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    1. 24th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Windhover

      by , 08-28-2011 at 04:24 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Windhover's Dream

      I lifted my dream hand and did nose-plug RC. it was hard to stand up so I sought for help begging "please help me.....grab my hand..." I felt someone grabbing my hand but I couldnt open my dream eyes, so I shouted (in dream) "FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!" then suddenly I was in the dream.

      I opened my room door and walked to the kitchen. I heard my dad saying,
      "hey if you're going outside then at least wear something nice."
      "okay okay dad.."
      I was wearing pajama. I knew it was dream so I tried to ignore him. then my mom said
      "I heard you moaning in the bedroom"
      "was I?"
      "yeah you said please help me grab my hand!"
      I chuckled. I slowly wore my black summer crocs and opened the front door.
      I forgot to take a bus to pyramid. I instead thought taking a taxi. I found some kids getting off from a car and I said
      "hey can you take me to chicen itza pyramid?"
      "I cannot take you unless you have taxi pass"
      I got bit annoyed so I summoned a golden ticket
      "I have this super-ultra-combination-golden ticket for your goddamn taxi!!"
      when he saw my golden ticket he suddenly ran to the taxi, getting ready to take me to the pyramid.

      there were bunch of kids inside the car. the driver was female. she wanted me to sit in the front but the seat was very hard to get in so I just sat at the back.
      this was weird. the driving scene over the windshield was jsut like the game Midtown Madness. the driver went crazy and did road rage in the highway. the taxi was invincible. however I didnt feel any impulse of a car; I just felt like watching a game scene. I asked to the girl sitting next to me,
      "do you know chicenitza pyramid?"
      she shook her head.
      "it's built by mystery Mayans!"

      anyway I got to the pyramid but the dream was unstable and the quality became worse. so I switched my 'sense of touch';sitting in a car to sitting on top of the pyramid. but it was still unstable. I was wearing white cap and black sunglasses. I went down to the ground and I saw this white-furball-creature. I dont recall how it exactly looked like but it was sort of human form and had blue eyes. suddenly I recognized him that he was named 'Zeno'. ??
      then I saw a slightly blond caucasian. he was wearing winter clothes. I asked him
      "are you Katsuno?"
      he did not answer. he was murmuring something so I knew that he was just a DC.
      the dream was getting more unstable. I couldnt summon a beacon on the pyramid so I summoned huge chocolate egg next to the pyramid.
      dream scene jumped. I went into this inn next to the pyramid. my grandmother was in charge of the inn; she was the head of the building. my brother was working in the hotel. I saw some kid running around and I went into a dining room. I saw my brother, Dwight Shcrute next to him, and 'real' Dr. Eggman. Dwight was stealing my brother's tofu stew with his spoon. I got mad shouting
      "you're even mean in the dream!! stop stealing his food, you bad guy!!!"
      so I hit his head with white plastic slab. -__-
      I went into another room. there were,,, unfamiliar people there, and I asked them
      "do you know where Katsuno is?"
      I dont know why, but the people looked funny so laughed out loud. some guys laughed too.
      I woke up at 8:45.
    2. 24th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Aqua's Dream

      by , 08-28-2011 at 04:04 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Aqua's Dream

      I am standing outside on a large balcony. I'm looking up at the sky and I notice that all the stars are moving in tiny circles, some flashing different colors. Suddenly the black night sky turns rainbow and I hear a robotic voice say, "Welcome to the new world." A screen appears in front of me and I have to enter all my personal details.
    3. 24th Shared Dreaming Attempt-Katsuno's Dream

      by , 08-28-2011 at 03:35 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Katsuno's Dream

      1st: I dreamed of walking in my street. Suddenly some characters from naruto came and talked to me. Kisame says he wants my head and pulled out his sword. I ran away and suddenly a man with a self-made flamethrower came and helped me. I built my own flamethrower (don't ask me how :O) and tried to shoot him. But my flamethrower was garbage and it shot in a completely different direction and burned a garage. I tried to put out the fire but the garage was made out of wood so it didn't work well. Then Kisame came again and attacked me. I evaded and woke up.

      I remember having another dream and maybe it was shared but I totally forgot it
    4. Unfriendly dream character

      by , 08-28-2011 at 03:08 PM
      Note :
      Me talking
      Midget talking

      I´m at the gate of a big white house, I fly above and see an old water place in the garden, I try to summon an octopus in it. Does not work. ¨There used to be octopuses.¨ Says a little man behind me, sitting at a garden table.
      -¨Where can I find the octopuses?
      -This is none of your business.¨
      I see a key on the table where the small guy is sitting.
      -¨Does this lead to the octopuses water place ?
      - Not tellin´ you.
      - What part of my personality are you ? what do you represent ?
      - Nothing, I´m not telling you.
      - Why won´t you tell me ?
      - I don´t have any interest in helping you girl, get away from my house now.
      - You know you are just a dream character and I created you ?
      - I don´t care. ¨

      I grab the key on the table but the midget fight back. I push him and he falls over. I can see two locks on his chest. one big in the center of the chest, and one smaller where the heart should be.
      I open the middle one and find a big book in his chest.
      -¨Don´t read this I don´t want you to see me naked ! ¨
      The fist page is illustrated by a young boy climbing in a tree. The legend says ; ¨This is how I escaped a thousand soldiers.¨
      The other pages are only illustrated and show the midget (with a normal adult size) singing naked in a jail´s shower. The rest of the pages are picture of the man becoming smaller and smaller.
    5. [Aug. 28, 11] 2 Dreams

      by , 08-28-2011 at 02:13 PM (Eeveon's Dreams and such)
      Notes Non-Lucid Lucid

      Hi, this is my first entry here. I've been having several dreams so far, but forgot to record them here. So, I decided to start now. Considering I just had my first lucid dream! I doubt I'll ever have any more. But, still. Anyways:

      Dream 1:
      I honestly can't remember how it started. I just remember it was me and 2 other people on a four-wheeler going down a busy street. We were dodging everything very quickly. As we were going, I was telling them that I had had a similar dream. Which is weird, because I have had a similar dream. Anyways, it skips and I'm now driving. I drive into a tent that looks like the ones they have at a circus. I park in a place with a bunch of picnic table and bounce the four-wheeler a few times for no reason. Then, I look in front of me to see a lot of girls in some kind of translucent, big, bathtub thing with no bottom. Anyways, they say something about dancing and start climbing on top of each other. Then, I woke up.

      After I woke up, I laid there for a minute then tried to go back to sleep. As I was going to sleep, I randomly started saying "I will remember my dreams." for some reason. I was saying that in my head a few times. and I went into a very weak sleep.

      Dream 2:
      It was weird, I could still slightly here the tv in the living room from my bedroom. And, I was also still asleep. Although, it was a very weak sleep. Anyways, I was on a tall mountain with grass on the top. I was staring at a very large griffin-looking thing. I was wearing some type of armor with a weird helmet. He leaned his head down towards me and said something along the lines of: "This is a dream and you will remember it." He didn't say that exactly, but that basically summed up the few sentences he actually said. He then blew my off the cliff. I hit the side and rolled little of he ways downed. When I was at the bottom, the perspective switched to third-person for a few seconds to show my helmet and me grunting as I stood up. Then, I was slightly lucid. I tried putting my finger through my palm. I had to push slightly harder than expected, but it worked! I could see my finger stretching the back of my hand's skin like putty or something . I said "Oh shit!" Which is weird because I don't cuss out loud in real life. And, if I do, I always say it in my head. After that, I looked at my fingers. I had at least 3 more fingers on my right hand. And, I didn't even pay no attention to my left for some reason. I then looked out towards a overgrown pasture. After that, I woke up.

      As I woke up, I said "No!" in my head, and laid in my bed for a few seconds. I was pretty happy after experiencing just that little tiny lucid dream. Now, remembering my dreams, I see that I need to work on a better dream recall. I have trouble remembering what people say. Other then that, I can remember a good bit of the scenery and such. Also, I'm not too sure when I'll be posting another dream. It may take me a while...
      Tags: lucid, non-lucid
    6. relapse

      by , 08-28-2011 at 02:06 PM
      i drempt i was out in the nsow going up a montain and i used weed and as i was going up a mountian ijust sat their scared tro[[em mits and the ride never ended. later irobbed a bank with a cop nd the cop got me. i was in jail for a lil at grandmas house nd she apolagized to matt. i was stryen to rob some grandma at st dunstand but they found out, mom nd shelly were like wtf nd i walked out nd it was all rainey nd iwas taken to this fancey british jail where i asked if hot girls could come obver
    7. Costume Store and the Hurricane

      by , 08-28-2011 at 01:50 PM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was in a huge Halloween store with my brother and my mom. We found this life size horse costume that moves. The front was robotic, with a control panel on the side of the horse's face used for moving. My brother got into the back of the horse costume and I walked near the head and controlled the direction. I wondered how much this costume costed, which probably was a lot. When we got to the exit my brother got out of the costume and we left.

      A little later on I was at my dad's house. Everyone was preparing for hurricane Irene. I was using my iPod, but I put it on hold and went in the shower. When I got out, my little brother told me that my mom called and said to get my other little brother at his friend's house up the block.
    8. Aug 28

      by , 08-28-2011 at 01:30 PM (Doctor's Dreams)
      Prisoner of Love (FRAG)

      I was either in a prison or a intensive camp and I was flirting with this one girl. It counted that I was in a thing with this girl bt then later on I was seen flirting with another girl and then the first girl came in and saw me and was all piss so then I was trying to win her back and things but none of it worked. The camp (i'm going with camp) counselor kept trying to gently get me to stop because nothing seemed to be working but I was stupid and stubborn and kept trying and ended up doing more harm then good. There were magical aspects of this dream but I can't remember them...

      Camp Delights

      Me and my friends Nick and Frankie were driving through the woods when we stumbled upon this campsite. It was cool because we were at the top of the hill and the campsite was further down and there were 2 paths, one was a straight down path and the other was a swirly san fran hill path. We took the straight. When we got to the bottom I'm pretty sure there were multiple buildings but we decided to be squaters in this one building. It was full of normal things that happened somewhat strangely-the one I can remember was when I got hungry, I would get a pancake from the closet, put it on the bottom side of a skateboard deck and snap the part of the deck that was holding the pancake off of the rest of the deck and use it like a plate. I did this twice. Then I saw an old person in red walking quickly away. He saw me and we had to get out of there as soon as possible. We all ran out to the car but there were these three small 8ish yr old kids who were hanging off of Frankie and he had to violently push them off. We started the car and went on the swirly path up the hill because surely the old man would have called the cops and they were headed down the main st. I was in the back seat and there was a blanket that I was trying to get under wile still watching what was happening on the outside. We passed these strange tank like machines that I knew were for construction and then I woke up.

      Updated 08-28-2011 at 03:40 PM by 24049

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Wild...?

      by , 08-28-2011 at 01:23 PM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 04:46 AM by 44350

    10. muppet funeral; mcdonald's roofs; co-workers and dallas stars; talking, complaining, flying

      by , 08-28-2011 at 01:07 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      There were a number of views of some place, possibly "Virginia." The views were like pans across landscapes. Some of the views may have been still. Others were in motion. The views were possibly supposed to show some kind of unique situation regarding "Virginia." I was frustrated because I never saw any evidence of this unique situation.

      There may have been one pan across a residential neighborhood. All the houses were tightly packed together on the blocks, and the area was all set on a series of rolling hills. The colors in this photo may have been almost washed out, close to sepia tone.

      The rest of the views all took place in some area that seemed like a city park, even though I also got the impression that it was supposed to be a beach. There was a huge lawn, pretty much flat, dotted pretty closely with thin-trunked, tall trees. At the edge of this park there may actually have been a beach.

      One view in this park was of masses of people, packed all close together, lying out on their stomachs, as if they were all out on the beach, getting suntans.

      Another view was of masses of birds, packed together (like the last shot in Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds). The view, I understood, was supposed to be of all kinds of exotic birds. But there were very few exotic birds. Right out, I only recognized one parrot. Most of the birds were ducks, seagulls, and pigeons, some of which were deformed or ugly.

      It may have been at this point that I became frustrated with this "program." I was supposed to be seeing something unusual in these images -- specifically something unusual that had happened to alter the area. But these were all "normal" images.

      The view changed to a view of a crowd of people, still pretty dense, but not packed all together, out on the beach. Among the crowds I saw the head of a big muppet, red, like Animal, walking along. The muppet must have been two meters tall. But it looked like Animal. I then saw a big, blue muppet. Then it seemed like there were a number of muppets in the crowd.

      Now, off to the right, in a space of the park empty of people, there came a muppet funeral procession. The procession was very long. At the head of the procession there was something like a float.

      The float was like a flat-bed wagon. On top were images of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy. The images were laying down. They were probably around two meters long, as well. Kermit was wearing a groom's tuxedo, and Miss Piggy was wearing a bride's gown. But both Kermit and Piggy were dead. This was their funeral procession.

      Dream #2

      I was in a car with my family. I may have been preparing to leave after a visit to my home town. On the way to wherever I was going to be dropped off, we passed a few different McDonald's restaurants. As we passed the restaurants, I had to quickly make an assessment of the roofs.

      My brother complained, asking me why we had to do this. He thought it had something to do with me criticizing him or keeping an eye on him, to stop him from doing bad things, as if I thought he was doing bad things.

      I tried to explain to my brother that my job was to inspect roofs. McDonald's just had a lot of new roofs put onto all their buildings. So I had to inspect them. And my mom had agreed that we could drive past all the McDonald's on my way to being dropped off.

      We passed another McDonald's. I don't know how I saw the roof. But one-third of the roof seemed to be missing. I remarked to myself about something regarding a special compartment being put into the roof.

      We passed another McDonald's by going along a road or a stretch of asphalt that ran along the outside perimeter of the back end of the lot around the restaurant. The asphalt of the road was continuous with the asphalt of the lot, connected by a steep, asphalt ramp. The road put our view just over the roof.

      We then drove along some road and up a steep hill in something like a residential neighborhood, although something about it all felt a bit artificial. My mom began discussing some new movie that was out. Its main characters were a few old people.

      We all started talking about "old people movies," and whether they were good or bad. My mom was angry at me for some reason, and she'd sensed that I liked movies with old people in them. So she said, "Old people movies are made for old people. And if you aren't old, they aren't any good. They're just boring."

      We reached the top of the sharp hill up which we'd been driving, and we'd woven our way into some kind of stone maze. My mom now drove up and around a curving road, up to the foot of a huge, stone staircase with a stone gate. Some distance up the stone staircase I saw some bright, yellow image. It may have been a person wearing a bright, yellow robe.

      My mom now mellowed down a bit. She said, "Well, old people movies aren't all that bad. There are a couple that I like. And if you go to any old people movie with (my grandma) J, they'll always be interesting. Because she always has something interesting to say about them."

      I now had to get out of the car and go up the stairs. I may have opened the back, passenger-side car door. I may have said some kind words to my family, maybe even hugging and kissing one or more of them.

      Dream #3

      I was leaving a building, probably after some kind of event or some kind of task I'd had to take care of. The building was kind of like a multi-floor school building. But it also felt very classy.

      I was on a high floor. I was walking down a staircase to get to the exit. The staircase was wide. It doubled-back at each half-floor and opened out at each floor.

      At some point I realized there was a guy following me. He was maybe half a floor up from me, but he kept that distance. Eventually I slowed down my walking. I figured that I would slow down until he caught up with me.

      But as I was making this decision, I was already approaching the ground floor. Instead of hearing the guy, I now heard JF, one of my old co-workers. She may have been talking to JS, another one of my old co-workers.

      I was now on the ground floor, passing through a big area and walking toward the front door. JF and JS now caught up to me. I could tell by the tone in their voice that they wanted me to include myself in their conversation. So I turned around to get a better view of JF and focus on what she was talking about.

      At this point I was past the first door out of the building. There was a small foyer and then another set of doors. At the final set of doors I turned around. JF was just coming through the first doors, still talking with JS.

      I may have walked all the way out of the building. But then I may have turned around right as JF was coming through the second doors. But now it was like I was behind her. I don't know where JS was -- perhaps she was outside.

      JF started talking about the TV show Dallas. She asked about some key characters. I somehow mentioned Victoria Principal and Peter Duffy. I knew this satisfied one question JF had and made me look like I knew about the TV show.

      I was actually back in the building, walking back toward the staircase. I realized I'd said the name "Peter Duffy." I called back to JF that I'd meant to say "Patrick Duffy." Apparently JF was writing all this stuff down on a clipboard. I also mentioned the name "Ron Hagerty."

      Drream #4

      I was in a library, sitting at a table and reading. There were no lights on in the library. The only light coming into the place was from the windows all along the walls. But the light was very dim. It felt like it was early morning. My eyes also felt scratchy -- kind of like they feel when I "wake" into a lucid dream, although I wasn't lucid.

      I was apparently on the phone with my mother. I was explaining something very important about my life. I was talking rather loud. And although I was holding onto the phone, I don't think I ever actually held it to my ear.

      I eventually put the phone down -- either under the table and on my lap or else under or beside a book on the table top. I didn't stop talking. Instead, the "scene" with the conversation faded into the exact same "scene," except that I was no longer talking.

      There was a woman, maybe in her twenties or thirties, seated in front of me. A man, maybe around the same age, sat to my right. The woman and the man both asked me if, next time I came to the library, I could please refrain from talking to myself so loudly. I think the woman had asked first, and that the man asked the same thing again.

      I was surprised. I asked, "I was talking to myself?" The woman said yes. I couldn't quite believe it. I thought I'd been on the phone with my mother! I wondered if I was going crazy. Suddenly I couldn't remember very much about the conversation at all. I wondered what I'd actually been doing and saying!

      The man repeated that I'd been just sitting in the chair, looking forward, and having a conversation with myself. He said it was really annoying and asked me if I could try never to do it again.

      I was now "downstairs." The downstairs area was actually like some kind of indoor version of a small amusement park like Coney Island. All the booths around me had some kind of pale-turquoise or sea-blue color-schemes. Everything was very clean. Nothing was operating. It was all quiet.

      I stood over some table, leafing through a thick file in a three-ring binder. A co-worker from an old job of mine, JM, came up to me. He looked very young, even thinner than usual, and kind of pale, with facial features a bit smaller and tighter than IWL. He wore a blue dress shirt and, possibly, grey dress slacks.

      JM asked me how I was doing and what I thought of my new job. I didn't tell him that I'd quit my job after having a fight with my boss. I just told him that things were okay, although they could probably be a lot better, and that I hoped I could eventually find a place where things were good.

      I seemed to be walking away from JM now, and deeper into this subterranean amusement park. But for some reason I didn't feel like what I'd told JM was enough. If he ever found out that I'd quit my job, he'd think the reasons I gave weren't sufficient, and that I'd been weak to quit.

      So I ran back to JM and told him, "Look, I really hate my boss. I didn't want to tell you this. But he's a complete jerk, and he does all kinds of stupid things. I really don't think I can take it for too much longer. I seriously hate him."

      JM looked a bit surprised by what I said. He walked away. He was going off to talk with some other people. He wasn't necessarily in the amusement park anymore, although I still saw him there.

      I was nervous about JM talking with people. But I was also kind of happy about it. I jumped up in the air, as if to get away from the situation of having to worry about what JM would say or think about me.

      I was floating a meter or so in the air, and descending slowly. I realized that as long as I jumped quickly enough, so that I didn't lose the floating height I'd gained, I could keep increasing my height.

      I really wanted to get away from the situation I was in, so I kept jumping and jumping. Eventually I had gone far above the amusement park. I was floating into the blackness. I couldn't see anything around me.

      I'd changed my flying motion from "jumping" to "swimming." I was now swimming through the air. Some sort of realization came to me. I couldn't really, physically, be flying. So I thought I was having some sort of out-of-body experience.

      I didn't get overexcited about the supposed OBE. But I kind of began to doubt that I could be having that, either.

      I had a false awakening. I was in a bed that wasn't mine. I lay face down. I felt like I was making swimming motions. I told myself, See? You only thought your astral body was flying by making swimming motions. Really, it was all just a dream, and you were lying here in bed, making swimming motions with your physical body.

      But I still felt myself making swimming motions. I looked down at my body and saw it wasn't moving at all. And, yet, I saw a second body, like a ghost body, still making the swimming motions. I faded back to blackness, thinking, Well, I guess some part of me was swim-flying somewhere. And it wasn't my physical body.

      I may have had the idea that I'd "flown up" into my body from the space I'd been in in my dream, and that, on joining my body, I'd woken. I may have thought that if I fell back to sleep, my "astral" body would sink back down through my bed and continue its swim-flying activity. I may actually have felt my body sink back down below my bed as I fell back to sleep.
    11. Dream Phases

      by , 08-28-2011 at 01:04 PM
      Later, I had many dreams that were like complex movies with a variety of dream characters, some played by people I knew in everyday life, and some I didn't know at all in waking life. These were often sort of road signs of I guess how my subconscious viewed my life at the time. One thing I noticed is that the subconscious is not really fettered by things like time and space. Another thing I notice is that the dreams sometimes tell of things to come in the future. Sometimes things that don't seem like they could have possibly been foreseen.

      There were many dreams that predicted what I maybe could have consciously seen coming but two stand out as ones I could have in no way seen coming. Another thing I notice is that dreams often happen in sort of transition phases where your mind is trying to work through some sort of problem or hang-up and learn some kind of lesson. I'll go into that later, and I will go into the Lucid Dreaming phases a little later as well.
    12. Dream Phases

      by , 08-28-2011 at 12:48 PM
      This is maybe a difficult subject as I have gone through different dream phases - but I don't think that the phases I have gone through are necessarily right or useful or should be ordered in the same way for others as they have been for me.

      I know a lot of people here are high in either having Lucid Dreams or wanting to have Lucid Dreams. My first Lucid ones came unexpectedly and I had never heard of Lucid Dreams and I did not like them at all. In fact I hated them, because once I knew I was dreaming, I wanted to awaken, but I couldn't. That changed radically somewhere along the line.

      The beginning dreams were as a child of 2 or three. If any have read the RG stuff, she explained to me that at 2 or 3, children begin to dream. They may remember the dreams and they may not. She also explained that these dreams are mostly about monsters and heroes. Also, that the "monsters and heroes" are really the emotions that the human child is developing. I would venture to guess that for me that would be phase 1, and maybe it would be for anyone.

      It is possible to me to think that there are dream phases prequel to this in childbirth and even in the womb and possibly before, but I do not remember any if there were.
    13. Damn those intellegent genes!

      by , 08-28-2011 at 11:52 AM
      i dreamt me an my fiancee had a baby, it was a little boy and he was cute, but he was smarter than me. he wasnt even 6 months old and he was crawling about but anytime i was picking him up and stuff he would make funny comments at me. i bumped his head and said awww, youl be ok and he was saying things like how do you know your not a doctor, i kept saying to claire how can he be so smart and she was just saying after the way you go on why wouldnt he be.

      i cant remember all of this dream, but i wwas drinking last night and it was very vivid.

      other parts to the dream:-
      the baby crawled with his face on the ground.
      we never had a name for him.
      i wass questioning myself if he was mine.
      i remember fire at some point and a sence of evil.
    14. Travelling, a false awakening and a Colosseum.

      by , 08-28-2011 at 10:37 AM
      Please feel free to comment, I'd like to hear your thoughts and ideas on my dreams
      Dream code:
      Fully Lucid

      I got on a bus and travelled to Norway on a kind of tourist holiday. I had some slips of paper which I could write my destination on and some money. Our destination was supposed to be Morocco (I think) but we took a detour to Norway by bus all the way. Then we went to Finland where we were going sight seeing.

      I had a false awakening here.

      I'm not sure if I was lucid or not but I was in control. I'm not sure if I knew whether I was dreaming or not so I'll mark it down a semi lucid/lucid. I think this is the second part to the first dream I had above.

      I was inside some kind of temple alongside a good friend of mine, my cousins and my parents. We were all in this main entrance place but the room seemed to be made of old stone. We went a bit further but weren't allowed due to health and safety. A relative of mine sent an encoded text to my mum and for some reason examining the stone walls would decipher it. Then I accidently found a slab that could be removed, and behind it there was a secret passage but only big enough to crawl through. We came out on the other side and we appeared to be in some kind of Colosseum

      It was magnificent and we were at the bottom near the ring.This must have been the bit we weren't allowed in. There was a whole audience screaming and cheering at the empty ring. I didn't want them there and the next thing I know they've all disappeared and the place is now empty except for me, my friend and my cousins and parents. I went and sat on a small stone platform just outside of the ring whilst my friend and my brother went into the ring. I was trying to take all this in because it felt so real and vivid. For some reason inside the ring there were trampolines. I thin decided to go in for a bit, I came out a few minutes after. Shortly afterwards my friend came running out and hugged me really tightly(She's a girl so it's quite normal) Whilst hugging me she was saying thankyou over and over again for bringing her to such a wonderful place. Then for some unknown reason my brother ran up to me and kicked me, striking a blow directly between my legs! I didn't feel anything but that was what must have ended my dream.
      lucid , false awakening
    15. Lazy me

      by , 08-28-2011 at 09:41 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)

      [COLOR="silver"]I become aware that I was dreaming this night, but this time I didn't try to become lucid, I just wanted to sleep because I went to bed late. So I didn't wrote down my dream upon awakening. I was lucid for just a brief moment, then I was semi-lucid then it become a normal dream again.[/COLOR]