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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Lucid frag/beatles dream/lame G/C experience

      by , 09-23-2010 at 12:58 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 22, 2010

      G/C night. 4/200 taken with a liquid shot of L-theanine, 200mg. Also followed by a small stick of marble cheese because I always need to eat food with pills. The shot was really gross, btw Melatonin taken 1-hour before bed.


      Excited fragments - Lucid - 4/5
      I was having random burst of images and general excitement at the impending G/C. I don't remember much about this other than it being so awesome to watch that I wondered even needing the G/C tonight.

      Interrupted by Jack coming to bed. I did my best not to check the time, but he was restless and keeping me up. I wondered if he'd still be awake by 3:30? Tried to let it go, and he finally settled down.

      Odd mish-mash - Partial Lucid - 1/5
      Starts out in this psych house. It’s literally a psych house. There are psychologists roaming around booking hour long appointments with patients who are all milling around waiting. I think I must be scheduling them, and one of the doctors gets frustrated with me, because I keep getting his name wrong.

      The Beatles (younger, yay!) just kind of appear out of nowhere. Shit happens. Some of it was random, like Paul and I writing notes to each other... and I summoned one of Jack's cousins. Some of it didn't really turn out how I wanted it too... >.>

      We rejoin the rest of the guys. “It’s time to leave,” I announce.

      “We just got here!” George protests.

      We’re outside and I ask George if they want to explore around the house, as it looks a little…ramshackle!

      We went around to the back, and it gets fuzzy. Dream changes at some point, and the guys are gone. I lose lucidity getting whirled into a new scene.

      I'm now at a children’s party, and some MM members are there, too. We have this pretty awesome bear costume that takes a lot of maneuvering to get in and out of. I get in it and test out some movements. You can even wiggle your own toes, and it wiggles the bear toes! I go to a circle of kids. They’re totally delighted, and I say, “Are you not scared?”


      “Well, maybe I haven’t ROARED enough!!” I didn’t really want to scare them though, cos they were kind of young, so I found this kid who was the spitting image of my oldest nephew (when he was still a toddler) and roared into his tummy and tickled him.

      I passed off the suit to Snowy. The party was dissolving into another scene, as I hear mental recount Snowy arriving late to the party (he was humoured by it). She came in the rain and demanded clean clothes. And was given a bear costume.

      In the new scene, I notice Joe is now living with mum, Jack and I. He’s finally come out of his room (false memories told me he’d been hiding away) to socialize. I remember him removing a personal journal from an end table so no one could read it.

      I also recall hearing mental telling us something about how Joe is doing really well in spite of the schizophrenia (he does have it), and that we should praise and not judge him.

      WBTB from 3:30-4:30am. Popped the G/C and L-theanine now...

      Ended up popping a 0.5mg melatonin at 5am cos I was feeling sleepy or relaxed at all... :Oo:

      Umm... so that was uneventful...

      I settled in for a WILD... vibrations, came and I was feeling kind of swirly and pleasant... Then, I decided to WILD from my side, cos that's how it worked last time. I passed in and out of sleep with nothing exciting happening. No music, no string of FA's... just me and some scenes I can't recall now. I was feeling too hot, so I pushed off my blankets. More sleep. Woke up at some point really cold, brought the blankets back... Over all, just really sucked.

      I was in a war, as a foot soldier. Things were exploding around me everywhere, the ground was shaking, and all that. Then, I was looking from the eyes of a villager the soldiers were trying to save. They were running in to get us, only, they would reach a certain point, expand abnormally large and then collapse and die.

      Cutlery fragment
      Sorting out spoons, knives and forks for washing. Hurrah! Also, from this scene, is attached this feeling of borrowing something. Like I was borrowing the house from someone, or a vehicle, or something...
    2. Wave 54: Dreams Running Wilde

      by , 09-23-2010 at 12:57 AM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      My streak once again ended at 3. Not over though, il just start again Did not really remember much, and writing right now at 8. Not in the mood for writing

      Dream 1: About the new show with Will Arnett, Running Wilde.

      Dream 2: A girl is taking the bus in a grey car.
    3. 9/17/10 Athletic Jail, Where are they?, Dream FA or Dream DEILD, Dream FA or Dream DEILD #2

      by , 09-22-2010 at 11:56 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Basically, most of these dreams were about me dreaming that I was DEILDing and dreaming that I was dreaming lucidly, when I actually wasn't.
      If this got confusing, I wasn't lucid in these (at least I don't think so).

      Athletic Jail
      I remember a dream in where I wasn't in, but I was looking at (like a TV) There were these men that were probably in jail and had to do hard labor or something. Everyone was outside at this time. it was nighttime. The guard was standing at the gate, the only place for escape. The setting looked like a football field/track. The guard left for one minute, and when he came back, he saw all the prisoners jumping over the fence and running away. He yelled at them angrily.

      Where are they?
      My siblings and I walked up to a place that looked like McDonalds from the outside but a normal house on the inside. We walked in to a big living room. We were waiting for our mom to show up. I was standing behind the couch. In the corner of my eye I saw a guy-about 16 (who must have been their son)- standing in his doorway. I turne dmy head towards him but then he vanished.
      A few minutes later the father came around the corner and stood in the doorway of the livin groom. He was bald but had a mustach and glasses. "Hey." he said. I said hi, and told him my name. He wanted to show me something. So we went up to the master bedroom. I saw a pair of shoes and some trash on the floor. He showed me a view out the window. That's really all I remember. Also I recall hearing his wife say "I don't shop, I ____. (can't remember)" (meaning: instead of shopping at regular mall stores, she shops at Goodwill and thrift stores)

      Dream FA or Dream DEILD
      This dream would seem like a false awakening, but I don't think it was. I was actually in 3rd person in the dream, so I was basically like dream DEILDing or WILDing.
      Anyways, I "woke up" in a different bed in the dream (still at my house, still in the same room, just different place, position, and style) and I rolled over in bed. Before the dream "FA" I had had a dream about iCarly so I decided that I would DEILD (I was really dream DEILDing) or something.

      So a minute later I was back in a "dream" as I thought it was. I probably was lucid in this, or I dreamed that I was lucid in the dream.
      I remember being in 3rd person looking at myself and a group of girls I was singing with. We were dressed in these cool pixie-like costumes.

      I started dancing. By this time I realized that I was actually on a computer looking at myself. (Well, I didn't realize, but once I woke up I did.) I saw the whole screen like I was there, but I remember the feeling of controlling a mouse and clicking on some buttons.

      At the end of the song we all jumped up and did these twisty moves with rainbows trailing behind us. Yes, it was that weird.

      Dream FA or Dream DEILD #2
      The same thing happened again. I must've had another dream about waking up and DEILDing. Again, I was in the same different bed. I was also in 3rd person again. I remember wanting to have that previous dream. I rolled over; and a few minutes later I was back in a "dream". Instead of the same drea, I was at my school trying to find the lead singer. I wasn't lucid in this, because I was dreaming that I was dreaming lucidly (I guess; darn this is confusing).

      I was on the playground of my school. I found her and starting chatting with her. All of a sudden we heard a low rumble noise. She and some other kids ran into the school and I followed. I turned around once we were in the hallway and looked out he door. I noticed that there was sand covering the pasture land beyond the playground. There was still some kids playing outside, unaware of the sand cyclones in that area. I saw my friend try to run on a wave of sand as it was being blown. l0l.

      Once again: "Basically, most of these dreams were about me dreaming that I was DEILDing and dreaming that I was dreaming lucidly, when I actually wasn't.

    4. Super Happy Fun Spinning Hanger Time! Yay!

      by , 09-22-2010 at 08:34 PM (Amen, the thunderbolt in the dark void....)
      So, I don't even know where to begin. Dreams are gibberish sometimes.

      Anyway, it was very very sexual so I'm going to skip over a lot of the fun bits on general principle.

      I kept walking to different houses with a bunch of girls that were really cute. I think we were all trying to find a place to live. The whole ordeal took a long time, and I kept feeling really tripped out at each house we would step in. I kept looking around at all the objects inside wondering how the people who lived there lived their everyday lives, what they were like.

      Suddenly I was alone with D. We had been shown a house earlier in San Francisco... It was more like a mobile home attached to a huge house, but once you got inside it was really big. There were lots of details in the architecture. There were flower pots built into the walls with lots of beautiful wood carved designs all around them.

      Later in the dream, I kept going to places... for example, a movie theater... and whoever would be working there would say it was free of charge. "Bob is here," they would say, "We know that you don't have to pay here." (Note: I don't think I've ever met anyone named bob in my life although this vaguely reminds me of Fight Club... I haven't read the book/seen the movie in a while. It just reminds me of that almost exactly come to think of it. This is a big note between these parenthesis so I should probably stop rambling on right... about.. now.)

      Oh yeah, the whole time I kept talking about the rap/hip hop album that I am going to record. I was very excited about it. And hell yes, I am recording a rap album.

      .. Also, I didn't write down my dreams yesterday but I remember them very clearly.

      I was standing in a room with a few friends of mine. I think we were going to see a show soon. There was a plastic hanger in the middle of the room and I picked it up. Two others grabbed onto it and we all began spinning wildly. I can't explain why we did this. We were laughing hysterically the whole time and the dream changed to us standing inside of a store. It was like a Longs, Walgreens, Rite Aid, CVS, etc. One of my friends wanted beer but he didn't have his Id so he wanted me to buy one for him. They were a dollar. I didn't really want any so I was looking around for something else that I might want. I walked over to a guy who worked there and he began putting like 50 beers into a giant sack and gave it to me. "Don't tell my boss," he said.
      "Uh..." I replied, "k..." So I took them and kept wandering around the store. I didn't really feel like carrying them so I dropped them somewhere and forgot about them.

      I found a huge aisle full of paintings. I really wanted some of the big ones. There were lots of paintings of jazz singers, one strange rainbow bob marley picture, and a few others . I never finished picking one out.
    5. Pose

      by , 09-22-2010 at 07:41 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      September 22nd 2010

      Quick note: I got more sleep last night, but my alarm (iPod) died during the night so I didn't get up to WBTB/WILD -_- Recall is still pretty rubbish.

      Awake Non-Lucid

      I'm at school, but classes have been switched. Why am I going to german? I haven't been in a german class since S2. It's one of the most boring subjects ever.

      I take off my brown leather bag, take a folder from it, then hook it up. I don't use this bag... I had it in S2
      (maybe I went back in time).

      I sit down at the front of the class, book open, ready to be bored to death. My teacher comes up and sits next to me, because a student is taking the class. He turns around to "help" me but I just want to figure it out on my own, so I ignore him. The student writes a few words on the board but I have no idea what they mean. "P" something.

      [Dream skip - Half an hour] I'm in a small shop with the rest of my german class. We've to choose a snack from the fridges and buy it at the counter running along the far yellow wall. I head over to the fridges (opposite) but my music teacher stands in the way. I stand on my tiptoes and grab a box labelled "chocolate fudge cake".

      Hayley is at the counter, an ex-friend of mine. She smiles as I walk up, but I'm taking none of it. "What a class of neds eh? I didn't realise we had to many..." I tell her, nodding towards her group of friends. She remains silient.

      "You've got the same snack!" The woman manning the counter says. I eye Hayley's snack with distaste... Chocolate fudge cake. "Wait a minute," the woman grabs a large camera excitedly; "strike a pose!"

      We pose, grinning in an overexagerated way, but as soon as the photo's taken we drop it like it never happened. "Don't be a whore..." I murmer under my breath as she walks away.

      [Dream skip - A few minutes] Now I'm in the main hall, back at school. I'm watching everyone else watch something. I can't see it because they're all in the way. I once again stand on my tiptoes. There's a photoshoot set. A woman tells to come up one at a time, pose and then sit back down.

      What!? I don't want to do that! I'd rather be in boring german. Then I notice my hair's grown. My hair's long again! That was fast. It feels a bit heavy, but maybe this shoot will be fun after all.

      Max comes up to me. "Hey, did you cut your hair?" I ask in horror. He runs his fingers through it, looking sheepish. "No! Don't cut it! Unless it needs a trim. Only Liam needs to cut his hair."

      Possibly the shittiest dream I've ever had.
    6. Many random dreams

      by , 09-22-2010 at 06:10 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Woop woop! Slept way too much this morning, in hopes of getting a LD. But all in vain! I just had a few random dreams even though I used the WBTB technique after 9.00.

      Night Fragments
      *I was watching DV and I saw a DJ entry where they called me by my real name. I checked it out and saw that the person who wrote it, really looked up to me. I feel really good about myself for a while, until I decide to check the IP on that person. Ofcourse! It's just my friend Eric fucking around as usual..

      *My friend Felix has finally got a hold of a girl! She's blonde and cute. Suddenly another cute blonde girl shows up, and they introduce her to me. "This is my sister" his girl says and I wonder wtf is going on. "Don't worry, you will forget about Monica after a while" says Felix and I don't feel so good.

      9.00: Trashtalking an old friend
      I'm talking to my friend Henrik about an old friend I once had. We actually had a great time, but he was kinda strange. We're doing some kind of work outside of a house and we start talking trash about the old friend. Suddenly we hear a voice from above and look up. The window on the top floor is slightly open and we look at eachother. "Damn that's right, he's living right here" I say and soon after we hear someone coming around the corner. Ofcourse it's the one we talked about and he's really pissed off. But he has changed somehow, and is taking it way better than I thought he would. Soon he's crying and we tell him it's alright, and we have a long conversation. We end up agreeing on doing something later.

      11.00: McDonald's
      I'm at McDonald's with Felix and G. It's late at night and we're having some food after our night out. I'm eating a cheeseburger and when I'm almost done, I see that the meat is completely pink. "Wtf?" I say and I look around. G gets a big hamburger from the guy behind the counter and he's just about to eat it, completely oblivious that the entire thing is pink. "Don't eat it!" I say and walk over to him. He puts the burger down and I confront the two guys working there. "What the hell? Why don't you cook the meat properly?" I ask and they shrug. "Do you think it's worth putting on the grill again? It takes a long time for it to heat up" I look at the supposedly turned off grill and I can clearly see it's still on. It's even glowing red. A monitor in the roof appears out of nowhere and it's showing us the grill. Zooming in until we see the fine cracks of the metal.

      12.30-14.15: Fragments
      *I'm watching some kind of talkshow of some sort. And there's a bunch of women, who all wants a man. One guy comes up and everybody screams. The dude looked a bit feminine, and was wearing some tight grey pants. A story about him appears and he tells us about himself while stretching. Apparently he's also into guys..

      *This dream was fucked up. It was about a frog, trying to get into a tree, where it had its nest. To get to the tree, you had to climb, and build ladders with cards, by putting them together so they build a bridge. You could also use sticks, which you jammed between two trees and made some kind of ladder...

      *I'm driving my dad's car and I'm closing in on a red light. I hit the breaks as hard as I can but the car keeps moving, and luckily I don't hit anything. The other cars honk at me and I put up my hand to say sorry. At the next intersection the same thing happens! I step on the break with both feet but the car won't slow down enough.

      Amount of sleep: 11 hours

      WBTB Food at 9.15: 2 eggs, 1 can of makrill on some knäckebröd,
      25 cl applejuice, 1 omega-3 pill and 100 mg B6.

      That's it! I will try to increase the B6 over the days to come. Tomorrow I will rebound my REM by not sleeping more than 4 hours. We'll see how much I dream even though I barely get any sleep!

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 09-22-2010 at 06:34 PM by 36346

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. LOL - Edward Norton and Dad

      by , 09-22-2010 at 02:20 PM
      Type: Regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I didn't remember this dream until a few minutes after I woke up, but when I did, I burst out laughing. "Hey, was I punching the drywall of my house...? Oh, right!" I didn't count this dream as a lucid, because while I did do some lucid dream-y things in it, I was so unaware that I can't confirm if I actually was aware on a very low level, or if the "lucidity" was just part of the dream plot.

      I was in my house's living room. The lighting in the room was a bit darker than normal, but everything was still visible. The flooring was light hardwood, and the walls were beige. The entrance to the room was in the corner, and it was a simple square-shaped arc. A few feet away from the entrance, there was a large television unit on a wooden entertainment center that was up against the wall. I also saw two rectangular speakers, one on either side of the entertainment center.

      There was one black leather couch in the middle of the room, in front of the television. Underneath it, there was a really fluffy burgundy rug. I was in the room and, although I didn't have much lucidity, I used the turn-around technique to summon Edward Norton, my favorite actor. I suppose he's my current celebrity/actor crush.

      I summoned him and he looked a bit different, but I didn't care because I heard someone heading towards the room we were in. I wasn't lucid enough to think, 'whatever, this is a dream so I don't need to react to their arrival', but I felt like I needed to hide Edward Norton somewhere. I looked at the wall on my left, then at Edward Norton. and then I dug my nails into the wall, pulling out a piece of it. It was like thick cardboard, so it wasn't too difficult to remove. Inside the wall it was empty, but a foot or so beyond that, there was another layer of wall, probably from the room next to us. I peeped my head in through the hole and looked around; this wasn't a big enough "room" for Edward Norton to hide.

      I needed something bigger.

      I walked out of the living room; there was a hallway with really ugly pale yellow bathroom tiles as the flooring, and a few feet down there was only one room we could go to. I turned to the right and entered a kitchen, with the same nasty tiles. There was a basic white refrigerator and a stove on the right of it, all inside a countertop like a normal kitchen. On the left of the fridge was a cabinet, but there was no counter in between. And there was two or three feet of space, so I thought there might be a room behind there. I stepped back and ran at the wall, smashing my foot into it and causing the drywall to snap realistically. It was way stronger than cardboard now, but it still fell.

      On the other side of the wall, there was a room ten feet deep by twenty feet wide. The floor was pale blue beveled square tiles, and the walls were pale dark blue. The room wasn't that well lit, but I could see a long dark wooden desk on the wall opposite of the hole we both went through. It had a large television on it, a bit thicker than a normal flatscreen, that looked like an iPad. There was a computer to the right of it; it was one of the thicker, older monitors, black with a black keyboard.

      I was very vaguely aware that this was a dream, so I "expected" the computer to turn on when I pushed a round button in the center of the monitor. Instead of the computer, though, the large television turned on. On the television screen was a game selection screen. But instead of video games, there were links like "chemistry course" or "biology 101", and you could select them by pressing the up or down arrows on the computer monitor. "Choose the chemistry one," Edward Norton told me, and I obeyed. The television shut off.

      "There must be a power shortage," he said when the screen went black, although the dim lights in the room were still on. I exited the room and forgot all about Norton, and then when I was back in the kitchen, I tried to summon him again. I turned around, expecting him to be there, and my dad walked up to me.

      "Hey," he said.

      Ugh...Great. "Can you please leave?" I asked him, "I'm trying to summon Edward Norton and you're appearing instead!" I had forgotten I'd already summoned him.

      My dad made a funny frowny face and I laughed, even though I was trying to be serious. "Dad, seriously. Go." I became visibly more serious, and when I told him a third time, he walked away. The dream ended.

      Updated 05-17-2023 at 04:43 AM by 28408

    8. 9/22/2010 Fragments

      by , 09-22-2010 at 11:34 AM
      It's a weekday (and a school day) so I'm not getting near enough sleep. As such, with recall that isn't the best anyways, I'm not having much luck remembering most of my dreams. I do remember a couple of fragments from after I hit snooze on my alarm for about five minutes. In the first dream, I'm playing some sort of computer game, while in my pajamas. I think it's supposed to be Starcraft, though I've only ever played the first one, and only for a few minutes. In the dream, I'm trying to hide what I'm doing, though I don't know why. In a second dream, or a continuation of the first, I'm in the kitchen about to enter the bathroom when I realize somebody spilled something all over the kitchen floor. I quickly try to clean it up, so I think that the 'somebody' may have been me. However, a friend of mine enters the room and teases me before helping me clean the rest up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Night of 9/21 - Normality is returning into my dreams

      by , 09-22-2010 at 10:48 AM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      Hello Last night, I had dreams about my normal waking live and I can't see any real oddities. I guess it's because of the fact that everyday live is starting again, which brings stability

      1. I'm in my car. Next to me sits my brother. I want to drive to my university, because I'm not in the mood to take again several buses and trains. I have to drive my brother to his work-place, which lies on my way. I want to drive, but he changes the settings of the radio: He's adjusting Bass, Equalizer, etc. I argue with my brother, because the settings I made were perfect. But my brother doesn't stop turning on/off the buttons. I start too drive and while driving I'm changing again the settings. I remember just the interior off my car, because I just focused on my car and not on my surroundings.
      2. I'm at my university, there are just girls, I'm the only guy at the campus. I talk with several girls and ask them about their opinions about the university; I asked them where they wanted to do their practical training as teachers, etc. I don't really remember what they are saying, but at the end, we start dancing together outsides
    10. Dried-up Permanent Marker

      by , 09-22-2010 at 10:30 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I don't remember much
      I was talking with a friend, I don't remember who, and they were using a black marker on a page, pressing really hard. I took it and wrote with it but it was too dried up. I started pressing really hard and it made the awful squeaking noise and feeling in my hand and I shivered in disgust as I would do IRL.
      I remembered that ^^^ because someone at school was using a highlighter, and when I remembered, I thought it was from the day before. I had to really think and check that it was a dream that I remembered.

      Next dream
      I met up with my friend James who I haven't seen for a while. I saw his sister and said "Hey!" and she ignored me, so I yelled out and she said "Oh hi Kevin!"
      The end :3
      Tags: james, marker, paper, suzy
    11. Night of 9/20-9/21

      by , 09-22-2010 at 04:30 AM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Didn't have time to write this up this morning and after work I've been playing Civ 5 all day so there's been a bit of a delay getting this documented proper. I managed to go lucid for this one, but unfortunately I think I set a new record for how short it lasted. I'm still going to add it to the pile in light of the daunting lack of lucid dreams thus far this month.

      As the dream started I was arriving to work at Metro Drug (where I recently spent a rotation), only the inside looked slightly different. Behind the pharmacy area was a larger, warehouse-like area. I'd managed to arrive before Mike and I didn't really want to see him so I hid in this back area around a corner where I couldn't be seen unless someone came all the way back there. After some time, a female intern I didn't recognize came back there and was browsing around the supplies there, taking some of them for herself. At first I interjected that she shouldn't be doing that, but then it occurred to me that I don't particularly care for Metro Drug and decided to join her in stealing supplies. Up in the pharmacy, it's apparently very busy and Mike is there alone. I realize that I'm not on rotation there any more and am thus under no obligation to help him. Somehow this transitions into the realization that I shouldn't be there, which calls the reality check. I'm not sure exactly what went wrong, I suppose I feel I wasn't ready to go lucid at that particular moment. I closed my eyes for a second, but realize quickly that this ruined previous lucid realizations so I open my eyes but it seemed it was too late; everything was fading into gray. I tried to put my palm on a counter to connect to the dream to attempt to stabilize it but with no success.
    12. first night recalling with my new DJ :D

      by , 09-22-2010 at 04:23 AM
      First one i didnt remember a lot, but what i did remember:
      i was in a deserty field/plains, with a huge stone pillar behind me.
      there were swarms of gargoyles flying around it above me, and i was crossbowing them from the ground
      when i targeted them, i remember a HUD style name appearing, the names were all related to dreams as a general

      Second, i was patrolling between a sort of half-room with 1 and 2 1/2 walls, with a single bed and a locker, and a grassy field, grinding like it was an MMORPG, i remember something about a red, fire element staff with a curly top that leveled up when you used it, there was an item that you placed on top to gain 5-10% more element (possibly a deviruchi or an imp from RO), someone was showing me a 100% element staff, but they already put the item on top so they couldnt get 110%.
      then all of a sudden there i was at a family BBQ in a garage/front lawn, there was a parked car in the drive-way and i got into it, in the driver seat was someone ive seen around my highschool, but never really talked to, Parkway Drive was playing from the stereo, we started talking about the mosh at parkways last concert, and wanting to be in a wall of death, he told me we were both big enough for it..even though i'm like 60-70Kg 190cmish tall.
      i looked out at the BBQ and there was a group of 5-7 snakes slithering towards the group, they swarmed around one of the neighbours from about 2 house moves ago, he just seemed to stand there and not really worry about them, someone started shooting at the snakes and tyson jumped up and down to scare the snakes away.

      third and last i recalled, i was spam talking to some rando NPC for quests, was in some sort of old Japanese building with the paper walls, one of the quests i completed enabled "slaying" as my friend called it, was just PK, friend was hounding me to "slay" something, then bragged that he already finished that quest ages ago.
      there was a reward for one of the quests, 11 or 50 gloves, i think the number changed because it was a dream :D they stacked even though they were equips, unlike any other game.
      for some reason it was against the rules to sell them to other players, but i did anyway, and then i was explining to someone that i was innocent and i didnt do anything illegal.

      them mum woke me up with the vacuum cleaner -_-

      there was a lot of MMORPG elements to my dreams..maybe i should cut down some more xD
      i thought my first night recalling was fairly successful :D
    13. The Bomb

      by , 09-22-2010 at 04:20 AM
      I am inside of an instructional video on the plans of a racist group that plans to destroy Africa.

      I hear an omniscient narrator say: "In five years, Africa will end the problems of this world"

      Then there is a nuclear blast. I see a cloud billowing up on the horizon, then I look a round and see people being torn to shreds by a wave of heat and dust.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    14. Many dreams! Like, 7, I think...

      by , 09-22-2010 at 03:22 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 21, 2010

      Long night, decided to skip the WBTB. So as a result, I really only remember things in fragments...

      Dreamed these between 12a-5a

      Knee Clinic
      Jack and I driving to a knee clinic near the train station. This clinic did all sorts of odd surgeries. I also remember having to go in, myself, for my gallbladder (which was removed a year ago). They were going to pump it out somehow without making any incisions?!

      Lucid aids
      Names kept getting tossed around in casual conversations in my dreams.

      Expensive Lunch
      I was with a DC at a buffet. They were serving sides you couldn't pick (steamed baby carrots and mashed potatoes), but you could choose your meat. He chose a roast chicken with gravy. It looked really good, but I declined eating there, because I was meeting my parents for lunch (so I said). The guy paid for his food and it was $56

      Convenience store guard dogs?
      Jack and I went to a convenience store, cos I was really hungry and still hadn't ate. Approaching the store, I see two dogs leashed up outside. They don't seem to like me, and get visibly upset when I try to step closer. They don't mind Jack, though, so he goes to the door. He doesn't see anyone inside, so, he starts pulling the door open very slowly. The owner sees him and pushes the door open, causing this shelving thingy next to the door (outside, still) to fall over, startling me, Jack, and the dogs.

      Dreamed between 5am-10am

      Swimming pool
      I'm a a large indoor pool with mum. I happen to be holding a garden hose, which we're using to fill the pool with water. It's almost full, I'm waiting for the water to reach a certain number on a display. It has to read 29/30 before I'm done (or something like that). All the while, I'm complaining that a garden hose to fill a swimming pool isn't really the best option. I try to come up with other things, like, the hose is spitting more air than water... No avail though. The reading numbers keep changing oddly, and I decide when it hits 28/32, it's good enough. There's two barrels full of liquid now, to pour into the pool (chlorine? A disinfectant of some sort?). The man over-seeing this whole operation asks us to smell them before we dump them in. Mum smells hers, and it's good to go. Mine smells funny, and it's agreed to not use it.

      At a gym with Jack or something. Notes say it, I can't recall it, now.

      At school
      I'm at my old elementary school in Ottawa. The neighbourhood isn't quite as I remember it, but the school looks the same. I walked across the yard towards the road. I recall to myself that when the buses leave the school, they act much the same as city buses, and they pick people up at stops, and this is where I'm heading... to one of those bus stops (this has no bearing in real life ).

      As I'm walking on the sidewalk between the road and the school, this large truck comes around the corner pulling a very long... trailer? Load? I dunno what to call it, but I worried that because it was so long, it was going to cut unsafely into my path. The thingy straightened out perpendicular to me, but it actually was off the road now, and on the sidewalk. I walked alongside it, edging away from it, on the grass (it's moving in an opposite direction to me). I pass by this one bit that looks almost like a clothes rack. I tell myself it holds a magnetic field, and as I walk past it, I can feel my earrings being attracted to the field, but no harm done.

      I reached the bus stop across the road. There are parents with their kids. The parents are upset the buses haven't come by, yet.

      A Jack Entry
      Although he isn't writing this... I am

      He dreamed that he was at a past elementary school, with his actual past classmates, only, everyone was present age. They were learning magic at this school. He recalls having to defeat a dragon. on the recall, babe!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Testing lucidity/Infallible RC is not so infallible

      by , 09-22-2010 at 03:17 AM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      September 19, 2010
      New dream colour PINK!

      Testing Lucidity (but not lucid?)
      I was testing something in the dream. I only remember lying on the couch, but I can't recall if whether I thought I was still awake and about to sleep/dream... or whether I knew I was already in a dream, but for some reason needed my couch? I'm leaning towards the former.

      Infallible RC is not so infallible
      My company for this dream was Elise and Jack and this DC dude who rather liked me. He was trying to build or accomplish something... This detail is a bit fuzzy on me. I remember there being a car he was trying to fix, vaguely. We were in this house, and I spent most of the dream evaluating his actions to determine if I wanted to sleep with him or not.

      At one point, I was in another room, and he was yelling at Elise for something. Losing his mind. So, he has anger management issues. That's a negative!

      So, we're all standing out by some train tracks. I did a RC, and so did he. Elise wanted to know what that was all about. I explained to her that I do RC's when I become aware again, and then try to maintain my awareness.

      Not a bad plan, only... My infallible RC is not so infallible. My back hurt and I felt weighted by gravity... Hmm. IWL, I do more than one RC, but never do in dreams. New plan: more RC’s I guess. Better awareness? More logic questioning? Bah.

      Anyways, so we get off the train and I’m in a new dream! I'm a teenager, not myself. I approach this other girl who I guess is my sister, but I don't seem to like her (or her friend) very much. But I walk with them and talk about my friends. We've formed guilds in our school. And one was called distorted... I remember catching that (it’s the name of my old Warcraft guild) and "woke up."

      False awakening. I remember waking up disoriented and thinking it's 10:15 in the AM. Almost time to get up anyways, might as well record the dream and start my day... Wait... wasn't I supposed to sleep for a night shift tonight? Woke up for real. Nose pinched. Truly awake this time

      Since my recall is back to being quite stable and solid, I'm going to destroy it and venture back into DEILDs for a bit...
      non-lucid , false awakening