk in very far, but I did happen to catch a glimpse of a woman cooking in the kitchen. I decided to quickly leave before she saw someone invading her home. I got this feeling she already knew I was there, and was just pretending she didn't see me.

      I walked down the block a short distance. I saw a classy looking bungalow, and next door was a salmon coloured two story. I went into the salmon coloured house, first. Inside, was a stark white staircase, with a pink trim. This seems more like me! I instantly knew this house was mine. But as I climbed the steps, they morphed into green metal that curled and twisted in an indescribable way. I love dream houses with crazy features, so this really pleased me. I noticed the stairs ran the levels of the house... like same set from basement to 2nd story. I decided to explore the basement, first.

      I entered a room that had beds... it was blue, and kind of fish themed. And many beds... attached right out from the walls, in bunk beds. In the corner, was a changing table for a baby. And in the centre of the room, on the middle bed, sat a boy with blond hair. "Would you look at this room?!" I exclaimed to him.

      "Serenity..." he said.

      "There's beds everywhere!!" I continued.

      "Serenity," the boy said a bit more urgently. I stopped. I looked at him. I noticed his hair and face. He looked like a very young Danny, from pictures I've seen of him.

      "Is your name... Danny?" I asked him. The boy nodded.

      "Danny! I missed you!! Why are you just a young kid right now?"

      "I can appear in any age, any form," he told me. "Do you know where we are?" he asked.

      "My inner world," I answered. He nodded, pleased.

      My cell phone rang. I tried to ignore it, so I could ask Danny more questions. But it was persistent. "Better get that," he said.

      Frustrated, I picked up the phone (which was a real one this time) and shouted, "WHAT?!!!" into it. The person on the other end just kind of stammered. "Look, I'm sorry... Just tell me your issue," I said, but still sounded impatient. The person was silent. I hung up. "Sorry about that," I said to Danny. He waved it off. But then, through my phone, I could hear a baby crying. "I can't ignore that, even if it is a dream," I told him.

      "We should go find him," Danny said.

      I then noticed the room had changed. "There was a baby table in the corner here..." I said. "Can't I make it change back?"

      "Well, if not, we'll have to just start looking," he said.

      And so, we did. Upstairs, we passed by the front hall. I asked Danny, "Hey, couldn't you age yourself to appear a bit older?" I was looking the other way when I asked him. When I finished the question, I looked back and saw he already had done. I thumped against the wall in surprise, and Danny gave me a sarky grin.

      I noticed people clamouring at the front door. They all wanted to see Danny. "Can't we just get rid of them?" I asked.

      "I'll try," Danny said. And we both started shouting at people to come back later. But then these two guys just walked right in. One looked like Willie Nelson, the other looked like Noel Gallagher. And they seemed to know Danny. He looked back at me (now looking a little bit older again) apologetically.

      They started egging him on about bringing a girl home or something, but they never met me. "Willie Nelson" was saying how I was super normal looking, not like a model. "Not like that's a bad thing or something, but she's just so normal..."

      I was offended by this remark, so I said, "You two dufuses aren't much to look at, either!"

      I heard Danny burst out laughing, and the dream faded.

      I tried to DEILD, but no luck.
      Tags: danny
      lucid , memorable
    12. my first and second succesful WILD'S! perfect recall, could use tips

      by , 12-23-2010 at 01:37 AM
      So this is the first and second succesful WILD's I have had, the first was me going into the sleep paralysis state and hearing the familiar buzzin sound/sensation I had remember from the first couple times trying but waking up to excitement. This time I remain calm just stabalizing the buzzing sound and then the dream begins. LUCID #1; I am waking up in my bed, doing a reality check as soon I get up. As soon as I realize I'm dreaming I start to float slowly, I think its due to the fact that iv been wanting to fly in dreams again so badly so I slowdlly drift towards my room door as if I have to swim in the air at a sloow rate like gravity is not present, it is night time in my dream as I am concious that it is around 4:40 am ,(that's when I had set my alarm to try the waking up and going back to bed technique which works like a charm by the way), I open my room door and start to make my way to the front door to go outside but something pulls me back before I can grab the door handle,I turn around and there is pure darkness ,I can't see anything and I woke up. Remembere it very clearly and it was on Tuesday at about 5 I'm guessin because I woke up around 530.

      I have not yet been able to become lucid in a regular dream, only the WILD method seems to work for me becoming lucid, if anyone can help with tips please do so.

      Today Wednesday I had my second, in this one I was much more aware and tried a few techniques that I read up on. I tried the waking up and going to bed method I tried the previous night, same time, but this time I just fell asleep and had a pretty cool normal dream that I woke up and wrote down in my journal. I then got up for abit and went back and layed in bed at around 1:00 pm listening to some binaural beats I had downloaded. After about a half hour I got to the sleep paralysis state, or so I think, that I hear and feel a strong buzzing sound that I can somewhat control and calm down if I focus on my breathing at that point, from then on the dream starts. LUCID #2; I wake up in my bed again and do a reality check where I look at my hand, my handlines are very mixed up and moving and I have two half fingers or stubs. I am very excited at this point that I am dreming so I try to keep my brathing calm, I still hear the buzzing sound coming in but I try the method of rubbing your hands and at that point the dream bacame a lot more lucid. I get up out of my bed, it is day time in my dream as I had gone to sleep at about 130 pm I'm guessing, I walk out of my room and this time I am walking so I notice the gravity unlike my first dream. I walk towards my front door and walk outside, the day is nice and clear, I walk out to my door without a problem this time, I stand in my front yard and decide to jump up to fly, I get up to just over the tree in my yard and I start to drift down slowly. I keep doing the rubbing hand method as it makes the dream a lot more clearer and I can also feel the rubbing of the hands which is cool, ( I made using all five senses as one of my dream goals), so I walk back into mmy house and I see my rromates pitbull come around the corner, I sit on the floor and can feel the carpet, I am very excited at this point that my dream has lasted this long, the dog runs up to me and I can feel its weight on me, I could not smell the dog but I tried, I push him off after petting him and walk into my room. At this point I try to imagine jacki fromt hat 70's show, forgetting sarah marshall, (which is another one of my dream goals) haha. I look towards my dresser and try to imagine her behind me. I turn around but instead I see this asian girl which kinda resembles her in a way, kinda like a asian jacki which was still very good looking and she is wearing a school like skirt. ( haha I thought to myself, i knew my sub-concious was somewhat perverted). At this point I get her on top of me and i can feel her grinding on me, I can also feel her legs which feel very smooth. I mentally try to make her do what I want but she just keeps grinding on me. For some strange reason at this point I naturally open my eyes and I'm wide awake. The time is 215 pm. The most vivid dream I have ever experienced! I am so stoked to try again tomorrow.
    13. 22 Dec: On the moon

      by , 12-22-2010 at 10:39 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      2:00 GMT

      A roulette of random fragments
      I meet Diana by chance at a tiny alternative shop. We update each other on our lives. She is recently separated from her most recent guy. Her sister is with her and shows up to tell her they must go. I notice how much older they both look.
      Then on some house with a big glass walled balcony. I’m looking through the window and I see some impressive black truck on the parking lot below. It’s of some really annoying guy that likes to show off. Then some bigger haulage truck appears and locks the smaller truck to drag it along for some fake driving filming with some actors inside. We see it parting.
      Then inside some room people are queuing to drop a vote with Mara who’s on some chair with a ballot box on her lap. Behind me in the line is Zilla. She is mad at something and just expresses her protest and goes away. I cast my vote. The room is full of people waiting for the results and Mara is now sitting on a table presiding over everybody. Me and two other girls are sitting on the table with her. She is very nervous, I think she won whatever election that was and she says she wanted to quit, but that she realises people are greatly depositing hope on her. She mentions these three girls by her side for instance already said they want to share their dorm with her and won’t accept that she goes away.
      A bit after, a professor invites me for something but I refuse and say that unlike Mara I am definitely resigning from my functions. I’m a sort of agent and I hand him over my stuff. In exchange he takes me to the headquarters and I must choose 3 goodbye presents, which seem to be a pin, a tiny doll and some earrings. I then stay alone in a room, cleaning up the info on my touch screen laptop. I find a folder with recorded albums’ and as I drag and drop them to some other portable device, they actually get printed in 3D, so they come out of the laptop as actual CDs in a case with printed cover and all. Some guys who came to see what I’m doing seem pretty interested on this and go through my CDs to check for my taste. I get annoyed by that, but they are a bit of a bullies so I try to ignore them. I finish and then I am outside on the street on some bus stop. They are also there, still nagging me a bit, but I ignore and instead I see some add on the bus stop of some Barbie dolls with designer clothes. I don’t recall details, but I know they were malleable and transformable and I think they were totally cool.
      Then the black truck stops by again and all these bullies get in. I join them for whatever reason. They all get guns and start shooting to whichever target they see fit, including little birds landed on rocks. Luckily they don’t hit even once on the targets. Then we exit the big city and are in the woods, near a river. On the margins of the river, in the middle of the bushes I spot Big Foot walking around. I notice by his feminine walk, that he is gay (what...!?). I don’t tell anybody or else they’ll start a shooting frenzy, but they decide to stop right there for peeing. Oops, I just hope the Big Foot doesn’t show up or attack them...

      7:00 GMT

      On the moon
      I recall going through some arched narrow hallway when I became lucid. I had fallen asleep thinking I wanted to finally go to the moon, so I thought about doing it. Found a door and wanted to do the portal to the other side trick by opening the door, but instead I went inside this room and decided for a more original approach. This room looked exactly like a pod and I imagined it to be like that pod that hit the moon in the eye on that classic French film “Trip to the Moon”. It had one round window which I shuttered and the pod became dark. I touched the wall looking for an imaginary button which I found and used to fire the imaginary engines. The lift off felt extremely realistic, with blasting sound and all. I didn’t want this to go forever, so I pictured it ending after a few seconds and it did. I felt it landing. I almost woke up, but managed to stay on the dream when I slowly opened the shutters to check the outside.
      At first I felt I had failed. There was a girl outside looking through the window. Very pretty with curly ginger hair. She smiled at me as I exited the pod. I had landed in the middle of some busy street of some normal looking town. There was something odd about it but then I noticed it was the 50’s retro look of the place and people’s clothes and hairstyles. I had doubts this was the moon. I was about to ask her but I was scared to death by some ocean rising on my left, exactly like the streets of Paris rose above people’s heads on the Inception movie when Ariadne is playing with the dream. I could see a wall of water by my side and the fishes swimming but it never really engulfed me. Before that happened, it receded in a flash and on its place blossomed a mushroom of flat and round transformable screens, showing all kinds of images. I had the clear feeling I had seen this before and I turned to the girl to mention it. But she had already started walking and I went after her. We walked out of the town and passed by some high plateau with view over a giant canyon. At the bottom of it I could see cities sprawling to where the eyes could see. On the top of the plateau there was a giant lake and I almost fell on the water at some point of a narrow passage we walked in. Then we arrived at her tiny tiny car. Two girls were there waiting for us.
      I finally got to ask them if this was the moon. They said “why, of course. Look up!” Then I looked up to the sky. It was perfect blue with some tattered white clouds and there it was: the Earth in the sky! Wow, pretty cool! But then I also noticed 2 other crescent moons. I got confused. I ask them about it but they just said, yeah, the moon has two moons. “And how come we don’t know that on Earth?” They didn’t reply.
      They got in the car and I wondered how in the world I could fit in too. In the front there was only the driver’s seat and on the back only two extra seats. The girl closer to the door looked at me with very little will to make space for me. I asked her why the sky was so blue and if this place was under a protective dome or if they had terraformed the moon. She looked at me with a condescendent look and replied "Both!" as if it was damn obvious.
      She finally squeezed in and I did to. It was an awful feeling and I almost woke up with the claustrophobic sensation and the pain in my legs when I closed the door and got so crammed inside. But I thought “It’s just a dream, the pain is just an illusion, there’s no lack of air either...”, so I manage to cope. It wasn’t long until we arrived at some facilities. On the left of the road was a long white ground level building which was some research lab of some kind. On the right side of the road there were greenhouses. The girls went to the building on the left but I felt attracted to the greenhouses. I entered the first one and there was a guy sitting on a chair in front of some table looking on a microscope or something like that. He just turned his head to see me. Looked surprise but didn’t ask any questions. I smiled at him and kept going inside looking around at all the plants. There were also some ponds, I guess for the aquatic plants. They all looked so alien. I observed one in more detail, which had a white pompon like flower sticking from the middle of an orange like structure sitting on a crown of thick leaves. The white pompon was retractable, like some ocean tubeworms. I see many plants I suspect may be poisonous or have some secret tentacles coming out if I get too close, so I try to keep a safe distance from them. Then I find the red hair girl again on the second greenhouse (they are all connected through passages), talking to some guy at a counter. He is showing her the latest animal they’ve created. It looks like some twisted twig with dozens of fractal like branches spreading from its main torso and it looks and moves like a ramified worm would. She picks it up in her hands and the animal escapes up her arm and up her neck and hides in her lushy ginger hair. It gives me the creeps but she is loving it. The guy then says the best part is this creature eats dust! Its favourite food is dustballs! They laugh at the perfect pet they just got! “Imagine having a few of these around in your house! No more dusting necessary!” I recognize it would be useful, but no way I would like to have those creepy creatures around.
      Then i didn’t explore more of this world, because I woke up.

      8:00 GMT

      Updated 12-22-2010 at 10:46 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    14. Lucid dream where I increased clarity!

      by , 12-22-2010 at 08:26 PM (Awesomeness's quest for lucidity)
      Real life Dream Lucid Nightmare Dream sign
      For me to remember, dreams are #067300, and lucid dreams are the color below blue, #4169e1. Nightmares are dark red, #8b0000, and dream signs are the light purple, which is up one and left one from blue, #483d8b.

      I have skipped like five lucid dreams due to my science project. Sorry guys. But in those dreams I mastered flying, and now I am getting better at attaining lucidity. I am having one or two lucid dreams every other day now.

      Messed up school dream
      I was at school. I understood it as my school, though it was nothing like my real school. There was no one there I recognized. The walls were blue and purple.

      I walked around. There were lots of people, a first in any dream I have encountered. I heard the bell and went to... gym class. I went to the gym teacher, who was outside the gym. The walls around him were white and there were a bunch of windows. The floor was light colored, finished wood. He had very short, straight blond hair. His face was tall, bony, and militant-looking.

      I suddenly realized that I don't take gym class. (I don't in real life) I panicked as the tardy bell rang. I needed to get to class! As I went down a bunch of stairs,
      it dawned on me that I had no idea what period I was supposed to be at, and couldn't even remember by schedule from real life for some reason.

      I must be dreaming. I swam through the air. (I am proficient in multiple methods of flying at this point) As I swam through the hallways, which were the same colors as near the gym. I looked around. Busy people were walking down the hallways. They didn't take it as strange that I was swimming through the hallways. I saw people with a pale dead body on a stretcher but decided to ignore them, since I knew if I got scared the dream might turn bad.

      I turned right. I was back in the purple-blue area I started in. I kept going forward. At a corner, there was a girl, who looked like a smaller, toddler version of Dora with normal human proportions. Her voice was much higher than Dora's. She beckoned me to come wither her through a door, but I sensed bad intentions inside her somehow. I turned right at the corner.

      The wall to the right of me was blue and flat. To the left was like a mixture of three quarters purple and a quarter magenta. It had a vertical texture that looked like paste with a fork waved through it. I noticed how the texture seemed blurry so I pulled glasses out of nowhere and put them on. Nothing. I took them off and remembered what I was supposed to do when I became lucid in the first place: I said "Increase clarity."

      Suddenly everything shifted to be as clear as real life, like focusing a camera. It was AMAZING. I had never thought that dreams could approach real life in realism until today. I could see sharper than ever.

      Note: I need to devote the next entire section to one action.
      I had an idea and I said "Supersensory!", but nothing happened. What I wanted to do was something I read in another dream journal (which I can't find anymore) where the author, inside one of his dreams, realized dreams are only projections onto dreamer's minds. The author figured out he could control what his senses experience. When he tried it, he didn't have to say anything, and suddenly he could see more colors than physically possible in real life. It sounds amazing!
      Nothing happened for me, but I'll keep trying.

      I started going back. But then I felt the dream cycle starting to end. Everything's colors smeared together and the dream ended.

      Strange video game dream
      I was playing this hard video game where all these red balls were bouncing around and you had to drag a certain ball to the exit without touching the bouncing ones.

      I became lucid at some point and beat it by dragging the ball straight to the exit, through several balls, knowing that since I was lucid I couldn't lose.
      lucid , memorable
    15. Action packed dreams!

      by , 12-22-2010 at 01:11 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Got a long night's sleep last night. Which included a number of cool dreams, and a lucid! It was my second "life like" lucid, and sadly once again, I had zero control. I guess I'm out of shape from not having one in a long time, but also because of the realness of it all. Also had a dream about another DV member.

      23.15: Bedtime

      06.00: ShockWave the programmer
      I'm at ShockWave's house. We're playing a game he's programmed on his computer. Like all games I play in my dreams, I kinda enter the game. Standing on a road in the woods, I watch as a few army trucks go by. The last one in the line is crashing into everything and almost hits me. I back away as I watch the drunk driver continue down the road. The truck goes down into a ditch, and up again. Flying through the air. I press escape several times and the game crashes. "Oh shit, what did you do?" ShockWave asks. "Uhm, I have no idea you could ruin a game just like that" I say and feel bad.

      The game has been completely reset, and all his extra mods have been removed. "How long will it take to fix it?" I ask. "Oh well, like a day atleast... or a few" he tells me. Suddenly he finds a save file, and everything's OK! I sigh and tell him I gotta pee. I walk out into the living room, and sit down at a chair. There's a potty on the floor there I am supposed to pee in (wtf?). I can see people outside and his parents suddenly enter the room. I greet with them as I pull my pants up. "Where can I find a bathroom?" I ask them.

      They laugh at my shyness and tells me there's a bathroom down the hall. I enter it, and close the door which is a yellow, see-through cloth. The bathroom itself is VERY small. Clothes are lying everywhere, and I try to sit down on the weird potty like toilet. I start peeing, but soon I feel I have to do the number two, but too late! I quickly jump to the real toilet, but the bathroom is already being flooded by water. I have no idea where it comes from, but I try to scoop up as much as I can.

      06.00: Fantasy world
      Two wanted posters flash before my eyes. Three images each, one from each side just like you get when you go to jail. One guy stands out, a Russian who looks just like Mike Rourke in "Iron Man 2" with dreadlocks as a beard. I walk on a large green field with another guy. We're about to meet up with our team, but we don't know where they are. I can hear something above and I look up. A small high-tech kite is flying towards us at a high speed. My companion points his huge grenade launcher at the thing and fires off a shot. The shell becomes a net and drags the kite to the ground. We inspect it. There's a message on there.

      "We're at the trees just up ahead, beware" I read. I look up and can see something green glimmering in the trees not fifty meters away. We cross a road which seems to be doubling back around a grove to the right and walk up to a tree standing near the second road. A blue dressed woman is up in the tree, she looks just like "Mystique" from "X-men", but with a normal face. I can see the green radar panels which had reflected the sun. I greet with two more people in the small grove. I look back at the road from where we came, and spot six enormous, hairy beasts with riders.

      They are following the road at a very fast speed. "Uhm, look" I say and point. "Get down and don't move a muscle!" they yell at me as they hide among rocks and in the trees. "The riders will be coming back our way in just a few seconds" I try to climb the closest tree. Twigs and leaves fall all around me as I struggle to climb. I realise I don't have time, and they will definitely see all the motion so I just stand completely still, leaning against the tree. The riders appear and all pass the tree next to the road with the blue woman in it, except one. The great boar/wolf monster sniffs the air. They back up a few meters and walk up to the tree.

      We all hold our breaths as the woman whistles and an orangutang slides down the tree at the same time as the woman in blue. She masked her sound, clever. The orangutang jumps up on the mount and they're about to leave again. Just as they are at the edge of my point of view, they stop again. "Oh shit, we're dead" someone whispers next to me. A huge, green, snake monster appears from the backpack of the rider and takes the woman in blue in a second. Everyone in the grove starts struggling to get through the thick vegitation.

      I get tangled up, and it's almost no use. The worm is just behind me and suddenly I fall down into a small pond of water behind the thicket. I figure there must be air pockets beneath the tree roots and I head for the bottom of the pool. A voice appears in my mind. It's one of the girls who survived. "We can talk telepathicly, you've practiced this by dreaming alot" she tells me.

      06.00: Fragment
      *I'm in a room, trying to watch the TV. I spot several people I don't know, and they all look very pale and skinny. They talk very fast, and seem to be having twitches from now and then. I realise it's my sister's new junkie friends. I sigh as one of them blocks the TV without even realising it. I walk down in to the kitchen to confront my sister.

      15 minutes WBTB

      7.30: Explosions at work
      I'm at work, walking around doing nothing. I find a weird looking white rock, and I throw it away. The rock explodes in the air and I am stunned. "Awesome!" I exclaim. I start wondering if I might be dreaming. I look up at the blue sky.
      "Two moons?" I wonder. It looks more like they are made out of clouds when I look for a longer time, and I figure the real moon is the brighter dot to the right. I decide it's not a dream and walk away to a few coworkers. Peter is there with another guy, digging some deep ditch which needs to be filled with concrete. I find a green pill on the ground and I step on it. A cool spray of green smoke appears as the pill breaks. Björn tells me I can find more if I look. I find a lump of green silicone. Inside I find more green pills. A guy next to us tells us to be ready, they're about to set off some dynamite.

      I look behind me at the construction site. A wooden wall is in the way, but I can see through it. A container for eating in is standing just behind it. The dynamite goes off and sends the container full of people into the air. It goes up a meter or so, and slams down back again, leaning on the side. "Holy shit! Is everyone alright?!" I ask the girl standing in the opening of the container. "What kind of question is that?!" she yells back at me. "Wow, alright then, nevermind... Just trying to be friendly" I say. "Send for a truck" she tells us.

      08.30: Fragment
      *I'm playing real life Battlefield Bad Company 2. There are explosions everywhere, and I gun down a few guys with my sniper. I spot someone up in a window, pinning me down. I take out my RPG and shoot a rocket right into the window. "Yes!"

      09.30: Vivid lucid MILD
      Everything is just like the ending of "Watchmen". I am talking to a guy who has the same opinion as "Rorschach". I give him a very long speech about how fake peace is better than no peace at all. "If you expose Dr Manhattan, you will kill billions" I say. He ignores me and runs off. I become lucid. I take a look around me and I'm outside of the establishment at work. Everything is in place, even the iron gates behind me. I know he will come back soon, so I wait. I can hear voices coming from behind the building next to the gate. No one appears and I figure I'll have to go check it out. I remeber I have to stabilize the dream.

      I look at my hand, 6 fingers. It's all very vivid and stable and the scenery around me doesn't change. The sky has is dark blue. I feel like trying out a stabilization technique I haven't used before. "Increase clarity!" I shout as loud as I can. The colours look a bit weird, but nothing more than that. I am satisfied and start walking. It's very slow and hard work. It takes me atleast twenty seconds to walk up to the metal gate. Once there everything goes more smoothly. I slap my face and it stings alot. I walk down the road and try to find the person who will ruin the world.

      I spot a coworker, Roger. I walk up to him. "Hey! Have you seen that guy?" I ask. He smiles at me, and tells me he's down the street. I look and I think I can spot something yellow at the end of it. I slap my face again. I suddenly remember my old dreamgoal, to blow something up. I look at a tall building at the horizon and point at it. "Boom!" I say and imagine it blowing up, I can almost see the explosion and debris. Nothing happens. I figure it's too far away. "Back up, I'm gonna try to run super fast" I tell Roger. He takes a few steps back.

      I dash away down the street, going as fast as I can. Which ofcourse is about as fast as I can run in real life. I try to increase the speed but I can't. It's all too real. I decide to try to fly instead and with a small jump I stretch out my arms. I fall down on the ground. I do a push up to get up. "Oh well, I'll try the correct way to fly" I tell myself. I do a few jumps to see how real everything is. The gravity is slightly off. Looking down, I stretch out my arms and jump straight up, expecting to go up. Nothing. I do this three times with no results. I wake up.

      09.30: The second Europe member
      I'm one of the members of the band "Europe" and I'm standing in an appartment next to a friend who's at the computer. Suddenly I hear a large "BAM!" from below. I look out the window, and I can see the member of the band whom I hate. He's hacking away at the door with an axe. "Oh shit... Not again" I moan and try to get out of the window. I get tangled up in the blinds and soon the crazy guy enters the room. He starts hitting my friend for some reason, and I can't take it no more. I grab the man and chuck him out the window. He hits the ground head first with a disturbing crack. "Shit, he probably broke his neck" I think, but I realise it must be a stuntman.

      I can see him clearly now, and it's my friend Felix. I jump down next to him as he stands up. "I am so fucking sick of you and your bullshit!" I scream in his ear. I grab his head with both my hands, and slowly bite down on his nose. I can feel my teeth cutting into his flesh and I push him away when they snap shut. I spit the little piece of nose tip out in my hand. A car suddenly pulls up and he gets in. It's a convertible and the driver is his manager. I try to talk to him as he tries to go away. Another car pulls up and stops infront of the manager's car. It's full of girls and they are all demanding money which he owe them.

      He tries to talk to all of us in a business-like manner. A third car appears. It looks like a trash version of the batmobile. The driver is wearing old school goggles and he heads for the hospital next to us. An old lady has to throw herself to the side to not get overrun. I realise he's trying to rob the hospital. "Again?" I think. Suddenly a movie starts playing, showing old and young people helping out when a robber is trying to rob the place. "If everyone helps out, we can do it!" is the motto.

      09.30: Fragment
      *I show my abs. People laugh. "Do you call that abs?" A guy at work asks me. I try to explain I haven't been working out in a long time.

      09.45: Fragment
      *I'm at some cabin. It's in the middle of the night and it's summer. My mom is standing next to the water. "Just because you've just had sex with my dad, doesn't make it all better" I say. I start hanging a few underwear on a box in the reeds.

      Amount of sleep: 10½ hours

      Supplements before bed: Nothing

      That's it! Damn that took way too long. My wrists hurt... Anyways, I'm glad I had a long lucid again. Still sucky I didn't have any control over it. I will have to work on that.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 12-22-2010 at 01:47 PM by 36346

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment