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    Memorable Dreams

    1. 1/4 Tue: The Girl Moves Out and Other Tales

      by , 11-18-2010 at 09:38 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Decent night. Working on building my recall and discipline back up.

      The Girl Moves Out
      1122: A very emotionally charged and memorable non-lucid. I live in the Daisetta house. My roommate is S, a former coworker girl from real life, with whom I had a very brief and destructive romantic relationship. That experience was about a year ago and we've never spoken since. So in the dream, she lives in my house. Her room is next to mine. It's nighttime. I walk into her room. She is watching TV. There are a a few piles of laundry waiting to be folded. On top of the clothing, a couple of cats are hanging out too. I sit and watch TV with her for a while. Her and I seem to quietly accept each other's company. She doesn't freak out or act upset like I am afraid she will. We are actually having a good time hanging out together.

      Then she leaves the room, I expect her to be right back. Maybe she went to the bathroom or to the kitchen. But time fast-forwards an hour or so and she hasn't returned. I walk out of the room and around the house looking for her. I run in to a strange man who startles me. I ask: "What are you doing here?!" He replies: "I'm one of the movers." Oh. I realize that S is moving all her stuff out. I walk out and find her in the backyard. We have this exchange:

      Me: What's going on?
      S: I'm moving out.
      Me: But I thought things between us were just starting to be okay again.
      S: (shakes her head)
      Me: So you're really leaving? You know I'm sorry....

      She walks away and back to her room. I stand still for a moment. I am crushed. But at the same time I realize this was inevitable. I probably deserve it. I follow her back to her room. She is packing up things. I start to help her. We have this quiet moment where I sense we are both sad but also realize this is for the best. Soon, she's ready to go. I walk with her to the front door. At the last moment, she turns to me, looks me in the eyes and asks: "Why?" I know what she means. All I can say is: "I don't know. I guess... I just really really really liked you. Too much, I suppose."

      She gives me an understanding smile. She lets me kiss her on the cheek. We have one of those I-can't-believe-this-is-really-goodbye-forever moments. Then she turns and walks out to the street where a taxi is waiting. I close the door and reflect on what happened.

      Then I think I wake up for real. But my mind is still really wrapped up in the dream, so I continue in a daydream, which seems obvious because of how the plot changes from something natural to something artificial and movie-like. I'm still standing just inside the front door, reflecting on all that is happened. I miss her. I don't want her to go. But I also feel guilty and ashamed. Then I hear the door bell ring. I open the door and there is S. Her face is full of anticipation, like she's about to burst. She says "I really really really like you too!" And she kisses me passionately. End. I suppose that's how I'd like it to end, but it didn't seem satisfying. It didn't seem genuine.

      School field trip to a secluded private park. Trying to watch birds mating. Most people are off playing football. I ask if they are playing a real game but they are just tossing the ball around like 3-flags up. I join and throw a few times. My throw is really weak.

      Umm... Yeah... I think I'm dreaming
      Method DILD (absurdity)
      1237: I'm coming home from work. I'm walking along a bike path. I stop at a public restroom. I walk up to a urinal. I look down and I have two penises, one lined up above the other. Oh, I really must be dreaming. I nose-pinch and I can breath. But I wake up immediately.

      Dysfunctional TV Family
      1346: Watching TV show on VHS tapes, on the big screen TV from the Daisetta house. The show is about a family with 2 daughters and a son. I think the parent is a single mom. The oldest daughter just finished high school. She had to take summer school classes to finish. The son drinks. The youngest daughter is a bratty and rebellious teen. In one scene, I sense I am in the car with the mom. We are in a grocery store parking lot. She backs out and then goes in reverse all the way out to the street. So we're driving down the street in reverse. Then she brakes and turns hard. The car starts to skid around and ends up going straight forward on the street. But it's a one lane street in both directions and we narrowly miss hitting an oncoming car.

      Now I'm back in the house, watching the show again on TV. I am worried that it's getting late and I need to leave soon. I look and see several clocks. On on the TV, one on the VCR, and a couple other alarm clocks on top of the TV. They all show different times. I don't know which one to believe. So I leave the room to find a clock I can trust. End.
    2. The apocolypse

      by , 11-18-2010 at 04:23 AM
      (the setting and kitchen, office, views are exactly like my real life house)

      I am in my kitchen and all around me are people everywhere, some i no and some i dont know.....There was a real feeling something monumental was happening. I walked in and saw a bloody knife on the desk and called for everyones attention about it. two people were missing and some of us wanted to search for them and others felt they were unimportant..... I started to search my office and saw a black shadow running around under the u shaped desk.... I was looking uder the desk when i heard a loud trumpet, I looked out my window at the view of the mountain range and saw a bright box shaped light with gold vines wraping it i ran to the kitchen sliding door to watch it closer....it had other lights making a u shape in the distant view. it came closer and as it came closer some people became very excited and others enraged with anger.....some couldnt wait and others were ready to kill. I woke up before it arrived
    3. how do i find this symbol? more importantly my other half with it.

      by , 11-18-2010 at 04:15 AM
      Ive seen posts about dream designs matching people theyve seen. My"Zeus design", as ive come to find as the meanings of these symbols we randomly see are from when zeus split the human heart claiming it was too powerful. so i guess id be saying, i think my soul mate has the same symbol as a tattoo on her wrist. anyone with more insight, please help?
      doesn't this piss you off..-thm_php2yd1mm.jpgdoesn't this piss you off..-thm_phplebsga.jpg
    4. Leaving the Mystery Manor and stepping through time.

      by , 11-17-2010 at 08:04 PM
      This is the closest thing to a truly lucid dream that I've experienced to date. It's now a recurring dream I suppose, since it's happened once or twice before. In this one, I fade in and out of awareness (that I am dreaming) and seem to have some limited control at times.
      In the beginning, I'm back in that funhouse mansion - but now, the changing rooms have all stopped, like a powered-down amusement park. It almost seems like they were the same rooms all along as they are now. Was the rest all an illusion?
      I'm somewhere on the second floor - whoever I am. I'm dressed in a light black robe and I have red hair (I don't).
      I make my way through the rooms and down the stairs to the exit. I'm a little afraid to go, but I have to. There are points where I close my eyes in anticipation of what I'll see in the rooms - events are the same as the first time I dreamed this, and in this dream I remember that. For a moment, though, I'll remember either who I am or that I am dreaming and move more confidently. The feeling would fade away after a short time.
      After besting the trials of the manor, I exit into a dark and humid urban environment. Before me is a long straight road, with hazy light fixtures on either side. It looks like I'm seeing it through a car window, but I'm just standing there. Elsewhere there is a grid of featureless buildings and between them, a labyrinth of little roads. A few people come and go.
      Someone speaks to me -- I don't remember ever seeing him -- and I am running as he does, following some unfamiliar girl. She falls and is injured, and a man appears and carries her. He's stocky, but quite agile, and fairly vulgar from what I remember him muttering.
      The disembodied voice is telling me that I am looking at one point in my life, in the universe, on a time line. That everything has already "happened," and as I hear him, things slow down. For a moment I feel aware again, and I move back and forth through time by a few seconds. It feels more like reading a book, though -- but I don't feel disillusioned. It seems so right and reassuring.
      We three runners come together before some fourth figure -- the source of the voice, no doubt. Some words are exchanged but things have faded heavily and I enter a different dream.
    5. Dream Journal: Movie, Airport, High School Picnic, Spider Panic, Male vs. Female, FAs Galore

      by , 11-17-2010 at 07:05 PM
      My dream recall really improved tonight, I had a lot of dreams, but I really remember a lot of fragments rather than these long and drawn out scenarios. I know that looking back it's actually very hard for me to distinguish some of my dreams from reality because they are mostly mundane and I have the PassObs state so pervasive in my dreams.

      Dream 1-- HellBoy Reloaded

      This movie has nothing to do with Hellboy, except that it has the main actress from the movie. I am PassObs in this dream, watching the movie as it unfolds before me. It feels like I'm caught in the trailer because she is narrating the whole time as I am observing, and there is a lot of mental commentary going on in the background of my mind.

      So, the dream starts with her talking about herself and how she was a confused girl or something looking for love. Then I see a scene where she is inside of a giant cake that is being pushed down the hall. She has a similar costume as if she were in the movie Hellboy, thus the title. She says she is looking for love, and that her whole life turned around after this one event.

      The cake gets pushed into a restaurant. And it's directly in the middle. Suddenly there are 5 guys, who I recognize as all competing for her love, that burst out in a murdering spree everyone in the restaurant. There are three guys who I basically discard and don't pay attention to. There is one guy with red hair, who I can't think of at the moment, and the last one is Wolverine! haha.

      So I see Wolverine kill people, and then he takes this one guy out of the room by his claws. This whole time I'm thinking "how does she gets these men to like her?" "Maybe she just displays her real personality and whether or not they like her doesn't actually affect her because she has so many people who like her".. It's a really intricate thought process that I'm not doing justice to here, but I felt sad and depressed while thinking the thoughts. I was looking at the movie as a type of archetype for how to act, and I had this mental cycle that basically went "I'm not good enough, how do I get better?, the movie knows the answer so watch the movie and learn the right way."

      Anyway, I follow Wolverine out into where he dragged the guy, and suddenly I'm in my cabana back in Dallas. I can't say for sure what happened after this because I had another dream at 5am that really scares me and might be a true account about what I did, but I am not for sure because I can only remember what I said happened.

      Dream 2-- 5am continuation of dream 1

      So, in this dream, everything repeats just like dream 1. When I follow Wolverine out I become aware that I am part of an assassination squad, and our group name is on this serving tray that looks exactly like what they would bring you for an order or room service. Once again, I am in my cabana.

      I look around, and I am in this rectangular room, which doesn't actually resemble my cabana at all except the ground is carpetted a light blue and the doors are white. The tray disappears as I look back, and it is replaced by three of my high school friends: Stewart, AK, and a third person. I immediately announce to them that this is a dream and that I had just experienced this situation earlier, but I don't become lucid.

      I explain to them in detail exactly what had happened, or at least what I remember. I cannot be sure if in this dream I am giving a true account of what happened in the original dream, but I seem pretty damn convinced, and everything I was describing was accurate.

      So, I tell this is a dream, and I show them what I did. I walk over to a door, and I say, "I opened this door, and there's a bed and a TV, and I watched the TV from the bed." I open the door, and it initially it doesn't seem like there is a bed inside but I can see the TV. It doesn't matter, I don't look long enough to care. I walk over to another door and say and here is the exit. As I am walking over I can see the look on their faces is really freaked out/surprised. Both of their eyes are like in a way that is really exaggerated. I can't believe I didin't lucid this!! That's the end.

      Dream 3-- Airport Group Bathroom

      Some of my dreams that I have now-a-days seem to give me memories of dreams I've had in the past but WHILE I'M STILL IN THE DREAM. It's very weird. When I wake up I cannot remember having any dream like it, but in my dream mind I am sure of my location, and it all seems very familiar. In fact, I have memories of how the other dreams went, but they only last as long as my dream.

      In this dream, I am carrying a blue tub, which is a debate term for one of the 10 gallon plastic containers that carry everything. I am walking through an airport, and I think that is my luggage. I know I need to take a shower before I board because I don't want to be gross for the flight. I walk over to this huge gray table where there is a security guard sitting down. He is black.

      I put down my tub on the table, and I open it a little maybe to see what's inside but change my mind because he calls me over. He asks from my student ID, I give him my college student ID, and then I walk over to bathroom. I don't remember walking through any door, but I appear in the bathroom at the back right hand corner. I am only wearing a towel at this point. This is a huge square room where there are lines of sinks along the wall, and people sitting in stools near each sink. At the opposite corner (front left) I see a door that is slightly open and appears to be a shower. Where I am seems to be some sort of sauna.

      I walk around looking for an empty spot, but I'm not saying anything. I think I'm in PassObs at this point because the scenery is so still and I'm not interacting at all. I find an empty sink and put down a white book I had in my hands apparently. As I sit, I get tapped on the shoulder. It's a black woman wearing what looks like blue scrubs as if she were a nurse.

      She says something but I can't hear her because I have my right earbud in randomly. I take it out and do a sort of curt "what?" and she asks me a question I can't remember and I say "no." she proceeds to tell me that I am very rude and that I need to watch the way I speak. This comment makes me really self-conscious and ends the dream because I go into a PassObs state and everything begins to turn black. I think about how my comment really was rude and how I might actually be a rude person without realizing it and that I don't want to be rude in the future.

      Dream Fragment 4-- Spider vs. Cat

      This dream was a drawn out battle between what seemed like two comic super hero characters that were going to kill each other. Once again, I was passive observer in this dream, watching the scene as if it were a movie and all I could do was watch and think. We are in this darkened room, and I see the SpiderGuy (who is white with black hair, long sideburns, and I can't remember clothing) getting his head hit against a wall. As his head smashes against the wall, he looks to the right, which is looking directly at me. Suddenly, he morphs into a spider, and he crawls around trying to escape.

      Because it's night, he is very sneaky and goes underneath a bed that I am on. The opponent, who I never see, starts to wait. After a little bit of no action, the spider crawls along the side of a wall at a fast speed toward the door at the other end of this darkened room. I see the opponent now, in the form of a cat, jump up and try to get him. Freaked out, the spider crawls all the way back underneath the bed, and we wait again.

      We wait for a long time, maybe 2 minutes, and then these thoughts enter my head like, he's decided never to come out, what a brilliant strategy. And because thoughts determine reality, I stop thinking about the fight altogether, and just pay attention to this cat that is now sitting near the foot of this bed I am on. The cat, which is orange and white, starts to move toward me a little after I bring my attention to it.

      It doesn't reach me though, it turns and climbs into what looks like a crib. There is a black cat that hops in from out of my vision. I assume that these cats know eachother because they start to snuggle. I observe how they interact with each other and try to determine what their relationship is like based on their behavior and what signals they are trying to send to each other. This is my classic PassObs state, where I am just watching an event and being purely analytical about it. I am having these thoughts like "oh, the orange cat is moving away slightly agitated so it doesn't like the black cat that much. The black cat is really needy for attention and affection, but the orange cat doesn't want to give it to him. I wonder if the orange cat knows and is just too cool or what"

      Stuff like that. Whenever I go deep into PassObs, I end up either switching dream scenes completely because my environment turns all black and I lose focus on any particular sight because I am caught up in my thoughts or I wake up.

      Dream 5-- High School Picnic

      This dream starts off in a really nice house. I am with my friend, Will, from high school and apparently his dad and some other people. We all walk into this room that looks like a classroom, but seems to be part of the mansion as well. Everyone sits down on top of a desk because there are no chairs in this room. Some people have some bud that they are smoking and I don't have any so I start looking for some.

      Somehow I know that underneath these desks there are drawers that I and pull out. I try a couple and there is nothing in them. I walk over to a separate isle of desks and try again. I find what looks like purely a rolling paper, but as I pull it out I hear a dad say "oh look he got one" so I decide to light it. I have to squish it together and roll it with my fingers for it to remain taut and not fall apart. As I am smoking it I get the feeling like I am actually getting high. My vision starts to blur a little and I completely relax into the situation. My analytical mind goes blank and I just start walking along. I end up walking outside where there are a bunch of other high school friends having a picnic.

      They are sitting on these wooden tables that have pizza and chips on them. I see Gefen, and Doug, and David C., and Sean. All of these people I have seen smoke bud at one point or another, so the connection here is clear. As I am walking around, I am trying to have conversations with some of them, but I get in my head and analytical about what we are talking about, which makes me want to move on and do something else because the analytical aspect makes me really uncomfortable and uneasy. I can't talk to anybody without my mind firing a million thoughts per second, so I just wander around high for a while. I never finish my blunt, but I continue to smoke it throughout the dream.

      False Awakening 1-- Talking to Daniel

      So I am flying to Boston on Thursday, so I wanted to call my friend over at BU to hang out and chill. I did this during a False Awakening and our conversation was like Me: "hey man, I'm coming into town this weekend" "oh nice man.. (something about his roommate)" "I'll be there Thursday Friday Saturday wan to chill" "(says something nonresponsive)" (SILENCE) in my head I go PassObs thinking about whether I should say "are you free?" or just drop the conversation and take his non-committal response as a no. Then I start thinking about all the cool stuff he must be doing in BU and how he just chills until someone asks him to do something and then goes with the flow that way. WOW I get up in my head!!

      False Awakening 2-- Comments from Matthew

      Yesterday I had a 30 minute conversation with my TA in Writing class about how to do this upcoming project. He talked to me a lot about my analytical mind and how I like to tackle the larger, meta issues of a subject, which sometimes forces me away from the more pragmatic and applicable problems that the prompt is trying to point to. These comments started me thinking about how that applies to my life in everyday situations and how I could change that behavior or what I would need to do in order for that behavior to change.

      In my dream, I am writing down geometrical shapes and words on graph paper while listening to a distant voice that sounds exactly like Matthew. He is telling me in my dream that I am too critical and that I need to settle down and relax. I am sorting through the paper trying to find where I put these comments. He is explaining that I already know everything I just need to organize the thoughts and make them cogent instead of muddling the issue and trying to make it more complex. I think I am awake this whole time because I am in my dorm room and everything seems normal.

      After enough of these comments, I go into PassObs of self-criticism about my behavior and my ability to learn things and write essays, which causes the dream scene to go black and I wake up.

      Dream 6-- Arguments with Friends about Gender

      So I am in a separate darkened room with two people that I think I know. They seem to be related because they are lying in the same bed, while I am in my own chair, which I think is a bean bag chair. At first, I am facing them and we are talking about the difference between guys and girls. We are talking about it from the parent's point of view and which would be harder to raise and why.

      I don't know what we were saying specifically, but out of synchronicity, the TV turns on, and I swivel around somehow in my bean bag chair. The TV character looks like Jon Stewart and he is explaining how for guys the cost of being raised is like $2 because we don't need anything. For girls it's like $50,000 because they need tampons, bras, and all of these other materials. After the show is over I turn around and we all start laughing.

      Dream Fragment 7-- Nurse Mom

      I am laying in the bed I sleep in whenever I go to my grandparent's house. Instead of being normal, my legs are hanging off the side and I am lying on some pillows, with my face turned to the side looking at a TV screen with some medicial show playing. I feel sick, and I transition from being inside my body to going PassObs and being a part of the show through the camera. Next, my mom walks into the room with some soup. This dream occurred chronologically after I had the dream where I smoked the blunt, so I was really worried that she would notice the smell of bud. This is an example where I have memories of previous dreams inside of my dream.

      She comes over and pats me on the back in a comforting way. I start to get really paranoid and freaked out that she knows, which forces me into PassObs mode and then out of the dream!! Grr!

      Dream Fragment 8-- Talking to a DC

      This isn't lucid, but I'm in my dorm room talking to a DC. He is explaining to me his experiences with LD and how it helped him in his life. He explains to me how he used to be depressed and lacking in creativity. Then he found the world of LD and he never wanted to leave. It allowed him to fully explore his imagination and take a leap into another world. I suddenly get this vibrant thought of me flying over a city and just racing through the wind. There is a great breeze going through my hair, but the scene is amazing and awesome, and now I am super motivated to fly in a LD!

      Overall, my dream recall really improved tonight, but I also think that I was not getting very deep sleep. I was tossing and turning a lot which I think kept my consciousness level higher than normal, but also affected my rest. I didnt hear my WILD alarm go off at 5am, but I still had many FAs which is a sign that my WILDing techniques are getting better. I feel like I am having more and more obvious chances to DILD, which is really encouraging. I am focusing more on RCing during the day and making them serious RCs. I will take deep breaths and start looking around and feeling my clothes in order to get a mixture of sense perceptions. I tell myself throughout the day "When I am dreaming, I will look at my hands and recognize the dream state." I'm really motivated on this WILD journey, and I think that with a little more practice I will start having these WILDs and DILDs tonight! I can see it happening, there is just that little extra step of realizing shit is weird in the dream. I will have to start paying more attention to my reality so that I can say "hey this is a little weird, I'm going to RC" just to ingrain the habit.
    6. I keep dreaming of a guy I've never met

      by , 11-17-2010 at 06:55 PM
      For a while I had these dreams that I was either in a relationship with or just friends with this man. I know who the guy is but I've never met him before, heck i've never even had a conversation with him before! But he keeps coming into my dreams!

      Last night i dreamed he was sitting with one of my old friends outside my house and my old friend asked him about his boyfriend (which was weird because he isn't gay) and he didn't acknowledge me at all. I woke up from that dream only to dream about him agian! And this time he was my best friend! I was such a good friend with him that I remember just walking into his "house" and his mom just being like "Come on in!" and we just hung out for what seemed like hours! I remember being so happy just hanging out with guy. And everytime it's the same. I dream about him and I just feel so incredibly happy that when I wake up I just get sad!

      What could this mean?
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. 11/11 Cruise ship & Weird Movie

      by , 11-17-2010 at 06:54 PM
      Cruise Ship

      This one is from several nights ago, I just hadn't posted it online. It was pretty strange, and confusing even just after I woke, not to mention nearly a week later... But here we go anyway
      We are in some sort of fancy cruise ship. There is red carpeting with gold trim in all the corridors. The walls are stained cherry, and there are gold/brass fancy light fixtures protruding from the walls at regular intervals. To my right is a super old telephone, it's hooked up to a pc so that guests can make calls on the old phone, and still get the experience, even though the technology is outdated. I get the sense that I and several others have been transported through time and find ourselves on this ship.[/INDENT]
      Everything gets very vague after this point.
      I've got a sense of being forward in time, seeing problems in the world. Friends are dead. Relationships are ruined. We return home and fix the problems that I saw in the future. As a final act, I must go into an abandoned movie theater. I'm trapped in here, but can communicate with the outside world. There is an old man on the outside with a map of the realm I'm trapped in. He sits staring at it, while on the inside, I'm trying to find a way out. After a while, he figures out that it somehow relates to chess, he circles a few spaces on his map with a sharpie, and I play a game of chess with an unknown force, and escape. Hurray!


      Weird Movie

      I seem to be watching a movie. I'm not participating at all in this dream.
      The dream begins with very cintematic camera angles. It shows the stomach of a woman. Then a hip with a thong being tied around it. Lips with lipstick being applied. Eyes with Eye shadow being applied. Camera zooms out to reveal it was all done by a 14-15 year old girl. I get the sense that this is a whorehouse in Britain. A 20ish boy knocks on the door, and is answered by an overly made-up woman of 45. She tells him that the girl is not ready yet because he's too early, and tells him that he knows that. In effort to keep his business, she calls another girl to come in and 'keep him busy' until the young girl from the beginning is ready.
      A 20ish girl enters the room, and begs the older woman 'Nooo, please nooo!' etc. Girl and boy go into a side room. Boy appologizes for what he said to her last time. I get the feeling that it was very terrible for her. She says 'I thought you went back home.'
      The boy replies 'I did but when I saw the British space shuttle on the news, I had to come back.'

      I wake up. Lol that was wierd.
      I reach for my dream journal to enter my dreams. I am still in bed, with the notebook on my lap, pen in my fingers trying to recall my dreams.
      I wake up again... Wow, my first FA.
      It's funny though, when I wake up for real I can still feel the lasting feeling of the pen between my fingers. I RC to be sure, and sure enough, I'm really awake. Oh well.
    8. Dead Space

      by , 11-17-2010 at 04:57 PM
      (I was a hybrid of Nicole/somebody in this one. At times it was me, and at other times it wasn't me. For the sake of this dream being recorded, I will say that it wasn't me.)

      Nicole was doing her daily rounds in the medical bay when she noticed some people were beginning to act strange. Not violent - just. . . Out of the normal. She noted this in her daily log and went to bed. The next day, things were drastically different. People were. . . Mutating. Turning into something that most definetely was not human. Her parter, whom had been doing rounds with her, told her things were changing. Not everything was going to be the same after this. His face was beginning to melt into some kind of lumpy mass of flesh, and when Nicole asked him what h meant, he simply lifted his hand and pointed.


      One of them was tearing into somebody with obvious enjoyment.

      Nicole gasped, and her coworker simply turned calmly and began to walk away. He showed them to a safe house - but it honestly didn't matter. The entire colony, which was situated in the ocean, began to go to hell. The dome that covered it cracked, and the ocean quickly rushed in to cover everything. Nicole quickly got to a terminal, and began to call Isaac, hands shaking and voice barely audible.

      He got it.

      And the first thing he did was scream. He had to go back into hell to save the person he loved, and it wasn't fair to him, because he'd just come back from the Ishimura. Regardless, he found his newer, better version of his armor. He strapped it on, and with a blinding flash of light, the suit's systems came on.

      I woke up right as Isaac was showing up and Nicole was scavenging through supplies methodically in a closet, trying to determine how many people she could save and how many would try to kill her from trying.
      non-lucid , memorable
    9. World Reality Merging

      by , 11-17-2010 at 10:10 AM
      The past two nights I've had complicated lucid dreams, that I only remember in fragments. I'm not remembering to remain motionless when I wake up, and every move I make weakens my memory of the dreams. They are very weirdly disjointed dreams that possibly mark different brain modes and rhythms. Or possibly just minor adjustments of my head while asleep?

      I was in a multi-storied apartment building crossed with a community center. It had vibrant red checkered floors and lots of friendly people. I was with ex-girlfriends off and on. And I was also with a group of friends and family. At some point I was lucid and started to fly. I vaguely remember a flying Disneyland style tea cup! I was using it to fly others around with me. I also remember passing through "a rip in the dreamscape."

      To my horror, I remember very little about the events leading up to the fantastic conclusion:

      I was standing in front of my Mother and Ex-girlfriend. I was holding a cylindrical rod in my hands. I asked them in a somewhat smug tone: "Do you like how I merged the dream world with the real world, permanently?"

      I remember they were reclined with drinks, looking very comfortable in the luxury high rise apartment I was standing in. I remember reviewing in my mind the portals that merged the "two worlds." The rod was about 1-ft long, made of fine grain wood, and had two silvery caps on each end. Similar in shape to a pipe bomb.
    10. Dreams of Nov. 15th

      by , 11-17-2010 at 07:35 AM
      I fell asleep listening to music as normal. Some songs made it into my dreams that I recall. So I was in my house, and talking to my brother maybe a bit, I was showing him a song though (which was playing) I got through the whole song, and it was playing through a cupboard in my kitchen. The song was "As I Went Out One Morning" I was just standing there, thinking abut the song as we listened. I'm not sure If he said he liked it or not. Then the second song came on "The Simple Story" And my brother was singing this song, I was surprised how much he sounded like the actual singer(He is good with impressions in real life.). I didn't even know he heard the song before(Probably hasn't). So yeah that was it, still in the kitchen. ALSO, these songs may have made it into my dream, it seems awful familiar(I looked back at the songs that played and they rang a bell) "Eight Days a Week" and "Crocodile Rock" seems quite familiar, that order and all, but I'm not really sure,

      Second dream. This one was war themed. I am not sure at the order to much of this, so I'll just list it.
      -I was at my old house, and it was getting attacked. There was like a resistance in the house, and people all out front and stuff. I think at some point I had to open the door because a friendly was outside.
      -Some soldier wanted a promotion, and he listed all these reasons why he should get one (He had piece of paper outlining it all). One of the reasons was that this one guy was already promoted, way long ago, and he(the guy wanting to get promoted) deserves it more.
      -There was the flame-thrower from Worms: Armageddon. It worked exactly the same, but was first person.
      -There was training, and there were a bunch of shelve units with different weapons backpacks etc. Once you stopped at one, you had to use it properly or whatever. At some point this place got attacked, and we failed (maybe it was a test?) so we had to try again, I dove and grabbed a shotgun properly.
      -There was a camp, a Sargent or something arrived there. The soldiers were drunk (they'd been drinking anyways)
      -I was walking my dog, and it seemed everything came up so I couldn't walk him. Like I couldn't climb the path or something. I arrived at the top of a hill, and a guard tower told me I had to turn around. The ground was scorched.
      -there was like a boss fight at the end.
      non-lucid , memorable
    11. Unclean Boxing Match, seeking education in sleep cycles, summoning Vader for a duel

      by , 11-17-2010 at 05:12 AM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      17/11/10 The dream was massive but I remember little before actually turning lucid.
      There was something about a mini LAN event.
      Thomas Marcusen (old school friend) was there.
      Stoffer was there.
      Then there is a massive park of some description, the sun is shining.
      We are setting up tables for a public event.
      I feel like I don't quite belong there, although I am a common face in the group.
      There is a woman from my study who is sort of taking the lead.
      I grab some milk and start drinking it out of the carton, but am careful not to let my lips touch it in case anyone else want some.
      Think there is a quick thinking process about mouth-mouth transmitted diseases.
      Rasmus is talking about how his brother has come home for the weekend.
      He has gone to a festival and returned a day later without saying he was going, now with a woman in his bed, although this woman later is a man.
      The boys and I are going to a fight between some random (played by the actor playing Cas is Supernatural) guy and Geaorge Foreman, who is actually Evander Holyfield, but we call him George.

      The fight is messy and unclean, but the crowd seems to love it so an atmosphere is building and the fighters embrace it. George seems to have the upper hand and at one point knocks the other guy clean out, that is the first time we see it. Although we are physically present at the fight there is still a replay function and seen from another angle the other boxer returns to his feet very swiftly, which I find a bit strange. There is a break up and Cas takes the opportunity to throw George to the ground and gets a stern warning from the ref, however there is limited the ref can really do at this point due to the intense atmosphere surrounding the fight. George knocks him through the ropes and to the floor and at this point I am standing in the ring and start a chant that takes the crowd with me “To the Floor!”. George takes it to the floor and starts stomping on the poor guys face, I feel a little bad for this.

      After this I am in a class room of sorts and here Cas is teaching something concerning sleep cycles. I feel very tired and I am walking around in a beige suit, hmm it has been a long time since I have worn this suit (technically I don't have the vest I was wearing either IWL). I feel like I have pulled an all-nighter, but I am there out of respect for the guy. We are old friends after all. It is a bit like a film scene where two main characters look at each other in silent understanding, except I don't understand at all why I know the man, but I know I am given the context of the situation. He is teaching something about re-arranging letters in words, that although slightly amusing seems pointless, but relevant somehow. He is walking around the class and spots me, I wink at him and he comes over. He abandons the class because we have something to talk about, which I think is a goodbye. We go to his flat and I lay down on the bed and shortly after so does he although he takes his clothes off first, which means it is getting slightly uncomfortable for me. We talk about something and towards the end of the conversation I give him a brief hug making sure he is covered in a duvet before doing it. I get up.

      I look around and my eyes fall upon a glass covered surface. It is dark, but still the surface doesn't produce a reflection of any kind. Hang on a minute this is what I was just paying attention to in waking life. I am dreaming. I talk to the professor who is supposed to be an expert on sleep cycles, yet he has never heard of the topic of Lucid dreaming. I spend a lot of time rubbing my hands and activating my senses while I talk to him about lucid dreaming in order to stabilise the dream. I try flying through the window as a demonstration, doesn't work, damnit. Ah ok, just going to try to fly through it backwards, success! I am now in a park of some description, the sun is shining brightly and everyone in the park seems to be wearing a smile of peace and enlightenment. I run over the grass and while doing so I try and pick up a ball using Telekinesis, which I am only somewhat successful with (The ball moves in the direction I want, but can't keep up with my pace). I leave it for a bit and try and think about what to do. I am not going to call Mitzu, as I am afraid she will just end the dream prematurely so instead I decide to try out something new, to see if I can make lightning shoot out of my hands, which I can't although my arm starts throbbing in the effort.

      I try and think if there are some tasks I should be doing as I am manoeuvring around the city paying attention to all the details to remain in the dream. Minka (very old and dear friend) appeasr on a bike and I think that there was something about being thankful, or was that last month? Who cares, I call out to her to stop, she is riding a bike. She says she will come back in one minute, I tell her we are dreaming, she stops pronto and gets off the bike. I tell her I am thankful for her always being kind and a good friend and hug her. I carry on down the street trying to get my phone to work, it sort of does, but I can't seem to get to the texting interface propper so I can't write kaiser, gah some other time maybe.

      I fly around for a bit thinking about what to do, damn I have a poor creative imagination. Ah well, I recently had a dream about duelling Darth Vader, where I wished I was lucid so I expect him to pop up around the corner, which he does. He hands me a sabre and we kick it off and I demonstrate my very limited force powers to my friends as they appear. Although it is great fun being in a sabre fight it was actually more entertaining when I wasn't lucid, when the sense of fear actually meant something however I enjoyed it enough for it to have been worthwhile, I mean it is after all a light sabre. I realise I have been focusing too much on Vader and the dream starts to fade as I wake up.
    12. Dream Journal: Spice Girls, Carnival, False Awakening

      by , 11-16-2010 at 05:25 PM
      Dream 1-- Spice Girls Remix

      So, this dream is half passive observer half I'm actually noticing that I'm in my body. Most of my dreams now are pretty sexual because I haven't masturbated for like a week now. I actually feel more energized because of it, but this is a DJ....

      So I start out in my room. I'm facing away from my bathroom, meaning that I can see the rest of my room, including my bed and my LoveSac (which is a comfy and huge bean bag chair. I hear this music start to play. My whole screen of vision goes red and I can see this black girl with a golden wig on starting to sing. I think she starts singing a song that's uniquely Spice Girls at first so I can begin to recognize who they are.

      This is my Passive Observer state. Here, it's like I'm just the camera for this music video with thoughts and critique. The camera will change easily and there won't be much feeling inside me, just thoughts and analysis of the video I'm watching.

      So I see the black girl at first, she's wearing a white Halter top and some skimpy shorts. Suddenly, the camera pans out and I feel like I'm in my body in my room, and I can see all five of them. The song keeps playing and I'm having the realization that I'm listening to the Spice Girls in my room, but it doesn't cause me to RC or wake up. Then, the screen turns all green as the camera focuses in on another of the girls, who looks like she is kind of depressed. She is white with black hair, and she plays the cello. She has a very weird voice that doesn't actually go with the song at all. In my PassObs state, I question the legitimacy of her playing the cello and how it would affect the song. I start listening to the music more carefully and realize that the cello is being played really fast but somehow it works with the music. I get the feeling like in concert she must get really tired.

      Pan out again. I'm sitting in the same place looking at all five of them. For one of the verses one of them starts to sing who sounds kinda Asian, and she even makes the comment about how she has the classic Asian accent, as part of the song. What's funny is how this whole time I am trying to remember the lyrics for the song, and I feel really confident in my version, but they keep changing the song into something really random, like at one point they are talking about horses.

      Then the video suddenly shifts, and now I'm standing at the doorway to my sister's room, and I see this one hot blonde Spice Girl start doing a seductive dance as the beginning of another song. She is wearing basically nothing, I can see her stomache and legs. I want to F this girl, but I'm in PassObs (oh how I wish I was lucid!). They start another song, but it doesn't last very long because I roll over in bed.

      Dream 2-- Busted by the Police for the First Time

      So, this dream starts off similar to the other dream where I feel like I'm just a camera that is part of a movie. I am in the sky and floating down as I see lots of people crowded around some rides. There is procession of buses and sounds to my left. There are these silver gates that separate different areas where people are either waiting to get on a ride or are on the ride. It's all out on in the open, all on concrete, but I can't really see the ground because there are so many people.

      As I am still floating downward in camera mode, I hear Dave Chappelle tell a Joke that I cannot remember, but I feel like I had it in my memory for a long time because I knew it when he said it. As the camera finally descends, I become a person and start walking around, but I am alone at this carnival. I get to this one section where there aren't a lot of people and I decide to try and start drinking so that I can loosen up and have some more fun. It's the classic red Solo cup filled with beer. As I drink and walk, I realize that I'm like the only one in this part of the Carnival somehow, and so I start walking towards the party. As I get closer, I see out of the corner of my eye that there is a group of police officersstanding on the other side of the metal fence, scoping out the situation and probably carding people.

      At first, I feel really confident I won't get IDed as long as I walk confidently and act like I don't even notice them. I remember that I haven't shaved in four days and I have never gotten busted before. I walk past all of them, but the last one says "Hey, get over here" and "Show me your ID." I know I'm fucked, but I'm like "OK" in a calm voice. I start patting my pockets as if I don't know which pocket it's in. He is starting to get impatient and is like "C'mon, C'mon." As I open my wallet, I realize that I don't have my ID. Although in real life there is no real explanation for not having it, in my dream I think back to some event that happened earlier that justifies me not having it. I think about giving me school ID to the cop or this other ID I have, but he's like "You're not 21, I'm giving you a ticket." My heart sinks into my stomache and I feel awful. I can only look down as shame and guilt start to wash over me.

      I start to wonder what went wrong, when I look up there is a mirror there. I see that I had been wearing this white polo with purple stripes, I wasn't actually shaved, and I looked 17. I was like wow I am never wearing polo shirts out again, and I start beating myself up mentally like why would I be so stupid to wear out a polo and next time I am coming with friends. Why didn't I come with friends? If I had been here with a frat everything would have been fine, and then I picture myself being with a frat and drinking and having fun and all of that. Then I wake up

      Dream 3-- Space Ship Wars

      This dream is super obscure, but it involves people from my high school, which should be the most ultimate dream sign in existence for me and I don't know why I can't seem to RC it properly when it happens! I could be having DILDs every night along with my WILDs!!

      So the dream starts out at night time. I am on the radio with my teammates and we need to take out with our ships for what I think is a practice run, for fun. I don't remember ever flying these ships before and I can't think of any particular job we have to do for them. I am on some like school track or something, but there is a metal door that opens up like a garage door and reveals my space vehicle, which is shaped like a classic UFO.

      It's me Peter, Brendon, and this blonde girl who is really hot. We take off and I'm super shitty at flying my craft. I hear Peter and Brendon talking over the intercom, and I can see a lot of the action out of my front mirror. Most of my movements aren't coordinated with my brain, so they just kinda happen and I have to go along with them. The opponents we are fighting have crafts in the shape of the female sign (the circle with a line down and the horizontal stripe), which is funny because I got shown a binky yesterday that was that exact sign/shape.

      We start fighting the female shaped opponents, but I'm not really doing anything. I'm flying around just trying to get control of my vehicle, and I'm failing. I hear them talking about strategy and who they hit and who hit who, but I'm flying into a tree. I dodge the tree by going straight down and my shit crashes into a pool of water. Suddenly, I am swimming with this hot blonde, and Peter comes down too. We are all three in the pool, just relaxing, when Peter gets back in his craft and I get back in mine and we take off again. I still can't control mine for shit, and then Brendon announces that we won, so I land my UFO back into the water.

      It's me Peter and the hot girl again and we are like under a bridge but I can see the original place that we hung out before taking off a second time. I'm sort of away from Peter and the girl, feeling a little PassObs but wanting to be a part of the celebration. Suddenly, as if it were part of a movie, the girls floats over to me with a big smile on her face, and we start making out!! I'm really happy.

      Dream Fragment 4-- False Awakening After WILD

      So I am doing a WILD Journey, and I set my alarm for 5am after going to sleep at 12. I remembered to start counting in my head before falling back asleep, and this night I actually managed to get back to sleep relatively quickly. Looking back, I had read on these forums that usually WILDs will start with false awakenings in the exact bed/room you are in, so you need to get adept/used to RCing upon awakening every time.

      I didn't do that and I sat up in my dorm room bed and looked over at my roommate. The scene was kinda fuzzy but it was super weird. My roommate was sitting at the head of his bed, and there was this shirt hanging from a rack. Behind the shirt was this giant slab of meat, and it looked like he was on his computer taking notes about this slab of meat or something. I didn't say anything and nothing else was going on, but I remember thinking about how weird the whole thing was. I fell back asleep and missed my chance to LD from my WILD, but I'm glad I am noticing my FAs and that I actually successfully transitioned!

      Dream Fragment 5-- Samurai Fight

      This dream was really long, but it got cut extraordinarily short due to the morning time, and I think that messed up my recall. I had been reading The Book of Five Rings before I went to sleep, and so I had sword fighting as a theme bright inside my head for tonight.

      There was a large build-up, but me and this guy face off to fight. He starts to charge me and I have all of these thoughts running into my head like how is he going to strike, will I be able to defend, how can I win this. I was getting all excited about fighting him because part of me knew it was a dream and that it was going to be exciting. I think I was on the verge of lucidity when my roommate's alarm clock went off in my opponent's mid stride!! I was so disappointed when I found myself in my bed. It was the first time in a while that I was going to fight in a dream.
    13. first successful WILD attempt!

      by , 11-16-2010 at 02:29 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      Damn, I guess I've made more progress in dreaming that I originally thought...
      first successful WILD (wake induced lucid dream) tonight, Tuesday, November 16th 2010, time of closing eyes, 3:33 AM. I never thought it would be that much of a rush, you go into sleep paralysis, and it feels like your mind is being shot out of a cannon straight upward, at first I tried to stop, but then I just rode it out. it's the most awesome feeling I have ever experienced in my life

      the dream itself was nothing special, I was laying in my bed, unsure if it worked or not, so I decided to risk a reality check, I was dreaming! I started feeling the sheets, passively observing how realistic they were. I got up and walked to my mirror, I looked into it and tried to focus on going to the moon. I touched the mirror, solid... I was feeling drowsy anyway. I turned away from the mirror, and started calling for my dream guide for about five minutes, that didn't work either... well I was tired, so I figured I would just crawl back in bed, no harm in just resting, it's not like this is going to be my last dream ever. so I crawl back in bed, and just sleep

      I wake up feeling rejuvenated, more so than usual.
      lucid , memorable
    14. November 15 - Zombie Apocalypse

      by , 11-15-2010 at 10:41 PM
      I don't know how the zombie apocalypse starts in my dream. When I enter, the pandemic has already begun and where I am at there seems to be nobody around. I walk through what seems to be a large, courtyard type area outside of a medium sized cottage house. I enter the house through some French doors and flip on some lights. I had entered what seemed to be the kitchen area, though it's rather small. When I switch on the lights, I all of a sudden can see zombies meandering around the courtyard exactly where I had been only a moment before. However, they don't seem to take any care in the fact that I am drawing attention to myself. I then go to the stove and pick up a frying pan that I intend to use as a weapon.

      I look out the French doors from where I just came and notice a large pipe about waist high going through what all of a sudden appears to be a extremely thick brick wall starting at the side of the cottage. Inside of the pipe is a boy who I seem to recognize, but I can't place who it is. Standing directly in front of the pipe with its back to the boy is another zombie. I can, however, tell that he's pleading for help so I begin to knock loudly on the windows farther away to draw all of the zombie's attentions. Suddenly alert to my presence, they all swarm to the area where I am knocking and begin to moan and claw at the glass. That is, all except the zombie standing in front of the boy. It stays oblivious until the boy finally decides to retreat into the pipe. Finally this particular zombie seems to take notice of movement and follows the boy into the pipe. Since the zombies are enthralled with where I was knocking on the glass, I decide to go try to help him and follow through the same pipe.

      When I come out on the other side, it seems like we're in something similar to a darkly colored prison hall in aura. The entire hall is made of a dark steel. I immediately see the boy and the zombie wrestling with each other and I grip my skillet to get ready to help. The next thing I hear is the boy yelling at the zombie, "No! Don't bite me! Don't bite me!" A cold dread washed over me and I slowly shuffled around the fray and took off running down the hall, leaving the boy behind me. A guilt fills me as I hear him call after me, "No! Don't leave me behind! You'll regret this!"

      Somehow I end up entering what seems to be a larger metal room filled with survivors. What's even more weird than coincidentally coming upon this group is that the boy I just left behind is sitting in the corner of the room with blood running down his arm. It seems that he was telling the story of his almost-escape from the disaster when he turns to speak to me, "I didn't get bitten by the zombie you saw me fighting. After I finally crushed his skull, I was attacked by another zombie that had found me. I could've been saved if you had been there." Almost as soon as he says these last words to me, I wake up.
    15. Some short dreams

      by , 11-15-2010 at 08:55 PM
      I'm in my grandparents' bathroom, sitting on the toilet. There are two doors in the room that really aren't there. Also the toilet seat was on the wrong side of the room. Some people come in. I tell them to go off. They are students from some school. Their teacher comes in also. I tell her for them to get the fuck out of here because I'm on the toilet. More students keep coming in. I lose my nerve and start pushing them off the room with my feet. I fall off the seat. They laugh at me. I get back to the seat and grab a boy from his feet with mine and throw him on the wall with superhuman power. Finally they leave the room. I also leave it. I go to tell to mom. On the way I think: "How didn't I realize that was a dream? There were two extra doors and the toilet seat was on the wrong side of the room!"

      There are 4 people in a hotel room, two girls and two boys. They were about 19 years old. They had to stay for the night in the room. They go to sleep. But then another of the girl goes naked and they end up having sex. Another of the boys got a STD from the girl. By the way, the view was nice (I mean from the hotel room, not the girls you pervert ).
      Tags: sex, toilet
      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment