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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 1/3/11 Dream one: Mythic Dawn Hostage

      by , 01-03-2011 at 06:01 PM
      Mythic Dawn Hostage (Non-lucid)


      So, this is the first of three dreams I remembered this morning. From what I recall, I was a Mythic Dawn member, a la Oblivion. I wasn't one by choice, though. My "memories" told me that they had found me almost dead, for one reason or another, and brought me back to health. So of course, I "owed" them. I never would have made it away alive if I had tried to flee them, anyway. So of course I grudgingly go along on their missions, looking for my chance.

      I also know I'm in some contact with the Imperial Guard, and I have some way of demonstrating that I'm actually on their side. I'm not sure exactly how, but I think I'd made a special rip in my robes, on purpose. (Not that that makes sense, but there ya go.) I'd somehow informed the Guard that we were here in this... wait for it... pizzeria. Yup. A bunch of us are in a central room with half-height walls when a commotion breaks out at the entrance. We all drop down to the floor and lay there. One guard comes into the room and starts to drag the nearest person (me) toward the door. Then he realizes through whatever means that I'm on their side, and he invents some reason to leave us be. (He couldn't just single me out, or the other Mythic Dawn members would turn on me. I dunno why they didn't pursue him, though. I mean, didn't it seem weird for them to let us go? Ah well...)

      So they leave, and my next mission is to gather 5 things from around the pizzeria, whatever they were. I don't remember. A couple times I come around and sit at a crowded, messy table, then apologize when I notice someone else is sitting there. Both times they give me some of their pizza. Whether out of generosity or fear, who knows. I can't remember anything else.
    2. Recall is improving

      by , 01-03-2011 at 03:40 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! I didn't get lucid last night... Damn! I was sure I was in for a treat. Oh well. Still had quite a few dreams and I have to say that my recall is improving, which is always nice. The dreams were random as usual.

      01.00: Bedtime

      07.00: Ruined cake
      I'm wearing military clothing and I've just been at some kind of carnival. Me and my friend Eric is about to meet up at some place and I'm running through town. A truck stops infront of me and I spot my sister Madde and her friend in it. "Hey" I say and stop to have a chat. Their truck keeps spinning around and around and I have to talk when their window is where I am at. I lean against a pole and I get black paint on my hands. "Cool now they're camo aswell" I think. They stop the truck and I wonder where they are going. "Oh we're just going to a party in town" Madde says. I enter the truck by walking through a small fridge in the middle of some stairs.

      I spot one more seat next to them at the front. "Oh, I guess we can't come since there are no more seats" I say. To my right I spot a door, it's the toilet. "Great! One of us can sit in here" I say and is just about to call Eric. To leave I have to walk through the fridge again, but there's a birthday cake in the way. I carefully lift off the shelf carrying the cake. I drop the thing outwards down onto the street. I swear my lungs out and scream until I get hoarse. I smash up a few plates while my sister is yelling at me to stop. I get out and take a look at the ruined cake. It's all over the sidewalk. My dad arrives and starts yelling at me. I realise I have to buy her a new one and so I start running.

      I run through town looking for a place to buy a cake. At one street going up from the one I'm on, I can see several casino's and pubs with large neon signs. I continue on down the road. A guy standing next to it seems to know I need help. "Do you know where I can find a bakery or something?" I ask him. "Yeah sure, just take a left here, then another left right after that" he tells me. I thank him and run. I can hear him behind me. "Anyone else need any help? I always keep what I promise!" I take a left. I am at the entrance of a mall. I go down an escalator. I can't see any bakery infront of me and I wonder why he lied to me.

      "Oh shit that's right, left again" I think and look behind me. There's a bakery just there, sweet. I walk up the the counter and ask the girl behind it for some help. "There's one cake with twelve pieces in it, and there's one with thirteen" she tells me. "The one with twelve is more like a large bun though" she points at some buns. I realise I have no idea what kind of cake to get. "Don't worry! Your sister already called us" the girl tells me. Phew! She starts wrapping up a kinda disgusting looking cake. It's yellow and all doughy. She puts striped dough all over the cake, and wraps it in yellow paper.

      "Over the road, under the road and out the hole" she says while making the knot, like she's tying a tie. I look next to me and spot two identical girls. They're wearing different coloured panties and I look to my left to not get caught "staring". A third girl is standing there. They are all blonde and thin. "Cool triplets" I think for myself. The cake is finished and I start wondering what it will cost. "We usually give a pity-price if someone's dropped a cake" she tells me. I am okay with it aslong as it doesn't cost more than 70 €.

      07.00: Water
      I'm with my aunt on a dock. Her kids are there too and I can see my uncle out in the water on a surfboard with a sail. "Yeah, I know he's treating everyone different" she tells me about my grandpa. My brother Morgan is there and he wants to go on the surfboard with my uncle. "No you can't, you don't have a vest on" he tells Morgan. I spot a black one and asks him about it. "No that's not the right one". Morgan spots something in the water and he jumps in. I am just a second after him and manages to grab his hand before he's swept under the dock by the current. He looks just like he did when he was a few years old. Spluttering I get him up. "What are you doing? That's dangerous" I tell him. He tells me he spotted something he wanted.

      9.45: Sliding in snow
      I'm walking down a road with my brother Martin. We joke around in the snow and is about to do some cool gliding stunts. Bam Margera shows up and tells us to look. He runs down the street and jumps up on a plastic sled. He falls and slams his back on the road. It starts bleeding from a few scratches. He lies there writhing in pain for a while. I realise his back must have been hurt permanently after all those stunts he's done. I look at his spine and it does look kinda crooked.

      9.45: Final fantasy
      I'm watching someone play Final Fantasy. There are four guys including Cloud, the main character. Cloud gets beat down and I expect the game to end. Suddenly he gets resurrected by a team mate. I had no idea you could do that. The dream skips. I'm playing myself now, and I'm up on a scaffold, looting everything I see. I take a can of gasoline and other useful stuff. When I'm done, I open up an inventory and put all the heavy stuff on another character. "Oh so this is how you give the other characters things to resurrect you with" I say.

      09.45: Fragment
      *Morgan is on the Xbox and I tell him to get off. He doesn't listen to me. "Get off the Xbox now!" I tell him and take away the controller. I take him into the bathroom to get him ready for bed.

      11.00: LAN
      I'm sitting on a yard between a couple of buildings. We're having an outdoor LAN party with a few friends and other people too. A guy in his mid forties is sitting next to me and starts talking. "Why are you playing games when you can have interesting, grown up discussions?" I look at him. "Actually I love having discussions" I tell him. He starts talking about how the world is ruled. "They fool us all by doing these shame maneuvers" I agree with him. Disturbed is playing and I think it's amusing how people can accept that.

      Suddenly I'm sitting at a long table in the middle of the yard. A woman in her early fifties are next to me and she's trying to flirt with me. I ignore her and eat what's on the table. Delicious chicken and bread. My friend Felix is sitting across the table. I can feel something rubbing up against my leg and the woman to my left is smiling at me, I believe she's drunk. I trace the leg with my foot and I realise it's Felix who's just fucking with me.

      He laughs at me as I get up to go get something to drink. I feel drunk all of a sudden and I can't seem to walk properly. A boy is holding a plastic coke bottle and I tell him to give it to me. He refuses and I grab it from him. I squeeze the bottle into a plastic cup and spill some on the ground. I give the broken bottle back to the boy. Everyone's looking at me as I try to find my way back to my seat, bumping into every table on the way.

      11.00: Fragment
      *I'm running around in an office building. There's something about a nintendo 8-bit game. Like donkey kong.

      12.30: Fishing
      I'm with my friend Eric at the canal in my hometown. It's summer and we're fishing for pike. Instead of using a jig, we're using eggs. Not even hardboiled ones. I crack them all down into the water and watch them float around. Apparently you cast a hook into one of the yolks, and just wait. Eric does so from a bridge going across the canal. After a while the yolk starts moving and is slowly disappearing. Eric yanks the line and gets a pike on the hook. I can see it's black back from above. The fish gets away though. We do this for a while, I get a mini pike that I keep.

      I suddenly remember that we have to make some plans for tomorrow, we're all going up north on a vacation. I call my friend G. He picks up. "Hey, have you bought those potatoes we need?" I ask. Apparently we had to make mashed potatoes to fuel the car with (?). "No I didn't... I thought you were going to do that" he tells me. "Nah, we could always just fuel the regular way then" I say and he agrees. I hang up. I continue watching Eric as my rod can't be used anymore. He gets a very big one on the hook and this time it's stuck for real!

      Actually the pike isn't that big I realise as I see several branches in its mouth. With a quick motion he gets it up by the bank. I take my fish and head for land. I tell him to take a picture of me holding it with my cellphone. I hand him the phone and hold the fish up. He snaps a photo and I realise I've got fish goo all over my hands. I rub them on some grass without looking. I can feel something soft in the grass. I look down and see two dog turds. "Fuck! That's some luck I've got" I say and try to rub it off on some grass. I go down by the bank where his fish is lying behind a small branch sticking up, keeping it from falling into the water. I wash my hands for a long time with sand. The pike is just lying there, breathing.

      12.30: Snow on the road
      I'm with a rich guy and his red sports car. We've run out of fuel and is fueling it up. I accidentaly put some coke in there. "Don't worry! If it breaks, you'll just have to pay some" he tells me like I'm all rich and it doesn't matter. We get im the car and continue down the road. It seems to have been snowing alot, and there are plowing trucks all over the place. I don't know why we don't slow down. "Wtf! Which lane are we supposed to be in?" the guy asks me. The plow trucks seems to be on the left side so we choose the right.

      After a while we have to start dodging trucks again and suddenly the road ends. There's a large wall of snow infront of us. I get out and try to see what's going on. A few construction workers get in their machines and I spot a small plowtruck with larvae tracks. I get on it and try to make it move. My boot gets stuck in the tracks and I have to struggle to get it loose. A few of my friends starts talking to people about how when we were doing the military training, a few guys got shot on a mission. "We all laughed at it when we came home, but I guess that was a bit too much" Eric tells a guy. I remember being sick on that particular day. An injury or something.

      12.30: Wtf dude?
      I'm in the showers at a swimming hall. Some guy keeps bugging me and I have no idea what he wants. "Are you shy or what?" he asks me when I walk away. "Leave me alone ffs!" I tell him and is about to take a piss. I can hear a coin fall to the floor as I enter the booth. I am sure he will pick up the coin and try to unlock the door. I put the seat up and pretend to start peeing, but I stand by the door, waiting. The door unlocks and opens. "Ahaa!" I yell to scare the guy. It's a janitor and he looks at me all confused. I get out and pick up the coin from the floor.

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      Supplements before bed: 200 ml applejuice, 2 x Omega-3

      That's it! Was a cool night even though I didn't get lucid. Will try to get lucid tonight again, with intentions and perhaps some meditation.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
      Tags: 10+, drunk
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. First lucid of 2011

      by , 01-03-2011 at 01:50 PM (My world, my rules)
      non-dream / dream / lucid

      Sonhei que iria me encontrar com minha namorada às 9:00 AM. Estava distraído assistindo CQC (um programa de TV bem popular no Brasil), quando me dei conta que já eram 9:35 AM. Fiquei assustado pois, além da meia hora de atraso, demoraria mais uma hora para chegar no local combinado. Corri para o segundo andar (onde estavam meus pais) para avisá-los, e então voltei correndo para o meu quarto para me trocar. Percebi que minha avó estava no meu quarto, sentada em um pequeno sofá no canto. Abri o guarda-roupa para escolher a roupa que eu iria usar. Quando me sentei na cama ao lado do guarda-roupa, senti que havia sentado em cima do controle da TV. Rolei para o outro lado da cama e joguei o controle pela porta, e minha avó disse: "Agora quebrou tudo!".
      Acordei e, sem me mexer, tentei aplicar um DEILD, me lembrando do sonho anterior e tentando voltar para ele.
      Consegui voltar ao sonho, e agora eu estava no banheiro do segundo andar de casa. Estava me olhando no espelho (e, incrivelmente, estava me vendo com clareza). Meu cabelo estava todo para baixo, então eu o penteei para cima (fazendo um topete). Na tentativa de testar o sonho, olhei para baixo e tentei imaginar meu cabelo como estava antes, sem penteá-lo. Olhei de volta para o espelho, mas não funcionou. Então tentei o RC de trancar o nariz mesmo. Nas duas primeiras tentativas não deu certo, mas na terceira eu consegui provar que era um sonho. Logo que percebi que eu estava lúcido, o sonho já começou a apagar. Me lembrei de um tópico que eu havia lido aqui no DreamViews que dizia que segurar alguns objetos poderia me manter no sonho por algum tempo. E foi o que fiz, primeiro eu segurei o vão da porta e fiz o possível para não acordar. O sonho foi voltando aos poucos. Então, peguei uma panela que estava ali perto (pois o banheiro fica ao lado da cozinha). Como o objeto metálico era gelado, me ajudou a voltar ao sonho (descoberta interessante, pelo menos para mim). Com a panela na mão (tateando-a constantemente para não perder a lucidez), comecei a andar pelo segundo andar da minha casa. Vi uma lata de cerveja em uma mesa, e peguei-a também, pois deduzi que estaria gelara e me ajudaria a me manter lúcido. Fiquei pressionando ela contra meu rosto, pois estava bem gelada e me ajudou a não acordar. Fui para a sacada e adimirei toda uma paisagem onírica. Percebi que onde hoje haviam prédios e mais prédios, haviam apenas montanhas (como era há alguns anos). Fui para a parte de trás de casa, mas então no meio do caminho acordei.

      It was interesting the fact that a cold object helped me to keep lucid. I already knew that holding objects would keep you in the dream world, but I had no idea that different objects with different textures would bring different results.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 04:17 PM by 32539

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. 2nd January 2010

      by , 01-03-2011 at 07:42 AM
      It was at my high school on the oval. There were different groups doing different activities. They included diving into water.

      Outside of the office, their were seats set up similar to the ones from tute, except they went down like basketball stadiums. I was sitting next to my tute teacher but later went to the front to stand up. We were all voting on something,
      and when I went to the front, a classmate voted for me instead. I went back up to my old seat and he gave me the voting slip, I said thanks. Where I was standing, their were a couple of other people standing.

      I also remember bits and pieces of other dreams. Going down to the basketball courts and only seeing a teacher. Chasing my mate outside the school. I think I was angry at him. I also remember walking back up the long road
      at the school for some reason.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. A Bunch of Interesting Fragments (Night of December 16-20)

      by , 01-03-2011 at 07:14 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Awake, Non-lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This is a catch-up post. These are dreams that I had between December 16 and December 20, 2010.]

      Night of December 16-17

      I discover that every time the “Looney Tunes” theme music is heard on TV, it's always being played live by real live musicians, even nowadays. I tell one of the live musicians how awesome I think it is that Warner Bros. [yeah, yeah, I know, “AOL Time Warner”] still does that.

      There is a research project going on. The goal is to research people with innuendo-y names, but without using the Internet. I am asked to make the necessary phone calls because of my “dulcimer” voice.
      [Um, I think the word you're looking for there is dulcet, brain.] Several of my friends, including Brianna G., are also involved in the project. We're all on vacation together, so, to help us out with the project, my mom reads silly names out of the newspaper every morning.

      Night of December 18-19

      [Fragment] My mom is entered in some kind of radio station contest.

      [Fragment] To get a particular piece of e-book reading software to work right in Firefox, I have to install some Firefox extensions. The e-reading software works after I've installed them, but I discover that they've taken up all the remaining free space on my hard disk.

      I'm going out to dinner with my parents. I don't want Mexican food for dinner because I've just had it recently. We're having dinner near the Starbucks that has taken over the cafe and adjacent motel that had originally occupied that particular building in Cayucos.

      [Fragment] I'm pulling my car out of the garage when my cell phone rings. I answer it and talk to some salespeople.

      I'm reporting in to work for a marketing agency. Usually, my job is to give out free samples of food in stores
      [this was my first real-life job, by the way], but today, my assignment is to go to Knott's Berry Farm and evaluate my experience there, like a mystery shopper. I'm running late, and I know I'm going to fall behind on the schedule the agency gave me, which includes seeing a show in a theater near the entrance to the park, but I'm still happy to be going there.

      Night of December 19-20

      [Fragment] I'm in line for Star Tours with P.

      [Fragment] I'm in an underground complex of preschool classrooms.

      I watch a full-length opening sequence for an animated show that is a fusion of “Bewitched” and “2 Stupid Dogs.” The animation looks like it was done by Hanna-Barbera. The opening sequence is followed by a behind-the-scenes clip of the Animated Actors who played some of the dogs.
      This clip was interrupted by my real alarm.
    6. An old Website and School.

      by , 01-03-2011 at 07:13 AM
      The Website

      Quite a while ago I left a Website, I haven't really thought about the website lately but this gave me a strange feeling to go back. Not something that I'm going to do, but the dream did bring back some funny memorys. A few threads that I enjoyed posting in, and just in general the community. Until later on, the website changed, the dream I had, I believe made me think about it, the way it was before. A bit of a strange dream to me, I'm rather confused as to what this means. But oh well.


      I rarely dream about school, but whenever I do, they are always strange dreams, this one however, was not really a strange dream. Two of my friends were around the wall, near the exit of the school outside, and they were both smoking. All I could see was smoke coming from around there and it was coming all around the other corner.

      One of my friends came round to me, as some member of staff was coming over to us. My friend then hid the cigarette down by his arm. The staff member then asked who has been smoking, she turned to look at other people that I do not believe were there before, my friend threw the cigarette over at the wall infront of her, the cigarette smashed into the wall, but then it blew up, the fire became a lot bigger. No one seemed effected by it, not even me.

      The member of staff turned around and looked straight into my friends face. My friend pointing at me.

      I then woke up. And here I am.

      At this point, that is all I can remember, sadly. At first I didn't remember absolutely anything, until I thought about it. I tried writing down my day, to clear my mind of old useless memorys. And it seems to have worked.

      My Dream Journal really is a weight off my shoulders everytime I write in it.

      Updated 01-03-2011 at 07:15 AM by 40603

    7. Creepy

      by , 01-03-2011 at 06:02 AM
      So I was sleeping in my dorm one night. Accidently fell asleep while watching TV and forgot to lock my door. In my dream I saw a ghost face of one of my roommates that said: "Wake up! Lock your door!" It was weird.
    8. Highway (st)Robbery

      by , 01-03-2011 at 04:40 AM
      Before I forget...

      I'm in a snack store out by my community college where all the food is behind glass and really expensive (e.g. $5 for a bag of four animal crackers). There were a couple of very tempting pastries, but instead I decide to munch on some graham crackers and a strawberry that I had brought from home. The cashier, however, rings up my snack and scolds me for eating before paying. The total comes to $13, which I argue is totally preposterous, especially because the strawberry was mine and I had cut it in half, while he was trying to charge me for two strawberries. I even try to show evidence that the food was totally mine, but he wouldn't believe me.

      So I end up doing a Ghost in the Shell-style mind-link with the cashier, wiping his memory and sending him hurtling into cyberspace for good measure before I make my escape.
    9. Random dreams

      by , 01-03-2011 at 02:13 AM
      Dinner at an Asian Restaurant (My first real lucid dream) On the night of 23rd December 2010 Lucid Non-lucid

      I entered the dream lucid and i don't remember how, so i appeared in a modern restaurant and i was sitting at a table with my family and a group of friends on another table. So the first thing i did was obviously realized was the fact that i was lucid, so I went over to my sister that i was in a dream, she said "I know your in a dream". And i started swimming in the air just to try it out, and she started swimming as well strangely. After doing that i tried to use telekinesis on a random green apple that was on the table, Then suddenly my friend came up to me and asked, "Can you come with me to pick up Darren(Which was one of my friends) ?" So i went with the flow and followed him across the street to a burger king that looked like some sort of caravan. When we went there we saw him sitting down then he walked out, I walk out as well and when we saw these old couples, my friend told me to meet these guys and that they're awesome, so i shook their hands and i introduced myself but they said nothing and walked pass staring at me, then i woke up...

      Weird horror game On the night of January 1st 2011

      I start of entering a simulation game which spawned me into this creepy looking house with stained walls, i turned the corner into a room and saw a couple of people, one of the was shouting, "We have to call EMERGENCY!!!!!!!!!" For some reason i declined and tried to escape the house myself, but i failed miserably dieing from a fat monster with big teeth that entered the room(I died in the game). So i restarted the game and this time obeying what that random guy told me. So I was holding a mobile phone in the room and water was filling it up quickly, the person on the other end of the line said that he is sending a boat to pick me up.

      So i waited a bit and the man appeared which was a young Indian guy and the dream scene changed, and i was sitting at the end of a fancy dinner with the man that saved me, we started talking and eventually he asked me if i like cricket and as soon as i said yes the dream scene changed again and i was playing cricket with that dude, i hit a boundary and then i woke up.

      Updated 01-03-2011 at 02:31 AM by 40297

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. 2/5 Sat: Two Decent LDs

      by , 01-03-2011 at 01:51 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Chess, Leaf Blower
      0647: Cleaning up after a chess tournament. In a backyard, me and another guy are folding up patio tables and umbrellas and picking up chess pieces off the ground. I use leaf blower to collect the stray pieces (but in the dream, I call it a wood chipper). Need to drive the tables to a new venue. A group of four girls is leaving and the other guy wants to follow them and try to pick them up. I have trouble starting the leaf blower. I say my father game it to me, like an heirloom. There is a swimming pool and a pickup truck.

      I recalled this at the very end of the night. I think it fits in here. Sara holding the front door open for me at work.

      Baseball Stands
      0911: At a baseball game with my father. It's a huge stadium. I think it's the Dodgers vs the Tigers in Detroit. We sit way up in the nosebleed section. Then two guys I knew in high school sit near us. My father points them out: "Hey look who it is." I ignore them and don't want to talk to them: "They aren't my friends anymore." Then the scene is a much smaller baseball field like at a high school. One of the high school classmates is at bat. He bats left-handed. He hits a foul ball that bounces around our seats and I grab it. Father suggests I give it to the other guy. But I refuse and keep it.

      Another foul ball comes to me and I catch it. Then a guy in the stands who is dressed like an umpire step out to the edge of the field. He looks at me as says "Hey, we need that ball back." I think about it and then throw one of the balls to him. Then the chuckles and walks back to the stands. He tricked me! I want to say "Nice lesson in honestly for your kid" but I don't have the chance.

      Short WBTB in which I use the bathroom and recall my goals and intention

      Method WILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control C
      Begin lucid in an unfamiliar house. My plan and visualization was a Christmas party from a few weeks ago. But this house is totally different. I walk through the house, opening doors, trying to teleport to the party. One set of doors is three sets of doors, like connected hotel rooms, but three doors instead of two. I open one set of doors and see a man who looks like Wolverine from X-Men, but shorter and less threatening.

      I open another door and see a woman who looks like the girl from Boy Meets World. I kiss her and then walk past. Now I am outside. It seems like a remote mountain road and the house I was in was a luxurious winter cabin. I walk out to the road. It's daylight. I'm in the middle of an evergreen forest. Dream fades.

      Shutter Island and Nice Car
      Method DILD
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control C
      1114: Not sure how, but I become lucid. I am in the Daisetta house. Once again I recall my goal to relive the Christmas party. I imagine a girl there whose name is Rachel. Instead I am with a woman in the family room. She leads me into the bathroom. I kiss her (I tend to do that a lot) and look at our reflection as we kill. Then she tells me that Rachel was missing but they found her (this is from the plot of Shutter Island). She pulls back the bathtub curtain. There is another woman in wet clothes who seems frightened. The bathtub is divided into two sections, like a food lunch tray.

      I lose interest in that and move on. I walk back to the family room and phase through the sliding glass door (with some difficulty). Now I am outside and walk to the front yard. It's night and the streets is lined with cars. Across the street, I see a nice car with the door empty and lights on. It's white sports car, looks like a Tesla Roaster. I walk up to it and climb into the driver seat. On the passenger seat, there is a lit candle. I blow it out. Then I shift the car into drive and peel out. I drive up the residential street as fast as I can. It's fun to drive so recklessly. I turn out on to one of the main streets of town and weave through traffic. Other cars honk and swerve. I try to go even faster but I can't seem to.

      Updated 01-03-2011 at 01:51 AM by 35793 (categories)

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. A quick nap and a statue?

      by , 01-03-2011 at 01:06 AM
      I've only just recently woken up from a small sleep. About two hours. In my mind, when I think about it I think of a statue - not sure that's what the dream was about but I feel as if I've seen the statue before, it was part of the body with the head. From what I can recall the statue was in perfect shape and conditioning.

      Thinking about this type of statue, the only place I can picture is a desert of some sort - a desert with a collapsed kingdom perhaps? And just before the stairs the statue is there.

      Sadly at this point in time, that's all I can really remember.
    12. Aliens, a run, school, and Xmas tree

      by , 01-02-2011 at 11:54 PM
      I don't even remember the first one, lol

      1/1-2. 12. 320. Theresa’s house look. Animals locked up. Large alien ship leave. Shoot at it

      610. Idyllwild in a restaurant with mom and someone else. Hear call go out. Trolley(with people) and engine go by. Lady asks if trollies go with people, and I say yes when I did a ride along they did. Drive up after them. Then run down hill. Steep. Other people with us. Feels like you could fall but then fly at same time. Then at bottom and we’re waiting for a run to begin. In a park. Water is pooling on the ground. Finntroll- Trollhammaren plays. Some guys, one with us, another guy with other group talk in Swedish/ Norwegian. Our guy says something and the other guy makes a joke of it. Something about our guy used a word for “cops” when he should’ve used a diff word

      At school. Some band is playing. Drummer is that Italian guy in my sections and looks like Ralphie from A Christmas Story. Stick breaks and hits someone in the head. I eat some sugar cookies

      Xmas tree is small and so’s the table. CO monitor is on the floor, floor is smoking. Tell dad. I blow the smoke to get it away. Catches fire. I run to the sink to get water and tell dad to get an extinguisher

      1030. Large sitting area like a cafeteria. Chelsea xxxxx and some of her friends(?) there. We go out to parking lot. One of her friends leaves. Then riding with dad. Come back. Then I’m getting out of an EMT class? Walk through another class while another EMT class is going on. Tell class the answer/ something to look for in vid they’re watching. Go back out to truck. Ride with dad. Theresa there in lot with a large green kite. Tell her to get in with us and she does. Kite gone

      Updated 02-14-2011 at 09:17 PM by 28615

    13. ◊ Fragmented Mind ◊

      by , 01-02-2011 at 11:28 PM
      Entry #2.
      Sleeping period: 11.5 hours

      [ ] Lucid [ ] Nearly-Lucid [X] Non-Lucid [ ] Nightmare [ ] Controlled
      Comments: I can only remember little bits and pieces from last night... :[ Hopefully I'll remember more tomorrow. These fragments probably wont be in the correct order.

      I was in our bathroom with Dave, asking him to help me open the secret door into the back-room that doesn't exist in reality. As we finally unlock the door, he makes a comment about how "it's impossible to have a shower back there with this piping!"

      I was in the secret back-room. It was sort of like a miniature library. Old, old books and papers filled the shelves around me. Possibly "English Council" property? I remember hearing Stephanie Meyer at this point. Then I got a shower. The lighting was very yellowy-orange right then.

      I was just leaving school, but I couldn't find my bus anywhere. Finally all of the buses left, I think I saw mine last minute but it was too late to catch it. There was a tent at the traffic circle, Harry was there. We made gifts of some sort for Lin, I think...I called mom to pick me up. A few minutes later I got a text from her, some variation of "I'll be there in 1 minute. The roads are empty, no traffic at all!"

      I remember being in a store of some kind. It was like one in Animal Kingdom in Disney World, sort of a canopy in the jungle. Maybe more like my dance patio at CRR? There were little boys there, I think. They were playing with little toys and trinkets. I sadly can't remember anything else except for these fragments, but I think it was one of my most vivid dreams, so that's sort of sad that I can't recall it all
    14. The goal of Hockey

      by , 01-02-2011 at 10:33 PM
      I went to class with one of my friends. I was not signed up for the class, but just went for one day. I did not have any of the materials needed. I sat down with my friend, we all sat cross legged on the ground, facing the female teacher. Once she begun class, everyone opened up their books. I remember the text being a light blue on white. I did not have the book so I looked at the person's next to me. I was rather confused and had no idea what was going on, and decided to leave the class and wait outside for my friend.

      Later I was walking with my boyfriend and a friend down a road. They mentioned a Hockey game being played on Tuesday night at 8pm. I then remembered...I am on the hockey team, and we have a game this morning at 7:30! I asked them what time it was, and they said 7:36. I being run down another road, wondering if I am going to get kicked off the team for not showing up to our game. Somehow, I managed to get to the game before it started. I was in my pads, white and green, very similar to the Star's white jersey. I sat on the bench with my hockey stick, a guy telling me to look at the big tv as I was on it. I didn't look, instead tried to play it cool. I noticed I was the only girl on the team. I wondered if the other team would treat me the same as the other guys, or be more gentle. It was then I noticed the other team, in white, blue, and red. There were two girls on their team also. Soon I was on the ice. I was able to steal the puck from a player and shoot it along the edge, and another player of mine gained control of it. I needed to block some players on the other side, and did successfully. The player on my team with the puck attempted to make a goal, but the goalie seemed to stop it. But they had not, and I barely tapped it in as they flung themselves on the ice in an attempt to block it. It seemed to go so slowly as it went it, but surely enough we scored. I remember looking at the coach, telling me I needed to switch with another player and rest on the bench. I attempted to skate over, but didn't seem to go very far. I was suddenly unable to skate, and the dream ended
      Tags: hockey
    15. 01/01/2011:

      by , 01-02-2011 at 09:38 PM (Adventures of a 21st Century Dreamer)
      lucid,non lucid,comments

      Futuristic Ninjas:

      I was watching a ninja war from above. I didn't have a body, just awareness. The battle field was like a wooden maze with huge parks in certain places. There were two factions, gold and black, they looked like regular ninjas only their suits looked futuristic and they had helmets with visors. The gold ninjas were winning. I kept wondering why ninjas were fighting each other head on. Clearly the gold were winning, so if I was the boss of the blacks I would employ sneak tactics. But instead the ninjas would teleport to each other and then start using martial arts. There was a gold ninja standing on top of a building just watching the fight like me, I assumed he was the boss of the golds. I zoomed in on him,and he was radiating a lot of energy...

      Suddenly I had a body, I was a ninja dressed in all black..shit!. With my visor I could see what was actually happening when two ninjas came head to head, their arms would rapidly fire bursts of energy and if you took too many hits you die. I was crouching behind some stacks of wood, paranoid that some gold ninja was going to kill me any second. Everything felt so intense...then I saw a gold ninja about 200 hundred yards away, I took the quietest step of my life thinking if I can get to him before he turns around..instantly I was behind him, my right arm just acted on its own and fired two deadly shots into his back( cowardly I know but..I was a ninja!)

      Now I was out in the open, I needed a place to hide but there was nothing. time skips and it turns out I killed about five ninjas with my tactic, as I'm finishing off the sixth the gold boss notices me. He seems faster and stronger than everyone on the battle field, I start running for my life. It turns out the ninjas weren't tele-porting, just moving faster than my human eye could perceive.

      We leave the maze and end up on a high-way somehow, I take a glimpse behind and crash into a truck?. With my back on the wind shield I look up and the gold ninja lands on-top of me, about to unleash a deadly blow...my little sister wake me up

      Way home:

      fragment of me getting lost and some guy showing me the way back home, but it involved climbing buildings and mountains. and then at the end he waved goodbye and said shalom?.

      Updated 01-16-2011 at 01:38 AM by 40241

      Tags: black, gold, ninjas, shalom
      non-lucid , dream fragment