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    1. huge beard; hotel apartment; outdoor camp

      by , 04-08-2011 at 11:42 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I had a huge beard. It just went along my jawline, so that the rest of my face was bare, except that I may also have had a mustache. The beard was maybe three inches long, made up of bushy, wiry hairs. It was pale, reddish brown. But it also seemed to be coated with some white, frosty stuff, like powdered sugar. The white stuff may actually have been the whiteness of the hairs. I may have thought about trimming my beard. I was surprised I had actually let it get this long.

      Dream #2

      I was talking with an older man. I needed to move out of my apartment, possibly because of violenced in the neighborhood as well as in the buidling itself. The man was telling me about some sort of hotel that also served as apartments for a lot of people.

      I saw outside the apartments on a sunny day. The apartment buildings were smallish, maybe three or four stories tall, and made of red brick. Somewhere was the name of the hotel, something like French Hotels. The place looked okay, but it also seemed a little dumpy.

      The older man and I were now inside one of the apartments. I wondered if this place would have bed bugs. As the man continued to talk to me about something, I considered checking under the mattress for bed bugs.

      I was now by myself in some other apartment. It was a pretty big apartment, and it felt pretty lonely. I began to think about my current apartment and all the noise I had to deal with there. I thought to one place I'd lived in only recently, but for a few years, where I'd had no troubles with my neighbors, no noise. But, then, I remembered, that place had been a separate house, not an apartment.

      I thought over what I'd just thought. It didn't make sense. I had been living in the apartment I was living in right now for a number of years. How could I have recently been living in a house for a number of years as well?

      Dream #3

      There was an outdoor camp. There were a lot of tents closely packed together outside. Bordering the left side of the tents was a big, concrete wall. Some soldiers stood on the wall or at some kind of watchtower that reached just over the wall.

      A soldier was telling a woman, possibly an older, Asian woman, to be very careful in the camp. He may have told her not to leave her tent often and to keep an eye on her children. The soldier said that wild animals were still able to get into the camp.

      The soldier said, "I don't mean that a dingo is going to eat your baby or anything."
    2. 0/2 Sun: Dreams are Weird

      by , 03-01-2011 at 12:06 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      These were long dreams, but don't really have time to go into great details.

      I don't remember the sequence of events too well. Something about my apartment. Then parking my car in the parking lot. I'm in a hurry so I do a sloppy parking job, blocking the spot next to me. I imagine a pickup truck is there. Then I am back in the apartment. I hear a knock at my door. It's someone from the apartment office. They are yelling that my car is blocking another person and I need to move it.

      Then I woke up and heard the banging sound of the construction site across the street. For a moment, it sounded like a knock at my door, just as in the dream. It took me a few moments to convince myself that the dream was just a dream and I didn't have to move my car for real.

      I'm at work. I walk past Rachel in the hall. I sense she's trying to make eye contact, but I avoid her. She's wearing a pink t-shirt. I enter my office and sit down. I notice that my desk is facing the wrong way, toward the wall instead of toward the door. A man walks in and hand me my paycheck. I don't recognize him. I assume he must be new in the HR department. The paycheck looks weird. It looks like a Scantron test form like in high school. The amount is wrong too. It's about $450 dollars, I don't recall the exact number. That's way too low. I think for a moment that it's because it is February and that's a short month. So I walk to Rachel's office ask her about it.
    3. Dream #4

      by , 02-21-2011 at 12:44 PM
      My first LD in a while. Woo! Wasn't amazing tough :/

      This was when I was making my first WILD attempt. It really didnt work. I will be trying again tonight wish me luck! So yes the dream: I find myself in a supermarket with someone I think I know and I instantly know that everything in the supermarket is trying to kill us. Things are falling off shelves next to us, electricity coming out the walls. Basically like a cross between supermarket sweep and final destination. I escape through the back door into a car park and a large grass area. I smell fire so I try to get as fr away from the buildings as possible. There are trees in random places on the field so I run for one of them. There are some people from college running away too. I look back at the supermarket and I see that it's completely on fire and the fire is starting to spread through the car park and onto the field. I feel like if I let go of the tree I'll be pulled back into the fire but I somehow get away and make it to the fence. I start to help people over because I'm a generous person like that. The scene dissolves and I think I either wake up or have a false awakening. Anywhooo this is where I turn lucid. I'm in a room, bout 2 inches tall, on top of a map. I'm afraid that if I move I will move my real body and wake myslef up. This is all really fuzzy I just remember being able to get to normal size and doing some RCs. I think I was in some sort of apartment. I try to jump out a window and fly away but I have a false awakening, then a real awakening. I think I'm going to have to try baby steps from now on when it comes to dream control.

      Sorry if some of this seems a bit jumbled I have trouble ddescribing my dreams most of the time.

    4. grammar helicopter; female harlocks; super bowl sub shop; skating kids

      by , 02-07-2011 at 12:50 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was flying a helicopter over a river at night. I was coming up on a big cityscape, the lights of which had a low, buzzing, brownish-yellow color, almost like hypnagogic vision.

      In the helicopter with me was a good looking man, maybe 15 years older than I, with blonde hair and a tan face. I was giving the man grammar lessons. I was trying to explain something about the way Homer used poetic expressions to give more vividness to his battle scenes.

      I pointed out a few examples. But then I felt like I was being too condescending, acting like the man knew nothing about grammar at all. So I tried to think of another way to explain things that would assume more intelligence in the man.

      But now the man told me, "I don't care for all that poetic stuff. I believe in direct expression. What's the most concise way you can say something?"

      I felt a little ashamed. I agreed with the man. I looked back on all my writing and wondered if I had been concise enough. I doubted it.

      I told the man I agreed with him. I was now in a hospital at night. I was in some hall. Eveything was dim, with only a few occasional ceiling lights turned on. I looked into some room through a big, plastic window. I may either have seen a newborn baby in a bed or a very injured adult in critical care.

      Dream #2

      I was walking into an anime convention. I was in some basement area, walking through a huge hallway into a large main room. The hallway and room were full of people.

      I looked behind me. A group of girls was close to me. They might have known me somehow or been my friends. Two of the girls were dressed like Captain Harlock. They looked kind of boyish, but they didn't strike me as being as dashing as Captain Harlock.

      Then I saw a third girl dressed as Captain Harlock. She was tall, thin, and blonde. Her face was perfect. I thought she looked terrific. But her hair was cut way too short, and it didn't have any of Harlock's style.

      Dream #3

      I was in an apartment that wasn't mine. I was probably watching it for somebody. The apartment was really big and nice. It was up on some high floor. The light from the windows was pinkish orange with sunset.

      For some reason I decided to leave this place and go home. I went downstairs and outside. But as soon as I was outside I saw how many people there were all over the place. It was too much for me to handle. I suddenly remembered that the Super Bowl was going on, and that everywhere in the city would be like this. It would be better for me to go back upstairs and wait for things to calm down.

      But I thought I should get something to eat before I went back upstairs. I was walking along some kind of desert road with something like carnival booths on each side. One of the booths was a Subway store. So I went into the line. I got up to the front pretty quickly. The lady in front of me, kind of short and overweight, ordered something that sounded really good. I tried to remember what she'd ordered, so I could order it, too.

      I got an image in my head of miniature pizzas with something like olive paste and lizard eyeballs on it.

      Dream #4

      I was looking out the window of a house. Down below, a group of people were skating on a snowy pond. There were three people. They wore hooded robes made or rich, red velvet. I recognized the people as being cast member from the show Kids in the Hall. But now they all looked old, ragged, and fat.

      They all had these dumb smiles on their faces, as if they were doing a skit about people who thought they were really good skaters when they were actually just morons. They spun quickly (clockwise?). They vanished beneath their robes.

      This spiining and vanishing act was carried out twice more. The first time, the men wore green robes. The second time, they wore blue robes.
    5. Day 3: Melatonin+Vitamin B6= sxephil?

      by , 02-01-2011 at 01:29 PM (A Penrose Mind)
      Blue=Lucid Red=Non-lucid Black=Awake

      Dream log day 3:

      So yeah, apparently melatonin and vitamin b6 aren't necessarily a great combo for achieving lucidity, or sleep. Once again, I only slept for about 2 hours last night, but this is mostly because I think I have a sleeping disorder, I'm getting checked about it soon.

      Anyways, my dreams were actually quite boring last night and didn't last to long, I never left my apartment in my dream! I can't remember exactly where it started and the whole thing is kind of in fragments but I'll put them in what I think is a chronological order (I wont be doing any dream topography since the whole dream occurred in my apartment),

      I'm in my room, and my computer that I usually have on my table is mounted on the door of my closet (which faces me). I seem to be able to access the computer telepathically since I never seem to use a mouse or keyboard.

      I'm looking through iTunes for some reason (I have a mac) and I find a section where it shows me all of my videos in my youtube subscription box(which I find a bit odd at first but take at face value).

      When I try to access a video I find myself outside of my room where the dining table and second computer are.

      The same interface that I was on on the computer in my room is on the computer outside too. I start a video (made by sxephil) and she first thing I see is Phillip de Franco saying:

      "Hey look a hot chick(a picture of a hot chick appears on screen)"

      He goes on about the hot chick for a while and then moves on to the "science" segment. I can't remember exactly what he said, only that science had once again confirmed something that people already knew (like for instance, "Blow jobs may lead to sex!"). At the end of the video Phil goes to bed and faps to the picture of the girl in the beginning of the video, while so in the background you can hear on the radio:

      "In other news, scientists are saying that cancer indeed still a "thing"."

      I find this fragment funny because this is what my subconscious sees as every single sxephil video ever made.

      Afterward I go to the kitchen, on my way there I look into the living room (where we keep the tv) and see that the same interface on the two computers is there too. But once again, I didn't seem to be phased by it.

      In the kitchen for some strange reason I wanted to strain a glass of milk before I drank it, but the second glass I poured the milk into through the stainer had holes in it, so the milk just spilled all over the place.

      I quickly cleaned it up with a paper towel. After that I decided to strain a glass of juice for me instead (it had pulp in it) and I just drank it down.

      I went back to the computer outside and looked at another one of phials videos, this one being a bit odd. When the video starts it takes up my whole vision as if I'm there and I become "immersed" in the story.

      At the beginning phil accidentally kill his roommate by throwing a dodge ball at his face (just roll with it) and instead of saying what really happened in the 911 call he instead claims that he died of a heart attack (just roll with it).

      "Okay." She says.

      And then just hangs up the phone. Afterwards she says to the camera,

      "Yeah, I'm gonna call the police."

      Afterwards instead of sending the police over she meets up with Phil in a city. When they first meet Phill doesn't seem to pleased.

      "I know you're a mole for the police," He says. "and that's not cool."

      "I know that your a liar!" She hisses back at him.

      For a while the exchange the word bullshit pretty angrily.

      "Oh yeah?" She yells. "Well you're not even human!"

      Suddenly, sxephil is a lizard and there both standing in the dessert. What. The. Fuck.

      "Did that really just happen?" I think to myself. Suddenly I'm de-immersed from the story and find myself back in my room, even though when the video started I was at the computer in the dining area. No only that, now my computer is back on the table and not on the closet door, and now I'm using the keyboard and mouse again (which by the way is really hard to use in a dream).

      My dad walks in and I immediately minimize the window with DV and youtube on it(I was supposed to be doing work on my essay),

      "What window is that?" He asks me, even though I minimized it before he walked in.

      My DC (yes I'll be using this term now) dad acts much more like my real dad in this dream. Instead of being understanding, interested, and supportive of me and my new found agenda he strikes it down with an iron fist.

      I quickly reopen and close the window I minimized and erase my history of DV and youtube.

      My DC dad may just be a figment of my imagination but he's not an idiot. He immediately realizes what I did and tells me he's going to cut off my internet.

      Shortly after my alarm clock goes off and I wake up. I wake up at exactly 5:30 a.m., 1st of February.

      Well once again this was a complete failure, lucidity wise and overall dream wise, but then again I first tried obtaining lucidity 2 days ago, I don't expect instant results. I almost lost my dream recall too. I'll be trying a different reality check this time, one I do every time I walk through a door, the "Still being able to breathe while you pinch your nose" one, and really begin to question my reality and weather I'm dreaming or not.

      Edit: I think I woke up with a bloody nose today. When I woke up there was definitely something coming out of my nose but at the time I thought it was just mucus. Later in the day, I found what looked like blood encrusted on my finger nail. I wonder if that means anything. Anyway, no more melatonin+b6 for me anymore.

      Well wish me luck.

      P.s. There are probably spelling errors in this cause I wrote it at six in the morning, but whatever.

      Updated 02-01-2011 at 10:53 PM by 41835

    6. First Lucid Dream

      by , 01-25-2011 at 11:25 AM
      Lovely, had my first lucid dream today, (25-01-11) while I had a free period. After setting an alarm, so I wouldn't get late for my next class, and making the guy in the other room turn the volume of his crappy music down, I descended into sleep. I was in a small apartment or hotel room with my parents, and I was going to the bathroom, then I noticed that there was a toilet, only the inside of the toilet was outside the toilet? (weird) and I soon after realised that I was dreaming, and to test this, I made my parents disappear, and they did. Lovely! But since this was my first time, I did not have much control, and I didn't really do much things myself. But I did manage to summon a pretty girl to snog on I only came to that, cause I began to lose more and more control of it, and the dream started to blur out (or maybe my expectations of it bluring out, made it do it). I tried the spinning technique, and it worked.. kinda. I managed to hold the dream a little longer, but it was too late. When I finally awoke, I realised that it was just about the time that my alarm was set to, and quite right, only bout 20 seconds later, my alarm started to sound. Perhaps my inner clock knew that I had to leave for class about now?

      Updated 02-02-2011 at 05:38 PM by 41591

    7. My Father

      by , 01-19-2011 at 10:35 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      This was a weakly lucid dream for several days ago. I didn't have time to journal it at the time. I don't recall much of the dream, but my interpretation is memorable.

      I am in my apartment living room. I see my father. He is sitting at the couch. He is bent over, writing something on the coffee table. I notice he is writing with his left hand.

      Interpretation: My father isn't left-handed, but I am. I am the only person in my family who is left-handed. It's something I identify strongly with. When I saw in the dream that my father was writing with his left-hand, I realized that this dream character actually represented an aspect of myself. This made me think of when I look in the mirror in waking life. I see myself and, as I've become an adult, I look a lot like my father. When I look at my reflection, I see my father. This upsets me because I have a bad relationship with my father and a negative opinion of him. I have collected all my own negative character traits and projected them on to an image of my father. But really, it is myself. I can't reject and avoid the negative aspects of myself. I must accept them and work toward a holistic personal goal.
    8. Biggie's literary skills; boss vomits; boss' bad neighborhood

      by , 01-16-2011 at 03:13 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was telling somebody how the Notorious BIG "could actually write," by which I meant to say that he had very good literary skills. I had apparently known this from letters or messages I'd received from him. I'd also, apparently, had a few conversations with him, and I remembered his voice sounding very gentle and distinguished. At some point Biggie may have been sitting near me, wearing a white t-shirt and sunglasses.

      Dream #2

      My boss was in some very dim space, before a white wall which, in the dim light, looked faintly purple. It almost looked like the room was lit by a fish tank light.

      My boss began throwing up some blackish substance that looked like a mix between dog feces and those ash-worm "fireworks." The substance was small and came out slowly. My boss may even have pulled it out of his mouth. My boss seemed to be extremely uncomfortable and a little afraid.

      Dream #3

      I was in some room of an apartment with my boss and a couple other people. There were no curtains on the windows, so plenty of light came into the room. It was a bright summer day. The room seemed pretty empty, but the people in the room and our mood made the place seem really stuffy.

      The apartment was probably my apartment. My boss or someone else was on the phone with someone, trying to get me moved out of my neighborhood. Apparently something bad had happened here, either to or around me, and the people in my life decided that they needed to get me out of here as soon as possible.

      Suddenly my boss seemed jealous of all these people talking about how I had recently had such a hard time in my neighborhood. My boss said, "Well, you know, I live in a pretty tough neighborhood myself. Right now."

      As my boss continued his speech, it was like we were driving down some side road in a rolling area full of tall, tan grass. We came to a "T" in the road at the bottom of a short, steep slope and probably turned left.

      My boss continued, "My house is just a refurbished house. It used to be a crack house. In fact, when we moved into our place, we found a whole bunch of drugs that the cops have forgotten to clean out. I'd say that's a pretty tough neighborhood!"
    9. 1/4 Wed: A Vivid Lucid and American Psycho

      by , 12-31-2010 at 10:40 AM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      American Psycho Playground
      0524: I am in what seems to be a school playground in the middle of nowhere. Sandboxes, grassy areas, pull-up bars, chain-link fences, and so on. Christian Bale from American Psycho is here, chasing me and other people. Somehow he gets stabbed and falls to the ground. He calls an ambulance. The rest of us run and hide behind cover. He can't move but he's still throwing sharp things like knives and and pencils. One almost hits me. He is covered in blood. I'm not very afraid though. Just cautious to dodge the projectiles.

      short WBTB, just long enough to drink a glass of water with a B-complex supplement

      In bed, notice the nearby electrical outlet. It's making a noise like running water. I remove the plug from the top outlet and move it to the bottom, thinking that will somehow help.

      My mother is in the next room. I overhear her talking to herself. She says that I was talking in my sleep.

      Vivid Lucid With Some Tasks
      Method DILD (prospective memory), DEILD
      Lucidity B
      Vividness A
      Control B
      1134: Begin recall in my bathroom. The light is off and the door is open. Dim morning light coming through my bedroom window. I remember my own advice to look at my hands and count my fingers. At first they appear normal but I stare at them for a moment. A finger on my left hand starts to look distorted and wavy. Bingo, I must be dreaming. I also notice the orientation of the bathroom is backwards compared to the real one.

      I walk out the bathroom, through my bedroom, and on into the living room. There I see my father laying on the ground between the couch and coffee table. He's wrapped in a robe, like he's sick. I ask him a question, but move on. I peek in my roommate's room, but he's not there. I haven't stopped to think of a plan, so I'm just wandering aimlessly.

      I exit the front door and find myself in an unfamiliar stairway. I go down one flight and pass by two young women. I think I said to them: "Oh, you're pretty, and so are you." They are carrying piles of clothes. I reason that they are moving in to the building. I stop on the landing of the floor below. It's covered with boxes and more clothes everywhere. I say aloud: "Wow, this place is really messy." Then I think: Wait, this is my place. It is my own dream in my own mind. Maybe the mess is symbolic. I pick up some of the clothes to get a closer look. They are actually neatly folded. I say aloud: "I guess I like my place like this." I'm not sure what I meant by that.

      Now I exit the building and find myself in yet another unfamiliar setting. The building I was in is at the top of a rather steep hill. I am looking down a narrow street that goes down the hill with buildings, trees, and alleys on either side. It's only wide enough for foot traffic, no cars. I'd guess it looks a bit like San Francisco more than Los Angeles. Anyway, it's bright day and many people are on the street, going in and out of shops and sitting at cafe patio tables.

      About half way down the hill, there is an awning that catches my attention. I think to fly and land on it. I start to fly but sputter and lose height. I land under the awning. I sit down at a cafe patio table. Also at the table is a young man with dark brown "bedhead" hair and a scraggly beard. In a hip way, not an ugly way. He's holding an Amazon Kindle. He's talking to a nearby waitress. Neither of them see to notice my presence.

      Dream fades. I DEILD back.

      I'm back at the same cafe patio. The man with the Kindle stands up and walks away, never having noticed me. I stand up and now have more lucidity and control. I walk to the middle of the street and look around, thinking of what to do. I'm a bit distracted as I notice a older woman standing at a podium nearby. Maybe the hostess of a restaurant. Or maybe she's selling something. I snap back into focus and remember a few tasks. Meditate. Hmm. Risky. I decide I'm not ready for that. Laugh. I can do that. I enjoy a big loud "HA HA HA!" in the middle of this busy street. Everyone stops and turns to look at me. The noisy chatter turns dead quiet. Am I embarrassed? No, surprisingly.

      Now I have everyone's attention. What next? Cry and pick a fight. Not sure why I thought of these two things together. I look around the crowd and pick out the biggest, meanest guy. He's a tall, wide, Samoan-looking guy. I look up at him and taunt him with a childish "Boo hoo!" crying gesture. Then I punch him in the face with a right hook. He punches back but I block with my left arm and counter with another right. He tries a few more times but I block and counter-punch again and again. He swings once more, loses his balance and falls. I place one leg on him, like I'm posing on top of a mountain.

      I start to think what to do next, but the dream fades.
    10. woman fights back; bugs in girl's house

      by , 12-11-2010 at 03:47 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I recall two dreams from last night. They're both fragmented.

      I've been sick over the past couple days, and my sleep cycle has been all weird. So I think my body has taken whatever sleep it could get, and my dreams have been of secondary concern.

      Plus, my boss has been playing some wacky cat and mouse game with me for the past two weeks. I've been stressing out, waiting for some resolution. It gets more stressful each day. That obviously screws with my dream memory, too.

      Dream #1

      A black and white view, as if of a somewhat modern movie posing as an old, black and white movie. A young, red-haired woman in kind of greasy denim overalls and a button-up work shirt was in her apartment, backed up against a wall or the doorway to a wide closet. The woman looked panicked.

      A number of men rushed into the room. They were all big and strong. But the woman had a wrench. She smacked one man on the back of the neck with a wrench. She may have also beat another man with the wrench. The remaining men may have run away or scattered back against the opposite wall of the room, possibly near a radiating heater.

      I got the impession of the men's names (or heard the men's names through narration?). The men's names were very similar, mostly like variations of Neil, like Niall, Niell, Nall, and Neil. Another man was either named Duncan or MacDuff.

      Dream #2

      A girl lay on the top bunk of some tall bunk bed. She noticed that she had bed bugs. Some other person, possibly a child, was probably up on the bunk bed with her. The girl started explaining that she knew she had bed bugs. She may have started explaining how she'd gotten them.

      Her explanation became a narration from an adult male voice. The dream's view flew, just beneath the roof, through the girl's house (it might actually have been the girl's house -- i.e. she lived there by herself), to the front door.

      The narrator explained how three bugs came in through the crack at the bottom of the door. I now saw three bugs come in. One was a "bed bug" (it was kind of a brownish, beetle-like creature). Another was a strange bug that looked like a mix between a big roach and a shaggy-looking trilobite. The last was possibly some kind of black beetle.

      The narrator explained how each of the three bugs was attracted by some different element in the house. The narrator seemed to disregard the black beetle altogether throughout his explanation.

      The narrator began with the shaggy trilobite. The trilobite had been attracted by some kind of mucousy substance on the floor. As the trilobite scurried along the floor, following this mucousy trail, which would have been unnoticeable to the human eye, it also created a mucousy trail. The trilobite may have ended up somewhere like the kitchen.

      I didn't care much about the trilobite, and I was wondering when the narrator would finally get to the bed bugs. Finally the narrator explained the way bed bugs got into the house. I missed or forgot the explanation. I just saw the girl's bed again, the high bunk bed, dizzyingly high off the ground, almost touching the ceiling.
    11. web service; home invaders; young sarah silverman

      by , 12-10-2010 at 01:12 PM
      Good morning, everybody. My dream recall from last night is pretty fragmented, especially for the first dream.

      Dream #1

      In the context of something else I can no longer remember, I was looking at a website which offered some kind of songwriting (?) service. The user would either be charged by word written or by number of whole songs (?) written, depending on how many songs had been written and how long the songs were.

      Dream #2

      I was coming home at night. I was across the street from "my apartment building." I looked up to the windows of "my apartment" and saw that my lights were on. This, I knew, meant that someone was in my place, as if someone had broken into my place and was just hanging around in there while I was away.

      I was now in "my apartment." I was going from room to room, trying to find whether the person was still there. I had a lot of rooms.

      In one of the rooms, possibly the bathroom, I pulled back the curtains to the window. I saw that the window was wide open. I knew that the person who had come in here had gotten in through this window.

      I went through the rooms, trying to find evidence that someone had been in my place. Was anything missing or misplaced? Was anything in disarray? But I don't think I found anything wrong. I may eventually have found some mess under or on top of a bed in a dim bedroom.

      I eventually had one of my friends come over to investigate as well. I don't recognize my friend, and I'm not sure I ever saw him directly in the dream. He was an older, tall, white man with carefully arranged, grey, wavy hair. He wore a very nice suit.

      At some point the man and I had left the apartment. I probably had to go on with my normal daily life despite the threat of this house invader.

      But the man had an idea. If I stayed close to the apartment but I made it look like I had left the apartment building with no intention of coming back, perhaps the intruder would come back.

      So now the old man and I were milling around in the deli near my building. I was probably looking at some bags of chips.

      At some point, it may have become evident that the intruder was back in my place. The old man and I may have headed back to the place.

      Dream #3

      I was watching some old clip of a role Sarah Silverman had had as a child. Apparently she was in some kind of show about high school kids But she looked as young as an elementary school kid. She was also wearing a costume that looked like a plush easter bunny costume, except that it was Elmo-red.

      Silverman stood on some huge stage, like for the Lawrence Welk show. The stage and the background were a seamless pink. Silverman stood with a young male friend beside a minivan, which was being displayed, as if for a game show. The front of the minivan was pointed toward the back of the stage.

      Silverman was doing some act where she was supposed to be giving a huge, smart monologue about all the great characteristics of this prize minivan. But, as part of the act, she kept screwing up her lines until, out of frustration, she (still part of the act) threw the boy into the minivan and then slammed the sliding door shut.

      Silverman then got into the front seat of the van. The shot was from the inside of the van now. It felt like the van was also oriented in the opposite direction.

      Silverman was still giving some kind of monologue as she pouted and slouched in the seat, her knees up against the steering wheel. The monologue was supposed to be funny.

      But the audience (of whom I hadn't been aware previously) was booing Silverman. Apparently they had been really offended by the way she had thrown the young man in the car, even though it had only been meant to be the comedic climax to her act.
    12. apartments and dorms to dream-character dissolve

      by , 12-08-2010 at 01:09 PM
      Good morning everybody. This dream definitely ended around 1 AM. I had gone to bed at about 9:30 PM.

      Although the end of this dream is very interesting (by my standards -- my dreams are tame compared to the others on this site!), and although it seems pretty spontaneous, I feel it was actually influenced by waking life -- namely by the part in Emiko's dream from yesterday where the boy tells her his name is Thomas.

      Dream #1

      I was in an apartment. Some stuff here happened that I no longer remember.

      A young, pretty, and somehow motherly woman then told me something about how the doors of the apartment were open. This meant something like I would now be able to get back into the apartment, whereas before, I think, once I'd gone out I couldn't come back. The woman asked me to go pick up some kind of food.

      I left the apartment. It was night. The apartment was a two-story building with outdoor balconies connecting the second story apartments. The area around the apartment felt like it was under construction or like it had been neglected or destoyed.

      I think I was now planning to ask my cousin for the food the young woman had requested. I crossed the street to where my cousin lived. The building was a "college dorm," but it actually looked like a military living space for in the desert. It was long, half-cylindrical, and painted green.

      I was now inside. The space was like a small supply warehouse. The floors were concrete. The space was lit by lamps hanging from the ceiling. There were a lot of young men around. They were largely congregating toward the back of this structure, where there was a big TV.

      This was the first day of something like college or an extended trip that these guys were taking during college. The guys had all just settled into their dorms.

      Along the left and right walls were doorways leading to a bedroom. Each boy had a bedroom. Beside each doorway was a small kitchenette and a small washer-dryer combo. I had a hard time telling whether each boy had his own kitchenette, washer, and dryer, or whether two rooms each shared one set. I either couldn't tell or didn't wonder where the bathrooms were.

      I knew that I also had a room here. But I figured I'd probably continue living in the apartment. The boys all seemed cool. But I had a feeling that if I lived around them too long, I'd attract their bad attention and make a bad situation for myself.

      I wondered if I had food of my own in the kitchenette that belonged to me. But I didn't concern myself with checking. I knew I'd come here to find my cousin.

      I found my cousin at the back of the structure, near the TV. He may have looked like a kid. We spoke for a little while. We were then met by a boy my cousin introduced me to as C, a boy from my cousin's neighborhood. C, who had been short, thin, and pale as a kid, was now tall, tan, and muscular. I was surprised to find myself attracted to him.

      I heard some noise in waking life that began to wake me from my dream.

      But I still lay in a dream state. I had a vision of three figures. They looked like "little girl in dress" figures cut out of felt and made to interlock. One figure was black; one, grey; and one, white.

      I very sensibly heard the figures speaking. They spoke in male and female voices. They were talking about how they had been dream characters but how, now that the dream was ending, they were going back to some place where they spent the rest of their time.

      They were speaking with each other in a joking, familiar tone about the stuff they had shown me during my dream. One of the female voices addressed another character as David. The name David affected me for a number of reasons, which I was very aware of, having to do with both family members and big world events that had happened when I was young.

      I had the understanding that these characters were actually elements of my personality, and that at this moment they were all autonomous to interact with each other, apart from me. It was kind of like being able to look in from the outside on a schizophrenic episode, which kind of worried me.

      I could now sense the characters sinking away somewhere, possibly into the base of my brain, or the very top of the back of my neck.

      I now had a beautiful hypnagogic vision: a black background filled with twirling squares and circles, curtains full, of purple, scale-like shapes. This vision buzzed around for a while, then faded away into waking life altogether.
    13. 2/4 Sun: 2010-12-05

      by , 12-08-2010 at 12:53 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Catching up after a few days without Internet.

      Guests, Cookies
      Method DILD (false awakening)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control B
      0623: Start with a false awakening and I become lucid very quickly. I'm in my own room. It's dark and still. I am a bit frightened. I get out of bed and fall toward the far wall as it gravity is going sideways. Up against the wall, I think to leave this room and go to a more pleasant scene. I visualize walking out the door to be joined by my friends having fun. Gravity now seems to be normal. I turn to the door and see light through the crack. This makes me hopeful. I walk confidently through the door.

      On the other side is my living room, just like my real apartment. But it's light and pleasant here. Two young kids are running around the room having fun. I don't recognize them but I am friendly toward them. "Hi, I'm so glad you guys are here!" I walk up to one of the boys and stoop down. "Hey have you seen my girlfriend? Why don't you go look for her in the hallway. The kid runs out the front door. I look around the room and notice the strange wallpaper. It's bright yellow background with brightly colored patterns. Maybe plaid. I walk toward the front door and peek outside. I see the kid with two other people. One is S from work. The other is a short middle-aged woman that looks a bit like my mother but is unfamiliar.

      I am pleasantly surprised to see S, considering I spent a long lucid dream a few months ago trying and failing to summon her. She looks a bit strange, like she just woke up. Her hair is messy and her face is rough without makeup. But it's definitely her. I kiss her a few times, gentle pecks on the lips. I welcome everyone in. I notice the kids still running around. I walk to the TV. "Hey, I'll turn on the XBox for you guys." I bend over and turn on the the game system, but it's actually a PS3. I think for a moment that I'm silly to make that mistake. I start to correct myself but then think, whatever, and let it go.

      I turn back toward S and walk to the kitchen. There, I see a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. "Oh my God, my favorite!" I say. I take one and take a bit. It's so soft and gooey and sticky and delicious. I turn to S and smile. She says that the old woman made them. I thank her. I beckon S to come closer so she can try one. But the dream fades.

      Another False Awakening
      Method DILD (false awakening)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness D
      Control D
      0727: Playing soccer. I throw-in the ball from near our own goal. My team's defense sucks and the other team quickly steals the ball and scores. I get mad and attack the goalie. I knock him down. I turn to the rest of the players and they all shocked and staring, afraid of me.

      False awakening and I become lucid. My room is dark. I sit up but can't move my legs. I look around and fixate on the door. I remember the previous dream and how I got out by using the door. Then I look at my hands and rub them together. I alternate between looking at the door and my hands. I'm trying to inching along the bed but I don't seem to be getting any closer.

      I think to summon someone to walk through the door. I look at the door and become distracted by what looks like a mirror hanging on the door. It's about the size of a sheet of paper and it's hanging just about a foot off the ground. In front of the door, there seems to be a video camera on a short tripod. Also just about a foot off the ground. The camera is pointed toward the mirror and there's a dim spot light shining. I think, what the heck is that?. Dream fades from my confusion.

      Football Fragment
      1016: I'm a football player in the middle of a game. I'm playing tailback. The quarterback hands the ball off to me and I run left and dive over the line to the goal. It's very vivid and exciting.

      1048: Something about using a computer to erase memories of dreams. But you can't erase dreams with you are dreaming of while you are accessing the memory of the dream, so you have to be thinking of something else.
    14. two-floor house, karaoke books, packed house

      by , 11-18-2010 at 12:55 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I recall three dreams from "last night" -- although these dreams all come from about the last hour that I was in bed.

      Dream #1

      I was in "my house," which was a two-floor house. I was in a bedroom on the second floor of the house. The curtains were pulled back. Outside, the sky looked grey and cold.

      I may have just moved into this house. I was kind of surprised that I had so much space. I'd never had this much space in my life. Still, the place wasn't huge. It was two floors, but it was rather narrow.

      Nevertheless, as I walked down the stairs to the first floor, I thought that people would see a guy like me living in a place like this, and, getting jealous, they'd try to break into my place.

      I tried to think of what I could do to prevent a break-in. I thought I would never use anything I owned while sitting near a window on the second floor. That way nobody would ever see that I actually owned anything.

      I thought that the only thing I would do on the first floor would be to watch TV, even though I thought that would be dangerous, too. But I figured that everybody owned a TV. So why would anybody want mine, too?

      I considered what I would watch on TV. I wondered if I had cable TV. I hadn't owned a TV in quite some tiime. Maybe everybody got cable TV nowadays. Or maybe, I thought, this place was like a hotel. And all hotels had cable TV. I may have considered watching some porn.

      Dream #2

      I was in a living room of an apartment with a group of friends, none of whom I recognize. The friends were all young, pretty cool. The living room was a little dim, as if it were lit only from a light in the hallway, around a corner.

      I sat on the floor before a coffee table that was set against the wall. A stereo stood on the coffee table. Cluttered before the stereo were huge binders full of lists of karaoke songs.

      I had one book open and was flipping through the pages, trying to find a particular song. But the book was full of pictures instead of titles. Each page may have had two or three CD-sized pictures on each side. One picture I remember of a person (man?) standing over a dark landscape under a purple sky.

      There were so few pictures per page and so few pages in this book, that I thought the chances were slim of my song being in this book. And I couldn't figure out how the songs were arranged: not in alphabetical order, but in some kind of picture order -- if they were, in fact, in any order at all.

      I concluded that my song wasn't in this particular book. Somebody may have taken the book from me. I shuffled through some of the other books. I may now not even have been able to remember what song I wanted to sing.

      The covers of the binders were all really awesome. They had all kinds of flaming designs of people,guitars, and monsters. Each binder held song lists for a specific genre of music, and the picture on the front represented the genre. Sometimes the picture actually had the name of the genre written above it in fancy lettering.

      I finally chose a certain binder, figuring this was the genre of music I wanted to sing, so that the song I'd been looking for all along would probably be in this binder.

      Dream #3

      I was at "my house," an apartment on the upper floor of a big building. The apartment probably had a living room and two or three bedrooms.

      The apartment was busy with a few other people, probably all older than me, some of them somewhat older. There weren't a lot of people in the apartment, but the craziness of their actions made it feel like the place was stuffed with people. The living room was bright, frenetic, and totally messy.

      The apartment was all mine, but the people who were here right now were trying to move in and stay here. For some reason, I really wasn't doing much about it.

      Just off from the living room was a small, bright hallway. At the end of the hallway was a little niche, in which was set a white, wood chest of drawers. The chest was a little more than a meter tall, and maybe 2/3 of a meter wide.

      Some old, short, fat, white man with a balding head, scraggly, grey hair, and a loose, stubbly face, had one of the drawers open and was crowding me away from it. I was fighting the man, trying to get him out of my stuff. This was my chest, and the man had no right messing around with it.

      But the man kept shoving me off. He was pouring stuff into the top drawer from out of a garbage bag. The old man himself may have been wearing a weird outfit that looked like a mix between a potato sack, long underwear, a mattress, and a garbage bag.

      I looked into the drawer. It looked like there were a bunch of small, empty,glass vials inside. It looked like vials that had once held drugs. I got really mad. Was this guy pouring garbage bags full of drugs and drug paraphernalia all over my house?
    15. Indoor neighborhood, mysterious subway, crazy man and river

      by , 11-13-2010 at 05:09 PM
      (Good morning, everybody. This is a really long entry. Sorry.

      I remember three dreams from last night. The first two dreams happened sometime between midnight and 5 AM. The third dream was between about 5:30 AM and 7 AM.

      I became lucid in the third dream, and sustained my lucidity for quite a while. But I think it was mainly because I “conserved my energy” and didn’t really try anything out of my normal range of dream-activity.)

      Dream #1

      I was coming back to “my apartment.” I was walking through a building that itself was as big as a small neighborhood. I walked through one area, a huge room with tall ceilings and wood walls.

      As I walked through the area, I went past a young man and woman who were possibly standing outside the door to the woman’s apartment. The door may have been pale blue.

      The woman was very pretty, with copper-colored skin and long, straight, black hair. The man was handsome, white, tall, with blonde hair about down to his shoulders. He wore a grey, wool cap and some winter clothes.

      The man was telling the woman that he would make sure her move went smoothly. She was apparently moving to another place, and she was nervous about it. I gathered, from the man’s speech to the woman, that the man would make sure she didn’t experience the same harassment she’d experienced at her present apartment.

      But as I was walking past the couple (I didn’t actually get very close to them, and I had to exit via another door into another room in order to get to “my building”), the man and woman expressed some kind of concern that I was going to get them in trouble. It was as if, as well as the woman experiencing harassment from some group of people, the man and the woman had themselves been accused of causing trouble in their neighborhood. They thought I was the kind of person who would get them in trouble again.

      I walked softly and quickly through the door, trying my best to give an impression to the man and woman that I was nice, that I wouldn’t harass the woman, and that I wouldn’t get the man and woman in trouble – in other words, that I would just mind my own business.

      I walked into the next area, which was like a mix between some completely forgotten room or corridor in an enormous mansion and a back alley. A light shone from high above, and at the heights of the room, it was dark as night, though it was light enough near the floor. The walls were wood, and the floor had a pale, blue-grey carpeting. But there was junk everywhere, like tattered cardboard boxes, wadded up pieces of wrapping plastic, and other garbage. There seemed to be turns and staircases here and there, leading up to other “apartment buildings.”

      I walked toward my building, which didn’t even have a front door, just a staircase leading up to a winding ramp into darkness. My landlord, an older, black man or woman, stood at the top of or on one of the curves in the ramp. He/she apparently knew I was coming home, so he/she was waiting to welcome me back. I may have been away for a few days, doing something like visiting my family.

      I didn’t realize, but the young man had followed me all the way here. My “building,” it turned out, was the building that the young woman would be staying in. I thought that for sure the man would now be panicked. He and the woman had been so afraid to begin with that I would get them in trouble. And now it looked like I had “reverse followed” him all the way to the woman’s new residence.

      I tried to act natural and cool, to make the man understand I wasn’t going to do anything mean to him or the woman. I spoke a little bit with the landlord, in a kind of easy, happy tone. I then said I was going to head on in to my room and get a little rest.

      As I headed toward my room, through a door along a dim balcony facing at an odd angle to the ramps and the long alley-corridor, I heard the landlord now speaking with the young man. I thought, Why not prove that I’m a good guy, and let the young man see inside my room? Once he sees how lived-in my place is, he’ll know I’ve been here a few years, I’m a decent guy, and that I won’t do anything rude or mean to the woman or him?

      So I called attention to the landlord and the young man. I had them come over to my room. I opened the door to my room. The room was humongous and dim. But I could tell, just by glancing inside, that the room was a complete mess – a disaster! Plus, the place just let out a horrendous smell, like tons and tons of socks that hadn’t been washed for months!

      I quickly closed the door and told the landlord and young man nevermind, that I must have forgotten what I wanted to tell them. They walked away, kind of disappeared.

      I suddenly felt suspicious of the young man. I felt that, now that he’d seen even just a little into my room, and he’d seen where I live, that he’d try to break into my room. I closed my door. I walked slowly away, as if I was trying to put on some kind of show that I didn’t really live in this apartment.

      I suddenly recognized that, just beyond my door, the wall to my room only went up to about the middle of my chest. You could see inside the room just by standing out on the balcony. I looked inside, hoping that nothing of value would be easily spotted, prompting the young man to break into my house and steal things.

      All I could see, though, anywhere, was a bunch of clutter and garbage. I felt like there was no way I could have left my place this way when I’d left. Had I been that neglectful of things? Or had I been gone so long that my place just kind of dissolved into these shambles of itself?

      I walked around the corner of the balcony, now facing some dim corner of the alley-corridor directly, but still having a good view into my room.

      Down below, in my room, I saw a huge, pale-blue, L-shaped couch. It was completely torn up. The stuffing of the couch was bloating out of the cushions, and a black, metal frame jutted out the edges.

      Suddenly, my mother burst out from the inside of the couch. She scrambled out of the couch cushions. She then rabidly twitched and scratched against the couch, tearing it even more to pieces. She looked terrible, like she’d become some kind of wild animal.

      I was terrified by this. But I quickly became indignant. Who had allowed my mother into my apartment? I ran down the balcony to find someone to complain to.

      I ended up on some dark hilltop, under a small tree. It was pitch black night, but I could see, as if a car from somewhere were shining its lights on the scene. There were a few people wandering around, possibly Hispanic.

      I found my father, who was almost cartoonishly wide. He was also dressed somewhat like a clown, in red clothes with pink and orange polka-dots. He may even have worn a clown-nose.

      I yelled at my dad, “Why did you let my mom into my apartment?”

      My dad gave me some kind of excuse that sounded half-hearted but official, so that I couldn’t really argue against it.

      Dream #2

      I was in a subway station, waiting for the train to come. I was in a far-off, unfamiliar neighborhood, and I had been doing some kind of activity that made me tired and ready to go back somewhere familiar.

      The subway station was more like the lobby for a building like a hospital. I sat at a table in an area that looked like a makeshift café. The serving counter may have been in a small room, off to my right. Behind me, there may have been the main lobby area, large and bright, with a lot of sunlight flowing through the window-walls.

      To my left was a wide doorway, through which I could see one subway platform. Through a kind of dim, plasticky window at the opposite end of the room and in front of me, I could see another subway platform.

      I pulled out a book, crossed my legs, slumped in my chair, and started reading. A couple of teenage boys sat down a couple of tables away from me. They were making jokes with each other, pretty relaxed. They seemed cool. But for some reason, I didn’t want them to notice me. I thought they might start trouble.

      Suddenly I could see, from some kind of reflection, that the train on the platform to my left was coming. It seemed to be coming without warning and very quickly. In a rush, the boys and I stood up from our tables and ran to the platform.

      But I didn’t want the boys to know I got on this train. I felt that if they knew this about me they could hurt me somehow. So I tried to act like I wasn’t getting onto this train.

      But when I got out to the platform (which was huge, wide, with tall ceilings, nothing like in NYC), the train wasn’t there. I heard the rushing of a train to my left. I looked and saw, down the platform, and up at the top of a tall staircase, a different train arriving at another platform. Was it just that train I’d heard? But I could have sworn I’d seen the train arrive on this platform, as well as heard it.

      I looked down into the well for the train and tracks for my platform – and was terribly shocked! Instead of tracks, the floor was completely empty, trackless, and painted a bright yellow. There were no tracks! No train could ever have arrived here! But I was sure this was where the train was supposed to be – where I had actually seen it arrive!

      I felt terribly foggy all of the sudden, as if I had fallen into a different world.

      I heard the train on the second platform, off to my right, arriving. I thought I’d take that train. But I knew it wouldn’t get me anywhere close to where I wanted to go. I knew I’d just have to take this train, at this platform, whenever it came, no matter how long it took.

      So I went back into the café area to go back to reading my book.

      Dream #3

      I was in my great-grandmother’s house. I had apparently been there for a long time. The place looked nothing like it had looked while my great-grandmother was alive: it was dim, grey-blue, and strewn garbage, household items, and even streams of toilet paper.

      I walked around in the kitchen and dining room, possibly picking up and eating and drinking pieces of food and drink that had been left out for a long time on dirty plates and in dirty, grimy cups. There may also have been dirty, rusty knives, or something like that, somewhere.

      I walked back into the living room. I felt like I had isolated myself in my great-grandmother’s house for so long. It had been days. Here I’d been, back home all this time, and I hadn’t visited my mother once!

      I thought I’d give her a call and let her know I was at my great-grandma’s house, and that she could come visit me or maybe even pick me up so we could go somewhere to visit with each other. But I hesitated – I now felt so guilty having neglected my mother for all these days, that I knew just calling her would cause me a lot of heart-breaking pain.

      I was suddenly in “my bedroom” at “my house.” The room was clean, a little barren. Nice sunlight flowed in through the window. It was cheerful enough. But it felt somehow lonely – not just lonely, but sterile, padded.

      Something about this feeling made me realize I was dreaming. I realized I was now lucid. I told myself to keep calm and just go exploring this place as if it were a real environment.

      (Oddly enough, when I became lucid, I may have “transformed” into a tallish, white, young man with tanned skin, blue eyes, and short-shaved, blonde hair. I have no idea why.)

      I walked out of the bedroom and into “my living room.” I was in a suburban house. The house looked small and nice. But it was completely empty. It had thick, brown carpet.

      I walked very slowly, to keep my emotions calm. I was heading for the front door. This was a kind of challenge for me, and I knew (even in my dream-state), that I had to keep calm in order to do this. I knew, I remembered (the truth, not a false memory – I mean, insofar as etc., etc.) that when I’d become lucid indoors in the past, my lucidity would end as soon as I walked outside, as if I hadn’t believed my imagination could “create” an outdoor space.

      I got to the door. It had a strange bolt-lock on it, which I thought was kind of over-doing things. I worked the lock out and pulled open the door.

      It was a bright, sunshiny day in a suburban neighborhood. I told myself to remain calm, remember this was all a dream, and just explore the place like it was a real environment.

      My front yard was a tangle of flowery vegetation and rough, dark shrubs. There was a driveway off to my right, with a big, brown, 1970s-style car.

      A blonde man, very tan, with a long tangle of hair and beard, was messing around near “my car.” He looked crazy, and I was afraid of him. But I was also pissed that he was messing around my car. So I yelled at him, “Hey! Hey! What are you doing?”

      The crazy man hunched up (he never really stood) and turned toward me. He shouted and growled and barked all kinds of weird things at me and started rambling toward me violently. For some reason, he was holding a Panini and a paper plate in his hands, as if he had been eating a Panini when he’d seen my car and decided to vandalize it or rip it off.

      It seemed as if the crazy man were going to try to invade my home. So I yelled at him, “Don’t you come near!”

      The neighbor from the house to my left, an Asian man, in his late 30s or early 40s, wearing glasses, a pink-red polo shirt, and khaki shorts, walked out of his house and into my yard. He’d heard the commotion and was coming to help me.

      I yelled again at the crazy man to back off and not to come anywhere near my home. But I also tried to make it seem to my neighbor like I had the situation under control. I felt like this crazy man was somehow important to whatever I was supposed to learn from this lucid dream. So I had to keep him at a distance without scaring him away entirely. I also wanted to make sure my neighbor didn’t scare away the crazy man.

      Off to my right, in my garden, I saw a strange plant that looked like a Cleome topped with a cabbage. The cabbage was pink and white, like Cleome flowers.

      Somehow, either my yelling my neighbor’s yelling had finally scared away the crazy man. He ran off. I, and possibly my neighbor, ran after him.

      He ran down toward a chain link fence that ran along the crest of a kind of tall, kind of steep, cliff-like hill. I was calling to the crazy man to stop. I wasn’t trying to do him harm. But my neighbor was running faster than me, and he was chasing the crazy man quite violently.

      The crazy man found a bent-up part of chain-link fence and crawled under it. I followed. I saw the crazy man run down the steep, brown hill-face, jumping into a shallow, muddy river or creek at the bottom.

      My neighbor was still ahead of me, intent on capturing the crazy man. But once the crazy man was in the water, he did something to himself so that my neighbor could no longer see him. He had changed his wild, blonde hair into a weird, pink, green, and white, spiky flower style, looking like a hairdo-mix of a Cleome and a lotus. He ducked down low in the creek so that only his head was above water.

      But I could still see that it was the crazy man. I wondered why my neighbor couldn’t. Nothing was different about the crazy man’s face: it was just his hair that looked like a lotus floating on the water.

      I could see that the crazy man was drifting toward a group of copper-skinned, black haired children who were playing and splashing about near the creek’s banks. I thought that it might be a good idea to get the crazy man away from the children. He had gone over to them to blend in with them until we left. But I had a feeling that if he suddenly went crazy again, he could hurt the kids.

      But now the crazy man and my neighbor were gone. I stood in some rocky area, looking down to the kids playing in the creek. At some point I looked over to my right and saw that there was a subway station, just jutting in a platform out of the hill, as if it were half-finished, forgotten. But it also looked new, clean, modern, even futuristic. And it was functional.

      I saw some kids, maybe pre-teen or teenage, playing around near the platform, waiting for the train. I was up near the top of the hill now (which, instead of being muddy or earthy, was now rocky). I was at a pretty level view with the platform and with the kids. I hoped they wouldn’t notice me, because I didn’t want them to start trouble with me.

      My emotions got so unstable that I felt my lucidity fading away.

      But instead of the dream continuing, not lucid, everything blacked out. I told myself, you’re losing your lucidity. You’re waking up altogether. Go back to being in the dream, and being lucid.

      So now I was back in the dream, lucid. I lay, stomach down, over some ledge of rock, looking down to some of the kids playing in the creek. They may have been a boy and a girl. They noticed me and started handing me toys to play with with them. One of the toys was a plastic horse.

      I played around with the horse a little bit, then handed it back to the kids, who went back into the water.

      I walked into the subway station. Inside, it seemed like it had become night. The station was lit gently with a kind of street-quality, greenish, fluorescent flood-lamp. The walls were a brownish stone, and the floors were some kind of granite-like grey. There was a downward staircase in the center of the lobby-area, and there were a few different corridors leading off from the main lobby-area.

      I walked down one of the corridors off to my right. I heard a bunch of teenage kids who sounded like they were joking and having a good time. I decided that I should probably talk with the kids instead of being nervous and shy around them. This was a dream, and I was here to explore whatever I ran into.

      So I saw the kids. They were a group of white boys and girls, dressed in kind of loose baggy sweaters and wool caps. They were making a bunch of jokes which struck me as intelligent and funny. I thought I’d talk to them. But they really didn’t pay any attention to me. So, rather than trying to hard to get their attention and getting hostile attention, I walked down another corridor.

      But now I heard somebody calling for me. I wound around through the corridors, back to the area where the kids had been. It had definitely sounded like one of the boys, calling me back to be part of the group.

      But when I got back to the area – something like a lobby, with a long, wooden counter at the front of the room, and a tall, nice painting on the cinder-block wall to my left – there were no kids, only two women. The women were both naked. They walked toward me, side by side.

      The woman on the right was very tall, maybe a foot taller than I (or “I” in the dream). She was naked, but she wore a dark-blue plume of feathers as a headdress and a spray of dark blue feathers around her waist and back. She looked like a burlesque performer.

      The woman on the left was still taller than I, maybe by an inch or two. She was pale, with long, curly, light-red hair. The women were both offering themselves to me for sex. I chose the shorter woman.

      The woman stood right in front of me, almost to the point of pressing up to me. I asked her a question, and she replied. Satisfied, I began kissing her body.

      We had sex in two or three different positions. But in one position I realized I was just doing a terrible job, and that I must just be making a weird situation for the woman, even though she did at least appear to be having fun. Regardless, I got so ashamed of what I perceived as being my stupid clumsiness that I woke up.
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