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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Random Fights, Ellen Degeneres and 11 O' Clock AM (SDE Day 09)

      by , 08-23-2012 at 04:12 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Random fights (Non-lucid)


      I remember being outside, and it looks like it's a little dark outside, and we're under a some train tracks. It honestly feels like the part of New York I walked through during vacation. There a mix of colors of lights ranging from purple, red, white, etc. I can't remember too much on the dream characters engaging in this really pointless battle against each other. There seems to be just two groups fighting one another, and I'm only watching everyone just moving around, trying not to get hit too much.

      There were moments where several members would try to attack one or two people, making the other group just stand there because they don't know what to do. After a while, the random moving around, waiting for someone to make a move started to get boring, and I only remember patting someone's back after this really pointless moving around and waiting for someone to make a move.
      Ellen DeGeneres and 11 O' Clock AM (Non-lucid)


      I'm in a High School again, and it feels like it's at Cypress Lakes again. I'm coming out of the area where the athletics locker rooms, and the P.E. Gym would be located at. I'm walking with a few people that are on the left and right of me. I noticed that Sarah from that last dream two days ago with the school bus thing is here again. She doesn't notice me as yet, she's just walking with two random people on both her sides as well.

      As I'm walking, I realize that how I walk is a little difficult. I'm wearing these default black shoes, and I get this small dream flashback of some sort where I decided to just wear the shoes without any socks because someone else wore gray shoes with the white rim on the bottom without any socks as well.

      I come back to the reality in this dream again, and presumed that the reason why I'm not walking properly and feeling as if I could slip and fall on the ground at any moment was because like the flashback suggested, I didn't wear any socks. The guy to the right of me resembles Cor (not his full name) that was a highly ranked Varsity Tennis player in the tennis team I was part of.

      I believe he's wearing the Varsity Tennis Outfit like Sarah did in this dream as well, which makes sense, since we just came out of the Athletics department. The floor consisted of small light-brown tiles, and the area was very spacious, probably because there weren't a lot of people in it to begin with.

      There's more than enough lighting from above with the the huge glass rooftop on top that's probably extending at least 1/4 of a mile like the High School in waking life. I didn't pay attention on whether or not it was artificial light or sunlight shining down inside the building.

      Cor started to correct me in nearly everything that I was declaring to myself at the time. It was annoying, but I felt that what he said to me made sense.
      A dream character that makes me feel stupid....well isn't that a nice...

      I'm still walking a little slow since this floor or shoes I'm wearing is making me slippery. I look at Sarah again, and for a split second, I saw a random image of a white sheet of paper with some kind of sketching. It looked like there were squares and lines stacked together, like a blueprint for some building. I come back to the reality in the dream again, and noticed someone, I think Cor, comes up to Sarah to tell her something.

      I had a feeling it's something I was talking to him about somehow while looking at her and blanking out for a few seconds. He was probably 5-6 feet away from me at the time, and he starts whispering to Sarah, which forces me to listen and augment how I'm receiving the audio input between the too. It seems Cor was mentioning a "she," so I guess he didn't include me in the conversation at all.

      Sarah turns around to listen to what he's saying, and she's just staring at the wall to the left of her, which looks weird from the angle I'm seeing her, because it looked like she was just blanking out and letting the information Cor gave her come passively. I couldn't hear anything else other than the word "she."

      I felt as if I missed out on some important information, and by important, I just mean based on the environment I'm in. It's a High School, so the only thing that would make me concerned if this was some kind of stereotypical setting where someone would tell someone else gossip, which in turn would make me wonder if they're mentioning me...

      After a while, I start losing focus on Sarah and Cor, and decided to focus on going to lunch. The dream shifts to where I'm waiting in line, with no white Styrofoam tray in my hand. I'm bracing my wrist against the shiny gray metal extension (forgot what you call it) where you place the tray and can slide it along the path. I look up to see who's going to serve me something to eat, and it's the girl that I remember shaking hands with at a store in waking life.

      In short, this was a girl who said she wanted to have sex with me....and you know what that means....

      Let's manipulate her a little bit and see if I can get a free meal!

      I look at her, and she's telling me something, but I forgot. When I looked down, I saw that there's a meal inside of what looks like what Caesar salads are served it (the black bottom and transparent plastic covering). I looked up at her and made facial expressions rather than talking on whether or not this is the meal she set out for me, and she nods.

      Then I hear her declare,

      "I put a little something special for you."

      Poison? Viagra? What did you put in here that was so "special?" Maybe she wanted me to eat it so I can pass out and she'd have sex with me knowing anything at all! Ha ha ha, don't be like that Link...but I really think she would do that if she could in waking life. Oh, and she's one of those girls who appear like an Amoeba, out of nowhere, and randomly say, "Hi!"

      But I wasn't thinking about what I said in gray just now during the dream, I was happy that I was special to her (LOL), but then the guy on my right starts grabbing some of my food with his fingers. I'm looking at him, making the facial express that just says, "WTF ARE YOU DOING?!?!"

      And he's still taking my food, and all I'm doing is just holding that facial expression until he gets a hint to just stop taking my food and eating it, but he's just going and going and going. I decided to just shift the tray to the left side, and asked the same girl if she can give me something else.

      She's a completely different person now, she basically just gives me the cold shoulder...

      Wooooow, so much for giving me something special....and so much for me manipulating her emotions for me to get something extra

      I can't really do anything at this point, or was too much of a wimp to demand that I get something to eat, so I just continue moving forward until I hit the section that's perpendicular to the line I was at. I saw a few things in the frozen section where you would pick up drinks like Gatorade, Sprite, etc. I saw some Sausage Biscuits that were frozen, and decided I should use the black tong to the left of me to get a few contained in the box.

      I don't know why I'm getting frozen Sausage biscuits, 1 Diet Coke and 2 Sprites...but at least it was better than nothing on my tray plate. I go up to the cash register, and I have to enter in my own lunch pin code from the machine.


      What the hell do I put? Lmao.

      "9658" is the first set of numbers that comes to mind...
      so I'm assuming this is what I put on the pin, but I do know I entered something else before that, and then cleared it to try again. I don't know if this is going to work, but I guess it does because the cash register didn't see anything wrong with it. Then things get a little random, and she points to a clock, and I look at it.

      I even looked away from it, and looked back again, but that didn't help with become aware of anything, despite knowing that I couldn't tell what time it was. I listen to the lady, and she said something like,

      "I'm not supposed to be telling you this, but at 11:00 AM, everyone can leave early."

      "I know." I said. Wait....how did I know that before her?

      After this awkward conversation, I go to a random lunch table, and as I'm trying to find a seat, I see Ellen DeGeneres sitting on the other side of where I planned to sit. I moved the items away so I can put my tray plate on the table, and sat down wondering how Ellen DeGeneres got here.

      She has a white outfit, pants and suit opened, along with a light blue shirt underneath I believe.

      She's just staring at me smiling, probably waiting for me to respond to her in some way. I sit down, still a little shocked from this, and for some weird reason, I handed her the Diet Coke that I bought. I think I gave the two Sprite bottles I ordered to other people, but I had my focus on Ellen.

      I had a feeling Sarah from before was somewhere around me, and I find it odd that I'm concerned about her in general. I pretend to do something silly to see if she would look at me, so I go to a randomly placed mini-fridge that you have to open up the top, not the side, and tried to reached for a bottle.

      I didn't care which one it was, I just wanted to make myself look like an idiot...I think? I didn't even look back at Sarah to see if she paid attention to me.

      Wait...did I just do that? I actually wanted someone to pay attention to me? Looool.

      I gave up in getting the bottle, or whatever is in there, and turn back to Ellen. I think I wanted all my drinks back, but by the time I look at the Diet Coke in her hand, it was already empty.

      I look at her and asked,

      "You finished all of that already?!?!?!?" I can't remember if she's even talking, it's like I'm talking to a wall or something. For some reason, it's like I start losing all logic and start thinking things out of my ass or something.

      I asked these random people around Ellen about something that they took away from me, and while I'm going through a conversation of "No I didn't" "Yes you did" for a minute or two, one person asks me if I ever considered blaming a guy that I'll just abbreviate as John C.

      I don't know where I found any respect for this guy, but I said,

      "No, he's John C., he's cool."

      Then I lift both my arms and start pointing fingers at random people and blamed on them.

      Wait what? Did I just go full retard mode here? I don't even want to type the rest of the dream. Actually, that's all I remember.


      It's 10:18 AM, and I'm afraid of what's going to happen at 11:00 AM

      Updated 08-23-2012 at 04:21 PM by 47756

    2. Romance - village

      by , 08-23-2012 at 04:03 PM
      I was in a strange village that was largely deserted. I was waiting for a date. She was only 15 years old and very beautiful and excited to be with me (girl A). When we were first saying hello to each other another girl (girl B) showed up and greeted me with a kiss. I had forgotten that I had set up two dates. I did not like girl B though and wanted her to leave and was embarrassed that she came. Girl A was upset but quickly forgave me when I turned my attention back toward her. Anyway, we were all walking back to girl A's house through this village to meet her family. All these people were looking at me and judging me but not because she was young. They seemed like they were rural, traditional people from the past and I was an outsider. They didn't really trust me but they weren't hostile. We arrived at her house and I waited outside on the lawn while she went in to get her family to meet me. The front lawn was my grandparents front lawn but most of it was eroded away and the surface was not smooth. Girl B who had showed up and kissed me was there but had her focus not on me. She was dancing and looked ugly. Girl A came out of her house and we were hugging each other. She had the feel of my real life girlfriend. I liked her. A third girl suddenly drove her car into the front door. It was a girl that I volunteer with. She wasn't that upset that she did that.
    3. 08-22-12

      by , 08-23-2012 at 03:41 PM
      1. Went disc golfing with my sister and started finding all the discs that I had recently lost. We played hole four and bombed them down to the river. When I got there, I wanted to look for my lost valkyrie. I was approached by some guys recruiting for their band, the vocalist was a friend of mine, but I told them I don't have any musical inclination. They said I either should be professional at disc golf or that there are a lot of "hot bishes" here with how often I come. They asked if I play piano and I said a little. My sister came down the stairs and attempted to throw and failed until I advised her differently.

      2. There was a massive disaster at New York City and I was transported, along with many others, to a nearby shelter. When we got there, many were already injured. We were each put into little segments of office space. I was paired with a girl from the south. The leader of the aide came down the stairs and began to give a speech on equality and anti-segregation. The girl I was with attempted to burp but farted and I said "That's hot."

      3. Hanging out with my friend. We walked past a setup of massive speakers and enormous sub-woofers. Supposedly Skrillex was going to be playing shortly. We went to his YouTube account to watch his music videos. Every single one was very choppy and looked laggy. Then my friend, Isaac, commented, calling Skrillex "Lag Hrimmexks" and it was immediately the top comment. I'm out of date on my memes.
    4. 08-21-12

      by , 08-23-2012 at 03:35 PM
      1. Went to a new hookah store in my city. When I got there, my brother and everyone cool was there. My brother was getting a tattoo from the shisha lady and I checked out beef flavoured condoms. She really liked me and gave a discount that I could use the next time I came in.

      2. At a pool for a hotel. The water was really warm but it was disgusting. I swam for a while and ran into a boy holding another younger boy. Some kids were picking on them, so I called them out. They wanted to fight so I came at them. They backed out and the boys thanked me.

      3. At a friend's house in country when it began to snow. I decided to try and drive home. I encountered dozens and dozens of detours but went through them regardless. I drifted around every corner and eventually had to stop to be safe.
    5. Abandoned In a Tornado, and Weird Middle-Eastern Stuff

      by , 08-23-2012 at 02:39 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was with my mom, brother, and MK at a house that definitely didn't look like any I've lived in. I'm not even sure where we were, it felt like a mixture of my town now, a place in Oregon, and a desert.

      Outside, the clouds were starting to get dark. I saw a particularly dark patch of clouds behind the house. I then saw something on the weather channel about how the storms that were coming had a history of producing tornadoes. And by having a history, they meant that the storms produced tornadoes years ago, at least that's how it felt in the dream. The storms had been around for a long time, just not in the area I was in.

      I looked out the window at the sky, and couldn't tell if the darkest of the clouds was moving towards us or away from us. I thought they looked like they were moving mostly towards us, but not dead on. While trying to gauge this, an old man that had been standing beside me said that the clouds were moving towards us.

      Then, off in the distance, I saw a pretty good sized tornado. It was pretty much staying in place as it twisted. I looked at it for a second to take it in, and briefly I saw it on a basketball court in someone's driveway with a basketball player? Anyway, I said to my mom and brother (MK wasn't there anymore)
      "Tornado! We need to get in the shelter!"
      So we started to go outside to the shelter. My mom and brother were in front of me as we walked out the door. I then remembered that my cat, Belle, was still in there.
      "Wait! I have to get Belle!" I said.
      I turned around and went back in the house to get Belle. The room I entered had all the lights turned off, and the carpet was navy blue. Belle was laying on the floor all stretched out as cats like to do. I scooped her up and went back out the door.

      My mom and brother had left, and I had no idea where the shelter was. I started to walk up this very steep, grassy slope into a wooded area. I then noticed that Belle was no longer in my arms. I turned around, and she was a few feet in front of me. I started to go towards her, but she ran. I was calling after her, so scared I was going to lose her, when she ran into a black man and he bent down to pick her up.

      Then, right before I woke up I had this weird image of a bunch of Middle Eastern people in a movie. As they spoke, (mostly) black glyphs appaeared over them, kind of like weird subtitles I suppose. I remember one glyph looking like an emblem of some sort; it was a circle with a big "S" in the middle, and it was embellished with wings and intricacies with some spots of red and blue in it. It was the beginning of a word.

      Then, I was seeing a Middle Eastern news cast with the anchor at a desk outside with a horse mascot head on. Otherwise, he was wearing a suit, or something nice.

      During/right after that last part, I was trying to remember the dream I had just had. It was really weird, like I was still kinda dreaming but I was still consciously trying to remember the tornado dream. Not sure how else to explain it...it was odd.


      I was in a dorm looking for an outfit to wear. Jake was with me. I was going through my closet, looking at what I had.

      Updated 08-23-2012 at 02:51 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Observing Adventurers

      by , 08-23-2012 at 02:31 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      I am just a floating consciousness observing two adventurers run down an underground tunnel, something or a group of somethings is chasing them. another member of their party is looking for some sort of personal answers elsewhere in the cave. This party member stumbles upon a giant pink dragon/dinosaur (It just didn't have wings so I don't know what to classify it as) sitting casually as if in an armchair. It calmly explains exactly what the party member is searching for. Meanwhile the other members are arguing whether to take the boat on the underground river or try and hold off whatever is chasing them long enough for the third party member to reach them. I wake up before a resolution is made.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. "Pussy's hang out in malls" June 24, 2011

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:56 PM
      I was walking threw my current house in festus looking for JR. Behind me i hear the song JR wrote playing on a guitar. The music viberated like ive never felt before even in other dreams. I turned around exspecting JR and i see Amber playing the guitar instead. i then start singing the song to/with her.
    8. "3 to 4" June 19, 2011

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:51 PM
      I walked outside to the front porch looking at the flowers. The pink daisy flower had 4 flowers on it instead of 3. I then walked over to the fuscia seeds i had planted yesterday. I had them in one of those cardboard plant starters. I noticed they had started sprouting and i woke up.
    9. "Jr Smoking" June 18, 2011

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:47 PM
      I just remember jr walking by with a ciggerette in his mouth.

      Notes: He had not been smoking for the last 6 months and the day after dreaming this i walked into his office and he was smoking.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. "Dream Catus" June 17, 2011

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:44 PM
      I was in a green house with someone who was showing me plants. The one plant i remember visually was a catus. It looked like a flower in shape and had fractal looking skin.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. "Shopping with Jr" June 16, 2011

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:32 PM
      I was walking threw a store with jr. Ive been to this store in dreams past. I then notice the jewlery and start looking at all the neat pieces. the one piece i recalled was a glass ring. it was shapped like a woman wearing a dress. Then Jr showed me a piece he noticed. I remember liking it better but not what it looked like.
    12. Lightning Storm and Back-to-School Madness

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:30 PM
      Two dreams from last night ... Both of them pretty long, neither of them lucid. But they were pretty memorable and detailed, at least.

      DREAM #1

      Time: 1:05

      I'm with my family. We're staying at a huge house in Cape Cod with really large windows. In part of the dream I have to sleep somewhere weird like on a chair in the kitchen. I wake up there and think it's the middle of the night, but then my mom is in the kitchen and tells me it's 7 AM. Everyone else in the family is in the living room, which is joined with the kitchen, watching TV.

      Then there's a huge lightning storm outside. I stand next to Milo (my little brother), and we watch the storm. We can see the ocean from our house, and it's getting closer and closer. Waves start coming in under the door, and Milo starts screaming and freaking out. I keep yelling at him to calm down, but then I'm secretly worried that the house is going to collapse.

      So we all run around the house for a while, admiring all the beautiful lightning outside, and stuff.

      After the storm is over, my mom is telling us about how there's going to be a photography competition for people who took pictures during the storm. My sisters and I plan to go to the awards ceremony for this contest, because apparently there are going to be cute teenage boy photographers there or something.

      I'm sitting on top of a large bouncy ball during this conversation. The ball has a map of the world on it, drawn in blue and white.

      My dad walks in and hands me a really beat-up envelope with green Crayon drawings on it that I assume were drawn by Teddy (my other little brother). Inside is a letter telling me I got into Ithaca College. For some reason everyone in my family seems to find it hilarious. It's either because the letter is old or because it got sent really late, after I've already been through a year of college. Don't know. Anyway, I feel disappointed because I thought the letter would be something more important.

      Side note: my sister woke me up from this dream asking if I was okay...apparently I was moving around a lot during the last 30 seconds of the dream or so, and she thought something was wrong with me. Ah haha.

      DREAM #2

      Time: ~7:30

      I return to Hampshire (where I go to college). When I get there, none of my friends are living in the same hallway as me like they’re supposed to. So, everyone else is a complete stranger.

      I go into one girl’s room. I sit on her bed with her. She has really curly brown hair. She asks me what I’ve been doing lately, and I tell her I’ve been doing a lot of writing and drawing.

      No one else in our hallway is there, because apparently they’re all on “Project Runway” and are off designing clothes all day, and don’t come home until late at night.

      The curly-haired girl and I decide to go to some party or something that’s going on. It’s this outdoor event where everybody is sitting at round, black tables on some kind of patio or something. There’s a guy giving a speech, and everyone gives me and the curly-haired girl mean looks because we walked in on the middle of the guy’s speech.

      The girl and I sit down at a table. The guy giving the speech says that there should be a bowl of fruit at the center of our table, but the bowl on our table is empty. When I look around, I see that all the other tables have huge bowls of blueberries and strawberries on them. The curly-haired girl is very upset that we don’t have any fruit.

      After that, I go to talk to my mom and Fiona (my sister) who are apparently also there. They’re standing next to this pile of what looks like Spanish rice, with tiny mussels in it. It looks really nasty, but my mom says we have to eat some of it. I pick up a handful and eat it, and discover that the mussels just kind of taste like black beans or something, so it actually tastes quite good. So, I keep eating the stuff. For some reason, as I’m eating I think about a time someone apparently told me that you could survive if you only ate three grapes a day––which I’m pretty sure is not true, but in the dream I’m like, “That’s such a fascinating fact!” Fiona is still reluctant to eat the rice, but she eats some of it anyway.

      I decide I’m going to go make a sandwich, because apparently there are sandwich-making materials around. I have difficulty finding two pieces of bread, for some reason. The bread is kind of dark … whole wheat, I guess? I put several pieces of orange-colored cheese in the sandwich––and I want to find some turkey, but I can’t find any.

      I find a row of fruit, and I’m excited because I decide I really want some fruit. There’s a different set of tongs for each kind of fruit. I want strawberries, but the strawberries don’t seem to have their own set of tongs––so I use the ones that are supposed to be for cheese. Some lady––who looks like my 11th-grade Chemistry teacher––comes up to me and starts yelling at me, saying I’ve made the strawberries taste like cheese or something. I also feel guilty because I realize that, if someone was allergic to strawberries, they can’t eat any cheese now.

      I go to look for some coffee, and I find that there aren’t many coffee cups left. There’s this hippy-ish guy with a long, pale beard cleaning out all the coffee mugs in a sink, but he’s not doing a very careful job. He’s just kind of carelessly rinsing them out and putting them on the counter. I pick up a mug that he just rinsed out, and it still looks dirty. But the other mugs left are weirdly-shaped and I don’t want to use them.

      And uh, that’s all I can remember.
    13. "bugs in the tub" June 15, 2011

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:21 PM
      I was in the bathroom getting ready to take a shower with someone and when opening the shower door there was a variety of bugs. I yelled in shock there was that many bugs in the tub. My mom came in the bathroom and started filling up the tub with hot water as an attempt of getting rid of the bugs. Then i became conserned about the bugs in there dying. I then looked inside and i noticed a bug. i could felt that it had thoughts and was scared of dying and i woke up in the process of saving the bug.
    14. "Shane to Curtis" June 14, 2011

      by , 08-23-2012 at 01:15 PM
      I was sitting in a room with Shane and Jr. We was playing video games and haning out. i wondered why shane was here for i thought he didnt like me personally and why is he here now? After thinking that Jr decides he wants to lay down. All three of us got on the couch. Then shane caught my eye and i wondered how'd he'd react if i kissed him on the cheek. He turned before i reached his cheek and i caught the side of his mouth instead and he kissed me back. Then when backing up to see his reaction he had turned into Curtis. This did not phase me until i awoke. It seemed natural for him to change from one person to another. Then jr started trying to join in and i ignored him going to the floor with curtis and waking up as i was on top of him.
    15. Astral Eye Sight! - Thursday - 2012-08-23

      by , 08-23-2012 at 08:33 AM (The Path of Iapetos)
      [COLOR="royalblue"]Non-Aware (Dream)[/COLOR] - [COLOR="blue"]Partially Aware (Lucid Dream)[/COLOR] - [COLOR="navy"]Fully Aware and Vivid (Astral Projection(OOBE)[/COLOR]

      I went to bed 23:00 after have watched Master-Chef and I found a new way to arrange my pillows to make it more comfortable to remain still in a sitting position. Then I started thinking about anything just to get rid of the thoughts of the day, then I tried a law-of-attraction exercise called Grateful Thinking. Which basically is thinking about everything that I am grateful of from small things like "I am glad that I can breathe" to bigger things like "I am happy that my parents care for me".
      And while doing this you forget all about practice and are happy of your life. Just something that can be fun to do and if law-of-attraction works I will see the results soon. I was playing League of Legends on the day and when my teammate stole all my kills that gives me XP I would usually rage, but instead I thought loud in my head "It was unfortunate but I am happy that we at least got the kill and I don't have to worry my time will come." Later on in that game I got a triple-kill and I played the best game in my life. Small thing but maybe there is something to positive thinking.

      My body suddenly reacted on auto-pilot and just gave up and switched sleeping posture... So I need to practice my patience even though that it was quite hard to control it this time. I was now laying on my side and I had my head turned to the wall. I then react to something weird.[COLOR="navy"] It feels like I see a room but everything is shaded, it wasn't a daydream but I actually saw this behind my eyelids. If I close my eyes right now I don't get the same feeling. The best way I can think of describing it. Is that if you imagine standing in your bedroom and that it's almost completely dark, you can still "sense" where everything is, but since it's not completely dark you can still see outlines of the objects. [/COLOR]
      It was vivid enough for me to not call it a dream because it didn't felt like a hallucination kind of thing.
      I don't know how to describe it and I find it hard to believe myself. Although I think there really was something special to it.
      So if this happens again I will definitely try to enter it more, because when this happened I was more in shock than excited.

      I eventually fell asleep.

      [COLOR="royalblue"]I had a dream where I couldn't find a hotel I lived at. So I took my bags and went to the public toilets and for some weird reason I tried to fall asleep there. I remember seeing a dog and a cat in the room and that they were fighting.

      When the dream changed I was standing on a cloud and it was kind of uhum crowded. I remember seeing one really hot woman and then some man talking to her and almost immediately kissing her.

      Then I were sharing a bed with some girl. I explained DEILD to her and demonstrated the sensations by shaking myself and then told her that it doesn't look like that but it feels like that. I then hear screaming and I see that there were other people in the room they were pointing to a guy in a hockey mask and he had bat. I walked towards him and tried to be a hero. Instead I got a knife in my throat. I put my hand on my throat to hide the wound and then I see Lana from Smallville and she says "How could you possibly survive that? "Well I am still bleeding thanks for caring..." I answered :roll:
      I then see the sunlight and I take my hand away and I feel the wound getting healed. I walk inside some house and I see Clark Kent from the same series, I remember we talked about Lana. I told him that he should make a move on her because she likes him and he says "What about my secret?" and I answer "Well you got to risk it to get the biscuit".
      Very deep answer I know :cheeky: I then look out through the window and I see a beach and some weird whirlwinds under the water. "Look water tornadoes!" I say. I then hear the screams again and realize that I had forgot the bat man huhu (the man with the bat). I walk inside the house the others are hiding in and they said they were preparing a trap for him. I remember the trap failed and the hit some innocent girl instead. Then I woke up. [/COLOR]

      I woke up after each dream I had this night as well and I have started to notice a pattern. If I go to bed between 22:00 and 23:00 I always wake up 01:15 perhaps I can calculate my REM cycle with this if that is useful for something right now.