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    1. School bus, house, tennis in the pool, 3D thong and Rear Display....(SDE Day 06)

      by , 08-20-2012 at 07:41 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      School Bus and English Class (Non-lucid)


      There's a girl who's trying to find her father because he took something that she needed to get to somewhere I think.

      I forget if this girl is a blonde,
      since I think I slept again instead of typing it on my laptop because I was too lazy to turn it on.

      All I remember from this is that the girl used a bicycle, and her father had a faster model of another bicycle or motorcycle. I thought the girl wouldn't catch up, but she managed get to the same speed as her father. When he realized she really wants to talk to him, he finally stops.

      He gets off the bike and gives the girl a plastic bag with some random items in it, but most importantly, he also gave her the item she was looking for, a very transparent bead.

      The dream shifts, and now I'm inside of a yellow school bus. I couldn't see the outside, but based on how the seats were arranged, it definitely had to be a school bus. There were quite a few people inside, but there were two people I had most of my focus on.

      Before doing so, I think I looked at myself at the mirror, but I'm not sure if it's me, it looks like a female.....am I in a female's body?

      Whoever it is that I'm looking at in the mirror, she has some white cream on her face, so I take some object, probably a paper towel or something, and slowly wiped it off her face. It doesn't take long for me to finish this, and then I listen to the two girl's to the right a few seats in front of me. One girl was talking about how her Adviser told her she had to take some other course because of some condition I can't remember.

      The girl had to leave, and then her friend called her to declare that in short, her Adviser doesn't know what she's trying to tell her at all. She starts telling her that she can do whatever it is she thought she couldn't, and after they talk for a while, maybe a minute or two, I see the same girl who left walking around on the cell listening to her friend to respond,


      The girl was wearing a black leather jacket, white shirt, and some dark colored jeans. I don't do this often, but her visage wasn't very appealing to me, in fact, she reminds me of a girl in High School when I was a senior. She was on the cheerleader team, but I knew that someone like her would be the one talked about behind everyone's back as not looking good enough or something like that.

      She hangs up and after that, everything is quiet. Then another random girl, who is a redhead, wearing a light gray shirt and the usual blue jeans is talking about people's weight. As the bus is taking a very deep curve to the left, while I'm on the right side of the bus looking at the window of the arrows signaling vehicles to take a deep left turn, the girl talks about how that if she sees someone obese in her neighbor, she takes that as a compliment.

      It took me a few seconds to process how that can be a compliment, but for some weird reason, I found some logic in her twisted and cruel declaration. It makes sense, when you apply it as petting her ego and making herself feel better. She was a little pale in skin tone, and pretty skinny, but not too skinny, she had a little substance in a few regions.

      The dream shifts again (everything seems to be following the same theme for me)....now I'm inside of a school building, and I'm on the top floor. There's a classroom I have to go to that's "Room 113," something like that. The overall setting are shades of brown, very dull and boring.

      However, the room is closed, so we have to wait for a while, so I decided to walk around the hallway a bit and look around for any other classes that have started already. I get a hunch that someone is coming near Room 113, but it ends up being a student instead.

      It's one of my short-term friends, Marissa, and she's wearing a think black cotton type of jacket with some kind of brown or dirty colored shirt and dark pants. Her face looks just the same, but she has a brown beard showing.

      I can see why I didn't find this weird because she actually did a play where she had to paint a beard to act as a man....

      The teacher eventually comes, and everyone is already trying to find their new seats. There's probably 10-15 people inside, excluding the teacher. Most of these people are familiar faces. There's one guy who looks like Gere wearing a black shirt and dark pants. Then there's this skater dude that I sat near a lunch table with in middle school, though he was a douchebag in waking life.

      He's still skinny as ever, and is wearing a white shirt, though I can't remember the color of his pants. Then there's Marissa, who I already mentioned, and then there's another guy that I'll nickname "Hay" for the sake of being anonymous as well. I'm not too sure on that, but whenever I try to recall the details of the classroom, he always pops up.

      I also think another girl from middle school who had a family history of sickle cell anemia there as well wearing a thin black jacket like Marissa, except she was shorter than her. The teacher was also wearing a thin black jacket and probably a white shirt underneath.

      I think she had an inverted bowl shape hairstyle, which reminds me a lot like my first English AP teacher before I switched classes. While everyone is quickly finding their seats, I end up being the last one trying to pick a seat, and the teacher isn't really patient herself, in fact she told me,

      "It shouldn't take long to find a seat..." (paraphrasing here).

      I awkwardly acknowledge it, but I forget where I decided to sit down. I think she hands out some sheets, and while I'm scavenging through them, I find there's one worksheet that asked two questions. One was related to something about having a specific type of camera. I think it was a Yes or No question. I was confused about this because I thought this was an English class.

      But I think the reason why I assumed that is because I saw Marissa, who I only met my English AP and U.S. history dual credit class.

      It seems this is some type of photography class, and I think other people start getting confused as if they're in the wrong class.

      I can't remember anything else.

      House (Non-lucid)


      In a house with father and mother probably, there was some talk about ants and how they don't go onto certain animals because of their stench....house feels incomplete.

      Not a lot I can remember here.
      Tennis in the pool (Non-lucid)


      I wake up, making grunting sounds, and I felt really tired as well. I see one person to the left of me who looks like Jerry in waking life. He's wearing dark clothes. In front of me is a pool, but I can't remember if it's full or not.

      It had a sky blue glow to it, and apparent, there was supposed to be a tennis match near the pool. I think I ask Jerry if I can join in, but I don't hear anything from him.

      I see three fluorescent green tennis balls on the grass. I pick them up and formed them into a triangle. A random lady comes out of nowhere and looks at me. It seems she's going to pick up the tennis ball, but I can't remember what she does. She's a little overweight, and based on the cap, she looked like she could be the umpire.

      This area seems to be the backyard of someone's house.

      3D Thong and Rear Display (Non-lucid)


      Spoiler for 18+:
    2. Big Craps Winner

      by , 08-17-2012 at 02:16 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      Dream 1:

      I won a shitload of money (1000's) playing craps. My brother was playing next to me. The last point was 4 and I recall winning at least 5 points in a row with max odds at the end. The guy would roll off in some corner then yell the results to us. There was a black woman at the table fighting people over whose chips belonged to who. I put up a divider between us.

      Dream 2:

      I am in a large classroom that resembled a rocky cave. I help a new girl to her seat then I sit down behind her. Not sure what we are learning.
    3. I am a German teaching Jedi master

      by , 07-31-2012 at 01:20 PM
      Probably forgot half the stuff I remembered when I woke up, kinda stressed out because I though it was 3 PM already. It was not...

      The usual colour coding:
      non-lucid, lucid, extra comment

      Gutentag, ich bin Jedi Master Martini
      I am standing in my old German classroom, under the supervision of one of my old teachers. Apparently, this my first day teaching and they want to be sure I can handle myself. I start the class and quickly find out that I have no plans for the first lesson, so I try to improvise by teaching the basics. This involves the verbs to be and to have, which seem to form the basis for every language education.

      Quickly though, the topic of conversation shifts when a student asks what the duties of a Jedi Shadow are (I'm guessing this is due to the abundance of SWTOR I've been playing over the last couple of days). I explain the tasks and the secrecy involved, before finding that the scenery has changed into that of a Jedi temple. I'm now a Jedi Master giving a lecture to the older padawans of the academy.

      The dream ends abdruptly when I am woken by my mother, who wasn't particularly happy at me sleeping in, again...
    4. Missed Flight and Blind Rage, Old Camera, New Classroom

      by , 07-20-2012 at 03:18 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Missed Flight and Blind Rage (Non-lucid)


      I'm inside of a two story house, and right now, I can tell that it's already night time, or at least early morning where it's still dark outside. It feels like I'm at my uncle's house, except with a few modifications to it.

      The house, at least the top floor, is a little bigger than normal, because it isn't split off to where there's two different floors, it's just one big floor linking to several rooms. It feels like we went out to some kind of party or at least went to a fancy restaurant.

      I go inside a room that's apparently the guest bedroom for me, and I look over to my left to see a Black TV Cable box. I look at the time passively, not really double-checking if it's going to alter. It's in green digital font, and the time was around 5:37 AM or 5:57 AM.

      I had a feeling that I had a flight to go that would depart around 7:45 AM I think, and I felt too tired to even care. Bad idea...

      As I'm drifting to sleep, I wake up around 7 something AM in the dream, and then the awareness that I'm not going to make my flight back home starts coming back to me. I panic a little, because I would have to contact my father that I couldn't make my flight.

      And then I would have to worry on what he's going to say to that, wondering what kept me back and blah blah blah blah blah blah.....

      I decided that it can't be helped, so I thought about having it re-booked instead, and I can always tell him later on. I honestly didn't really care too much oh whether or not my father knows I missed my flight because I overslept. I shift my focus back to being in the house, and as I'm getting up, I get another feeling that I was working on two drawings before.

      I keep walking on the top floor until I see a table in the middle with two mini sized poster paper with portraits of myself. One drawing was me posed as if I'm drawing something with my head down, and the other one.......I can't remember what it was exactly.

      I think I come back to those two drawings, and I look back to the first one I described. I take a good look at it, and the details start becoming more vivid and clear. It looks like I did the drawing myself, and I tried not to touch it too much because it was a graphite drawing, and didn't want the lead smearing on my finger.

      I look at the drawing closely again, and I see a blue ink mark.

      I get pissed....someone either did this out of spite, or was completely fucking clueless when they wanted to see if a pen had ink in it and needed a paper to test it. My rage gradually builds up, and I feel like I'm grinding my teeth while keeping my mouth closed. I started to make assumptions of who could have done it.

      I shift my focus to my Uncle's sons, and I realized that "J" couldn't have done it, since I had a feeling he told me he didn't do it. Then I try to find "D," trying to suppress my rage until the time was right. I calmly ask him if he was the one who marked on the drawing.

      I wasn't cognizant of his mother being close to him at the moment, and he told me that he did do it. What made it worse is that he said it in a passive tone, as if it wasn't a big deal at all.


      I don't remember what I said exactly, but I know I screamed at him and asked him what the hell is wrong with him. Then I remember that my Uncle probably heard all of this.

      I tried calming down quickly, because I hear my Uncle footsteps. I wasn't worried on how he would respond, it's just that I didn't want him to see me pissed off, since I always had a calm demeanor and respectful tone towards my uncle and his family.

      My Uncle comes closer to me and asks me what I would like for breakfast, seems he didn't really hear what I said to "D." I'm still trying to get out of the thought process of worrying that my Uncle would be concerned on why I screamed at D, and after a few seconds, I calmed down completely.

      I told my Uncle I would like some Pancakes, and a few other things I can't remember, since I still had my mind on calming down with the mark on the drawing.

      My uncle leaves, and then I shift my attention back at "D" and his mother. His mother changes the conversation immediately, and she's talking about something.

      This is the part that confuses me, I'm not sure if someone else explains it to her, or if she's explaining it to me. I also have thoughts about missing the airport flight, and I get a mental image of several air planes outside at an airport, and seeing several flags hanging on tilted poles.

      I regain focus on the two people in front of me.

      I'm going to assume that there's a dream shift now, because things feel out of synch right now.

      I believe a blonde female, probably around her early 30s is talking to me on how she paid for college. She declared to me that the funding was based on how well she did in her courses, the higher the grade, the more likely she would receive more funding to pay for tuition and other expenses.

      There was a specific scholarship where you had to at least have 3 100s in your current semester of courses, which elevated the difficulty of being eligible for the award in the first place. The blonde female shows me that she was able to get it easily. I think she managed to get 6 100s or something like that.

      Okay lady, I'm glad you did well and all that, but I don't see how petting your ego is relevant to adding anything to my own knowledge.....sigh...

      Old Camera (Non-lucid)


      I go inside of a room, and it's really dull and boring in here. I see there's a dark brown shelf with a nice wood layering to it. However, the insides of the shelf looked old and dust, and I peek to see what's contained in the shelf.

      I think someone is behind me, but I don't pay attention at all of their presence. I see a Camera bag inside, and I immediately take it. I slowly opened it, because I had a feeling something would crawl out, especially if the zipper for the bag was slightly opened to let little critters go in it.

      I take the camera out, and this looks like one of those non-digital cameras. That was the initial thought until I turned it on. The screen behind it flashed, and then there's just a blank bright screen that's on. I didn't pay attention to the fact that it wasn't gathering light from the lenses to show its focus.

      I look back into the insides of the shelf, and I see a slightly smashed cockroach.


      For some odd reason, even though the camera bag was opposite of the dead cockroach, I didn't want to touch the left side of the Camera, because I had a feeling the cockroach was contained in the bag somehow.

      I really can't believe I'm going this far to describe what it was like to take out a camera from a bag.....

      New Classroom (Non-lucid)


      I go inside a classroom, and I try to find a seat. There aren't many people there as yet, and when you go into the class by entering it to your right, if you stick you arm out as if you're going to spread both of them out to make a snow angel or something, the seats were parallel to the direction of your arm.

      The desks were very flat and gray, with a nice shine to them, seems things are pretty new in this classroom, or the janitors know how to clean well.

      I wanted to sit at the back of the classroom, and since there was a weird seat arrangement for a classroom with a small surface area, sitting in the middle wouldn't be ideal, especially if there were seats on both sides of the desk. Then I realized that I never been to this class before, and I look at the teacher, and he's a tall dark skinned man wearing glasses.

      I think he glances at me to see who I was, and I take out a paper out of my backpack with my schedule on it to eventually show the teacher. While I'm in the process of picking up my black backpack, I see with my peripheral vision that an Asian girl is looking at me. She looks a lot like one girl on the tennis team I used to be in the last High School I attended.

      Let's call her Angelina, since I doubt she's going to find this information in the first place. I don't know why Angelina is paying attention to me, maybe because she didn't expect me to be in the classroom in the first place.

      I go up to the teacher, and I quickly hand him my schedule to show proof that this is the right class that I'm in. He nods and acknowledges this, and I go back to choosing a seat. More people start coming in, and some even put their backpacks on the desk and left for a while to confirm that's the seat they wanted.

      Damn it, and they took the good seats, especially the seat that was near the door to leave the class. I tried to look for other seats near the side of the door, since there was a better walkway to quickly leave the glass. I guess it's just a habit for me to speculate on this because I wanted to make sure I was early to class a lot in High School.

      More people start coming in, and it gets more complicated trying to find a seat, and I didn't want to sit next to people who had a seat saved for their friend. I had no choice but to go to the back section of the seating arrangement, but fortunately, I was able to get a vacant seat that was at the corner of the side with the walkway to the door.

      A girl two seats to the right of me is saving a seat that's on the right of me. The girl she's saving the seat for is Hannah, and to my surprise, she looks exactly like the Hannah I had for my World history class when I was a sophomore in High School. Hannah has her hair tied back, and she's wearing a pink shirt that looks like the ones cheerleaders in high school would wear to show school spirit or something.

      After everyone finds their new seat, the teacher begins by having these helmet parts handed out to us. You know those small race cars you have to turn the gear constantly, and then let it go on a flat surface to make it drive automatically until the gears you turned reached their end?

      It felt like being in Pre-K or something, and the teacher's impatience with the class not following his instructions for this weird assignment made it even more hilarious, at least it was when I'm recalling it. One helmet part had a mini ramp going down or up, I can't remember, it was like a slide.

      We had to attach this helmet on our heads, and somehow arrange the racing car on top, turn the gears a bit, and then wait for it to land on the desk from the ramp it's on. Weird assignment, and it would've been fun if the teacher didn't go bi-polar on us.

      I don't remember anything after that, but I do remember a dream fragment related to High School.

      I'm walking in the hallway, and it seems it must be break time for students with a specific schedule. Everyone is hanging out with their friends by the lockers on the sides of the hallway, and I hear someone say "Brandon."

      I didn't pay attention to them, because I felt it wasn't meant for me, but every time they said "Brandon," it was as if someone was yanking an invisible chain on my ankle, tempting me to turn around to see who it was.

      That's all I remember. I guess the recall is okay, considering I woke up to do some small things that kind of skewed the recall a bit. I really do need to get into the habit again of only focusing on writing my dreams, and completely eradicating all logic of daily life when I have that opportunity of not being distracted at all.
    5. Pissing off my Father, Party in Class room, Cooking in the Computer

      by , 07-12-2012 at 04:03 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Pissing off my Father (Non-lucid)


      I think I'm in a bedroom with my father, and I start to gradually piss him off by just telling him how much he doesn't pay attention to what he says to me.

      I don't know why there's any point in me doing this honestly, but the more I tell him off without him being able the respond, the more he starts bottling up his emotions. But I keep picking his brains some more, and he can't contain himself anymore. He doesn't do anything to me, all he can do is just stand there.

      I think he takes out a few belts, and I just stand there for a while to see what's going to happen. I have my hands to my hips for a while staying quiet, then I got bored and left him.

      I think I see my mother, lol, and it seems she eavesdropped on the conversation, and she remained quiet. I didn't really need to say anything to her, it's like she was just a filler for this dream or something. My father didn't say anything to me after I told him off.

      Party in Classroom (Non-lucid)


      I'm sitting in a class that has seats set up on an upwards slope. It felt a little awkward, but the seats were securely attached to the slope. I sit there for a while doing something, probably listening to random students converse with each other.

      Then I decided to leave for a little bit for something. When I came back, it seems it's a party in here, I hear some music that's fit for some kind of mini-rave party, and I think I even see a disco ball floating around somewhere, or maybe it's just me.

      I had a mental map of which seat I was sitting in before I left, and someone takes my spot. I didn't mind, and found another vacant seat.
      Cooking in the Computer (Non-lucid)


      I walk into a classroom that I used to be in middle school before, and I see a group of people getting ready to play some cards. My middle school Science teacher was there as well, so I guess everyone was finished with finals for him to allow something like that.

      I get closer to these group of people, and then I think my Science teacher suggests I should try out some online Cooking Session, something like that. I didn't really pay attention to the computer monitor, and something about the teacher made me feel weird.

      Updated 07-12-2012 at 04:11 PM by 47756

    6. The Prince of Light, Exploring

      by , 06-21-2012 at 02:59 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      The Prince of Light (Non-lucid)


      I remember being picked to be in some sort of class. I walked in. The room was pretty dark, and only ominous light shown from hidden places around the room.

      Each desk was set on a stair step, and their were also desks opposite those desks on the other side of the stair step.
      I walked around awkwardly, trying to find a desk. Almost all of them were taken. I decided to pick one right beside a girl I thought I knew.

      After everyone had settles, a weird air set over the place. All of a sudden, everyone turned into a different person. They were their same "person", just different attitudes. They became very slow and almost unresponsive. For some reason, I was unaffected.

      The "camera" went up to the top of the stairs. It showed an immediate drop off to the floor below.
      A shining boy flew in. The "camera" focused on him. He had snowy white hair. He was standing up on something. I assumed that somthing possessed magic that gave him the ability to fly. He had kind eyes, and a dazzling smile. The whole being of him just sparkled with pure white light.

      Exploring (Non-lucid)


      I remember being in some sort of small cave, exploring or something. A boy was with me. He had brought two flashlights with him. Ignoring the other flashlight, I just shot light out of my hands. I thought nothing about it.

      Another little creature was with us. It was very hyper, and we had to shine our lights on it wherever it went, so we wouldn't lose it. My lights started to dim, but I quickly renewed them by willing them to brighten and extending my arms out further.

      Updated 06-21-2012 at 03:03 PM by 32984

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Six In A Row – [4/6]

      by , 05-17-2012 at 07:10 PM (Do you mind...?)
      #004 | Yoghurt with Cereals | School | Day (Morning) | Medium

      Okay, this one is a little bit stranger than usual.
      I was sitting in religion class and while we were watching a film (I think it was “The Bucket List”?) I ate yoghurt with cereals and banana bits. Then my teacher came up to me and handed me a sheet of paper, which seemed to be the latest exam I’ve written. On top of the paper stood the verbal and written score I got in this subject. I got a 4 (D) for my test and a 5-6 (something like F) for my behaviour (…which is unusual, because I usually get A’s in both). There were additional notes on my behaviour which said that I would always sleep and not pay attention in class. (Wrong.) Oddly enough, this didn’t upset me at all and I took the sheet of paper as an underlay for my dish of yoghurt and continued eating. My teacher went out of the classroom, whereupon I stopped eating, leaving a rest of yoghurt, cereals and bananas in my bowl. I took out a bottle of fizzy water, opened it and started pouring it into my bowl. I examined the way the yoghurt, cereals and bananas interacted with the water. Then my teacher came back, revealing that he was hiding in the doorway to observe what his students would do if he went away. He stared at me and I stared back, wondering if it might’ve been a mistake pouring that water in the bowl, since I was supposed to watch the film. Then some other stuff happened, which I don’t quite remember… it had something to do with the teacher having a second job and therefore me meeting him at the station but other than that I really don’t remember anything.

      Updated 05-17-2012 at 07:20 PM by 52938

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. School for advanced dreamers.

      by , 05-10-2012 at 04:39 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Enjoy reading my dreams.

      Drank 2 cups of Good Earth Tea For Sleep last night. I also did plenty of subconscious training. And here is what i got!

      Dream #1 Lessons of Spirituality.

      Im in a school classroom, sitting down at a desk. And there is this Arab lady who is the teacher, explaining to us about our beliefs. She is talking to us about past lives, rebirth, deities, the afterlife, and different roles that we all carry in our waking life.

      Dream #2 Whats your dream ability?

      Im now in another classroom and there is this teacher who reminds me of David Beckham. He is asking us, what is our favorite abilities, and would we like to show and tell. This one black dude gets up from his desk, and starts telling people to try and guess his ability.

      One girl who was white with blond hair said..

      (Blond hair girl)

      "You must be good with weapons!"

      She said it in such a cheerful tone smiling as she said it. Lol

      (Black dude talking)

      "Lol. Na, i can create fire with my hands though."

      The whole class starts cheering and clapping. I notice this girl who was in front blew at his fire and turned it into ice.

      (Black dude talking)

      "Yo, why did you just do that!?"

      (Ice chic talking)

      "Aw..chill out man...besides..you looked like you needed a cool down hot stuff."

      The ice chic looked pretty good, she had long grey hair, and pale skin, with a silver sports bra on and a whole bunch of different tattoos on her body. She had silver pants and long knee high black frankenstein boots on.

      The two got into a bit of a back and forth heavy flirt kinda argument. I remember the black dude saying something like..

      (Black dude talking)

      "You probably could'nt handle my hot stuff any way Icy."

      (Ice chic talking)

      "Talk is cheap chili pepper, you wanna go suck on a popsicle?"

      (Teacher talking)

      "Alright you two thats enough break it up, break it up.

      Who else here would like to go up?"

      I raise my hand up.

      "Ah! Ok, how about you then."

      I get up from my desk and shapeshift into The Thing, and everybody is cheering and clapping.
      I shapeshift into Some hot supermodel (I think it was Brooklyn Decker or Marissa Miller) One of the girls whistles at me. I shapeshift into Freddy Krueger and lick my tongue out and the class goes crazy laughing as i start wriggling my claws with him.

      The teacher says ok, ok thats enough. I shapeshift into Natalia and give the teacher the middle finger and sit back down. The class laughs and the teacher says to me something like..

      (Teacher talking)

      "Ok mr show off. You wanna show how good you are? Lets see how you do in the sparring class hm?"

      5:15 - 5:30 am Did plenty of subconscious training. Went back to bed and did a WILD.

      Dream #3 The Dreamprofessor Gives a Lesson In A$$ Whupping!

      Im in what looks like a gym, and this one dude turned into a giant black ogre drooling and looked as big as King Kong! He was literally destroying any and everybody who came in his path. I started glowing gold, and my shirt ripped off of me. My pants became more of a looser fit on me, and my ponytail was now just my long golden hair draped to my shoulders. My glasses broke apart, and i casually walked over to the beast whistling the entire time.

      The gym now looks like a arena. There are people in the stands watch cheering. The sky is orange, and looks like doomsday almost. The beast is growling and drool is dripping from his mouth. He stands there looking down at me. Im now 6 feet away from him just staring at the beast. He growls at me, i smell his stench..the rotten breath is enough to make anyone vomit.

      But i held my breath breathing calm. He roars and raises his right arm about to bash me. I quickly dodge the smash, and jump on top of his head i pluck what little pieces of hair he has on his head and he begins noticing and tries scratching his head. I jump off and land on the ground, leaping right at his stomach and punched him right in his navel. The beast falls backwards...and lands on his back.

      I jump on top of him, standing on the giant beast stomach. I look down at him as he catches his last breath and passes out. The crowd cheers, and i do my victory pose and wake up.

      Final dream: The desert.

      Me and a friend i know, are walking across the desert. She falls in the sand and i ask her if she would like me to carry her, because she seem exhausted. I carry her our clothes are somewhat torn, and it seems like we have been starnded for hours or possibly days. We are searching for some treasure and we find keys, hidden in this chest exposed in the sand. We find other precious monuments that we were looking for. We celebrate and hug and start grabbing all of the items we find, and i wake up.
    9. Frida Kahlo Fellatio Queen, Trickster, Ridge Forrester, Melanieb, Alyzarin in Black Dress

      by , 04-09-2012 at 06:08 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Frida Kahlo Fellatio Queen, Trickster, Ridge Forrester, Melanieb, Alyzarin in Black Dress


      Dream 1: Frida Kahlo Fellatio Queen

      Spoiler for 18+........................:

      ......................if you didn't read the spoiler, basically, there's a dream shift near the ending of it.

      Then I find myself in the garage, but it's still open. Apparently, I'm forming this type of energy disk floating in the air, and I'm controlling it with ease. I use my right hand to move it to the left and vice versa for my left hand.

      It almost felt like water-bending from Avatar: The Last Airbender series.

      It was moving so fast as well, and I think there was this person in the middle of the garage. I had so much control over this flexible and weird looking disk-shaped energy that I moved the energy around his neck, without making it come in contact with his skin.

      I could tell the energy I was forming was dangerous, since it was rotating a little faster than I expected to be.

      Then there's a dream shift to where I see someone in some weird outfit. I think they were wearing clothing that looks like Magneto's outfit from X-men and Brainiac's from Superman.

      I think he looks at me for a while, and then a small menu appears on the bottom right hand corner, as if my first person view was a HUD screen.

      The options were pertaining to rejecting or accepting some type of action, and I think I set my intentions to reject it, but it was too addicting for me to stop whatever it is I'm doing.

      Then there's an option to make things easier or harder, and I see a girl I have a crush on in waking life, I think. Let's call her "Isa."

      Isa was standing there near something electronic, and I decided to put the option for a harder difficulty, and she ends up reading a newspaper?

      (I guess reading newspaper instead of using electronics is the new expert mode or something, hahaha).

      For some reason, everything felt like I had to choose these options quick, or something bad would happen, but nothing serious was occurring at all.

      That's all I remember.

      Dream 2: Trickster Mind

      I'm resting on my bed, deciding what to do to get into a WILD. I decided that I should go ahead and incorporate KingYoshi's relaxation method where you flex your muscles for a few seconds, seeing as I haven't done that in a long while.

      I did that, and then I started to focus on my breathing. I had some thoughts in my head, but eventually, I decides to just....let....go.

      After a few minutes of breathing, one moment I realized my breathing was skipped and suddenly reached a calmer and more relaxed state that didn't need my conscious effort to alter.

      I turn to my sides a few times, not too much, and once I go to my left side.

      I started to feel sensations around my head region and neck.

      I felt a "pull" sensation, almost like a vortex making a warping gravitational pull. I continue breathing slowly, while the back of my eyes are exhibiting a dark environment with a void feel to it.

      There were vibrations as well, and I slightly opened my eyes, but not too much to affect what was going on, since I was being calm through the whole thing.

      Then I find my body instantly rolls over to the other side, without me even making and effort! I just went with the flow, and it was if I was floating, and then turning to my right to rest on the bed.

      After the vibrations stopped,
      it takes a while, but I get up, do a nose plug reality check.

      Yep. Definitely dreaming. My mind is being pretty clever right now, the overall color of my bedroom matches exactly to the current state of how it looks like in the morning in waking life. But that didn't fool me.

      I see the door was closed as well, just like in waking life. I had the intention to find Alyzarin I believe, since I knew Kaomea would be a little too busy for me to find her.

      Since I'm on the right side of the bed, I have to move forward, turn left and then another left to reach the door.

      Then I find myself stopping to a halt, and I'm wondering what's going on, but it seems that I'm not use to using my dream eyes as yet.

      I wake up again, and I get up again, and I see this fairly large chameleon statue on the left side of my bed.

      I was a little shocked to see something appear just like that when I woke up for a temporary False Awakening.

      "Oh that's clever...." I declared to myself.

      I look at the statue a little bit more, and it seems like it was smiling a bit. Not sure if it was at me, but I'm presuming it was smiling at me since I almost fell for the FA trick.

      I find myself in this twilight state, half-awake, half-asleep. And as I'm holding the state with my arms, just to feel things, my waking life eyes open slightly and I see the statute is suddenly alternating to how my pillow looks like.

      I see the ends of my pillow in waking life, and see the blue stripes going horizontally.

      The statue disappears and I wake up.

      Dream 3: Ridge Forrester

      I was at a Hispanic Restaurant, and I'm standing near a tray line to order what I want to eat. I get the Enchiladas meal with Spanish rice and all of that good stuff, and apparently I'm ordering to go.

      After a few minutes or so, the employee at the tray line says that the meal is done, and she gives me it in a To-go package and a bag. I take it, and before I could make a complete step, she tells me,

      "Oh, sorry! It's not heated up as yet."

      I was a little confused, but I turned back and gave her the food. Then things get weird, and she says it's heated up already, and I taste the food to see if it's warm.

      It turns out to be warm, but just to make sure, I told her that it tastes raw. Then she calls someone, not to sure on who it was, but she starts mixing up the food, since most of the heat was on the bottom.

      I do the same thing with my food and go along whatever path I'm headed for.

      Then the dream shifts to where I'm in another restaurant most likely, and there are these group of female who want Ridge Forrester from the Bold and the Beautiful to choke.

      I don't know why, but apparently, if he didn't take two pills around the same time, something would happen to his body. They get some people to steal one pill, and Ridge drinks the other.

      If they failed to do so, it would be hard to take him down.

      He's trying to find the other one, but I believe there's one in front of him already, and he drinks that one as well.

      I think the women were shocked, and I think I probably gave him the pill in spectator mode without anyone seeing me, but I'm not too sure on that.

      Well, that was a random event.

      Dream 4: Melanieb

      I'm in spectator mode again, and I see Melanieb doing something with some people. I think they're balancing a mouse or something on a teddy bear that looks like the one from "Bleach."

      There's a cat that is coming from some small hallway, and Melanieb and whoever she's hanging out with wait for the cat to dash towards the mouse. The cat does so, and Melanieb quickly grabs the teddy bear because she doesn't want it to get dirty.

      I'm pretty sure that was Melanieb, seeing as I saw elements of the lady on her avatar.

      Dream 5: Alyzarin in Black dress?

      The way things were in this dream, despite it being short, I'm compelled to believe I may have met Alyzarin in this dream.

      The way this person looked, how tall they were, the blue tiles, the small little details that gave me the vibe that was her.
      I'm in a public bathroom. The tiles blue and white, and I realize that I'm in the female's restroom.


      Some females come in, and I don't think they're bothered by my presence at all. To be honest, I'm not sure if I was a female or male at this point, seeing as the females didn't scream at me or anything.

      I'll just assume I was a male in this dream though.

      I stand there for a little while, and I'm that blank state of mind, until I see another female come into the bathroom.

      She was blonde, she wore a short black dress, and by short, I mean SHORT to the point where it's barely covering her private parts.

      I look at her for a while, I take a good stare into her eyes, a really good stare. It seems she's looking at me as well. But I'm not sure if I made her fall for me, or if she was luring me to her, but either way, everyone else in this dream didn't really matter but her.

      I didn't pay attention to this in the dream, but I do remember the DC Alyzarin met who was blonde and had a black outfit, and Alyzarin is fairly taller than me, and the blonde in front of me fit that description.

      I slowly advance towards her, thinking of what I'm going to do to her. Dirty thoughts are being fabricated as I'm getting closer and closer.

      I hold her hand, and I rest my body on her against the wall. I think she's a little surprised at first, but she felt so freaking warm and nice.

      This vibe of hers, I swear, it's like she puts up the innocent demeanor just to play cute with me, and once I was on her body against the wall, I was trapped by her kindness, I didn't really care if she was playing weak to dominate me.

      I think my left hand was holding her right hand, and my left hand was probably holding her waist. I started to kiss her a little bit, taking control for a little while.

      I honestly do not know how I know how to Kiss, but something is working....

      I can't really remember how it looked like, seeing as I'm busy slobbering myself all over her. Then I carried her for a little while, grabbing her ass so she wouldn't fall down.

      We get closer to the exit of the bathroom which didn't have a door. It was one of those where there was a wall in the middle, so you had to walk in a L-shaped formation to get out.

      We're near the wall of the intersection of the L-shaped path, and by the time my back is agaisnt the wall, she takes control.

      She has her legs wrapped around me, and I'm still grabbing her ass, feeling how soft it is. She takes control kissing me, and by this point I'm in that "Do whatever the fuck you want to do with me" moment.

      Then another female comes in, and I use my right eye to peek to see who it is, while Alyzarin or whoever it was is going crazy with my mouth.

      The other female looks at us for a second, but she just pretends she isn't seeing anything lol.

      (I don't know if it was Alyzarin, the blonde she met in the black outfit, but whoever it was, it was pretty fun).

      We continue kissing and breathing like we're animals, and then I realized I had to go somewhere?

      (wait....what? what do I possibly need to do another than this??!??!)

      DAMN IT!@$%@^$#%&$

      Yes, Kaomea, I'm going to use Frick now because of you.

      I help her down, and her legs are finally on the ground again, and I can't remember what I tell her, probably something about meeting her again soon.

      I go to a door to enter to a class, and I see look through the window to see someone with crutches.

      So I push the door to get in, and then pushed it out to allow the person with crutches pass. I didn't get a "Thank You" or a modicum of appreciation from the person, but I didn't really care after a few seconds.

      It was just something natural to do, it almost seemed I had to do it so I wouldn't look like an asshole.

      I can't remember what I did in the classroom, but moving to the classroom was pretty fricking pointless after that treatment I had with the blonde in the bathroom.

      Updated 04-09-2012 at 06:34 PM by 47756

      lucid , non-lucid
    10. Classroom and Concept Map, Science Classroom & Lunch, Jessie From Team Rocket in Pokemon

      by , 02-05-2012 at 05:38 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I woke up pretty late (~9:40 AM), so I'm really holding on to the images in my head of the dreams I had late last night (I slept around 12AM-1AM).

      I set an alarm to wake me up at 3:45 AM, and I did the same for the online one. It woke up probably to turn it of, but I was most likely too tired to get up to try a WBTB. And the external alarm clock, I don't know, it still has the preset time for 3:45AM, and the dot to show that the alarm is set should've been gone by now.

      Did a reality check, but nope, guess something is wrong with me.

      These dreams most likely didn't start in chronological order either. My recall from them is shit because I slept too long.

      Dream 1: Classroom and Concept Map Assignment

      I'm in a classroom, and I see a DC that looks exactly like the AP Psychology teacher I had in High School as a Senior. The class was over, and everyone was handing in their sheets of paper.

      I get up to go towards the teacher, Mr. White (IRL last name), but then I stop and turn back because something in my mind told me that I had to turn something else in to the shelf at the back of the room. I turn in a worksheet that felt like it was two pages, and then I realize my name wasn't on it, so I go back to the desk and quickly wrote my name (but I couldn't see clearly if I did).

      After I put that worksheet with the stack that other people were putting it on, I turn back to turn in the other paper in my hand, which seemed to be a concept map. I had some random things written down, and I'm waiting in a short line to turn in the paper. Before it was my turn, I decided to write down a concept that said, "Objective?" and I drew a link and wrote an answer of "Yes."

      The time has come...-cluster.gif

      I turn in the paper to the teacher, he looks at it for a while, and I was worried because I was writing something a few seconds before the DC in front of me turned their assignment in, but he puts mine along with the other stacks and I leave to go somewhere.

      Dream 2: Science classroom & Lunch

      This dream, I'm not too sure if it was chained with the first one, but I felt like I was going back and forth somewhere...I know I had to do some weird things like making sure that I met the conditions to enter a room....but again, my recall is crap because I let myself doze off too quickly after waking up to the alarm.

      I'm inside of a room, and I'm not even sure if this was the room I started out in the dream, I most likely was in a room that kept shutting on and off every few minutes I think and then came to this room, but I see a few DCs inside of this class that looks like a Laboratory class since there were large black top tables with the brown cabinets holding them in place. And students were just chilling there, probably waiting for the instructor to come in.

      The time has come...-dvw4121k_1_1.jpg

      I think I see a girl who is a little chunky, and she's wearing a dark blue shirt and jeans as well. She has brown/black hair, and she's looking at me, but I couldn't remember what I did next or how I responded to her.

      Okay, I don't remember anything else from that dream, so I'll just type a dream fragment I just remembered after this.

      I was at lunch somewhere waiting in line, I can't remember what types of food I was getting, but I do know that it was condensed down to a small bowl that looked like a rice bowl or soup bowl or something like that.

      The time has come...-100579.jpg

      This fragment is kind of similar to the dream I have a few entries back when DCs tried to cheer me up when I was pissed a Cash Register broke my debit card in half with her index finger and thumb.

      Dream 3: Team Rocket Jessie from Pokemon

      This dream was different from the rest, so I'll just separate it here.

      I'm looking at some poster in my hand, I think it's a drawing, and everything is colored. Then after a while of whatever I was doing in the dream, a picture of Jessie, part of Team Rocket from Pokemon, was included in the picture on the left side.

      The time has come...-1675-235854728.jpg

      She had her arms out and turned her body to the side next to whatever person was inside of the picture.

      Not too sure on what I did next.

    11. Meeting Biochemists And Geneticists Females, Peeing, Mother Closing Garage, Party Time Calendar

      by , 02-04-2012 at 01:38 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)

      I was going to nap for a little while, but when I woke up to the alarm, I seemed to dozed off a little bit after I turned it off, and slipped into an accidental nap.

      OH, and I changed the format of the dates labeled on each dream, I'm used to the typical M/D/Y format, and it was getting annoying seeing D/M/Y from the default setting of the dream journal template that's available on the older dream journal settings thread I believe.

      (Just keeping this as a note so I won't think that I didn't have any dreams on February, since seeing 01.02.2012 would be Jan, if I go back to glance at my older entries and having it at 02.03.2012 might make me think it's from March if I kept conforming to the D/M/Y format instead of the M/D/Y format...just so those who read won't get confused.).


      Dream 1:

      The dream started out with me standing near a few sets of Buses belonging to the bus system at my University.

      They had variation in shapes and function. One was a classic and old school version (apparently), and there was an old lady trying to get the light to turn on, and it seemed she was trying to radio in to the maintenance or whatever to say the lights weren't working.

      I immediately ignored going inside of that bus because the old lady was having a hard time. I believe there was another bus in between, but I go up to the bus in front of it.

      I go in, and I find this bus is really short inside compared to the others. I believe it had 8-10 seats or so inside, excluding the driver's seat. Here's how the format the bus was.

      When you go up the steps to get in, there's going to be four seats or so on your left. And when you turn left to sit on the left side, in front of you is two to four more seats (that are on the opposite side of you), and if you're still sitting on the left side from where you entered, you'll see that there's two or more extra seats placed perpendicular of where you're sitting as the back seats.

      (This picture pretty much explains what I said, with those two guys sitting on the side(but just replace them with females), and I was the one sitting on the left. And there were windows on the sides compared to this picture).

      I couldn't remember if I was the first one to get on the bus, but I stumble upon mostly female DCs coming in. Of course, there weren't going to be many people, so I see a blonde come in, and the dream shifts to where there's probably 3 females on the bus, excluding the female driver.

      I introduced myself to them, starting with the blonde who is front ot me. I put my hand out to her, and she tells me her name, it starts with an "S," but I couldn't remember it. I do remember that I had to ask her twice though.

      Looking back on how she looked like, she was your classic MILF, I knew she had a lot of intelligence within her, and she was just so sexy to me. Her body build was so appealing to me, she was wearing the typical light blue jeans, and I believe she was wearing a blue sweater, almost like the one I wore today.

      How old are you?-cougars-cougar-life.jpg(Just putting this in because it matches to how the DC smiled at me when I greeted her, and she basically had the same upper region as the one in the pic too xD)

      I think she had lip gloss on, because I do recall a shine to her lips, probably was trying to attract me. She told me that she majored in Biochemistry, and then I realized she looked like professor (a really hot one that's probably around her late 20s and or early to mid 30s).

      I believe I greeted another lady, who was probably a younger blonde, I think she had really curly blonde hair, and probably had freckles as well, but I forgot the first letter of her name compared to the older one that was sitting to the right of her. And the younger one looked shy and timid.

      Then I turn left, and I see a Black female DC, I greeted myself to her, and she said she was a Geneticists. She started to tell me more on how she regretted not having Biochemistry as her major since Genetics majors would have to do more work if they wanted to switch or something.

      I agreed with her, but then something in my mind told me that something was wrong with that logic she was declaring to me. I explained to her that both Biochemistry and Genetics are about 95% related to each other, so the small percentage that makes them different wouldn't have made any huge changes in whatever she wanted to be.

      And I felt myself talking while explaining this to her as well, in fact, I would've became lucid if I was wondering why I'm on a bus when I'm actually taking an accidental nap.

      She agrees to my explanation and is like "Oh, really??!" in a surprised tone. Then she tells me she has to speak with one of her advisers to give her a piece of her mind or something.

      In my mind, I thought that it would be already too late for her to complain about how whoever advised her to do Genetics instead of Biochemistry since she looked like she was the same age as the blonde MILF.

      Then after a while, everything gets quiet, so I guess we're all just planning what to say next. Then I started to say how I wanted to major in Biochemistry because I felt I could also do small research on sleep cycles and dreaming, and all three of them looked at me and nodded their heads each time I explained a reason at the end.

      I talked about how Dream research is a science that remains untouched because people are afraid that their beliefs will suddenly be just a method of faith they placed on to define their reality, and other basic things you would say to people who don't look like they focus on dreaming and attempting to become lucid.

      They had that curious facade, and it was cute.
      (Even as I'm typing this, I'm still lured by the blonde MILF, she just had this aura that I could just hug her and smother my face all over her breasts while she gets her hands and holds my my head in excitement, just thinking about it gets me excited too...but let's move on).

      The bus stops I believe and we get off. This is the part where the dream transitions I'm not to sure of what occurred first or last.

      But from what I remembered first, I was inside a bathroom that was mixed, meaning that there was a section combined with male urinals, and you could walk a few steps to go to the female area.

      Of course, I assumed the area with the toilets that were concealed was for females, since I saw the blonde teenager's head that I met inside the bus getting ready to do her business. I think there was another female DC outside the concealed toilet waiting for her.

      Then I go to the urinal, and I took a really long time urinating, I'm surprised I didn't wake up feeling wet down there since I felt the sensation getting stronger and stronger as I urinate more. I wanted to be careful not to urinate too fast because I didn't want the liquid to splash back at me.

      Then the dream transitions to where we're inside some classroom, and we're all going to leave. I only see the teenager blonde I met in the bus with me, and she was doing her own business.

      I think I was searching the desk and drawers to make sure no one left anything. I think I found all sorts of things ranging from deserts, etc.

      That's all I remember for that all. I'm still having an attract to the blonde MILF I saw though. Maybe she wanted my attention, and I gave her it, but I just wasn't lucid.

      Dream 2: Mother Closing Garage Door

      All I remember from this dream was that my father was having difficulty closing the garage door, and he called a DC that looked like my mother to close it for him.

      I look at her try to close it, she detaches the right side of it, and slowly links it back to the grooves to slide it down, but by the time she did that, I ignored her and went somewhere.

      Dream 3: Party Time Calendar

      All I remember from this dream was being giving a calendar of estimated dates of when there was going to be a party that a specific group of older adults called the "Guyanese Club" I knew about in waking life.

      As I'm reading this, apparently some DC is telling me how one DC didn't tell the other DC about this calendar, and it was pretty trivial and petty things that I didn't want to listen to.

      I think I saw some numbers moving around the calendar, but that's all I remember.
    12. girl's presentation

      by , 01-16-2012 at 02:27 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a classroom. I sat in a desk one or two rows back from the front and a little toward the left of the classroom. The classroom door was on the left side of the wall that the desks faced. The light of the classroom was a greenish fluorescent.

      The classroom was probably full of people. Everybody may have seemed about my age. But the class felt almost like a high school class.

      I sat twisted in my desk, the left side of my head propped up by my left hand. I was watching a woman or girl give a speech about something. The woman was giving the speech while seated at her desk.

      I knew that the woman's speech wasn't popular. She had expressly decided to say something she knew other people wouldn't like. Plus, her speech may have been boring.

      I was taking a little bit of a secret pleasure in knowing that the woman's speech was not well-received. She may have acted arrogant toward me in the past. So now I was happy to see people treating her indifferently.

      Somehow (maybe because of a bell?) the people all knew that the class period was over. They all got up and left the class, even though the woman was still giving her speech. The woman continued, seeming only a little put-off by being ignored by everybody.

      I now felt bad for the woman. I didn't think everybody would be so indifferent toward her. I thought she must feel horrible. So I listened harder to what she was saying, as if I were really interested in it.

      At some point, the speech was done. The woman was still seated in her desk. There were a couple other people in the room. One of them was some male friend of mine. He seemed a little bit older and classier than I.

      My friend made some criticism of the woman's speech while walking about on the left side of the classroom. He then addressed me as he walked out of the classroom.

      I understood the criticism the man had given the woman, though he'd addressed it to me. I tried to respond by adding onto the criticism in some witty way, and by using an accent. I may have been trying to sound French. But my attempt was horrible.

      My friend, standing just outside the classroom, told me, in a half-distracted way, that my accent was horrible. I stood up and walked out of the classroom. I told the man that I agreed with him. I told him I thought I sounded like --.

      But I couldn't remember the name of the person I was thinking about. She was a cartoon character, from the Bullwinkle show. I might have kept saying "Badenov, Badenov," because I remembered she was Boris Badenov's partner in crime. But I couldn't remember the character's first name.

      (Of course, it's Natasha.)

      Updated 01-16-2012 at 02:36 PM by 37466 (Changed "I sat twisted to the left" to "I sat twisted.")

    13. 50th Shared dreaming attempt-Francis148's dream

      by , 01-01-2012 at 05:00 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Francis148's Dream

      I was in school and its was raining.We were getting inside the school building when i find that i left my school bag outside.I searched for it but i didn't find.I head for my classroom.I don't know how my uniforms got dirty.
      Now i lost my classroom and i find i have a exam to give.somehow i managed to reach the exam hall and i found that i haven't bought drawing sheets and color(painting exam).I was thinking they usually provide drawing sheets.I asked one of my classmates if they have extra.He gave me but sheet was of no use.
    14. 12/8/11 3 Fragments and 1 dream

      by , 12-08-2011 at 01:34 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Fragment 1: I remember being in a dark living room. I was standing behind a couch facing a TV.

      Fragment 2: I was in a classroom with a couple of other girl. We were looking around for something - I think it was a poster. We found a poster in a closet that had Japenese faces on it.

      Fragment 3: My mom and I were walking through a house unknown to me. We exited through the front porch and heard builders overhead. A girl ran down the stairs inside and yelled, "Wait!" We turned around. "Oh, I thought you guys were burglers." She panted. We talked for a while.


      My friends and I were in the mall. I was walking throughout all the stores, I guess window shopping. There were dogs everywhere. They were spread out in a weird formation. They may have been police dogs, looking for drugs or something. They were big, really big. Like bigger than a Great Dance. They had white coats that looked like a Golden Sheperd's, but they were scary, showing their teeth at me. I cowered away in fear. But I kept walking. I saw some guards in what looked like a men's clothing store.

      Now I was on a side balcony in the mall with my friends. I don't exactly know what we were doing. We sat down on the ground. I carried a binder for some reason. I dropped it off the balcony. As soon as I did, my mom appeared and picked it up.
    15. Another Dystopia

      by , 12-04-2011 at 12:26 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a classroom. We were watching a professor flipping a paper that shows examples and drawings. I think he was wearing glasses and looks Caucasian.

      One picture he presented is the "future," he said. I was surprised to hear this. It was a dystopia. There are jumbled buildings, and there's a huge entity trapped in a web connected to buildings. It looks like a complicated symbol, struggling to escape.

      Then he "moved" his consciousness to a huge robot, and "channeled" his energy to two smaller ones on top of a building.

      We were hiding, but not sure from what. I seems it wasn't from the robot, but from other humans. It's dark. Night. We ran to a building. One of us (me?) checked with a network through a device to see if there are other people nearby. "It" said there are a few in some housings nearby. One of us wanted to check them out, to see if they are peaceful. The rest just wanted to hide.

      We were inside the building. It was a concert. It looked like the La Salle Bacolod coliseum. Some are performing on stage. I was also supposed to perform on stage. An Asian-looking manager told me to say/wear/do something, and I told him don't worry. But when it was my turn, the music died, and I held on an imaginary microphone. I looked at the huge screen behind me, and it shows some Asian guy singing. Do I look like him, or was I just supposed to lip-sync?

      I was near the beach, with some people. I walked away from the buildings and people, and went toward the beach. I sat down, and a few others joined me. One guy in particular told me I can stay with them. I thanked him. They left.
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