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    1. Karate Batman

      by , 09-25-2011 at 01:12 PM
      I'm in some large building and my friend Charles is with me. There's some sort of Mr. Miyagi type character there as well who is demonstrating his martial art skills. Charles (who is in to that sort of stuff IRL) decides to challenge him. They fight with those staff things. Charles puts up a good fight (getting in a few decent hits) but ultimately is defeated. I remember the blows looking particularly painful. Like one would "stab" the other with the staff and his flesh would bend and poke through the other side.

      After the fight, I have a conversation with Charles. We try to discuss if he could beat Ryu from Street Fighter in a hand-to-hand fight. Charles asks how his skill is at avoiding and blocking chains of attacks. I explain to him that a "chain" or a "combo" in tournament fighter terms is by definition a series of hits that are unavoidable provided that the first hit connects. Since it's sort of a gaming abstraction, I reason that his skill at blocking chains must be assumed to be the same as Ryu's. My thought process is surprisingly clear and logical. A similar argument is made for Charles's inability to shoot hadoukens.

      After this we all decide that it would be best to learn karate or something so that we can defend against bad guys. I'm then in a karate class. It's very embarrassing because I'm the only adult in a room full of 5 year olds. We do some drills that mainly consist of things I remember from basketball practices. Layups, foot dexterity drills, etc.

      Suddenly, I'm Batman. Best plot twist ever.

      The same Mr. Miyagi type character is my master who trained me. There are bad guys trying to kill him (I think I identify these attempts as having been made by the Joker?). At one point there is a bomb planted near him so I disarm it or get rid of it or something. Then they actually succeed in killing him. I chase down the bad guy and apprehend him. A funeral service is called to honor Mr. Miyagi's death by someone other than me. Everyone brings strawberry jam to the funeral because that's customary or something. They give Mr. Miyagi's corpse the jam and he is revived. Apparently jam is the cure to whatever poison that the bad guy gave him, and he himself called for the funeral service because he knew it would be the fastest way to get jam.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. 36th shared dreaming attempt - Floating head

      by , 09-25-2011 at 12:49 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Supermarket Sweep

      News report of a guy who worked on a UK tv show 'supermarket sweep' is arrested for fraud. He has short curly black hair and a wide nose.

      Dead Like me

      I'm watching the final ever episode of dead like me, it's been bought back to guest star in a supernatural episode to properly wrap the series up. I'm sitting at my mother in law's house watching it, I'm really engrossed in the episode - and it's nearly finished - Georgia (the principle character from dead like me) has switched bodies and is about to go head to head with the main reaper. Suddenly my mother in law changes the channel because her show is about to start - doh!


      I've just gone into my dream, I'm aware of the dream forming - the tv is on, I think we're watching beetlejuice (my favorite movie) I then remember one of my dream goals - to call up beetlejuice. I say 'beetlejuice' , the tv is reacting, something is happening - I say 'beetlejuice' again - more power, stuff in the tv are moving around - I think this is gonna work! - I then wait a few seconds to build up the tension - 'BEETLEJUICE!!!' and.... nothing. It didn't work.

      old friends

      I see an old friend who I haven't seen for a few years. She is allot taller than I remember - she is like 2 or three heads taller than me now! She looks like a giant compared to everybody around us! We embrass to say hi but then she asks why I'm not saying hello properly and puckers her lips, awkwardly I give her a peck on the lips (like I would do my 2 yr old daughter) I then see some other people who I haven't seen for a long time. I have to stand next to one of them in a kind of circle, my tall friend, who is now standing opposite to me in the circle, wants me to get some gossip/info from the person I'm standing next to - she nods her head to me and I send her a text message.

      Old old friend

      I'm at my mother in laws house again (in France) and an old school friend, who I knew when I was 9 is there, he is showing how well he can speak french, and I am embarrassed because my french isn't that great

      Chichen Itza attempt 5

      I go into a DEILD, the dream is forming around me. I am in my house, I need to go along with the dream to begin with, I start a dialogue with it - it is too weak to leave and become truly lucid so I just go along with the dream. Nothing really interesting happening at this point,I did try to communicate to pichulick while in this state, I remember getting somekind of dialogue but was unsure whether it was him or just my subconscious.

      I finally feel that the dream has stabilized enough and I walk out the front door. It is bright and sunny outside, blue sky with a nice street in front of me. This makes me think about nightspy2's request. So I look around:

      There IS natural light, (though I can't remember seeing the sun specifically, just a blue sky) NO clouds BUT, (which really surprised me) a perfect shadow projected by me, I marvel at this for a few seconds - unbelievable - the shadow looks and reacts perfectly normal!

      I then think about going to Chichen Itza - and as my last attempt to go by flying created uneven results I decided on trying to make another portal. I root around inside my (pajama) pockets, I'm looking for a red piece of rock that an old woman gave to me after I asked her how to travel through dreams, she told me to use it to go where ever I wanted. (I tried using it once and couldn't get it to work!) but instead of the rock I found a key,I figured the rock must have changed into this key. The key had a steel bottom and a black plastic top to it. Kinda like one of these:

      So I figured that it must have some kind of significance and looked around - there were many houses around but one old battered church that drew my attention specifically. It was wooden, more like a church you would find in the US than in the UK. The front door to the church was padlocked by at least 4 or 5 different padlocks. I put the key into the padlock and turn the key - it opens the padlock - and all the others at the same time! - It is a skeleton key

      I walk into the church, it is very small and damaged, sitting opposite to me, from the doorway is a safe attached to the wall. I open the safe with the skeleton key easily. Inside the safe is a curved blue piece of foam and pieces of paper with notes and quick sketches drawn onto them. They seem to be pretty scientific, and from what I gather the general theme seems to be tran-dimensional travel, the drawing show a stick man hovering above what seems to be a wave of frequency, all the other stuff is completely lost on me. I take the curved blue piece of foam and think that maybe I can use it to open a portal, it is a course foam, like something you would use to build a concept model from like polystyrene. I bend it and it breaks in half - nothing is inside (well done me!) I then start to chant Chichen Itza and try to summon as much passion and energy as I can - but nothing happens. I wake up

      Notes - synchronicities with both Vasterguard's dream and thebeastoffold's dream
    3. 36th shared dreaming attempt - It'sMEE's dream

      by , 09-25-2011 at 12:10 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      It'sMEE's Dreams...

      My first dream starts in my room. I'm in bed and I keep waking up to check on my hamster to see if he is alright (which is strange because my hamster died yesterday ) and I seem to know that it can't be my hamster. I look at the cage and see a hamster running around inside, but I lay back down thinking 'It's not Muffin, he died so it doesn't matter what that hamster does.' I'm not sure if I know I'm dreaming, I just feel really tired and fall back asleep.

      Another dream is where I'm in Spain with some random person called Damian and I'm trying to put money in a bank. I have a leaflet thing which I wrote how to say 'can I put this in the bank' in spanish in, and I keep trying to tell the lady behind the counter this. She says "Rude to come to a country and not learn the language..." I'm there for ages trying to find how to say what I want to say, and when I find it, I don't know how to say it.
    4. Two dreams from last night, 30 minutes

      by , 09-25-2011 at 11:36 AM
      I am in a staircase. The stairs are wide, wide enough for ten people to walk side by side up them. It is dark. I go up the stairs. When I reach the top of the building, there is a single door with the number 182 in it. On the wall there is a map of the area. It has lots of numbers in it. I have to go really close to it to see. I find the building numbered 182. "Hey, what are you doing here?". I turn around. There is a short man with a bodyguard. "I own this building! Get out of here!" I leave the building. I see a friend of mine leaving with a scooter. I go towards the same direction on rollerblades. A moment later my friend reappears, now riding a bike. She is dragging there is a rope attached on the bike and at the other end is her friend on rollerblades. They head to the same direction as I. From somewhere several people on bikes appear. I try to speed up and get past them, but there is too much traffic. We arrive at a crossing. The traffic lights are green. When I am crossing the road, the light changes into red. The cars don't care about me and I have to dodge them for the last few metres. At the other side of the road there is a bus stop. There are some russian people there. There is also my brother. "What are you doing at the secret paths?" He asks me. I ask him what he is doing there. He says he is waiting for a bus. I ask him when is he going to be at home. "Four o' clock", he answers. It's three o' clock and a little over 20 kilometres to home. It's a nice sunny day and I wonder if I should skate to home. In that case I should give the keys to my brother so that he can get in. The bus arrives. I go in. My brother ask the bus driver if I can come. The bus driver says yes. The bus leaves. I notice the place has changed. There are no proper roads (I've had dreams where I supposedly am in the 1980s where the environment looks pretty much like this). The rest of the dream is pretty much the driver driving as fast as she can, apparently the bus drivers have a competition of who drives the track fastest.

      In another dream from last night I was in a tower. It had five floors and was slightly askew. At the top floor there was a bedroom. When I looked out of the window I saw a beach and some forest.
    5. 36th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Katsuno's Dream

      by , 09-25-2011 at 10:51 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Katsuno's Dreams

      1st: I am inside some kind of mall (I have the feeling like I've been there before in another dream). Somebody is with me... I walk around and I'm going inside a game store. I search for some Playstation games. I stop at a shelf and I find a game I've been searching for 9 years now (childhood memory...). It costs 80 Dollars but I don't care and put it in my bag. I walk around and find another game I like and I also put it inside. I walk to the checkout and pay for the games. I wake up

      2nd (Fragment): I remember being in my school and talking to some people. I walk around and the fragment ends...

      3rd: I'm in a garden and it seems like there is a little party going on. In the middle of the garden is a huge bed. There are 2 guys and 4 (hot) girls fooling around. I walk to them and I notice what they do...
      Spoiler for Sexual content:

      I see that Haley Williams (paramoore) is also with them and I lay down next to her. I try to kiss her but she turns away so I tell her to follow me. She tells me that all those people are so simple minded and I tell her to look closely. I point my finger on a saltshaker and tell her that many people do not believe in their powers. I try to move the shaker with telekinesis but it doesn't work for some reason. I do a RC because this is strange (This is so weird because it was like I expected it to be a dream and when it didn't work I did a RC to see if I'm not sleeping). I'm dreaming and I smile because this is my second ld in a row. Everything starts to get blurry so I try to focus on awareness. It's clear again and I try to focus on Windhover's Energy Signature. Suddenly there is a metal rope in front of me. I grab it and it drags me down into the sewers. I tell the rope to bring me to Windhover while I focus on the energy. I shout "Faster!" all the time because it's going too slow. The sewers had many windows to look outside and the sun was shining through them. It was pretty awesome I feel like I'm loosing lucidity so I focus on the feeling of the rope in my hand and on the smell of the air (which didn't work because my nose was blocked IRL...). Suddenly a friend of mine is dragging the rope but I didn't mind as long as he drags me in the right direction. Suddenly we stop. I'm standing in front of the entrance into a cavern. I wonder if this is the entrance into her dreams. I walk into the cavern but I wake up because my mom walks into the room -.-
    6. The Cat, The Moron, and The Stressed Out Voice

      by , 09-25-2011 at 10:47 AM
      Before I fell asleep, I fervently said over and over,"Please tell me I'm dreaming!"
      Anyways, I fall asleep and the next thing I know, a woman is saying,"Uh, you wanted to know you're dreaming. Ashley, you're dreaming! C'mon! I did what you said to do!"
      "Man, shut up!"
      "...What?! This is what I get for being nice? Pfft. Whatever. Go and be a moron for all I care."
      So...That lucid dream attempt went down in shambles.

      The next thing I know, I'm in my backyard and my father and younger brother are out in the shop. I say hello but they don't really acknowledge me. The next thing I know, a black cat is insulting me in the most awesome manner ever ( I really wish I remembered all that he said). I never got his name, but I get a strong feeling it was probably Vameel. The fact that a cat was talking should have been a dead give away that I was dreaming. -_-
    7. Zombie festival

      by , 09-25-2011 at 09:59 AM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Yep, another festival dream, wow this one was odd, I have no idea what in my life provoked this dream...
      My recalls pretty poor on this one.

      I am at a festival with my friends, Tom, Alex, Zak, Joe, and a few others that I cant remember. (Jack comes into it later).
      The main event of the festival is that you can play this zombie game, I say a game but it's completely realistic.
      There are two parts to the map, the sewers, and the campsite, the zombies are allowed to run around in the campsite as well! The start area (there is two) is the checkpoint where you get your guns, ammo, but it is also where freshly turned zombies (with some control) go to get revived, which is where human players bite them on the arm and turn them human again.
      Bit of a description here of the zombies, they are like rotting humans, blood splatters everywhere.

      *Fragment* I don't know where this comes in but I remember being at home watching a film, and couting my money, I have £10 left because I spend £2.50 on a call, and like £5 on a kitkat.*

      We head up to the checkpoint, the game is about to start, we are planning to head to a certain area of the sewers to fend the zombies off. At the checkpoint I ask for a gun, he hands me a real M16, it's awesome.
      Heading out into the sewers, I remember joe gets bitten fairly early on, I run back to the checkpoint reviving as many people as well as him.
      Back with my friends we have decided to go to area 11G, they are about to go around a corner when I get attacked from a zombie, I kill it fairly fast but when I look around they are gone, no where to be seen.
      I begin to wander forwards, check my phone, no signal, I get to this area where there is a couch in the middle of this massive opening, a zombie comes to attack be but I just run around the opposite side of the couch to her. My gun raises and I kill her.
      This goes on for awhile, I manage to get outside and call Alex, the call is horrible, and I finally after much effort we manage to set up a location to meet up.
      Back at the checkpoint we decide to go in again, I've run out of ammo so I go to the checkpoint and ask for some more, they hand me this crappy machine gun.
      We head in but it seems the game is already over, I meet up with Jack and he tells me how good it was in this certain area.

      Back in town we are all sitting down, one of my friends shouts at another about having an accent.
    8. 36th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Vesterguard's Dream

      by , 09-25-2011 at 09:55 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Vesterguard's Dreams

      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      25-09-11 Set the alarm for 4:30 to do a wbtb, but found out that I don't have the discipline to do that if I keep the alarm right next to the bed. I intended on just chilling for the first bit of the night and form some intentions during the waking period. I remember having forgotten loads of dreams as well from this night :/

      The Nap attempt was actually from the day before, but will include it here.

      24-09-11 Nap attempt.

      “The Giants can't be found because Earth is a pump!”

      I am at school with maybe 4-6 other people. We are having a lecture in the nature of consciousness. It is a radical theory we are getting presented. Bærentsen is proposing that the dreamt world is as real as the physical, but he has a list of 4 critical assumptions for this to be correct.

      The first is that giants beasts existed and as he is telling about this particular theory we are watching a documentary that explains it. It is a really good documentary as it also takes us right into the action. I am the main advocate that this theory cannot be correct and my first argument points to the fact that we have never found any remains of these particular beasts.

      While I am talking about this fact we are actually back in time as two giant beasts are duking it out. Giant might actually be a bit of an understatement when I should think these beasts are probably the size os small continents. There are a lot of people around us trying to get away from the fighting beasts to avoid becoming collateral.

      Bærentsen counters my argument with the lack of skeletal remains of these beasts with the fact that they have existed many times that Earth in fact is operating on a greater cyclical scale than previously imagined and that this cycle includes total incineration and essentially the planet's “death” as well. There is a small video segment where we see earth from quite far away, burn, whither and die.

      This is supposed to be a scientific model of how Earth is in fact a giant pump for providing ascended souls into the multiverse.

      “Granny's Pearls, aka sometimes I disturb myself”

      Spoiler for Strong, Explicit, Sexual content:


      “A swashbuckling tale of rubber sticks”

      I am on a boat, or ship rather and from what I can understand it is a rather large one at that. I am walking around downstairs and keep provoking all the people that are gathered there. Apparently all the people are gathered because some important people are there and I give a rats arse about that.

      The people there either fear me or respect me quite a bit, because I am allowed to do the stupidest things. First of all everyone is supposed to stand and look stupidly straight ahead, like in any military presentation.

      I walk around and slap people in the face with this purple rubber (some sort of foam is more accurate) stick I have. It is one of those you often see by swimming pools that children use to play with. I even slap the captain around with it a bit (Kaomea?) and she seems really annoyed, but get ordered by some unknown entity to stand down.

      At other points I hit people in the face with a morning star. They don't seem to be in a lot of pain though, which I find weird. I think I hit the captain again and she retaliates by trying to punch me in the face, but I block it by grabbing her hand in my left without even looking at her.

      I always had this sense that I was somewhat powerful, yet smaller than the rest.

      “Breaking the bank”

      Something about having to help my mum. I have finally gotten her on board that the financial institutions are what is wrong with the world today. She has taken quite a risk. Think my cousin is in this dream.

      “Worst train tracks ever!”

      Ok so I am on this train. We are driving through open fields and marshlands. I keep looking down onto the tracks to see the where they go. Sometimes you can't even see them, which is somewhat upsetting for my sister. It is not that the tracks aren’t there it is just that these particular tracks never really gets used.

      We are supposed to “go to the place we used to play” and it is My sister, brother-in-law and maybe someone else on the train.

      As we are driving we drive across sections of the tracks where they have been elevated off the grounds. Not only that, but when we are driving towards some of the poles that are holding the tracs we see the tracks themselves fall down into place from an upright position.

      At one point I look out to my left and I see a much larger lake than the one we used to play by and there are two people out rowing in something that looks like inflatable boats. They are racing.

      When we get to the end of the tracks there are no station or anything the train just stops and we get out. My sister and brother-in-law are fairly lucky to get out on dry lands whereas I end up in water and much to my waste. There is a pole that may be supporting the tracks that I wrap my arms around and break, which my sister informs me about.

      I turn around and start making my way up a hill that is very slippery and muddy.

      “Bike tricks and......”

      I am on a bike on a camping grounds and I am experimenting with the handbrakes, realising I don't know which one is for what wheel. I end up slamming the front wheel brake a bit hard and I end up lifting the back wheel and spin 180 and take off on the bike again. I smirk to myself, thinking I am rather cool, have never tried anything like that before.

      Notes: A lot of this dream is missing. I think it involves going backwards and forwards quite a bit and might even be connected with the train one.


      Something about crystallising lightning or mastering it or similar.
    9. Believe In Me! Because I Don't.. :P

      by , 09-25-2011 at 09:24 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)

      [COLOR="silver"]This morning I used the timer method and even though I didn't used it correctly my motvation to use it , or something, made me lucid anyway. It's not that odd because the timer makes me have about 12 WBTB attempt and each time I fall asleep, the chance to lucid dream is increased, because I am more aware. And this time I could really explore the dream and it's environment. [/COLOR]

      [COLOR="red"]I realised that I was dreaming and I walked out of my house, it was night. I started to think about what it ment to be lucid, and I realised that nothing can harm me. So I thought let's try getting killed by a car, and when I though about that a fear overwhelmed me, and I lost my lucidity...[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="blue"]The timer woke me up, well so I thought.. I were in my room and I hear an unpleasant buzzing sound. There was bees in my room! They were really big and I ran out of my room. I watched the bees as they ate honey which for some reason was all over my room. In real life I have an electric flyswatter, but in this dream it was gigantic. It was laying in my room on the floor and one of the bees sat on it and it turned on and I watched the be get electrified to death.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="blue"]Then I had a weird dream about me being Borat and I saw a hot chick on the airport, and she wasn't wearing anything to cover her, ehrm upper part. So I said "Very nice how much" haha. Weird but funny dream.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="red"]Then I woke up in my dream bed and there was a really hot chick laying next to me and yeah.. I got lucid :P I can't blame me she was way out of my league, as all girls seems to be in my dreams. Anyway I went out of my house (I resisted the distraction!) and I remembered that I had been lucid before, and I started to reflect over the fact that it's allways night in my lucid dreams. I remembered that I had once thought of in real life, how the pavement will look in my dreams, will it look real or like a bad texture? It looked real, very real and detailed.
      I walked around my neighborhood and I saw that my busline took a weird path, it was not on the road but on a cycle path. I didn't consciously stabilised this dream, but by observing the pavement and realising how odd the bus was I guess it made me more anchored to the dream.
      I wanted to see a grocerystore that I often go to, but this time in the dream. It's a small store, but in this dream it was enormous! I went in there and saw that it looked nothing like it. I watched a hot girl from behind and I told myself that I am not going to get distracted by her, "it's my dream tricking me" I thought. I then saw her face, and it was not what I expected, I immediatelly looked away. The grocerystore changed into a video store and I wanted to summon a person.
      In my previous lucid dreams when I have tried to summon a person it was very easy, because all I needed to do was to think of that person, because the dream was just like a vivid thought. This time however, it felt like reality, if you want to know the feeling, I will try to describe how I felt. It felt exactly like reality although I wasn't as aware as I am in reality it felt like reality, but I am tired all the time, not exhausted, but the feeling you have after you have woke up.
      So it felt like summoning a person in reality, which is impossible, Neo could free his mind in the Matrix I couldn't..
      I asked a person behind the disk where I could find that person, and she said "Oh the How I met your mother series is in the back". "Weird that wasn't what I asked" I thought. I then saw that that person's face started to morph like a bubble, I got surprised, but then I looked away and when I looked back it looked normal again.
      I went out of this store and when I got out I was far away from home, I was on the streets of New York.
      I did a flying attempt, and I managed to levitate, but not fly with control, by doing this I associated it as a dream again, and I lost my lucidity, but I continued dreaming that I was lucid.[/COLOR]
      [COLOR="blue"]I said to myself "this is my dream, I control it!" I then flexed every muscle in anger and screamed "Someday you will all bow to me and I will be your God!". Some people started to approach me and said, we will obey you if you can stop our leader. Who is your leader? I asked. Who? What time are you from? they said surprised.
      Then they told me that I was supposed to get up from a special ladder while they distracted guards.
      While I was climbing that ladder a train approached me and it was going to drive in to me if I didn't hurried up.
      I managed to climb up and on the top there was some weird creatures, I can't explain how they looked like, but one of them kicked me in the head and I fell and I woke up.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="silver"]I think I am going to continue using the timer, because if I can get experiences like these every morning, I will soon learn how to stay and to start believe so I can control the dream.[/COLOR]

      Updated 09-25-2011 at 09:57 AM by 49122

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment , side notes
    10. Work in a mine

      by , 09-25-2011 at 09:14 AM
      I've had a bad night with insomnia, but after many hours, I finally felt asleep, and had some interesting dreams, and I can remember 6 of them. No, bang, I can remember one more! It's a weird one, haha!


      The Mine

      I found myself under the ground.. Or, it was so dark, so I couldn't find anything. I found some fire, and saw my friends. They screamed, because it all shaked. We all had orange hats on, to protect our heads. There was kind of an elevator. The stones began to fall down, and we all ran over to the elevator. All my friends came in, and it made me happy. I was a few meters from it, when a big stone hitted my head, and everything became black.
      And I woke up with a terribly head ache!

    11. Sunrise Adoration

      by , 09-25-2011 at 08:43 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Was sitting by the road. Plants. Sunrise. Donnie. I did my sunrise adoration..

      Comfort room at home. Size.
    12. A forest, an angry badger and my old school

      by , 09-25-2011 at 07:38 AM
      This dream was very detailed, I'm surprised I remembered it. Must be the cheese I've been eating. I don't normally write them up online because it takes a while to do. But this one seems like an achievement for some reason. As usual feel free to comment, I don't bite honest.
      fully lucid

      I was walking through a forest with my brother and two other boys about my age that I've never met in waking life, but we seemed to be really good friends in the dream. before long we came across some large holes in the small hill. So large in fact that my brother could actually fit in one of them. We all thought it must be a badger hole, then the two boys ran off ahead. Then I heard growling behind me, I turned around slowly making no sudden movements and was faced with a massive honey badger just a few feet away (If you don't know; a honey badger is a type of badger that can get really vicious if you threaten it or it's babies) I slowly backed away several metres and it seemed to calm down a bit.
      Then I turned around to face what was in front of me, I'd come out of the forest and arrived in a field where some kind of children's fair was being held.I think I've been in this field in a previous dream, except it wasn't filled with a fair before The edge of the field was to my left so I looked over the hedge to see a farmer casually talking to a person in a bear costume.

      Then the scene switched and I was in my old primary school, the building had changed drastically though. I was orienteering with my brother but there was no sign of the other two kids, and I thought they must have been left behind. I thought I knew where one of the points was because it had a similar layout to my secondary school. So we ran over to the group of trees where I thought it might be, but before we got to look the two boys from the previous dream ran up to us out of breath telling us that they found it.
      I may have said something here but I can't remember because then the dream ended.
    13. 35th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 09-25-2011 at 05:04 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      At the Post Office and Master Key for sale?

      only a fragment this time...

      I walked into the post office andthere was a friend of mine sitting at a small table right insidethe PO entrance, and he sees me and syas, watch this! and he goes over to my box wayin the back and opens it! I was shocked, then he tells me he has the post masters master key..it opens any and every lock in this building and every post office in the country, and all related to locks...i spend the rest of this short fragment following him around while he opens and closes misc po boxes and other locks in the building, i jkeep trying to convince himto either borrow the ke for awhile, or outright buy it from him! he ignores me... woke up...
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 35th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Kumara's Dreams

      by , 09-25-2011 at 01:46 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Kumara's Dreams

      A mish-mash of fragments and in and out of lucidity...

      Fragment 1: semi-lucid, frustrated because I couldn't seem to see anything. maybe a thin line in between my eyelids. I remember heavy eyelids and blackness, and trying to see.

      Fragment 2: In a building, possibly my home (in the dream). The walls are painted a medium periwinkle blue, and there are rectangular objects on the wall (like transformer boxes) that are a lighter shade. The color has been done by my friend E, who is a professional color consultant IWL, and she is explaining to me how, "It's about the flow..."

      Fragment 3 - Somewhat dissatisfying sexually stimulating fragment

      Thank you for being in my dream

      Dream 1 - I was lying on a couch, semi-lucid, semi-asleep. The couch reminds me of my grandparents' couch, and I see a figure in a blue dress sort of floating at the wall, coming closer. I wonder if it is my grandmother...I project my awareness and ask her if she is my grandmother, she maybe answers no and I can see that she is not. She seems sweet and benevolent. I nestle back into the couch to fall asleep (in the dream) as she moves behind me/the couch and past my head. I sleepily say to her, "Thank you for being in my dream."

      A room full of women who seemed happy to see me
      Dream 2 - I am on a bed and feel someone behind me, massaging my head with hands in my hair. I am lucid, not very clear though. I am on my hands and knees, crosswise on the bed...I look to my right, and see a black man with close-cropped hair and maybe facial hair in the mirror behind me. I purr.."Baby...", extract myself and move off of the bed into another room.

      The room is full of women. I notice a teenage girl with long hair and braces sitting in a rocking chair and smiling at me, I'm thinking something about how ordinary they look, like regular, real people.

      I'm kind of fuzzy-minded...I look behind me and there are several black women seated at a table all facing me. I struggle to do or say anything...finally I have the presence to ask one of the women, "What do you represent?"
      She says, "Environmental interests."
      I'm surprised, wondering what she means exactly, thinking maybe, of course, that she is some kind of lawyer representative. I ask the next woman, and she says something similar.
      I notice the woman at the end to my left, and for some reason I say to her, teasing, "wow, you look like a badass. Like you are some kind of bad ass office manager or something!"
      She has a strange look on her face, and it's kind of distorted, she moves her head back and it looks like she has a mustache drawn with a marker now. I notice on one hand that I'm making assumptions but I don't seem to be able to help what I'm saying.

      I Can't Control the Dream Bus

      Dream 3 - I'm standing outside of a bus. My mother and my sisters are flinging accusations at each other and are all angry and about to all walk away from each other. I think if I can just manage to intervene and use the active listening and peer-counseling techniques I've learned, maybe we can all get down to our real feelings and be vulnerable and forge some intimacy between us. I somehow convince us to all get on the bus, and I'm trying to clear everyone else off.

      It's a "Houston Rockets" bus (idk)...everytime I think the bus is clear then more people pile on. They are all black. I'm frustrated with the bus driver who keeps letting all of these random people on.

      I see my brother-in-law sitting across from me and he says in a snide tone, "I'm tired of hearing you be so angry." I get PISSED because I hardly even talk to my BIL (IWL) because he's one of those people that is always preaching or bitching about something and there's never an actual 2-way dialogue, so now I avoid him. I say or think, "ME??? You are tired of hearing ME be so angry?" I might have argued with him for a minute.

      I say something to my sister about this while holding her hand and looking into her eyes, and about how I can't stand her husband and I'm not going to talk to him or have anything to do with him anymore. I don't remember her reaction.

      (What stood out for me in this dream was the feeling of wanting to control the situation.)

      My Favorite Drug and the Marvelous Mystery Ride to Nowhere

      Dream 4 - I am in a cave/tunnel, seated on a roller-coaster ride sort of ride. There is someone like a carnival hawker talking up this Marvelous Mystery Ride. I am in the last car, sitting next to my friend HC from middle school. The hawker is handing out drugs. I have a big baggie full in my hand, and it is full of clear round discs (I think maybe like NZT in Limitless). I think, what the heck? This is just sugar? I'm handed another baggie, this one is full of clear pellets that look like small round crystals. I'm pretty sure these are all sugar, too. I take one out to pop in my mouth, anticipating a hard CRUNCH...nope...these are just sugar, too. What the heck?

      I notice that the people on the ride seated in front of me are all facing sideways instead of to the front, and they are vomiting.
      I reassure my friend that I will be ok, because I'm facing forward, and I'm in a different kind of car than they are, mine has cushy protection all along and above the sides, protecting our heads.
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. 35th Shared Dreaming Attempt - NoDaniel's Dream

      by , 09-24-2011 at 11:47 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      NoDaniel's Dream

      (Non-Lucid, Fragments) Fell Asleep by 1:30AM Woke Up at 11PM
      -I'm in a video game, a video game set in the 1920s. It felt like LA Noire. I was riding a back down a road into a tunnel in a 3rd person view. i was wearing blue suit pants and a white shirt. The bike had white rimmed wheels with red fenders. I parked the bike in front of a bar and walked in.

      -I was in Roswell, New Mexico with my family. There was a junk yard that had some sort of reddish stone pyramid at the center. Looking around we saw a ufo-esque craft. We walked towards the pyramid and saw an alien with a gun. We tried telling it to put it down and we are peaceful. It didn't listen and shot us. We respawned in the Futurama Planet Express ship. Leela gave me a hand and helped me up into the ship saying, "How dare he shoot at us!"

      -A continuation of the video game.... I was in the center of a small town where there were five routes surrounding it. My friend Jocelyn was on my back. I walked down one of the dirt roads for a few minutes. I got lost so I kept walking. We discovered a sort of trailer park, we knocked on one of the trailers. A boy with black hair answered the door. We asked if we could use his telephone. "Go away!" He yelled. We begged him and he kicked us out. So I cut his mother's car breaks. I threw Jocelyn in a tree so she would be safe. The mom started her car and the kid went in with her. ( I don't remember anything after that until...) We were teleported to a street much like the one i live in, with one main road and cul-de-sacs branching off on one side. We walked through a couple and barged into a yellow house. Inside was a friend of mine sitting criss-crossed on her bed while in her pajamas screaming, "GET OUT! GET OUT!D:" It started getting dark and I became frightened. Jocelyn said, "Have you figured out how to use the map?" I looked at a map and we ended up back in the center of the small town.