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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. I wish I could've tried that candy....

      by , 11-01-2011 at 02:27 PM
      I decided to take 50 mg of melatonin a couple hours before bed to see if it had any significant effect on my dreams last night. I took it at 8:00 pm and got to bed around 10:00 pm. I'd say it definitely made them a bit more detailed and vivid but overall didn't really help with my recall much. I think I'll stick to reguler amounts from now on. But, it was quite a night, so without further ado!

      12:53 am - Non-lucid, Nightmare

      The dream's been taking place in some kind of outdoor learning center or school or something in the Amazon. I don't remember much leading up to this point, but I'm in a large auditorium seating area with several other students, a few of which I recognize from my K-12 years. Above me are a couple of guys I've known since elementary school named N and T and some of their friends though I don't remember which ones they were now. They're trying to complete some complicated math homework and they know that I'm a bit of a math nerd so they just stare at me expectantly. I sigh and say "Alright, tell me the problems." In the meantime we decide to leave the seating and travel to another part of campus. The transportation is a system of trains that run on one giant rail road track, there are two trains that each run on just one rail next to each other and they always run in opposite directions so that from the point of view of the train moving forward you're always on the right-sided rail. The trains still look pretty normal though, it's just that they only have the wheels on their right side on the track. The tracks themselves are set up on top of large rivers, so the trains actually run over water. I was in the middle of working out one of the more difficult problems, which upon waking I realize makes no sense whatsoever, but then I noticed that our train had broken off the rail and was slowly moving over to the other side. I start freaking out and saying to myself "No, no, no, please go back to the other side, please go back..." but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. I notice that we're about to hit broken track that just caves in to the river and I start to panic. There's one open window near the front of the train car where no one is, but other than that we're totally sealed in. There are also seat belts for some reason. I look back and say "Hurry, we have to get out of here!" and everyone starts struggling to escape their seats, including myself, because the belts are unnecessarily complex. Unfortunately, we weren't fast enough and the train fell through the cracks and water starter pouring into the open window. My heart starts beating really fast and I wake up as soon as the water hits me. At least that's over....

      3:58 am - Non-lucid

      I'm at some kind of big department store that reminds me of Target. I got to the "candy isle" because I'm trying to find this nonexistent candy that's said to be extremely tiny but have a powerful burst of flavor. I also noticed after waking up that Sara Bareilles's "Love Song" was playing on loop throughout the store. (Well, it is a good song lol.) I finally found the candies, and they were REALLY tiny! Like, the size of ants or smaller. There was something you were supposed to do with them to make art involving some equally small colored pencils that come in the box but I had such a hard time getting them out that over the course of trying to accomplish that whatever that artistic thing was kept changing. Eventually the candies disappeared and I forgot what I was doing and realized that I was in the magazine/comic book isle, so I just started browsing until I woke up. Hmm....

      5:25 am - Non-lucid, Memorable

      I was wondering how soon I'd get to log one like this in the dream journal! I spent a lot of time in this dream walking around the park near my house, but I really only remember the end of it. I think my cousin was in it at some point, but... nah, it's gone. *fragment!* I was actually doing something up to this point, but somehow it changed to myself and my friend O helping my friend M and her old boyfriend Z. Z had (apparently, but probably not actually) told us earlier that he wanted to try LSD and he had managed to get some, but then before getting to use it he had lost it in the forest and he wanted us to search for it with him. So, we started looking for it. It took us a while but we saw it in the distance, but this old guy came out of nowhere and grabbed it before we could! (What a jerk!) A large playground suddenly popped out of the ground next to where we were, which of course didn't seem odd at all, and we chased him all the way up to the top of one of the structures where he tried to make us pay him a ridiculous price for it if we wanted it back. We managed to wrestle it out of him. Then out of nowhere, the top of the structure we were on leaned all the way forward to touch the ground, then let go and sent me flying off like a catapult.

      This is where it gets weird, so stick with me here. I wasn't in the dream anymore, I was just seeing things from a third person perspective. The setting was some kind of strange-looking tent, and there were eight different poles, as two rows of four one right in front of the other, that I was seeing at an angle so that without depth it looked like all eight poles were lined up together. There were things wrapped around each pole that looked kind of like really poorly designed voodoo dolls of cartoon characters with lots of spiked hair. Each one of them was exactly the same, but they represented different people. The four in the back row represented a parent, while the four in the front row represented one of their children. Lastly, they were all tripping on LSD, with their position on the pole showing how hard they were tripping, with higher being harder. Although I was seeing this all in this strange perspective, I was also aware of the fact that from the first person perspectives of each of these people, they were just in a normal room and everyone else looked like a normal person. Either the pair all the way to the left or the next one most inward of them (it's hard to remember now) was a father and son and they were having an argument. The son was higher up on the pole, so tripping harder, than the father and he was saying that the father is old news, he doesn't have the spirit in him that he did in his youth and that the son was... uh, I guess usurping his throne, or whatever you want to call it. So the father got angry, feeling like his authority was being challenged or whatever, and propelled himself WAY up the pole, much higher than anyone else. Most of the other people let out a loud gasp.

      Now, my perspective has been placed into the father, so I'm seeing a normal-looking world again. I'm in the room but I'm only facing one corner of it, and there's a man and a woman looking at me in shock. Everything in the room starts to take on a deep purple tint and look liquidy, and the woman says "He's tripping balls." and as she says it time begins to slow down and her voice gets deeper and stretched out. Everything starts to take on a very lagging movement, like it would move really slow and then skip forward a couple seconds. The man and woman start to transform into a doctor and nurse but they quickly become kind of like demented and somehow sexualized caricatures of themselves and they latch on to each other and start to make out with each other in a very graphic and over-the-top way. My vision pulses and suddenly I'm back to a third person perspective, but this time it's still of a "normal" world. There is a line directly down the center of my vision that represents a wall with a door in it sticking outward from me. There are two rooms, one small one with very little furniture in it on the right, and a kitchen with doors leading to other rooms on the left. The colors in the rooms are vivid but kind of washed, making it look like a very strange cartoon or something similar. In the right room is Lois, the mom from Malcolm in the Middle, who for some reason keeps making an appearance in my dreams that are extremely weird like this one. She is running into walls, babbling, and laughing like a maniac. In the left room is O, my friend from before, and the man and woman, listening to what Lois is doing through the door. Lois trips over a tiny stool in the room and faints, and O asks if they should do something about it, but the man replies "No, her heart just slowed, it's okay." After that, the scene started fading away and I woke up.

      I wonder what's in store for tonight?


      I really wanted to get back to bed and dream some more after this last one, I did wake up pretty early after all, but I didn't manage to. *yaaaawn* Oh well, that's all for now!
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. Beer=bad recall

      by , 11-01-2011 at 01:02 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I SO wish it were the other way around. Guess my current goal is to put down the bottle because these dreams aren't going to share themselves.

      Anyways...the only thing I remember was hanging out with M. Her boyfriend didn't want to do something, so she invited me instead.
    3. I <3 Floor

      by , 11-01-2011 at 12:40 PM (The Absurd Adventures of CWHunt)
      We start in a forest of sone sort and I am with a friend I don't know IRL. We become bored with what we are doing and decide to go to the mall. We call someone up and the car suddenly arrives.
      We reach the mall and meet a few of ny friends in it. After awhile we get bored and decide to play a game inside the mall. Hide and Seek. Not much really happens during this time.
      When we finish we all go back to my house. On the way I tell my friend I want to learn a good way to WILD so I can lucid dream. My friend then tells me a great idea would be to listen to "I <3 Floor" by <3.
      I listened to a bit and it was simple singing. There were almost no lyrics. When we reach the house we play darts. Someone throws a tennis ball out of my closet but it turns out to be a ghost or something because no one was in it.
      The dream the ended.

      Nothing too fun but my recall is improving. Only problem is that I am sick so I have been forgetting most of my dreams. And I have trouble sleeping...

      Updated 11-01-2011 at 05:15 PM by 26734

      Tags: floor, mall, recall, sing, weird
    4. Regular - Haunted House and Fight in a long corridor.

      , 11-01-2011 at 11:24 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Oct.31, 2011. No nap. Bed at 11pm. I had some heavy dinner and I believe it showed in my nightmares.

      2.50am - woke up, don't remember any dreams
      3.20am - woke up f/bad dream BTB at 3.40am
      I was in a room. I was trying lots of light switches, but the light would not switch on. Light fixtures were moving and I realized the place is haunted (I dream about haunted places a lot). So I got fed up, packed my clothes and left.
      5.48 - woke up f/same bad dream, only now I watched the scene of the haunting on a tape. A friend of mine taped me for some school project. At the end of the tape, there was a footage from that haunted room with some bad entity being really nasty to some girl - I don't think it was me.

      7.20am - woke up f/dream
      we were running from some bad things through twisting and winding corridors, that had some rooms every now and then. I was one of the fighters protecting others from things that were chasing us. Sometimes we stopped in one of the rooms thinking it's safe, but things were coming to life and kept chasing us. Like there was paper, that got animated and we had to fight it. Then there was a stampede of horses and cows. Didn't have a bad feeling, I kinda enjoyed the fighting and protecting and being chased.

      Updated 11-27-2011 at 11:17 PM by 50242

    5. Earth 3500

      by , 11-01-2011 at 05:30 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Earth 3500 (Non-lucid)


      Lets see if I finally get writing down dreams again... life is so busy that I always forget. A nice dream I had last night reminded me to do so...

      I was at home with some friends and we decided to go for a walk. We started talking about some material that was able to go beyond the speed of light.

      We decided to go visit some spaceship facilities and try out one of those space shuttles. The facility was huge. I saw a big white space shuttle inside an even bigger room. The space shuttle was about 200 feet tall and 600 feet wide. We entered the space shuttle. Once inside, it looked a lot smaller and it started to fly on its own. I was now with five friends and the spaceship started to fly really fast.

      The pilot told me it was very easy to fly, that I just needed to watch out and not crash with other planets. I saw several planets flying by at an enormous speeed. Suddenly, I saw a big light brown mass that looked like a planet, but when we approached it, it had eyes and a huge mouth, but it was kinda cute looking, like a teddy bear. It opened its mouth wider, but our spaceship flew by it fast.

      I thought it would be so cool to stop by one of the planets and take a look how it was. As I was thinking about that, we approached to a planet that looked exactly like Earth, however, it was cut in half.
      I tried to do something at Photoshop, but no clue how to draw what is in my head.

      The Earth did not have an atmosphere anymore. The sky looked like space. I also saw huge buildings, that were about 1200 stories tall. We approached this planet and entered the atmosphere easily. We saw the buildings huge, and enormous freeways. All vehicles could fly similar to the Jetsons, but real life looking, not cartoonish.

      We talked with some people and we were told it was planet Earth in the 3500 year.

      Described here sounds a little late. This dream was more about the imaginary, clarity and reality. The dream was crystal clear and very vivid.
    6. Rebellion Chase

      by , 11-01-2011 at 05:27 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was with a group of rebels, in a forest of sugarcane. We were avoiding an army that is chasing us. Then we realized that there's some people up ahead. We can hear them.

      We started to change direction, and we noticed that there's another group behind us. They're trying to trap us. We went sideways instead. I went ahead to scout the area, being the fastest in the group. I hid behind the trees and tried to survey the area.

      I ran along the cliff behind the trees. I ended up in a "store" of sorts, in the middle of the mountain. It offers food and rest area. There was an old woman who was selling food. I bought some from her, but she was hesitant. I ate the food, but it was poisoned. She apologized because she was paid/threatened.
    7. A rather upsetting dream about work...

      by , 11-01-2011 at 03:48 AM
      I literally started the entry for this dream in my notebook with "No sir, I didn't like it."

      The dream started in an incredibly ornate, huge room in a huge building on a really upscale street. The room was immense. I can still remember it vividly because everything was so beautiful, from the blue silk wallpaper to the all-white furniture. I was sitting on a sofa, wondering why I was there. Two little girls in the next room over were putting on ballerina costumes. I asked them if they were getting ready for Halloween, and they told me they were actually getting ready for dance class. I leave this fancy building, and go to work.

      Important fact about me: In real life, I work in a big daycare facility. The building is an old two-story high school, and each room serves a particular age group, from infants to preschoolers. I work in one of the toddler rooms.

      One of our little boys comes in with his father. He looks really scuffed up and scared. His father tells us that the boy had been lost in the woods for nine hours. Dad didn't seem too upset by this, but I was. I was like "Your poor baby! Is he okay? Why is he even here today?" The boy even had a bruise on his back from an animal that attacked him in the woods. But no one, not my co-workers nor the boy's father, seemed at all concerned.

      I walk to the bathroom. This is where it got really freaky. I see one of the infants in the sink, fully submerged underwater. She had turned blue.

      Suddenly a co-worker is with me in the bathroom, helping me to get her out of the sink and trying to revive her. Nothing helps. We carry her body to my classroom, and all the while I'm sobbing.

      No one else is upset that a baby has somehow drowned at work. They tell me that the nurse will take care of her, and her body is suddenly gone. She comes back with the nurse, and although she still looks really pale, she's alive and walking. Everyone in the room (The nurse, my co-workers, and the little boy's father) look at me and say "See? No big deal."

      I wonder if this dream applies to my job at the moment, and how. Do I feel like some people are being apathetic to real problems? Am I being oversensitive to little things? Definitely things to ponder.

      As I write my Dream Journal, I'm noticing more and more ways to realize I'm in a dream. For example, the co-worker randomly appearing in the bathroom (a male co-worker at that...scandalous!), rooms I've never seen and so on. I need to get better at noticing these little dream quirks. I WANT TO GO LUCID DANGIT!
    8. Ladder Prank

      by , 11-01-2011 at 03:15 AM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: October 31, 2011 – 5:15AM (USA Eastern)
      Text color legend: · NON-DREAM · NOTES · DREAM · LUCID ·

      I am working on the interior of a commercial building with several other guys. We are walking around on top of the walls, installing the hangers for a suspended ceiling. I'm joking around with one of the guys about taking down the ladder while someone is working up on the walls. When I go to get down from the wall, the ladder is gone. I step off the wall and float down to the ground. The other guys stop and give me a really strange look as I pick up the ladder and crumple it up into a ball, then throw it into a trash can. I pick up a packet of the ceiling hanger brackets, then float back up to the top of the wall and continue working.

      Updated 01-01-2012 at 07:38 PM by 36447 (spelling)

    9. Just another night.

      by , 10-31-2011 at 07:50 PM
      First entry! I got to bed around 10:15 pm, and I took 10 mg of melatonin, but I take that regularly as a sleep aid and it doesn't noticeably change my dreams much if at all. I wake up a lot during the night so if my dreams are memorable enough I'll usually be able to log at least a couple down. Tonight my first two dreams were completely blanked out of my mind, no memories whatsoever, but after that I managed to get a few.

      5:21 am - My mom and I are at my grandparents' house. The point of our visit is tell them some important news. My grandpa is surprised at the news but overall not affected very much. I don't remember very much of the actual dialogue from this dream. Thinking back on it now, what I perceived as my grandparents' house was actually based on the house of an old friend of mine, who also appeared in a later dream even though I haven't seen him in quite some time. The house was basically the same only taller and the structure kept changing, it had moving staircases that looked kind of like the ones in the Harry Potter movies but that were placed in separate corners of the house rather than all out in the open. It's kind of hard to describe. Anyway, my grandma eventually got home and my mom told her the news too, but she totally freaked out and told us to get out and that she never wanted to see us again. My mom began arguing with her and I started to cry. I remember this part more clearly because it was at the end of the dream, I hugged my grandpa goodbye saying that it may be a while before we see him again, and he said "Maybe five and a half years, you're fourteen now!" This is pretty confusing statement, because I'm not fourteen, and I'm also not sure what exactly adding five and a half years to that would imply either. However in the dream it made sense to me as some kind of joke, and I managed to laugh a little bit, but it also made my cry some more. My mom said that we would be staying at one of her old friend's house for the night, so we walked out side and I saw her friend's car parked in front of the house, but then I woke up. Very odd, but I was happy that I had a dream to log down. Still, I have to wonder....

      6:33 am - This was a weird one, I had a long string of dream sequences where, in the dream, I felt like I was constantly walking a line between the dreaming and waking worlds, but of course I was actually asleep the entire time. I was not actually lucid at any time. A lot of it is hard to recall, but I remember that near the end I was in a 2D world that looked kind of like that one old Legend of Zelda game on the SNES (I think it was the SNES?) and my consciousness was in one of the characters on the screen so I was seeing it in third person but it felt like first person to me. I had a bunch of company over unexpectedly and I was spazzing out because I hadn't finished preparing any of the food for the dinner party yet! But then suddenly my whole point of view started pulling away from the screen and I was at some really tiny school with this dinky playground next to it, and I was holding a Game Boy that had the screen on it still where the dream had left off. I started laughing and went "Oh, I'm dreaming!" (still not lucid lol). I took use of this fact to look away and then back at the screen to see it change randomly. The thing is because I thought I was somehow awake and dreaming at the same time I thought that I really WAS awake, but just like hallucinating or something because the dream world was layered over reality, and I figured all of the kids on the playground must think I looked insane or something because I was perceiving time to be really slow and stumbling over and everything and looking around with a big gaping smile on my face. I was following my friend whose house was in the previous dream, who I'll call D, to the parking lot but he kept changing into random DCs and I was losing sight of him. I was also walking a lot slower than him. I got to the parking lot but I was still on the grass and some random guy in a gold SUV drives up right in front of me on the sidewalk and parks. I go "Is that you D??" and blink, and my vision goes back to normal and it is D in his car. I get inside and another one of my old friends I haven't seen in a long time, C, complains about the Game Boy volume because I'm so out of it that I keep turning the sound all the way up and then all the way down to amuse myself. Since I think I'm fully awake now, I start typing down everything that just happened on my phone so I can write about it in my Dream Journal and so I don't have to focus to remember it anymore, only to wake up and realize that the memory is fading because of that so I hurry to type it down!

      8:02 am - The last dream of the night. C, from the previous dream, is on trial for allegedly attacking someone, though in the dream this is consistently described only as "being Peter". (From Heroes! That wasn't explained anywhere in the dream, I just knew it instinctively at the time lol.) I searched around trying to find other friends of mine who witnessed the event so I could get their stories and try to prove that C was innocent, and finally I realized that my friend S would be able to get him off. S and her family drove up to the courthouse, which was actually like sort of a small log cabin-type convenient store, and she gave her testimony and he was set free. Suddenly I'm back at home and I notice that the back door to the garage was left open, so I go close it. Then I woke up. What an anticlimactic ending. :bravo:

      So that's that, I'm actually surprised at how much I was able to remember, usually my dreams are so dark and hazy, but I guess getting into the spirit of writing a journal helped increase my recall!
    10. 2 nightmares and cake

      by , 10-31-2011 at 07:24 PM
      i'll start with the two that weren't nightmares because the two that were nighmares were very similar (even though they were not consecutive)

      i had to open this vault for these two ex-friends of mine that i had seen a few hours ago......i was the only one there with the code.....they weren't as rude to me as they usually are...and they brought out this strange cake....it was a vanilla cake with red jello poured into slits in it.......i was eating it with my hands and 5-6 preschoolers wanted some and i told them to take only a bite at first to see if they like it and then they can have more if they like it (which is what my gram told me about new foods the whole time i was growing up)

      the other two were types of assisted living facilities.....i was a patient (which is something i fear because my docs want to take me out of school to put me in one if i can't get my depression under control)

      the one was like a really old house and it had hard wood floors....i was the maid

      the other i was a patient and tied into a wheel chair because i kept climbing on stuff otherwise

      in both they threatened me with needles if i didn't cooperate (which is my biggest fear)
    11. Dave Chappelle was my close personal friend in this dream

      by , 10-31-2011 at 06:06 PM
      It started with me, my room mate and a couple other faceless friends. We are watching a Dave Chappelle comedy stand-up special. I mention off-hand that I know Dave in real life and he is a pretty cool guy.
      Dave makes a joke about kicking someone's ass and I mention that he's not like that at all, and is actually a nice guy. My room mate asks "yeah, but he would probably whoop your ass in real life." I agree saying "probably."

      Later I visit Dave and he is with 2 of his friends in a class, wood-floored apartment. I tell Dave about what happened earlier and he asks what I said about his routine. I mention the ass-kicking joke and he asked what I told my friends. I tell him that I said he could probably kick my ass in real life. He laughs and I also mention that I told them he's not like that in real life, and that he's actually a really nice guy.
      He then asks why I didn't bring my room mate and friends, one of Dave's friends comments "Where are your best friends(or why didn't you bring your best friends?" Which I think means something, since in real life these people are far from my best friends.
      There was some more but I can't remember enough.
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. Watching PBS Kids GO! Having adventures with D.W., In a Store Selling Poisons, Meats, and Drinks

      by , 10-31-2011 at 05:28 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)


      I was in this house and watching PBS Kids GO! I was having adventures with D.W. from Arthur, and we were doing really childish things.

      After a while, my mother told me I had to go to bed. She thought I was eating the cookies when I WASN’T eating the damn cookies, she kept doing it and I just gave up.

      The dream fades away and the next dream where I’m in this store that has dim lights.

      The store had poison drinks and they labeled whether or not it was, and if you do you would die.

      There was chicken that was $2.99 and eggs for $2.99 (Holy CRAP THAT’S A GOOD DEAL).

      Then they had the rest of the drinks.

      Then there’s this weird looking guy who looks a bit suspicious wearing a gray shirt and khaki pants.

      There was also this dude in a gray jacket picking up these big pieces of meat, it looked like a super-sized ground beef package, he was being picky on which meat to get because he was getting a good price for them.

      Then another guy looks like Steve Jobs and he’s wearing a gray jacket too saying “I have Cancer! .”

      Then the cash register wore a blue shirt, black suit and pants.

      She was showing me the different drinks and went a bit more into detail. I think I tasted one of the drinks. I leave the store and see my dad and told him I bought some chicken. He said it was good that I was buying chicken, and I was like “yeah yeah.”

      When I told him the price chicken, he said that was a good price and when I tried to tell him the test, trucks where coming by and making loud noises on the roads.

      Then my dad turns into some Asian guy I knew from Cypress Lakes High School. He was a top ranked student of the Class of 2011. He was running away from me and I was following him.

      He looks back and keeps running, then I’m running in sand, and I have trouble keeping up with him.

      Then another Asian showed up who was on the tennis team for Cy-lakes, he was a sophomore when I was a junior. He said something about me having limbs and arms but no speed. I couldn’t recall it well.

      Updated 03-29-2012 at 09:23 PM by 47756

    13. With Chelsea at the Food Court.

      by , 10-31-2011 at 04:52 PM
      I dreamed Chels and I were at the mall sitting on a cushioned bench/love-seat thing. My arms were around her, and we leaned against one another as she closed one of her hands around one of mine. After a short while she fell asleep.

      The dream shifts and we are on a different but similar love-seat in the same area, when she lays sideways onto my lap. I readjust my body so she's lying against me and I wrap my arm around her. We were talking about something but I don't recall what.

      Early on in the dream, before we were on the love-seats, I had ordered some food for us at the food court. When I noticed they were taking a terribly long time getting Chellie's food ready, I left her on the seat and went to the counter. On the way I read the receipt, trying to remember what I'd ordered, but didn't recognize or understand any of the items listed. I stopped trying to figure it out when I read the item "1x www.JOOBIE.com," and handed the lone worker at the counter the receipt.
      (That site is not as interesting as it sounds. =P)

      Since I couldn't remember what I'd ordered for Chellie, I just told her, "Can I pick up the order that has a fried chicken sandwich?" She gave me a look like she hadn't a clue what I was talking about, but tried to fake a smile to hide it, and started punching buttons on the cash register. Before the dream ended, I heard someone say, "She's the first woman to discover a whole new world," and I understood that it was referring to the cashier dealing with my order.

      We never did get that order.

      EDIT: Another dream fragment remembered from earlier.
      I'm in a church surrounded by people with their heads down. Everyone is singing and then they all cross themselves. I try blending in - I hum along and place my hand vertically on my chest without crossing myself. My efforts fail and someone announces, "There's a rebel among us," with a laugh. Everyone disperses and I walk about the church before the dream ends.

      Updated 11-01-2011 at 01:22 AM by 29957

      Tags: chelsea, mall
    14. exploding airport; blood-glass

      by , 10-31-2011 at 03:36 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      I'm not quite sure whether the first dream isn't actually two dreams. The part in the bar may have been one dream, and the rest may have been another dream. I wrote it as one dream, since I don't remember waking up between scenes. But it may actually have been two dreams.

      Dream #1

      I was sitting with a few girls in a dark bar. The only light may have been from little, multi-colored lights like Christmas lights, except seeming a bit softer, and, at the same time, more neon-colored. My whole view seemed to be a bit fuzzy.

      I was waiting for some girl. But apparently she was really late. I may have started to think that she wasn't going to show up. I pushed my chair backwards and away from the table, as if my chair had wheels on it.

      I moved past a number of tables. The tables seemed to be half-booth tables, where one side of the seats is a booth, set against the wall, and the other side is moveable chairs. I stopped moving backwards when I got to a table full of office women, maybe in their late thirties.

      The office women seemed to be flirting with me. I thought they were all attractive. So I thought I might flirt back. Maybe one of them would hook up with me.

      But now I was moving my chair forward, back to the girls I had been sitting with. As soon as I got back to the table, a girl sat right in my lap.

      The girl wasn't skinny, but she was pretty. She had pale, smooth skin and longish, brown hair, all done up, like she was going to the prom. She wore a satiny, pale-chocolate-brown mini-dress with silvery, swirly designs on it. The designs may have been glittery.

      The girl, I somehow knew, had been upset because someone hadn't shown up. I thought that this person was supposed to go on a date with the girl. But the person may also have been the girl's father.

      The girl and I were now snuggling against each other pretty passionately. I figured I must have been snuggling with the girl to make her feel less bad about having been ditched by the other guy. After a moment, the girl broke off from snuggling with me. My view was all foggy, like someone had been kissing a camera lens.

      I figured the girl was going to come back. But I didn't know if, once she came back, I could really commit to being with her. After all, wasn't I waiting for some girl here?

      But the other girls at the table were looking at me. It was pretty plain they thought that I was already thinking of this girl as my new girlfriend. One of the girls handed me some kind of present, like a congratulations gift for getting a new girlfriend.

      The gift was like some clear, plastic tubing made to look like a rose. There was a main stem, two small, leaf-like stems branching off of that, and then a clear, plastic rose-blossom (which was more like a bud) at the top.

      All through the tubing and in the rose-blossom/bud were little lights, like LEDs. The stem may have had blue or green LEDs. The blossom/bud either had blue or purple LEDs.

      I thought, getting a gift like this, that I couldn't back out of being the girl's boyfriend now.

      I was now sitting out on a bench with an older man and another person. The other person may have been a man, or it may have been my mom. If it was a man, it was probably like my mom's old boyfriend, who was now standing up as a kind of character reference for me with the man.

      The man was the girl's father. Apparently I needed the girl's father's approval before my relationship got too heavy with the girl. The father was kind of tall, overweight, with greying hair in a kind of feathery, old-style cut. He wore a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

      It was night, but we were sitting in the father's backyard, right near the house, under an incandescent porch light. There seemed to be a huge, tent-like structure right in front of us, possibly big enough to be taking up a good portion of the backyard.

      The father and the other person were talking relaxedly about some stuff that seemed a bit over my head, like "adult talk."

      I stood up and walked over to the tent. I went inside. The tent was lit by incandescent light. The inside had solid, plasticky, but thin walls. The top of the structure kind of pointed upward in a pyramid shape, like circus tents do in cartoons. The top was made of tent-like fabric. There was no floor -- just bare soil.

      The father and the other person walked into the tent. Somehow, from the conversation, perhaps, I came to understand that this structure was the outer housing for a nuclear reactor. The reactor was now going to be built.

      I was here, I now knew, to get a job from the father, who was in charge of building the reactor. I needed a job, since I was going to get into a pretty serious relationship with the father's daughter. After talking with the other person a little more, the father said that I could have a job helping to build the nuclear power plant.

      It was now daytime. I was still in the structure, as if no time had passed. But now the structure was a lot taller and bigger: as big as a small warehouse. The ceiling had all kinds of metal piping in it, and it seemed to be separated by a couple of meters from the tops of the walls. There was a guy in a hard-hat, suspended by a wire, working on something between the ceiling and walls.

      I somehow knew there was at least one other structure like this. But there may have been two other structures. One of the structures may have been a lot more developed than this one. It may already have had a reactor built inside of it. (I think I was visualizing a cooling tower *inside* this structure.)

      The person who'd been talking with the father was now gone. The father may have been around for a second, but now he was gone, too. It was implied that I knew what I was supposed to be doing, so that I should get to work. But I didn't know any of my co-workers, and I was really shy.

      Suddenly there was a big explosion. There were a couple other people in the structure with me. Apparently the explosion had come from one of the other structures. We needed to assess the situation. We ran outside.

      The area was like a big, vacant dirt lot. But at the end of the lot, maybe 50 meters from the structure I'd been in, was a little shelter like a doorless shelter where farm vehicles could be parked.

      I was hardly even outside when I noticed that everybody else was already over in the shelter across the way, putting on raditation suits. There were three or four men in a line, all young, Asian men. They all wore white masks over their mouth and nose.

      The men were in different stages of putting on the suits. The suits were yellow, thick, and rubbery. The men had stood into them, apparently, as they lay crumpled on the ground. They'd then pull the yellow suits all the way up over their heads, then zip the suits up. The suits may have had red boots.

      I may actually have flown to the shelter to get there faster. I don't think I stopped flying. Instead, still floating, I was looking for a free suit. I saw a couple suits lying crumpled up on the floor, waiting for people to stand into them. So I thought they were available. But looking closer, I noticed they had some men's clothes in them. So, apparently, they were already taken.

      I "knew" that there were more suits in an underground storage area just across the lot from this shelter. So I jumped up maybe four or five meters in the air and flew over to the shelter.

      The shelter was in an area at the edge of some hillside or canyon. The hillside looked out over a lot of green, rolling hills, like in some kind of juniper- or pinyon-strewn desert. The sky was pale grey. But the horizon was filled with low-hanging, dark grey clouds.

      The underground shed was fenced off from everything else by a two-meter-tall wooden fence, which was kind of old and greying. The doors to the underground shed were just like the doors to an old cellar. Their wood was also old and grey, kind of messy.

      I lifted up the doors once and looked down into the underground shed. It was really dark and messy. I thought I probably wouldn't be able to find anything down there, let alone a radiation suit. I was also afraid that if I went down there, something would jump up and attack me.

      The doors must have fallen shut, because I had to open them again. Only now they were a lot bigger and heavier, though still made out of old, greying wood. They also seemed to be set into a large, heavy, concrete circle.

      I needed to get both doors open in order to go inside, but I could only get one door open at a time. I had to fly to lift the doors -- they were either too tall or too heavy for me to lift otherwise. But as soon as I'd get one side open, the other side would fall shut. It somehow reminded me of how I'd get frustrated as a kid, not being able to fold the flaps of a cardboard box.

      I may have stood on the ground for a moment, taking some time to figure out how to do this the right way. I looked out at the hillside and grey sky.

      I suddenly saw, maybe only 250 meters away, a red and blue passenger plane, a big jumbo jet, flying up into the air rather clumsy. I then noticed that the plane's right wing was entirely gone. The plane seemed to be smoking. I tried to remember whether I'd heard any explosion.

      The plane seemed to be trying to pull into the air. In fact, it was pointing almost straight up. But it wasn't going anywhere. It was just bobbing in the air, maybe 100 or 200 meters up in the air.

      I kept waiting for some kind of explosion. I figured it the wing had blasted off without an explosion, then something deeper had happened that would work its way out in a huge explosion.

      It seemed now like the plane was trying to land. The airport the plane had come from was nearby, across a couple sets of rolling hilltops from the fenced-off area that I was in. The plane was still pointed up in the air, but it seemed to be bobbing back over to the airport.

      The plane made a final descent into the airport. But it was still pointing nose-up. I couldn't see it as it descended behind the red-brick walls of the airport (???).

      But the plane now seemed to be almost as big as the airport. As it descended -- crashed -- tail-first on the tarmac, it exploded in a big fireball, which only got bigger as the rest of the plane was consumed. A huge fireball now burst up over the tops of the airport's building.

      But the exploding airplane was causing other explosions at the airport. I figured these were other planes, exploding from the heat and flames from the first plane's explosion. Soon a huge wave of fire was tearing through the airport. The entire airport was on fire!

      Somehow I saw a set of doors at the airport -- as if the airport were now only 50 meters or so away from me. The flames had passed an area, although there was still a lot of brown smoke. The doors around this area were like doors in some sort of theme park or shopping center themed like the Old West.

      A husband and wife ran out from one of the doors. They felt, I knew, that now that the flames had passed, they could make a run from the airport. They probably felt that if they stayed at the airport any longer, they'd risk getting caught in a second wave of flames.

      So they ran away from the airport. They saw me in the fenced-off area with the underground shed. I waved them in.

      The couple was maybe in their early fifties. They looked like they were maybe upper-middle class. The woman may have been pale skinned and a bit overweight, with frizzy, blonde hair. The man was compact but strong, tan, with short, wiry, grey-white hair. He wore a black polo shirt and, possibly, khaki shorts.

      The couple may have told me what they had just gone through and that they were trying now to get to safety. I understood that what they meant was that they wanted to get back to their house.

      I didn't know where the couple's house was. But I knew that there was a main road farther along the hillside. There were also a really big shopping center and people who could conveniently get the couple a car to get wherever they wanted to get.

      But to get the couple to this place, I'd have to fly them there. I thought I could fly both of them there. But I'd have to lift them into the air one at a time. This was more to make sure that each of them wouldn't be afraid of heights as I flew them over the hills.

      I *think* I lifted the woman into the air first. But we barely got off the ground before the woman got terribly afraid. I landed again. The woman ran over to some corner of the fenced-off area that had a little outdoor structure like a tool-shelf and work-counter, all made of old wood. The woman wouldn't leave that area. She was hysterical with a fear of heights.

      (If it *was* the woman. It may have been the man.)

      I now tried to lift the man (? or woman?) into the air. But I found that I couldn't fly up into the air with the man. He was way too heavy. This was surprising to me, as usually my flying had the effect of cancelling out gravity, so that everything I flew with weighed nothing. But the man wasn't losing any weight. He was still heavy.

      Dreams #2

      I was apparently telling people about a precognitive vision I'd had. It had to do with some kind of nuclear reactor, which looked more like a big piece of old factory equipment, with cogs and gears and cranks and wheels.

      I was probably telling two people about my vision. The people may both have been women. They may have been wearing white lab coats.

      I told the people that this particular reactor was different than almost other reactors, because two crank-wheels, which, in other machines, were set outside the reactor, were, in this model, set inside the housing of the reactor.

      In my mind's eye I could see a small, steel door that opened up to get inside this "reactor" (or huge piece of old-time factory equipment). The inside was mostly gears, all tightly-packed, lit with a kind of dim, incandescent light. There were two crank-wheels, one in front of the other.

      I told the people that the problem wasn't actually with the crank-wheels, but with a pane of glass either between or off to the (left --my left (?)) side of the wheels.

      This pane of glass had a problem with it. It was forming, inside of itself, red streaks. The red streaks actually looked like drops of blood.
    15. (31/10/11) - Zombie Workocalypse!

      by , 10-31-2011 at 03:22 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Sooo...I know I kinda got behind on the dream journaling and MILDing over the weekend, but hopefully I can get things back on track here...

      1) I went into work, fairly normal day, but far busier than usual. Eventually amid all the craziness, one guy came in and started to mildly cause trouble. He wasn't doing anything so obnoxious we could put him out of the store, but he was bothersome. I went into the back room to do my job in there, and came back out a bit later to see that guy still there, and talking to people in a very strange way...he was brainwashing them. I spoke to some other people he had already brainwashed--people I knew before--and they were completely different. In a daze, unable to hear me, repeating bizarre phrases, and quickly turning to displaying aberrant moods and behavior. Before long, these people had turned into zombies, and all my coworkers with them. Since I had been in the back, only I didn't get the brainwash treatment. I ran back to the stock room and locked the door. My boss was in there, too. "What are we going to do? Have you seen what's going on out there!?" I asked in a panic. "Yes...I...I don't know." I'd never heard him sound so discouraged before. We looked all over for a place to hide before the zombies broke through the door, but there was nowhere safe enough for us to plan on surviving for more than 30 seconds. Eventually my boss gave up. "I'm sorry." He said, just before a bullet went into my head. It didn't kill me, but after I turned and saw my boss holding the gun, I fell to the floor like I was dead anyway, to keep him from shooting again. As I lay there, I heard another gunshot go off, and this time my boss fell to the floor. I guess he would have rather died by his own hand than by the zombies. After a minute, I recovered from the wound and picked up my boss's gun (which strangely turned from a pistol to a shotgun when I picked it up). The zombies were close to breaking through. I quickly went out the back door and locked it, but it did little good. All around me outside things had turned into a wasteland covered with zombies. I had little hope of survival, but I didn't give up so easily. I went everywhere looking for a safe place, taking out zombies with my shotgun all the way. I woke up before finding anywhere.

      Dream Signs: highly unusual events, being at work, zombies
      Tags: horror, zombies
      non-lucid , memorable