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    Side Notes

    1. Military Documentation: Shoppers Guide -> aquisitions plan (I don't have the cojones.)

      by , 06-02-2013 at 11:12 AM
      In this dream I was part of a huge project creating documentation for the military. My two bosses was the same as in real life, but I had many coworkers whom I had never met before. There were a number of coworkers on this project who were graduate students from a reasearch university, and even in the dream they were new coworkers to me. What was interesting was that in this dream I was significantly younger than in real life - in fact I was younger than these graduate students, and pretty shy around them, trying to impress. However, I was still a major player in the project, often acting as my boss's representative, which was inconsistent with my dream age, more consistent with my actual level of seniority where I will informally at times act that way with my boss's blessing on less important conference calls and such.

      So we were building huge amounts of documentation for the military. (This reminds me of my recent other dreams of creating huge amounts of documents on a large ship. The military part of this dream is probably due to my having interpreted someone else's dream about military last evening before going to bed.) I remember this dream as being long, but now I only remember some significant parts. In one of them we are having an informal meeting in what looked like a dorm room: the graduate students, my Italian American boss who is the less influential of my two bosses - more of a project manager) and myself, and one of the graduate students was saying, "we have all this documentation planned, but what about the shopper's guide? We usually do a shoppers guide for this type of project." Me: "I cannot say. You should really ask our government lead, he is the boss, and he is paying you for this project, so you should ask him whether to do this document." Grad student (this one seemed to be like a leader of the bunch, and in a previous scene he and I had been thrown together, and I was now a bit less shy around him - he was cute.): "Yes, but what do you think? Would you like us to make a shoppers guide? Would you think it useful?" Me: "I think a shoppers guide could be useful. However, I don't make the decisions and I am not the one who pays you, so my opinion is not what you should be seeking." My Italian American boss/team lead: "What she is saying is that she does not have the cojones."

      In a later scene I realized that a document that my government lead asked me to prepare was actually a version of the shoppers guide. So I went to tell the grad students, and I also said "When dealing with the military, proper terminology is important. This is not the shoppers guide. This is called the acquisitions plan."

      I also remember some scene that seemed to be part of the same dream where I was out in a parking lot. It was raining, and I had to retrieve something from a locker in the parking lot.

      I have the sense that there was much more to this dream. I think the scene with my government lead telling me to work on the acquisitions plan was an actual dream scene, not just a memory, for example. Also the scene of being thrown together in some task with the graduate student, which made me less shy around him. I also remember walking down a hallway side by side with the grad student.

      Analysis: I think I am dreaming dreams of creating huge amounts of documentation because I am having a sense of not being creative enough in my work and just creating documents but not actually creating something. I am thinking as a solution I should start making bread or crocheting at home again to get an outlet which produces more tangible non written results.

      Updated 06-03-2013 at 03:04 AM by 61501

      non-lucid , side notes
    2. June 1 Notes

      by , 06-02-2013 at 05:41 AM
      Well, last night was a bit dissappointing. I had finally started into deep sleep around midnight I believe, when out of no where my dad
      came upstairs and flipped my lights on. I guess he was checking I wasn't doing any late night programming but come on! Anyways, it
      got me all out of rythm so last night I can't recall anything.

      However on a positive note, today I was watching some youtube and low and behold, an ad came up that was actually useful! It
      took me to a place that deals with binaural beats, and they have a product called EquiSynch. The beats that I use I simply ripped
      from youtube and di myself, but according to this Equisynch these ones have been professionally developed into individual sessions
      that you can use. I downloaded the free demo (which I plan on keeping btw) and if it goes well I will most likely end up purchasing the
      entire thing. I'm not sure yet what all the different sessions do, but I am very excited to get started with this demo.

      Also, I don't know if I had mentioned this, but I acquired a pair of Sleep Phones during the school year. They are really great and I use them every
      night. I am super pumped to try out Equisynch with my Sleep Phones! I'll keep updating on how it goes, and if it helps me get back in the swing of

      See ya
      side notes
    3. A Strange Auditorium

      by , 06-01-2013 at 05:11 PM
      It was a long night and I kept waking up periodically and remembering fragments of dreams. They were too vague to be worth writing down, though, and I ended up forgetting most of them.

      Only Fragmet I remember:

      I was in Arkansas with my family. There were quartz crystal points lying on the ground and we were picking them up. They were all clean, unlike the ones you dig up from the mines.

      Dream in the morning:

      I was seated in a large building, I'm guessing as a member of the audience. My sister was sitting to my left. I had my iPad and was looking at everything through the camera view. At first I saw that there were what looked like thousands of people in auditorium seating. I think there was some sort of graduation ceremony, and a small group of people sitting in one corner were dressed in green dinosaur suits. They were picking up their awards or diplomas or whatever.

      The next time I looked around the space, however, it was more like a library than an auditorium. A gorgeous, ornate library like one would expect to see in a royal palace or the Vatican. The atmosphere also changed from what had seemed to be educational to a more political one.

      I was watching Peanuts on my iPad. Snoopy and Woodstock were leaving the house by sitting on plants that would stretch out their leaves to get them out the door. Woodstock's plant didn't stretch nearly far enough and he fell. He was starting to try again, with the plant closer to the door this time, when from behind him, Snoopy's plant grew a very long leaf and Snoopy was able to get out of the house (no idea why they couldn't just walk out!)

      A Polish man who looked to be about 50 sat down in the seat to my right. He asked if it was alright if he lit his cigarette. I don't like smoke, and also didn't think it was legal for him to smoke there, but it seemed easier to just say he could. My sister appeared annoyed that I'd let him smoke next to us.

      Next I was in a smaller group of people and the same guy joined the group. Apparently he was somebody important.

      Note: this is the third time in two weeks I've dreamt of dino suits. First it was my dad, then my parrot, and now these strangers. Weird.

      Updated 06-01-2013 at 05:14 PM by 63380

      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Nothing but weirdness...

      by , 05-31-2013 at 11:58 PM
      I remember having several dreams, but I had a difficult night of LD 'techniquing' and tossed and turned so much, I was too exhausted to write the dreams down...and yes, I forgot them all.

      To experience, my experience:

      side notes
    5. Midnight lucidity

      by , 05-31-2013 at 05:05 PM
      Date: 31 May

      Pre bed: multivitamins (included gingko and ginseng), SJW, two drops of peppermint oil

      Side effects: increased heart rate, heavy insomnia

      Other: I think the multivitamins I took stimulated me too much before bed time. I was also dehydrated which made the situation worse. The heart rate wasn't too fast, but it was noticeable when going to bed and made it difficult to fall asleep.

      Dream quality and recall: WILD, too dark, which made it harder to engage in the dream. The two DILDs after that were vivid and of higher quality. I woke up after each one. Then had about two hours of insomnia, went into very deep sleep and had little recall.

      Impressions: It was an interesting experience, although I wouldn't repeat it again (because of the insomnia)

      Sequence: multivits > heartbeat> WILD> about a hour of sleep/or trying to sleep> DILDs> insomnia> deep sleep> WBTB> dream

      Dream1 WILD: In bed, dehydrated and with a noticeable heartbeat which made it difficult to fall asleep. I was still for some time, paying attention to the heartbeat, then found myself in darkness. It felt like my consciousness was split in three sections. Part of it was asleep, part of it knew exactly what to do, giving me instructions, and part of it followed the instructions. A bit like having three different thoughts at the same time.

      I am in the darkness, and I say to myself how exactly I should grab the scene. The instructions are now vague, but I remember struggling with the darkness, and performing some bodily movements until I end up on a solid street. I find it a bit strange that I am now on this street, a city from my past, I notice that I am sitting on the pavement. It is dark, and there is nobody in sight. I decide to walk a bit, choosing another street I know. I spend some time walking, and reach a bus station. I look around once again, everything is still very dark, so it is hard to see, and there isn't a single light on.

      I am a bit worried that the dream will escape, because I almost cannot concentrate on anything here. Then the "interact with a DC" task comes to mind. I know Xanous would probably not be asleep at this time, but decide to try to reach him nevertheless. I call out Xanous a few times, and look around. I cross the street and there are some DCs there, I stop one and try to ascertain if this is Xanous. It is dark, so hard to tell any facial feature, and the guy's face is also blurred. Well, it doesn't feel like him so I let the DC go. I stop another one and hold him for a while. His face gains a bit more definition and I try to analyze it in the darkness. I say that whatever I am doing makes no sense but still hold on to the DC. The dream slowly fades and I wake up.

      I go to drink some water then back to bed. Reviewed the dream in mind. Fell asleep.

      While I had begun to question whether some of my short lucid moment memories that I couldn't recall in the past few weeks were real, I now have an absolute certainty because I woke up shortly after these two.

      Dream2 DILD: In some version of the same city, but everything is much more vivid now and it is day time. I am supposed to meet a friend of mine like the last time we did that. But somehow our plans don't work out. Instead I end up facing a threat from an invisible enemy. I am lucid now, and have a greater sensory perception. Initially it was as if I am on the balcony, but it quickly changes into multidimensional walled space in front of me, hard to describe. The energetic entity is not visible because it is behind the wall, yet I feel it because I stretch move with my entire being through the wall that feels like just space, and come in close contact with it. It is not pleasant, I feel its energy. I am trying to move it away by manipulating the matter. I get rid of the thing and find myself between four walls with creamy tiles on them. I notice that there is no door, but don't care much. I can move through space.

      Dream3 DILD: In the more or less the same city, some kind of scenario is developing. People are still using horses instead of cars, they are leaving the city because of some emergency. I watch while this is happening, there is some blue stuff of the floor. I remember that this is the second time this is happening. I am lucid, I spill more blue stuff on the floor, and enjoy it for a while. I make a strange posture to show/explain something to one of the DCs in the room? I turn and look to the other side of the room where there is a window. I decide to stabilize the dream by intending it. I check the overall feeling, yes, stable. My mind is also clearer now. I look out the window, and see three boys in the distance. "Interact with a DC", on my mind again. (I really wish I could remember more tasks! ). I climb through the window and slide down. It feels like the roof of a building or on top of a train. The boys are playing soccer, so I shout that I want to play with them. They kick the ball towards me and I see it coming, but it is too high, I control its movement so it is easy for me to catch it. As I am preparing to have a kick, the dream falls apart and I wake up?

      Fragment4: I am having a short dream where I am discussing the three boys. I identify one of them as a neighbor kid from the past, but I know he is grown up now.

      I wake up and review the dreams, I am super awake and cannot fall asleep for two hours. When I finally do, I slip into unmemorable dreams.

      WBTB: I wake up tired about one hour before the planned wake time. Upset that I messed up the plan for tonight. I decide to take one p.oil capsule, then go to bed concentrating on having an ld.

      Fragment5: A classmate is wearing strange clothes

      Fragment6: I am in some water, and there is sand around. My bf is also swimming with me in this strange place. I try to get out of the water, climbing strange sand dunes. Then we go to an indoors swimming pool where I plunge into the water, a bit worried about hitting the bottom.

      Updated 05-31-2013 at 07:55 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment , side notes
    6. May 30

      by , 05-31-2013 at 07:23 AM
      Well, I remember having some dreams last night but silly ol' me forgot to record them this morning! Then I had a 2 hour drive to a CAP meeting and yeah... I forgot all about those dreams. :-/

      Anyways, in terms of random side notes...
      11:30 - Go to bed
      Sometime in early hours - I believe I remember waking up sometime here
      Get up @ 7:30 and work out

      Oh ya, I also got a lot of physics work for my Sonic fan game done today At least that was a good thing.

      See ya

      Updated 05-31-2013 at 07:25 AM by 55858

      side notes
    7. Meeting Celebrities then a Short Nap

      by , 05-31-2013 at 02:49 AM
      So this is quite a while after I dreamed these, so I don't remember much now..

      From my dreams last night, all I can remember is that I met or at least saw a celebrity, but I can't remember who it was. Then I saw the 11th Doctor from Doctor Who walking (running?) down the street, and I was excited to see him and all, so I ran after him while shouting his name, but I couldn't catch up to him, and I lost him. Then, later, I'm in a museum and Stephen Merchant walks into the room. I say to my friend more loudly than I mean to, "holy crap! that's the third celebrity I've seen today!" or something like that. He hears me and turns around, and my friend and I go up to him and ask for his autograph. She only has a piece of paper for his autograph, but nothing for him to put the paper on so he can write on it, so somehow this means she has to write on it, and she puts the paper on his chest so she has a surface to write on. Fortunately I have my notebook with me, and I pull it out, but somehow I don't get his autograph and my friend and I both walk away. I'm in turmoil that I met or saw three of my favorite celebrities that day but was not able to get an autograph from any of them.

      And these are from a nap I had today:

      I'm talking to someone that I can't see. They might be on the phone, or maybe they're beside me and I just don't look their way. I'm flying, either with magic or i'm holding balloons or something, but I can control how high or how low I am. There is a captive tiger below me, and I'm taunting it with my feet. It keeps jumping up to bite me, but I'm just out of its reach. Later, I'm on the porch in my backyard, and the tiger is there, but this time it's either green or purple (maybe it was switching), and also the tiger is nice because it's actually just the woman from Paperman trapped in the body of a tiger, and my parents are there, and the man from paperman is there, but he's got the same type of body/he's the same type of monster as someone on Tumblr's creation (centiwheats, for those who care). My parents and I are arguing about sitting in chairs or something like that, because I'm arguing that we shouldn't all sit in chairs or drive cars or anything like that because it would leave out the guy from Paperman, who can't sit in chairs (apparently I hadn't considered that the girl couldn't, either.)

      Later, I'm not sure if I dreamed this or if it was mostly hypnagogic sensations, I think I was fading in and out, but I was on some racetrack, and all the cars were white with a red stripe, like Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph. I think I'm racing with people I know, but I don't know if it's family and friends or characters from fandoms. Later, I wake up and then do a WILD, and while I am sinking into sleep paralysis, there are some voices that are having a conversation in my left ear only, and they get louder as I get farther into sleep paralysis, until they fade when I actually get into the dream. It took me a while to go into the dream, and then I opened my eyes in the dream, and looked around for a moment. I already had a plan in mind, but I wasn't very good at dream control, so I was planning on calling over my "magical assistant" and asking her to please manipulate the dream the way I wanted her to. However, I could only stand up out of my car and call for her once or twice before I woke up.

      At some point, I'm in my backyard and there's a massive, massive wall that is supposed to look like an iPod in an iPod dock with speakers in it.
      lucid , side notes
    8. 5-30-13 Dream Journal Part 2

      by , 05-30-2013 at 10:24 PM
      Continued from 5-30-13 Dream Journal Part 1


      Dream One: Star Trek Agent

      I am an agent working for the CIA/Starfleet. I am undercover as a smuggler smuggling some parts for the Enterprise.

      Dream Two: Helicopter Chase

      I am piloting one helicopter chasing another. They are faster but my copter has better shielding. To catch up to them I fly through a huge tree and cut them off right as they fly down and hover to start landing troops.

      I realize there is a second friendly copter in my convoy and I think of a plan. I let them tailgate me in my drag as we approach the enemy copter landing troops, then I slam on the brakes and turn slingshoting the copter tailgating me towards the enemy at great speeds.

      Then, just before they hit they pull up sharply resulting in them hovering just over the enemy copter. This results in a huge gust of downward wind which forces the enemy copter to crash into the ground squishing the soldiers it was unloading.

      I land with my soldiers to clean up the mess as the dream fades...

      Dream Three: Med Evac Team

      We have been taking heavy losses in the war, not as great as our enemy but still...

      I am training a med evac chopper team that should be able to fly in, grab our wounded and get out before the enemy can respond to try and cut our losses.

      Dream Four: Golf

      I am playing golf with Hector from the BBC show "Monarch of the Glen"

      Dream Five: Helping an Angel

      This is a supper long dream and even though its good I have more important dreams that I want to give space to so I am going to bullet point this one. - Witness Wall mart employee being bullied - Fight off the bullies - The guy I helped had a football so.... flag football time! - (side note it is raining) We receive kick off first. I realize the game is Good vs. Evil. When we receive kick off the rain picks up and clears a path to the end zone by wiping away the opposing team in a flood like the parting of the Red Sea. When they receive kick off zombies come out of the ground and hold us up so the can score. - The game is getting out of hand so a time out is called. - two diplomatic teams are sent to neutral territory to discuss game rules. - Now each team has a spiritual diplomat. An Angel and a Demon. - The Demon looks like a Kraken and I don't get a good look at the Angel but it looks like... one of the monsters from Final Fantasy The Spirits Within except blue and glowy... - The Demons betray and attack us (of course) - Our Angel diplomat needs to escape to warn the others and get reinforcements - The Angel is being attacked by the Kraken whose legs are wrapping around it and keeping it here. Now things are very desperate, there is no way me or the other good side diplomats can fight the Kraken on our own. In a burst of desperation I put all my energy, and all my life force into one electric attack to try and dislodge the Kraken's arm long enough for the Angel to get free. It works and the Angel gets free, but the Kraken reaches out another arm and snares it again. Another good side diplomat comes and duplicates my kamikaze attack. Then this happens a third time. Finally the Angel is able to escape the Kraken's reach and flies away. - At the end of the dream I am shocked to discover that I am still alive, I fully expected I would be, and I should be, dead... - I am taken captive and forced to live with Dread Lord Goon. - Its not so bad we just watch football on TV and argue a lot... The dream fades

      Side Note: Yeah it was a heck of a dream. I am so disappointed that I didn't get a better look at the Angel!

      Dream Six: CIA Agent

      Oh My Gosh! Again this is a heck of a dream but I am just going to bullet point it.

      - I am a kid again playing at a park. Somehow I climb up on top of a water tower. It is really cool but gets boring eventually and I don't know how to get down. I jump and grab an electric line which breaks and swings me towards the ground. I am swinging towards a tree with very large thorns... I let go of the electric line and fall another thirty feet to the ground. I expect it to hurt very badly, maybe some broken bones. But I am okay?

      - My radio goes off, I am being recalled? - Apparently I was working undercover and since I jumped off a water tower my cover has been blown. - I get to CIA headquarters and am debriefed with six other agents. - This part is hazy, I go on another mission and then I'm back being debriefed again? - Some prisoner has escaped. - He is a very bad person (in the dream it was like a demon), we have had him locked up since his youth (I am guessing we've had him locked up for 80ish years). Somehow he has escaped. - I am watching the security cams investigating how he escaped. I realize one of the agents came by a weird path to the debriefing, they must have helped him escape! I get VERY angry, how could she betray me, the agency, like this!?! I confront her and can see that she is guilty. I give her no mercy and begin attacking her. She defends herself but hand to hand combat is my thing. Eventually I beat her until she is nearly un-conscience and then throat slam her to the ground, twice. Then they come arrest her and the dream fades...

      Side Note: YIKES! That got a little violent! I guess I feel bad about it because she was a women and I don't think it's ever appropriate for a man to attack a women like that! Not even if she committed treason and a heinous crime breaking oaths to the agency...

      Dream Seven: Fighting Satan

      Yes! Finally I get to my lucid Dream!

      I am surrounded by blackness. I realize that I am dreaming. I see a light and a forest scene begins to form.

      I walk towards the light and enter the dream, it is so easy and natural.

      My first thought is to stabilize. I focus my senses. I visually take in the woods, I hear the animals, and I try to smell the freshness... but I can't smell anything, oh well.

      I see a path and I walk out of the trees towards the path.

      When I set a foot on a the path I hear a voice and I look up to see a giant black evil bear across the path.

      For a moment I am not looking at the bear. But at it's spirit.

      Inside the bear is an evil spirit that looks like the bad guy from The Hunchback of Notre Dome expect more black and shadowy and... evilish.

      I only see him for a moment then the bear is back and talking to me.

      "Head down the path ***** (my name). Your friends are waiting for you at the end of the path down by the river."

      "They are waiting for you, go to them"

      Then he roars at me and it is a great and terrible sound.

      The funny thing is, I am not afraid of him for even one moment.

      He is not lying to me, my friends are waiting for me.

      But he wants to see me afraid, he wants to chase me down the path to them.

      As he roars at me again.

      I do not feel the fear he wants me to, I feel anger! I get angry at him, very angry, how dare he think to terrorize me!

      Somehow I steal his voice and I roar back at him! My roar is very long and loud! It begins to shake the trees and make the earth rumble!

      He tries to roar back but realizes I have stolen his voice!

      He charges at me.

      I start climbing trees and stabbing at him with sharp branches. I am piercing his skin, but I am not nearly strong enough to do any real damage.

      I start making a tactical retreat towards my friends. Keeping out of his reach in the trees.

      Then... when we get to the bottom... there is a dream transition and the bear is more like Winnie The Pooh now and I sit down and have a nice snack with him and my friends... Everything tastes like cream cheese. The dream fades back to blackness and I wake up.

      Analysis: I was so happy when I had this lucid at the end of the night! It wasn't all that great in that I didn't get to accomplish any of my dream goals, but it was good because I clearly remember the transition into the dream. Go me picking up one more lucid for May!

      Side Note: Ugh... It took me and hour and a half to write this dream journal. That is to long, what am I going to do?
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    9. 5-30-13 Dream Journal Part 1

      by , 05-30-2013 at 09:19 PM
      Technique:Total sleep time = 8 hours.

      Last night I gave a lot of effort towards WBTB to become lucid. I was reading a new WILD tips guide KINGYOSHI made and he talked about making multiple WBTB techniques in one night! For some reason I had never thought of this!

      Normally I will try one WBTB after 5-6 hours of sleep. Last night a drastically changed up my technique. I set an alarm for 2 hours after I fell asleep, then 2 hours after that, then every hour after that. In all I made 3 serious WBTB attempts and 2 not so serious ones. For the 3 serious ones I got up out of bed and stayed awake for at least five minutes to make sure that I would not fall asleep to quickly. For the others I just turned of the alarm, made some quick dream notes, and went back to sleep.

      First off let me say that overall I really enjoyed the experience and if nothing else I think it will help me by giving me more... experience. I will continue to try and do at least 3 serious WBTB WILD attempts for 1 week.

      Now to analyze me results. My problems with WILD are the standard 2 problems. Either I fall asleep to quickly and lose conscience or I concentrate to much and can't fall asleep at all... until I give up and therefore fall asleep regular style

      The WILD technique is a tricky thing. If you stay awake until you are very tired you will fall asleep to quickly. If you concentrate very hard and are determined not to give up then you fail because you can't fall asleep! Then, if you try to combine the two, and wait until you are tired then determine to try very hard and do the technique properly then at least for me I start to become very anxious and I just toss and turn throughout the night getting very poor sleep...

      Then to make matters worse, when I determine to take the night off and just relax, I will become lucid!!

      How do you win!?!?!?

      I think that the answer is that it just takes lots of time and experience to learn your sleeping patterns, learn more about dreaming, improve your recall, and then learn what works for you. Time and Experience

      Last night instead of really focusing on just becoming lucid I changed my goals to include learning more about how I fall asleep. How long does it take? Do I naturally toss and turn? How long is my REM cycle? If I wake myself up five times will I be able to keep falling asleep? What will that do to my sleep quality? These are the type of questions I am trying to get answers to because I think that they will lead me further down the road of the WBTB WILD.

      My mantra last night when waking and when falling asleep was "RC ... did I have a dream? (record dream notes)" repeat mantra "Stay calm... stay relaxed ... now fall asleep naturally (with a calm intention to try and remain conscience)" repeat

      This allowed me to wake and fall asleep many times throughout the night without completely ruining my sleep quality. And it resulted in a TON of dream notes... to be continued in part 2
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    10. Shopping expensive shoes and lucid supps

      by , 05-30-2013 at 08:56 PM
      Date: 30 May

      Dream quality and recall: There was an improvement in vividness, my awareness during dreams today was high, with a possible short ld moment. Recall was slightly better than previous days, but still below my average. There was a dreaming/ld theme so I take it as a positive sign. Postponed writing down the dream, so lost some details.

      Dream00: I just remember some brief moment of lucid awareness during the dream

      Fragment1: I am discussing dreaming with someone

      Dream2: I see a classmate and talk to her. Then on same the street there is an older lady that has some connection to charity. A bit later, I am with the same lady but in a store, where I am trying some shoes. They are slightly uncomfortable, but I decide to buy them. I go to the cashier with the same DC woman and explain something about the shoes. The price has been reduced but they are still extremely expensive. Obviously I like them a lot, and decide they are worth it. I barely manage to gather enough money, but find additional small change in my wallet so I happily make the purchase.

      Later on, a number of times and for some unknown reason, I keep coming back to the place where the DC woman was, but she is not there anymore. It looks like a room full of lockers now. A group of teenagers follows me and they make bold moves, touching my butt. I become annoyed and threaten them with my bf. I continue on my way until I see a nice place where they sell food and other fancy Japanese items. Bf is also here. I briefly talk to the woman behind the counter. The whole place gradually changes and is now more like a highly specialized store, and the thing they specialize in is lucidity! I see a whole section of lucid- inducing supplements, including G, mucuna, lots of books, crystals, etc. I am very happy to have found this place and consider purchasing some of the things. (CL you may have something to do with this!)

      Fragment3: Talking to my aunt

      Updated 05-30-2013 at 08:58 PM by 61764

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    11. May 28 - 29

      by , 05-30-2013 at 07:02 AM
      The 28th I couldn't remember much unfortunately. :-/

      We were having the fried chicken for lunch at school. The chef did not know
      what he was doing however and came and asked me to help him prepare it. Wierd.
      Then after lunch I was walking down the hallway and everyone was throwing thier trash
      on the floor.

      After this dream I was back home. I remember being accused by my parents for selling
      illegal items on the internet. 0_o

      Then I actually woke up and heard it raining outside so I went back to sleep cause, who wants to
      work out in the rain?

      I then had one quick dream before I woke up again and all I remember is that I grabbed all the
      video games out of my desk and ran away from home. Strange stuff to run away with.

      11:30 - Go to bed
      7:39 - Wake up, hear rain, go back to sleep
      8:30 - Get up and work out

      See ya

      Updated 05-31-2013 at 07:19 AM by 55858

      side notes , non-lucid
    12. Eating sharks, ladybug

      by , 05-28-2013 at 05:13 PM
      Date: 28 May

      Comments: Fourth day of fragmented recall, I hope this isn't the new normal

      Fragment1: In my grandma's place, there is a huge box of B2 vitamins

      Fragment2: Eating blue sharks, I was wondering about the exact species names

      Fragment3: I possibly had an ld on the street, some animals were involved.

      Fragment4: FA, I catch myself thinking about the dream that has just been, semi awake to bring this temporarily to consciousness, then fall asleep again.

      Fragment5: My mom's friends are accompanying a living body which is just a body no mind/soul at the moment, and can easily follow them by itself as long as they are close enough. I later see a big lady bug which hits something like a lamp and makes loud noise when doing so.
    13. Spaghetti oblivion

      by , 05-28-2013 at 04:49 PM
      Date: 27 May

      Total sleep time: 9 + hrs

      Pre bed: Lots of spaghetti

      Sleep quality and recall: while I know that there were many long dreams , I cannot access them. Was very sleepy and it felt like deep sleep, woke up a few times naturally, but decided against any serious WBTB.

      Fragment1: I am discussing dreaming quantity and mantras

      Fragment2: A small white fluffy dog

      Fragment3: sexy moments

      Fragment4: In high school, my teacher from primary school is there and he seems angry

      Fragment5: In high school again, in another room making plans with a friend of mine

      Fragment6: In some place which is supposed to be my parents', I must evacuate the place because someone is after me, but I am distracted, they almost get me.

      Fragment7: It is the middle of the final school year, and a friend of mine gets transferred to our class. I am very happy about that and begin to imagine how cool it will all be
    14. fluctuating recall

      by , 05-27-2013 at 05:49 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      My recall has been has been so weird. I haven't drank nearly as much as I normally do, but still it's been on again, off again. My dreams have been really boring as well. Well as far as the fragments I've remember. I haven't written them down because they were so mundane. I think the source of the change has be attested to the fact that I'm no longer trying to dream share with Kaomea. Whenever took a break from sharing, or tried to start over again, I'd have a huge drop in recall. I think I need to get back to dreaming for myself again, and see what happens.
      side notes
    15. Getting back with it

      by , 05-27-2013 at 06:42 AM
      Well, school eventually came to consume my entire life pretty much. Thankfully, school is out now and I can get back to dreaming. I still have my goal to meet someone that is special to me, as I never was able to quite achieve this before. :-/ I am hoping however that this summer I can make some major progress and finally acheive that goal.

      See ya
      side notes