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    1. 17-03-07 London TV-Show, Mars

      by , 03-07-2017 at 09:24 PM
      This entire dream played out as a TV show. I was the dreamer 'dreaming up' the scenario, but I also controlled one of the characters within the story.

      One building in London was central to much of the plot: a futuristic (and massive) trapezoid building, almost entirely made of glass. The windows themselves were triangular in shape. It was called the London Naval Shipyard Headquarters. Or something similar. I saw NYC in one scene, but noticed the old World Trade Center was still there, meaning I was in the past, pre-2001. Then I was in a car, in one of the back passenger seats, driving through London. The sun was bright red. The person next to me in the car, said this was due to "red-shifting" - due to the dimensional/time-traveling we were doing. I arrived at the location where the large building mentioned earlier was supposed to be, but instead there was only an empty plot of land - telling me I was still in the past, and it hadn't been built yet.

      The show had less than 10 episodes total. It had many characters, and each episode had different characters in it. I think the character I played, was the only one that featured in all of them, so kind of the 'main' character. It was all quite tragic, though I can't recall any details. The main character experiences several disconnected events (each self-contained story was an episode) that were still all connected in some way; but in a way not obvious to the characters themselves - only to the viewer/dreamer. In the end, the events of all the episodes ended in the main character being held at gunpoint by a man, a man I knew (as dreamer) to be a good guy), who mistakenly thought the main character had killed someone, or did something terrible. I (as character) was forced to me knees, and I heard him say "don't fucking move", but I heard pain in his voice. Maybe he thought I killed someone dear to him? Either way, the event he blamed on me actually happened in a previous episode, and was done by a completely different character.

      The whole dream had an amazing soundtrack, but especially the main theme at the end of the last episode was beyond awesome. It sounded mysterious, like the soundtrack of Half-Life: Decay, but with a very sad violin at the end, reflecting the tragic nature of the story.


      Second dream. Someone (a rather attractive blonde woman in her late 20's) had bought our old house from my dad. There was a massive 'basement' below the house, which I'd never noticed in the years living there. The basement was large, clean and very well-lit. In fact, it didn't look like a basement at all. It was made into a kind of museum, where books and other stuff owned by the woman were put on display. I had a look at the books, and eventually left.

      I found myself on the surface of Mars. The 'air' was breathable, and the temperature non-existent (I can't feel temperature in dreams). Along with a group of other 'visitors', we walked past several large buildings, looking for a place called the "Moon Dome" (inspired by the Moon Dome from Wolfenstein: The New Order?). We walk the Martian surface, until we find a mountain 'bowl' - a place completely surrounded by (not very high) mountains on all sides (except on one side, we came from a flat plain). I saw some kind of monument in the distant, up against the mountains. I started running in that direction, and noticed the ground was on a downward slope. I started floating because of this, and quickly learned to change that into flight. It was easier than usual, thanks to Mars' low gravity. From the air, I see a child (a little girl) falling behind from the rest of the group. I dive down, land, and help her get back to her parents.

      At some point, some guy said something that pissed off Alex Moore, a guy I know in real life. Alex got really pissed and started chasing him as he fled, along a rainy street at night (clearly on Earth now). The guy had to stop to unlock a door, which is when Alex caught him. I can't recall what happened next.
    2. 17-02-27 Man Mind-Controlling Children

      by , 03-07-2017 at 08:34 PM
      There was a man who was using some kind of ability to mind-control children into doing his bidding. I had a feeling he was going to get them hurt, by using them as weapons.
      At this point I was close to fully waking-up, so this was more fantasy than dream: I walked away from there, and mind-controlled a lion. I wanted to make the lion attack the man.
    3. Anna Kendrick

      by , 03-07-2017 at 07:06 PM
      In my dreams last night, my mind crafted for me a perfect tragedy. I will recite it now.

      It begins with a simple thing. I am going to university, and it is my first day on campus. I am moving into my new dorm room. It's on the ground floor of a nice building I've never seen before, but as I'm bringing my bags in I realise that I am on a floor that is filled to the brim with pretty ghetto dudes, like my childhood neighbourhood. I have no problem with it as long as I stay unharmed. I get my bags and head to my room, not sure of what to expect. On the way down the hall, however, one guy starts paging me, asking me to give him my knife. This is because before going to bed I was thinking about the rap battle on Hollywood boulevard I had when that guy asked for my sunglasses.

      I gave him the knife so he'd leave me alone and went about unpacking. The first day we had off, so I went to the movies. The theatre was full of people playing this iPhone app that was all about sex and crime and loaning money and making money. I'd never seen it before but it was like the next Pokemon go. Just as the movie started, some hoodlums went backstage and started screwing around with the operation, so they shut the movie off. I was hitting on the mum next to me but she had her sons with her and she had to keep it tame. After 5 minutes I just gave up on the film and left. I was going back to my room when I realised something. This app was more than a game, it used real world money and pretty much encouraged actual crimes to take place to offset the virtual ones made. As I walked down the hall the guy who took my pocket knife was begging another guy for a 3% loan. The dude shook him off, so he started following me along with another dude. They started yelling about how hard their fathers worked to get the money for them to attend this school. They told me to give them my easy money. I told them to kindly fuck off and make their own. They grabbed me and pulled knives. Somehow, in slow motion, I grabbed my knife from the guy then grabbed the other one, and stabbed them both to death while they held me tight. The knives moved in and out easily, and their grips slowly faded as they fell to the floor. What the fuck. I'm so fucked. I just killed two guys. I go to my room and call campus police, tell them I was being mugged and had to kill them. "Sounds like a likely story, two young black men attack you and you defend yourself, eh? You sure that's what happened there, son?" Fuck that guy. I'm no racist and I'm not about to go down for it. I flag down the officers he calls in, explain it to them every step of the way, and get the fuck out of there.

      Then the story changes. Somewhere along the road after that incident, I bumped into Anna Kendrick. I saw her in a movie last night and was thinking about her a lot before bed, and here she was. I thought she'd be a huge diva in person, but this version of her was just so sweet and amazing. Like a movie character. And suddenly it was my life. I pulled off some grandiose romancing and managed to get the girl. She and I fit together like two peas in a pod, but more than anything she was just so beautiful I couldn't look away. After some time, we retired to my room. Passionately kissing her, we slowly disrobed, and I entered her.

      And then I went soft.

      For a man, this is pretty much one of the worst things that can happen. The anxiety that it causes pretty much secures the fact that you will not be recovering from this. She starts to blame herself, stating she isn't pretty enough, she isn't doing the right thing. I am just losing my mind. I'm still kissing her all over and generally enjoying having this absolute unicorn in my arms but I can also feel everything falling apart. We try and try, and we go to a hot tub and we try in there. Nothing. Finally, I say that I'll take the old man pill, and I know I have a couple left from when I did ecstasy and my guy gave me some as a 'backup'. I pull it out, pop one, and now I know we need to kill 30 minutes. A man comes from out of nowhere asking what I just did to the water, I try to explain it was a medication that I took but he thinks I poisoned the water, so we get out. We have lots of time anyway.

      As soon as we get out of the hot tub, with the timing of a Shakespearean death, everything changes. Out of absolutely nowhere comes Javier Bardem. Before he speaks I know that something massive is about to happen and I can already feel the heartbreak. He approaches me as if he knows me. As if everybody knows me. I nod back to him, and he smiles. "Mr Bingus. Your work here has become most groundbreaking, and it has not been ignored by those in power. I have a proposition for you."

      I know this feeling in my gut. Anna has her arm around me. She is shaken, confused, she just wants to go back to my room and feel loved, like it isn't her fault. I owe her this so much. I think to myself VERY clearly,
      "No matter what he says, ignore it and go back with her. She is what matters. I am self-aware of this right now, and I will not allow this turn to ruin everything when I am so close to happiness."

      Javier goes on to outline what it is he's offering me.
      He tells me it will pay 2 million dollars.
      Anna is very rich and money is no reason to leave her.
      He explains that I will have a leading role in this.
      Anna is my leading lady, I will be fine with just her.
      He tells me there is a new research project opening up across the country, where all of the bright young minds in the nation are gathered together, living under one roof. And this is where I am to go.
      It couldn't hurt to see what he's talking about. It sounds boring, and it might impress her. I agree to go see this place.

      When we get there, it is basically everything I was not expecting. The first thing we see as we enter a classic old ratty residence is a room full of kids my age, all hanging out and playing music, exchanging scientific ideas. The ultimate creative session. Something I've never had. We walk further down the hallway and see art on the walls from the students. Very cool, I think. Then, at the end of the hall, I hear a familiar voice. And the voice pops its head around the doorframe. It's Anna. Anna M, from my actual life. The prettiest girl I know. She smiles, excited, and pulls me into the room.

      "Check it out!"
      "You're living here too?" I ask. I look around the room and Jessica is here too. And I can see other girls bags.
      "Yep! And we're all rooming together. We're the film kids of this operation, and we're going to make a documentary about the amazing things that will happen here. And you've been chosen to direct it. We're your crew!" She gives me a big smile.

      She hasn't seen Anna Kendrick yet. She's being very warm with me. I think to myself, how could this possibly get any better. A room of beautiful girls who will work under me, a whole community of the best of my generation. Against one girl. Then, as if god wanted to rub it further in my face, I look outside. Mustangs. Scooby vans. VW campers. It's the fucking 70's. This fucking town, for some reason, is still the 70's. That is why everything is so old here, the clothes so cool and the dorms so old school.
      I look back at Anna Kendrick, who's in the room now, giving me this look like "Am I still worth it?" Her soul is being crushed. I am at such an extreme level of elation that I say the worst thing I've ever said to somebody.

      "You know Anna when he came to the school to see me, I thought to myself, 'How could he possibly offer me something that would make me want to leave you?' Well, It's the 70s out there." I climbed out the window, jumped down to the road, and started checking out the cars. I want to start talking all about them with her, but before I even looked in the window I knew I'd made a huge mistake. I turned back and just started running.

      I ran all the way back to my dorm, which I thought was across the country. I sprint down the hallways, around the corner and slam into the wall next to my door. I listen carefully and I can hear bags being packed. I open the door slowly, and she's right there. Immediately she starts to cry. I rush towards her, her hands coming up and her head shaking, thinking I would try a romantic kiss or something. Instead, I just hug her, hold her tighter than anyone in my life and just tell her how much I love her. How much I miss her and need her in my life. As we embrace, both crying, she says "I knew you would choose me over that shitty place." She breaks off and smiles, looking me deep in the eyes. Deep in my soul. She wants to kiss me. But this moment is empty. The moment she said that I knew in my heart of hearts that I could not choose her over what would certainly be the best time of my life. Her face starts to melt. I enter a powerful internal dialogue.

      "She is convinced. She thinks my reality aligns with hers. I am drowning her, pissing on her soul. Pissing in her face."
      As I say this, I see myself drag her unconscious body to the bathroom, drop her limp head in the toilet bowl and begin peeing on her face. This is the most fucked up, disrespectful thing I've ever done. And I'm not even in control.

      "She is somewhere on the scale between love and devotion, and I have just come back, only to mix her a most powerful poison dart. Surely, this will kill her."
      I slam the lid on her neck. Crush of bones.

      I snap out of this freakish nightmare. I am still holding her. I can feel her heartbeat.
      "Of course, Anna. Now I'm very tired. Let's go to bed."
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    4. swords, needles

      , 03-07-2017 at 02:02 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Whoa, 14 days since last entry : (

      Finally recall tonight that I can actually put into words, haha.

      1. I'm in my childhood house, but I don't know it at that time. In my brothers room. I'm swinging around and thrusting with a big, toy pirate sword. Two kids are looking at me. I say something like "this time, that person won who didn't win yet". One of them asks "so that second kid won?" And I say "nope, me again". Haha

      2. I'm on doctors table. People are getting shots. It's my turn. I watch how the doc picks from a set of needles that are secured in a pouch, kinda like tools would be. He picks the biggest one. Actually, it's a she. She doesn't want me to straiten my arm out, just pokes me few times in the elbow area. Someone tells her to do it differently, because she is taking chunks of my skin off and I look and it's bloody.

      3. - There were other dreams, feels like work, again. Dont recall that one, but happy with tonight.
    5. The Military Time Travelers

      by , 03-07-2017 at 09:07 AM
      Morning of March 7, 2017. Tuesday.

      My family and I as we are now are at the Loomis Street house, though others are there, including my brother Dennis (older half-brother on my mother’s side) and Crystal (Zsuzsanna’s younger half-sister on her mother’s side). There is also one unknown female.

      At one point, the unknown female makes a comment about wanting to be friends with someone with a “spark of Irish”. I make a comment about “a drip of Irish”, which seems to be risqué.

      I have a few books with thin cardboard pages that seem related to foldout setups with cutouts though I am not sure of their exact nature or whether they are related to a game or are just for display. They all seem to have a girl as the main character. One of the last ones I notice is “Alice in Wonderland”. Still, there seems to be another one that possibly belongs to someone else. It has cooking as a theme. There is a (overhead view) frying pan cutout and another cutout that represents food (frontal view) that stands vertically on the first by using a tab and slot. Additionally, this goes onto a page displaying an overhead view of a stove element, also by use of a tab and slot. There is something mentioned by the female about something sharp being found in a new container of yogurt after I incorrectly remember that food poisoning was mentioned in the news.

      The unknown female seems sad about something and seems to consider herself as being out of place. I “remember” that there is a time-traveling military group that is presently operating from the shed (in the Loomis Street backyard). I go out and there are three unknown people, two female and one older male. The male is in charge of everything. He goes up to the unknown female from the house and asks her if she can “climb a ladder”, with additional questions about the military and whether she can cope. She seems hesitant and the male, who is a general, loses patience. I go back into the house and the unknown female follows. Crystal is sitting in the armchair next to the telephone. She seems to be in somewhat of an aggressive or defensive mood. I catch myself (though more as pretense of the kind expressed in instinctual dreaming) saying something about “depending on what year they are going to” so that others in the room can “overhear” and perhaps catch on that they are supposed to be time travelers. The unknown female leaves the house through the front door. (There is also something later mentioned absentmindedly by me about the military group originally being from the distant past but going to the distant future.)

      I see Dennis and he seems to be only in his early thirties. He is wearing an army trench coat. I absentmindedly pull at the front and all the buttons come undone. I then apologize. He buttons up his coat again. I ask him if he wants to be part of the military and he says “no” and mentions something about Korea and Iraq. I tell him that he still might be interested in joining this group.

      We go out to the backyard. I look around for the time travelers. We see an unfamiliar unusual-looking young boy in thick black glasses as he is looking around near the south fence. He does not look in our direction. “Oh, that’s not her,” I say, referring to one of the females with the military team. We go out near the alley.

      Suddenly, there is a very loud roaring sound, like a wild animal. It is continuous and growing louder and closer from the south. I am thinking that it is probably a tyrannosaurus that is loose in the neighborhood and that it will likely find us and perhaps eat us if it turns its head easterly and sees us. There seems to be no time to run. Dennis and I just stand where we are. (Dennis is to my right, north of me, but somewhat closer to the alley.)

      A large woolly mammoth charges by, up the alley, heading north. It keeps going and is no threat but continues to roar as it passes. Dennis stands where he is and regards it casually, with mild interest.

      I notice a bright glow inside the shed, visible through the window from several feet. My youngest son also sees it and runs out toward the building. I am thinking that it is the three time travelers who are now leaving, activating some sort of machine.

      As this is a very long dream, I am only including obvious (real-time) symbolism. The unknown female potentially climbing a ladder is an association with Zsuzsanna waking up from sleep. The absentminded unbuttoning of the coat is typical of instinctual dreaming and relates to uncovering the nature of the preconscious as well as preparing to come out from under the bed sheet, though the consciousness transitions were extended here. The mammoth is the form of my unconscious “leaving” the dream setting. The glowing light is the emerging conscious self identity, analogous to sunrise. The notion of time travel validates non-lucid dream control.

      Updated 09-08-2019 at 07:32 PM by 1390

    6. V's Soapy Crotch

      by , 03-07-2017 at 04:29 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #504 - DILD - 3:20AM

      V is at my house. He's afraid of something. He mentions something about holding a lot of drugs. I ask about a certain purchase but he becomes more agitated and says he can't sell or get rid of the drugs because they will get him. I let the subject go.

      For some reason we lay down to sleep on the floor and he's way too close to for my liking. I feel like all of this is very odd and I almost start wondering if I am dreaming, but I hear an alarm clock. I get up and have some confusion about the time and stress that we need to hurry because we will be late for work. Some random woman gets up from the other side of V and gives me a friendly, but timid smile. I wonder who she is, but become distracted again when my mother approaches me, wearing a Starbuck's apron. She looks thinner and way younger. Something still feels off, but I don't have time to think it through.

      She gets in close and says, "You know, your brother is a douche-bag." This is way out of character for her and I feel confusion. All I can say is, "Yeah".
      I don't say it but I think, "we're all douche;bags; It runs in the family, mom."
      She turns away to a table with customers. I look around and see that I am in some diner or, apparently, coffee shop. My brother's wife is behind a counter and looks annoyed. I figure she must have heard what my mom said. Then, I see my brother taking a tray of coffees to a table of waiting customers across the room. I ask my mom why they are working here. She say's my brother has (something) illness.
      I ask, "So, he just moved and started working here? Why!?"
      Mom replies something, but I don't quite hear her. I am still trying comprehend the idea of my brother and his wife quitting their careers, moving halfway across the U.S., and taking up working at Starbucks over some mysterious illness to even listen to an explanation.

      Ok I have got to be dreaming. I do a nose plug as I turn to look back at my mom and blow clean through. YES! As I take my hand from my nose, I feel something like a cat rubbing the back of my right leg. I look, but there is no cat. In fact my foot is wedged right in V's naked crotch! I look up at him and we are in some bathroom. Luckily, V is clothed in a very thick layer of soap bubbles. We share a moment of him squeezing my foot into his crotch with his thighs while flexing both arms, smiling at me. I shout, "WHOA! OK NOW! THIS IS TOO MUCH! I AM OUT OF HERE!" Being lucid I know I can just walk right out of this situation and not look back and that's exactly what I did.

      As I enter the next room, I remember that I have been wanting to do some LD swordplay. The room is full of junk and I rummage around a bit, but my search is fruitless. I decide to blind summon a sword from around a large cardboard box, but only pull out a rubber bicycle grip. I decide to search the walls and something with a gold handle catches my eye; a sword. Nope, too swords. As I get close I notice they are way too tiny for me to have any fun. So, I decide to fake it. I take a sword, slap it on my left side, and draw it out with expectation of a full sized sword. Nope. It looks more like a letter opener than a sword. Out of ideas, I wonder into another room, but the dream quickly fades away.
      lucid , memorable
    7. That was fun

      by , 03-06-2017 at 07:21 PM
      I found myself running through a forest. Actually I wasn't myself, I don't know who I was, but there were others with me running. Anyway, then I saw wolves and I thought the other people were turning into wolves, so I better do it too. So I did, and it was awesome! We were running so fast, I think we were chasing something...then its all a blur.
    8. Mindfulness II : Tweaks

      by , 03-06-2017 at 05:49 PM
      Had another lucid dream this morning. My sense of touch shifted into the dream world before sight did. I knew I was in a dream when I could feel my way out of my bed as if it were an out-of-body experience. Seriously, in the beginning stage of the dream, I could feel my body start to shift. As I was standing next to my bed in total darkness, I tried to visualize to get some sight going. Got it working. Of course, like most of my previous WILDs, they start with me exiting my bedroom, down the hallway, through the hallway and out the front door into the street. The sky was overcast. I think I tried reading the stove clock before leaving. Naturally, it was blurry and distorted in the dream world.

      Found Naomi, the dream character. Sadly, I don't have any better dream tasks to do other than search for this particular dream character over and over again. Why? I lack stability and dream control so I try to reach for low hanging fruit.

      The mindfulness tweak I did was simply visualize the space outside of my head as if I was looking through my eyelids while also snapping my awareness to the present moment. I am trying to figure why I can only WILD after a 20-30 minute WBTB using mindfulness and not directly after waking up in the middle of the night as part of a DEILD. They were vivid non-lucid dreams, though.
    9. Hypnogogia

      by , 03-06-2017 at 03:35 AM
      Remember seeing strands of color. Then after some time it was like I was remembering being at a party when I was younger. I think it was a wedding party for a family member. I might have been lucid in a second dream. I'm excited to keep paying attention to my hypnogogic imagery and lucid dream. I was really motivated to lucid dream last night also.
      lucid , memorable
    10. Too much

      by , 03-05-2017 at 07:01 PM
      Wow what a mish-mash of dreams I had. Baby animals (kittens, lizards, puppies..), video game characters (I was in the game), relatives, small rooms, outsmarting evil psychopaths, ugly dresses...geez
    11. Mindfulness

      by , 03-05-2017 at 06:24 PM
      Heck yeah. Did a mindfulness meditation and got a short lucid dream. Woke up and tried to get back into the dream. Had vivid non-lucid dreams afterwards about playing bass guitar and hanging out at a mansion with Drake. Saw some old friends as we rode buses around the city. Tried to work on my car. Was also hanging out with some co-workers.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. 3/5/17-Nothing I am Allowed to Write too XXX Rated

      by , 03-05-2017 at 02:10 PM
      Last two nights was filled with xxx so can't get into details but I am smiling! :-)
    13. community

      by , 03-05-2017 at 01:01 PM
      Inside an apartment, on holiday? All the walls are glass with white wooden frames, doors?
      The sun streams in and I am happy laying alone. Outside families are playing on the beach. I see a small boy running about with a ball.
      I am sleeping on a table, there are lots of tables like a dinning area of a cafe or restuarant but no table cloths.
      Next I realise that while I was sleeping a family have entered the apartment, I feel fearful at this intrusion. Then I get used to the idea as they are not hostile. I enjoy the feeling of having people around and not being completely alone.
      Tags: holiday, white
    14. 2017-03-04 some nice vivid dreams

      by , 03-05-2017 at 09:00 AM
      I have the impression I did a RC at some point in a dream during the night, but didn't get lucid.

      + KC "train". I'm riding an open car'd little train up a hill, like a roller coaster train, but on city streets (up main hill Ce. St. in B?). We go by KaCor (jr high cutie, freckles, orchestra) 's house. She comes out with mother and sisters (?). I'm sitting a few cars forward from her. I'm waiting for her to notice me? People are talking about us like we're (were?) a couple?

      + didn't make the cut: in some series of rooms, there's a young man and he has some helper, he wants to get on something like a cruise ship. He's confident he'll get on. I'm walking down a hallway and stop to admire a painting on the wall. The captain of the vessel is nearby and chats with me/ asks me a question? It turns out the young man did not get a spot on the (ship?) and is very upset and is trying to figure out a way to get on.

      + in a mall, lots of young people about, there is a store front with advertisements for various war games. Some big activity has completed and the DCs are packing up and preparing to leave. At one point I'm following (my wife?) to a couch where she is a sort of "booth babe" along with others including their female boss, they're all lounging around on a circular couch, I'm checking them all out for a bit.
      Spoiler for erotic interaction:

      (brief waking? back to sleep)

      I'm outside a store shop where a bunch of people are, and I go inside. I'm looking for this girl so we can have our encounter. Walking through this long store someone's pulling on my shirt/pants and I look back and it's a young boy who's following me demanding attention. I'm annoyed by this and brush him off by saying "I've already spent the whole day with you!" I enter a new room (blue ceiling?) and some guys are staring intently at a spot on the ceiling, at first I think they're looking at a spider, but I see there is some sort of vent there and some liquid is trickling out of it and running along the ceiling. They're talking about that and I say "yes that happens sometimes."

      I spot "my girl" sitting in a corner of that room on the floor with her knees drawn up. I try to non-chalantly move closer to her to get her attention. I think her name is "S". There are still people about. She's asking me about how I SMS'd her? I say you gave me your number (?). She says she can't do the things we talked about, and I say that's too bad.
    15. Assassi'nation'

      by , 03-05-2017 at 08:24 AM
      Its not a lucid dream, but this dream was too vivid to be a dream, i even remember a lot of the details from this dream, but i'll just write the major situation

      The dream was started with im standing in front of a huge building. and i dont know why, in that dream, i already knew that my father would held a birthday party, and... he is a president of the country on my dream.

      When im still standing outside and stare at the building, i suddenly remember that i should enter that building in a disguise, set a backdoor (escape point), then kill my own father.

      im beginning to enter that building, and try to avoid detection of my disguise. so i dress up like another royal guard, wear long white shirt, long black pants, a half black-and-blue kevlar, bring the m15 rifle, put on black hat and black military boots, then i proceed to face the entrance.

      when the first time i want to walk away and enter the door, a dream figure ask me, "Hey, where is your parameter assignment? i thought there are no zebras reservist that guard inside", well, seems he isn't recognize me as the son of the president, so i just thinking for awhile, and start to hack his psychology to convince him that im part of the royal guard force (although this is a dream, im good at social engineering in waking life, its just naturally happened even im not lucid in this dream). its not an easy thing because i realize they are trained person, so i should hack them perfectly. after some chat, i succeed to convince them that i might assigned to guard inside, but im not informed to wear a shell jacket because everyone inside should formally dressed.

      after im entering the entrance, a receptionist ask me "Morning sir, it seem like you forgot the dress code for the royal guards", still, she also didnt recognize me as the president son, then i should perform another mind hack on this girl, so i just gave her a bitter-smile and concoct her about my family problem, the girl bite the bait, she start to a bit sentimental and just tell me where the dressing room, so i hurry to change my clothes and seek the back door. the next time i passing again in front of the receptionist, she tell me "wow, you look awesome now. wait, are you the president son? you look so alike with him". i just reply "Thanks, i wish i was a president son too, have a lot of money and power, and you cant refuse my invitation to drink together tonight, right?. but unfortunately im not, so i cant do that and just do my mission as a guard", she reply "hey, you dont have to be a president son to drink with me, just ask me, and we can drink together, and of course i willing to hear another problem of yours if you want me to do", i reply again "got it, dont go anywhere till i finish my job okay" then i smiled to, and continue looking for my back door.

      i found a balcony that not guarded, i call my assistant to send me my personal modified m1911, even its a bit odd that the drone failed multipe times and respawned, i still doesnt realize im dreaming. after im gearing up with my own weapon, i left and set the m15 in there to hold the door, so theres nobody can open the balcony except me.

      i moved to the main hall, seeking my father, but cant found him anywhere, i ask his secretary, but she has no idea where is my father now (on this time, i reveal my identity to all the people in the hall). but she said that my father already on the building. so im go to the ceiling, set my position, put the silencer and the scope on my m1911, then waiting for my father show up.

      when im waiting in the ceiling, my phone just vibrated, i check it out, and there a msg said "save me" came from my father number. BOOM, i suddenly change my position, switch the thermal on my scope on, and located the another 3 person on the ceiling. i shot them down, and they're all dead. soon after im check the dead body, my father showed up on the stage, all the clapping sound was so peal, and my father look at me, he smile, and start to greet another guest that already in the hall.

      im go to get the m15 back, turn and meet the receptionist, ask her to drink with me on the party, but she refuse it because it still her work time, i said "its okay, i've tell your manager to give you a break for today", the the manager walk in front of us and smiled to me, she said "seriously? how can you do that?", i reply "its simple, im a president son, i have the power to do that". she said and do nothing but just a bit surprised, then i grab her hand to the hall, and start to dance with her stiff move.

      the end, i wake up slowly, recall the dream, write it on my DJ book, and smiled. I dont expect a plot twist dream like this, and the dream was so vivid.
      non-lucid , memorable