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    1. Wednesday, June 17

      by , 06-24-2020 at 04:48 AM
      I am in a convenience store with Melissa. We’re walking up to the registers, me with a giant bottle of Jack Daniels, her with a giant jug of some pink wine. A guy walks up to one of the empty registers to take us. He’s a little older than us and seems kind of shady. He keeps his head down and says nothing but “IDs.” We show ours; mine is fine, but apparently he has a problem with hers. He slides her a binder in which I think she has to write down a reference? She writes down “Daddi”, who I think is a real person. He then gives her another paper, i guess this one an acknowledgement that she’s not kidding around. She raises her eyebrows at it, slowly writing in big letters, ‘okay’ where her name should go. Now I think he’s making her do another reference. I think she writes ‘Victor’, who, again, I know is a real person. I take it out of her hands and shove it back to him, angrily saying something like ‘no, he’s a real fucking person.’ The guy is now off doing something else, and I watch him from the corner of my eye as I tear out, fold up, and slide into my pocket one of the sheets for a humorous keepsake. I don’t think Melissa wanted me to do it, but I adeptly did it with one hand and without getting caught. Now we are walking into Dad’s house for a get together. I put the Jack Daniels in the fridge, right at home among the other bottles of Brandy, Scotch, etc. I know everyone brought their own, and I feel jealous and somewhat regretful because I don’t even really like Jack Daniels. There are only a few people here so far. One is a lady with short blond hair who announces that she’s leaving really quick because something’s going on with her son. Now we’re sitting around a table, and they’ve made a drink out of the Jack Daniels. I think it has Red Bull and some kind of spice. I’m glad that they like it.
      Tags: alcohol, store
    2. June 23th, 2020 SP, Non-lucids and Lucids

      by , 06-23-2020 at 09:08 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Not a lucid but two nights ago I had a nightmare, I was in my room at my dad's old house, and I was lying upside down and when I looked up there was a scary girl with dark hair like in the ring.

      This morning, I had SP, I kept thinking I was going to imagine something scary into my room but nothing came, I was struggling to lift my arms, I could feel them detaching slightly. Random note, I'm starting to think it's messed up that when I'm caught in those situations, the immediate thought isn't "it's hard to breathe" but it's "please don't imagine something scary coming into the room."

      I had a chain of lucids as well, I'm having trouble recalling all of them though. It seemed like in each one there wasn't a dream sign that made my realize I was dreaming, the first one I was kinda just like 'oh wait this is a dream' and then went into a lucid, and then the rest were me going back into dreams with a slight awareness that turned into a lucid.

      In one of the lucids I was in what looked like a diner but was a bit bigger, the floor was checkered black and white. There was a person behind a circular counter. I turned to them and said "tell me a joke" and then they just started saying "plane crash plane crash plane crash" over and over, I shrugged and turned to another guy and said the exact same thing and then he said "plane crash plane crash plane crash." I turned to a guy and asked him to tell me a joke and he starts explaining a joke but it was like the words were rearranged in the sentences and it sounded really strange like he was saying random words out of order. I turned to a waitress walking by (it actually may have been a robot waitress) and asked her to tell me a joke, and she explodes into this really intricate joke that sounds more like an elaborate story but the dream faded.

      In another lucid I'm inside my friend Will's old house, I start thinking "okay this is a dream" and rubbing my hands together to feel the friction. I then start doing math, 1+1 =2, 2+2 = 4 etc. There are people in the house walking around and I'm like "hey guys this is a dream" and people are kinda just looking at me and then going about their business, it feels like if you tell somebody something and it should elicit a reaction but they aren't really listening but instead are nodding and smiling. I turn towards a window overlooking a lake. I decide I'd like to go through it, so I put my hand up to the glass and I merge through the glass and out to the backyard.

      At some point I'm in a parking lot and it's dark outside. I start rubbing my hands together to feel friction. I then think that it's too dark out and I'd like to make it day time. There are giant trees in front of me over a moonlit sky in my view. I shout 'ILLUMINATE!' but it doesn't turn to day, it just gets a little bit brighter. I shout "CLARITY NOW!" and it gets a little bit brighter but it almost was like a strange filter got put on my sight, like it was still nighttime but there was now a purple and green hue on the outlines of trees and clouds in the sky. I take note of the weird colors and then look around. There are a bunch of random people from different directions running together into a single path. I jump over a row of bushes and down a set of concrete steps with railings next to them and bushes. I see people running on a concrete/brick path which takes a left and then curves right next to a row of buildings. Thinking back this was probably inspired by the quad at my university. I think to myself I wonder if I could imagine Liz into the lucid. I see someone in the pack of runners who looks like her from behind. I start running and weave in between people, I start doing math out loud to try to stabilize the dream 3x3=9. When I get near her I grab her shoulder and she turns around but instead of her it's vic g. from my high school and she's wearing pink and blue makeup. I stand there in confusion as runners shove past us up the path.
    3. My new way of flying is amazing! Super fast acceleration.

      by , 06-23-2020 at 11:08 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      Just read the red text if you want to read about my new flying technique.

      I'm playing football on my old school's football field. I'm the goalkeeper. I'm playing and running up with the ball even tough I'm the goalkeeper. There is a corner-kick and I grab the ball directly. There is another corner and when I try to kick the ball away it doesn't go far away at all, about 5 meters. One of my teammates kicks the ball far away.

      Me and my team are playing basketball against a colored team. I'm the goalkeeper and we have a small football goal instead of a basket. Each time I get the ball I try to throw it directly into the other team's basket from our goal. Every time I throw the ball, it would hit the basket if I threw twice as hard (the ball is in the right direction). I run up with the ball alone and try to dribble them and succeed with some of the dribbles. When I throw the ball it's disappointing. I can't throw hard enough, even if I try to with all my strength it won't reach their basket. I have a grudge against one of the other team's player. In the last part of the match the other team kicks the basketball and it goes really fast into our goal. I think they should not kick the basketball.

      I wake up in my parents' bed and think about whether this is a dream or not. I pinch my nose and try to breath in. I manage to breath in but I have all this mucus in my nose so I blame the mucus that I'm able to breath in. I try to pinch my finger through my palm but it doesn't work. I try to fly a little bit but it doesn't work. I walk to the garden and my older sister and Therese are there. There are many flowers in different shapes and colors, I remember the color pink mostly. Therese says that flowers can be created by humans and that every human got their own color. The color the human owns determines the color of the flowers that the human can create. Me and my older sister says to Therese that humans can't create flowers and she agrees with us. I go to the kitchen and cook some hamburgers. The person I disliked from the basket comes into the kitchen but in another human shape. Now he's blonde and good looking instead of dark colored and afro hair. I start to wrestle him and sit on his leg in a way that it hurts much. He resists me and we stop. I look on the hamburgers and there is only one hamburger in the frying pan. There are two more hamburgers next to the frying pan on some paper. I'm about to put them on when the blonde suddenly throws the hamburger in the frying pan onto the ceiling. My dad is in the other room and I tell him about the blonde who ruined our dinner. Dad says that it's my own fault. I go away and think to myself. "This would never happen in real life!". I realize this would never happen in real life and that it's a dream. I go outside and fly out of the gate. I always have to jump a little bit so I get power to start flying. I fly over a city I have never been in before. I remember my goal about creating fire in my hands. I hold my hands in front of me as I fly and do a quick hand motion and expect there to be fire. There are bright orange flames over my fingers and I'm excited that it worked so well. I feel my speed increase as I have fire over me. I'm on the ground again. I think about combining my flying power and fire power. The results are astounding. As told before, I always have to jump or fall from a tall place to get the power to fly and it goes really slow when I start flying. This time I took some power from the ground and jumped as I called the flames. I burst into the air with incredible speed! I'm so happy and think about what more elements I could use to increase my powers. I think about water and try to call water as I accelerate some more. There is a water wave splashing around me as I call the water and get increased flight speed. There are water over my fingers and I become a different person. There is a big fire monster by a burning building by the water. I become a giant woman (not intentionally) that is made out of water and extinguish the fire monster and the flames. Suddenly I become another giant person and I'm holding the water woman in my arms and I think she is cute. I think to myself: "How could anyone ever want this moment to disappear". I just hold her for a while and then I decide that this moment has come to an end. I become the water woman again (not intentionally) and decided to transform to my normal form again. The view changes to third person from 50 meters away and I become a giant naked woman with some water goggles on instead. The dream fades slowly and I come to my human body. I feel how relaxed my body is and I try to reenter the dream but realize I'm not sleepy.

      Notes: Two days ago I watched a series about football. That's why I dreamt about football. Yesterday I heard someone say that everyone has a natural color to their hair. That's why I dreamt the flower part.

      Updated 06-23-2020 at 11:17 AM by 97565

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    4. 22 LD. Write in a dream

      by , 06-23-2020 at 03:57 AM
      22 ОС. Писать во сне.
      24 ноября 2011

      В неосознанных снах были отголоски моего плана - проверить мои чувства во сне. После нескольких таких НС проснулся и попробовал вызвать ЛП. Возникло чувство будто "осознание" медленно плывёт к макушке моей головы - описать словами сложно. Факт тот, что дальше я стою в темноте, мрак развеивается, и я вижу, что нахожусь на кухне, а не в спальне как в большинство ЛП. Прислушался - слышу звуки из реала и даже есть ощущение физического тела. Пошёл с кухни в зал. По пути дотронулся до полотенца, которое висело на двери. Тактильные ощущения как в реале.

      Вышел в зал. Обстановка несколько другая. Обратил внимание, что бабушки нет на своей кровати. Пошёл в спальню. Тут возникла неосознанная мысль: "что, так как бабушки на кровати нет, то значит, что сейчас я хожу в её теле, и нечего заходить в спальню, спать себе мешать". Мда, странно логика работает. Заглянул в спальню. Увидел, что мою кровать загораживает постиранный пододеяльник. Наяву же ничего выстирано не было. Развернулся и увидел, что бабушка лежит на диване. Подходить к ней не стал. Сразу вышел на балкон. Дверь балконная была открыта. Вид был потрясающий. На первый взгляд всё было как наяву, но решил не торопиться, а рассмотреть всё внимательно. Потрясно было цветовосприятие - кругом яркие цвета. Стал разглядывать дом на соседнем дворе - тот был ярко синим. В тот момент, когда я его разглядывал, он стал как бы ближе. Разглядел посаженные декоративные ёлочки возле подъездов. Отвёл взгляд, увидел вдали две девятиэтажки оранжевого цвета. В реале можно разглядеть только одну, да и то не полностью. Забыл написать, что время года было летнее, и ранние утренние часы, когда солнце ещё не взошло, но уже начинает светлеть. Так же почувствовал прохладный ветерок. Проснулся и попал в следующее ЛП.

      В этом ЛП походу дела мозг решил вспомнить мой давний план написать что-либо во сне. Итак, почерк совпадал, хотя и ручку держал я несколько странно. Цвет чернил был или красный или коричневый точно не помню. Нарисовал человечков, причём нарисовал довольно таки красиво. Стал писать чё-то наподобие: Я сейчас во сне проверяю возможность писать. Исписал страницу. Пока писал, буквы были видны нормально. Но как только отвёл взгляд, текст стал расплываться.

      Тут возник спрайт мамы, я просил её прочитать, то, что я написал, но она куда-то исчезла. Я перевернул страницу и попробовал опять нарисовать человечков. Красиво нарисовать не получилось. Попробовал два раза. Стал напротив них писать: Это не я, но совершал ошибки Этони.. буква н с закорючкой. Пробовал писать что-то ещё, так же возникали ошибки. Перёнёсся в следующий сон.

      В этом сне осознанность была слабая. Практически не было. Я с двумя друзьями по сюжеты вылезаю из окна своей квартиры. Причём друг идёт, а я лечу в воздухе. Говорю ему: Зачем нам идти в церковь, если мы в ОСе
      Он отвечает. Надо идти в цирк. Тут я ему говорю, а что ты идёшь летать то приятнее. И меня тут же стало утягивать в реальный мир.

      1. Яркое цветовосприятие.
      2. В ОСе писал слова с ошибками.
      3. В последнем сне парил в воздухе.

      22 LD. Write in a dream.
      November 24, 2011

      In unconscious dreams there were echoes of my plan - to test my feelings in a dream. After several such dreams, I woke up and tried to call the FW (False waking).
      There was a feeling that “awareness” was slowly floating to the top of my head - it is difficult to describe in words. The fact is that I continue to stand in the dark, the darkness disappears, and I see that I am in the kitchen, and not in the bedroom as in most FW.

      I listened - I hear sounds from real life and even have a feeling of a physical body. I went from the kitchen to the hall. Along the way, I touched the towel that hung on the door. Tactile sensations in real life.

      I went out into the hall. The situation is somewhat different. I noticed that the grandmother is not on her bed. I went to the bedroom. Then an unconscious thought arose: "that, since my grandmother is not on the bed, it means that now I walk in her body, and there is nothing to go into the bedroom, to disturb myself from sleeping." Hmm, strange logic works.

      I looked into the bedroom. I saw that my bed was blocked by a washed duvet cover. But nothing had been washed. Turned around and saw that grandmother was lying on the couch. I did not approach her. Immediately went to the balcony.

      The balcony door was open. The view was amazing. At first glance, everything was as if in reality, but decided not to rush, but to consider everything carefully. It was awesome color perception - all around bright colors. I began to examine the house in the neighboring yard - it was bright blue.

      At that moment, when I looked at him, he became as if closer. I saw the planted decorative Christmas trees near the porches. I looked away, I saw two orange nine-story buildings in the distance. In real life, you can see only one, and even then not completely. I forgot to write that the time of year was summer, and the early morning hours, when the sun had not yet risen, but was already beginning to brighten. Just felt the cool breeze. I woke up and got into the next FW.

      In this FW business campaign, the brain decided to recall my long-standing plan to write something in a dream. So, the handwriting coincided, although I held the pen somewhat strangely. The ink color was either red or brown I do not remember exactly. I drew little men, and drew pretty beautifully. I began to write something like: I am now in a dream checking the ability to write. Used up the page. While writing, the letters were visible normally. But as soon as he looked away, the text began to blur.

      Then a mom’s sprite arose, I asked her to read what I wrote, but she disappeared somewhere. I turned the page and tried again to draw the little men. Beautifully failed to draw. I tried it twice.

      I began to write opposite them: It’s not me, but Etonie made mistakes .. the letter n with a squiggle. I tried to write something else, errors also appeared. I went to the next dream.

      In this dream, awareness was weak. Virtually none. I'm with two friends on stories crawl out of the window of my apartment. And a friend is coming, and I'm flying in the air. I tell him: Why should we go to church if we are in the LD.
      He answers. We must go to the circus. Then I tell him, and what you are going to fly is more pleasant. And I immediately began to drag in the real world.

      1. Vivid color perception.
      2. In the LD, I wrote words with errors.
      3. In the last dream soared in the air.
    5. damn.

      by , 06-23-2020 at 01:52 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie Dreams

      First dream was an audio dream only. Just Jamie saying, "Robert." Her tone seemed serious.

      Next dream was a bad dream i guess. I was working and jamie showed up with some stereotypical bad boy. They threw and ashtray all over the restaurant.

      Some days later i had another dream where she flashed some text to me saying, "Love you." Not sure what to make of all this. Still missing those dream hugs.


      I was in this dream where i discovered all these hidden tunnels around big cities. Inside many of the tunnels you could go fast, like going down a water slide. Someone was with me, not sure. I wanted to do youtube videos on the tunnels... At one point there was a bad guy behind some glass. I pulled out a really old western pistol and shot him in the head. I shot him again trying to aim for his eye and missed, but then on the third shot i got his eye. He sort of just stood there shocked and frozen. The person with me might have been jamie, not sure.
      Tags: jamie, tunnels
    6. Aquarium

      by , 06-22-2020 at 06:09 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #537 DILD 12AM

      First I am fishing in a pond and checking the minnow traps. I see really odd looking fish. Then, I am in a version of our extra room with the aquarium in it. The tank is extra large and so tall I can barely reach in to feed the fish. I keep noticing how strange all the fish look and how they keep changing shape and color. There is one fish outside of the aquarium swimming in the air. I recognize this dream sign and become lucid. I taking all the visual details until the dream fades. I feel like I am not awake yet so I visualize swimming and find myself in the aquarium with the fish for a while then in a swimming pool just enjoying the effortless motions of swimming. There is suction like an untoe from waves. The visuals fade again and now I am having some sort of FA. For some reason I try to conjure up some dream sex but it gets award and that's not what I really want. Then I am in Walmart straight shirt-cocking it. I see B and his wife going to bed in some part of the store. The lighting is dim and I run around trying to hide from them in the shadows even though I know it doesn't matter that my lower half is naked. I wake up.
    7. 6/22/20

      by , 06-22-2020 at 02:24 PM
      Dream 1: Me, my brother and 1 other got off a cruise ship to spend some time in the water. After a while we wanted to go back and I had a jet ski so I got the others to hold on and we went searching for our ship. There were a couple other cruise ships that were acting like submarines, diving down or coming up from the water. We looked around for abit ad then found it. Next to the ship there was an obstacle course between these cliffs. At one point I was up there and did a backflip off it and then someone told me that wasnt allowed. Then we reboarded the ship
    8. Amphibian on wheels

      by , 06-22-2020 at 12:54 PM
      ...after some other dream scene, I'm in a dark street, a man is yelling as he's pointing to some bug: "there it is!, it was in our boat before!" The insect keeps moving but I could hardly see it. Then I change the view to a house, couple of feet away, seems more like a building with a big garage. I focus on it and I see some creature, with long extremities crawling on the wall; the man insists on catch it, but I think to myself: "he should leave it alone, he could harm it". I see clearly now! the man grabs a frog, it's all striped black and goldenrod, from head to toe, it changes in size (of course I'm fixing my attention on it). He puts wheels on all extremities, starting with the left hand. He's planning on getting inside the amphibian, which is now bigger than him, so he decides to ride it!
    9. 21 LD. Feeling test.

      by , 06-22-2020 at 02:26 AM
      21 ОС. Проверка чувств.
      22 ноября 2011

      Побежал по улице, довольно быстро. Осознался. Моторика тела работала как в реале. Взглянул на свои руки. Вроде всё нормально. Стал пересчитывать пальцы. Рука стала меняться. Большой палец растянулся, остальные сузились до размеров 1-2 см. Насчитал на правой руке 6 пальцев. Продолжил счёт на левую руку - получилось 13. Странно думаю 6+6 вроде 12. Попробовал пересчитать ещё раз, но пальцы стали расплываться.

      Решил проверить чувство слуха: тишина, и только где то вдали со стороны левого уха гудящий звук. Подумал, что это холодильник на кухне работает. В реале холодильник я вряд ли услышу со спальни.

      Дорога закончилась. Я пошёл по тропинке, время от времени смотря на руки. Они постоянно искажались, меняли форму. Решил проверить вкусовые качества. Не нашёл ничего умнее как сорвать травинку и попробовать её на вкус. Трава была нормальных размеров, рядом росли одуванчики, уже с пухом. Вкус у травы был, но его трудно определить: явно не сладкий и не горький, чисто кислым его то же не назовёшь. Какая-то смесь кислого вкуса с горьким. "Додумался" засунуть в рот одуванчики. Пришлось сплёвывать - осязание работало как в реале. Далее проснулся. Забыл проверить обоняние.

      1. Моторика тела (движения) работает нормально, как в реале.
      2. Пальцы на руке меняются, когда их считаешь.
      3. Во сне тихо, только непонятный гудящий звук вдали. В реале звуков было бы намного больше.
      4. Вкусовые качества работают, но вкус странный. Впрочем трава и одуванчики не самое подходящее блюдо.

      21 LD. Feeling test.
      November 22, 2011

      Ran down the street, pretty fast. Confessed. Body motility worked like in real life. I looked at my hands. It feels good. I began to count the fingers. The hand began to change. The thumb was stretched, the rest narrowed to a size of 1-2 cm(centimeter). . I counted 6 fingers on my right hand. Continued the count on the left hand - it turned 13. Strange I think 6 + 6, like 12. I tried to count it again, but my fingers began to blur.

      I decided to check the sense of hearing: silence, and only somewhere far away from the side of my left ear a buzzing sound. Thought it was a fridge in the kitchen. In real life, I’m unlikely to hear a refrigerator from the bedroom.

      The road is over. I went down the path, looking at my hands from time to time. They were constantly distorted, changed shape. I decided to check the taste. I didn’t find anything smarter than picking a blade of grass and tasting it.
      The grass was of normal size, dandelions grew nearby, already with fluff. The grass had a taste, but it is difficult to determine: it’s clearly not sweet and not bitter; you cannot call it purely acidic either. Some kind of mixture of sour taste and bitter. "Thought" to put dandelions in your mouth. I had to spit - the sense of touch worked like in real life. Then I woke up. Forgot to check the sense of smell.

      1. The motility of the body (movement) works fine, as in real life.
      2. The fingers on the hand change when you count them.
      3. The dream is quiet, only an incomprehensible buzzing sound in the distance. In real life there would be much more sounds.
      4. Taste qualities work, but the taste is strange. However, grass and dandelions are not the most suitable dish.
    10. 6/21/20

      by , 06-21-2020 at 02:44 PM
      Dream 1: I was at my high school royal west and Evan and I were walking through the hall. I suggested to meet girls we should go to the streets. He said I really like Michael Assay. because I keep saying the word streets. I told him nah thats just a useful word. later I was walking around near the school with just my underwear on and was wondering where all my things were. Someone came out of the school with my bag and I got my stuff back. Then I was eating chicken wings right outside. I heard Ethan chaz. getting mad about someone taking the parking spot he takes every day.

      Dream 2: I was up north and we were having lots of guests over. I wanted to get changed in the shed but a bunch of people came in and seemed to ignore me the first few times I told them I was going to change. Then they realized and left. A bunch of matthews friends were over and they were in the pool.
    11. Interview with my DC Ri

      by , 06-21-2020 at 09:05 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I'm in a really big space with different areas. One area only has lava, one area has stones and there are some more. I try to dive into the lava but it hurts. I equip some kind of lava resistant vest and dive again. I dive far into the lava and there are different layers of lava.

      I'm by my old school. I see some birds and some small dirt piles. There are worms in the dirt piles and one of the birds eat a worm. I wonder why they don't eat more worms because there are so many of them. A bird fly away and I fly after it. I become semi lucid here. I think about my post on dreamviews where I wrote about how I sometimes try to rule my dreams when I actually need to be guided. I think this is an excellent way of being guided by my dream. I just keep on flying behind the bird. I also think about how to improve my flying. The bird stops by a pillar on a roof and I stop too. I follow another bird and manages to catch it with my hands. I stop my flying powers and just fall to the ground with the bird in my hand. I grab a lamp-post to dampen the hit with the ground in the last second. I think the bird is scared because of the drop from the sky. There is a girl about 13 years old. I grab her and try to fly. To my surprise it's easy even tough she is heavy. She doesn't like being flewn away with so I go back to the ground and drop her off. Her mother is now there and I ask the two of them if they want to fly with me. They agree so we fly over the school. I remember my interview goal and I ask the mother what her name is. I think she said Marie but I'm not sure so I ask her if she said Marie. She says that she said Ri, not Marie. I'm relieved because I thought she was going to take the identity of my mother Marie. I ask her what her favorite color is and she says yellow. I ask her what her lucky number is and she says Schinski with a polish accent. I'm disappointed because that's a part of my last name and it's not even a number. The dream fades.

      Notes: I would like to ask her more questions. I wonder if I can see her in another dream. I can't remember her face so I'm not sure. I remember the girl's face but not the mother's. Here is the interview in a more simple format:

      Gender: Woman
      Name: Ri
      Favorite color: yellow
      Lucky number: Schinski
    12. 20/06/20 - ld 27

      by , 06-20-2020 at 06:42 PM
      Woke up after 6 hours of sleep, short WBTB, some SSILD but wasn't fully focused and fell back asleep. Had a long, vivid non-lucid dream in which I was travelling along a deserted dust road when I suddenly went lucid without any obvious reason. It felt as if I decided to not follow the predefined dream plot passively anymore - a sudden feeling of freedom overcame me. I got up and walked to one side of the road, being strangely aware of my whole body and its movements. I took a moment to simply marvel at my surroundings which included some houses with neat front gardens on this side of the road.

      Then, I remembered my plan to shapeshift into a bird and I began to flap my arms as if they were wings. At first, I was somewhat sceptical if this will work because normally I initiate flying in a different way. But then I felt myself leaving the ground and flying high into the air - with the typical rush of excitement. Looking down I had a clear view of the landscape, and I noticed my shadow on the ground - which had indeed the form of a large bird of prey! I realized that I didn't have legs anymore, instead I could somehow influence my flight with my ... tail (was probably not very realistic but whatever). Excited I looked down to see if I had indeed wings now, only to find my seemingly normal arms still in place. I concentrated on my arms/wings and found them changing form and place all the time. This was a little confusing and with me being distracted my surroundings decayed into gray nothingness. Can't remember what happened afterwards, I guess I lost the dream to a false awakening.
    13. Two Lucids (One very old)

      by , 06-20-2020 at 04:46 PM (Lucid Time!)
      May 12

      I am standing on the front porch of my mom's boyfriends' house. I see a number of moons in a line in the sky (like Ilus from the Expanse). Blam. Dreamsign. Very clearly lucid. I look and coming down the sidewalk to my right is this silver android with green energy conduits running all over his body walking down the sidewalk. He stops about 15 meters away and announces that I am his target and set to be terminated. He raises his right hand which has some kind of energy weapon in it and creates a large energy ball. I duck out of the way and it explodes destroying my mom's truck in a fireball.

      I declare to the robot that we don't have to fight. Here me of all people, trying to be less violent in my lucid dreams. The robot responds that this is his programming and that he will not stop until I am dead. I figure it best just to leave it. I decide to just abandon the situation and fly away. The robot flies into the air with antigravity and plows into me with a powerful punch. I do not feel it and don't seem to be physically damaged by it (though my clothing is shredded) as I am sent flying through several houses causing significant damage to all of them.

      I get up and dust myself off, now standing in the middle of a pile of broken lumber and bricks in what was somebody's house. I notice the robot seems to be gone so I decided to take off and fly away. My propulsion powers work, though they are weaker than I would like. I have to angle my rockets mostly down just to stay in the air and this leaves me moving forward through the air. I begin repeating an old mantra that I used to use when I first began practicing LD.

      "I am a good lucid dreamer. Lucid dreaming is easy for me."

      For some reason, this slowly starts to increase the effectiveness of my propulsion and I am soaring well above the landscape and gaining speed. I look down seeing highways, towns, forests, farms, roads and what have you. Right below me is a large complex of condos with yellow siding and red terracotta roofs. The android comes plowing in from absolutely nowhere and pounds me towards the ground. I land in a small yard between two condo buildings in the dirt. I have literally made like a cartoon style imprint in the shape of my body into the ground. I see the android hovering down next to me and preparing another energy blast.

      "Okay... you had your chance at mercy. Now I'm going to kick your ass."

      I begin throwing out fireballs in rapid succession. This has little effect aside from minorly staggering the robot. I combine my orange and blue fire and it makes a purple plasma ball that I throw at the robot. This seems more effective, the plating on his chest becomes mangled and half molten though he's still intact and relatively unharmed; at least now I know I can damage his armor.

      The robot flies at me again, hitting me so hard it creates a shockwave. I'm sent flying for miles and when I land, find myself on the surface of an ice lake surrounded by a snowy forest. A moment later the robot comes flying out of the sky and smashes me down through the ice. We begin wrestling underwater; I think the robot intended to drown me. I've been practicing avoiding the drowning feeling in lucid dreams and breathing underwater. It seemed to work here, as I didn't have any problems breathing and managed to get a hold of his arm with one and begin hitting the shoulder joint with my elbow. Eventually, the shoulder of the bot crumples and I'm able to tear off one of his arms.

      I then get the idea to slide his arm like a glove and start firing energy blasts from it. This works and the android attempts to retreat. I fly after it, pursuing it to this mountainous area. There are huge cliff faces and this gigantic circular castle tower built into a cliffside. Judging by the number of windows the minuscule scale of buildings below it is the size of a skyscraper at least, and I continue fighting the android. At some point, I attempted to throw a kick but wound up kicking IWL and jolting myself awake.

      Jun 20 (Today)

      The dream begins with me having to retake 5th grade. I complain that I am a grown adult and shouldn't have to return to elementary school; it would be awkward etc. However, when I get there I find that I am in a 5th grade class full of other adults...? I'm still suspicious because being in lower grades is a dream sign.

      We take a field trip to somewhere in colorado I think. We are walking through a natural area of forests and farmland with large beautiful mountains on the horizon. I'm still suspicious of the situation and eventually break through into full lucidity.
      A pretty typical scene plays out in where I am attempting to convince the other dream characters that I am lucid dreaming and they are not believing me. I attempt to prove it by spinning around on the spot and levitating. The dream characters don't seem particularly impressed. I ask them to replicate this feat and they are unable to do so.

      I instead decided to test out other powers. I've had water, fire, and air manipulation in the past and been able to use them pretty consistently; but never been able to earthbend. I find a large pink granite boulder about a meter in diameter sitting by the side of the road and decide to see if I can earthbend it. First I tried several times a sort of uppercut motion; to see if I could levitate it. This doesn't work. I eventually break into trying to go at from a different angle (the exact mistake a certain airbender made in a certain show). Thinking that the logic of the show applies here I decide that is not the best course of action.

      Instead of attempting to telekinetically lift the rock I opt to simply punch it with my own hands. I kneel down some and punch it in the side. This works, the boulder is sent rolling a few meters away. Seeing that actual physical contact seemed to help; I then decide to try and split the boulder with a knife-hand strike. Initially this doesn't work but on the second attempt, the rock splits down the middle, as intended. The entire thing then crumbles into small fragments, which was not intended.
    14. Mom and I driving a van wrecklesly, on a broken bridge.

      by , 06-20-2020 at 04:26 PM
      In the dream, my mom is complaining about how dirty the van is, as she starts wiping down the upholstery and around the dashboard..apparently was left a mess after some previews trip, according to her.
      This van reminds me of the one we used to have in NJ., a 1972 Ford!, a heavy-duty mechanic steering wheel, a real workout!...back to the subject, I sat on the passenger seat, and of course my mom is driving. ( , my mom doesn't drive until this day. IWL). As she starts driving, I see at the distance, a huge bridge, more like the George W. B. This bridge is only 3 wide lanes, and the floor is wooden boards ??! and mom takes the middle.
      I start noticing there are missing boards on the bridge, and the tension starts to build up inside me.
      Then I feel couple of bumps here and there, we're not going too fast, about 30 to 40 mph. The gaps between the wooden boards are getting bigger and bigger, now I'm really tense.. Then my attention gets fixed on how we will be able to make it through an incoming gap, about 1 foot wide; so now I feel we're stuck... I look in front, there aren't any boards on all three lanes, only some type of iron rails dividing them , but I could glance at what it seems the other side of the bridge; one or two-man are standing couple hundred feet apart from us..
      We're hanging in the bridge, so desperate need, my mom goes on reverse (well, my intention goes R..)
      Mom steps on the gas with no hesitation..all the way! I start thinking shit! the incoming traffic, I see cars zooming by, we're recklessly driving on R. to where the bridge started and beyond..
      We finally slow down after about half mile. My vision and perception zooms in and out of the van, video camera like, I see cars fast and slow-motion simultaneously, trafic is coming as close as 12 in. apart..
      Next thing I know, the police arrives with multiple cars, I think cameras on the bridge must have seen that scene
      A female accompanied by other two police officers approach us calmly by the side of the road, and I see no guns out. Then mom says: " I want to report to that officer, I trust that one!" (nothing personal).. I raise my hands up behind my head, submissively
      My sister and my aunt arrive to the scene, as Im signing some card. I noticed my signature blurs out as I write.
    15. 6/20/20

      by , 06-20-2020 at 02:19 PM
      Dream1:I was on a trip and went to a place where I saw an exotic bird. I put on the gloves so it would land on me and I forgot to take it off. I accidentally brought it back over the border and then realized I dont want a bird to take care of. So we stopped by the sameplace we did on the way there and the man who owned the place was an exotic pet owenr so I gave it to him. When I got back tot he bus I got comforted by the sweet lady who told me "It's always warm outside when its warm inside". I closed my eyes and started seeing visions. I had visions of japanese/anime-esque places, people and scenes in black and white. I was then in a place which had a ton of those statues like from super smash bros and we touched 1 which then came alive. It started touching others and creating an army. the 3 of us tried to stop them and it was easy because they were still toys. After we stopped the army I saw a place right next to us that I recognized from my visions. I brought them and we went to do what I knew we needed to do. We got some wheels or plastic or something that we had to reassemble for these little toy cars. Then we had 4 gems which were the same as some other guys over to the side. They were sitting on thrones and surrounded by others like it was some ceremony. There were 2 empty seats and some missing gems so me and Lorne took some gems and took the missing places. Then I woke up

      Dream2: I was hiding in a casino with Evan. A man with FBI on his shirt came and got us to get out of the restricted area.