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    Side Notes

    1. Notes

      by , 06-01-2012 at 12:22 AM (School 2)
      Sore body, rested a lot. Classroom.

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 12:39 AM by 25261

      side notes
    2. May 31st Melatonin, B6, B12, and "Energy Vitamin" experiment + new migraine meds

      by , 05-31-2012 at 05:25 PM (Yellowbench's Dream Journal.)

      I was recently prescribed a new medicine "Topamax" (Topiramate) for my migraines. I have read several different things about this, and nothing real specific about dreams. I read some people saying it causes weird and vivid dreams, while others say it completely gets rid of your dream recall. One of the nearly universal side-effects are memory loss, and trouble recalling certain words. So it seems like it would make lucid dreaming harder if it hurts your memory... I start on the lowest dose 25mg, which causes the least side effects, so thats not so bad.

      I went to go pick up my prescription at the local pharmacy, and I decided to get some supplements while I was there. I picked up melatonin with B6 and B6 by itself. At home I have B12 and these daily vitamins with extra vitamins for energy. I think these are generic brand of "One-A-Day Energy" Anyways, they have the B vitamins, and some other stuff but also extended-release caffeine, which I think really helps with lucid dreaming. I also have vitamin B2 and Magnesium, but I take these daily anyways for my migraines. I decided to take all of these last night, not sure why, I guess I'm kind of scared of losing my recall, but I can't rely on supplements forever. Maybe I always wanted to try this, not sure.

      Anyways, I swallow
      9mg of melatonin
      100mg of B6
      100mcg of B12
      100mg of magnesium (unrelated?)
      100 mg of Riboflavin (B2)
      200 mg of caffeine (ER)
      +whatever else was in the vitamin

      Unfortunately I do not remember any of these dreams, and I did not record them, ha.. But I do Know I had dreams, vivid dreams too. I actually woke up several times throughout the night feeling really empathetic and warm. I kept waking up being extremely in awe of my dreams but going back to sleep to soon... :C I wonder if this could be because of too much melatonin? maybe I shouldn't have used the caffeine? I also woke up about every hour, and I had mini dreams throughout the entire night, even outside of REM sleep, these were more like daydreams and were observable outside of SP, Maybe I was just delusional, I definitely felt like my new medicine could be making me feel a little bit foggy as well. I'm going to repeat This next night to see if I can record this time. Is there anything I can do different?
      memorable , side notes
    3. 02/08/2012 thru 05/20/2012 - Massive Notes Dump

      by , 05-31-2012 at 02:41 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      So I've been slacking ass, lately. Sorry about that. Trying to get back on my game. It's going to be a little much, going back and writing out all the details of these notes, so I may just leave these here for not. Might expand on them later, but I have to move forward...

      Spoiler for NOTES:

      [Edit: I think I may also use this post for new notes that I haven't expanded yet, just as a placeholder so I can move my notes back and forth online a bit easier.

      Spoiler for New, to-be-expanded notes:

      Updated 07-11-2012 at 02:55 PM by 2450

      Tags: notes
      side notes
    4. 5/30/12 Nap with a DILD :)

      by , 05-31-2012 at 04:25 AM
      I'm walking on the street to some sort of ball or festival dance or something. My best friend is with me. I notice that all the girls around us are wearing long pretty dresses, but my BFF is wearing dress pants and I'm wearing a mini skirt and tank top. We don't fit in at all. To make it even more obvious that we don't fit in, all the other girls are wearing these bright neon pins in the shapes of butterflies and dragon flies on big bows. I decide I want one of those pins because the tank top I'm wearing is white with neon colored butterflies. I Pull my BFF to this little store beside the road where I think I can buy them. The store is up on a hill, so we had to walk up the driveway/parking lot to get to it. I walk in and start holding bows with butterflies up to my dress to see how they look. I settle on a pretty pink one, and then discover that it's not a pin, but a hair bow on a clip. At first I try to clip it to my spaghetti strap, but then I decide to put it in my hair where it belongs. I turn around and there's a long mirror behind us so I start trying to put it in my hair. I start marveling over how pretty and long my hair is. It's straight and halfway down my back. In real life my hair is short and very naturally curly, when it's as long as half down my back it curls so much that it barely grazes my shoulder. Anyways, I start wondering why I didn't grow my hair out this long sooner, then I remember that I've been trying to grow my hair out. It's just that my hair doesn't grow that fast! This has to be a dream! I immediately drop the hair bow and walk out the door. My bff follows me and asks what's wrong. I tell her I'm dreaming, and I'm lucid right now! I tell her to call Kurasawa for me and tell him to meet me in a little gypsy like tent nearby that looks like something a palm reader would be working out of. Then I walk off and leave her b/c dream character Ambies isn't the real thing and I didn't want to waste my time with her. I walk over to the tent, and find that it's got a fire inside of it, and it's not really a tent at all, but some sort of decorative fireplace that only looked like a tent from the distance. I feel kind of disappointed, but there's a building nearby and I think I can go in there to wait. At this point I lose my lucidity though I see my husband inside and he wants me to go somewhere or do something, and I tell him I can't because I'm waiting for Kurasawa. He gets all mad and jealous about the fact that I'm waiting for some other guy, and then I can't remember the rest of what happened.

      Yay for lucidity though! lol I'm noticing I can't stand being inside when I find that I'm lucid. I guess since that second lucid I had where I was trapped inside and couldn't open doors because I was afraid they would be locked. Now I feel like every time I'm lucid I have to go outside to do anything, or else I'll be trapped inside in a "normal" world. Every lucid I've had in the last month has been like, "Yay! I'm dreaming!" *walk to the door* I might make it a goal to stay INSIDE during a lucid to break that habit and train myself to be comfortable with my lucidity where ever I am.
      lucid , side notes
    5. A new assignment classified...TOP SECRET.

      by , 05-30-2012 at 10:19 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Now enjoy reading my dreams.

      Ok, now it seems that i've gotten back into the swing of things with this dream of mine. Although, if i get called on a new job opportunity soon, that may reduce my chances of dreaming like i use too. Soo, what i am going to do is, try and do weekend dreaming.

      I'll just save my dreams onto my computer file, and post them whenever i can. Been doing more reality checks with my totem too, so it has appeared quite a few times in my dream i had. Looks like im back on board...for now that is.

      Lol, ok enough talking..here are my dreams!

      Dream #1 Making moves.

      Spoiler for Theme Of The Dream:

      Im in my 2nd home packing up some items in my suitcase. I notice that i see my hawk coin totem on the kitchen counter and put it in my pocket. (What a missed reality check there) I go to the den and start putting some clothes in the suitcase, and trying to hurry up. I go back into my room and my celphone rings and its Natalia. She tells me..

      (Natalia talking)

      "Don't forget to stop at your 1st home, we need those files."
      I tell her ok, and start looking around to see if im forgetting anything. I hear a cab blowing outside of my house, and head out the door with my suitcase.

      Dream #2 How to take care of business.

      Im in a hotel projected as Natalie Raitano for some reason. Its night time, and im holding a guy off of the edge of a balcony telling him to give me all of the information, or else i will drop him. The guy is screaming and yelling as im holding him by his ankles. I notice Blaze is with me too. She says something about we can always moniter his calls or something like that.

      "Oh yea, that is true huh?"
      We pull the man up and i grab him by his collar and tell him to make the call now. He starts calling someone, and thats all i remember there.

      Dream #3 Getting closer.

      Im still projected as Natalie Raitano, and im creeping thru a long hallway.

      There are corners that i stop at, and peep around while holding a silencer. I see a few men waiting by different doors and i shoot at each one of them. I now make my way thru one of the doors, and find a huge table with a list of names on it. I become lucid right here though only briefly, a man enters the door and asks me if i can help him search for someone. I told him who was it, and he mentioned his daughter. I leave the room and ended up walking with this old man, and started losing lucidity here. The man starts talking about how he wishes he could go fishing, or some shit like that..and i ended up waking up because of that.

      Dream #4 Top Secret.

      Im in a room with this dude in a dim lit room, and he starts telling me stuff about the goverment is out to get him. I try and tell him to relax and not be so paranoid, but he says that it is true and wants to show me something. We head downstairs to this basement and there are a bunch of people in capsules, and people hooked up to machines and shit.
      I become lucid seeing all of this, and reach in my pocket staring at everthing and rubbing my hawk coin totem. I asked the guy what was his name and he told me he wishes to remain anonymous due to potential possiblities of him being watched or something like that. I then ask him..

      "So how did we find eachother?"

      "Na bro, you found me!"
      I start becoming even more lucid to the point i began talking with him about stuff like wars, and poverty, and religion. He starts telling me that its all a set up from the jump or something like that, and that he only wishes that more people would wake up. I asked him how can i find him again and he says..

      "Shit, you the dream navigator. I don't know how to navigate dreams like that man."
      "How did you know that about me?"
      "Cause they told me about you."

      The door upstairs is kicked in and he starts talking to me in code, and giving me certain numbers if i ever need to look for him again or something like that. I try and repeat the numbers, but he insists that we will meet again. He tells me to keep teaching people thru their dreams so we can build our nation back to the way it use to be and to be safe. He sits in a chair, and straps himself in with a device hooked up to him, and dissapears.
      I hear men upstairs talking and footsteps coming towards the upstairs basement door.
      I start running thru the basement looking for a way out, but find no exit. I decide to fall backwards.

      False awakening

      I wake up in my 2nd home on the basement couch, and trying to remember the last dream i had. It hits me..I don't live here anymore, ans i better wake up before i forget the rest of the dream. I wake up for real, and record the dream.

      Final dream. Building a team.

      Im in my 2nd home in the basement talking to a bunch of different people about dreams. (Don't become semi lucid or lucid) I start handed out totems to everybody and giving each of them a homework assignment on reality checks with their totems. Thats all i remember and wake up.
    6. Dream Log 5-30-2012 Exploring and Testing

      by , 05-30-2012 at 06:13 PM (Structured Chaos)
      I went to bed around 12am. I was slightly sleep deprived from previous night. Last meal was at 7pm

      Last Dream before waking. Around 9:40 am.
      I was around a market area and zombies were roaming. I had to find a car to drive so we searched for proper cars to use. I think a dude from school was there and some more people. I noticed I was dreaming so I looked at my feet to increase lucidity. I remembered some of my dream goals so I accomplished two on the spot. I levitated and teleported a short distance within my view.

      I was then teleoported to a school area where I saw a lot of people who I at one point went to school with. I saw a room with some girls in it. I told everyone except one girl to leave. She did not want to stay but another girl who I could of hooked up with back in high school did. So I I grabbed her and we left the building. I asked her what she wanted to do. She said fly and so I grabbed her and we took flight. I could not fly that far so i eneded up decending to the ground. I took off again and this time we ended up in albercoucie new mexico. We went through a rich neighborhood/ school area. We explored a large building. After a bit, eventually I told her I had to leave her because I had to do some dream exploration on my own. I went into a back laundry room and tried to close the door. She wanted me to hug her before I left so I did and she was really sad. Then I closed the door again. This time I decided to accomplish another objective which was to hit up a previously decided building. I had somehthing in my hand and I used it to draw a portal on a door.I drew a portal and I wrote the name of the building which was my creation. I the walked through it newly created portal. There was a small transition period sort of like a click. I then ended up in the building which was modeled after my grand parents house. (Check notes at bottom for explanation of this.)
      I awoke shortly after exploring the building.

      ****Side Notes
      -From what I can see, my subby needed to create a building that had many rooms. My grandparents house was a house that had many rooms that I was familiar with. Hence my grandparents house was created.
      -I will in the future create or find and familiarize myself with the appearance structure and lay out of buildings which I want to modify or use for a purpose beforehand so that they can better suit my needs.
      -I should better assess and figure out my best time period for going lucid
      +This morning it was about 9hrs after I went to bed

      ****Goals accomplished
      -Go Lucid
      -Teleport short distance(within site)
      -Create a portal
      -Visit a place of my choosing

      Updated 05-30-2012 at 06:15 PM by 50553

      lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    7. Game

      by , 05-29-2012 at 09:21 AM (School 2)
      Don't think I was lucid, rested well 10 hours.
      I've been tiring with practice everyday, so not too much recall.

      ~~~~~~~~~~~~Game is at 6pm vs Blue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      (edit: ) We lost 6-10.

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 12:39 AM by 25261

      side notes
    8. Dreams in the foreign country

      by , 05-29-2012 at 02:31 AM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes
      Got it? Great! Now enjoy reading my dreams.
      Well i have not been dreaming my usual epicness like i use too. Soo i certainly can say that it is my own damn fault. I have not been doing any reality checks, work is starting to take a toll, and summer here in Michigan, is just making it more and more difficult for me to really focus on dreaming. I am not going to complain though, because anyone who knows me personally, knows i am not a complainer. So on that note, i have to start back reality checking more with my totem, and by doing more subconscious training thruout the day and nighttime hours too. I hope that you enjoy them anyway, even though they are not my usual epic dreams.
      Dream #1 Naked and writing in my dream records.

      Im in my current home, upstairs in my room writing something down in my dream records. I noticed that i am ass naked, but don't seem to reallly question anything about it at that paticular moment.

      Dream #2 Kidnapped, by goons

      Im in the back seat of a car riding with some arabs. A car pulls up and starts shooting at the windshield of this car im in. The driver, and the guy in the passenger seat get shot. The back door opens, and i am now fighting off these men. I get beat up pretty bad, and end up being dragged off into another car.

      Dream #3 Tell us what you know!

      Im handcuffed in a chair, in this room surrounded by a bunch of arab men wearing long robes and scarfs, and holding guns. And this Arab guy a walks up to me and grabs my face and looks directly in my eyes and says..

      "Do you know who i am? Because i could kill you right now with the snap of my finger."

      "Fuck you! And you will be sorry you ever.."

      (He smacks me and is gripping my hair holding a knife to my throat)

      Im breathing heavy at this point fearing what could happen to me. He starts asking me questions about missing people, and what do i know about a missing girl or something like that. Another guy nearby tries talking to him, and calming him down and telling him that maybe i really don't know anything, and he could possibly have the wrong person. So im now battered and brusied up, bleeding and just resting my chin near my chest. That dream ends, and i wake up to record it.

      Dream #4 Talking about dreams with a woman in my bedroom.

      Im laying in bed with this hot supermodel looking chick who reminds me of Gisele Bundchen.

      We were not having sex or anything, we were just in bed cuddled up talking about dreams and stuff. She gets out of bed and walks over to the window and stares out the window glancing at the night skies. She mentions something to me about wanting to fly up to the moon one night when she becomes lucid. I mentioned to her that in dreams anything is possible, and she can surely do anthing once she truly believes in it. I don't really remember much here except me and her were downstairs trying to look for some tea that i had, that gives you lucid dreams.

      Final Dream. The dancer who calls herself Rosa.

      Im in a temple, surrounded by beautiful Gypsies, and belly dancers. This woman who had a look similiar to the woman in the picture, walked up to me and begin telling me that she would like to dance with me. I stand there just admiring her seductive look, and glancing at her piercing glowing shimmering cat like green eyes. She shakes her hips with the sounds of tambourines and tabla drums beating in the background. She is dancing barefoot, and is moving very erotic to me. I get closer to her as she grinds out of control on me! I literally was feeling closer to a climax, but kept cool and just enjoyed the dance from her.

      Afterwards, she mentions if i ever want to come see her again, her name is Rosa.

      Updated 05-29-2012 at 03:05 AM by 54142

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable , side notes
    9. Accidental WBTB... ?

      by , 05-28-2012 at 11:00 PM (My Dream Journal; Mentis est Infinata)
      I think I accidentally had a WBTB LD last night. In fact, I'm quite sure of it. I can remember my conscious mind controlling the dream instead of my unconscious one, yet I wasn't aware that I was dreaming somehow. I'm going to try and replicate this tonight.
      side notes
    10. Fragment: A New Apartment

      by , 05-28-2012 at 10:26 PM
      I found myself in an apartment in town (the city), I had either bought or rented it.


      I had forgotten completely about this dream, until I rediscovered the note 3 weeks later. Strangely enough, within a week of having the dream; I started cutting my expenses, consulted a bank regarding financing a home loan sometime next year, and began planning to pay any outstanding debts and start saving every dollar for a home deposit.

      Updated 06-17-2012 at 04:02 PM by 55199

      Tags: apartment
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    11. Starting to work on my dream recall

      by , 05-28-2012 at 03:03 PM
      Tried to dream about supernatural by watching it before I sleep and thinking about it as I fell asleep.

      What I remember dreaming about: I was in my room and it was quite a bit like my room but there was an entire SWAT team outside. Two of them looked up at me and I was wearing a Bane mask and Hulk gloves. I remember a lot of white, it might have been snowing. I went to my bed at some point but there were a bunch of ants all over, which is really disturbing.

      Next thing I know I'm downstairs and I pull this paper off my mom's diet pills and throw it away, it had Cleveland Brown on it, I think. My mom (I think) took it out of the trash and said something about someone needing it.

      Then there was something about driving that was like playing videogames but that part I can't remember. After that, I was in a kind of basement to do something that I can't remember. We (idk who, but I wasn't alone) walked in and there was a really small bear and I said something 'cause I was freaking out and someone else said something along the lines of there is nothing to worry about and they or I just pushed the bear down and it was out, I don't think it tried attacking us. We pushed or carried it into a nearby room and whoever I was with was gonna give it a shot. I remember a bird in a white? cage somewhere after that that I think could talk and I know there were other animals but I can't remember those. The next and last thing I remember was negotiating some sort of deal with someone in a hotel/office and I notice these guys are kinda following us and eavesdropping but they think I don't notice and they really aren't being very conspicuous but I knew somehow. After whatever deal I was making with whoever, I went up to one of the guys and I think it was Dean Winchester, not Sam, I don't know for sure but I know it was one of them. I asked him for an Aerosmith (possibly a different band but I'm pretty sure) discography and he said he had one out in his car. So we went out and I think Sam was already out there and Dean had locked himself out of the WHITE VAN. Not an Impala. Good detail to remember. I think I woke up after that, I might have realized I had been dreaming.
    12. Notes Again

      by , 05-28-2012 at 07:21 AM (School 2)
      Was up 18 hours, slept tight, no recall.

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 12:39 AM by 25261

      side notes
    13. Notes

      by , 05-27-2012 at 12:40 PM (School 2)
      Last night was lucid, the other few nights I had some recall.
      I got to fly higher than I normally do along the street ^^ been bike riding

      Updated 06-15-2012 at 12:39 AM by 25261

      Tags: flight
      side notes
    14. Paranoid? Crazy? Or Both?

      by , 05-26-2012 at 08:56 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Now enjoy reading my dreams.

      Dream #1 Babysitting kids.

      Im in some house babysitting 2 little boys. There was a fairly attractive young lady in the house getting ready to head out somewhere. (She was brown skin with a thick curvy figure, had black curly hair, and had a british accent) The little kids were getting to be a pain in the ass, so i called this head coach (not sure who he was) over to help me babysit these kids.

      Dream #2 The loaded gun.

      Im in My cousin L's house, and she gave me this silver gun. I check to see if the safety was on, and it was not. So i intentionally pointed it at a table and shot at it, and there were other people in the room who jumped from the gunshot.

      "You did'nt put the damn safety on."

      (My cousin L talking)

      "I thought i put it on after i loaded it?"

      "No you did'nt. Just leave it with me in the time being."

      I tuck the gun underneath my belt buckle, and started cleaning up.

      Dream #3 They are plotting against me?

      Im still at my cousin L's house, and i noticed this heavy set black dude sweeping something up. I was cleaning up some cheerios or something like that, and i said that i needed to use the bathroom real quick. There was this latino dude sitting down in a chair talking to someone on the phone, and staring at me the whole time.
      (Little did i know, somone was plotting something against me)

      But little did they know, i was on to them and ready.

      Final dream: Paranoid? Crazy? Or Both?

      Im walking down a long a long hallway, and went into this bathroom. (it looked like a public bathroom stall) Im taking a piss, and hear someone coming towards the bathroom.
      I finish, turn off the bathroom lights, and notice some shadow coming towards the bathroom. I hid behind a wall of the door, reaching for my gun waiting for this person to enter the bathroom. Soon as he entered the bathroom i shot him twice, and once in his head.

      I hear people screaming down the hall. I said..

      "Ah ha..they ARE plotting against me!"

      I waited again for someone else to appear in this dark bathroom. A second guy appeared, and i shot him. A third guy appeared, and i shot him like 5 times. He kept crawling towards me, and i shot him in the face. I ran out of that bathroom, and ran down this long hallway, dived thru the floor and woke up. =/

      No luck becoming lucid in this dream. :/ I was gonna try and search for Littlezoe again, but i ended up only being semi lucid. Oh well, there is always tonight to look foward too!

      Updated 05-26-2012 at 09:26 PM by 54142

      non-lucid , side notes
    15. 5/26/12 No dream recall and dream rambling...

      by , 05-26-2012 at 05:15 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      No dream recall, it wasn't really going to happen, especially leaving a party around 2AM or so, and then doing random things until 4 AM, and only sleeping for 4-5 hours on a random interval.....

      I had a lingering thought in my mind, but it faded. Oh well, nothing too major, since my dreams are boring anyway.

      One thing that amazes me is that anything is possible in dreaming as long as you believe it will become a reality.

      Okay, I might be playing around with a few words there, but every time I see someone saying you can't do this in your dream, and yet they preach that statement in bold, how far are you willing to add exceptions to the point where the statement above becomes diluted and meaningless?

      And exclude the fact that you can't really do the same things in waking like as you can in your dreams (create fireballs out of your hand, etc.)

      If you're the really idealistic type of person, you could say dreaming in general is a perfect medium for self-fulfilling prophecies.

      A prediction that comes true entirely because people believe it and act on that basis.
      Well that's a self-fulfilling prophecy in a nutshell, that's nothing new, nothing special, but really...this is all dreams are about! I'm still using a little bit of mental filters with practical reasoning of dreaming and it's limits, and with everyone's own unique schemata, sometimes the "anything is possibly in dreaming" mentality that gets preached here but not really taken to full appreciation (by appreciation, just knowing that your mentality and belief in something will eventually cause you to actually obtain whatever it is you seek).

      This probably doesn't even make sense because the concepts are common sense, but how many people use common sense with dreaming? Probably not a lot, and I'm not talking about stabilization, REM cycles, induction techniques, genetic restraint, blahblahblah.....

      If I really wanted to, instead of believing that I'm some kind of representation of some mystical being, I could just say I'm just an ordinary being, and if I strongly believe that, it's going to happen, no questions asked.

      Unless...Deus ex machina.

      Something that comes out of nowhere to solve something that would be deemed as impossible to solve. Whether you believe in deeper and more subjective aspects of dreaming in general like the Astral Plane, higher beings, Shared Dreaming, and more....there has to be something at some point in your dreaming experiences that you cannot believe was going to happen.

      That one variable, but not the only variable, is what makes dream interesting. But, you could use an argument that it was your subconscious that fabricated it, and based on your belief on its efficacy, it can change how you act in your dreams. Common sense right? But does anyone pay attention to something that apparent?

      If I secretly set out false expectations, things I know that could never happen because people will form a consensus, and this is just constraining the "anything is possible in dreaming" to just the dreaming plane, and maybe a few more realms, planes, dimensions beyond that, if I'm really sticking to a certain belief at the time, and if people think it's logical to become a reality in dreaming, it's going to happen.

      What's the point in saying all this? What I'm saying is that dream interpretation, from what I know of it, is just false expectations, things that you want it to declared as a meaning, when it could be something else. The more mental filters you create for dream interpretation, and it's pretty much bound to happen to someone, the harder it is to see the real meaning.

      If anyone is actually following me on this, if you think something as absurd as a piece of rock representing that you're too "stoic" and "dull" in life, how much are you willing to bet that naturally, you're just using homologous variation just to make yourself feel better.

      Things like seeing fire, you could easily associate that with a conclusion that with something like rage, anger, strong intentions, blahblahblah.

      If I'm using homologous variation right, you could say that dreaming really is limited to what your unconscious contains. Which means that meaning in dreams are meaningless because of its subjective nature right? Again, I'm not saying that, or believing it, but things like homologous variation and self-fulfilling prophecy in general, it makes sense to think something like that, right?

      But that brings in another interesting trend, when people tell you or others that you shouldn't over-analyze dreaming.


      That's a perfect excuse to safely guard your beliefs from being shattered. Everyone has a right to believe what they want in their dreams, but man, it's obvious that these aspects, but not only these aspects, makes dreaming something anyone would love to see become true end up being true, as long as they don't let religion, how they were brought up, etc. encroach its subjective nature.


      I can already predict how people might take this,

      "That's absurd!"

      "That doesn't make it fun!"

      wah wah wah.

      Meh. Enough with the Freud mode.

      Happy Dreaming, everyone.

      In my opinion, dream interpretation is just a vehicle for making false realities an actual reality, excluding any kind of incorporation of waking life of course...just dreaming and anything beyond that plane.

      Don't take dream interpretations too seriously, but some people don't really pay attention to that, which was clear in that last ramble I made about that golden eagle nonsense.

      Just proof that as long as I believe I'm a part of that, that it will become a reality in my dreams, but really, does anything really matter anymore to believe in the dreaming plane and beyond?

      Maybe we're all just nothing, just voids, filling a meaning when it isn't really required, just optional...lool.

      But if you go into that mentality that there is essentially no reason to believe something so strongly, it's going to be boring just existing in the dreaming world/plane.

      I just wanted to see how I might think if I believed in only practical reasoning in dreaming in general.

      I'll probably forget this until I look at it again, I shift and experiment with as many mindsets as I can, without fading myself away from a logical and general one.

      So don't think I'm taking the things I've said as absolute law.

      Updated 05-26-2012 at 05:33 PM by 47756

      side notes
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