I am getting real bad at this, not writing my dreams down anywhere..Hope I can remember them all since last monday. October 1st: Strange night show The day seemed to be kind of dark, as if the sun was setting. My dad had pointed out that there were two moons in the sky. I looked and sure enough, there was two. One was the normal moon, and the other seemed about the same as the normal moon. The sun was extremely dimmed, like no light was shining off of it. It was orange-yellow, and kinda small, like the size of the moons. I stared at this new moon for a bit, and after a while it changed to kind of reflect the earth. It had islands, water, volcanoes..I looked at the old moon, and I saw more detail than ever before. It was still desolate and craters, but I saw it up close, without a telescope. I saw this concert like place, where my dad worked in the dream. He was doing sound next to the stage behind a curtain. I flew over the crowd and landed in front of him, and he tells me I shouldn't be here and that I shouldn't be so obvious when I am flying. I guess I could be thrown into some government agency for testing or something. I explain to him what I saw, then went back to staring at the new moon. I see a volcano go off, and the whole earth just kind of turn orange with lava. I witnessed the destruction of a moon. (Or is it a planet?) All of a sudden I see like a film over the sky, as if some artificial thing was placed over the city. I look around and hundreds of people are watching the sky, as the new moon attracted attention. Then out of nowhere planets, galaxies, moons, asteroids, space junk, everything appeared in the sky, easy to see, and words flashed in the air. They said something like "NOW PRESENTING: THE GREAT SPACE SHOW! PRODUCED BY -NAMES HERE- ENJOY THE SHOW, IT ONLY COMES EVERY COUPLE OF DECADES!" I now look down and see many people have chairs, towels to lay on, etc to watch this show. I was completely unprepared. I see my family next to me, enjoying the show. I watch the show for a bit and the dream ends. October 1st: Burying a girl I see this girl, who is like so knocked out, nothing will wake her up. I don't know if she was intoxicated, or just extremely tired, but she would not wake up for anything. I guess we decided she was dead so I buried her with my brother's help. We dig a hole probably 3 feet deep or so, and just long enough for her to fit well. We then take off her coat, which seems almost religious as it is like a shawl. Turns out she wasn't wearing much under her coat, as she was left in just her underwear. We were going to strip her further, but we didn't. The dream shifts as I then found myself making an underground minecraft style temple in that hole with the girl encased in glass in a display. That dream sure took an odd turn. When I dreamed this next one, it was a day before AWANA started, so I was likely trying to find where AWANA meets. October 3rd: Church meeting I was supposed to go to some sort of event, but I didn't know where to find it so I went door to door looking for the place. I went around what I know in real life as an event center until I found a house. I rang the doorbell and was greeted with an interesting sight. They invited me inside where I saw a man about 19 years old with two sisters, one on either side. The girls were topless which immediately got me aroused. I remember one being a blonde and the other a brunette. They both had their hair up. I kind of just stared at the breasts the whole time. I averted my eyes after a bit, because it didn't seem right staring at the girls like this. They assured me it was okay. I think there was more, but I do not believe they stripped further. Date unknown: Doctor Who dream I was put into this room, that had conveyer belts with minecraft zombies and some doctor who alien on them. There was a video game feeling here. I walked through a doorway to the left to escape the room I was in, and saw a circular hallway. There was only one exit aside from the room I was just in. I go to this other exit, and the room is quite dark. There is various junk lining the walls, machinery I guess. There is a light in the center of the room, with baby weeping angels going to the center. Once they got into the light, they were weakened. I was supposed to pick them up, and throw them against a wall to smash them. When they were in the dark, they were invincible. The room had probably 25 weeping angels inside. I kept dying, restarting the room/level. I do not believe I ever killed a single weeping angel. October 10th: Ice cavern trip cut short I guess my minecraft fights have finally shown in my dreams. There was this giant place made of minecraft snow. It looked like a skyscraper being made. Inside there was a hole that went all the way down. About 3 kids jumped down, and me and my brother followed. What was below was like an ice cavern, with water in the middle. At the bottom of the water was lava. Me and my brother were exploring until a mod from a server I play comes down and tells everyone to leave. We ask why, and he says "It is too dangerous for children." So I say "okay then, take the kids and go. We can handle ourselves." And he bunches us with the kids and says the mods are sealing the place up, never giving us a good enough reason to leave other than they just don't want us there. Then my mom and brother had left me home after searching for an artifact. I got so pissed off, and they said "We asked you if you wanted to go." I replied that I didn't know that was what they were doing, and there was a short fight. (In this dream, I guess there was a background that my family were all warehouse 13 agents, and I went on every mission.) I saw this thing in what I know in real life as the back of the place I used to work at. They were black rings, kind of large, that emitted steam. I did not know what they were all about, but I accidentally knocked them over. I was then told that I had 24 hours to live because of what they were emitting. There was another part of this dream but it is pretty much forgotten at this point. There was something about how every Saturday didn't exist or something like that. It had something to do with me strolling in the morning on a Saturday and going to some place. I wanted to go to the radio station I think, and saw this car. I went up to the man driving, and he pointed me across the street to a radio station hole in the wall building. I kinda ignored it and went on my business. I remember the house I used to live in being involved in the dream. I think the dream kinda ended with my fighting with my mom and brother while I was sitting in the back seat of a car. I was fighting about how I missed the last trip to find artifacts, and eventually I got out of the car, slammed the door, and went home. They then left without me.
Updated 08-01-2018 at 09:31 PM by 57282
DJ Log: October 7, 2012 – 7:00PM (USA Eastern) • NON-DREAM • NOTES • DREAM • LUCID • (Note: After an exhaustive weekend running sound at an electronic music festival, I get back home and decide to take an early evening nap after surfing the 'net for a bit.) I am sitting in my truck in the driveway of my parent's old house. My Mom is in the driver's seat, talking to Dad on the phone and I am in the passenger seat. My brother is sitting in the back seat playing with a small electronic game. The weather is mixed rain/snow and the snow is building up on the trees on the mountain. Occasionally, the snow falls from the trees and a couple of small branches break off as the snow crashes to the ground. My brother jumps out of the back seat of the truck and runs off. I roll down the window so I can hear the snow falling from the trees. Mom finishes up on the phone and tells me that Dad's flight was diverted because of the storm and he is currently in Delaware. She said it would be another 2-3 hours before he could get a different flight home. I told Mom, “I'll pick him up at the airport. Just let me know when he is supposed to arrive.” I look at my watch and see that it is 8:88PM. I just roll my eyes and look out the window again. I see my brother running into the woods. Once into the woods, he fires off a couple of shots with his rifle. I get out of the truck and quickly follow him into the woods. When I get there, he tells me that he just threw the smaller rifle back the trail because it jammed. He walks off and reloads the larger rifle. As I walk back the trail to retrieve the jammed rifle, I see that there is a horse hanging out in the woods just a bit further back. As I approach, I can hear that the horse is laughing and exchanging jokes with my brother. I walk up to the horse and exchange a hi-5 and a fist bump. As I walk away, the horse says, "have a good one, dude!", then laughs some more. I walk across a small bridge over a stream and look at my watch again. It says 8:88PM. I tap the watch face a couple of times and look again. It still says 8:88PM. Suddenly, I wake up. I lay in bed for a moment with the palm of my left hand firmly planted against my forehead. Once I confirm that I have clear recall, I get up to write this DJ entry. As I walk to the computer, I cuss myself for missing so many obvious dream signs.
[Monday, October 1st, 2012] (The night before this, I had smoked a good deal of weed and was still recovering. I had remained conscious throughout most of my high and it was amazing how different it had felt. Anyways... I wake up and remember very little.) I remember being in a version of my Mom's old house... I was thinking of "Incubus" and was holding a bucket of dust or dirt or something. I was cleaning it out with running water over a "well" or "sink" or "pool". I'd run water into it and clean off the sides and then dump it. Casey was there and talking to me about Incubus. I don't remember what was said, but it related to what I was doing. <Casey calls me and wakes me up- but I don't answer. I'm not ready to get out of bed yet. I close my eyes and drift off again- but this time I don't remember anything. More people start calling and texting and I just get up completely when I decide to answer Nathan's call. > <<Continues to Waking Journal>>
Last night I had a dream that I was in a city that was actually a mixture of Tustin and North Long Beach, California. The first couple scenes I recall, I was talking to my brother Jeremy. I don't remember what we were talking about, but the next thing I know- I'm headed towards a group of our friends. I'm walking right behind our friend Vinny, but Vinny won't seem to slow down for some reason. He starts ducking in behind walls and making it into a game of hide and seek. I finally seem to catch up with him and lean up against a wall surrounding wherever we were at the time. I notice that a few of my other friends were here, this was were I intended to go in the first place. I start being ridiculed by my friends about being bad at hide and seek, and I return to them that I wasn't... even playing. They went on about how I touched the wrong wall, that wall wasn't the base. I honestly insist I wasn't playing, lol. The normal playful namecalling commenses, and the dream shifts somewhat to where we're all standing on top of a jungle gym. (I guess that was a sign that this scene was a childish one.) So I begin to climb down from the jungle gym. But, the thing that I'm climbing down was like one I've never seen in real life. It was an orange piece of metal sprouting in all different minute directions. It was actually very entertaining to climb down. So I got down, and took off across the play ground- back to my friend's house. I got to a house that belonged to a friend of a friend. My good friend John was there, and we were outside in the backyard having a few cigerettes with the guy who owned the house. We just talked for awhile, and then walked out in the front yard. In the front driveway I noticed two sleeping bags opened up like they had just been in use. There was a pack of smokes laying on one of them that I picked up to inspect, but then put back down. Later I thought to myself, that's probably what that guy was looking for. "Where you looking for that pack laying on the sleeping bag?" I asked. "Oh damn, yeah. Thanks man." He said and ran over to pick them up. Right about then John was ready to leave, so I decided it was time for me to head out too. Then my sister was with me out of nowhere, and it was time for her to leave to- so the rest of the dream was us on our way home. First we took a taxi to the subway station, and the last scene of the dream was me reaching into my pocket and only having a one. The taxi driver started slowly pulling away but I knocked on the back of his car and said "Hold up, man." Rose let me borrow five bucks to give him a tip, cause he was nice as shit. He thanked me very kindly and we took off. The dream I had after my WBTB alarm went of was a bit more bizzare. Jeremy and I were being held captive by two unhuman humanoid things. They weren't aloud to harm us but they weren't aloud to let us go. So we weren't that scared, it wasn't a nightmare. It was just strange and interesting. I remember twice were taken down in a transport to a small underwater base of operation. When we got to a certain point close to the base after we had been circling it waiting for deploy long enough- our individual bodies were encased in a hard bubble pod that transported us directly to the bay of the base. I remember the bubble pods very vividly, they made me very nervous. They were of some strange technology that doesn't exist, so I didn't know how they worked. It honestly felt like they might miss and I might just float off in the water. But both times it went right up into the ship. The ship was narrow, I remember. We followed the weird alien creatures around. They were about as tall as us or a bit taller. Their skin was a grey color, or grayish blue because of the water. They were a lot wider than us though, very firm and stout body shapes- with differently shape heads. We all walked into the main computer room, it was fascinating. I didn't pay much attention to what they were doing up front, I was looking at the ground. I noticed Jeremy started stepping on all of these little tiles on the ground and they were lighting up as if they were imbueing him with some kind of ability. Like if you stepped on a power-up in a video game. I began to look around, seeing a huge amount of little icons of a huge variety of gaming character abilities. One I specifically remember (Forgive me for being a nerd), was the Poke'mon Gengar's ability to hypnotize people into falling asleep. I grabbed that one, just incase we needed some action tools. I honestly don't remember much after that few minutes of looking around at the abilities and icons. Most of them didn't work, so I didn't fixate on them much. I'm pretty sure my alarm went off shortly after.
I remembered more details about the first dream when I woke up at 5:30 but couldn't find my journal to write it down :c My second dream is being written days later, as I have been too lazy to write it down. Watcher falling into the river I have a conversation with my mom and brother about movies, and my mom tells me about this one movie I need to see, something about a highway and a watcher. So I watch the movie, understand what she is talking about, and some things happen that I don't remember. Next thing I know I am standing on a bridge which is part of a highway. Huge semi trucks, vans, cars, you name it come towards me. I am standing on a bridge with a bunch of vehicles coming near, what am I doing? Trying to get myself killed? I have a handheld transceiver in my hand talking to someone about what vehicles are coming near. They come close to me, and I walk along the road to dodge the trucks, and I do this for a few minutes. I forget why, but I end up jumping or falling off the bridge. I see the water coming closer, and closer, and I know I am about to die. I am about 3/4 of the way down and I get picked up by the wind and drift towards the shore. Now it is going to be painful too. The wind carries me into the air, further down the way, and I just keep floating on the wind..I end up landing on a hill with a bunch of stuff on the ground kind of like drops from a player who died on minecraft. Turns out my brother just died here, respawned and see I took his stuff, he throws a fit, and I start laughing hysterically that I landed right there, safe and sound, where my brother was. I think it is safe to say I was insane at this point, then I thought "I can just /spawn to get out of here!" Stuck in a flooded school Okay. This is a weird one. There was a 10-12 story building, which I assume was a school of some sort. 5 or 6 people were present, including myself. We were at the top of the building, and I saw this arena where my older brother and a friend were going to do a friendly wrestle. We went downstairs to the arena. Underneath it was another staircase that led to a refreshments spot. I got hot chocolate, and my older brother got hot milk. Someone else grabbed a soda. Then behind the refreshments was something strange. My older brother hit some sort of a dispenser and the whole room flooded. Someone opened a door and the water rushed out. Somehow the whole building was flooded. I remember walking out of the building with the floors still wet, and someone was dead. If once was not enough, time for a restart! That's right, the dream reset, but this time with a bit more detail. When the room flooded, turns out I opened a grate that flowed the water through the whole building, except for that room. It didn't take long for tons of people to know what was going on. Someone shut off the water, meaning the water just had to drain for a couple of hours. Various times we checked the water level. At one point I looked out the window and saw that there was hundreds of people around outside, as if there was a special event. I caught a view of two women in the nude and got distracted by that for a few minutes, but then there was a dream skip. All of us that were in the building started going downstairs, and everything seemed fine, but we opened a door on the 3rd floor, and a girl that was with us drowned by tons of water flooding our way. We waited it out on the fourth floor for a while longer and eventually escaped. I remember recounting all that happened to an official, and that it was an accident.
Updated 07-24-2018 at 09:51 PM by 57282
Non-dream Dream Dream 1: I am at my parent’s house but it feels like some kind of magical place. My parents ask me to cut a branch off of a giant tree in their front yard – right next to the curb. It is a magical tree. I through a rope over one of the branches and I climb up the rope. The tree is now floating and I manage to float the whole thing down to the ground without cutting the branch. My mom is helping me determine where and how to cut the tree. The tree turns out to be a date palm. We eat some of the tree with the intention of replacing the parts we eat. Dream 2: I am pregnant (I am a male) and I am with a number of pregnant women. I am having stomach pains and I call in my doctor because I think I am ready to deliver. The doctor (female) coaches me in front of everyone else on how to deliver my baby. She has me squat over a pool of water and tells me to start pushing. I feel crap starting to come out of my ass because of the pushing and she tells me this is normal. She says to hold my hand under my butt just in case the baby comes out – we don’t want it to drown in the pool. I just ended up getting a bunch of crap on my hands and no baby. I was very embarrassed. A thought in the middle of the night: Each dream you have is you creating a new universe. Once you create a suitable and stable universe you will die and go there. If you die young (before gaining the skills to produce a stable universe) or if you die a tragic death you will end up in an unstable/unsuitable universe (live a rough life). Dream 3: I am having dinner at my parent’s house with some of my wife’s family members. Even though my parent’s house is not in LA I am upset because we have to drive to LA 3 times in a row – it is as if their exact house has moved to LA. My brother’s family is there and they have a small dog. I am playing with AD and the dog under the table for a while. I notice that my brother forgets / loses the dog’s toy at least 3 times and I am always the one who has to go get it and nobody thanks me. I don’t join dinner because I am waiting for my wife to get back from somewhere. I notice that I am never wearing a shirt. My brother has a black Ford something (not a real car name, something like a person’s name with 2 hyphens). Then for some reason I am driving that car by myself on a mountain road. It is almost as if I am in a commercial demonstrating features on the car. I stop and there is a dirt avalanche and the car gets completely buried in dirt with me in it. I am still able to call for help using one of the cars features even though I am deep under dirt. I recall being very scared thinking that this is a horrible way to die. People come to dig me out and they have a credit card machine with them to charge me for the service. There is a $50 tip already included in the bill but I feel bad for not tipping more.
Been too lazy to write dreams lately, gonna write what I remember. I should really start writing in a physical DJ by my bed instead of waiting until I get online. Superpowers(9/3/2012) I was watching a DVD that had a scene selection of about 13 videos. Each one showcased a different super power. I recognized flying, so I skipped that one. I watched another video but was uninterested, so I put in a new one. This video was about transmogrifying, or bending objects midair. Making items into different items, etc. I thought I could do it, and after a few tries, got a mattress in midair and bent it. I tried with a heavier item, and found weight was no issue. Sweet. Now I have two superpowers. Next video was about telekinesis... I had to know telekinesis to do the previous skill, but I wanted to keep watching in case this video had anything to offer.The dream ended shortly after that. Two more things that happened in the dream, but I do not know when, or what connects to them. Me, my brother, and my mom were in this shop. I ordered like a milkshake or something like that, my brother orders a 176 slice pizza special for like 10 bucks, it also came with a container of wings. I remember thinking "Why didn't I get that..? Wanna share?" Another thing I saw was the inside of a company I used to work for, real quickly though, I think it was in the back of that place the tv was.. Liz Taylor in Virginia City (9/3/2012) So me, a female church friend, my older brother, and my mom were in Virginia city. Pretty much everyone who came up to me told me to go take a picture with Liz Taylor, meet up with her, etc. "Ooh, shes famous, go meet her!" Well I didn't even know who she was..I met her, and she was like 20 years old, blonde, but very down to earth. She wasn't like "Oh I'm popular", it was as if she grew up here, and loves the town. On the edge of the town, there was a shop, my mom went in there for the rest of the dream. I noticed the road was all torn up, leaving big sections set apart, big holes going down in-between the road sections, and a huge yellow crane obviously having something to do with it. Me, my brother, and my friend walk around, then eventually want to get back to the town, as we drift away a bit. We follow this crane, but it leads us to some random government company that we sneak around hoping not to get caught. Well we do get caught, and instead of letting them throw us in jail or something, we ran for it. We ended up at this road, and instantly I know it is 2-4 miles away from the town, on the way to it. Instead of walking the road to get to town, or going back to the company, we see this path on the side of the road, and follow it, maybe it can bring us back to town. So we follow the path, it is very windy, and mostly dirt. At one point there is asphalt, so narrow, it is like 4 inches thick. Dream kinda ends here, as we are on our way back. Demon cats (9/4/2012) So me and my brother are at this government place, and we see two puppies. I catch one, and another is behind a door with like iron fencing with barbwire on either side. my brother grabs the puppy, and a pickup truck comes out of nowhere shines light on my brother. I try running, then decide I wouldn't get far, and I am not leaving my brother Kris. So we both get thrown in the back seats. A dangerous man is driving, and throws the puppies in the bed of the pickup. the pickup is not your normal pickup, as the bed of the truck was pretty much level with the back windows, so not much room, but a flat spot on the back of the truck. The man gives me and Kris two kittens and says they will be our death. He says some crap about their claws being so sharp they will kill us and something like if we get bitten by them after two minutes we will die from some chemical from the kittens... Kris and I weren't buying it. So what do we do? I pick a kitten up and grab it by the neck, put my thumb to its neck, and start squeezing. I last about a minute and stop, somehow as I am squeezing it is biting one of my fingers? I hand it to Kris and he holds both kittens and laughs through the pain, but as the kittens are slowly dying Kris makes like a trophy out of them by writing their faces on a large piece of paper, and signing it.. Since the kittens are dead, the driver gets pissed, next thing I see we drive out of a tall building and I see out of the windshield the ground approaching fast in front, and I brace for impact, then out of nowhere the truck stops midair..or so I thought. the front of the car stuck into the ground and we were all safe. Tragically the puppies in back didn't survive the crash. The driver gets out and picks the puppies up then throws them on the ground in anger. I gotta say this dream had a lot of animal abuse... .-. NY Minecraft (9/4/2012) I am talking to the owner of this minecraft server I have been banned on forever, and tell him how I was originally banned unfairly, then an alt was banned unfairly, then someone else was banned unfairly, etc. I eventually get my main account unbanned, and since I was mod for 2 months on the server before, my mind assumes I am mod3 on there (a mod type on present on my normal server) with two mods from my normal server on it as well. The weird thing: It was first person, not a game, and it was in a grocery store. So I walk around, trying to use the /thru command that normally brings you though walls, but it wont work. I try spawning a compass and using that instead, but I realize the owner of the server banned /thru because he thinks mods would abuse it. As the dream progresses I find more and more I hate about the server. Strange AWANA location (9/4/2012) Another dream takes place as AWANA starts, and I am forced to volunteer. So I go there, and it is like 4 rooms in a hallway, then down the hallway is 1-2 more rooms. There were about 15 people helping out, which was a lot given the space, and amount of kids. I didn't do anything other than observe. As the AWANA thing finished, the kids were let out of their rooms, and as the last door opens Diane from our church looks inside, shields a kids eyes and yells "Oh my God!" Welp. You have my attention. I take a peek inside the room and wish I hadn't. Warning, it ain't pretty. What I see inside is a weird old dude in the back watching another old guy having sex with an old woman WTF. The people from inside walk out, after putting clothes on, and everything goes as normal. I assume it is like the next day or something, because here I am walking around some random store. I see a ramp and go down it, and I find myself at a shoe, casino, and general clothing section of the store. As if those things are really related. I look for a way out because I have no interest here at all. As I walk leave the store some bells go off. I see confetti and people start clapping. I walk back in after being told it was set up for a just married couple to walk through. I look for an alternate exit and see a few fire exits, but I know they are all alarmed. I see another normal exit and walk out of the store again. I do not know why, but I go back inside the store and I see an older couple look for an exit as well. They walk out one of the fire exits. As expected the alarm sounds off. I quickly run up to them and inform them that they made the mistake I just made, but they seemed confused. I return back the way I entered into this section of the store. I find the ramp and go back up. I check the time and AWANA is about to start again. I see a room filled with first graders and one has like bright red hair, like he just put dye in it or something. I walk into the main room of this building (It is like right outside the grocery store) and sit down in front of a desk. Someone comes in with a big brown bag and pulls Chinese food out, starts dishing it out to people, then the dream sort of ends.
Updated 07-24-2018 at 08:01 PM by 57282
Two dreams again ._. Casually watching youtube on the microwave I remember watching on the microwave, specifically 2-3 videos on Nintendo 64 best games countdowns. I watch the last video, and my dad comes out to the kitchen, and I start talking to him about the Nintendo 64. He recognizes some game I have never heard of, then I remember the countdown hitting #2, then the dream ends. I then see my dream friend wake up, and he is a bit depressed that he remembers none of his dreams the previous night. I then tell him what precisely happened in his dream, like I was a bystander or something. "Epic" house fight Okay, so me, my brother, and my mom are at my grandparents' house, and I either have my psp, or my yo-yo with me. If it was my psp, it was dead, if it was my yo-yo, it had no string. Either way, I could not use either one, so I just had it in my pocket. Due to boredom my grandma suggests we go digging for something of which I can not remember. So we grab two quite heavy chairs, three small shovels, go into a van, and take off. We go up a mountain, but on the way up, we go around three corners, all of which have a lake next to them, you have to drive a bit into the water to get around and up.(Deja vu moment. Not sure if I dreamed of this place before, or what.) We end up at the top, and we see about 3 homes, and a lot of land. We put the 3 shovels in a soft spot in the dirt in someone's front yard, and I am sitting there wondering why we were doing this, and if one of us owned this land or something. My mom and I sit down in the heavy chairs, and wait two to three minutes, then grandma grabs one shovel and says "they need to be taken out like this, one jerk to the back, to knock the dirt out, but keep the ___(...Something. Don't remember what) in." So what is left on the shovel is what looks like granola bars, but I assume it is some vegetable. We do the same to the other shovels, and next thing I know we are back at my grandparent's home(Dream home, doesn't have the same appearance as the real one). I look in the street and there are archers and swordsmen standing there, after something of which I do not know. They all sort of stand down, so we think we are safe, but as they start dispersing, one man who looks like Boromir from Lord of the Rings keeps his bow fired straight at me. He shoots it, and I dodge, running to the backyard. A huge fight ensues, and I try to gather reinforcements. I see two cats with about 6 six kittens, and somehow know they will help. Oddly they were located behind a fence in the backyard, which had another fence behind it. I keep walking, and see some pigeons, I see them, say that we are in danger, they all fly off, but I think they are on our side. I think see a huge tree get up and start gathering bushes and other trees to help. The big tree reminded me of an ent. I see a pigeon, and hold on to it, it brings me way into the air, and drops me, I grab onto a nearby tree, and climb down. Then the dream sort of ended. I do not think either of these as being fragment dreams, they were both pretty entertaining, I'd say my dream recall is getting much better
Updated 07-24-2018 at 06:30 PM by 57282
Non-dream Dream I am in Vegas with my brother, my Dad and CG. We go to some huge parties with strippers. I did some crazy ass jump over some railings in the casino - chicks were impressed. Did some gambling too. I come home to my mom - at our old house on Pam Ln. I drop some cooking supplies off at our neighbor F&S. It is for some kind of business that AB is starting. There is also some dude in the neighborhood who only had legs and a penis. Some chick was sucking on it.
Non-dream Dream Dream 1: I won a shitload of money (1000's) playing craps. My brother was playing next to me. The last point was 4 and I recall winning at least 5 points in a row with max odds at the end. The guy would roll off in some corner then yell the results to us. There was a black woman at the table fighting people over whose chips belonged to who. I put up a divider between us. Dream 2: I am in a large classroom that resembled a rocky cave. I help a new girl to her seat then I sit down behind her. Not sure what we are learning.
Alright, this dream was very patchy, I am not sure what I can remember about it, I am just writing it down to hopefully improve my recall a bit. I remember my brother having to leave the home for some reason to get an apartment. I remember about this apartment/cabin thing I was given before(My only guess as to why it was so familiar is from a previous dream, but I remembered it in good detail, and I have never been there irl). I decide that since I never use this cabin, perhaps my older brother can use it. So I look around the place, have a good feeling some soda is in the mini fridge, check inside, and there is like 12 Dr Pepper, 3 root beer, and a coke or two inside. I closed the fridge, look around, it feels like a log cabin or something. Hard to explain in full detail, but the place seemed familiar, as if from a previous dream, like I said. I believe it was only one room, but it had stairs that went up to a second floor, with a bed and some other stuff, almost like a bedroom there. I leave the home/cabin/thing for a while, for whatever reason..Next thing I remember I walk back to the place, me and my brother seem to be hanging out there, I look in the fridge, and there is no soda inside, instead the soda is on a white table in the room, and the sodas are still cold, but I have the feeling they have been out a while. Next thing I remember I go outside, into this trailer park, every home is fenced in, I look around, it is evening/dusk. I walk through some backyards, climbing over small fences. I get stuck in this one backyard, then this crazy lady comes out with her huge dog saying she will call the cops on me for trespassing, I try to run, but can't get out of the fence, the dog chases me, but that's about all I remember. I think I got out of the yard at least... Looking back on this post a few years later, these were likely all separate dreams in the late morning. The dream memory was likely just that, a dream memory. They can be created in surprising detail at the start of any dream.
Updated 07-24-2018 at 06:07 PM by 57282
Non-dream Dream It is the morning of my wedding and I am in lab running a BCA protein assay. A few other people including my wife and JF are there too. I am in a lab coat with only my white briefs underneath. JF asks me if I want to go with him to get some clothes and I say "as long as I'm back in 1hr to finish the BCA assay." We head off. He is driving a black car with a manual transmission. We go through one of those exit arms - this one requires the 1st guy to call a number then we take a ticket to exit. Next we are at a bar with JF, BU and my brother and it is about 3hrs before the wedding. We take a few shots and have some beers. The bartender chick congratulates me.
Dream - Lucid For some reason, I decided to take a shower in my mom's shower instead of mine. Even in the dream, I wasn't exactly sure why I was doing it, but I didn't question it too much. Most of the dream was just me showering in my mom's shower. ~ I was in my house. Out the window, I noticed a glimpse of my brother mowing the lawn. He was wearing a red shirt. Then, I was with my brother in the kitchen. I was messing with an egg. He then said "Oh wait!" and pulled a narrow-looking egg out of a cloth shopping bag. He gave it to me, and I noticed it felt very light and was dyed blue. I wondered it if was hard-boiled and if I could eat it, but decided not to when another thought came into my head: He probably did it for Easter. "Dying eggs?" I asked. "Yes!" he replied. Alright, so I recalled a bit more. I didn't really do anything different, like I was gonna try Xanous's suggestion to write down the events of the day before I went to bed, but I forgot. I'll have to try that tonight.
Updated 08-13-2012 at 04:07 PM by 32059
I was in some kind of a beach party in my home country i walked into a room and there were people dancing to rap music after i while i saw that Redman was there (he knew me by the way) we shaked hands talked a little then he put on some music and started a rap battle he was saying some stuff i wasn't even listening but everyone was going after every line i felt kinda insulted. Then the music stopped and he said that it was my turn he put on the music and everyone was waiting for me to start rapping, needless to say i could not i was just there shaking my head with a grin on my face they got kinda pissed so then i thought i would show them some sick dance move. They were impressed , but as i was doing my dance i saw that my favourite wristband was gone and went to look at everybody's pocket ( i need to add that while looking through the pockets i felt there was something in there like lighters and celular phone's and etc...) as i was looking for my wristband it magicly appeared on my wrist so i told all of them to fuck off not very pleaseant but i dont care. As i was walking out this guy came next to me and started telling me that when i knew what an MC was i should call him that he has a studio. I said to him to fuck off (i mean i wasn't even singing) i knew i was there with my bro so go to search for him while searching i felt this pain in my mouth like when your arm is going numb but with my mouth the front teeth area to be exact i finnaly found my brother he was talking with some girls i told him "We need to go" as we were leaving i tried moving my teeth with my tongue and they fell out he asked me "Did they do this to you" I responded "No" and then i spit 3 teeth it was a fucking nightmare the feeling and all i looked myself in some kind of a mirror i could see my reflection and saw that i did not have the teeth that had fallen out i was begging to get angry and i woke up from the excitetment This was around afternoon so i jumped out of my bed and checked my teeth and they were there damn it was a relief
Non-Dream Dream Lucid Dream Dream 1: I am in a very evil place. I am not sure if I belong here as I am kind of on the fence between being good / evil. It looks like an apartment complex being renovated. I have an absolutely amazing stripper all to myself. She has dark hair and is very tall. She tells me that she works directly with the big boss so I can have her always (?!?). Dream 2: I am at some wedding in a casino where two groups are sharing the same reception area. The bride (a young black woman) comes up to me and says "I'm doing two dances today: one with my dad and one with you." I get up and leave when she turns away because I don't want to dance in front of everyone. I find some people after walking away from the wedding and I start teaching them how to fly. The act of flying renders me lucid. They ask if you have to flap your arms like wings and I say "it helps at first but it is not necessary." Then I show them that I can do it without flapping my arms. I start losing the dream so I yell "clarity" but it is too late. Dream 3: I am playing a very strange card game with lots of clubs - I recall having a King and Ace of clubs in one hand. My brother beats everyone with a pair of 8's. MF from work is in the game too. There are tons of strippers / hookers. Dream 4: I am in high school I think and I'm at a party. I am wearing some fat guys incredibly smelly jacket and I'm making everyone smell it. I think there might have been some drug use in the dream.
Updated 09-27-2012 at 10:58 PM by 56962