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    1. Old west bowling alley, police visit

      by , 10-31-2010 at 04:54 PM
      Good morning everybody. I remember two dreams from last night. I wrote them down late, so my day memory might be clouding them up a little.

      Two side notes: the bowling alley in the first dream comes from an msn.com photo article I read about huge mansions. Almost every mansion had a movie theatre and a bowling alley.

      Also, the cops coming to my house is from my waking life. My upstairs neighbors always slam and slam on the floor. I feel like it's done to hurt me, like they don't want me around. It's been going on for a long time. I've finally called the police, because it's gotten so constant, loud, and violent that I'm afraid to come home. I feel terrible for calling, because I've never wanted to be the kind of person who calls the police on people. But I also have a fear of the police.

      Dream #1

      I was in a car with my old friends D and Y, riding through the parking lot of a bowling alley. It was probably night time. D was probably driving the car.

      We let Y out, probably to run in and get a lane. For some reason, the car now seemed to be gone. D and I were walking away from the bowling alley, as if we had finished the game and were walking to the car.

      I really wasn't happy to have to hang around with D, and I think I was making that known to him. At some point it became dark, like at night. D was wearing a shiny, black leather jacket. I asked him how his life was. He broke down and started crying about how his mother had died.

      It was daytime again. I felt really bad for D, and I tried to comfort him. He kind of brushed me off and told me it was fine. Apparently his mother had had a terminal disease which acted very quickly on her. D told me something his mother had told him before she died, which made him feel better about the whole thing. It made me think of toothpaste for some reason.

      We had been wandering through the first few rows of the parking lot, more like we were waiting for Y to arrive with the car again, although it was also like we were trying to find the car. But now we were walking back toward the bowling alley.

      The parking lot had been asphalt. But now it was dirt. The dust was floating up into the blue sky, as if there were a lot of traffic or wind in the parking lot, even though I couldn't see any activity.

      Some old friends of ours came up to me and D. They started saying a lot of teasing things to D. But I got really angry and threatening with them, telling them to leave D alone, he'd had to deal with enough already. Everybody said sorry and left D alone.

      We were all walking back toward the bowling alley. We were close to the building, but the actual entrance now felt so far away. I somehow got separated from the rest of the group. I walked all by myself, in a stretch of dirt road between the building-front's sidewalk and a long strip of concrete island.

      The ruts in the ground looked like horse carriages ran through it. I thought to myself, Of course they do. That's how things worked in the Old West. And that's where I am.

      I wondered where the heck the car was. I couldn't remember if I was going into the bowling alley or going home. But if I was going home, I wanted to get in the car and go. And if I was going into the bowling alley, I wanted to take the car to get there quicker.

      But I thought to myself, No car is ever going to come pick you up, dummy. This is the Old West. We didn't have cars back then.

      Dream #2

      I had called the police because the people upstairs from me were slamming and slamming on the floor again. It was morning, and the light in my bedroom was grey and slightly dim. The police knocked on my door.

      I opened the door. There was just one officer: a short, slightly overweight, black woman in her late 40s or early 50s. She told me that I had called the police so many times that I was now under investigation myself. She would have to search my house.

      I said fine. I let her in. I just let her go wherever she wanted in my house. I went back to my bed and lay down. I figured that I wouldn't follow the officer around. That would look suspicious, like I had something to hide, which I didn't.

      But I slowly realized that my apartment was actually very large (which it is definitely not in waking life). I realized I had a lot of rooms, and that as soon as the officer saw how many rooms I had, she'd get jealous of me and try to find some reason to arrest me.

      So I started running through the house, trying to find the officer. I figured that I'd explain how much room I had in this house by telling the officer that my mother also lived here with me.

      I was actually surprised by how many rooms I had in the house. I hadn't realized this place was so big. But a lot of the rooms were done up in such a hyper-girly way, with pink and purple colors, stuffed animals, and fluffy, lacy bed covers, that I felt like someone other than I had to have been living here. I gradually became convinced that my mother was in fact living here with me.

      Now, confident that my story was the truth, I felt like I could confront the officer with my story, preventing her from getting jealous and throwing me in jail for some made up reason.

      I found the officer in a hyper-girly room, sitting on the bed. She started talking to me about something, but I can't remember what. All I remember is that she seemed to be very sad.
    2. Deep-sea humans, movie theatre, super mario basketball, bedtime, don't know latin

      by , 10-30-2010 at 03:09 PM
      Good morning everybody. It's Saturday, so I have some time for side notes. Usually I post my dreams via phone, on my subway ride in to the city.

      I remember five dreams from last night. But I can't remember any of them very well. I've been pounding NyQuil every night, and that really affects my recall -- though it doesn't seem to affect the weirdness of my dreams too much.

      Looking back on these dreams, it seems pretty obvious a lot of the imagery comes from a photo article msn.com had yesterday about huge mansions. A lot of the mansions had movie theatres. And one of the mansions had the "organic shape" of the science lab in the first dream.

      I was lucid for about half a second in the fourth dream. I seldom get a solid lucid dream. Maybe once a year. I don't try. Lucidity, like meditation and OBEs, seems to be bad for my nerves rather than good. I don't know why. I usually let my dream life just take its course.

      Also -- sorry to MoSh for appropriating his avatar into the fifth dream. I think I have found the dream-sharing interactions on this site so interesting here that I made up a DC to dream-share with.

      Dream #1

      I was in a restaurant with my female friend T. The restaurant was nice, dim, with tall tables and chairs, all widely spaced. There were very few people in the restaurant. However, I ended up talking with some guy sitting a few tables away from us.

      The guy and I ended up talking about spiders. I was trying to make some point about how spiders are actually nicer than a lot of people think. I was trying to use some weird etymological (not entomological) argument.

      Eventually I turned to T and asked, "How do you say 'phobia of spiders?'"

      T asked, "In Japanese or French?"

      I said, "In French, of course!" as if the argument had all been based on French etymology.

      T gave me the phrase. But as she did, it was also like I was trying to work through the phrase in my own mind, trying to recall it for myself. As I did so, it was like T was explaining a whole series of things regarding phobias.

      T expanded over my whole field of view. Darkness surrounded her. She was eating some kind of tofu soup. I now focused deeply on one of the cubes of tofu. It seemed to break in the broth. The fragments dissolved and became something like stars in the darkness.

      As this happened, T was explaining the optical, neurological, and muscular processes of a phobia. As she finished her discussion, the stars became directed toward moving out of some kind of wall. I seemed to be moving with the stars. They pushed out through and past the wall. I went with the.

      Outside the wall, I looked back to see that this "wall" had been some kind of half sphere of organic material, like a microscopic picture of a spore. The view of this was in black and white, with all the outlines and ridges of the "spore" in white and all the smooth parts of the spore and the spore's surroundings in black.

      As this was occurring, I heard T say, "You see, we can take any sort of psychological process, such as the phobia of spiders, determine its physical characteristics, even down to the temperature change of the body, and re-engineer an organism through these phenomena. And that is how we've created our first mouse."

      I was now floating deep in the blue waters of a sea. I saw, down at the sea's floor, an organically curved building, which I recognized as a research lab, covered in sand.

      I thought to myself, Why would they have created a mouse? Wouldn't they have created a human from all that human data? But I then realized that you would first have to create small animals, then work your way up to larger animals. I also realized that all of this would have to take place in the depths of the sea, because you'd need the pressure.

      I now saw inside the research lab. I saw inside an office that was unlit. The only light coming into the office was from another room, and from the wall-sized window which showed the blue sea outside.

      A man sat in the office. He was young, tall, strong, tan-skinned, with slightly curly hair that went just below his shoulders and gentle blue-green eyes. He wore a slightly loosed blue-green t-shirt and blue jeans.

      The man was on an old-style, big cell phone with his girlfriend. He was talking about how hard this work was. He sometimes wondered if it was even worth it for him to continue. He also wondered something like whether it was ethical for him to be doing this kind of work.

      But he then told his girlfriend, "But, hey, they're paying me 30 a month! That's right! I mean 30 Gs!"

      I quickly did the calculation and realized this was a lot of money.

      Dream #2

      I was in a stadium-style movie theatre. The movie was playing. The movie theatre was relatively empty. In fact, the only people who were there, I think, were friends of mine. The movie theatre may have been part of something like a hotel or resort, and we all may have been at this resort for some specific lesson or project.

      I saw my friend T down a few rows from me. I went down to her row and started flirting with her. We ended up cuddling, and getting to the point where I had her long skirt pushed up pretty far on her legs. I thought we might even be getting ready to go back to her room.

      But T got up and went somewhere else. I sat watching the movie for a little while. Then I saw an extremely attractive, blonde woman in her mid-20s down a couple of rows from me. I didn't know her, but I went to talk to her. She was very well-groomed, and she wore a pale purple, fuzzy sweater and a long skirt.

      We were talking for a little while. Then she started leaning and nuzzling against me. I thought I probably shouldn't respond so much to her, after I had been messing with T and getting her so excited. But I eventually got so aroused by the woman's advances that I began responding.

      We started getting pretty involved. I thought to myself, All my friends are in the rows behind and above me. They can all see what I'm doing, right after I'd been doing it with T. What will they think? And what if T is still back there?

      The blonde woman and I were now in some store that looked like a dollar store full of Christmas decorations. We were embracing each other fondly and calmly, as if comfortable with the thought of soon being in bed with each other. We stood near a wall-height window in the store. The sunlight was bright and golden-white.

      Suddenly I could sense T coming from some part of the store behind us. I thought, I can't let T see me like this! She'll be so upset! She likes me so much!

      So I took the blonde woman, folded her up (like she was now only three feet tall), and shoved her into a clear-plastic shelf. The shelf was also holding metallic red and gold letter-shaped Christmas streamers wrapped in flat cellophane packaging with cardboard tops.

      I turned back and looked along the aisles. It was a little bit dimmer farther back in the store. I could see T walking up toward me. She was smiling somewhat innocently. When she finally got up to me, I could see that her hair had gotten long and kind of messy.

      Dream #3

      I floated down from the ceiling of a basketball auditorium. I descended over a wide staircase, at the top of which was a wide entranceway. At the bottom of the staircase was the basketball court.

      A group of people walked out from the entranceway as I descended the final slow feet to the stairs. The group was led by a white man. He didn't look real at all. He looked like a cartoon. He was amazingly wide, with unnaturally tanned skin, a plasticky wave of hair, and a frozen grin. He wore a sea-green polo shirt and khaki slacks.

      Behind this white man were five black men, dressed up like the Harlem Globetrotters. They all looked like terribly exaggerated cartoons! One of them even looked like the bottom half of a bowling ball in red and white striped shorts -- with no top half for his body!

      I told myself, This is unreal. I'm dreaming.

      As soon as I realized I was dreaming, everything took on such a tactile clarity that I felt like I was awake. I said to myself, Oh. I guess I just woke up from my dream. No wonder I thought I was dreaming. I told myself, Well, hopefully next time I'll realize I'm dreaming while I'm actually dreaming.

      The basketball players all ran out to the court. I ran out as well. It was like I was supposed to play against all of them. They all ran around me with the ball. I kept almost getting the ball from them. But they would pass it around and keep it away from me.

      At one point, all five basketball players were in a line, tossing the ball back to the next person as I approached the person who had the ball. I was especially frustrated not being able to get the ball from the player who didn't even have a top half to his body!

      The players were now all around me, near the hoop. The were surrounding me. I felt like if I didn't get the ball now, I would lose for sure! Suddenly, a white woman dressed up as Super Mario got the ball from one of the players. She bent over to look into my face (as if I were waist-high -- only a child?) and nodded at me, letting me know she was on my side.

      The Super Mario girl soared up into the air. It looked like she was going to make a slam dunk! The hooped seemed to be 20 feet high. But the girl looked like she was going to make it. But as she approached the hoop, she just threw the ball straight at the net. The ball flew off and rolled away somewhere off the court.

      The Super Mario girl landed. Some of my other teammates gathered around me. (I only came up to their waists, as if I were a child, although this didn't occur to me in the dream.) The Super Mario girl may now have been wearing spring-green overalls and a pink shirt with tiny, little flower designs on it, though she still had the Mario nose and mustache.

      The teammates all explained to me that the Super Mario girl could have made the dunk. But that wasn't the point of this game. I looked at the ground. I didn't want to hear that. I thought, If she could have made the dunk she should have just made it. The basketball players had all frustrated me so much. Somebody should just have dunked on them!

      Dream #4

      I was in a basement of some really fancy hotel or house. The basement was like a nice, den-like room, with warm, orange walls. There were a lot of people here. We were all having some kind of multi-day party or retreat. We were all somewhat rich, and most of us had been friends for a while.

      There were a few groups of us standing in a few different lines to get night-time desserts from a number of different small bars before heading to some late-evening recreation like playing an easy sport or watching a movie.

      I was (or was seeing from the viewpoint of) a white man in his 50s or 60s. I was somewhat tall, strong, with tanned skin. I had grey-white hair, short, and well-combed. I had steel-blue eyes. I wore a blue shirt, possibly navy blue, and pale-khaki or white khaki shorts.

      In front of me was a little boy. He was blonde, very pretty. He seemed to be wearing only a pale blue, long-sleeved, Gap shirt (which is what I wear as a shirt to go to bed) and nothing else. The shirt went down almost to the young boy's knees.

      I and the boy still had a few more people to go before we would get served. The bar we were at looked like it had some kind of tropical theme: it had bamboo shoots for the bar front, and had a roof over it that looked liked thatched palm leaves.

      I seemed to be hugging the boy from behind. The boy finally told me he didn't feel like he wanted to do this, and that he really didn't want to do the late night activity. I understood that the boy just wanted to go to bed.

      I got out of line with the boy and began walking out of the room. As I did so, I said goodbye to a few people, explaining that I was heading out for the night, because the little boy figured it was time to go to bed.

      I noticed how all the other older men were with older women, like they were with their wives. I couldn't figure out why I was with a little boy.

      Dream #5

      I walked into an apartment that was a maybe three or four floors up in its building. The apartment had brick walls, and it looked out over some kind of city scene, like in a slightly busy area of Brooklyn or Manhattan.

      It was late afternoon. The light outside was dim blue. But inside the apartment it was warm and well-lit. The apartment felt cluttered, but nice and comfortable.

      There were other people in the apartment, all friends. It was like we were having a party. Everybody was happy and cheerful. But I also had a sense that we were really here to strategize about something. It was like we were making plans to defend ourselves against some really bad thing that was about to happen or that had already begun happening and was in its early, relatively mild stages.

      The apartment may have been a very large studio, so that the kitchen, the dining room, the living room, and the bedroom, were all really "one room," even though the place was large enough and the space was varied enough so that each diferent place felt like a "different room."

      I walked over to the dining table, near the front windows. The kitchen was just to my right. I looked at a sheet of paper. It was in a different language. I began talking about what was written on the paper.

      One of my friends, a young man all dressed up in fancy garb and a powdered wig, like the picture of Vivaldi in MoSh's avatar on this site, came up to me and asked me if I spoke the language on the sheet of paper.

      "Oh, no," I replied. "I don't speak Latin. I don't speak any language other than English. I mean, I think people are fooled, because I learn songs in other languages, and I sing those songs pretty well. But that's mostly j-pop, and I definitely don't speak Japanese."

      I felt stupid, having to admit that I didn't speak Latin, after I had spoken, apparently with a tone of authority, regarding the language on the sheet. I thought I had acted in a misleading way. So now I tried to make up for it by thinking of a song that I knew in Latin. But all I could think of was Leporello's aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni. And I knew that "wasn't quite" Latin.

      I began to see the words of Leporello's aria handwritten in pencil on a sheet of paper, very watery and blurry.

      Updated 10-30-2010 at 03:13 PM by 37466 (typos, ugh...)

    3. Dream Challenge Day 6

      by , 10-24-2010 at 06:53 PM (Mindscape of Xaqaria)
      I'm going to cheat a little bit on my rules, I haven't posted in two days but I haven't had regular internet access and didn't remember any dreams anyway so we'll just pretend those two days didn't happen.

      This morning I remembered a dream. All I can remember is being in an apartment that I was renting month to month. I was about to leave for a few days and it was the end of the month so I asked my friend Aaron who was suddenly there what his plans were and whether or not I should renew the lease for another month before I left. I looked out the window and the whole apartment was rotating; it was on the top floor of some rotating building, like a giant industrial centrifuge. We talked about how it was just like a ride we used to go on "at the great escape" except the memory was just in the dream, not real. I know there was a lot more to the dream but I can't remember any more. +1

    4. Oblivion or something

      by , 09-25-2010 at 12:14 PM
      Yeye, it was a long time since I remembered a dream enough to write it down.

      First there are some vague memories of playing trackmania with kim. Then I was playing (or experiencing) some other game that I think was oblivion. I was in a very dark hallway with a huge sword. Some undeads or something approached me and i had to slice them. Even though I was there myself, it did still feel as if I steered from a computer or something. For instance, I had to drag a mouse to swing the sword and it was somewhat difficult to time.

      I proceeded through some hallways and corridors that were really dark with undeads here and there. Outside it was winter and really cold and windy. It was snowing those really small snow flakes that kinda stings your face when it is windy at the same time. The surrounding was quite different now and I had no sword or such. I walked around switching on lights to make it bright because the undeads wouldn't spawn then (lol i didn't realise before, but minecraft?). The place was some kind of apartment. Suddenly simon and some other friends that I can't remember was there. When I had lit up a part we said that it was a really cosy small apartment or something. It was a living room and some bedrooms.

      I continued on to light more switches and realised that the place wasn't that small. I found a second living room with a really strange bass guitar hanging on the wall. I _think_ that I thought something like "Oh, that is a fugly bass guitar. It is only because this is a dream." or something but I didn't become lucid. I went down a basement (that I also lit up) and from there I found paths to the hospital culverts. I thought that was really cool because I have always enjoyed exploring the culverts. I saw a doctor that I followed. After a while I arrived at some kiosk thingy that were selling candy. I wanted to buy some. While standing there in queue, I took up my wallet to find two tio-kronor to pay with. I could only find one because my wallet were full of foreign money. Many were Australian, lol. I don't know where the other foreign money was from but many were really similar to tio-kronor and I never managed to find two.
    5. 2 liters of mountain dew distortion. assassination at the pool. victims of assassination at new pool

      by , 09-03-2010 at 02:16 AM
      September 2nd: I was in an apartment room that was mostly brown (like light brown walls and brown couch) with some other teenage kids that were slightly larger than an average teen (in weight) they appeared to have some metal band t-shirts on that i don't remember. but two of them held mtn dew distortion in 2 liter bottles one of the kids had cargo shorts that were dark blue and he had long, frizzy, brown hair. I asked them where they got it from. and then i thought about how i would get to the store, even though i never been to the neighborhood i was thinking of.

      phase 2: I was at a hotel swimming with a group of people in what appeared to be a normal indoor pool. but the ceiling was at least 20ft up the room felt massive. but at one point it was apparently a girls only swim so I swam to an area of the pool that inclined down and went underground. i followed it slowly and it lead to the boys locker room. there were people obviously changing. I went up to a locker and stared at it for a second. (the room was pinkish and had green lines on the wall) I then walked back and went through the otherside of the locker room and went through a short circular water tunnel. It had lead me to a huge set of ivory stairs and some form of wealthy congregation at the bottom on the stairs headed to the left. I knew it was a wealthy event because of the area and the clothes people wore like dresses and suits. I remember one young woman that had brown hair and she wore a silk silver dress that shined lightly she had a fit figure as well. I decided to head to the Right. on the right there was an incline to another area; there was also a white overpass that had stairs on both sides up high as if it were a bridge to somewhere else in the hotel. I kept walking the incline and as soon as i got up I saw a purple and orange sky which seemed very surreal i then got up and saw an above ground swimming pool that was also in ground because it was cemented in. there was a lounge area with tables and umbrellas and then also a bar. the floor was tiled in a checkered form(not fully but sort of) I think. I stood by a guy I did not know at the pool Then apparently over in the lounge section there was a man in a suit that killed another man by breaking his neck. the dream then transitioned to the next phase

      * note phase 2 and 3 went together sort of
      phase 3: the next phase introduced the people who were wanted by showing their faces the only memorable figure was the girl who had stolen black goggles and had done something else. it showed her (she had brown slightly wavy hair and a nice body. i thought she was hot until later.) wearing black goggles and she had picked her nose randomly. it then switched to her wearing white shades in the sunny daylight, then the sight of vision moved and it paned in on a pool there were the three of the criminals playing a game with inner tubes to get the inner tubes farthest in the amoeba shaped pool. The day was sunny and i stood and observed until pool goers got pissed at the criminals and then a white lawn chair with purple stripes was thrown into the pool. i dove in and went under the chair. apparently one of the bad people in the trio jumped on the chair and i felt the pressure of his weight on my back i didnt wanna die so i fought back but eventually I woke up
    6. Elevator Task? Not Today.

      by , 08-29-2010 at 06:09 AM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was a pretty short dream but I managed to become lucid nonetheless.

      I started off in the rectangular hallway of an apartment building, sort of like the one I used to live in. The walls were cream and the carpet was flat, with pale pink, maroon, and navy tones. There were two doors on opposite walls near the end of the hallway (one having a doorknob and a rectangular window and the other a metal push thingy), and on the other end, about twenty feet down, was an elevator. Having completed the lucid task of the month for August, I had early access to the September tasks; the basic one is to go in an elevator and see where you end up. Clearly this dream was because of having read that task.

      This is my quick depiction as to what the room looked like.

      I was standing in front of the door with the doorknob, facing it. I turned around and almost immediately recognized that I was dreaming, and I also remembered the task for September: to take an elevator and see where I'd end up. I walked towards the elevator on the other side of the hallway and stood in front of it. "Hmm," I said, "maybe I shouldn't this time..." I was pretty lucid, but if I were more lucid, I'd definitely give it a shot. I decided to not push a button and go inside, because I didn't know where I'd end up. I guess my dream self thought it'd be a scary place or something.

      So much for that. I lost lucidity quickly and ended up walking down the hallway, going through the door with the push mechanism, and going down a flight of plain, white concrete stairs.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:34 AM by 28408

      lucid , task of the month
    7. Murderer

      by , 08-25-2010 at 02:58 PM (The Midnight Train)
      At the apartment. Emptying rubbish bin. Organics go on the green grass lawn. A woman's head goes into the pond. A boat is about to run over the head. A small boat with one of the maintenance crew sail towards the head. I move it out of the way.
    8. Lucid City Chase

      by , 08-21-2010 at 05:18 PM
      Got up this morning at 6, listening to shitty late 80's pop with the usual cheesy intro riff and a high bpm loop of the same 10 second vocals. As it turns out, the entrance to a city marathon is right outside of the apartment I was in. Their idea of "workout music." After about two hours of being angry about it the race starts and the music stops and I go try to go back to bed, race announcer infrequently interjecting an otherwise smooth contemplation of descent. Before I hit delta wave, I was thinking how I'd escape if the apartment suddenly toppled. No intention of really sleeping or dreaming.

      I felt the vibrations anyway, to my glee. I haven't recognized dream entry in a long time. After about a minute, the scene materialized as a false awakening, I was alone in a double-bed setup. I reality check, just to make sure, and then begin exploring the dream apartment. Pretty much the same, a bit cleaner, brighter carpets and more floorspace. I make my way to the balcony to jump. I start hovering, and look up at the sky. Completely overcast and bright, just as in waking life. I float away from the balcony. . .

      My boyfriend wakes me, I feel exiting vibrations as he pounces on me, tugs an arm, wrenching me from the dream. I shake it off, audibly and grumpily tell him to back off. The louse cuddles right on top of me, and I settle back in.

      It's... Still a dream? I didn't reopen my eyes for the scene to appear. There's someone on top of me, but it's not my boyfriend. This guy's taller, older by a few years, brown-haired, skinny, with rectangular facial definition. I stare at him a moment and fear flashes through his eyes as we both realize: we have to fight, as he's an impostor! He dashes out the bedroom and exits the apartment, slamming a door which I can't unlock. I can hear the elevator. Unperturbed, I jump off the balcony in a dive, the sky is murderous grey here, and the buildings are greater in quantity and more densely packed. I see For Sale signs on some apartment buildings, including the one I was in, as I descend. I land softly, on my feet. He's just now exiting through the front. I need a weapon, something with range. I reach behind me and whip out a bow and three arrows, firing them in quick succession, missing twice and hitting the third against a shield which he conjured. The bow morphs into a boomerang, which I throw. He jumps supernaturally over it. I fly up to avoid having to catch the weapon's hefty return. As it turns out, he can fly, too.

      There's no fear here. Neither of us are afraid. I'm in it for the hunt, the adventure. He knows he's a minute dream character and will cease to exist after I wake, save in this dream journal.

      But he chooses to run. He meanders under bridges and through smaller and smaller alleys, places with ceilings I can't fly through. I follow on foot, and spawn throwing stars. We're in a clearing with cement brick tiles and an outdoor cafe surrounding an open center. I can't throw the stars there. Instead, I fling them into the air, knowing by self-fulfilling lucid dream prophesy the exact points at which they'll land. Time for a new weapon. How 'bout a longsword? I know shit about swordfighting, by the way, he no longer had a shield but another two-handed sword, smaller, lighter. I'm nearly out-maneuvered when the ninja stars land, tearing a rip in the cloth of his shoulder, distracting him such that his sword disintegrates under one whack with my new hammer. He flees. Typical.

      I follow, it's now a footrace with that announcer guy from the real world. People are watching us, which seems to amuse him for a bit, but ultimately he leads me out of the city. We turn one more corner, and suddenly he's gone. I take the time to materialize a weapon I do know how to use: a pistol. Amazingly it morphs right between my palms as I made my hands into a fake gun. I take off the safety, peer around the corner, business end of the weapon never leaving the direction of sight. The man comes into view again, and runs into a white domeish building at the end of a heavily-treed (mature trees everywhere, creating shade from the now blasting golden sun) parking lot. I follow in, of course. I slow my pace to a walk. I know what room he's in. The building is completely empty, like a house but with a big, auditorium room at the end. Bright maple flooring, polishes and clean, with sunbeams draping generously on the floor, through tall windows, coming from both east and west sides of the building. I've still got my pistol at hand. He's cornered in that last room. I cross the doorway and he appears out from behind a spiral staircase. He looks at my pistol, at his own, and nods. We meet each other in the middle of the floor, turn around, and start stepping. Annoyingly, with each step I drew toward the duel, I shifted back into the waking world...
      lucid , false awakening
    9. Firecycle

      by , 07-28-2010 at 05:26 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in an unidentifiable apartment building; the walls were light cream and the flooring was beige-colored Berber that was softer and a bit fluffier than it should have been.

      The lighting was normal as if all the lights were on in the apartment. I knew it was morning without even having to look outside the one small window positioned on one side of the room.

      On the side opposite the window, there was a fairly large L-shaped desk made from smoothed oak wood complete with a dark purple chair. There was also an older gray laptop and thick books going from one end of the desk to the other, without being held up by book holders. What was strange about this setup was that there was a motorcycle next to the desk, a black one that was around a third larger than the actual size. Because of this, it was at eye level with me.

      It looked like the motorcycle in the image below, except with a few modern curves and longer handlebars.

      There was also a fire embellishment on the side of the main body that looked pretty much like the real thing: abstract, orange and red. I didn't look to see if it was on the other side too, because the desk was in the way.

      The most distinguishing feature of the motorcycle was that it had three-dimensional flames coming from both wheels. They weren't real flames, but I knew I designed them and "drew" them onto the bike. They erupted from both wheels but although they were the color of flames, they weren't very flame-like. It was as if someone used a pressure-sensitive brush on Photoshop and tapered it off... Times fifty. It looked cool, but not realistic.

      In front of the motorcycle, a 15" television screen appeared, held up by a tall, flat, dark gray machine. It was straight against the wall and created a ninety-degree angle as it ran along the floor, propping the bike up on top of it. I got on the bike somehow and the screen showed a beautiful lake with mountains on either side, dotted by roads. It was from a first-person perspective, as if I was on a boat on that lake.

      The next thing I knew, I was actually on the lake, riding along the surface of the water on the motorcycle. The fact that I went from being in an apartment to on the water didn't faze me. I pulled back on the motorcycle and it revved up, now traveling in the air, upwards. I got to the side of a mountain and continued to travel along it, still in the air, and ran into a group of three pink piranha fish, cartoony and styled like the Cheep-Cheeps in the Mario Games. They were pink, had a white flower-shaped underbelly, and a small yellow fin on each of their backs and tails. I ran into them and they bounced away slowly, their eyes now black "x"s.

      I came across another group of them with the same results before the dream came to an end.

      Updated 07-07-2011 at 02:56 AM by 28408

    10. Strange apartment

      by , 07-10-2010 at 12:32 PM
      I woke up in my bed in the room I had at my parents place like two years ago. It was Joel and Tistou who woke me up and we were going somewhere. I was sluggish and confused. I tried to find my shoes but they were gone.

      For some reason my dad entered my room as well and asked me where I was going to sleep the next night. I said that I'll sleep in the apartment that I had in Umeċ (which I don't IRL). Apparently it was some apartment in another area of the town that I had hired. It was free now because it was summer (as student accommodations are). I felt content because I didn't have to pay for it. I came up with the idea that I could hire it to other people during the school times of the year when I can't use it since I am in skellefteċ. That way I won't lose any money.

      Suddenly I knew where my shoes were. I looked under the pillow and there they where (wtf)! Then later on I was at that apartment. I explored it since I had never seen it before. I don't remember much of that part but I remember thinking it was quite dirty.
    11. Creepy Semester

      by , 07-04-2010 at 09:06 PM (GA's DJ)

      I live in an apartment near a new school campus of sorts. It's five stories high surrounded by a bustling town with churches, monuments and busy roads. My brother and I are roommates and we both have girlfriends with us. Mine is a plump black-haired woman and while nice I'm surprised to find I have absolutely no feelings towards her. We had supposedly gone out for a long time and she was about to leave with her dad to do something for a couple of days. I'm relieved and start to articulate plans to break up with her but am unable to come up with anything that wouldn't completely hurt her feelings. I'm playing some sort of card game when she comes in and asks point-blank if I wanted to come with her on this trip with her father. I feel pressured and mutter out a yes. It was then I realize I don't even know her name and look at an ID card she had nearby. My thoughts were "What would her dad think if I didn't know how to pronounce his daughter's name?" It was something weird and unlike real life so I don't recall the name now. Sometime soon after this I work up the courage to tell her that I want to break up. She takes this with both anger and sadness, and from then on intentionally ignores me. Still, I literally had just met her after all.

      My brother Kyle, his girlfriend and I go to the cafeteria in the school complex (complex being a better term than building given its fortress-like size and feel). One wall had a cutout where a stack of hay was piled up probably referencing the dream I had the night before. Rows of tables were set out each belonging to a certain family. The three of us began eating without regard to who the food belonged to and eventually worked our way into a corner where a bunch of pizza was lined up. One lady asked me how I knew the family who brought the pizza. Thinking Kyle might actually know I pointed to him and made up that he was acquainted with a gentleman in a business suit standing nearby. She didn't let it drop there and hailed Kyle over. On being asked Kyle got mad and began yelling so the whole cafeteria could hear that he ate the food of other people so he could get a tax write off. It made sense at the time.
      Moments after this I left alone.

      Being near the top floor I get into an elevator and press to go for the ground level. On the way down the lights go off, the elevator car slants slightly and a loud grating sound fills my ears. It soon becomes apparent that the elevator has stopped and I'm stuck within. I locate the emergency call button. It didn't work at first so I held it down. Red lights flash and an alarm sounds whereupon the elevator doors open. I'm between floors but there's enough space at the top for me to climb up and get free. A muscular man who knew me said he was paying me back a favor (I recall nothing about this) and there I meet up with a few nondescript fictional friends I supposedly knew. I pull out an old large journal to record the happenings. My friends want to go to the ground level and like a complete mook I suggest the elevator. We get in to find the floor opens up in the middle where anyone could fall to their doom. In fact, each level had such an opening floor. I advise the others to hug the wall when one of them, possibly the girl who was with Kyle, falls to the level below. She is unharmed but the floors seem to open up more. Eventually my friends each start falling. Then some chandelier-type fixture from the ceiling comes undone and crashes down. Each friend dies a horribly gory death. Making matters worse I kept rewinding time and watching the same scene over and over with no ability to help.
      There were a lot more incidents of death and disturbing injuries in this dream but the memory has faded on many of them.

      Somehow I make it down the elevator shaft only slightly scathed. Instead of being on the ground level I'm in the basement alone since everyone else was dead. I find an old cassette tape in a nightstand that stood in the center of that sewer-like environ. I began to ponder how using a tape recorder instead of a journal would be safer as I could be more alert-- seems I was writing in my journal when my friends initially fell. I forget how but I manage to weasel myself outside the school complex. I begin to wander the city. I pass by a group of nuns and a rivaling school that was much smaller in size. I take a break in front of a factory on a crate next to a row of bags, cans and broken computer monitors. Writing again in my journal a gruff worker notices me and starts a conversation having noticed I wrote "Act XIII" at the top of the page. I don't feel comfortable talking with him so I find a way to slip away.

      It becomes night. I lost my shirt somewhere and the rain feels cold. Some people look at me and mutter how the nuns wouldn't accept a poor man like myself. I come to a point where I must cross two six-lane roads. All I can see are oncoming headlights and the silhouette of a GIANT TARANTULA WALKING ON TWO LEGS creeping up behind me. Freaked I then must cross a busy street and stay clear of the rapidly approaching spider. On multiple occasion I swear I feel the fangs of the tarantula all the while dodging speeding cars in a frenzy. I make it to the other side and into a small supermarket. Conveniently a doctor, my dad and a few others were there to receive me. The doctor asks me strange questions to confirm I haven't been poisoned by the mutant spider. One involved seeing how well I could pray.

      Updated 07-06-2010 at 09:10 AM by 164

    12. Shari's apartment.

      by , 12-07-2007 at 08:31 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      I had this dream during an afternoon nap. Though I refer to Shari as a friend in this dream we are, in fact, not friends anymore and have not been for some time.

      I am following my friend Shari down the road, she is looking unusually radiant. For some reason she is carrying a large set of industrial pliers. We ran into each other on the street and for some reason Shari is insistant that I come and see her new place. Though her apartment exists within the city, the three storey, red brick building itself is surrounded by lush trees and thick, green grass. I wonder at how she can afford a apartment in such a nice building, but when Shari opens the front door and invites me inside, I realize that the entire building is one apartment. The inside is very modern and beautifully decorated, and everything looks brand new. Shari's mother and sister are sanding and painting the veranda windows just outside the kitchen, and they look confused when they see me, as they know that Shari and I are no longer friends. I am glad to notice that Shari's father is no where to be seen, and the three of them seem genuinely happy to have that abusive jerk out of their lives.

      There are tools laying in the yard, their handles freshly painted bright oranges and bright reds. Shari asks if I can help working on the place and even though I cannot see anything that needs to be done, I agree. I know that I do not like Shari anymore, but I am happy to help her out if it makes her continue to feel happy, and she truly does seem happy and carefree in her new apartment. Still holding the set of pliers, Shari heads upstairs to work on something on the second floor. I don't really know what to do and just kind of stand around with my hands in my pockets for a while. I eventually notice something loose on the kitchen ceiling and grab a freshly painted wrench from the lawn outside. I get orange paint on my hands as I work, but when I have completed the task, I try and smooth out the paint on the tool's handle to make it look like it had not been smeared. I then place the wrench back where I found it.

      When Shari comes back down the stairs, I point out what I fixed and how I smudged the paint on her orange handled wrench. She is not amused and becomes all indignant, even after I apologize and offer to repaint the handle. She claims that "it is ruined now," and there is no point in trying to salvage it. I feel that she is being unreasonable and is trying to guilt trip me into feel bad, so I not-so-politely tell her to do something obscene to herself and start to walk away. Shari then screams at me that I did not deserve to see her apartment and I just laught at her and respond that while her apartment is nice, she does not deserve it have it.

      The dream ends there.
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