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    1. less recall lately

      by , 11-08-2011 at 06:00 PM
      my one was at a store......i was with my boyfriend......we had ice cream and walked around the nearby walmart for something to do......then i was going with my parents.....and they drove a while to get to that one.....and i didn't like it because it was a small one.......and we went in a bus and my sister sat in front of me and kept turning around and slapping me and kicking me with high heals.......and i was buying towels (which were stolen by one of my roommates lately irl)

      the other one was me in high school......i was sitting in the advanced classes room.....and the teacher was saying i should take an iq test......for fun.....plus she wanted to know........and put it on the shelf at the side.....so others could take it too if they wanted to.....and then she was talking about a test in the psyc. class that was coming up......and i made a face because i don't like tests....especially ones with essays/short answer.....and she said to not make that face...that it'll be fun.....because it's stuff that i find interesting.....(there was this test irl that she said would be fun before because we had to act like real psychologists and diagnose the patient from the case study with the information she gave and was convinced that that would be a fun part to the test)
    2. stolen chairs

      by , 10-25-2011 at 02:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a room like a preschool classroom, although the room was supposed to be an office. The room was dark, except for the glow of a TV, which I was sitting on the floor and watching, (though my view seems to have been from slightly outside my body). The room seemed pretty empty -- no desks or tables; just chairs and short bookcases lining the walls.

      Someone came into the room and pulled one of the chairs out of the room. The person was all in shadow, but he seemed to me to have been a young, male office worker. The chair he pulled out was an office- style swivel-chair. All the chairs in the room may have been like that.

      I knew the guy wasn't supposed to take the chairs. And I knew he knew it. He basically just wanted to steal. But I was too afraid to stand up to him and stop him.

      Now I was in the room with "my co-workers." The lights were on in the room, and there were desks in the room. But there weren't enough chairs for all the desks. In fact, there were hardly any chairs at all.

      The boss (I think) said, "Someone from another office has been stealing our chairs! How the hell are we all gonna sit down?"

      I knew who stole at least one of our chairs. But I didn't want to say anything. I didn't want to betray that I'd been too afraid to stand up to the guy.

      So now I and another guy were going out looking for chairs. The boss had told us, I "knew," that we should go to all the rooms in this building. And room that looked like it had way more chairs than it needed had obviously been stealing chairs from us. So we were to "take the chairs back" out of that room and to our room.

      The man and I wandered through the hallways, which were kind of narrow, short, and grey. We went into some smaller rooms, which were apparently multi-office rooms or single offices. Some of them looked like classrooms.

      Then we ended up in a pretty big conference room. The room was dark, with our only light coming in through the hallway. The room was empty, with just a few school desks and chairs here and there, overturned, not in any real order. But it looked like there weren't more chairs than desks, so we couldn't take chairs from this room.

      But being in the conference room made me think. If the man searching with me thought we should be looking in conference rooms for chairs, then we should probably be looking in the conference room closest to our office. Something about the way the guy had stolen the chair had made me think he wouldn't go far with it.

      In my excitement at thinking I knew where we should go, I gasped a bit and lifted my left arm up, almost like I was raising my hand to ask a question in class. I then put my hand to my lips. I said, "We should go to the..."

      But I had to strain to remember the name of the conference room. Finally I got it. I said, "We should go to the Goshen Room!"

      The man said, "That's right! I was just about to say the same thing!"

      We were now in the Goshen Room. There were chairs all over the place, as well as school desks. Everything was overturned and disordered. But it seemed pretty obvious that there were too many chairs in here.

      The man spoke to me (although I seemed to be seeing from his viewpoint) as if we were looking at a grisly murder scene. He said, "Go. Get the others from the office. We need to gather the chairs quick. These people will be back soon."

      The man himself now seemed to have been heading for the door, to get the other people from the office. I was deeper in the room, looking at the chairs. The swivel-chairs' seats had been completely unscrewed from their bases, kind of like a bolt screwing into a hole, or a bottle cap screwing onto a plastic bottle top.

      I stood staring at a few swivel chair bases. I figured we'd all have to carry this stuff back to our office in awkward armfuls, then screw everything back together there. I wondered if we'd be able to get everything of ours back to the office, and if we'd be able to put it all back together.
    3. (21/10/11) - SO close!

      by , 10-21-2011 at 03:00 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      Last night I came close to a lucid dream multiple times. I didn't get to MILD quite as heavily as I would have liked, but last night I caught myself as I began to fall unconscious and bring myself back long enough to use a mantra for a few minutes before falling completely asleep. All night long it was like my mind wanted to be lucid, but it just never actively grasped that it was in a dream even though it passively acknowledged that fact multiple times.

      1) Fragment of walking somewhere in third person. People were talking about dreams as I passed by them.

      Dream Signs: being in third person, being somewhere without remembering getting there, people talking about dreams, being around people

      2) Short dream where I suddenly appeared in my class room, and this time I knew I had suddenly appeared there, because I was standing up front by the teacher instead of sitting at a desk. I half-panicked as I hurried to take my seat, as if my only explanation was that I had gone insane for a moment and walked up to the front without realizing it. But somewhere deep down something was trying to tell me it was a dream. The dream ended before that could sink in.

      Dream Signs: being somewhere without remembering getting there, being around people

      3) I was looking to buy a car, and I found that one guy had a special deal going on for light cycles (like the ones in Tron: Legacy). Of course I took the opportunity right away, and as soon as I got on the light cycle, the entire world turned Tron-esque with dark structures set off by glowing outlines and everyone wearing those slick suits. It was great fun to ride around the city, but unfortunately I got a little too adventurous and pulled off a rather dangerous move to take a shortcut down the wrong side of the road, and as luck would have it, the cops saw me do it. However, without ever really being lucid, I thought to myself, "I can just go back in time because this is a dream...right?" And sure enough, I was able to pull back to right before I made the illegal action and take the safe path this time.

      Dream Signs: being somewhere without remembering getting there, highly unusual events
    4. Mall fortress

      by , 10-11-2011 at 02:40 AM (Taffy's Sweet Dreams)
      I was in a mall looking for fye. I came to a store with a large arcade game, which was a lego racing game of some sort. A kid came up to the machine and challenged me to a game. I beat him by a mile. After I won, the store turned into a classroom. I was going to be late for my next class, as noted by the teacher. I ran out of the room but then forgot about my next class altogether because the rest of the mall was still the mall, and not a school.

      *I eventually came to a huge fort at the back of the mall. There were two large wooden staircases. I decided I'd try walking up one, to see if the store was up there. As I started to climb, I noticed that there were a lot of people going the same way. I went all the way up and ended back where I started on the ground. There was a lady at the bottom. I asked her why I wound up back down here. She told me that I had to make a left after I got to the top.
    5. Dream Journal 27: True Blood characters, trying to kill myself.

      by , 08-13-2011 at 07:25 PM (World of Kaos)
      Warning: Little graphic.

      Lucid state: Only got to semi lucid

      So this dream was fairly long, although I only remember bits and pieces of it.

      In the first part of the dream I am helping set up a giant aquarium for this class room. When I put it up, I completely shattered the glass on accident and water came pouring out of the tank. Feeling terrible, I all of a sudden found out I was dreaming for some reason. I was lucid, but part of my mind was still not lucid. So, knowing it was a I dream I started attacking people after growing my canines out only (which is weird that I didn't shape-shift fully). People were screaming and running out of the classroom as I was severing several of their necks out with an explosion of warm blood all over my face. After everyone had left, and several DCs' throats were lying on the ground covered in blood, Something crossed my mind.

      I started feeling bad about what I did so I decided if I try and kill myself in order to restart the dream, and do everything the right way. So I found a long sharp spike, and repeatedly started stabbing myself in the heart as I lay on the ground. By this time, windows had appeared in the classroom and a bunch of people started staring at me while I lay there attempting to commit suicide. It wouldn't work.

      Fast-forward: I am in a different class room and a new dream. Suddenly I realize I am dreaming, and suddenly decide to have a full voluntary mental-shift just for the hell of it (sill semi lucid). I am jumping around on other students' desks and growling/drooling while on all fours. Same thing happens, all students leave. I decide to try and commit suicide again, and start stabbing myself in the temple of my head.
      Once again it doesn't seem to be working, as blood starts shooting out the side of my head with every pump of my knife.

      I see one of the characters from True Blood, Alcide. He explains he needs help finding someone, so I shape-shift into my wolf as he shape-shifts into his wolf, and we follow a scent until we come across an old couple.

      Fast-forward: Me and Alcide watch weird alien space ships leaving and arriving at a lake we walk by. We stand and watch in awe.
    6. Sitting in on a class

      by , 08-09-2011 at 08:58 PM
      I'm in a classroom, sitting next to ... someone I know. Chris maybe? It's not my class; I'm on break just like I am now. The professor - a woman - has drawn a map on the blackboard, unlabeled. It's a test of some sort. Somehow, the map relates to a book they were supposed to read. I happen to guess one right, based purely on geography as opposed to knowledge of this book. For the most part, the students aren't doing so well and the teacher seems a little frustrated. Eventually, the required parts of the map are filled in.

      More students arrive, another class... one of them is Michael Rayome. My history with him in the dream is the same as real life. The first class leaves. Actually, everyone leaves except Chris and I (not 100% sure it was Chris - it's definitely Chris at the END, but it might have started out as someone else). The prof does some odd skit I can't fully explain. I thought, at the time, that it was part of the class, but when it was done the prof said it wasn't. I felt kind of foolish. Also, everyone had left because the class was over, which I also didnt realize. I thought they were coming back, so again I feel foolish - I had been waiting there for nothing. I see Chris walking up the stairs.
    7. 7/19/11 DV Academy...Sea of Consciousness learning how to Striff LUCID

      by , 07-24-2011 at 07:43 AM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      I woke up sometime around 2 AM and did a WILD. It was successful, here is my dream:

      I opened my dream eyes and looked around. I was in a grocery store and everything looked blurry. I rubbed my hands together and stabilized the dream. I tried a piece of fruit, that looked liked a green orange. It tasted sweet and really sour.

      I wanted to get to the Dream Academy so I found a random door and when I opened it I expected ocean water to start flooding the store. I swam through the door and looked around for the academy.

      I saw something shiny and realized it was the diamond door. I opened it and saw Joslyn standing there, waiting for me.

      "Welcome back" she said in her musical voice.

      "Thank you...where should I go?"

      "I recommend you take the Striffing class. Just go in the castle take the first 2 lefts. Tap on the wall 3 times and get in the elevator."

      I had no idea what striffing was but I followed her instructions. I tapped on the wall 3 times and an elevator appeared. I hopped in and looked at the buttons. They were numbered 1-9213. I pressed 2 and the elevator shot up instantly.

      It opened with a bing! and I stepped into a HUGE orange classroom. It didn't have any desks or whiteboards and it looked like it was made with wood. There was a group of students gathered around a tall, skinny man with a long goatee.

      He came over to me and touched my arm. Suddenly I could see how to striff. It was melting into the ground or a wall and sliding inside of the wall until your reach your destination.

      I jumped into the floor melting as I hit it. Everything was a grayish color and I could feel my goo-ish self shooting forward. I popped back into shape and I was standing in another room, but this room had plants all over it.

      I remember seeing red roses, mini trees, and other colorful plants. The room was so bright and cheerful. I walked around it looking for someone to talk to. I smelled a flower and
      then I heard the toilet flush in the hotel room next to mine. I woke up.
    8. retaliative neighbors; swim girls; dean radin's infinite universe

      by , 06-01-2011 at 11:50 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was coming back to my apartment. I was in the second floor hallway areas, which was much bigger than IWL. The atmosphere was blue-grey. The floor seemed to be made out of tiny, square, white tiles. The wall had mailboxes set into it somewhere. I stood outside my door for a moment and then stood inside my apartment, just near the door, possibly even pressed against the door.

      My apartment, I could feel, was pretty big. It had two or three bedrooms. And it was decorated really nice. There may have been a thick, beige rug with a green, hexagonal design on it over the couch. But I didn't see any of this directly, because I was still pressed to the door.

      IWL, I have called the police on my neighbors on a number of occasions for banging and pounding violently on the floors all through the day and night whenever I'm home. Now, somehow, I heard that my neighbors were getting back at me for calling the police on them. They had called the police on me. They may have claimed that I was now the one making noise.

      But they may also have claimed that I was guilty of a much worse crime, some kind of violent crime. I thought about it for a while. I wasn't certain that I actually hadn't committed this crime.

      At some point a woman was coming up to my apartment to visit me. Then she may actually have been in my apartment. I don't think I ever saw her. I may only have imagined her being in my apartment. She was pretty. She had a gentle, but serious expression. As I continued pressing myself against my door I either spoke to the woman or imagined having a conversation with her.

      Dream #2

      I was walking down a concrete path on a sunny day. The path may have been between two lawns. But on either side of the path were chest-high, chain-link fences.

      At some point another concrete path joined the one I was on from the left, at a right angle. Five girls were walking up that path. They were maybe 7 or 8 years old, but they may have been 10 or 11 years old.

      They were all skinny, tanned deeply by a lot of time in the sun. They had brown hair. They wore orange bikinis with yellow stripe on the left breats. They were all wet, as if they'd just gotten out of the pool. Their wet hair, shoulder-length, was slicked back from their foreheads and kind of tangly.

      Dream #3

      I was in the middle of classroom, walking between the aisles and rows of seats. The class was full, and all the students had their heads down. They were either studying very hard or taking an exam. I think I was just wandering around, not quite sure I belonged to the class.

      Dean Radin, the President (?) of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, was somewhere. I could see an image of him, as if it were stuck in the back of my head. He looked a bit too skinny, and he wore some kind of black baseball cap, like somebody from NASA or a SWAT team might wear.

      Radin explained that people thought the universe was a certain age. He may have said 4.5, 8.3, or 83 billion years old. "But this isn't so," Radin explained. "Because each of us sees the universe and perceives the time of the universe through our own eyes. So if you add up the years of the universe perceived through the eyes of all those beings living in it, you get a much higher number."

      Radin's argument didn't quite make sense to me. I was trying to figure out how it could be true. Radin then went on to explain how this phenomenon of multiple views of the universe actually made the universe infinite.

      I had a vision of a lot of plastic, transparent cirlces, like bracelets or necklaces for little kids. The circles were all one piece, but they looked like they were made out of a number of spherical beads. The bracelets were one color. Some were yellow-green; others were orange.

      I was now in "my bedroom," which had two beds in it. It was night, and my light was on. On my back wall, on the left side, near the ground, and just a little ways away from my bed, there was a huge hole. Inside the hole I saw a wooden wall which also appeared to have dirt in it. Apparently I lived in the basement. My upstairs neighbors had put this hole in my wall so things from underground could get into my room.

      I suddenly had a mystical feeling, like this hole would somehow connect me with whatever it was Radin had been talking about.
    9. May 25, 2011

      by , 05-26-2011 at 11:18 AM
      Dream sign appeared again, but I completely missed it. Alas. On a side note, I have discovered that for the most part, I can read pretty well in dreams.

      Sleep. I am driving down a street in my van towards the mall, apparently searching for my truck. As I reach an intersection, I accidentally drive into the end of a turning lane from the people turning right, so I turn left on the red and pray no cops catch me. As I am turning, I see my friend Helena practising her driving in a dark sea-green cube van. Once at the mall, I try to park, but the gas and brake keep switching and the van lurches forward. I fear that I have hit the car in front of me, but the lady says that I am just 1mm away. I sigh in relief.

      I am now in the mall, and with me is a young Chinese girl (whose name I later learn is Lindy Yan). She is about eight. My family is adopting her temporarily (like an exchange program). The mall's hallway is narrower than usual, comparable to the width of an elementary school's. I am showing Lindy the various stores, and I ask her if she remembers when we went into Shopper's Drug Mart. She says yes. I tell her that Zeller's is four times as big, and her eyes widen.

      We enter a learning centre that reminds me of the one I currently work at. I am flipping through one of the booklets, and I remark on their similarity to the ones I'm used to seeing, except the grading system is a bit different. I ask Lindy in a "parent voice" if it looks fun. She gives me a firm, "No." So I look outside the centre and see the Zeller's, so I ask her if she wants to go into it. Lindy agrees.

      As soon as we enter, I sit down on a bench to rest. I watch as Annie, a girl in my sociology class, and Rob, a boy who was in my split-grade French class last year, enter together. I wave and call them over. Annie, however, says that she is not Annie, but a Paige. (At this point, Lindy Yan has vanished). I apologize, saying that I always confused the names of the girls in my French class (Paige/Hannah, Holly/Daniella).

      While I am telling her this, I appear in my French class from last year, which is located in the Upper West Wing of my school. When I walk outside the classroom, I am in the Upper East Wing and realize that the room behind me was my Sociology/English classroom. Right beside the door is Joe, who has a big black box in which there is a pale coffee-coloured substance with the consistency of soft ice cream. He is adding white glue to it and stirring. When I ask him what it is, he tells me it is ice cream.

      He eats the whole thing after scooping it into a giant Tim Horton's travel mug. I ask him if he can make more, except in chocolate, and he agrees and gets started making it. By this time, we have teleported to the opposite side of the hall and down one door. My friends come out of my Sociology classroom and join us. Jay, one of my friends, tells us that Rock Band is up and running back in the classroom, but there is only room for four. We decide to split our group of eight in half, with four eating ice cream and four playing Rock Band. Then, we'll switch. I decide to eat my ice cream first. However, when I peek into the classroom next to my Sociology class (the one currently across the hall from me), I see my friend Leia. Since she is looking incredibly bored, I invite her to join us. Wake.

      Updated 05-26-2011 at 11:23 AM by 3798

    10. May 24, 2011

      by , 05-25-2011 at 11:29 AM
      Well, my dream sign emerged again. Except for the very first paragraph, this is all one string of a dream. I am very excited - as I wrote it down, more pieces came together and so I put them in the right place.

      At some point during the dream, I remember being at my Grandma's, then trying to find my way to a bus stop in the dark with John, although we end up in a grass parking lot instead. We do make it to the car, though.

      It's Friday― Prom night. I am at my old house with my friend John, on whom I have a crush. We have just returned from a trip somewhere (perhaps New York, since that happened in real life).* In front of the door to the garage, John has opened a box and is showing me the jewelry he bought for his female relatives. One that stood out to me in particular was a thick, blue and white carved wooden with fish and waves as a design. There is also a ring-necklace set for his mother. That ring is gold, oval-shaped, heavy-set and covered with what appear to be pearls. When I pick up the wooden ring I fancied, John says that I can have it if I want. “In fact,” he says, “you have anything from there if you want it.”

      Although the ring vanishes at some point, I'm not too concerned about it. But when I take the ring, I joke that I'm “too young to get married,” call him my Romeo, and then say, “Oh, I am slain!” and collapse onto the floor dramatically. Then, we go to the kitchen, and I am shocked at the time. It's 12:22 ― no, 12:28! I'm going to be late for my Sociology class! John isn't worried about being late for class, however. He plays it cool and tells me not to worry.

      I appear in my Sociology class, although it doesn't resemble a classroom. The room is shaped like a hexagon and covered in a blue/green/purple carpet. A digital clock on a stove tells me in neon green lettering that it is 12:12 (which makes perfect sense, since that class actually begins at 12:08). I have apparently just woken up from a nap, and I am a bit disoriented. So when I learn the time, I am relieved that I was not marked absent. Ms. M, my teacher, is absent from the class, so we have several substitutes. They decide to give us all candy, so they go into the supply closets and bring out gumdrops, giant fuzzy peaches, “Mommies,”* tinfoil-wrapped chocolates, and several other sweets I don't remember. Naturally, I pig out. I ask one of the substitute teachers, who resembles Ms. C (a Food and Nutrition teacher).**

      Sometime during this class, I head to the washroom and bump into Sable, a classmate from Sociology is carrying a poster for “Forever 21,” which displays a blonde girl with a whole bunch of cyborg machinery coming out of her (some of it makes what resembles butterfly wings). She is naked, but her arms are over her chest and she is only shown from the side. The background is a sunset on the beach with a light rainbow hue.

      I realize that I am wearing a prom dress, which is light purple instead of black, and I am worried that I am going to rip it. I find my friends Helena and Lindy, who are hosting our “pre-prom pampering” session.They told me that they got their nails done during second period. Wake.

      * I think these were made up for the dream. They're circular with five bumps like arms, legs, and a head, and they puff up a bit in the middle. They are covered by a white candy coating, and when you bite into it, you taste marshmallow and gooey chocolate.
      ** The day of this dream, I learned from Ms. M that she fills in for Ms. C regularly because they both teach Food and Nutrition. I think that partially explains the dream.
    11. was i rude?; subway mall

      by , 05-18-2011 at 11:40 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was possibly in a classroom. All the desks were arranged in a circle. The room was lit with kind of dull, greenish, fluorescent light. The class or meeting had ended, and everybody was headed out of the room. The room was empty as I left it.

      There was a boy somewhere behind me. He was blonde, well-groomed, with a kind of effeminate bearing and voice. He had said something in class, and now he asked me, "Was I rude when I said that?"

      I wanted to say yes, but I thought that would be wrong. So I said, "Well, you work so hard that nobody would think you were just plain rude. But people might think you were defensive."

      Dream #2

      I was walking along a sidewalk in a residential part of town. It was a sunny day, but there was snow on the ground. The snow had been cleared from the sidewalks and streets, but it was still piled up around the curbs and the grassy areas between the sidewalks and curbs. The snow piles were all wet and slushy from the sun.

      I was apparently heading to a dance class (?). But, as I crossed a street and then walked past a glass-walled bus stop, I felt a bad headache and decided not to go to class. The headache was like a hard, concrete-like feeling in the back of my head. My eyes also felt sunken in, and I had a real drop in energy.

      But I also felt like if I didn't go to dance class I would teach my teachers and classmates a lesson, as if they had done something to insult me and now I was paying them back.

      I was apparently walking a few blocks, up a mild slope, to a train stop, possibly for one of the red trains, maybe the 2-train. I walked past either a college campus with red brick buikdings or a block of very nice, red-brick houses. There were tall trees shading the sidewalks.

      A couple of tall, young, beautiful people were walking close behind me. The neighborhood may actually have been moderately busy with people overall. The people were joking about something they had done to a friend or colleague of theirs. They had taken something of his. When he got upset about it, they wondered why he could be so sensitive.

      I passed another (or the same?) glass-walled bus stop. I now had in my left hand two bags from fast food restaurants. The first bag was from Dunkin' Donuts. It was a coffee. The second bag was from somewhere else. It was food, maybe even a donut.

      I was getting close to the subway station. But suddenly I was in a vehicle like a big minivan. I was in the van with a few other people who acted or looked like subway passengers. The van was driving down concrete ramps that looked somewhat like ramps connecting different platforms in a subway station.

      We kept going down. The area we were driving through looked like a mix between a subway station and a mall. There were stores like department stores and drug stores all through the corridors.

      A big, muscular, kind of pale, white man who looked like a soldier sat somewhere across from me. But he also seemed, at times, to be driving this vehicle.

      He told me and a couple other passengers, "When I'm driving a train, and they tell me we have to be delayed, I let everybody know exactly what's going on. I tell them, we'll be here for 28 minutes, and I countdown, and so on. That way people know.

      "Some people like to keep passengers in the dark about what's going on. I think dispatch does, too! But I don't. When people don't know what's going on, they feel like the train will never start running again."

      The man stopped the vehicle. We were really deep down by now. I saw the subway train off to the left. The front of it had a side door, like for a semi truck, which was swung open. I understood that the man was going to conduct the train.

      I jumped out the left side of the van, but I landed outside on the right side of the van. For some reason I was worried about whether I had jumped out fast enough. I thought if I was too slow, the soldier would be impatient with me.

      The area down here was also like a mall, and there were a lot of people lounging around like they would in a mall. I saw two big drugstore-like stores, one of which may possibly have been a bookstore. I thought that I might need to go to the store before I got on the train.
    12. Two Short Dreams

      by , 05-02-2011 at 11:44 AM (Typho's DJ)

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:08 AM by 44350

    13. Lucid: Lucid Dream School

      by , 04-29-2011 at 06:11 AM
      I was sitting in a classroom, front row, with a group of students. It was a lucid dreaming discussion class. There were single bed/benches set up that looked medical. Me and another guy were talking about different powers in lucid dreams. We were to lay down to dream and start experimenting.

      I laid down and closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and I was now lucid dreaming. I turned around and the guy from class was standing right next to me in a large wooden hallway. I was surprised he was there. I had the thought "I guess this is a shared lucid dream."

      The class assignment was to try out three lucid powers: flying was first: so we took off flying around the hallway. Walking on walls was next: so I walked up the side of one of the far wall. Last but not least was: force style lightening bolts. I struck first and was overwhelming my classmate with arch's of pinkish electricity. He was rattling and shaking and unable to respond in any way.

      I stopped and asked him if I was hurting him. He said "Not at all."
      --Then I woke up.

      I don't recall ever having a dream about walking on walls before, although my last lucid dream featured flying on walls at ant-view. This is only the 2nd dream I'm aware of that I was able to shoot force style lightening bolts.

      Supplements: Liquid Gel Multi-Vitamin, 500mg B5
    14. 3 dreams, one night :)

      by , 04-12-2011 at 03:17 PM (The weird dreams of Appe96)
      Note: I went to bed dead tired last night, so I got a terrible dream recall.


      1: My english teacher told my class about the new grades( Sweden will introduce a new grade system this year IRL but I will get those grades in 1˝ year.) She told us that my class would get them today. She also told us that it was hard to get high grades. Even the ones that have got an A in the old grades would get an D. She told me later that I was about to get an E.

      2: I fucked a girl in a classroom. After a while someone came in, and told me that the girl that I fucked was older than me, and that she will get charge for rape.

      3: I was in a classroom and had a lesson. Suddenly I see my firend who look realy badass(In the dream.) She introduce me to her twin( She dosen't have a twin IRL.)
    15. SAT grave; punch in the face; little white animal

      by , 03-28-2011 at 11:42 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I walked up something like a wooden ramp or a wooden deck that was in front of some kind of run-down beach house or shack made of wood. I may have been in a line with people.

      I was now in a classroom. The desks in the classroom seemed all crammed together. We were all preparing for some kind of test like the SATs. I looked up from my study material and saw JW, my old friend from high school, studying for the test.

      I made some kind of weird comment in a weird voice that I thought would remind him of our high school days. JW recognized me, but he only ackowledged me briefly and reluctantly. I was a little hurt.

      Some voice called from behind me. I turned around. Another friend of mine, who I didn't recognize, was trying to get my attention. This guy was from some more recent time in my life. He may have been overweight, with tan skin, black hair in a ponytail, a goatee, and glasses. I was kind of put out that JW wouldn't talk to me, while this guy would.

      Now the test was about to begin. The teacher was doing something. I made some kind of immature joke. The class' and teacher's attention were drawn to me. The teacher may have asked me something. I may have responded with a dumb answer that was a smart alecky way of saying I didn't know anything.

      The teacher said, "What a disappointment. I thought you were one of the bright ones. I was looking for someone to give a presentation on how to take this test. I thought it was going to be you. But I guess not, now."

      Apparently, we all had to go somewhere else to take the test. We were all walking through some area.

      Later, I think I had decided not to take the test after all. I was somewhere that was half outside and half inside. I stood on some barren soil. A pit as long as my body and a few feet deep was dug into the soil. I sat down into the pit. I began pulling the dirt down onto myself.

      I buried my legs pretty quickly. I started to wonder if I would suffocate if I managed to pull dirt all over my body, which was, I think, my objective. I may have gotten afraid. I may have pulled myself up out of the pit. As I looked down at the soil, the soil may have seemed disgusting to me, like it was feces.

      Dream #2

      I was in a high school, walking down the steps of a stairwell. A white kid kind of dressed like a gangster came up the steps and punched me in the face. I dropped my books. The kid kept attacking me, but I tried to ignore him. I picked up my books and walked the rest of the way down the stairs.

      I got around a corner, into some place like a classroom. For some reason I looked back out around the corner, into the stairwell. The kid punched me in the face again!

      Dream #3

      I was in my bedroom. A strange, white animal was crawling across the floor. It was moving somewhat quickly. I thought it might be a mouse. But it had such a strange look, like a slug.

      I was interested in the animal, but I didn't want it in my house. It seemed to be heading out the door of its own accord. I watched it as it approached the door. But just before it got to the door it turned back around.

      I now got on the floor and tried to scare the animal away. But I only seemed to make it curious about me. It came closer, so I figured I might as well try to learn what kind of animal it was. It turned out to be very much like a white mouse with grey ears. But something about it still looked not quite right. I wondered if I actually wasn't looking at a baby rat.
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