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    1. cn6- saw dentist and visited cousins

      by , 01-12-2024 at 08:20 PM
      I was in a slightly ugly dentist's room (the room was ugly, not the dentist) and I was sitting in the chair. She looked at my teeth for like 2 seconds, and then made me breathe on a coin I didn't get a good look at.

      I was in my grandparents yard, my aunt is leading me to her house even though they're right next door. I walk down some stairs and enter the room I will be staying in. It looks like my garage, my favorite cousin who we'll call Laxative was sleeping in a kennel just big enough for her. I was disappointed that I couldn't fit, I walked past her, and saw my unimportant cousin sleeping on a large mattress on the floor. I climbed in bed, he said something, and I rolled over so we were back to back. I was going to steal his blankets, but I was pretty toasty already, so I slept without them. I open my eyes to Laxative standing over me.I followed her out the door. We climbed up the stairs and were making our way to the grandparents.

      the rc- 2
      comp total-24[/COLOR]

      Updated 01-13-2024 at 07:14 AM by 100014

    2. Night of Friday 9/8/23 (Comp Night 8) Lucid!

      by , 09-09-2023 at 04:55 PM (Dreamlog)

      Frieza from Dragonball Z is at a Home Depot store.
      Recorded at 5AM, at the beginning of sleep cycle 5.


      During my 10 minutes of wake-time, I planned what I would do if I had a false awakening at my home. After taking the 8mg Galantamine and using the bathroom, I walked down the hall doing my series of reality checks. Then I rubbed my hands together. I also decided I should interact with the environment in some way, so I licked the wall. Yep. Gotta commit man. I wander around the house a bit, and decided I should find ways to teleport to the forest (step one of "The Plan"). I decide that I will summon an image of a forest on the living room TV and then step through it. Path forward established and my 10 minutes spent, I was content to lay down in bed. I tossed around for awhile and thought about just about every current life problem I have. Maybe I was too awake. After what felt like forever, I finally drifted off. No WILD though unfortunately.


      Seeking The Elusive Fantasy Forest™
      I'm waking up in my bed, and I immediately think to check for a false awakening.
      I can breathe through my plugged nose.

      I'm dreaming!
      I decided to cycle through some more RCs just in case.
      I look at my hands, and I have far more than five fingers on each hand. Yep. Dream.
      I tried to see my nose on the left and right sides and I can. So according to that check I am awake.
      To be fair I've never done that RC before so I didn't really know what to expect.
      I default back to another nose-plug RC and I can still breathe. Definitely dreaming.
      I recalled my plan from the WBTB prep, so I rubbed my hands and licked the wall. Yep.
      It tasted like the real wall. Like paint.
      I then find myself back in bed. Another false awakening.
      I repeat the RCs, but this time my vision isn't quite coming to me.
      I try to will my eyes to work. Nope.
      I say "Heal my eyes!" It works a little bit. I say "HEAL MY EYES TIMES 1000!" It works a bit more.
      This goes on for some time, and I'm getting annoyed.
      I recall another technique where I "take off glasses I didn't know I was wearing".
      I do this and clarity improves a lot.
      Eventually my vision stabilizes to the point where I can focus on other things. Like my goals.
      I can recall "The Plan" in it's entirety. Step one is to teleport to the fantasy forest.
      I wander over to my living room, which now resembles a mixture of my actual living room and my friend M's.
      My girlfriend S is there on the couch. I decide to play it cool and not tell her this is a dream.
      Instead I say "Oh hello! How are you? I'm going into the TV now!"
      I don't recall actually going through the TV, so I may have wandered away.
      I find myself lucid in the garage later. I'm looking around for the Elusive Fantasy Forest™.
      I look down, and hope that when I look up, the forest will be on the other side of the open garage door.
      Vivid green grass and neighborhood. At least that is consistent. It looks similar to how it did in my previous lucids.
      I checked around the garage some more, looking for a door or something else I can use to teleport.
      I find a storage cabinet and try to teleport Narnia-style, but no luck.
      I lose my focus for a bit, and I end up walking out of the garage door and preparing to fly.
      I kick off the ground hard and take flight. I specifically notice that my right leg doesn't hurt as I jump (In waking life I am recovering from surgery so jumping is normally out of the question).
      I zoom around and enjoy the view. The grass looks even more vivid from up here. It takes on a pastel-like painting aesthetic.
      As I take in the view I come to a realization.
      There is nothing other than vivid green grass and dots of homes that look like legos from this high up, for as far as my eyes can see.
      Maybe the reason I can't find my forest is because this entire goddamn dream-plane is a neighborhood.
      I zoom around some more, and find myself using air-swimming to control finer turns. Haven't tried that before.
      Also unusual, I land without losing lucidity. I remember that I still need to try this stupid teleporting thing.
      I'm back at my garage now and I remember reading a tutorial somewhere on DV about "scrolling the world".
      So I raised my hand as if I was about to swipe the world like an image in my phone pictures gallery, not really expecting this to work.
      Except, against dream-rules, it does work despite my negative expectation. The entire world, my current view of it anyway, swipes to the left, and a new image slides in from the right, teleporting me somewhere new.
      But of course, not the elusive Fantasy Forest™.
      I see a big, vivid, blue ocean in front of me. The waves are almost caramel-like. They move too slowly. In other words, their viscosity is higher than it should be. They crash down lazily.
      My family may have been there too, I can recall my Dad being present for sure.
      I briefly consider exploring the bottom of the ocean because who knows what my brain would put there!
      But I ignore the ocean and my family: I am on a mission dammit!
      I turn to walk away from the ocean and I notice it is raining behind me, and there is a forest in the distance.
      But then a car drives by in front of it. IT ISN'T A FANTASY FOREST! IT'S A REGULAR PRESENT DAY FOREST!
      I start to think about other ways to reach the forest. In particular, I imagined it might be easier to seek out a campfire and go from there.
      But despite my best efforts, before I reach the Elusive Fantasy Forest™ I find myself waking up, thinking I should try to record before I lose memory of this dream.
      I wake.

      Recorded at 7:45AM.

      Updated 09-13-2023 at 11:45 PM by 99808

      lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment
    3. Ouch!

      by , 01-04-2022 at 02:10 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      So I’ve been trying to get a lot more serious about LDing for this year. I very much need to experience other worlds right now. And it’s somewhat worked; I’ve had very brief moments of lucidity and even one OBE in the past few days.

      Last night was pretty lame though. I only remember one non-lucid dream and that’s it. I was picking up something in a dark garage, and I felt like something bit me. Well, I looked at my hand and found a smallish spider actively biting me. I’m an arachnophobe so I freaked out. I killed it while it was biting me. It left a bloody circular mark on my finger, and for some reason it was purple.

      I woke up shortly after that. I checked my finger and whew, no bite lol. It’s still a bit frustrating though; my brain felt so tired yesterday that my dreams were at a pretty low level of awareness. Which is definitely why I wasn’t conscious enough to do a reality check as planned.
      Tags: bite, garage, spider
      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. Airplanes again and working in a warehouse during the 80s

      by , 04-15-2021 at 02:30 AM
      I'm going to start logging my more trivial dreams now. Up until this point I've only written down the most vivid and symbolic ones. I figure by doing this I might see some patterns or get more insight.

      So I'm with my brother in a futuristic airplane. It's nighttime. The plane is very long and narrow and mostly metal on the inside. I couldn't see too many details cause it was dark. We sat up front near the pilot. The plane was pretty long with maybe 20 seats. So clearly it wasn't an airliner, but bigger than most personal planes. The pilot was a pretty dorky older guy that looked either Mexican or Asian. He was very friendly and laid back. I remember there being something illegitimate about the plane or situation. I knew the plane was safe and I trusted the pilot though. When we took off, there was a ton of force pushing us back into the seat, but as we got going, it was fine. We were going to be traveling a very long distance and quickly, but I don't know where. There were other things that happened, but I don't remember. I do remember that the plane was fine though and we didn't crash.

      It goes black for a while and then I hear the sound of a train, but I don't see anything yet. The sound of the train keeps getting louder and then the scene fades into view. In this part, I am a young British man (IRL I'm an American). I'm working at a garage/warehouse near a train track. The building has a ton of garage doors and it's mostly open to the outside. It looks kind of like a larger version of a car wash building. Me and my mate are there at night. I was aware that we work there during the day, but we stayed late to play around. (I don't work somewhere like this IRL.) As the train is going by, me and him are building something. I don't know what it is. I wish I could remember. I think we were welding and cutting some metal. We were also kind of just screwing around and laughing. When the train passed, we walked up the berm for some reason and were looking around. We talked and joked for a while until our boss man came out of the garage and yelled at us to get away from the train tracks. We both listened. He said he didn't want to get in any legal trouble with his business if we got hurt doing something stupid. I said I understand. Then I tried to tell him that I'm not the type to sue and if I do something stupid it's entirely my problem. He didn't listen and turned around and went back to what he was doing. Me and my friend/co-worker continued working on the thing. I remember speaking to him while we were working saying that I built a new 386 PC at home. This is certainly not what we where doing right then cause it was an industrial garage. This made me realize that the dream was set in the 80 or 90s cause a 386 is a computer from that time period.

      Later during the daytime, me and that same friend are walking around a large mall. It's more like Ikea though. There's tons of furniture and trinkets, but also some weird other more mechanical things I don't remember. There was a third guy with us. They went to the bathroom and I hid behind a corner and when they came around, I scared them. They weren't really scared though.

      The End.
    5. 7 Mar: Meeting Keanu Reeves, suicidal mother, my grandparents new life

      by , 03-07-2021 at 11:32 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At some hotel with friends on holidays. We meet Keanu Reeves, who's there too. Me and some other girl decide to come talk to him and flirt a little, but the other girl ain't so bright and she had written notes of what she wanted to say to him. With the nerves she messes the whole thing up and instead of me trying to take over the conversation, I kind of help her out reminding what she had to say and give her space to recover and get his attention. Keanu is quite impressed with my attitude, but still goes on laughing with her, showing more interest for her, which annoys me.
      I leave them and go to a garage where we left a van to be repaired or something and I stay around for a bit. Then I go back to the pension and see some lady I know passing by the reception with her two kids, a teenager and a younger one. She is asking for some nearby restaurant she heard about and then sees the business card of a vegetarian restaurant owned by a friend of mine. She picks it up and she is considering going there instead, but her teen kid says "no way", as she hates vegetarian. I ask her why and tell her I can change her mind.
      Later on in the evening I am outside with my friends and see the two kids alone inside a car. I go ask if everything is fine. They say their mom went looking for something and they are waiting for her to come back. Then the oldest says she is not feeling very well and that she feels that something terrible is going to happen. I find it weird as I too recall a strange premonition I had some days ago. So I go look for their mother, terribly worried. I see her jumping from a viewpoint and being run over by a car on the street below. She dies. Then the kids get stuck for hours in the car when the police arrives, because they don't know what to do with them and don't want them to get out and see what happened to their mom.

      Visiting my (deceased) grandparents. They now live in a new house in a small suburban village. The house is in a poor neighborhood, the decoration is very simple, kitsch and old fashioned. I really wonder why they "moved" here and cut bonds with all family members. But they are clearly happy, completely disconnected from all their previous life and family. I feel they are at peace, so I am happy for them.
    6. Tuesday, June 30

      by , 07-04-2020 at 06:38 AM
      I am returning some wine to Total Wine. It is a red wine, but it looks just like a six pack of bottles with a white film over them (like on a Guinness). I walk up to the large counter and hand them over, asking him if I can just tell him the ‘last four’ of my phone number. He says no, he needs the receipt, which is no problem; I take it from my pocket. It’s a long receipt, neatly folded. I notice that the name of the wine happens to be right along a crease. I think he doesn’t see it for a second because of this. He also makes a comment about the wine as he processes the return. He kind of looks like Kevin from work. I am wearing my black mask but notice that many aren’t wearing one, which makes me want to take mine off.

      Bailey is in the garage at Mom’s barking incessantly with no reason. Makayla and I both hear it and go out there. The garage is full of stuff. Makayla grabs Bailey by the snout, telling her she’s annoying and that she hates her. I tell Makayla that I just had a dream that Bailey was talking, which I am taking to mean that my dreaming mind knew Bailey was barking.

      I am outside with some others. It seems to be a class, and there is a projector and screen. It’s showing two rows of lockers, each against a wall in a hallway. The very first on the right side has some type of structural bolt on top of it. We are all drawing this. It is a video though, and I suggest we pause it on the scene we need, instead of letting it play like they’re doing. We pause it a few different times, none exactly where we need it. I then have the idea to hit the fast forward button while it is paused so that it’ll move one frame ahead. Now, I’m by a small concrete bridge. There is a steel bolt protruding from the side that has two wide, flat prongs so it can be turned. Melissa is here and either she or someone else asks me what it does. I say “I have no idea” but feel bad about myself because I think I really should know. I go ahead and tighten it a bit. Nothing bad happens, but I feel like it had the potential to make it collapse. I see Melissa adjusting the waist of her jeans and think that what I did somehow made her jeans get tighter.

      I awaken on what seems to be the bottom bunk bed in a boat. I’m on my back and facing a window. Through the blinds I can see the pre-dawn light. I know it is or is close to 5:30 am. I notice Dad walking past, getting things ready, probably for fishing. I feel fairly awake, possibly contributed to by his being up and around. He’s now asking if I want to come with him. Part of me wants to and part of me thinks I should say yes instead of my usual no. he says they’re exploring some cove? and that on the boat I can use the seat called ‘angel’s rest’? This is a tradition, I think. There is a middle aged man and his son, probably around four, sitting on a couch; they are coming also. I notice how similar the boy looks to his dad. I imagine us on a boat and him talking to me the most since I’m closest to his age. For some reason I also imagine him starting to drown and me being the one to save him. I now grab a plastic water bottle from a fridge and start to get ready.

      Updated 07-04-2020 at 11:36 PM by 95084

    7. Thursday, April 23

      by , 04-27-2020 at 05:45 AM
      I am flying. It seems that I’ve looked around me and noticed that I am maybe fifty feet or so up into the air. I notice the blue sky surrounding me and have to concentrate hard to keep moving upwards. There are two birds that I surpass. I notice a white fence way down below and continue using all of my willpower to stay afloat. There is music playing, seemingly just emanating from the surroundings, that I can hear crystal clear (but don’t remember) and that helps me stay afloat. I think I eventually come down.

      I am on a walk and almost back to the house when I notice a house with an open garage. There is an older man sitting in a chair at the threshold with what looks like a border collie at his feet. It looks like he is having a small garage sale with most of the stuff in the garage (I think the driveway is short). I walk up and start petting the dog’s soft fur. I briefly consider the possibility of this spreading the virus, but the man doesn’t seem to care. The man seems friendly and pleased to have company. He says hi, I ask how he is, and we make small talk. Despite his amiability, I sense something slightly off. I notice a box of books and a box of what looks like VHS tapes. There’s really not much more, and nothing that catches my attention. The man asks if I have a MasterCard. I tell him “I have a Visa card,” not sure why he’s asking, unless he has a card reader. I was about to leave, but he starts telling me that he wants me to leave a card since I’ve already looked at stuff. A little baffled, I tell him it’s not that I don’t trust him but I just don’t feel comfortable doing that. Mom now shows up, like she was on a walk too. I tell the man I live right across the street, gesturing to the house directly across the street, asking if that changes anything. He contemplates and then says no. Mom and I just walk away from him; he accepts defeat without a word and sits back down. I notice his kind of creepy, flyaway white hair.

      I am in some house; Mom is here too. I open the fridge and see that I have about ¾ of a glass of dark beer left. I wonder if it’s still good. I open some cabinets where the trash should be, but only find a ton of empty craft beer bombers.
    8. Wednesday, April 8

      by , 04-13-2020 at 12:35 AM
      I am in a garage (it kind of looks like the old house’s garage). On top of a shelf on the right side of the garage is a box that I think has two bottles of red wine in it. They are a generic, cheap kind (I think the two bottles were the price of one regular, decent bottle). I reach up and take the box down. I am trying to open one of the bottles, but whatever I’m doing causes the cork to crumble. I initially try to save it, but then just give in and let it crumble. I figure I will pour it slowly or even strain it to prevent the chunks of cork. Now, either in the bottle or the box there are what look like pumpkin seeds. I think I am scraping them away? Andrea from high school art class is here now, talking to me about the wine.
      Tags: garage, wine
    9. Monday, March 23

      by , 03-28-2020 at 10:30 PM
      I am outside with Melissa, alongside what looks like Geiger Grade. We are on the north side, and it almost looks like it did before all the construction. I think we are walking on stilts. She wants to cross to the other side right now, but I look back and see cars coming. We just wait until the intersection, which was very close anyway. Now, we are in what feels like a very large garage. There are a few inches of water on the ground and partitions about every foot, hanging down with several inches of clearance above the ground. Melissa is somehow going above them, but I choose to go below. I simply hold my breath as I pass under each partition. I think I have fins on and I notice the ease with which they allow me to move through the water, enabling me to clear at least two partitions at a time.

      I am going to some work dinner. I’m arriving at the same time as a blond girl that I guess works with me but that I don’t really know. The hostess asks her how many, and she replies ‘one.’ I’m a little put off, as we seem to be the first ones and I thought she would just get a table for all, but I guess not. When she returns and asks me, I tell her ‘two’ in case Melissa is coming. She seats me at a glossy, wooden, rectangular table next to a wall. There are a few open seats but there are also 2-3 Asian boys and Anthony from jewelry. He seems slightly surprised to see me, and I feel likewise. I say hi. I’m going to introduce myself to the others, but I think I let too much time pass to where it would now be awkward. I’m now sitting at a different table with Brooke. The waitress has not been over in a long time; when she does come over, she grabs some dishes and makes no intimations of offering further service, so I take it upon myself to ask for a glass of water and a Macallan 12 year, neat. Brooke also asks for something. She says okay and walks off. I am eating tiny, raw eggs, breaking off a part of the shell to get to the contents.
    10. Sunday, March 10

      by , 03-19-2019 at 06:35 AM
      I am in the garage of some unfamiliar house. I have just come down here, and I notice that it’s fairly cluttered and dim (it almost looks like/feels like it could be very late at night). I notice some empty beer bottles here and there and Dad standing by a fridge. He sees me, is silent for a moment, then starts uncontrollably giggling. He is also by a case of Vienna Lagers. There’s a palpable sadness at observing him like this at this hour. (There was also a blue armchair that I assumed he sat in down here).
      Tags: beer, chair, garage, house
    11. Lucid and Flew - September 9

      , 09-10-2018 at 07:39 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 9 2018

      I was walking through a large paved road which felt like a walkway through a large park. It was a sunny morning or afternoon. The lawns on either side were lined with large oaks with twisting branches. There were passerby walking in either direction. Suddenly I became lucid and started running! I looked back and saw a DC. I turned around fully again, expecting to see a coworker from one of my college jobs*, and she was there! I was running backwards at this point to let her catch up, but for some reason couldn't stop or change directions, and instead had to run backwards, slower. When I reached her I made some conversation about the fact that I was dreaming, and she seemed thrilled. I took her hand and we started running together. We passed a few trucks (possibly ice cream trucks or food trucks) and signs, and I was able to read them clearly. I asked her whether she had ever flown before, and she responded that she hadn't, all she had ever done was float. I told her that that was a good start and we lifted off.

      I can feel the wind on my face and body and we're still holding hands (platonically). We weren't doing superman poses or anything specifically to indicate that we were flying, just setting my intention on a direction and going there. It was a great sensation. The oaks stretched even farther up now, and I bobbed and weaved through the twisted outstretched branches. I had a few near misses but overall had pretty good control.

      I decided to go higher than the trees and went skyward. At which point I could see in the top of my field of vision three or four wooden planks arranged like ceiling blade fans. I passed above the planks and at that point there were flat planes rushing past us. I looked down at my hands and while still holding my coworker's hands, I pushed my finger through my palm -- I felt some resistance at first but asserted "I'm dreaming" and was able to do it. Then I felt the dream stabilize a bit.

      As I looked back up, I saw that it was approaching dusk with a sunset in front of us. Underneath was a large wooden building with multiple levels with wraparound balconies. It reminded me of the restaurant I worked at for a while. I approached it and landed on the roof (it may have just been me at this point). I saw a small shack/building on the roof. Upon further examination it looks similar to a dollhouse made of craft wood -- I can clearly see the seems and the semi-gloss finish on the wood. The dream
      fades quickly.

      Note: I woke up from this dream at 6am on my left side.

      Summary of other NLs:
      I'm in a kitchen by a white door with glass panes near the head and the foot. The house reminds me of a classmate from my high school band's house. There were multiple locks that were complicated and kind of hard to turn. Once I turned them, my anonymous DC sidekick switched some small levers which had clear writing on them in a row. There is a silhouette outlined in the door and I think what lies behind it is a dark garage. I have a serious talk with my DC sidekick. We open the door and go through, and pass through the dark garage (felt ominous, there were other silent DCs there).

      I'm in a garden/walkway with a girl. We look up and see bright flashing in the clouds above. It takes a triangluar shape and turns into a spaceship with clear writing on it (reminded me for some reason of the writing on a bus or van). We run over hill after hill and past trees to keep seeing it. Each time we get it back into our field of vision it's more detailed. Finally we see that there is a ledge on the back of it and there are giant women sitting there. They send down some smaller but still giant women who fire beams at us. We run in the opposite direction and become extremely cartoon-like in our actions. I fuse with her and our arms and chest start spinning; there are now two copies of me, one driving the process and one fused with her. We fire beams back at the giants chasing us as we run down a dirt path in the garden. This dream repeats twice or thrice featuring different versions (ages, genders, ethnicities, other factors changed) of both me and the girl. Very vivid and very surreal.

      I'm at a store getting various items (I remember some onion bread buns in a bag that I got IWL from Walmart). I get some impulse items that I know my fiancee will be mad at me about. It's a pretty long dream as I go down the aisles. Finally I go down the clearance/general/jam aisle, where I find a stack of fresh papers. Underneath the papers I find some that I've drawn on (during my visit or my past several visits). I try to consolidate them as they're spaced out between blank pages. Someone passes me in the aisle and notices one full-color one I've done, I look up and say it's nothing, then look back down and it's even more polished and is the cover to a small booklet or magazine (maybe a doujin). I consolidate them all and tuck them into the bottom for safe keeping.

      I'm in a large bathroom with long white counters and four or five sinks stretching out to the right and left, separated by double doors. I'm at the sink closest to the door on the right counter. The stalls are behind us. There are some middle-aged men holding bags and placing their miscellany on the counters, it looks like stuff you would get in those cap-balls from the 25 cent machines (where you turn the handle). Mixed in are brass gears and writing utensils.

      *With my ability to summon DCs, it seems like I pretty much pick them at random; I haven't thought about these people in years but for some reason my lucid mind thinks "Gee, I would love to see X random acquanitance." I suspect that as I get better about remembering dream goals and incorporating my awareness of waking life, I'll be able to make more logical/planned decisions within my lucids.
    12. Friday, July 27

      by , 08-31-2018 at 08:18 PM
      I am going to some event of Denisse’s - a birthday party for Demyan? The invitation says it starts between 2 and 4. I’m going to be there closer to 4 or 5. The place is in a pretty desolate area with dirt roads. I ride a dirt bike? to the house, taking a curve in the dirt road that only cuts off a corner. At one point, I am alone in a garage of a house that seems fairly large and nice. There is a punching bag that I unload a few punches on. The punches are not as strong as I would like them to be.

      I wake up in a bed with Melissa. We begin taking each other’s clothes off and having sex. She now starts to go down on me, but I am wearing a condom. She recoils from the taste. I would take it off, but the taste would remain. I’m not exactly sure what to do.
    13. Magical Garage World DILD

      by , 03-05-2018 at 05:48 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I get out of bed and I didn't notice it but I am in my father room in the old apartment complex that I use to live in. I walk towards the bathroom and open the door. I check to see myself in the mirror and turned on the lights. What I see makes me panic and yet at the same time amazed with some odd confusion. My hair, the only physical aspect of me I care about is almost completely white. Except for 2 strands of hair that remain black.

      The hair was pure white and I look closer to mirror to see if I had age. But I did not, I come back out of the bathroom thinking something is wrong. But then I notice the entire room had become darker due to no longer having sun light shine through the window. I now see that it was dark like night, which didn't add up because I was only in the bathroom for 30 seconds. The idea that I must be dreaming surface in my mind.

      I look around and everything look intact and real. I felt real and everything I touch feels real. I decided to due an RC and attempt to breathe through my nose. It works and yet at the same time I wasn't sure if it was really working. So I decided if I keep this semi awareness and explore the world around me that I will eventually see something compelling enough to convince me it is a dream.

      I walk out of my father room and could hear someone running down the stairs. It was my brother and he was talking things I do not understand. He then had a huge smile and makes an attempt to jump at me like a bear. I use my right hand to knock him down to the ground. My face light up with a smile as I knew now I was dreaming. My vision increased and all my other sensations were heightened now.

      I could feel the neurons freely firing in my brain. I open the front door to see the outside world for it was my destiny. I open to see my old garage become as huge as the outside sky. I also notice everything was covered in Christmas decorations. It was amazing, such a beautiful site to witness. I walk to the outside and was greeted by a huge woman in a elf costume. She was around I'd say 8 feet to 9 feet tall. I use dream control mentally by shrinking her to a respective human height.

      But now I made her way too short, she appeared to be 2 feet if not 1. I then reverted her to around 5 foot 10. She treats like a royal guest and shows me to the find the greatest toy's Santa has built. I began thinking about my cousin as I know if she was here she would enjoy seeing all the toys and stuffed animals. I walk around and requested to meet my cousin. I then see her appear wearing a green sweater.

      I began showing her which toys she like's as the woman in the elf costume leaves with a robotic moving snowman. I soon after have a false awakening.
    14. Line out of Time

      by , 02-16-2018 at 10:49 PM (Night Vision)
      The dream begins with a line floating in midair, semitransparent with a pinkish fringe to it—a little like an ostrich feather. I compress it down to a point and store it away somehow. This thing has a long history behind it: back in the 14th century—there was a precise date, but I can no longer remember it—any number of these things were deliberately left out of an important document, like a charter, maybe. This was a political maneuver against the aristocracy: they were traditionally associated with it, and leaving them out rendered them invisible.

      That was 400 years ago—as my dream self reckons it—and nobody cares about any of that stuff anymore, but all those things have been floating around invisibly ever since. But I’ve just found this one. It’s nothing important—maybe some quirk or mannerism is all—but the workmen seem happy that it’s been brought to light again.

      They’re working on the garage door: that’s where we are, a garage—one that could pass for the garage in my current house, other than not having any junk in it. It’s time to see if the door is fixed: I press the button. The door comes down—a surprisingly complicated process—but in the end, some parts of it have come out of alignment. It looks like it still needs some work.

    15. Dream - Fear Of The Furry & Elements Vs Economics (Addition: Trophy Adjustment)

      by , 08-05-2017 at 10:41 AM
      Date of Dream: SUN 30 JUL - 2017

      Dream No. 164 - Separated Sections

      Dream 164 A - Fear Of The Furry
      I was back at Killester for school and there was a mixture of Killester girls and Chisholm girls in the class. I had one of the TAFE teachers for English. I then had Mrs TB for financial maths but the dream was always making me come 10 minutes late to class, no matter what I did. At one point, I never came back to class. I was then at my house, having piano lessons with my high school tutor PH. There was some weird homework that he had set for me but I forgot what it was.

      I had left home to go to this random milk bar and when I came back out, I saw FT on the streets. She told me she had some meeting to attend with the members of the St. Kilda Football Club. I followed FT up the hill and discovered that the members were in my driveway. I got so excited and told FT that this was my house. Then I left her in the driveway and proceeded into the garage myself.

      In the garage, I saw a grey kitten walking around and it would occasionally hiss at me, which would make me scared. I kept calling for Dreamy WB but there was no answer. The kitten would keep hissing and I got more and more scared. I eventually centred myself and came up with the new technique for summoning Dreamy WB. I spoke to myself, saying that she was going to be behind grandma's car. I then walked to the far side of grandma's car and indeed she was there, leaning on the driver's window. I remember she was wearing a white t-shirt with a black cardi and black trackies, with her glasses on.

      So I went up to her and showed her how much I was freaked out. She then got up and put an arm around me, slowly walking towards the other side of the garage while holding me in a full on hugging position. The grey kitten was still menacingly hissing but then there was a black kitten and a brown kitten who were minding their own business and being all cute. Every time Dreamy WB would loosen and then tighten her grip on me, there was this “counter” that would increase. Once I was in the house and on the stairs, the counter was at 9 and then went to 10. Before we got to the top of the stairs, I woke up.

      Dream 164 B - Elements Vs Economics
      One of the TAFE teachers had given us an assignment for our economics class, except he's not our economics teacher in real life but rather the real life teacher for company accounting. For this case study, I wrote down and drew the symbol for what element suited each scenario. Some I remember were ice to freeze the money in place and then for another scenario, fire to stop the thief from getting away with the money. The dream then skipped to me getting the assignment back and there were crosses everywhere. I was really embarrassed with the result but then discovered that the teacher made corrections with red erasable pen, so I rubbed all his corrections out. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream Trophies Achieved:
      - None

      EXTRA NOTE - Trophy Adjustment/s
      After reassessing some of the dream trophies, I don't think I'd be able to simulate the dream environment required with my current abilities, so I'm making some changes to the dream trophies so they are somewhat achievable, starting from future dreams.

      Snowed In - Use your Ice abilities in 1 dream
      A Sprig Of Time - Have Mrs O'N use her Earth abilities in 1 dream
      Sparkie - Have EG use her Electric abilities in 1 dream
      Burnt To A Crisp - Have LB use her Fire abilities in 1 dream
      The Ice Age - Use your ice abilities in 3 dreams
      The Hills Are Alive! - Have Mrs O'N use her Earth abilities in 3 dreams
      Power Surge - Have EG use her Electric abilities in 3 dreams
      Black Friday - Have LB use her Fire abilities in 3 dreams

      Snowed In - Use your Ice abilities in 1 dream
      A Sprig Of Time - Use your Earth abilities in 1 dream
      Sparkie - Use your Electric abilities in 1 dream
      Burnt To A Crisp - Use your Fire abilities in 1 dream
      The Ice Age - Use your ice abilities in 3 dreams
      The Hills Are Alive! - Use your Earth abilities in 3 dreams
      Power Surge - Use your Electric abilities in 3 dreams
      Black Friday - Use your Fire abilities in 3 dreams

      Updated 09-17-2017 at 07:24 AM by 93119 (Heading for 164 A was not bold.)

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